The Police Forced Me to Clean My Garage (Hoarder Eviction)

**The Joy of Cleaning Up with Magnetic Brooms**

I've been looking for this too - an amagnetic broom which comes in handy to clean up the mess I made. cleaning up the mess, all these washers spilled when I threw them out now I picked them all up extremely handy. look there's nails I couldn't get flats to these things are great. These little magnetic things, they're so useful and make it easy to find what you need.

The sky is falling - I guess the garage is grumbling at me for cleaning up and threatening me by having things fall down. It contracts handy - always wondering where this thing went behind that motor hiding all these years and while since its magnetic, let's stick it here on my press. You can see that's nice and solid, that's why I can find it anytime I want it. Now this is the right side of the garage, so that's gonna have to wait because this might take days doing a left side over here.

**The Power of Magnets**

These great blue driver gloves - guess not my lucky day this one is a right-handed glove. It's also this one its solves this one these clubs aren't gonna do me much good all right an application finds rippln are all four right hands. Where else is I finding the nook and cranny. These great crowfoot wrenches whole set of them not to blemish. Considering they were partly underwater, these are fantastic because they will fit having an open end any kind of pipe, fitting brake line fitting and you put a ratchet on, you can get things off in working room that you could never get.

**Crowfoot Wrenches - A Game Changer**

These crowfoot wrenches man, they are really handy when you got limited working space and especially if you're dealing with any kind of hydraulic lines. That otherwise you just get an open end wrench put it on its going to pen it. At least one two three four out of the five sides are gripped instead of just two. Crowfoot wrenches they're unbelievable and they lose them again now this time in sight in mind I'll see there they are shiny hanging on the wall and this time I won't be a lazy, slop I'll hang them back up there when I'm done.

**The Importance of Organization**

I won't bore you with putting this stuff back. You know poor organized fashion something that certainly is gonna be thrown away and yes the engine is gonna stay right here it's too heavy to move around and it makes a good conversation piece. And here's some bonus questions and answers.

**New Car Technology - A Glimmer of Hope**

Well, here's some Chinese innovation for you but coronavirus started there now a Chinese car company which is a very large company there says that its footing 58 million dollars into systems that make you be protected from viruses while you're in the car. They're gonna have a filtration system that's that good that you won't be getting a virus where you're driving your car around.

**The Reality of Virus Protection**

Well it's a Chinese car company so hey maybe they need it a lot more than we do over here you know all these viruses just seem to be coming from they're using that obviously is somewhat of a sales gimmick to get people to buy their cars. In our cars, our virus-proof Tesla that has his system - it's called bio weapon defense mode I mean really if these people think that a road warrior in the future or society's falling apart, cars gonna save you things are too far gone by then we're worried about it but he's got a system too that's going to purify the air to keep you from having problems on your inside the car course.

