Can You Game on a Mac? (2017)
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Austin here, guys! Today we're going to find out if you can actually game on a Mac. To do this, I have two of the most recent MacBooks in front of me. This is the baseline 13-inch MacBook.
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WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin,and today we're going to find out,can you actually game on a Mac?So to find out, I have twoof the most recent Macbooksin front of me. So this isthe base line 13" model,so it has a dual core Core i5 processor,8 gigabytes of memory, andintegrated Iris graphics.Where I also have a 15" maxed out model,with the Core i7 quad core,16 gigabytes of memoryand the dedicated Radeon Pro 460 graphics.Obviously, no one should go out and buy aMac as a gaming PC, theyjust don't make sense.However, what I'm curious about is if youalready do have a Mac for whatever reason,can you play games on them at all?What's kind of cool isthat over half of mySteam library will workon macOS, no problem.Now, a couple of thingsactually have changed onthe gaming side of Macin the last couple years.Most notably, Metal.This is very similar to a lower level API,such as DirectX12 on thePC, or something like Vulkan,and essentially, it should allow us to getbetter performance by abstracting all thestuff in the middle and letting the gameget as close to the hardware as possible.To start with, I want to try F1 2016,which does take advantageof Metal on the Mac.Now I'm going to startusing the 13" Macbook Pro,as I feel like this is pretty similar tothe Macs that most people are using.So it looks like this works pretty well.I don't have a way oftesting the exact frameratesbut to my eye it looks nice and smooth.No torn frames or anythingdropping too badly.So right now I'm using thePlaystation 4 controller,which interestinglyenough, actually just worksstraight out of the box.You literally just pair itvia bluetooth and that's it.Oh, nope, you can't goflat out everywhere,no, no, nope, no, no, no, no. (laughs)Okay, so maybe you actuallycan't go flat out everywhere.I will say the graphicsare not the greatest,so we're running at 1280 by 800but, I mean, I would say thatthis looks roughly equivalentto something like an Xbox 360 gameso it's hard to know exactly how much ofa difference Metal makes sinceI actually can't turn it offbut considering that I'm runningon an integrated graphicsthis doesn't look bad at all.Next up, we have Minecraftand because of ourwonderful dongle life, Ihave to use an adapter,but besides that, we should be good to go.So max framerate, 60, VSync, yep,Maximum, Fancy, this ispretty much all turned up.Minecraft's easy. (laughs)I mean, after runningMinecraft on the Raspbery Pi,I'm really not surprised thatanything can run Minecraft,but I think the nicething is that we're reallynot losing anything with the Macbook Pro.Yeah, maybe you can do stufflike shaders and whatnot on PC,but to be fair, a lot of mods, in fact,I think most of them actually should bejust completely fine to run on Mac.(singing doo in rhythm)I was just having fun,and then Ken startedzooming the camera and pointing at my faceso I feel like that justmade in in the video.Next, we have CS:GO.Now this is another gameI know will run on Macbut what I'm curiousabout is what happens ifwe actually try to crank upthe resolution and settings.Alright, it works but it'sdefinitely dropping some frames.To be fair, we actually areplaying at 2560 by 1600.It's decent, but let's see if we can crankthe settings down a little bit.Oh, that's way better.So cranking the resolutiondown to 1280 by 800pretty much immediatelyfixes all the problems.There is a little bit ofscreen tearing though,which is interesting.Almost immediately, Icould tell this is usable.It's definitely playablebut it's not as niceas it would be on amachine running Windows.So next we have Rocket League, and again,this is another game thatnatively does supportthe DualShock 4.So it thinks that we can run at 900p withpretty much everything crankedup, so let's give it a try.It looks like we actually have pretty muchthe full Rocket League experience here.Graphic wise, on highit looks pretty nice.We've got stuff like therain, and the particle effect.And, uh, no!How did that happen?I am noticing some framerate drops,it's maybe not thesmoothest thing in the worldbut we definitely do have a lot of room tocrank the graphics down if we need to.Next, I want to see how a morepowerful Mac handles games.So we have the 15" Pro.So the first trial that I want to tryis StarCraft 2; notexactly a brand new gamebut it does have support for Metal.So right now we're running at 1650 by 1050with everything set to high and again,it seems to be running nice and smooth,which is important fora game like StarCraft.So the first thing that'sactually throwing me offa lot is actually the keyboard.The Command, Option,Control and Function keysare not remotely in the same spot asthey are in Windows soall my muscle memoryis just completely shot right now.For example, my escapekey is a software key,which seems like itwould be a big problem.Especially for a gamewhere I'm actually kind ofcanceling commands sometimesbut it actually kind of works.Can the Macbook successfullyhelp me win a gameagainst an easy AI, or I guess, a hard AI?Yes.The answer is I canactually kind of play this.Next, we have Shadow of Mordor.Even though this is a couple years old,this has been one of my favorite gamesto benchmark PCs for quite a whileand for what I remember,the port to Mac and Linuxis actually pretty decent.I really actually dolike Shadow of Mordor.It kind of feels a little bit likeplaying some of the Batman gamesthat it's kind of a bitlike a hack and slash.Like God of War or something but one thingyou actually should be careful of,especially with these kindof more high end games,is to make sure that you have a Mac that'sgoing to be compatible.Lighter stuff, like CS:GO,should run on basically anything,but a lot of these games specificallydo need a dedicated graphicscard, or a quad core processor,or something, so don'tjust expect that youcould just pick up any gameand it's going to work.Yo, am I going to beat,like, 40 guys right nowby myself on a Macbook?Pretty proud of that.Of course, you could run Windows on a Macvia Bootcamp which willopen up pretty muchall the games in the universe,but that doesn't get around the fact thatyou should not buy a Mac for gaming.However, if you alreadyhave one and you justwant to play a few games,it's totally usable.So, what do you guys thinkabout gaming on a Mac in 2017?Let me know in the comments belowand I will catch you in the next one.