I Hate Giving Bad Information
I hate more than giving bad information to my audience than being wrong on the internet, and if, and when I am, I want you to learn from me that I can improve and just never make that particular mistake again. And that's why I made the video about benchmark lap last week and why I'm making this one on performative hot take theater now because answering comments and being there for my community is important enough, valuable enough, that I just don't wanna waste so much time copying and pasting, telling you don't understand Thunderbolt 4 or Native 2X or mag safe or modern Macs storage with out telling you you don't understand any of it into every third reply.
As a personal note, I did order an M1 Ultra Mac Studio, but the truth is after two weeks, I'm kind of looking forward to going back to my M1 Macs 16-inch MacBook Pro. I just enjoy the mini LED display and I love being able to move around from my kitchen counter to my standing desk, to my studio, to my couch because without traveling for two years that's basically the only place I am moving right now and the Mac Studio is honestly a big breakthrough for me essentially like quintupling my render speeds and getting them off the CPU so I can still do other things like make thumbnails and Photoshop and prep videos in safe and get my work done before I go to bed, instead of having to wait for it forever to finish before I can go to bed.
The Ultra does speed that up even more between 1.5X to 1.7X on the neural engines, between 1.5 and 1.9X on the media engines, 1.9X on the CPU and GPU cores depending on how scalable your workload is and how optimized the software is and the Macs was the difference between like 25 minutes and 5 minutes of wait where the Ultra is a difference between 5 minutes and just under 3 minutes and that just means I don't even have time to grab a coffee while I'm waiting anymore and what good is doubling my speed if I'm having my coffee intake, honestly getting.
I swear kind of. Now, if I was doing client work where time was very literally money I'd go Ultra faster than the Apple store could comeback online after an event no question no doubt but it's not about me right? So I think for a good 80% of people out there looking for a Mac desktop the M1 Mac Mini or M1 iMac is gonna be more than powerful and portable enough. Don't sleep on them like at all just because there's new hotness.
For 15% of the rest whether it's more power or just more built in ports, the M1 Mac Studio is literally a dream machine and for that final 5%, you just need to figure out if you want a sealed box with M1 Ultra or you wanna wait and see what Apple does with custom Silicon in thenext expandable Mac Pro and maybe power that is even more extreme because basically that's what I want from pretty much everything these days including my razor. Nothing gimmicky nothing complicated just simple precise which is exactly today's sponsor, Henson.
Produced at an aerospace machine shop family owned for 20 years where they've made parts for everything from the ISS to the Mars Rover so they know literally an unearthly amount about not just design but manufacturing it into reality because that's how Henson was able to build the best shaving angle 30 degrees right into the head design which makes it easy to shave well. Not like safety razors that can nick or cut or irritate you if you get the angle or pressure or direction or anything wrong, it means the blade sticks out only 27 microns and the built-in channels make it super easy to remove hair and cream with just a quick rinse and a flick.
And as someone who used to go through packets of neon razors and all the waste that went along with them using Henson is like a dream and the best part is this aerospace quality razor is designed to work with standard recyclable blades. In fact, if you click the link below and use code Rene Ritchiethey'll send you 100 blades free with your razor. So click the link below and use code Rene Ritchieto get a free 100 pack of blades when you purchase your razor. Clicking on that link really helps out the channel and so does hitting up this playlist for way more on Mac Studio all the details all for you and all the new Mac stuff coming next. Just hit up that playlist and I'll see in the next video.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- A few quick things,becausesome of you have beenjust beyond savage aboutthis in the comments.No,the plug on the studio displayis not permanently attached.You can pull it out if youyank like neli or linus hard.It's not mag safe because youneed an external power brickin order to have mag safeand Apple didn't want toput a brick on this displaylike they did the 24 inch iMacbut the plug is hella shallowbecause the studio displayis just hella thin.So you probably shouldn't make a habitof yanking it out anyway,in case you bust itwhich is the whole entire pointof making it hard topull out to begin withand you can absolutely think thatthis is the dumbest design decision ever.That apple shouldn't have madethe studio display this thinor should have gone with abrick and mag safe combo anywayor made any of a dozen other trade offsbecause all design isultimately a compromiseand I'm not here to excuseor defend Apple or any of their decisions,I have my own personal opinions about themand some of them would be verydifferent than what we