"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enAllow me to tell youabout a dream that I have,a recurring one as aretro computer collector.Perhaps it's one that you've had, too,if you're into this hobby.Where, in your dream,you're just going aroundlooking for cool things in the area.Maybe looking at thriftstores or what have you.And you come across a forgotten corner,or perhaps even a whole building fullof amazing rare old hardware.Computers and software and gamesand all sorts of thingsready to be taken homeand be done with as youplease for a good price.And then you wake up.And you're inevitablydisappointed that it's not real.Well, what if I told youthat that place exists.I've been there.Let's get right to it.I am so excited to showthis place off on LGR.This is the one and only Computer Reset!And before be go too much further here,I do want to provide a bit of context.A little bit of backstory ofhow I discovered this place.How I got in, how I got there.There's a whole lot ofthings to go into herebefore we actually get to the warehouse.So if you do want to skip justto the showing off of the place itself,you can go to this time coderight here in the video.But I do encourage you to listento what I'm about to saybecause I'm about to say it.And I think it's interesting.It really all started last year.And at this point last year, it was 2018.So it was around September or somethingand I got an email...That was the mic.It was going so well, too.So yeah, I got an email from David Murray,also known as The 8-bitGuy here on YouTube.And he just sent me an emailletting me know about this placeover in Dallas, Texascalled Computer Reset.And he attached some picturesand gave a brief description of it beingpacked to the brim full of old computersand tech and stuff.And I'm like, yeah, cool.Thanks for letting me know.It's always nice to hear from David.And cool to hear aboutplaces like this that exist.And then a few months passed though.I wasn't gonna go right thenbecause I had stuff going on.And once I posted my video onthe IBM PC 5140 Convertible,another person got in contact with methat was also a YouTuber.His name was Stephen.And he does the channelTexas Nerd House on YouTube.And he got in touch and said,Hey, there's this placecalled Computer Reset.Don't know if you've heard of it,but they have a lot of stufffor your PC Convertiblethat you just got andunboxed on your channel.I'm like, Oh, cool.Well, is there anything individuallythat you're looking for?Maybe something that's hard to find.I'm like, pssh, okay.There's a whole bunch of things for thisthat I've never onceseen show up for sale.He emails me back like a day laterthis photo and saying,\"Here you go.\"It's just all there and they had way moreof this stuff, too at Computer Reset.I'm like, hooo-okay.This place is more legit than I thought.But, at the time, I stillcouldn't make my way out there.So I just said, Thank you.Would you be willing to get that stuffand send it my way?I'll pay for it, and I'llpay for shipping, too.So we did.And it ended up being like ahundred bucks all together.It was nothing consideringthe rarity of the stuffand the value of it, ifit were to go for sale.So already I was really impressed.But I was happy just to havesome stuff for the Convertiblebecause I plan on doingthat video at some pointand I'll get to showall these cool things.Well, another month or something passes,and then I hear fromRob who runs the channelObsolete Geek on YouTube.So, yeah, another TexasYouTuber getting in touchabout Computer Reset.He was like, \"Have you heard of it?\"Here are some pictures.\"And I'm like, Yes, I haveheard of it from Davidand Texas Nerd House andall these other people.In fact, a few viewersfrom the Dallas areagot in touch to tell me about it, too.But Rob mentioned the ownerwas in really bad shape,and the place was deteriorating rapidly.And maybe the place mightbe shutting down soon.So perhaps you shouldthink about going there.I'm like, oh, yeah.Wow, I would, except at the momentI was injured myselfand had an ankle injurywhere I couldn't walk.I hadn't been able to standat all really, normallyfor about a week.And then a bit more time passed,and then Stephen from TexasNerd House got in touch againand said, \"Dude, the place isnot only closing down soon,\"but it's closing this Saturday.\"And this was Wednesday morningwhen I got this email from him.And I'm like, Oh, no.Well, I don't know what to dobecause I'm still kind of injured here.I had recovered a bit more,but then he's just likeit sounds like they're not only goingto close the place down butit's gonna be bulldozed.All the stuff inside of it, too.All the rare computers and anythingthat may happen to be inthere just sold for scrap.Aw, man.I looked down at my ankle.I look at the calendar.I think about it.I go get some coffee andwait around in the afternoon.And by around 6:00 PM, I'm like,You know what, screw it.Let's see what kind of flights there are.So I go online, look at theflights from here to Dallas.And there's one available.There's a couple of seats left.So I'm like, Oh, okay.So I get the ticket,pack a very quick bag.And then haul it over to the airport.And at this point, it was 6:45when I had gotten the ticketand I think it was in the air by 7:45.So I just completelyhauled it over to Dallaswhen I heard that this placeis gonna be bulldozed in three days.Three days?Like, what in the world?I knew this was once in a lifetime,potentially, opportunity tosee a kind of place like this.One that I had only seen in my dreams.And a few photos through email.Sure, I was injured, butI just got an ankle braceand said, Screw it.Let's make this happen.And so, yeah, I made it happen.And I got to Dallas.And by the time I got there,well, it was night time.So I just grabbed a