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F1 Engines: The Creme de la Creme of Engines
F1 engines are considered the crème de la crème of engines. They're designed by the best engineers, using the best materials, and manufactured using a 3,000-year-old process. It may seem surprising to hear that such advanced technology relies on an ancient method.
However, it turns out that F1 engine blocks have been built using this old-school method with a new-age trick - 3D sand printing. This is evident from the engine block of the Money Pit Miata, which we'll take a closer look at later in the article.
The Engine Block: The Most Important Stationary Part
When it comes to modifying your car, the engine block might not be the most exciting component. Nevertheless, it plays a vital role in ensuring that the engine works properly. As the largest stationary part of the engine, its purpose is not only to support components like pistons and cranks but also to transfer heat.
The fascinating thing about this type of engine block is that it's been made using the same process for a very long time. Engine blocks are primarily made by machining or casting.
Machining: A Sexy Process?
You might think machining is a sexy process, and in many ways, it is! It involves taking a large hunk of aluminum alloy and cutting away material to shape the engine block into the desired form. This process is called subtractive manufacturing, as you're essentially removing material to achieve the desired shape.
CNC Machines: The Key to Precision
The machine part that's used to create the engine block is typically made by a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine. These machines are capable of precision work and can perform complex operations with ease. While not every machine part on a car is exciting, an entire engine block is certainly super nifty!
The Benefits of Engine Blocks
Engine blocks that are created using machining or casting have several benefits. They're stronger, lighter, and guaranteed to make your fans say, "Wow!" The use of advanced materials and manufacturing techniques has transformed the way engine blocks are made.
In the next section, we'll take a closer look at the 3D sand printing process used to create the Money Pit Miata's engine block.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- F1 engines are the cremede la creme of engines.They're designed by the best engineersusing the best materialsand manufactured usinga 3000 year old process.Hold on, what?As it turns out, they've beenbuilding their engine blocksby way of an old-schoolmethod with a new age trick.It's 3D sand printingand today we're gonna see how it works.Let's go.(upbeat music)This is the engine blockfrom the Money Pit Miata.Now the block might be oneof the least sexy itemswhen it comes to modifying your car.But in terms of makingsure your engine works,it's the most important stationary part.It's the biggest part of the engineand its purpose is to not onlysupport all the componentslike the pistons and cranksand all that good stuff,but it also transfers heat.And the fascinating thingabout a block like thisis that it's been made using the same wayfor a very long time.Engine blocks areprimarily made by machiningor casting.Now machining, ooh, it's sexy.(slow music)You take a big old hunk of aluminum alloyand you start cutting away materialto shape the engine block how you want it.It's called subtractive manufacturing,since you're subtractingor removing materialand it's typically done by a CNC machine.Any machine part on a car is pretty nifty.But an entire machine block,that is super nifty.Okay, the scale's like this, okay.Not nifty, pretty nifty, super nifty.These blocks are stronger, lighter,they're guaranteed tomake your people say,"Pretty nifty."Now there are few downsidesto machining a block.It's more expensive and you're limitedto the internal cutoutsand shapes you can make.If you have certain internal passagewaysor pockets for cooling a CNCmight not be able to do it.You're limited to the physical limitationsof having to cut away material.For example, say I wannamake this hallow thermostatthat I pulled off of Jope's Miata.He didn't know I took it, but I did,'cause I needed an example.From Jope's Miata.Jope's Miata.He didn't know I took it.Now if I wanted to CNC this part,it would be very difficult.One, because it has a lotof complex bends in it.And two, it's hollow.Now CNC wouldn't be ableto do the inside cutsthat I would need to make this piece.I could do it in halvesand then weld it togetheror do it in sectionsand clamp it together.But that takes more timeand it's more expensive.So, how was this part made?Well, this piece was made using casting.And now my hands are freaking dirty.Clean your thermostat, Jope.