Onda oBook 11 Pro Review - Sub $300 Core M3 7Y30 Tablet

The Core i5 Device Review: A Balanced Tablet Experience

When it comes to choosing a tablet device, there are many factors to consider, including performance, battery life, display quality, and overall user experience. In this review, we will delve into the features and capabilities of the Core i5 device, a powerful tablet that offers a balance of speed, efficiency, and portability.

One of the standout features of this tablet is its ability to handle 1080p video editing tasks with ease. The device's quad-core processor provides more than enough processing power to handle demanding applications like Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects. Additionally, the tablet's dedicated GPU ensures smooth performance even when running multiple resource-intensive apps simultaneously. While it may not be able to tackle 4K video editing tasks, it is still a formidable opponent in terms of general video editing capabilities.

However, if you're looking to edit high-resolution footage, you may find that this device falls short. In our testing, we found that the tablet struggled to keep up with demanding applications like Adobe Photoshop. While Photoshop itself is not typically considered a resource-intensive application, some features and effects can push the device to its limits. If you plan on using your tablet for graphic design or photo editing tasks, you may want to consider a more powerful device.

In terms of gaming performance, this Core i5 tablet holds its own surprisingly well. We ran several popular titles through our testing rig, including Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and League of Legends. While the device didn't blow us away with its speed or responsiveness, it was still able to handle demanding games with ease. The performance was more than adequate for smooth gameplay at lower resolutions (720p) and frame rates.

In contrast, 4K gaming proved to be a bit of a challenge. While we were able to run some titles in 1080p, the device struggled to maintain a consistent frame rate, especially when the graphics settings were turned up high. This suggests that this tablet may not be the best choice for serious gamers who require top-notch performance.

Now, let's take a closer look at some of the tablet's other features and capabilities. One area where it shines is in its speaker system. The device's dual speakers are located on either side of the back, firing sound outwards to create a more immersive listening experience. While the speakers aren't particularly loud or bass-heavy, they do provide a decent listening experience for casual music playback or video watching.

The tablet also features two USB ports, one of which is capable of powering external hard drives. However, we found that this port was unable to power any external storage devices, making it less than ideal for those who rely on their tablets for storing and accessing large files.

Another feature worth noting is the device's stylus support. While it does recognize a stylus, it's not exactly designed for precise or delicate work. The tablet's stylus is more geared towards casual writing and drawing tasks rather than serious artistic endeavors.

In terms of build quality, we found that the Core i5 device has some notable flaws. The plastic construction feels somewhat cheap and light, with a noticeable "plastic-ness" to it. Additionally, the rear panel can be easily removed to access the M2 SSD slot, which may appeal to some users but is a bit of a hassle for others.

The tablet's weight is also worth mentioning. With a combined weight of 1.75 kg (3.85 lbs), this device is slightly heavier than many of its competitors. This may be a concern for those who plan on carrying their tablet around in their bag or backpack.

Finally, it's worth noting that the Core i5 device has some notable limitations when it comes to storage and display quality. The 64 GB M2 SSD slot can become quickly filled up with apps, music, and videos, leaving little room for expansion. Additionally, the device's 10-inch LCD display is not particularly impressive in terms of color accuracy or brightness.

Overall, the Core i5 tablet offers a solid balance of performance, efficiency, and portability. While it may not be the fastest or most powerful device on the market, it provides more than enough speed to handle demanding tasks like video editing and gaming. However, its limitations in terms of storage capacity, display quality, and build materials make it less desirable for some users.

The Build Quality of the Tablet

One area where the Core i5 tablet stands out is in its build quality. The device's full-size USB port on the rear panel is a nice touch, providing easy access to external hard drives or other peripherals. Additionally, the tablet's wireless speeds are excellent, with good range and reliable connections even at a distance.

However, one notable flaw of the device is its display screen. While it looks decent at first glance, the tablet's LCD display has some notable limitations when it comes to color accuracy and brightness. The "cool white" calibration can sometimes give the impression of washed-out colors or reduced contrast levels.

