Is a Digital Dash Worth It?

Don't Wanna Get Too Sucked Into Just Playing with This Right Now Because As Easy as It Would Be to Do That, We're Not Done Yet.

I'm gonna use this old junky one, get it trimmed up and get it flush with our new screen. Should look good. (upbeat music) Yeah, that aught to do it. That's should hold that in place for now. It looks real nice too.

All right, before we go drive this thing I wanna get this dash kind of set up so that we're looking at all the vitals that we care about or at least what we can access for now. So I'm gonna customize our dash a little bit and then we'll go drive it.

All right, so just from the factory, this kind of comes with some random stuff up here. So I've just gone ahead and put some things that I care about on the screen. Like we've got our vacuum and our boost up there now, we've got throttle position, air fuel ratio, intake air temp, our battery voltage, coolant temp and obviously we've got miles per hour and RPM.

There are dozens and dozens if not hundreds of options of things that I can look at, which is really nice. You know, if I need to monitor anything all I gotta do is go click on it and look at it rather than install yet another gauge. So this is really starting to seem like it is pretty worth it.

So I think I'm gonna full screen this thing and take it for a spin. (engine revs) You know, I can't lie, this makes me feel kind of cool. Look at all my gauges, look at all my data. Look at all the things that I know about my car. That's how you know that I'm really a car guy, because I can monitor all the things going on in my car.

Obviously that said, I can't yet monitor my fuel level or my oil pressure, but the nice thing is with this digital dash is that now whenever I plug any of those sort of engine vitals into the Megasquirt, I can just easily look at them. And that's a pretty streamlined process. The Megasquirt is easy to plug things into and now that I have this digital dash it's really easy to look at them.

So honestly, I was a little bit skeptical about this one in terms of how it would look at the end, and now granted with all this masking tape it's a little hard to imagine but if you can imagine without the masking tape, I think it's gonna look sweet and it certainly is functional. It's really nice to have all these gauges and I'm really excited to be able to do more with the Megasquirt.

I think that this makes it easier for me to spend some more time messing with the Megasquirt. So in my opinion, this is worth it. If you're modifying your car to the point that you really started to need to be able to keep an eye on things, absolutely go with the digital dash.

I can't wait to get the new gauge cover in from Mazda and once I do, I'll trim it up, make it match, you know this one and we'll be in business. So thank you guys so much for watching us install this digital dash and bring the Miata into the 21st century.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @zackjobe and follow Donut @donutmedia. I'll see you guys next Wednesday. (car engine revs)

Oh, oh-ho dark mode Jobe, what's going on man. Long time no see. He looks so cool. Hey, ooh, man he did look cool.

Everybody can look as cool as dark mode Jobe just by going to to check out our new limited edition dark mode drop. We're doing the OG Donut shirt, all black but it's also reflective, so if you're hanging out in a trash can at night and somebody shines a flashlight on you, boom they'll get hit with a reflective Donut, sweet.

Then we've also got our dark mode boost creeps T-shirt, one of my personal favorites, not reflective, so you can get away with some sneaky stuff in the dark. There's also a hat, right? We don't have it yet. Okay, well apparently it's so dark you can't even see it.

Limited edition Donut stickers, OG logo in reflective black. Head over to and snag yourself part of our limited edition dark mode drop. As for me, I'm gonna go hang out with JFK. (upbeat music)