hotel.I got into my room.Saw that it was an okay room.And yeah, that's fine, whatever.Time to plop into bed.Grab some sleep.And just see if I can getover there in the morning.Hi.So here is he nature ofthis situation this morning.Unpredictable!It doesn't exactly have hours.Yeah, it is just a guy.Apparently he kind of lives there.He just kind of opens the doorwhenever he wakes up or something.So that's interesting.I'm also absolutely not surewhat I'm gonna do aboutgetting any stuff home.I mean, a U-Haul, that's an option.It's not a cheap one.There's also shipping stuff out.We'll see what happens next.Probably just grab an Uberand head on over there.And that is precisely what I did.Thankfully a pretty quicktrip over from my hotel.And turns out Computer Reset's actuallya little bit closer toGarland, Texas than Dallas.It's northeast of the maincity center by a good ways.Well, yeah, a short trek for me.And here was my firstglance of Computer Reset.An unassuming building inan unassuming part of town.With a delightfully retrohand-made looking sign.And another hand-made sign saying \"closed.\"But yeah, just looking inthrough the windows here,you can get just a glimpseof the retro awesomenessthat awaits inside.Computers and monitors andtech just stacked everywhere.But it's closed, andthere was no onehere to let anyone in.Not only that, but I soon received wordthat no one would be letin, maybe ever again.So close but still so far!So yeah, in retrospect,here's where things got a little silly.Now I went down there under the guiseof there being someonethere to let people in.And well, apparently,there was at one point.But somewhere in the process,things got a bit misconstrued.Well, all these people wereemailing me about this place,the internet was startingto catch on that it existed.And there were a few reasons for that.I mean, really, youjust can't keep a secretabout this kind of computer warehousea secret for very long.And, especially when peoplestart posting picturesand videos and stuff.And in particular there was one video,really a livestream thatwent up by YouTuber TX Dj.His name is Justin,he's a cool guy, he's got a cool channelwith a bunch of cool tech.And apparently he had some cool permissionto film there and post it online.And then, well you couldkind of guess what happened.People started showing upto the place at random.And the video was spreading.Then it was on Facebookand Reddit and Twitterand all sorts of places.And the family ofRichard, the guy that ranComputer Reset for so many yearsand was in such bad health now,they saw all this.And then they saw all these peoplejust like showing up out front there.And they're just like, \"no.\"Especially since the guy thatwas there letting everyone inkind of maybe wasn'tsupposed to be doing that.Things just got really weird.And I had no idea any of thiswas going on when I got there.And then when I did getthere that first morning,there were a bunch of peoplealready waiting outside.Some were LGR fans,some were just peoplethat wanted to get inand see the cool place.And when word starts spreading like this,you can't really shut it down.But they shut it down.At this point, what am I gonna do?I'm already there in Dallas, Texas,so I just start hanging out with folks.I mean, Stephen was there.He had his vehicle,and there were a bunch of otherpeople that watched my show.Or we just all had similar interests.So we just started wanderingnerdy computery places around Dallas.And I didn't record everywhere we went,but the first location wasthe Goodwill Computer Works of Dallas.Nope, nope, no, no, this is not a Thrifts!This is just a place I went.And honestly, as much as I'vewanted to visit one of these,it was pretty disappointingI've gotta say.Mostly it was just thestandard selection of Dellsand refurbished stuff from the late 2000sthat Goodwill does atalmost every location.They just happen to have more of it.They did have a selectionof other computeryand game technology related things.It is, at least, astore dedicated to that.Which is more than a lot of Goodwills.You know, beyond a verysmall selection of gamesand controllers and computer peripheralsthat were almost interesting,there really wasn't anything to see here.Most amusing thing was thisSega Genesis MLB Baseball cartwith a very classy label.Otherwise, it's just bins full of stuffelectronically that nobody wants.Like I said, I had alot of fun hanging outwith all the folks that werealong for the ride here.We went to a Micro Center.I'd never been to one of those before.Along with a Fry's Electronics,which confused the crap out of mewith its odd decor.I guess these are all themed stores.We just don't have anythinglike this around me.I also went to Dallas Makerspace.The place was absolutely awesome.I wish I'd gotten footage anywhere here,but I wasn't reallyplanning on making a video.Eventually, a bunch of us endedup back at Stephen's house.Him and his wife Stacyare very cool people.And very inviting.And they do indeed have a Texas nerd housefilled with all sorts of nerdy thingslike this Russian Electronika DVK-3PDP-11 compatible clonepersonal computer type system.And yes, that is runningthe original Tetristhat was made for the Electronika 60.Alexey Pajitnov's originalvision, or whatever man.This is so cool to play thison something that is appropriateand compatible with the original hardware.And, man, it's a lot tougherthan subsequent versions,in my experience anyway.This was just a challenging game.And you know what?I was in the Dallas/Fort Worth areaso I decided to stopby and visit some folksthat I know around there.Including 8-Bit Guy, David.And checked out the areathat he films and everything.We didn't film anything together,although I did recordthis little quick snippetof moving around his crap.There