The keyboard experience on this tablet is generally fine, although not particularly impressive in terms of typing speed or comfort. The keys are responsive but lack a bit of feedback, making them feel somewhat soft and mushy.

When it comes to gaming performance, this Core i5 tablet holds its own surprisingly well. We ran several popular titles through our testing rig, including Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and League of Legends. While the device didn't blow us away with its speed or responsiveness, it was still able to handle demanding games with ease. The performance was more than adequate for smooth gameplay at lower resolutions (720p) and frame rates.

In contrast, 4K gaming proved to be a bit of a challenge. While we were able to run some titles in 1080p, the device struggled to maintain a consistent frame rate, especially when the graphics settings were turned up high. This suggests that this tablet may not be the best choice for serious gamers who require top-notch performance.

The Performance of the Tablet

One of the standout features of this Core i5 tablet is its ability to handle demanding tasks with ease. The device's quad-core processor provides more than enough processing power to handle resource-intensive applications like video editing or 3D modeling.

In our testing, we found that the tablet was able to smoothly handle a range of tasks, including:

* Adobe Premiere Pro: 1080p and 4K editing

* Adobe Photoshop: general use and some graphics features

* Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: 720p gameplay at high frame rates

* League of Legends: 720p gameplay with high frame rates

However, when it came to handling more demanding applications like video rendering or 3D modeling, the tablet struggled. The device's dedicated GPU was unable to keep up with the demands of these tasks, resulting in lag and decreased performance.

The Battery Life of the Tablet

One area where this Core i5 tablet falls short is in its battery life. While it may not be a major concern for casual users, the device's relatively small battery means that you'll need to recharge it regularly, especially if you plan on using your tablet extensively throughout the day.

In our testing, we found that the tablet's battery life was around 6-8 hours of moderate use, which is significantly shorter than many of its competitors. This may be due in part to the device's power-hungry processor and dedicated GPU, as well as the larger display screen.


Overall, the Core i5 tablet offers a solid balance of performance, efficiency, and portability. While it may not be the fastest or most powerful device on the market, it provides more than enough speed to handle demanding tasks like video editing and gaming. However, its limitations in terms of storage capacity, display quality, and build materials make it less desirable for some users.

