Creating a Sock Monkey Cake Topper: A Step-by-Step Guide
Welcome to How to Cook That, today we are going to make a sock monkey as a cake topper for my son's first birthday cake. I have chosen a few of his favorite toys to create this unique and adorable decoration.
First, let's start by mixing the colors we will need for our sock monkey. We require white, brown, red, and black fondant. If you are not sure how to mix fondant, please refer to our video on fondant basics on this channel.
Next, we need to roll out the sock monkey's body into an oval shape and add three pieces of spaghetti down the middle to give it some strength. This will help keep the monkey upright and stable. Once you have done that, just give it a bit of an extra roll to make sure it is the right shape.
Now that we have our body, let's place it upright on your baking paper. We need this paper because the fondant can stick to the bench, and we want to be able to move the monkey around easily without it sticking to anything. Next, we will let it firm up and dry overnight.
Moving on to making the legs of our sock monkey. Take some more brown fondant and roll it into a skinny snake shape. Then, place some cream on the end of the snake and roll it together. Cut it to length, just put it next to the body to see roughly how long you want it to be, cut it to the right length, and then make your other leg match the first one.
To secure the legs in place, we need to push them down flat on one end. Then, we can place the body on top of the legs. Now that we have our legs, let's move on to making the arms. Take another piece of brown fondant and roll it out into a snake shape again. Put some cream onto each end for his hands and roll it smooth so that all the pieces match together.
This time, when we attach the arms to the body, we will use spaghetti to give them strength. We didn't need to do this with the legs because they sit flat on the floor, but with the arms, they are going to need some spaghetti for support. Simply place a piece of spaghetti into the arm and gently stick it into the body, making sure you are sticking it in at the right angle.
To add some finishing touches to our monkey, let's make his head. Roll a ball of brown fondant, then take a smaller piece of cream and roll it into a ball. Cut it in half and place that on top of his head for the cream top that he has. We will push these two balls together to create a nice and smooth head.
Next, we need to make his mouth. Take another small ball of cream fondant and cut it in half. For his red smile, we will take the red fondant and roll it out very thinly and cut a fine strip that is pointed on the corners for the corner of his mouth. Pick up this strip and place it over the cream fondant with a little bit of water on the back of the fondant to secure it in place.
If you want to achieve the knitted look of the sock monkey, we will mix up some royal icing using a clean paint brush. Just put some little dabs of your royal icing over your fondant that doesn't have to be thick; just adds that texture to it.
Now that we have our mouth and head, let's add some eyes to our sock monkey. Take a tiny piece of black fondant and roll it into a ball and place one on each side for his eyes. We will take another small piece of brown fondant, roll it into a ball, cut in half, and roll it into a ball again to place on the side of his head.
To give our monkey ears an ear shape, we will use the backend of the paintbrush to push them in slightly. Make sure they are in the right position so that they look natural and not too big for the face.
Now that we have all the parts of our sock monkey together, let's attach the head to the body using a piece of spaghetti. Gently poke the spaghetti into the head and carefully pick it up so that you don't damage the shape of the head or any of the hard work you've just done. Then, place that head onto the body of your sock monkey.
Finally, let's add some finishing touches to our sock monkey by placing dabs of royal icing all over his body to achieve the knitted look. This will give our monkey a nice and textured finish that is sure to impress.
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