**Learning to Use Sequel with Freelancers and Data Analysts**
As a freelancer, working as an independent software consultant, or applying for jobs as a data analyst, you may think that your expertise is limited to a specific tool or skill. However, having skills like Excel can open up many opportunities for you. With the rise of big data and analytics, companies are looking for experts who can help them make sense of their data. Sequel, in this context, refers to a database management system.
**Selecting Everything from the Movies Table**
When working with a sequel database management system, one of the first things you need to do is select everything from the relevant table. In this case, we're selecting everything from the "movies" table. The sequence of operations begins like this: "select okay that's like almost always the first thing you do because we're selecting something star means everything so this is saying select everything okay that's what this part is saying and what this part is saying is saying from movie so this is the table the table is movies right you see the name of the table is called movies so we're saying select everything from movies and hence you see everything you see the column ID with everything in there title with everything in there director with everything in there so on and so forth."
**Finding Specific Columns**
However, if you want to find specific columns, such as "title" or "director," you need to specify those columns instead of "everything." For example, if you want to see only the title column, you would say `select column name`. This will show you only that column. Similarly, if you want to see both the title and director columns, you can say `select column name comma another column`.
**Completing Exercise One: Finding the Title of Each Film**
The first exercise is about tasks, specifically finding the title of each film. To do this, you would select the "title" column from the "movies" table. You can also add the `star` keyword to make it easier to find everything, like this: `select star`. However, if you want to see only specific columns, such as just the title and director, you can specify those columns instead.
**Combining Column Selection with Interactive Online Tools**
While using an interactive online tool is a great way to learn Sequel, some people may be hesitant because they're not sure how it works. To address this concern, we'll be combining the use of interactive tools with real-world applications in your computer or web app. Don't worry if you have doubts about certain aspects of Sequel; I'm here to help and guide you through the process.
**Practicing Column Selection**
To practice column selection, let's try another example. How do I show me everything if I want to see everything ID column, your column title column, director column everything? If you set `star`, it will show you everything, but if you don't use any keyword, it will only show you the specified columns.
**Addressing Common Objections**
One of the common objections people may have about learning Sequel is that they're not sure how to apply it in their real-life work. I understand this concern and would like to clarify that the skills you learn in using Sequel can be very useful in your professional life. With practice, you'll become more confident and proficient in using Sequel to manage and analyze data.
**Interactive Sessions and Live Q&A**
In addition to providing tutorials and articles, I also plan to host live sessions where we work through exercises together. If you have any questions or concerns about Sequel, feel free to comment below, and I'll do my best to address them during the live session.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey guys what's up this is Kazi from clever programmer dot-com does the website go check it out by the time you're watching this I probably will have the sequel course up on the website so you can just click probably in view all courses and then take it from here and the benefit of taking it from here would be that it'll be all integrated like you're on Netflix or something right it'll remember where you left off and everything but not to worry for taking it on youtube you will be just fine also it feels a little bit weird because we haven't been doing coding tutorials or coding videos in a while so this is going to be something fun now Before we jump right into it I want to go over a little bit of what sequel is about because I assume most of you who are watching this video know about it but if you don't don't worry I'll kind of explain it to you so sequel is basically like excel on steroids well what if you don't use Excel what it's what does it mean it lets you do really amazing things such as let's say you were working on an invoicing app which is something that I worked with in a while ago which is not so awesome but it let me query the results so I would type in somebody's name and then it would like make the table look beautiful and then it would pop up everybody in the right order how I had stored it in sequel that's not so cool but what is something that's much cooler how about when you are on Google and you type in something and then your search results are sorted in the right way that's sequel what if you were making a game Call of Duty the leaderboard yeah buddy that's sequel what if you were making and doing some financial data analysis a lot of the stuff that's going on in the backend is being done queried by sequel how many bullets do you have left in your gun how does the game calculate that so lots of the things in the backend are being done by sequel and you might actually not even see that with your own eyes so it's probably the most powerful most important thing that I ever ever learned after learning Python and this is the secret this is the thing that you need before you can actually start making really useful web apps so I mean the next step would be like intro to relational databases but you can't work with databases unless you know a little bit about how sequel works and then everything else is just like okay sequel sequel Lite my sequel Postgres Oracle Microsoft like that all fall under the same spectrum and everybody makes sequel and this thing seems so complicated guys it's really not it's so simple and once you learn it you can create really powerful things that are going to be helpful to you for all you practical folks knowing sequel allowed me to build something for just one of my clients I was able to charge over 1015 thousand dollars for the app that I made with Python using sequel combined ok and that's not even talking about other places that I got to use it in my own life making a fun app for my friends for example so it's pretty cool hopefully you might find some benefits that are useful if I've overlooked some go ahead and put them down so other people who are viewing this video can see those too and let's jump into it this resource that I'm using is called sequel Bolcom why am I using it because it's one of the most interactive ways to use sequel most people will show you some really weird way to go on like have your own server and like you need to spend money and get a subscription with Bluehost or whatever that's not what we're