**Tour of Amazon Kindle Fire Operating System**
Hello everyone, I'll try to be brief here and give you guys a little example. Let me show you guys a book since I actually have some books on here.
For example, in books we have a couple of options. So we can pick from the cloud. These are all the books that I have purchased or gotten through Amazon, on top of that we can also look at the ones that are on the device itself. If we want to come over here and let's say I want to go ahead and continue reading one of these books, I can just simply tap on it. It will download and it will be on the device, and I'll be good to go.
This works really quite nicely, and I do like how they've integrated all these Amazon services. If I want to click over here, it will take me to the Amazon store where I can buy more books. Which is a kind of obvious but yeah definitely does work very nice.
I like how they did this, uh same thing goes for music, video, and all that kind of stuff. It works quite nicely. I'll kind of skip on that save on time but I will show you guys apps now.
**Amazon App Store**
Apps are well, of course, this does have an app store. It is a full tablet, and there are quite a few apps that come installed through these like Netflix, and well most of these have installed but it does come with some major ones such as the email application, Facebook, contacts, Quick Office, and a couple of others like that.
So again, this is on my device. If I had any apps I had purchased, for example, here's a couple of them that come pre-installed Pandora et cetera. I can just simply tap on them since they've been pre-purchased I suppose but they don't actually come on the device.
Again, I can come to the store and browse through. We won't get too in-depth into this part, however, there are quite a few uh different applications, and they do have one major free app every day so for example today it's going to be Joule 2 which actually I'm not probably pick that one up. I like Bejeweled.
There are lots of different apps. It's not as big of an app marketplace as, for example, the Android market which you cannot easily get on here uh you can load it if you want but it doesn't come pre-installed or anything like that.
And while I don't really have a major problem with the Amazon App Store, it is just nothing spectacular.
**Home Screen Carousel**
All right, so what about done here of course we have this little carousel. This is all of our most recent applications there's nothing we can do about this so if you want to say I want to get rid of this, you can't swipe it or anything like that basically the only way to get rid of something like this is just to let it scroll back forever.
So I mean it's nice, I mean you see here we have books, we have applications music webpage pretty much anything you do on the device will show up here but I definitely would like an option to go ahead and you know swipe some things away.
And if we want to scroll down here we have what's known as a dock. So we can add some certain things so let's say I want to add a book simply hold on add to favorites, and if we scroll down here bam we have a link to the book and of course take us right there.
This is going to be about it for my tour of the operating system on the Amazon Kindle Fire. Definitely some pros and cons uh the responsiveness isn't amazing that's kind of hard to tell on a demo you really have to get your hands on one and feel it for yourself uh for a 200 tablet I don't really have any problems but uh there's it could be a little bit quicker.
I would definitely recommend before you buy one of these to test it out and kind of get your hands on it and see how responsive it is and all that kind of stuff because it's kind of hard to show you guys in a video anyway if you enjoyed this video, definitely be sure to leave it a thumbs up.
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