The $590 CoD WARZONE 1600 AF 'ULTIMATE Budget' Gaming PC

The Gaming PC Build: A Comprehensive Review

In the world of gaming, having a powerful and efficient computer is essential to enjoy smooth gameplay and high-performance visuals. Recently, we've been putting together a build that showcases some of the latest components on the market, and today, we're going to take a closer look at it.

First off, let's talk about the game that's been making waves in the gaming community: Call of Duty Warzone. This battle royale mode has taken the world by storm, with over 6 million people downloading it in the first 24 hours. The game's popularity is undeniable, and we can see why - the combination of fast-paced action and strategic gameplay makes for an exhilarating experience. However, as a gamer myself, I've noticed that the game's system requirements are quite demanding, especially when it comes to graphics settings.

One of the main reasons I was excited about this build was its potential for smooth performance in games like Warzone. To test this out, we set up our benchmarking rig and put the game through its paces. We found that the average FPS dropped to around 160 with the integrated GPU, which is impressive considering the game's system requirements. However, when we switched to safe mode, we noticed a significant drop in performance - it was like the game was struggling to keep up. This got me thinking: what if we could optimize this build for smooth performance?

To answer this question, we decided to make some adjustments to the graphics settings. By turning down volumetric lighting and other settings that can cause stuttering, we were able to get a much smoother experience. We also experimented with different resolutions and graphics settings, and found that a blend of high settings and lower resolution settings was the sweet spot for smooth performance.

One of the standout components in this build is the CPU - specifically, the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X. This processor is a beast, delivering clock speeds of up to 3.6 GHz without needing to be overclocked. It's clear that AMD has put some serious effort into designing this processor, and it shows in its performance.

But what about the GPU? We opted for the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070, which we found to be a great match for this build. The included cooler did an excellent job of keeping temperatures under control, even during intense gaming sessions. However, as we noted earlier, overclocking the CPU was a bit tricky with this cooler.

When it comes to aesthetics, this build delivers. The included bling and design elements make it stand out from the crowd, and it's clear that the builder has put thought into creating a visually appealing system. From the subtle patterns on the case to the carefully chosen lighting effects, every detail has been considered.

Finally, let's talk about value for money. With this build coming in at under $500, it's clear that we've managed to find some great deals on the components. The included CPU cooler is a nice touch, and it's clear that AMD has put thought into designing a cooling solution that would work well with this processor.