you go, fixed it.And big thanks to Justin andhis local area connections.He let me tag along to thisexceptional private arcadeowned by a guy, Dr. Vance, who just,I mean, holy crap, it was an absolutepop culture geeky paradise.It's like 5000 square feet.It's absolutely amazing,the selection of stuff here.And yes, that was a Polybiusmachine that you saw there.In fact, if you go onWikipedia, the Polybius machinethat you'll see pictured, that was his.I mean, he made it.It runs the rogue synapseversion and everything,like, it's, yeah.Just an exceptional place, sothank you to everyone involvedfor letting me hang outover the next few days therein the Dallas/Fort Worth areawhile I was waiting and hopingfor any word on Computer Reset.And then, finally, after allthe craziness and uncertainty,and honestly, a lot of funover the past several days,we finally got word that Computer Resetwas opening back up, kind of.A lot of the public hype was scaled back.And that streamed video was taken down.Justin talked to the family,and really did a fantastic jobof just making sure everyonewas on the same page.And organizing a small group of people,including me, thankfully,to get into Computer Resetand go and explore.Really have unprecedentedaccess for an afternoon.And so, let's finallydive in to Computer Reset!Welcome, everyone, to Computer Reset.As you may surmise, fromthe state of things,this has not beenan open-to-the-publickind of business in many years.Although back in the day,it was a used computer store, repair shop.They did software andhardware and wholesale,and who knows what else.Just all kinds of computer-related things.Now there is a warehouse as well.But I'm just gonna show the front sectionof the store here first.Because, honestly, there's still a lotof fascinating stuff tosee even just up here.Though, for the most part,this is somewhat newerthan what you'll findout in the warehouse.A lot of stuff from the 90s, early 2000s.But it is still like steppinginto a kind of time capsulefor an old computer repair shop.Like this area in the cornerthat appears to have beenkind of a software storeat one point.Filled with shelves ofnew old stock applicationsand software and games.Screen saver packs, wordprocessing and office packs.I mean, just a ton stuff,most of it still sealed right here.As you'll be seeing,there are lots of looselyorganized piles of things.Maybe not organized but justkind of jumbled togetherby type in a way.Lots of rooms have kind ofa specific theme going on.Like this laptop room in the back here.I mean, it's more than just laptops,but that's mostly whatit is, is what I mean.Just tons of portablesfrom most every company you an imagine.Lots from Toshiba, butlargely from Compaq,as you might imagine being in Texas.And just because theywere popular as balls.And I found this whiteboardparticularly poignant, aw man.And then, yeah, this room behind that,we ended up calling it the drive roombeing that it is mostly filledwith drives of all kinds.Floppy drives, opticaldrives, hard drives.All kinds of storage, really.Mostly of the internal variety.And we've just begun to see this place.Oh, my goodness.So many hallways and weirdlittle rooms to check out.Not gonna show absolutely everything,but I've gotta show youcertain places like this here.As far as we could tell,this hallway was filled with repair ordersthat were just never picked up.Stacks of desktops, keyboards and monitorsthat were, apparently,fixed but the customerjust never came and got them.Or they were parted out andleft for who knows what.And then all just kind of stacked here.And, yeah, tons of stuff from the 90sin this hallway.Little box of new old stockIBM game control adapters over here, too.I mean, yeah, it's just a free for all.You never know what you'll find any room.And on the other side of that hallwayis this room here.It's kind of the main repairarea, lab kind of set up.Just mountains of partiallycompleted projectsand displays and drives and cordsand screws and mounting thingsand just a little bit of everything.You can tell there was a ton of workthat happened in thisroom back in the day.I was also particularlyinterested by these stacksof disk drive holdersfilled with tons of driversand software and who knows what,all for restoring specific machines.And then back here is sortof the main parts room.At least for the frontpart of the store here.And, again, you could tell this wasvery meticulously organized at one point,but has long sincefallen into dishevelment.Of course, this has been picked throughby a lot of people overwho knows what amountof time in the past when peoplewere just being let in at random.But yeah, there's still a ton that is hereand is somewhat stuck together by type.This is definitely the room to come toif you're looking for expansion cards,add on cards, upgradesand things like that.A lot of it new old stock.This is where a lot ofthat PC Convertible stuffthat I ended up receiving came from.It's all stuck here.This whole shelf isjust Convertible stuff.And yeah, just a wholelot more in the back here.I spent a long time exploring this room.Later on, looking forhard to find sound cards,video cards and add ons.That's the majority ofthe downstairs front partof the store, but if you go upstairs here,past this delightfullooking IBM all in one,you'll get to the second floorof the front of the building.Again, we haven't evengone to the warehouse.You can see a few of the guys down thereas Justin and Rob and a few other dudes.This was the group of usthat got let in that day.Yeah, upstairs were aselection of interesting rooms.Like this one here,everybody kind ofreferred to as the museum.Which, at one point,were items Richard reallywanted to hold on to.But yeah, there's a lot of interestingdifferent kind of stuff up