doing we're just using interactive one okay cool so you can read about this also on your own but I'm not going to bore bore you and read through a lot of this we're going to just start writing some interactive queries and you guys will kind of understand it as we go along okay cool so in sequel everything starts again you can combine sequel with PI so later one of my courses is going to cover how to build apps with Python so what you've learned from my Opie course I'm going to combine it with Python okay so the object-oriented part of the programming we're going to take it online and then to do a lot of heavy lifting on back-end we're going to be using sequels so I want you know you're not just learning it for random no reason it's going to be very helpful in building massively cool important projects okay that are either fun for you video games or whatever and also practical like bringing you in money okay working as a freelancer working as an independent software consultant or going and applying at a job and being hired as a data analyst or whatnot okay because Excel yeah they might pay you to be an expert on that but come on sequel is a big boy leak right or the big girl League cool okay so the first thing is always like select okay that's like almost always the first thing you do because we're selecting something star means everything so this is saying select everything okay that's what this part is saying and what this part is saying is saying from movie so this is the table the table is movies right you see the name of the table is called movies so we're saying select everything from movies and hence you see everything you see the column ID with everything in there title with everything in there director with everything in there so on and so forth okay so now let's change this okay to what they're asking us to do so they're saying exercise one is about tasks find the title of each film okay how would I do that right now I'm doing select everything from movies if you do a column name if you select a column name then it will only show you that column so instead of select star what should we say title if you're watching this go to sequel Bolcom right now and follow along don't lazy learner tone just watch me please do it everything will seem really easy when I do it when you do it it will be more difficult also you will remember it and so then you can actually use it for things and again sequel is just one of those things that in the start you don't know how to exactly use it with the things which with the things that you have so right now I'm going to have you use an interactive online world but then I'm going to help you combine it with some real application that you're building on your computer or on a web app okay so don't worry about that don't have lots of these doubts cut them out and then come in here and focus because I'm going to lead you to the amazing parts of it okay I'm not just going to show you interactive and then leave you hanging and we won't be able to actually use it anything all right so we got this down that's beautiful how do i do director of each film I think you guys know the answer to that I want to give it a try okay director alright and you can see that it's only showing it's only showing me that column perfect find the title and director so if I go up here in the notes you'll see it will show you how to actually do it select column comma another column so we're going to come here director comma what say it with me what is it beautiful so now we only have two columns director and title because we don't need any of that other stuff so that's it alright find the title and year you think you can do that I think you can do that here simple we're done with tasks for how do I let me quickly quiz you I want to see what level you're at okay so answer this out loud or try to type it in you're on your sequel Bolcom okay how do you show me everything if I want to see everything ID column your column title column director column everything how do I do it if you set star beautiful my friend oh I was trying to go backwards and quiz you but that ended up being the fifth task so in my country they call it a double whammy all right so I gave you a little bit of overview of how it's going to be massively useful in your real life hopefully I've clarified some objections you might have lingering in the back of your head I knew I did when I was taking some of these guys's courses like Eli the computer guards a New Boston or whatnot and I was like no yeah they're teaching me but are they going to help me actually build something with it or are they just literally teaching me and then I'm kind of left to my own devices so hopefully I've clarified those objections in your brain so you can focus and learn and that's my most important goal that you understand what sequel will be useful to you for okay if there's any confusion comment below and jump in there and answer to you okay I'll also try to hold some live sessions where we do this together and I'll clarify any big-picture question you have we're in technical question you have and then we kind of went through the basic basic part of it okay so in the next video we're going to continue go on to the next part okay that's it for this video guys give them a little like give them a little tweet send them who's tell them who sent you or whatever and it that's just cool okay guys I love you guys so much take care and I'll see you in the next videohey guys what's up this is Kazi from clever programmer dot-com does the website go check it out by the time you're watching this I probably will have the sequel course up on the website so you can just click probably in view all courses and then take it from here and the benefit of taking it from here would be that it'll be all integrated like you're on Netflix or something right it'll remember where you left off and everything but not to worry for taking it on youtube you will be just fine also it feels a little bit weird because we haven't been doing coding tutorials or coding videos in a while so this is going to be something fun now Before we jump right into it I want to go over a little bit of what sequel is about because I assume most of you who are watching this video know about it but if you don't don't worry I'll kind of explain it to you so sequel is basically like excel on steroids well what if you don't use Excel what it's what does it mean it lets you do really amazing things such as let's say you were working on an invoicing app which is something that I worked with in a while ago which is not so awesome but it let me query the results so I would type in somebody's name and then it would like make the table look beautiful and then it would pop up everybody in the right order how I had stored it in sequel that's not so cool but what is something that's much cooler how about when you are on Google and you type in something and then your search results are sorted in the right way that's sequel what if you were making a game Call of Duty the leaderboard yeah buddy that's sequel what if you were making and doing some financial data analysis a lot of the stuff that's going on in the backend is being done queried by sequel how many