(upbeat music)Casting metal has been aroundfor thousands of years.The oldest surviving castpart isn't even a tool.It was a toy.You know what we should do,maybe we should make our own toy.Something like maybe a Miata.Maybe we'll make it.Casting is a process inwhich you take metal,you heat it up until it liquefiesand then you pour thatliquid metal into the moldthat's in the shape of your part.You let the metal cool inside the moldwhere it solidifiesand then you have yournice, shiny cast part.When we're talking aboutcasting engine blocks,there's specifically two main methods.There's die casting,which you take your moldand metal and you inject itinto dies under high pressure.And there's sand casting,which you have a mold made from sandand then you pour yourliquid metal into that mold.The molds have these outerwalls that define the shapeof the outside of the blockwith other cores that define the shapeof the internal cavities.The molds are made out ofglue, sand and a hardener.When you mix these three together,it creates a material thatcould withstand the heatfrom liquid metal being poured into them.Or as I call it, liquid hot magma.Each mold is made up ofmultiple cords that fit togetherlike a puzzle.And to make each sand mold a machine blowsthat sand-glue mixture into an iron moldand it injects a gas toactivate the hardenerso the molds solidifies.And once you have your base core mold,you assemble all the other cores onto itto build an entire systemthat is your engine block.Once the mold and metal ispoured in and has solidified,the part goes into an ovenwhere the sand-glue mixture breaks downand the sand is shaken out.Leaving you with your engine block.Take our cast aluminumthermostat for example.So the mold for thiswould have a few parts.The first is the twohalves of the exteriorof this thermostat.But how do we create the internal cavityso that the piece is hollow?Well, we create a second corethat sits in betweenthe two exterior halves.So when the metal flows into the mold,the internal core blocks the liquid metalfrom filling the inside of the part.Leaving you with a hollow space.(pretending to blow a trumpet)We still cast a lot of parts today.Not only in the automotive world,but in things like cookingpans, tools, boat propellers,patio furniture, mail boxes.There's tons of stuff out there madeusing the casting process.And there are a few reasons why.One, you can cast extremely large partsor parts with complicated shapes.Shapes outside thecapabilities of a CNC machine,like my thermostat here.Two, you can use castingwhen you need a partmade out of a specific alloy.You can mix different metalsto formulate an alloy specificto your application.And three, casting ischeaper than machining.When you're trying to cut down costs,this is a good way to do it.Once you have the mold made,you can essentially duplicateyour parts much quicker.So if you need to make a lot of something,casting is a really good wayto pump out a lot of identical parts.But what about when you don't wantto mass manufacture parts?What if you want to quicklychange your block designto implement better featuresthat improve your race engine?You wanna make some tweaks,'cause you're a tweaker.You want the ability toquickly change your part designlike you would with the machine part,but use the casting processto create the unique shapethat your block requires.If only there was such a technologythat would solve these problems.(phone ringing)Oh my God, my phone's ringing.Hello.(animated voice)3D sand printing.Oh yeah, you did write this episode.Okay, I'll see you this weekend.Love you, Mom.My mom wrote this.(laughing)Sand printing is similar to 3D printing.But instead of printing thepart you print the mold.You have layers of 0.25millimeter thick sandthat are printed with alayer of chemical binderin between each layer.You begin with a thin layer of sand.Then the printer headsprays binder on the areasthat will take shape of the mold.Another thin layer ofsand is evenly distributedon top of the previous printed layerand then the printerhead sprays more glue.And you gradually createyour mold, slice by slice,layer by layer.By building up a mold this way,not only is it faster, it allows for youto have some unique casting geometrythat you couldn't get ina typical casting process.So the million dollar question,"How does it work?"Well, it's a simple five-step process.The first step isgenerating a 3D CAD model.Typically this is done byfirst creating the 3D imageof the parts.That's something I would do.And then I would send it to a companythat specializes in 3D sand printing.Where they would take that CAD fileand create a usableinversion for the mold.Just like with traditional sand castingwe have to create thereversed image of our partfor the metal to take shape of.Gotta start thinking,you gotta be an invert.Can you do that?It's really hard.Once you have the CAD file for the mold,it's time to use the 3Dprinter to manufacture it.And there's two ways in which it's done.The first is a cold curing process.The binder gets sprayedfrom the print headat ambient temperatures.That's why it's called cold,'cause it's just normal temp.Once the part is finishedit is already glazedwhich makes it robust.And suitable for larger molds.But for the more intriguedcords you need a stiffer,more accurate sand.So you need to use a hot curing process.An infrared lamp in theprinter heats the layersof binder in between the sandto initiate the curing processand evaporate off any moisturebefore the parts are placed in a microwavefor their final cure.The sand itself is a criticalpiece in making the mold.And there are multiple types of sandthat can be used.The sand has to be strong enoughto withstand the thermal loadsof 700 degrees C liquid metal.But also be weak enough tobe shaken out of the mold.And when in contactwith the mold and metal,the sand would want