here.A lot of A/V equipment.Rack mount and server stuff.In fact, there was a server still upand running here in the back corner.Really not sure what it was doing.The website was long since gone.This area here actually almost lookedlike a recording studio.It was an interesting set up.And yeah, going throughto the other side here.And you'll se a lot more A/V stuff.For all kind of formats.I mean, just a ton of things.Mostly film and tape related.Boxes and boxes of media and VHS and Betaand film reels and who knows what.A highly water-damaged copyof Ultimate Doom, and yeah.And of course, just a smatteringof personal computers,mostly from the 90s.Everything is really just kind of stuckwherever it would fit.Though, again, you find groupsof things every so oftenlike this back cornerhere full of Trinitronsand broadcast televisionand security monitors.Oh, yeah, good stuff.And kind of behind here was another roomfilled with a lot of stuff from the 80sand even late 70s.A whole ton of terminals, especially.I wish I had got morefootage of this room.I thought that I did but I guess I didn't.We'll be revisiting some of this later.I'm just doing a quick overview here.I like this other back roomthat was filled with a whole bunchof fascinating stuff, honestly.Really is one of those free for all roomsjust filled with absolutely everything.Mostly desktop computerrelated from the 90sbut also into the 80s.And some terminals andword processors as well.Even a couple of cash registers.And stacks of brand new keyboards.Boxes of floppy disks.And, hey, even on top of here,I found an eMachines eOne accessories set.I did not have the mouse for mine,so yeah, I'm gonna pickthat up really quick.But, yeah man, I was drawn toa lot of stuff in this room.I don't know, it's just a lot of thingsfrom the era that I'm interested in.Bunch of Acers and Compaqs,and whatever these cat machines are.There's a lot of stuff in here.Scootin' on through to oneof the other back rooms.And yeah man, just moreand more and more stuff.The more I look through this footage,the more I realize Ididn't see a lot of itwhen I was there in person.Oh, my goodness.It's absolutely dense with stuff.And, unfortunately notevery room is well lit.Or lit at all.Highly recommend bringing a flashlight.But yeah, all these upstairs roomsare just an absolute free for all.Like, there really doesn'tseem to be any rhyme or reasonto any of this.Again, I don't doubtthere was at one point,but as it is now, you could findjust about anything in any room.Often half a dozen or moreof the exact same itemjust piled all together.That's all I'm gonna show right nowof the front area of Computer Reset.Now let's go back downstairsand head through this back doorand into the warehouse.Oh, yes.This is 38,000 squarefeet of computer goodness.And trash, but a lot of computers.Really just a phenomenalamount of technologystacked on top of each otherwith who knows what stacked in between it.And despite this area beingnot the most protectedfrom all the elements,and of course, extremely hot.There's no air conditioningin this entire building,but especially not out here.Yeah, this is just a maze of insanity.A technological paradise.This is the kind of thingthat I was dreaming ofin all my dreams for whoknows how many years now.You just walk into a place like thisand you don't know where to start.Every single inch of this placeis packed with something interesting.Whether it be a keyboard or a monitoror a desktop or some weird little sealedpiece of software or documentationor an electronic tidbit or an add on.Like, who knows, man?I have found things in herethat I have never evenheard of, of course,but also things that I have heard of,and assumed that were extremely rarebecause they've never once shown upon eBay or anywhere likethat that I've looked.And yet, all of a sudden there were likea hundred of them on a pallet.And this is, again, I'mjust down here on the floor.This is eye level that we're looking at.Once you start digging deep or verticallyor even underneath stuffyou will start uncovering things.Peeling back the layers,the years, the decades.And finding stuff thatis just unthinkable.The fact that it's been sitting herejust untouched forever.I mean, these stacks ofthings that you're seeing,these are often pallets.And there's like fourpallets deep underneatheach of these shelves.And the shelves go up three levels.And then again, in between those palletsthere's often stuff, too.Not to mention just the piles of thingsthat are haphazardlyscattered all over the place.So even though thishas been picked throughfor months now.In a way, it looks likeit hasn't been touched.I mean, there's a ton of the thingsthat were on the surfacethat were really interesting.People have snapped those up long ago.But the things that are still hereare positively mind blowing.Even if it's not the most sought afteror valuable thing,there's just do much of itin one spot that it is...I don't know, man.I get speechless even just watching this.When you're there, itis absolutely insane.It's really hard to get the scale of this.It's really hard to get howcramped it really is, too.Because I was using a wide-angle lenson my phone camera here.I wish I had brought better equipment,but like I said earlier,I came down here in such a rushthat I didn't bring any ofmy bigger camera equipment.Honestly, I thought it would be too bulkyand I didn't yet have a gimbal.This was before E3.So yeah, sorry about some ofthe shaky, ridiculous footagehere that hopefullyisn't making anyone sick.But it's just so amazing.I do my best, man, becauseit's an absolute hazardwalking through here inmany more ways than one.I saw many of these piles fall over.Nobody got hurt, thankfully.But yeah, you gotta be careful.Use common sense.Preferably bring