bullets do you have left in your gun how does the game calculate that so lots of the things in the backend are being done by sequel and you might actually not even see that with your own eyes so it's probably the most powerful most important thing that I ever ever learned after learning Python and this is the secret this is the thing that you need before you can actually start making really useful web apps so I mean the next step would be like intro to relational databases but you can't work with databases unless you know a little bit about how sequel works and then everything else is just like okay sequel sequel Lite my sequel Postgres Oracle Microsoft like that all fall under the same spectrum and everybody makes sequel and this thing seems so complicated guys it's really not it's so simple and once you learn it you can create really powerful things that are going to be helpful to you for all you practical folks knowing sequel allowed me to build something for just one of my clients I was able to charge over 1015 thousand dollars for the app that I made with Python using sequel combined ok and that's not even talking about other places that I got to use it in my own life making a fun app for my friends for example so it's pretty cool hopefully you might find some benefits that are useful if I've overlooked some go ahead and put them down so other people who are viewing this video can see those too and let's jump into it this resource that I'm using is called sequel Bolcom why am I using it because it's one of the most interactive ways to use sequel most people will show you some really weird way to go on like have your own server and like you need to spend money and get a subscription with Bluehost or whatever that's not what we're doing we're just using interactive one okay cool so you can read about this also on your own but I'm not going to bore bore you and read through a lot of this we're going to just start writing some interactive queries and you guys will kind of understand it as we go along okay cool so in sequel everything starts again you can combine sequel with PI so later one of my courses is going to cover how to build apps with Python so what you've learned from my Opie course I'm going to combine it with Python okay so the object-oriented part of the programming we're going to take it online and then to do a lot of heavy lifting on back-end we're going to be using sequels so I want you know you're not just learning it for random no reason it's going to be very helpful in building massively cool important projects okay that are either fun for you video games or whatever and also practical like bringing you in money okay working as a freelancer working as an independent software consultant or going and applying at a job and being hired as a data analyst or whatnot okay because Excel yeah they might pay you to be an expert on that but come on sequel is a big boy leak right or the big girl League cool okay so the first thing is always like select okay that's like almost always the first thing you do because we're selecting something star means everything so this is saying select everything okay that's what this part is saying and what this part is saying is saying from movie so this is the table the table is movies right you see the name of the table is called movies so we're saying select everything from movies and hence you see everything you see the column ID with everything in there title with everything in there director with everything in there so on and so forth okay so now let's change this okay to what they're asking us to do so they're saying exercise one is about tasks find the title of each film okay how would I do that right now I'm doing select everything from movies if you do a column name if you select a column name then it will only show you that column so instead of select star what should we say title if you're watching this go to sequel Bolcom right now and follow along don't lazy learner tone just watch me please do it everything will seem really easy when I do it when you do it it will be more difficult also you will remember it and so then you can actually use it for things and again sequel is just one of those things that in the start you don't know how to exactly use it with the things which with the things that you have so right now I'm going to have you use an interactive online world but then I'm going to help you combine it with some real application that you're building on your computer or on a web app okay so don't worry about that don't have lots of these doubts cut them out and then come in here and focus because I'm going to lead you to the amazing parts of it okay I'm not just going to show you interactive and then leave you hanging and we won't be able to actually use it anything all right so we got this down that's beautiful how do i do director of each film I think you guys know the answer to that I want to give it a try okay director alright and you can see that it's only showing it's only showing me that column perfect find the title and director so if I go up here in the notes you'll see it will show you how to actually do it select column comma another column so we're going to come here director comma what say it with me what is it beautiful so now we only have two columns director and title because we don't need any of that other stuff so that's it alright find the title and year you think you can do that I think you can do that here simple we're done with tasks for how do I let me quickly quiz you I want to see what level you're at okay so answer this out loud or try to type it in you're on your sequel Bolcom okay how do you show me everything if I want to see everything ID column your column title column director column everything how do I do it if you set star beautiful my friend oh I was trying to go backwards and quiz you but that ended up being the fifth task so in my country they call it a double whammy all right so I gave you a little bit of overview of how it's going to be massively useful in your real life hopefully I've clarified some objections you might have lingering in the back of your head I knew I did when I was taking some of these guys's courses like Eli the computer guards a New Boston or whatnot and I was like no yeah they're teaching me but are they going to help me actually build something with it or are they just literally teaching me and then I'm kind of left to my own devices so hopefully I've clarified those objections in your brain so you can focus and learn and that's my most important goal that you understand what sequel will be useful to you for okay if there's any confusion comment below and jump in there and answer to you okay I'll also try to hold some live sessions where we do this together and I'll clarify any big-picture question you have we're in technical question you have and then we kind of went through the basic basic part of it okay so in the next video we're going to continue go on to the next part okay that's it for this video guys give them a little like give them a little tweet send them who's tell them who sent you or whatever and it that's just cool okay guys I love you guys so much take care and I'll see you in the next video\n"