toexpand by about one percent.And that one percent mightnot seem like that much.But this is an engineblock we're talking about.Their precise tolerance isthat need to be maintained.So for the sections thatneed more precision,there are different types of sandthat use different chemistriesand curing mechanisms.Let's take our thermostat for example.Now say we want thethickness of this thermostatto be two millimeters.A standard grain of sandis about 0.2 millimeters.So we would only have about10 layers of sand buildinto our mold.Not only is this weak,but the liquid metal couldpenetrate between these grains,creating a thicker partthan we specked out.So to combat this, wewould use a synthetic sandthat is half the size,0.1 millimeters thick,and we would hot cure itduring the printing process.This will increase the amount of grainsin those thinner sections.The more grains, the more surface areafor the glue to attach to.And the more layers we have.20 versus 10.Now, when I mentioned beforethat 3D sand printing allowsfor more unique casting geometry,this is what I'm talking about.We can get aways withmaking more intrigued shapeswith finer tolerances.(upbeat music)Once the mold is printed upit's time to pour in our nice, hot metal.During the pouring processthe metal can splash aroundwhich introduces turbulencein the liquid metal.And when you have a turbulentpour the quality of metal,once it solidifies, isof a lesser quality.The molds, they're filled fromthe bottom to the top uphill,meaning there are holesin the bottom of the moldand the liquid metal getspushed in from the bottom,rather than pouring itinto the top of the mold.Now if we were to pour from the top,you expose the metal to air more.The surface area ofthe metal being exposedto the air with a top pour is much morethan if we were togradually fill the mold upfrom the bottom.So why does all that matter?Well, aluminum oxide formswhen the liquid aluminum reactswith oxygen in the air.It forms a ceramicand that ceramic blocksthe metal moleculesfrom binding properly.This can lead to differentmaterials distributedin the casting.If you have a nonuniformcasting, you have weak spots.That's a no brainer, you want buff spots,like my arms, okay.You don't want weak spots.You don't want to hear aboutthe weak relationship I havewith my sister.I want my truck back, Christina.I want it back now.You could only hide behind that boyfriendthat you married for so long, Christina.(laughing)So we want to minimize theamount of contact the metal haswith air during the pour.When the liquid metalcools, it forms a solid.And the rate at whichit cools is importantbecause you achieve certainfunctional propertiesout of that metal, dependingon how fast or slow it cools.Mold and metal solidifiesby transferring heatto its surroundings, whichin this case is the sand.And certain areas of thecasting can either be insulatedto keep the metal in its liquid stateor placed next to a heat sinkthat pulls the heat away,so the metal solidifies faster.By adding heat sinks at various spotsalong the mold,you could precisely controlthe rate of cooling.And when you control the rate of cooling,you control the crystalinstructure of the partas it transitions froma liquid to a solid.Man, we should do amaterial science episode.'Cause it's pretty cool stuff.Different areas of the engine blockexperience different stresses.The head of an engine is goingto experience differentforces acting on itthan an engine mound for example.The combustion process isgoing to fatigue the head.So if we cool that sectionof the mold faster,it will create a smaller microstructurein the metal with smaller grains.And those smaller grains are betterat minimizing the effects of fatigue,due to the combustion process.Tight little grains.Once the part has been castand has gone through a series of machiningand heat treatments,the analysis begins.This is all fun stuff.Most parts goes straight into a CT scannerwhere a beam of X-rays ispassed through the partand a line detector builds up the imagesin these various small sizes.That data is then importedinto a software programwhich reconstructs theimage into a 3D modelof the actual part.So then they take that 3D modeland they overlay it with the CAD modelto verify if the castingcame out correctly.Then after that, you got yourfreaking engine block, baby.A sweet, sexy F1 cast engine block.Wroom-wroom.So the benefits of 3D sandprinting are pretty obvious.One of them is you getto make mini iterationsin a quicker time.If you wanted to modify a partusing older traditional casting methods,it would take you weeks, sometimes months,'cause you'd have to create a new moldand that takes time.But with 3D sand printingyou can make minute,intrigued changes andget your part deliveredin only a couple of days.This is great, for say,someone who's in the F1 world.Thank you guys so much forwatching this episode of B2B.I think we're gonna do anepisode where I make a forgeand I actually cast my own parts.Maybe we'd do some specialone-off key chains,B2B key chains or emblems.Maybe a freaking chain.I don't know if it will make a B2B episodebut maybe we'll put itout on the underground.So comment down below,see if that's somethingthat you would like to see.Follow us here at Donuton Instagram @donutmedia.Follow me @jeremiaburton.Until next week.Bye for now.