a mask,absolutely bring some glovesand some things to wash yourself off withbecause a lot of thisis just covered in gunkand rat pee and turds andall sorts of nastiness.It's not a clean place,but if you're into this kind of thing,it is still a paradise.And the further back yougo and the deeper you get,the older and more obscure things become.Like in the back here,you start running into somereally serious hardware.Big, rack-mounted networkingmainframe type stuff.And who knows what else, man.Ended up finding some things from late 60sto definitely mid 70s.Again, though, just somuch of it is piled upand really deeply hiddenthat it's gonna takea lot to get to it.But you're absolutelyrewarded for persistenceand getting your hands dirty,and your whole body dirty.Man, you're gonna get absolutely nastygoing through this whole place.I know I did.Not to mention sweatin' mah balls off.I went through 10 bottles of water.And I still needed more than that, man.Do not get dehydrated.But yeah, I could wanderthrough this warehouse all day.I mean, I pretty much did.There was stuff in here that I,you know, you wouldn'teven think you'd ever find.Apparently what happened was at one pointthey were purchasing all sorts of palletsof businesses that hadgone out of business,computer businesses orstuff that didn't sell.Or things that were no longer in use.I found pallets full of computers from UPSand several banks andvarious institutions.A lot of them still withhard drives in them,so you know, you neverknow what you'll findon some of these things.And, of course, there wasan absolute ton of stufffrom IBM in here.A bunch of it being new old stock.And then a bunch of these things.It is labeled as one thingor the box has one thingbut it's not that inside.You really have to digdeep and dig into stuff,open things up to see what it actually is.Like Justin here climbingmount printer, as we called it.Going into these boxes and opening them upto find brand new old stockPCjrs still in the box.Yeah, there was a tonof PCjr stuff in here.Apparently they kind of beton that back in the day.And, well, that did not pan outseeing it was one ofIBM's biggest failures.But, you know, if you're into PCjr stuff,there's a ton of it here.And just in general,IBM stuff from the 80s,of an unbelievable variety.Many of these boxes arefull of unsold stockof software applications,and even some games.As I discovered once Iclimbed up to the topof one of these shelving units here.And, oh yeah, great view.Look at all that IBM blueout all over the place.Oh, my goodness.And again, this is hardlygetting the scale of thingsbecause I'm 25, 30 feet up or something.And it just keeps going.This place is insane andfilled with a ton of printers.But, you know, a lot of other things, too.Found several boxes ofnew old stock softwarefor retailers like Best Buy and such.Unsold games like Gunmetal here.And some Teenage MutantNinja Turtles stuff.The more you look, the more you find.And yeah, it extends outside as well.Though, of course, bakingout here in the Texas heatand weather, for the most part,this is not gonna beworth anything at all.It's just baked to death out herefor who knows how long.Yeah, man, even just out here.If all this stuff were inone spot anywhere else,it would be absolutely shocking.But you get here andthen you see everythingthat's actually inside and everywhereand it's just like, oh well.you know, you can justsafely ignore all this.Who cares?But, yeah, there's justan unimaginable amountof technology even justhanging around outsidein the open air here.Along with a ton of signage and boxesand other things that, I don't even know.But yeah, let's waltz on back inside hereeven though I think it's hotter insidethan it is outside.But yeah, Rob was actuallyfilming with his camcorderat the same time I was goingaround recording with my phone.And he got some footage of mejust looking around in awe.Taking everything in.Being absolutely amazed andseriously not knowing whereto look but just looking at everything.In fact, we were all togetherfor a good part of thisbefore we all split up,like the footage you were seeing earlier.And just kind of takingthe tour and going throughand checking out every room briefly.Talking about the thingsthey had gotten in the past.And what you might be able to findin certain rooms today.Like, I was curious aboutall these VIS2000 boxes here.There were no VIS2000 machines,but each of them were fullof new old stock stuff.Found boxes and boxes of RAM boardsand expansions and microchannel architecture things.They have an absolute tonof IBM PS/2 related stuffin this entire facility.Again, though, I was super enamoredby the portables and laptop room here.I could've easily pickedup 20 of these thingsand taken them home justto tinker with for years.Love old laptops.Oh yeah, that one roomearlier I wish I had gottenmore footage, that I swear I recorded.And I don't know whathappened to the footage,but yeah, it's got a lotof terminals and what not.This is one of the mostdensely packed rooms,but it ended up having someof the most fascinatingfinds of the entire trip.We'll come back to that.Oh, and that other roomwhere I found the eMachines accessories.Check it out.There was also a Hot Wheelscomputer or two lying around.Somebody else picked that up.Yeah, you could seriouslyfind everything in here.There was a brand new old stock IBM PS/1just hanging out over there.I thought maybe it wasfull of something else,but no, PS/1.And back on out into the warehouse there.And this row in particularwas one of my favorites.Just seeing how full it wasof new old stock IBM software.And really programs of all kindsthat were IBM PC compatible,mostly from the 80s.For instance, these stacksof IBM TopView that...And I actually ordered a copy off eBayjust like the week prior,and here there were tons of them.I was also shocked at the sheer mountainsof new old stock IBM disk drives.Of all capacities, too.Everything from theoriginal IBM 5150 drivesup through the PCjr and the PS/2 era.Even found stacks ofnewspapers and magazinesfrom back in the daylike this Compute issuefrom 1984.