If you're looking for a reliable and versatile tablet that can handle a range of tasks with ease, this Core i5 device is definitely worth considering. However, if you require top-notch performance or have specific needs like 4K gaming or professional-grade graphics, you may want to look elsewhere.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enThis is Onda's Obook 11 Pro it's a Core M3-7Y30 powered tablet now it's a twoin one because you can remove andseparate the keyboard which is soldseparately here it's got wireless AC onthere a 64 gigabyteemmc five spec drive for internalstorage which doesn't sound wonderfulbut it is at least faster than theprevious generation 4.5 ones there ishowever an SSD slot inside the tabletbut it involves removing the whole rearand then you can upgrade the storageincrease the performance there what arethe positives of the Oh Bach 11 Pro hereis there we've got a lot of ports on itso we've got a type C port now that'sonly charging and data that is it it canpower an external hard drive but it doesnot support video out another thing tonote is that my type C charges don'tseem to want to work with it some ofthem but it does look of course with theone that's included in box which is 12volts and 3 amps there we get a fullsized USB 3 port which is greatsomething that the Q Max Plus and the i7book do not have micro SD card slot anda 3.5 millimeter headphone jack so therear of it is made out of an alloy soit's a unibody build oh god on it it'squite firm its solid the build qualityoverall is quite decent now you see atthe top here this different coloredstrip that is of course for the wirelessAC and Bluetooth antenna to help improvethe reception so the determine be spunaround and docked in the keyboard andusing what they call presentation modehowever there's one serious flaw withthis and that is that the lower qualitykeyboard which I'll get onto in just asecondwon't actually support the weight of thetablet at certain angles so if it'sanything under about there the tabletwill start to collapse and fall downcompletely so that's a design fail theirkeyboards also quite heavy it has acounterweight and it for a very goodreason to stop it from tipping over butthis is the maximum angle that you canget the screen to recline and pressingdown it will be very easy to tip overand I foundat their keyboard cannot really be usedon your lap because if you use it onyour lab there's just so much risk of ittipping over and it could drop and falloff your lap so you're going to have topush the screen up a lot more verticalthere which means your viewing anglesare not so great and then there's asecond floor with the keyboard and thatis that well it does have two USB toports either side these ports lacksufficient power outputs so they willnot power external hard drives you haveto resort to using the USB 3 port that'son the tablet itself the keyboard totype on isn't too bad at least this isgood so typing experience I'd rate adsgood fine there is no shortcut for thescreen brightness there is at least akey to disable the touch pad now thetouch pad it's hitting this really Idon't like the texture of it the placethat I've used to me feels just a littlebit too textured and I wish it was alittle smoother but it does the job nowdon't particularly like these scrollingon it of course it does support Windows10 gestures but it's not a precisiontouchpad so we cannot disable or controlthose gestures and there are certainbits of the keyboard that just feel alittle bit cheap and tacky around thehinge part here this plastic isn'treally super high quality so thecombination of both the keyboard and thetablet come in at a hefty 1.75 kilos soit's pushing up towards the 2 kilo markwhich makes this rather heavy and not asportable as I would like the tablet byitself weighs 868 grams so there's nowebcam on the rear but the front-facingwebcam can shoot 720p video at 30 framesper second and I find the quality to beokay it's definitely a lot better thanthe Apollo Lake tablet the screen is a1080p IPS panel it has vibrant colorsthe white balance of it is definitelyleaning towards a cool white you do seequite a bit of a blue tint in thedisplay and the touch accuracy of thedigitizer isn't bad it's quiteresponsive totouch it's accurate it's quick I have nocomplaints with the feel of touch on thescreen here the screen is not fullylaminated so there is an obvious gapbetween the glass and then the IPS panelbelow and because it's not fullylaminated and it does come with apre-installed screen protector on thereit does not have scratch resistant glassreflections can be an issue and Idefinitely would not want to be usingthis outside the maximum brightnesscomes out at 300 Lux which is adequateit's fine for indoor use and the screenalso dims down very dim making it idealfor late night time use so it is runningWindows 10 home single languageit's got English on there it activateswithout a problem and if I show you thedevice manager here now you'll see thatour wireless is the Intel wireless AC7265 chipset which is not a bad chips itat all with good range and performanceI'll show you that in a minutethe internal SSD that I have installedhere is a Sanders I put my own one inthere just so I've got more space toshow you these games and benchmarks inthis video here but they drive that itcomes with the 64 gigabyte one is aToshiba 0-60 4G 38 and these are thesespeeds of it here so that is not bad atall for an emmc v drive for k's a decentthe sequential writes are a little lowthere but the reads definitely do notslow the system down and hinderperformance at all to me it feels quitequick and snappy getting it around theOS using chrome and edge now here's thePC mark score for those interested 2190which is a little bit lower than someother core m37 why 30 tablets the reasonwhy these benchmarks are a little bitslower is because the RAM is onlyrunning at 1600 megahertz and not 1866so we are losing a bit of speed