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- When you modify a car, youeventually need to be ableto monitor a bunch of engine vitals.Obviously you can just addsome gauges, which we've done,we've added a few gaugesto the Miata already,but when you wanna keep an eyeon a lot of stuff, what do you do?You just add a bunch of gauges,maybe some on the A-pillar.Yeah, I mean, I guess that works,but in the case of the Miataspace is already so tightand my visibility isalready pretty obstructed.I don't wanna do that.But I do wanna keep aneye on a lot of stuff.So what do I do, well todayI'm gonna be pulling outthe old analog gauge clusterand replacing it with a digital dashthat should let us keep an eye on anythingthat the Megasquirt can see.So it should be really sweet,as long as we can get it installedwithout looking too junky,and I think we can do it.I'm Zach, and this is Money Pit,let's get digital.(upbeat music)- A big thanks to Lords Mobilefor sponsoring today's episode.You know I'm always lookingfor ways to kill timewhile Zach Jobe helps me out on my truckwhile my shoulder heals.Hey Jobe, how you doing buddy?- Almost done here Jerry.- Okay, thanks.I'll keep helping out up here.(jackpot sounds)I've been getting into more SLG gamesand one of my go-tos is Lords Mobile.It is a top mobile gamethat is all about strategy.In the game you can choosearmy troops and hero formationsand create a bad ass city.There are more and more peoplejoining the game every day.They already have over340 million players.Holy crap is that real?That's crazy.That's like way bigger than Donut.Anyways, you can join theguild to play the game todaywith some guild mates whoare from all over the world.And because Lords Mobilelikes your old pal Jerry,they wanted to offer you guys the chanceto win some brand newiPhone 12. (air horns blows)Yeah, you're welcome.All you have to do is clickthe link in the descriptionand the top three playersin the might rank sectioncan win one iPhone 12 each,and you can increase your mightby building your kingdom and leveling up,and you can even spin the lucky wheelfor your chance to winone of the iPhone 12sand a bunch of other awesome prizesevery time you upgrade your castle.- So click thelink in the descriptionfor your chance to winan iPhone 12 and cash.Plus a special $350 Lords Mobile gift packwill be automaticallyoffered to all participantsafter downloading the game.- Jobe, what is taking so long?(footsteps recede)(rolling)That explains a lot.- You know what that looks like.It looks like one of them,digital picture frames.- Oh yeah, it kind of does look at Nolan.So here's what we got.This is a 12.3 inch wide screendigital dash from DD-EFI.It is pretty sweet.It's built to be plug andplay with the Megasquirt,so we'll be able to seeanything on the Megasquirt.This is almost justlike a computer monitor.I'll be able to tune fromthis screen too if I want to.It's also got its own GPS for speedometer,which is also quite nice.Now, temporarily, I'm gonnalose the functionalityof my fuel level gaugeand my oil pressure gauge,which I'm not okay with long-termbut I can get that stuffplugged into the Megasquirtand then I'll be ableto see it on this dash,that's just anotherproject for another day.But the real trick is gonna begetting this thing installedin the area that the old gauges were.This thing is A, really bigand B, not meant to go there.So it's gonna be a little bittricky to get this installedin a way that looks decent,in a way that doesn't keep me up at night.So that is gonna be the hard partbut I think we're goingto be able to do it.(upbeat music)All we're gonna have todo is pull out the screwsthat hold the gauge clusterin and disconnect it.We're also gonna takeoff this little coveroff the steering column right here,just another couple of screws.Pretty much everything inthe interior of the Miatais held together byjust a couple of screws.Okay.Oh yeah, gauge screw.So you remember a long time agowhen we were at the racetrack,all my gauges would shut off repeatedly.Well, that's the thing with the Miata.And even if everything'sworking correctly,if you over rev it, sometimesthe gauges will pop anywaywhich has happened to me since.Since we're gonna beinstalling this digital dash,it's no longer gonna be on that circuitand it's no longergonna do that ever, so--I caught a 13 incher baby,two and a half pounds.All right.So this thing is prettybig and it's even biggerwith this universal 3D printedbezel that it comes with.I wanna be able tore-install this at the end.Now this one specifically is super brokenin pretty much every way,but I'm gonna use this one to testfor this and get everything done,cause I know I'm gonna need to trim this.So obviously it's not gonna work as is,it's not gonna work with this big bezel.And I think that we'vegot some depth issues toowith just how thick this is.So I think we're gonnahave to take mattersinto our own hands.Kind of take this thing apartand dismantle it a little bitand put it back together ina way that fits hopefully.