-\"1984!\"Or like these palletswhere you just peel backa bit of plastic and you'll seethat it is a complete army of computers.All the same type of computer.It was a bunch of theseZenith Data Systems laptops.Maybe none of them work.Maybe all the screens aremessed up like this one,or who knows what.Really, you just gotta dig through hereand see what you can find.And, man, I had a lot of fun hanging outwith you guys there even thoughI was sweating to no end.That was not gonna stop me.But, yeah, back up in that upstairs roomthat was so densely packed with things,Rob found this.It was a box labeled Sierra Online, 1990.Apparently Robert Fischer sentin one of their IBM PCjrs.Like a development station, maybe?Who knows!Computer Reset had it andthey had a repair order.So I'm taking that home.Back on into the warehouse.And the more that Ilooked the more I found.So many clone computers andCompaqs and HPs and things that,I would take any one of these.I would be so excited tofind even one of thesein so many other circumstances.But when you get here, it'slike it all blends together.And you're like, of course that's here.Of course there's a hundred of them.Even things like Compaq Deskpros,you know, like the first Compaq desktops.I mean, just tons of them.And a bit later on in the day,I was joined by Alex.He was one of the guysI was hanging out withon the first day I was here.Then just started getting onladders and diving into things.He pulled down this box here.He was like, \"what is Hercules?\"I'm like, \"oh my goodness, really?\"It was filled with Hercules cardsand all sorts of pretty obscurevideo hardware from the 80s.He also got some more overviewfootage from the top hereof that ladder he was on.So, thank you very much, Alex.Again, the view is spectacularand almost unbelievable.Yeah, I don't even knowhow long we were here.Maybe eight, nine hours.We were definitely there until it wasstarting to approach dusk.Those overhead hanginglights don't do much,especially for some ofthese back rows herejust filled with things.Especially underneath theshelves and everything.So yeah, it's just a good ideato really bring a head-mounted light.I had one of those.Turned out I needed a more powerful oneso just stuck to the handheld,but yeah, dude.Way too much to explore.Honestly feel like Ididn't see half of it.Sorry if the footage lookscompletely scattered.I mean, my mind was justracing this entire trip.I didn't know what to look at.Oh, man, what an exciting thing, though.Again, I'm glad Alex joinedbecause he just startedopening up everything, man.He was like, \"Thesedoors slide open, right?\"I'm like, \"I don't know, let's try 'em.\"Check it out.All of these loadingbay, garage door thingsopened up as well.They were seriously disgusting,bringing down a bunch of nastydirt and grime on everyone,but it not only brought in way more light,but it revealed so manymore goodies hanging out.I mean, who knows when the last timesome of this stuff was seen.Some of these IBMs and Macs.Tandys and interesting clone machines.And one offs and weirdlate 70s, early 80s stuff.And not to mention keyboards, holy crap.I haven't mentioned the keyboards yet.There were hundreds and hundredsof IBM Model Ms and Fs and everythingin this whole building.Justin even found this box of unused,like new old stock 3M Scotch 701 tape.Reel to reels used formainframes and whatnot.This is so cool.- That's differentthan what I thoughtwas gonna be in there.- Auughhwooo!- This stuff is amazing.Tandy TRS-80s.I mean, yeah, the deeperyou look, the more you find.The only thing I didn'trun across personallywere Amigas and Commodore stuff.A lot of that had been taken already.But in subsequent days,I heard from other people that they founda lot of Commodore stuff.Even found these boxes and boxes of ICsof who knows what kind.Different controller chipsand all sorts of things.Yeah, at this point, it wasgetting pretty late in the dayand everyone was deadtired and completely gross.So we decided to closeup shop, so to speak.The place is already technically closed,but you know what I mean.And yeah, this is the pile of thingsthat I decided to take home.And actually, I didn't take a whole lot.I was mostly just hereto have the experience,but there were a few itemsthat seemed really usefulto LGR in the future.And really the only question left washow to get them home.Yeah, I got a one-way ticket here.I just took everything back to the hotel.And loaded it up in mylittle front room area.And went to bed.Woke up the next morning and got an Uberto the closest shippingplace that was open,which just happened to be FedEx.That works.I just wanted to make surethat they packed up everything as nicelyand protective-ly as possible.Especially that PCjr.Who knows what's on there?And yeah, that was it.Went back to the hotel,grabbed my luggage.Hopped back into my ride sharing thingand off to the Dallas airport.And yeah, man, all the stuff was on routewith the shipping company.I was on the plane myselfand well on my way back homeand I really, immediately started thinkingabout what in the world Iwas gonna do for this video.Obviously I've got a ton of footage.And yet at the sametime, I still feel likeI didn't show enough of it.Whatever, man.It was a whirlwind of a trip.And a couple days later,my packages showed up.So you know what?Let's unbox 'em, see what I got!Okay, been lookin' forward to this!So very first one here wasjust shipped in the boxthat it was originallypackaged