Overall, this gaming PC build is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a powerful and efficient system. With its strong performance, attractive aesthetics, and great value for money, it's definitely worth considering. We hope you've enjoyed our review, and we'll catch you in the next video!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enif you're on an old and filthy laptopand you are getting terrible FPS, or yourPC has simply broken down and you want toplay the latest Call of Duty warzonewhich is actually free for the BattleRoyale which is what we're gonna beplaying in today's video then you'vecome to the right video because we'vegot six cos 12 threads after Ryzen 5 1600 AF is pretty much thesame CPU as the Ryzen 5 2600 onlyit's coming in at eighty-five dollarswhich is a really good deal in myopinion though for the cooler we'regonna be saving money and just using theincluded stock cooler with this CPU andthen for the motherboard we're goingwith a budget be 450 m motherboard thisone here is a gigabyte gaming I justfound the cheapest motherboard I couldfind on eBay and selected it and I waslucky because it's got a nice red andblack aesthetic which is going to gowell in today's build now if you do wantto overclock your eyes and see if youyou want to upgrade to more cause morethreads in the future you may invest alittle bit more on a motherboard but forwhat it's worth this one right here willdo an absolutely fine job for today'sbuild for the graphics card though we'regoing with the gtx 1070 this is a usedone I picked this up for under 200 USDand the thing about this card is got agigabytes of vram and it's still veryquick by today's standards if you wantto go with the new graphics card youmight want to consider something like a1660 supe or a a 5600 XT from AMD thenfor the memory we've got 16 gigabytes ofVengeance Pro RGB memory from Corsairagain I picked this up on a sale youdon't have to go with this stuff butit's going to lookdefinitely fancy on this motherboardright here and then the powders wholebuild we're using a cool master MWe 450watt and you may be thinking whoa 450watt that's not enough juice for today'sbuild believe it or not I actuallytested this power supply in a video I'llput the link up here with a 39 50 X 16core and a RT X 28 ETIthat's right the best on both fronts forgaming pcs and this thing held upabsolutely fine it's also got all blacksleeve cabling and it's a really goodvalue for moneypowers play at the moment though fordrives we've got a 240 gigabyte SSD oneterabyte hard drive and then the lastelement is the RGB case this is atempered glass TG 303 it even includestheir remote control so you can changethe RGB to make your PC go fasteron-the-fly though speaking of RGB andmaking things go fast with the jokesaside we've got a PC that's coming inover the recommended specs where they'rerecommending a GTX 970 or better andthen on the CPU side they've got a risin5 1600 X which in this case like we saidbefore this is more like a 2600 so it'sactually better in performance and thenon the CPU side for Intel they've got a2500 K which is nowhere near similar inperformance to a risin 5 1600 X anywayI'm not sure what's going on there butweirdness aside we've got one fast AF PCto put together and then run some BattleRoyale through it so let's get onand now we're at the finished productand there is a few things to do beforewe boot into call of duty modern warfareand that has to do mainly with thememory right here and getting that toits XMP profiles this is going to giveyou a big performance uplift on risingsystems so in order to do this when youstart your computer you just hit theDell or f2 key and then in the BIOSthere should be the option to load XMPprofile we just hit enter put this inand then we go to save and exit changesnow with the CPU I tried overclocking ita little bit but I found since we'reusing the included cooler I tried to getthis up to 3.8 gigahertz all core andthe problem is is that it startedoverheating on the cooler now the goodthing about this CPU out of the box isit runs 3.5 gigahertz all-cause that italso boosts up to 3.7 gigahertz or atleast that's what I'm seeing here in mytests so basically the only thing youneed to do to get this running reallysmooth out of the box is load those XMPprofiles and of course have an RGBremote if you change this to red youshould also get some more performance aswell so the last thing before we jumpinto the games is since we're using abrand-new motherboard we're getting thatannoying windows needs activationmessage in the bottom right hand cornerso the easiest way to get rid of this isto use today's video sponsor in thedescription below by clicking that linkyou can get a Windows 10 Pro license foras little as $15 when you use the couponcode TYC sk on check out it's easy to dograb that code whack it in clickactivate and you're good to goand playing war zone ended up being amix of absolutely love it and then onthe other side absolutely frustrating toget this game to work properly I'venever seen so many errors uponinstalling a new game in my life and sowhat I did was I kept getting these deverrors and then I had to go in open hisadministrator in the settings apply itto both the exe files in the folder butthen after that it's sort of half workedand it kept dropping out and giving meerrors and then after that I decided toupdate my BIOS and finally it startedworking at least like probably two inevery three games would work properlysometimes I'd still drop out and in factthere was this weird thing where mygraphics card didn't even not evenoverclocked my graphics card was finethe temperatures will find everythingwas fine it would just start displayingweird textures so that when they saythis game is still in beta they reallymean it's still in beta so if you comeinto any problems you're most likelyjust going to have to wait for an updatefor the game itself to update or updatethe drivers so I did also on top of thatreinstall my drivers completely after Idid the BIOS update so things seem to beworking okay but after finally workingout all the problems and getting intothe game they've really done somethingdifferent with this battle royale Iabsolutely loved it and it's like asquad mode where you've got two otherteammates and you can res each other buteven if you drop off you can then have achance to get back into the game so themechanics of the game automatically inthat feat are really good the circlealso closes in a bit faster I believethan other games so it does get toconclusion time a lot faster which Ipersonally enjoy and then they've gotall the loadouts and mechanics of thegame which I am really digging so far Ithink it's a lot better in the mechanicsof the game than the previous Call ofDuty Battle Royale that they releasedthis one feels really polished besidesall the problems so hopefully they caniron that out in the next couple ofweeks and they're gonna have a reallypopular battle royale on their hands Ithink over 6 million people havedownloaded this game already in thefirst 24 hours so it is very popularof being a whopping 175 gigabytedownload absolutely huge I'd like to saythat maybe just make a condensed versionfor the Battle Royale because if I'mbenchmarking this thing and I've got toredownload the game every single time ondifferent computers that 175 gigabytelimit on my straight internet is goingto get tiring very quickly now let'stalk about fps and this game if youcan't get anything to work and it onlyworks in safe mode for now that might bean option you have to go with soinitially we're getting around 160average FPS 17.1% loads we're reallysmooth but keep in mind in this modeyou'll be limited to 720p and you can'tchange any of the graphics settings butwhen you reboot the game if you want togo into 1080p and do a mix of settingswhich I'll show you guys on the screenwhat settings I'm using you can get somereally smooth fps and pretty much nodips but also still a good visualexperience I like to leave textures andsome other settings on high but thenturn down volumetric lighting and stuffthat can cause stuttering and thingsthat really aren't going to help youspot the enemy I will say one thingabout safe mode I had some problemsseeing people from afar especially sinceit was at 720p low settings it was veryblurry but when we stepped up to 1080pon a blend of high settings and thingsturned off we were getting a hundred andforty average FPS on this setup with ourddr4 XMP profiles at 3200 megahertz andthe gtx 1070 that we had here we decidedto leave this on stock and not overclockit because i was having issues with thegame even though i can overclock thiscard and get an extra 10 percentperformance out of it i decided to leaveit off and even use shadowplay while iwas doing these benchmarks so if youhave shadow play off and you turn on theoverclocked you'll get over that 144average sweet spot with these settingswhich will make it a great combinationfor playing competitively and stillgetting a good visual experience interms of the Rison v 1600 AF that cpu isincredible value for money at $85 theincluded cooler does a really good jobout of the box where in games we'reseeing around 3.6 gigahertz all causewithout overclocking but as we saidbefore overclocking the CPU was a bitdifficult on this included cooler it'sabout 26where I live and so it does get a bithot but if you're in a cooler climateyou may wish to experiment trying to geta bit more out of this CPU which you candefinitely do and with all that out ofthe way if you guys are after a gamingPC for a little over 500 bucks then thiscombination right here is one to thinkabout well we've even got the blingthrown in to match the whole build sowe've got aesthetics we got performanceand we've also got a pretty good budgetI'll leave some links in the descriptionbelow but with that aside do let us knowin the comment section below where youthink of call of duty war zone and alsowhat you think of this gaming PC lovereading your thoughts and opinions asalways and speaking of it being hotwe've got the question of the day whichcomes from stuntman Ford and they say Idon't want to be rude I love yourcontent and you're awesome but I'vealways wondered why it looks like you'resweating in your videos sorry if that'srude Lowell is it that hot there do younot have air-conditioning and so in someof my videos I'm going to be honest I dosweat in some of my videos it does getpretty hot where I'm at in Queenslandespecially us going through the summerwhere the rest of the world is prettymuch going through the winter if it getsthat hot I do turn on my air con butmost of the time even in like 28 degreesup to about 30 degrees I do leave myaircon off just because I don't believein wasting power just like with you guyswatch the used builds I don't believe inwasting used components too so hope thatanswers that question for you if youguys enjoyed this video then be sure tohit that like button for us and if yousay this fart and you're enjoying thatcontent then you know what to do andI'll catch it in another tech video verysoonplease out for now bye\n"