got.I'm just here to giveyou all the information,to explain it to youso that ultimately youcan make up your own mindand whether you chooseto love it or hate it,you can choose to loveit or hate it smart.But Apples aesthetic obviously does appealto at least a certainsegment of the market.So when you see sizzling hot takesjust stop and take a breathand ask that they be alittle bit curious about itthat they get you answersrather than just make a blogor video weaponizing youand turning you loose oneveryone else's commentsbecause constantly mintingrage bait complaintsthat a Lambo isn't a land cruiserwhile you keep buyingor just never buy Lambosis either cringey, performative or both.Same with the price,subjectively, if you don't care about 5Kat native 2x resolution,then the studio displayisn't worth any amount of dollars to you.It's a horrible deal.Just get a cheap 4K display and enjoybut if you care very muchabout those specific thingsthen it's worth everybead blast aluminum pennybecause there's almost nothingelse like it on the marketwith that almost beingthe LG ultra fine 5Kwhich I am now justmore than half convincedApple only made the studio display,after working from homefor the last two yearsand they finally, like therock comes home finallyunderstood why so many of us Mac nerdshave been asking for thisso often for so long,but that also means wecan in fact be objectiveabout the price becausethe LG is $1,300 retailand the studio display is $1,600and that extra $300 does cost youthe built in height adjustable standwhich legitimately sucksbut it buys you 600 nits insteadof 500 nits of brightnesswhich apple uses forextended dynamic rangeand way better materialsand build quality,way way better speakerswith spatial audio,better mics, a camera, yes,that is in desperate need of a bug fixbut also Siri voice activationfor no mic or remote Macs,true tone, Apple reference modesand an A13 bionic chip setfor $300 more than the LGand as someone who's boughtthree or four of those LGsover the years,I'd have paid thatdifference in a heartbeatjust to avoid all the buildquality issues I had with themso always, and I might still buy one.I'm just waiting to see what the rumoredmini LED Pro-displayversion ends up being.If it's 27 inches and 5K for 2k plus,I'm in,I just want that HDR but if it's 36 inchesand closer to 7K for 7k, I'llleave that for the Pixarsand ILMS and you know, the mega YouTubersbut if you personally don't care about HDRbut do care about 5K and a lot,then who am I even kidding?You've already ordered, haven't you?So just Falcon punch thatsubscribe button because second,no,Mac studio storage is not,is not user expandable.Was never advertised as user expandableand if some Kyle Wien'slevel hacks or genius typefigures out how to user expand it,that'll be pure icing, zero cake,because the Mac studio doesn'tjust have one storage chipand two storage slots,the low end configs,the ones that people rushed to crack openonly needed one of thosetwo storage slots because,low end config,but it does go all theway up to 8 terabytesand Apple does need those dual slotsfor those higher capacity options.It's not soldered intothe board like Mac booksbecause desktops don't getbounced around like laptopswhich used to cause frequent errorsdue to accidental unseatingbut also because highend desktops are far,far less popular than laptops,and it's way more economical and efficientfor Apple to be able tocustomize the storagefor bill to order shipments on the flyrather than having to stocka bunch of different SKUsor shopkeeping units fora smaller batch productand they're also notSSD slots like on a PC,that's not how the Mac worksand hasn't been for years.Part of what gets the Macsuch terrific performanceand features like realtime encryptionis that apple builds customIO and storage controllersright into the Siliconand they've been doing thatsince the T2 chip in 2018,essentially a repurposedA10 chip from the iPhone 7on Intel Macs and now M1does a much more modern,much more performant version of the same.It's another trade off, absolutely,and one that hobbyists will hate totallyand PC users will drag us just up and downthe subreddits for,but it's also why the Macstudio is clearly marketedas a Mac mini-pro, not a Mac pro-miniand why Apple has andwill continue to makean actual Mac pro for people who do wantan expandable upgradeable systemand you can argue that's dumb as welland nothing should be in appliancebut some very smart prosreally couldn't care lessabout getting into a boxand just want a box they can throw atwhatever their current problem set is.Whether that was historicallya Mac mini or an iMacor now it's a Mac studioand that doesn't meanthey're any more or less intelligentor cunning than anybody else,it just means they havedifferent priorities.Ones that currently do not includegiant RGB water-cooled PCswith a stack of helix carrierloud cards inside themand yes,Apple was totally asking forgrief with that 30-90 graphbut here's the thing,M1 ultra really can go toe to toewith the 30-90 in somebenchmarks and some workloadsand if you told anyone,anyone that a few years ago,especially anyone pre dismissing M1 asjust an iPad chip,they'd have thought that you werea certified Steve Jobs era crazy one.Very, very few people imaginedApple could scale theirCPUs to true desktop classand almost no one, nobodythought apple had a glass ofice water's chance in