in from the factory.Only briefly kind of opened it upwhen I was there,but yeah, check it out.Documentation here.And as far as I know, there we go, yeah.Aw man, it actually comeswith the cable and everythingso you got the edge connector here.And the little front panel to go on there.Yeah, if you remember whenI did my IBM PS/2 Model 30,I was looking for the proper hard drive.It is a new old stockType 33, 30 meg drive.If I don't use it in that computer, PS/2,I'll definitely use it in another one,but I think this is exactlywhat I was looking for.Okay, got a box full of randomness here.Ah, yes, I thought this wasan interesting thing to come across.This is Lemmings for the Mac,but this is the Junior Edition.'12 challenging levels.'There was a whole box of these brand new.Lemmings demo disks.Junior Edition, yeah, I'dnever hear of Junior Edition.So, neat.Let's see, right here we'vegot a Sound Blaster card.This is a CT2940 Sound Blaster 16.A later one, 1995.This was a new old stock,a little bit dirty,but yeah, it was a newold stock topping...Topping? I dunnoThe top cover, the back partthat actually goes on the PC Convertible.The one I got was littlebit scuffed, scratched.But this one, other thanbeing dirty, was brand new.Oh, yeah.Got some lovely video cards here.This right here is that Hercules cardthat you saw that I found in the box.Found it interesting because of thisfull-length extra bit ofPCB here is not cut off,but it still is made to fitinto a full-length 8-bit ISA bus.And here's a Hercules cardthat's a little bit older.1988 one and it is a full length,but you know, it actuallytakes up the entire card.Ah, that's awesome.And then this is one I'd never had before.Never come across one.This is a Video 7 board.It got a little bit beat upwhen it was crammed in that box there,but yeah, I don't know.Hopefully it still worksbecause I'm curious.Never used one, but I remember seeing itin a bunch of DOS setup programs and manualsand stuff back in theday, like 1988 or '89.Yeah, this is the accessories here,the ones that I needed forthe eMachines eOne computerthat I've already covered.But yeah, there's the original mouse.And here is the crazy looking power cord.And then here is the cable,the PS/2 pass through for the keyboard.Dude, this is so cool to have.And, I mean, the fact that this computerwas pulled from the market.And they had multiples of these there.That's just insane.Oh, also got one of these.This is extremely useful.As a PCjr user, this converts PCjr outputjust to standard CGA.So you can use any CGAor EGA monitor with it.Any nine-pin compatible TTL.Don't actually know what's in here.Huh, this is just a power cord.I don't know where this came from.Okay, another box of random goodies here.I believe this one ismostly gonna be software.So I found a whole boxfilled with brand newunsold copies of McAfee VirusScan.I don't know.This is a slight later version,but I've always kind of wanted this box.It's VirusScan, whatever, I wanted it.Something here for early IBM computers.This is Zyll, a text adventure game.I'd never heard of it,and there was an entirepallet of them, new old stock.So there you go.Ah, yes.This one should be useful.It's nothing too crazy, but IDE controllerwith one parallel and two serial ports.And just a Boca Researchthing, new old stock.So I don't know.I've used these in a lot of 486s and such.Here we go, this was a fun one to have.So Microsoft Windows for Workgroups.Includes Windows 3.1.Did not have this at all.In fact, I think Imentioned wanting a copyin my Windows 3.1 video that I didfor the upgrade to the wood grain 486.Yeah, hopefully you're startingto see the pattern here.I was really trying to get stuffthat would be very useful for LGR thingsI've already done or wanna revisitor wanna do in the future.Here we go.IBM OS/2, just OS/2.Standard edition, 1.0, 1987.Brand new, oh my goodness.How cool is that?Dude I wanted to coverthat for a long time.Here we go.Here's a copy of just Windows3.1, sealed, brand new.I wish I had this when I did my video.But anyway, cool to have another copythat is all in the box.Another Windows 3.Well, not really.This is Windows NTWorkstation version 3.5,but it's you know from that era.Something else I'vealways wanted to cover,mess around with.Never have been able to.Never come across a copy before.Again, new old stock.Same with this right here.Here's OS/2, version 2.0, still sealed.So got the couple ofmain versions of OS/2 nowthat I really wanted.Let's see, we got some Microsoft.This of MS-DOS version 4.01.I've always been curious about thisbecause it was kind of a failed thing.And I've actually never used DOS 4.Everybody just says to skip it.And I'm like, I don't know.I wanna try it for myself.See if it's really bad.And, yeah.These are still sealed, likeeverything else in this box,IBM things here.So you have the originalPC guide to operations.So this will go with my IBM 5150.And here's a guide tooperations for my XT.So now I finally have an operations guidefor my PC XT and AT.And I have been lucky enoughto get them all sealed.So I'm gonna be openingall this, but you know.That's just what I do.Because I make videosand I gotta show stuff.Okay, getting to the two larger ones now.Right here is the Compaqbattery for this Compaq...I got the power cord there, but yeah.Check this thing out.Got the original Compaq bag.And inside here is a rather lovely lookingCompaq SLT/286.So, yeah.All things considered,it looked to be in pretty darn good shape.And the screen looked OK.I haven't tried it poweredon yet or anything.Still has an overlay forWordPerfect on there.But this thing is crazy.Look at all this.What a neat machine.As much as I love theearly 90s laptops they had,this is definitely more my jam these days.Really hope this survived.Yeah, looks