- Hopefully.- Hopefully.(upbeat music)All right.So now we've got the screenitself removed from the guts,let's go kind of lay this in the dashand see if this thing itself will fit.Looks like if I can mount that there,the cover will go back on I think.Now it's nice we've got allthese little threaded standoffs,so I should be able to use theseto mount it one way or another.I think if I just make some tabs,I'll be able to use theoriginal mounting locationsfor the original gauges.Oh yeah.I think that's gonna work just fine.So now let's get the screen out of hereand start working on wiring.Basically we're gonnaneed to find a sourceof constant 12 volts, asource of ignition 12 voltsand a source of like door open12 volts and then a ground.Then we've just got torun a USB cable backto the Megasquirt, pullout the old multi-meterand figure out whereto wire this thing in.(upbeat music)Okay, so I think we've got a plan.I'm gonna use the oldharness from the door buzzerthat I disconnected a while back.So this has both ground and ithas a switch 12 volt source,so when I turn the key on12 volts shows up right hereand I've got the ground thatI can use, which is great.Then I just need aconstant source of 12 voltswhich I'm gonna take fromthe dome light over there.So now at this point, all Igot to do is make a few jumperwires to go from where I'm taking powerfrom to the dash.I'm just kind of roughlyestimating the lengththat I need these to be, I'll chop them,and then I'll turn them to beperfect once I get them in.But this is the kind ofthing I'm gonna starta little bit long and thendial it in once I install it.(upbeat music)Plenty of that super good measuring.Okay, now let's go getthese put in the carand then we're one whole step closer.So plug our little jumpersright into this harness.We should have ground,ground and 12 volts.All right.So we got 12 volts, thekey on and we got groundso now we just need toget that constant 12 voltswhich we're gonna pull from over there.We're almost there.All right.So we're fishing this powerwire from the passenger sideto the driver's side,which can be a huge painif you don't have apiece of metal like this.This is a piece of weldingrod I brought from home,but you can use a straightenedout wire, coat hanger,or you know, whatever, a stickthat you found in the yard.Anything that makes thiseasier is your friend.(upbeat music)Okay, so now we've got ourjumper wires in the car.So now I'm just fishingthem up to where the dashis gonna go, then I'll cut them to fitand then I'll splice on the jumperthat actually goes into the dash.And then all the real wiring is done.All right.So now we've got our jumper wiresstrung up to where the dash is gonna go,we've got our dash harness.If that's what you wanna call it,ready to connect to these,so all I'm gonna do is connect them.(upbeat music)All right, so now that's placedall we need to do is runour USB extension cableand mount our little GPS thingy.Okay, so that was real easy.Now, what was the other thing?Oh yeah, the USB thing.I had to go to a mallyesterday, it was weird.(cat meows)Okay, so this is basicallyjust gonna bridgefrom the Megasquirt to the dash.So I'm gonna pop out thecenter console real quickbecause I'm gonna go upunder and then up to the backand I'm gonna have it hanging out backbetween the seats somewhere.So let's get the center console out.You know, it's not a dayof working on the Miataif you don't have to at leasttake out the center console.(upbeat music)All right.Now we've got to throw this back together.Yeah, I mean, not too bad,could have trimmed a littlemore of that wire offbut we'll just tuck it back there,just like that and we'llnever see it again.(upbeat music)All right.Well, it's not that easyto put in with Allen key,but it is in, and I think it's gonna workand it actually looks prettygood and it is quite sturdy.So let's see if we canget this thing working.Okay, so it's the moment of truth.I'm just gonna turn the keyon and see what happens.I'm kind of interested tosee what this looks like,I have no idea what, what to expect.Hopefully it looks cool.Hopefully it works.Is the fan making any noise?