hellof getting within thesame Magellanic cloudas a big AMD card, nevermind Nvidia,and don't get me wrong,they still have milesand miles and miles to gowhen it comes to people who wantCUDA cores and compatibilityor gaming, but, you know,game studios, buddies,as long as you're going all inon APUS for the new consoleswhy not come test thoseSOC waters as well?Mac may not be a huge market,but Mac and iPad combinedespecially if you average in iPhone,even just check that iOS appon Mac box, you feeling me,either way, anyway,if I seem uncharacteristicallybased or salty todayit's only because I've spent two weekshammering away on these new Macs,learning everything Ipossibly could about themso I could provide you, my community,with the absolute best andmost accurate informationand reviews possibleonly to have the comments filled upby people who were rage baitedby file first, ask questions never,rush to gotcha gate hot takesaccusing my community of being stupid,me of lying or being biasedwhen I literally gave up sleep four daysto defend all of you customerswho work very hard for your moneyand deserve the truth, becauseI firmly, firmly believethat with great audiencecomes great responsibilityand there is nothing I hate morethan giving badinformation to my audience,than being wrong on the internet,and if, and when I am,I want you to learn meso that I can improveand just never make thatparticular mistake again.And that's why I made the videoabout benchmark lap last weekand why I'm making this oneon performative hot take theater nowbecause answering comments andbeing there for my communityis important enough, valuable enough,that I just don't wanna waste so much timecopy pasting, tellingme you don't understandThunderbolt 4 or Native 2Xor mag safe or modern Macs storagewithout telling me youdon't understand any of itinto every third reply.Now as for me personally,I did order an M1 ultra Macs studio,but the truth is after two weeks,I'm kind of lookingforward to going back to myM1 Macs 16 inch MacBook pro.I just enjoy the mini LED displayand I love being able to movearound from my kitchen counterto my standing desk, tomy studio, to my couchbecause without travel for two yearsthat's basically the onlyplace I am moving right nowand the Macs is honestly abig enough breakthrough for meessentially likequintupling my render speedsand getting them off the CPUso I can still do other thingslike make thumbnails and Photoshopand prep videos in safarithat I can finish my workand put it on to uploadbefore I go to bed,instead of having to waitfor it forever to finishbefore I can go to bed.And the Ultra does speed that up even morebetween 1.5X to 1.7Xon the neural engines,between 1.5 and 1.9X on the media engines,1.9 X on the CPU and GPU cores,depending on how scalable your workload isand how optimized the software isand the Macs was the differencebetween like 25 minutesand 5 minutes of waitwhere the Ultra is adifference between 5 minutesand just under 3 minutesand that just means I don'teven have time to grab a coffeewhile I'm waiting anymoreand what good is doubling my speedif I'm having my coffee intake, honestly,gettingI swearkind of.Now, if I was doing client workwhere time was very literally money,I'd go ultra fasterthan the Apple store could comeback online after an event.No question, no doubt,but it's not about me, right?So I think for a good80% of people out therelooking for a Mac desktop,the M1 Mac mini or M1 iMacis gonna be more thanpowerful and porty enough.Don't sleep on them like at alljust because there's new hotness.For 15% of the restwhether it's more power orjust more built in ports,the M1 Mac studio isliterally a dream machineand for that final 5%,you just need to figure outif you want a sealed box with M1 Ultraor you wanna wait and see what Apple doeswith custom Silicon in thenext expandable Mac proand maybe power that is even more extreme,because basicallythat's what I want from prettymuch everything these days,including my razor.Nothing gimmicky,nothing complicated,just simple, precise whichis exactly today's sponsor,Henson.Produced at an aerospace machine shop,family owned for 20 yearswhere they've made partsfor everything from the ISSto the Mars Rover,so they know literally an unearthly amountabout not just design butmanufacturing it into realitybecause that's how Hensonwas able to build the bestshaving angle, 30 degrees,right into the head designwhich makes it easy to shave well.Not like safety razors thatcan nick or cut or irritate youif you get the angle or pressureor direction or anything wrong,it means the blade sticksout only 27 micronsand the built-in channels makeit super easy to remove hairand cream with just aquick rinse and a flick.And as someone who used to go throughpackets of neon razorsand all the waste thatwent along with them,using Henson is like a dreamand the best part is,this aerospace quality razoris designed to work withstandard recyclable blades.In fact, if you click the link belowand use code Rene Ritchiethey'll send you 100 bladesfree with your razor.So click the link belowand use code Rene Ritchieto get a free 100 pack of bladeswhen you purchase your razor.Clicking on that linkreally helps out the channeland so does hitting up this playlistfor way more on Mac studio,all the details, all for youand all the new Mac stuff coming next.Just hit up that playlist andI'll see in the next video.\n"