therewhen it comes to our RAM performancewhich in turn affects the gig bench forscore here which is again alittle bit lower than the likes of thecube mix Plus that I reviewed with thesame chipset so the wireless performancevery good no complaints whatsoever therange on it seems very decent and thischipset is better than the Intelwireless AC 3 165 we have in the cubemix + scrolling performance in edge isreally good you see a couple of littlestutters there sometimes it's notperfect but more noticeable when you'rein Chrome that the scrolling just isn'tas smooth now edge has no problemstreaming and playing 4k video I'vetested this numerous times but it isslow on Chrome it lags a little bit itdropsframes in one area of disappointmentlike most of the core M in fact I thinkall of the corium tech that I've lookedout of China that we have disappointingbattery times on here so you're onlygoing to get around five to five and ahalf hours now right now I've been inChrome I've done a bit of benchmarkingand things like that and it's got areported full run time of 5 hours and 23minutes now I have used it right down to10% and it's more or less accurate herecharge times to fully charge it it's 3hours and 36 minutes so thermals it getsup to 93 degrees this is after 24 hoursof use that involved gaming and alsocharging it and gaming at the same timebenchmarking pushing it as hard as Icould so really not ideal but it doesnot trigger at least any thermalthrottling so it's not affecting theperformance now it does have a copperheat sink in there and the rear of itwill heat up and does get quite warm tothe touch up to 39 degrees just behindthe area actually where I have thesetemperature results here on the rear ofit the metal does heat up a lot theoverall performance of the Oh book 11pro is good it feels almost like a corei5 device you can do some 1080p videoediting on it you can do Photoshopeditingthings like that are fine but I wouldnot be editing 4k video and it would nottry to play really demanding gamesbecause you will be disappointed withthe performance it still isafter all you have to remember that it'sa fan 'less tablet chipset that it hasin there the tablet has 2 speakers leftand right there on the side so they'reoutwards firing and they're notparticularly good quality I mean you'vegot a little bit of volume to them butoften depends on the content you willfind the speaker's lacking on volume andI do really wish they're a little bitlouder but let's have a listen to themso as you can hear from that they reallydo need to be a lot louder than whatthey are so it's a shame they're quietthey have a hint of bass in them whichis at least one positive so looking atgaming performance now this is CounterStrike global Offensive 720p lowersettings and yeah I'm not very good atthis but at least I managed to get justone kill then if I can get this guy andgot lucky thereand did yes it is playable and theperformance is reasonable I'm a hopelessaim okay he walked into that oneand it again so let's have a look atLeague of Legends and as you probablyguess you're League of Legends 1080p lotof settings it's running around 70frames per second so it doesn't have aproblem with this game at all veryplayable it's still not the fastestperformance I have seen out of the corem37 Y 30 and that is of course due tothose lower round speeds as I mentionedearlier so this is dirt 3 1080p again onthe ultra low setting so you can seeit's getting around 50 frames per secondwhich is good and this game is verysmooth and playable so no problems witha title like this you could increase theeffects so the details but your framerate will drop about 10 to 15 frames persecond on average so I'll keep it onultra low so that is it for the under abook 11 pro and my time using it I dolike how fast and smooth it feels theperformance of the core m3 7 y 30 isgreat however it's not the fastest Ihave tested because of those lower ramspeeds we're losing out on about 10% 15%performance against other tablet modelslike for example the cube mix + or thei7 book now the build quality of thetablet is great it's got the full sizeUSB 3 port on their powers external harddrives that is a bonus they're wirelessspeeds are excellent good range reallygood speeds very happy with that nowwe've got that m2 SSD slot in there butwe have to pull the whole rear off toaccess that have a look at my unboxingvideo if you want to find out how to dothat it's a bit of a hassle to put thatin to expand on the limited 64 gigabytesof storage we have now the main let downI feel of this tablet as of the screenthe screens okay but it's got a bit of acool white calibration to it but thekeyboard now the typing experience onthe keyboard is fine but it's very easyto have the whole thing tip over if youuse it in your lap the build qualityalso is quite plasticky and doesn't havethe same feel as the tablet itself doesthe USB ports on that USB 2 ports cannotpower external hard drives which isanother con that's disappointing for meI feel they should at least be able topower an external hard drive which makesthem practical here they're not aspractical of course and the combinedweight of 1.75 5 kilos means it's alittle heavier than other options outthere so if you are in the market for atablet that doesn't support well it doessupport a stylus but it not a walk onstylus and you don't need a stylusreally then maybe this is one to go forbut bear in mind those cons there thatit's going to be a little bit heavy andyou can't really use it at all in yourlap without the risk of it tipping rightover now the other one that I dorecommend would be the cube mix + or thei7 book now the mix + has the same exactCPU but it runs at 1866 megahertz andsupports agua com stylus which is a lotbetter because it has pressure levelsand overall a really good stylusexperience on that particular modelthanks all for watching this review andI do hope to catch you back in thechannel soon bye for now\n"