(laughs)Flames bro.Wow.So it pretty much justkind of looks like windows.So I'm gonna be able toconfigure these gaugesin any way you can configuregauges on Megasquirt.Let's see if we can getthis thing hooked up to our,our keyboard.Okay, after a littlebit of fiddling aroundand having to go find a USBdrive, we got it working.It's connected to the Megasquirtand I think it's gonna be pretty sweet.So right now we're just lookingat kind of the traditionalMegasquirt screen, the standard gauges,and you can see it's connected,it's actually working.Hey, not bad.And then obviously all thisis configurable I'm sure.Ooh.The amber LED, dang!This is nitride or this thing is sweet.Man, okay, all right.Well, I don't wanna get too suckedinto just playing with thisright now because as easyas it would be to dothat, we're not done yet.Still have to trim the old gauge cover upto make it fit with the new gauge.So I'm gonna use this old junky one,get it trimmed up and get itflush with our new screen.Should look good.(upbeat music)Yeah, that aught to do it.That's should hold that in place for now.It looks real nice too.All right, before we go drive this thingI wanna get this dash kind of set upso that we're looking at allthe vitals that we care aboutor at least what we can access for now.So I'm gonna customizeour dash a little bitand then we'll go drive it.All right, so just from the factory,this kind of comes withsome random stuff up here.So I've just gone aheadand put some thingsthat I care about on the screen.Like we've got our vacuumand our boost up there now,we've got throttleposition, air fuel ratio,intake air temp, our batteryvoltage, coolant tempand obviously we've gotmiles per hour and RPM.There are dozens and dozensif not hundreds of optionsof things that I can lookat, which is really nice.You know, if I need to monitor anythingall I gotta do is goclick on it and look at itrather than install yet another gauge.So this is really starting to seemlike it is pretty worth it.So I think I'm gonnafull screen this thingand take it for a spin.(engine revs)You know, I can't lie, thismakes me feel kind of cool.Look at all my gauges,look at all my data.Look at all the thingsthat I know about my car.That's how you know thatI'm really a car guy,because I can monitor all thethings going on in my car.Obviously that said, I can'tyet monitor my fuel levelor my oil pressure,but the nice thing iswith this digital dashis that now whenever I plug any of thosesort of engine vitals into the Megasquirt,I can just easily look at them.And that's a pretty streamlined process.The Megasquirt is easyto plug things into,and now that I have this digital dashit's really easy to look at them.So honestly, I was a little bit skepticalabout this one in terms ofhow it would look at the end,and now granted with all this masking tapeit's a little hard to imagine,but if you can imaginewithout the masking tape, Ithink it's gonna look sweetand it certainly is functional.It's really nice to have all these gaugesand I'm really excitedto be able to do morewith the Megasquirt.I think that this makes it easier for meto spend some more timemessing with the Megasquirt.So in my opinion, this is worth it.If you're modifying your carto the point that you really startedto need to be able tokeep an eye on things,absolutely go with the digital dash.I can't wait to get the newgauge cover in from Mazda,and once I do, I'll trimit up, make it match,you know this one andwe'll be in business.So thank you guys so much for watchingus install this digital dashand bring the Miata into the 21st century.Don't forget to followme on Instagram @zackjobeand follow Donut @donutmedia.I'll see you guys next Wednesday.(car engine revs)- Oh, oh-ho dark modeJobe, what's going on man.Long time no see.- Ooh. (falls)He looks so cool.Hey, ooh, man he did look cool.- Everybody can look ascool as dark mode Jobejust by going to donutmedia.comto check out our new limitededition dark mode drop.We're doing the OG Donut shirt, all blackbut it's also reflective,so if you're hanging outin a trash can at nightand somebody shines a flashlight on you,boom they'll get hit witha reflective Donut, sweet.Then we've also got our darkmode boost creeps T-shirt,one of my personalfavorites, not reflective,so you can get away with somesneaky stuff in the dark.There's also a hat, right?- We don't have it yet.- Okay, well apparently it'sso dark you can't even see it.Limited edition Donut stickers,OG logo in reflective black.Head over to donutmedia.comand snag yourselfpart of our limitededition dark mode drop.As for me, I'm gonna go hang out with JFK.(upbeat music)