**The Limitations of Virus Protection**

The problem is you gotta come outside of the card sometime you can't stay at it forever filters often have some gaps in them and those gaps are certainly large enough to let viruses get in there. So, I know that from working on cars my whole life filters are never perfect they'll have little gaps here and there they're not manufacturer out or where they fit in there's a tiny gap well doesn't that much of a gap for the virus to get in and they're really, really think about it you gotta go in and out of a car these biological suits like I do when they go into places eventually you got taken off but some of this stuff is PR mode as far as I'm concerned but if find an interesting that a Chinese company is coming out with this now thinking that they started the viruses and trying to make a car that can help you not get it so, if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engines today due to populardemand and some other reasons we'regonna clean up some of the mess in mygarage definitely time to clean up itsrat's nest and of course this will beeducational for you because I'll explainsome of the stuff that's in there ifit's good for you if it's not good foryou it's even gonna surprise me I'm notgonna find stuff that I forgotten aboutyears ago now starting out the fraud Iget my gas gun out of the way but thisis one cool gas can I always hatedspilling gas when I filled stuff up butthis is cool for your part and you justpush the button let's the gas out whenyou're done you let go the button itdoesn't flow it doesn't make a mess nowas you can say a lot of stuffs in thefront cuz it's easy to get to so ratherthan put my tools away I just throw onmy top of the oil jump so out they allcome here's gorilla tape I was lookingfor as you can see there's not much leftit's wide I use this gorilla tape allthe time it's much better than normalduct tape but stronger plus it's blackit looks better you see that silverstuff it kind of shows off you use thison a car or something that's black atleast it blends in better here we go with more stuff man I was wondering where mystarter that I use for making videos wentnow I know where it is this timeI'm gonna put it someplace out rememberthere's an air conditioning compressor Iwas gonna use for making videos that'llgo under the shelf too oh my slide hammer Iwonder what happened to that weldinghelmet the pile is following is itreally cool there for Toyota Lexus Imean for all those cheap little plasticclips when you take your car apart thatbreak hey you can buy a box and theseare like ten bucks then you noticeeither hunt for them or go to auto partsstore where instead of getting 280pieces for ten bucksyou'll get like four for ten bucks planahead do what was I thinking throwingall this stuff in here it's so much ofit oh well take off start to finishhere's an alternator I use for makingvideos there is some logic to thissometimes another display this is thecapless fuel system from before I'llput that under the desk too gee I wonderwhat happened to all thosetwist ties that I used to tie electricalbundles together now I know during thiscontainer that was hidden under all thatcrap and yes there's more look it's amotorcycle cylinder head I'll put thatwith the other parts and the cool thingabout this light is it was meant formounting on a Jeep or a off-road vehicleso it's pretty waterproof like I caneven store this outside doesn't matterit gets wet so hey I'll put it out herethen I need one in a pinch thereit is gee I've been looking for these pliers so long that I bought another set that'ssitting here now I have two get this jack out of the way it's almost like panning forgold now that giant screwdriver I'vebeen looking for for years and here's mystanley jump starter let's check it out andturn it on hey still got 2/3 powernot bad for sitting there for years nowI know where it is I could have toreorganize things there a spare fireextinguisher and take it on it's stillfull right now I've known that stuff andthere's a fire emergency would be anygood so I'm gonna put it in a moreconspicuous location like right here ahthere's a fire I'll know where it is nowthere's something that's all down therebefore I got a chance to use it it's allthese cool grabbers stretches along thenit can grab things and pull them upeverything is magnetic a lot of partsare aluminum or plastic these days thiswill grab and you can pull up I'd haveto stick that somewhere I gotta rememberto the old saying out of sight out ofmind boy that's fits scotty goodfrom the bowels under that engine yesthat's an entire engine I found thegreat little 10 millimeter flex headwrench it will reach anywhere it flexeseven all those years a sitting underthat engine in the greaseit still works a little dirtyI can polish it off and voila polishedup pretty good I gotta say these gearwrenches they do cost more but look atthis quality it's been sitting thereyears I lost it years ago I gave upbought another one well here's this onegood as new been said now the only thingwe really polished it good it's tight alittle bit of stain here who cares itworks and I'vefounded hurrah now here's a historicalfind this stuff inside here is the bestradiator sealer known to man he used tobe sold here in Houston by place it wascalled Charlie's high-low which becamehigh-low and eventually was bought outby the o'reilly chain this stuff wasmade by a guy I knew in Oklahomahe sold these things went for $2 theyput this powder in the radiator and itwould seal radiators like no tomorrowwell that guy is long gone he wentbankrupt ages ago but this is a greatsealer for the old cars cuz it workedwith the green cooler it doesn't workwith the modern cool and so it's kind ofuseless today but back in the day thiswas the best radiator sealer on theplanet this has now officially become anarchaeology dig we're really gettinginto the past there and what a shame Ifound all these fuses but as you cansee years of soaking in the rain ofbeing filled up a flood water fromHouston I said goodbye so these fusesare going by my in the world of thisstore is always put electrical thingsabove the water line my expensive toolsand computer and analytic stuff they'reall inside the house anyway temperaturecontrolled with heat and airconditioning so there's no problems buteven stuff like that start up a littlehigher that's why I got a lot of stuffhanging on the wall when I see them intothey stay out of the water that wayI've been looking for this too it's amagnetic broom which comes in real handy to clean up the mess that I madecleaning up the messall these washers spilled when I threwthem out now I picked them all up extremely handy look there's nails I couldn'tgotten flats too these things are greatthese little magnetic thingsthe sky is falling I guess the garage is grumbling at me for cleaning up and threatening me bythings falling down it contracts handyI always wondered where this thing wentbehind that motor hiding all these yearsand while since its magnetic let's stickit here on my press you can seethat's nice and solid that's why I canfind it anytime I want it now this isthe right side of the garage so that'sgonna have to take later because thismight take days doing a left side overhere and we're gonna call me sent me acases of stuff years agoI tried it out and thought hey this workspretty good only to find out thatthe stuff is crap but it doesn't hold upat all so yeah one of these UV penshey don't waste your money this stuff'sgarbage which is where this is going nowthese great blue driver gloves I guessthis isn't my lucky day this one is aright-handed glove it's also this one itsolves this one these clubs aren't gonnado me much good all right an applicationfinds rippln are all four right handswhere else is I finding the nook andcranny these great crowfoot wrencheswhole set of them not to blemishconsidering they were partly underwaterthese are fantastic because they willfit having an open end any kind of pipefitting brake line fitting and you put aratchet on you can get things off inworking room that you could never getthese crowfoot wrenches man they arereally handy when you got limitedworking space and especially if you'redealing with any kind of hydraulic linethat otherwise you just get an open endwrench put it on its going to peen itthis at least one two three four out ofthe five sides are gripped instead ofjust two crowfoot wrenches they'reunbelievable and they lose them again now this time in sight in mindI'll see there they are shiny hanging onthe wall and this time I won't be a lazyslob I'll hang them back up there whenI'm done I won't bore you with puttingthis stuff back you know poor organizedfashion something that certainly isgonna be thrown away and yes the engine is gonna stay right here it's too heavy tomove around and it makes a goodconversation piece and here's some bonusquestions and answers well here's someChinese innovation for you butcoronavirus started there now a Chinese car company which is a very largecompany there says that its footing 58million dollars into systems that makeyou be protected from viruses whileyou're in the car they're gonna have afiltration system that's that good thatyou won't be getting a virus where youdriving your car aroundwell it's a Chinese car company so heymaybe they need it a lot more than we doover here you know all these virusesjust seem to be coming from they'reusing that obviously is somewhat of asales gimmick to get people to buy theircarsin our cars our virus proof Tesla thathas his systemit's called bio weapon defense mode Imean really if these people think that aroad warrior in the future or society'sfalling apartcars gonna save you things are too fargone by then we're worried about it buthe's got a system too that's gonnapurify the air to keep you from havingproblems on your inside the car coursethe problem is you gotta come outside ofthe card sometime you can't stay at itforever filters often have some gaps inthem and those gaps are certainly largeenough to let viruses get in there sotiny I know that from working on cars mywhole life filters are never perfectthey'll have little gaps here and therethey're not manufacturer out or wherethey fit in there's a tiny gap welldoesn't that much of a gap for the virusto get in and they're really reallythink about it you gotta go in and outof a car these biological suits like Ido when they go into places eventuallyyou got taken off but some of this stuffis PR mode as far as I'm concerned but Ifind an interesting that a Chinesecompany is coming out with this nowthinking that they started the virusesand trying to make a car that can helpyou not get itso if you never want to miss another oneof my new car repair videos, remember toring that Bell\n"