2018 iPad Pro - Unboxing, Setup and First Look

**Introduction to the iPad Pro**

As I held the iPad Pro in my hands, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity about this new device from Apple. The display is stunning, with crisp and vibrant colors that seem to pop off the screen. The bezels are thin, and the overall design is sleek and modern. As I flipped it over, I noticed the cameras in the upper-right corner, which click into place like a well-oiled machine.

**First Impressions**

The keyboard, which was attached to the back of the device, felt flimsy at first, but as I began to use it, I realized that it was actually quite cleverly designed. The ability to tilt the screen up or down made typing a breeze, and I found myself using the "tilted" position more often than not. However, one feature that did take some getting used to was the fact that when the keyboard is attached in place, it can be difficult to hold the device in a stable position, as the keyboard sticks out from the back of the screen.

**Using the iPad Pro**

As I began to use the iPad Pro, I was struck by its speed and responsiveness. The Apple Pencil glided effortlessly across the screen, and I found myself using it more and more as I worked through various tasks. The iPad Pro is incredibly powerful, with a Geekbench score of 16,055, which is impressive considering that it's still running iOS 12.

**Geekbench Results**

When I ran Geekbench on the iPad Pro, I was blown away by its performance. With a score of 5,051, it's clear that this device is capable of handling demanding tasks with ease. However, I did notice that the results were tempered by the fact that the device was running in "background activity" mode, which reduced the scores slightly.

**iOS 13 and Final Cut Pro**

One feature that I'm really looking forward to seeing implemented on the iPad Pro is support for Final Cut Pro. With the release of iOS 13, Apple has promised to bring a range of new features and capabilities to the device, including improved video editing capabilities. While we'll have to wait until later in the review to see how these features work in practice, I'm confident that the iPad Pro will be a game-changer for creative professionals.

**Storage and Expansion**

One feature that's worth noting is the lack of expandable storage on the iPad Pro. With a 64GB or 256GB model available from launch, users may find themselves wishing for more space to store their files and apps. However, Apple has introduced a USB-C SD card reader, which allows users to expand their storage capacity.

**Gestures and Navigation**

One feature that's taken some getting used to is the new gesture system on the iPad Pro. With a swipe-up gesture unlocking the device, I found myself struggling to adjust to the new way of navigating the interface. However, Apple has also introduced a clever system for accessing other features, such as the App Store, by swiping up and then bringing something else into view.