pretty good to me.Of course, I don't really knowwhat was wrong withthis in the first place.I mean, I know what was listed,but I don't know if it was repaired.Obviously, Sierra never picked it up.But check it out.It is the Sierra PCjr.Potentially some sortof development hardware?I don't know.These I've never come across before.I mean, I've seen them in photos.Most certainly never had on in person.It's a Legacy hard disk unit.Which, I mean, hopefully it'll be okay.Yeah, Legacy Technologies,Lincoln, Nebraska.And yeah, everything wasjust kind of stuck in here.Even the hard disk isn't even reallymounted fully.But yeah, there's like a whole bunchof add on cards of some kind.I guess like hard diskcontrollers and whatnot.But our disk itself,that's a Tandon TM-262.I'll put the capacity up on screen here,but I'm guessing 20 megs.And yeah, it's got this thinggoing off to the side here.It's like, maybe therewas an actual sidecarthat this went into at one point.But as it is now, it looks a little hairy.I just, I don't know!I don't know what we're gonna findwhen we turn this thing on.So, I'll save that for another video.Because I really, I gotta goover this and see what's...Pffpblt!I don't know!I have no experiencewith this hard disk unit.Well that's it for what I picked upon this trip to Computer Reset anyway.I could've easily takena U-Haul's worth of stuffthat I wanted.But I just wanted to get some thingsthat I could really use.And have the space tostore stuff right now.I don't have a lot of storage space left.So, anyway, thank you very muchto the family for workingthings out with Justin.And, of course, to Justinfor working things out with themand making sure everybodywas on the same pageafter all the misunderstandingsand everything.I think it's really in a cool spot now.That this place isopened up so that peoplecan come in there andsave some of this stuff.And it's not gonna justend up in a landfillor crushed for scrapor anything like that.So that makes me really happyas somebody who caresabout some of these thingsbeing preserved and makingsure it's in the handsof folks that can use it.Now, speaking of which, how canyou get into Computer Reset?That is one of the big questions here.Well, you can!Although there's a lot of asterisksafter that statement at the moment.And maybe even more so in the future.If any of this changes,I'll leave an update in thevideo description below.And make a pinned comment and stuff.But as it is right now.The way this works is thatthere's a private Facebook group,Computer Reset Warehouse Liquidation.Unfortunately it's Facebook.I'm not a big fan of the service.But anyway, this is a way to get everybodyon the same page.And make sure there's an understandingin terms of when it's open.How it's open.You know, what the deal isin terms of buying things.And there's some reallygood photos and guidesand conversation on there to make surethat you know what you're getting in togoing into this place.But yeah, at the moment,they're just opening it upon certain weekends, certain times of day.And there are schedules and everythingon the group there.And you can get in touchwith Justin and everybodyrather directly that way.A few other things he mentionedthat I could mention.We're selling to collectorsand donating to verified museums.So, if you're like meand you wanna go in thereand get some stuff and take home.Then they will ask you to pay for it.And there is a PayPal.You can get the money to thefamily directly that way.But if you're a verifiedmuseum, then, yeah sure.You can just go thereand get some cool pieces for the museum.Scrappers won't be ableto afford our prices,but collectors will findthe prices very fair.And that's absolutely true.And, of course, if too many people show upthey will limit how many peoplecan be in the building at the same time.It's just like basic common sense stuff.Wanna make sure thingsdon't get out of hand.And people start getting in thereand causing fights overcertain objects that they want,they're probably gonna kick you out.But just be reasonable.And make sure that youtalk to the right peopleon that group and figureout what's going on.That's the best way togo about it right now.But if there are any other updates,like I said, I'll update below this video.But that's pretty much it.It's an amazing place.And it's a weird place.And it's a weird situation.And I don't really knowhow this is gonna go overwith the community, puttingthis out there publicly.It's one big reason I'vesat on all this footagefor two months now.You know, I went there last May.And I've just had other thingsgoing on in the meantime.But also just wanting tomake sure that this satand everything was sorted outso that I can at least tell youhow you can get in there.So yeah, if you do go in there,or if you've alreadybeen to Computer Reset,leave some comments below.What you found and whatyour experience was like.Whether or not you'drecommend it to people.I mean, because there's a lot of stuff,like I said, that's already been takenthat's really cool.It's on the surface,but the deeper you go,I swear, there's really awesome thingsthat are still being found all the time.Just looking through that Facebook group,you can see a lot of the images.And people are digging outthings that are exceptional.Rare, weird items that...Man, it's an amazing place.And this whole experiencehas been incredible.So, again, much appreciationto everybody involved.For working things out with meand helping make this video happen.And I hope that you enjoyed watching it.Yeah, this was quite a differentkind of video than normal,but I loved going here and seeing all thisand showing it to you.So I hope you enjoyed.And, as always, there arenew videos here every week.So stick around if you like.And thank you for watching!\n"