As I continued to use the iPad Pro, I couldn't help but feel that this device is truly ahead of its time. With its powerful processor, stunning display, and clever design, it's clear that Apple has created something truly special. While there are a few minor quibbles with the device, including the lack of expandable storage and some confusion with the gestures, I'm confident that the iPad Pro will be a hit with users.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andthis is the 12 point 9 inch iPad prothis is the 256 gigabyte model so thatmeans this is $1149 pretty expensive andthen I also have the smart Keyboardfolio we'll take a look at and the newApple pencil now let's go ahead and openthis up and this goes all the way up toa terabyte and you can spend about$2,000 for an iPad pro now so I'm hopingthat means Apple has some big plans foriOS 13 so let me set these over to theside until we get to those and let'sopen this up let's set this aside andI've been using a 12.9 iPad pro theoriginal first gen 4 well since it cameout and I've been looking forward togetting a new one it doesn't have promotion on it and this does so we'll takea little bit closer look at this in amoment let's see what we get in the boxso we've got our USB see now that thisis USB C so USB C to USB C and thenwe've got a new wall adapter that's alittle bit different so this one let'stake this cover off of it here this onelet's see if we can see how many wattsit is now I actually zoomed in to thisand it doesn't really say but I thinkit's somewhere around 30 we'll take acloser look at that in a bit but let'sset these aside since I'm going to usethese so move this let's take a look atwhat we've got inside here and so we'vegot our literature if it's talking aboutface ID since we have that now nothingelse now this is the Wi-Fi model if Ididn't mention that before and we dohave some stickers in here I waswondering if we did or not see there'ssome larger Apple stickers so let's putthis away and take a closer look sohere's the plug you could charge aniPhone with this if you had the rightplug of course or the right adapterlet's take this off hereand this of course is in space gray soyou can see it's just all glass twelvepoint nine inch and before we turn it onlet's compare it to the old one just tosee what it looks like so next to ityou'll see there's the older twelvepoint nine inch it's quite a bit smallerit's a little bit thinner and see if wecan do this you'll see it's a little bitthinner a little bit narrower andshorter and I really like this design solet me set the iPad aside and I reallylike this design it's much more like theiPhone 5 which is one of my favorites sowe'll turn it on there but on the bottomyou'll see USBC we have our speakerswe've got our little pen or pencilcharge port here volume up and down morespeakers here some microphones powersleep-wake and it looks like anothermicrophone here now on the back we haveour pogo pins connector that's for thekeyboard and then we have our camerawith microphone and LED flash so let'sturn it around here see if it turns on Idon't know why I hasn't there we goand this is a 120 Hertz pro motiondisplay so we'll get this set up andthen we'll take a look at theaccessories now this has the a 12 Xprocessor in it so let's take a look atthis will swipe up quick start if youhave an iPhone or iPad running iOS 11 orlater I'm going to set that up with theold iPad so here's the 12.9 it'simmediately asking me to set it up it'sgoing to connect and then saw to be alittle interesting with these giantiPads but see what we can do here it'sgoing to set it up activate it and thisisn't the cellular version it's theWi-Fi version and this is the new Retinadisplay it's a little weird that thesecorners are not exactly met up if yousee what I mean or not the same angle asthese here so that's a little bitdifferentbut data and privacy tap continuewe'll move this one aside and this iswhere we set up face ID so we'll hitcontinue face ID is set up will itcontinue setting up your Apple ID so nowwe can restore from a backup will itcontinueI'll set Apple pay up later and thenthere's Siri so Siri is ready and setupI continue app analytics true tone youcan see with or without it's very bluewithout now it's going to restore fromiCloud and this could take a littlewhile so now I would like to see thisdesign come to iPhone I really missthese curved edges or or sharpened edgesrather as opposed to the curved edgeswhile we're waiting for that to restorelet's take a look at the pencil now thispencil will not work with any other iPadpro and neither will the older iPad propencil work with this one so the firstgen is for the last generation iPads andthis one is for this it's up about ahundred and thirty dollars now so I'llopen it up here and there's the pencilitself let's see what we've gotten hereso just a little information guide againor literature and some warrantyinformation so here's the new pencillet's go ahead and unwrap it and it'sgot a matte finish to it which I hitread about or heard others say about itit says pencil there and it's flat onthe one side the tip seems about thesame but if there's a little bit smallerlet's bring that back on yeah it is alittle bit smaller you'll see it'sshorter you don't have this goofycharging anymore now it charges throughthe port or the magnetic port on the topso we'll take a look at that in a moment- or I guess it's not really a port it'sjust a wireless charger and we're stillwaiting for it nowthis clicks on to the side looks like itclicks on to this side over here justlike thatso it's magnetic it's a good firm gripactually and while we wait for thatlet's take a look at the smart Keyboardfolio so it looks like this also liftsoff like the other boxes there we go nowthis is $200 and it's a pretty expensivefolio keyboard flip it over here andit's just got a little slot fordocumentation here on the side and itsays iPad pro smart keyboard folio andthen that's it it shows you how toinstall it so we'll close this move thisaside swipe up to unlock it says so tapthe screen swipe up to unlock we'll haveto put in the passcode the first timerestore completed will it continue andit will take a moment to set up yourApple ID so you'll see this here is thesmart folio and it fits around it nicelyand it's the same cloth keyboard that wehad beforeonly it adheres a little bit differentlyto the back we'll take a little bitcloser look at that in just a moment soit's talking about screen time now we'llhit continueit's telling us how to navigate go homeuse Siri and welcome to your iPad sothat was the wallpaper I had set beforelet's take a look at what wallpapers wehave now and the wallpapers included aresupposed to be a little different yeahwe've got a bunch of different moreabstract wallpaper so let's try this onefor now I guess and there we go so if Ilock it turn it to the sideit's already known it's rotated it'ssaying if I block the face ID scannerand swipe up we'll try that again it'ssaying face ID your thumbs in the waykind of let's try it againand it's unlocked so it actually workspretty well at an angle now it'sprobably showing me I'm going to have anupdate but let's see what version wehave on this so this has 12.1 on it soit's already pre-loaded we should begood to go and like I said it's the 256gigabyte model now if we take the Applepencil off put it back on it hops in andsays that it's probably pairing sayingconnect continue there's a double tap onit and that's it so now we can just useit if we click it in place it's sayingApple pencils 67% in charging let meshow you that one more time it's kind ofa nice little animation there and backand forth just like you'd expect from anApple pencil should work just fine andit's going to take a while to restoreall of these things but I really likethe display here let's take a look atthe folio so the cameras in the upperright here just clicks into place likethat it looks like and now we have thekeyboard so we can use the same Maccommands there's no battery power oranything and it's something I find I useall the time when I'm actually justusing this around the house so I can goupright like that or go a little bitmore tilted I don't know that I'll usethe upright one I'll probably use thetilted one more often and that's apretty good angle now one thing that'skind of uh NAPA like is when it'sclicked into place and you want to holdit like this you get the keyboard on theback so that's not something we normallysee from Apple like that andunfortunately that's the way it is butit does stick out enough that it keepsthe camera bum safe so now that we areusing it like this let's see if we canopen itit's a little bit flimsy there and itsaw my face and immediately unlocked sothat part's really nice and then if weclick the pencil in place it should justcharge and then we can use it as needednow the main thing for me with this isI'm looking really forward to the daymaybe we have final cut on here I knowthere's luma fusion and things like thatand I may use that from time to timeyou'll see it's installing right therebut I'm really looking forward to maybea Final Cut Pro and what's coming withiOS 13 but before I do anything eventhough this is installing a bunch ofthings right now let's see if we can getGeekbench in and just take a look at itbecause this is supposed to be anincredibly fast processor now one thingto know is the smoothness of thisdisplays is crazy smooth just like theother promotion display and I see thisbeing the future of the Mac but I'm notsure what they're going to do with itwithout a trackpad and a mouseyou can't pair them or anything likethat right now so for the price I don'tknow if this will suit everybody plusyou need a dongle which I actuallypurchased one today I know I can getothers on Amazon cheaper but this is a$40.00 USB c2 SD card reader now it is afaster SD card reader but that's so youcan plug things in here and read SDcards and import them and import footagefrom your videos and photos but we'llsee we'll see if we have somethingcoming in the future with iOS 13 Icertainly hope so now while I wait forGeekbench to install we've got thegestures here everything comes back sojust swipe up we've got that we tap orwe swipe up a little bit there's thegestures are a little bit confusingthey're not hard of course but a littleconfusing so here's Apple's website wewant to bring something else in it's aslight swipe up then we can bringsomething else in so maybe you want tobring in the App Store here we can dothat and then it's lit out and slid backin so that part's nice and then we canmove this around just like you'd expectbut I'm hoping for something a littlebit more powerful as far as apps golater on Geekbench finally stoppedloading now everything else is loadingand using storage in the background andthings but let's run it anyway andsee what we get so it's finished withthe Geekbench and these scores arepretty incredible sixteen thousand tofifty five and five thousand fifty oneand that is it not really being utilizedfully because it's installing all theseapps and doing background activities sothat's pretty impressive I'm not surewhat it would be after that probably alittle bit higher at least and I thinkthat's impressive but let me know whatyou think about the iPad pro I know alot of people were really interested inthis and I definitely am I've beenreally looking forward to this I don'tlike the price of it but I think it's agreat machine that's fully underutilized but if there's anything youwant to see in the full review let meknow in the comments below if there'ssomething you're not finding anywhereelse or something I can help with I'dlove to help you out I'll link some ofthese wallpapers in the descriptionbelow also so you can check them out onyour phone or iPad that you havecurrently if you haven't subscribedalready please subscribe and like asalways thanks for watching this is AaronI'll see you next time\n"