**Creating a Barbarian from Clash of Clans Cake**
For those who have ever played the popular mobile game Clash of Clans, creating a cake that resembles one of the game's iconic characters can be a fun and creative project. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of making a barbarian from Clash of Clans cake.
**Shaping the Face**
To begin, start by shaping the face of your barbarian. This involves using fondant to create the basic features of the character. The shape of his mouth is crucial, as it should be slightly asymmetrical with one side being slightly lower than the other. Use a finger to shape the mouth and then add some cocoa powder or dry paint brush to darken the area. Next, use your fingers to flatten out the tongue, making sure it's in the correct position.
**Adding Details**
To add more details to your barbarian's face, start by creating his nose. Roll a ball of fondant and squash it into a triangle shape. Use the side of your finger to flatten down each nostril and the bridge of his nose. Then, use your fingers to round out the top section of the nose, making sure it's smooth and even. Add two holes for the nostrils and then take a scrap of fondant and brush it with a little bit of pink luster dust to remove excess powder.
**Adding Eyes and Nose Details**
Next, add the eyes to your barbarian's face. Use some water to attach a tiny piece of fondant to the side of his nose, creating the eye area. Use your thumbs to make a slight indent in this area, which will be used as the base for the eyes. Brush the cheeks and around the top of the eye area with a little bit more pink luster dust to add some color. Then, roll out some yellow fondant to create the eyeballs, adding them to the face using a small amount of water.
**Adding Hair and Ears**
To add hair to your barbarian, start by rolling out a thin snake of his skin color and shaping it into a triangular shape around the back of the head. Use the template to cut out the centre shape, smoothing the edges with your finger. Then, lift the entire cake up and attach the fondant on top to smooth down the top of his hair.
**Adding Hair Texture and Details**
To add texture to your barbarian's hair, use a knife to trim it slightly longer than needed. Tuck the excess fondant under to make the hair thicker and then trim off any excess with scissors. Use a small piece of fondant to create the ears, shaping them into the correct shape using the template. Attach the ears to the side of the head, making sure they are securely in place.
**Adding Final Details**
To add final details to your barbarian, use the back of a paintbrush to shape and smooth out the edges of his hair and ears. Dust the chin with pink, adding straight lines to the hair and just under his eyes for a finishing touch. To create the saliva, mix isomalt with water in a pan until melted, then drizzle it onto non-stick baking paper to create droplets that can be used to recreate the character's saliva.
**Finishing Touches**
Once all of the details have been added, cover the board with red fondant trimming it to make it straight along the edge. Brush the fondant with luster dust to add some shading and depth to the cake. Finally, attach the droplets of saliva to the sides of his mouth, creating a realistic effect.
**Display Your Creation**
Congratulations! You now have a completed barbarian from Clash of Clans cake that is sure to impress your friends and fellow gamers. Display it proudly on a table or shelf, and be prepared for compliments and admiration.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to How To Cook That I am Ann Reardonand today week Clash of Clans made it to thetop of the request list.So we are making a barbarian complete withteeth and even the saliva spraying out ofhis mouth.For the cake you'll need three quantitiesof my rich chocolate cake recipe baked intosix round cake tins.Now for between the layers let's make a cookiesand cream frosting.Put the cream into a bowl and whip it on highspeed.All the recipe quantities that you need forthis cake, the amounts of fondant, a templateand everything are on the howtocookthat.netwebsite.I'll put a link to that in the descriptionbelow for you.Keep whipping the cream until it splits likethis into the watery part and the fat part.And what we are doing here is we are makingour own butter so it has no colours or flavoursor salt or anything added to it.Strain off the liquid.And then return it to the mixer and mix itsome more to release any more of that liquidand strain that off too.Add the vanilla and the icing sugar and whipit until you have a thick smooth creamy frostinglike this.Place two thirds of that into a bowl and mixthrough some crushed cookies of your choice,I'm using Oreos here and just mix that throughwell.Once you cakes are cooled level them off andthen cut out your template and fold this onein half.Place the top of his hair along the top ofthe cake and then cut a straight line acrosswhere the fold in your paper is.You can get the template on the website too.Flip the template over so that his chin ison the bottom edge and cut across at the fold.Put those pieces to one side, we'll will usethem later so don't eat them.And then join the big parts together and openup your template and place it on top.Fold in the bits that are sticking out, likethe saliva and his moustache so that you geta straight line along his chin or his cheekthere.And do the same on the other side with themoustache and the hair and his ear.Take your knife and trim straight down allthe way around the template and keep goingjust cutting down to the cake board untilyou have the head shape cut out.Repeat that with all of your other cakes sothat you end up with three heads.Add a generous amount of simple syrup to thecakes.This is just made using 1/4 cup of sugar mixedwith 1/4 cup of water heated in the microwaveuntil the sugar is dissolved.It makes sure the cakes are super-moist.Then add your cookies and cream frosting ontop of one of the cakes spreading it out evenly.Stack the next cake on top of that.Add more frosting and spread that out overthe cake and then add the top layer of cakeof top of that.For the outside of the cake I am using therest of the vanilla buttercream whipped inwith white chocolate ganache and again I'llput the recipe for that on the website.Take a square cake board and put a small amountof ganache onto the board.Add then add the top part of the head.Then a layer of ganache down the side therejust to join the two halves together.Then put the other half on and push them togetherso that there's a nice tight join there.Place the side template next to the cake anduse it to guide you to cut out his mouth areajust going down and across and down the otherside so that you just get that piece takenout straight across the cake.Then round out his chin.And next you want to cut along, you can justsee where his nose is, we want to cut downon the base of his nose so that it just goesdown very slightly, not much.Then round off the top where his hair is.Now when you look at your barbarian from thetop he's quite blocky and straight and wedo want him to be a bit like that but a bitrounded.So just round him out a little bit.So use your knife to knife to shave off thecorners.Do that on both sides of his hair and alsodo it on his cheek bones, the sides of hischin and the base of his chin there too.And with his chin or the sort of neck bit,the underneath of his chin, we want to takethat down on a very slight angle inwards sojust cut that right down to the cake board,cutting it in slightly.Place the template over the top and now wewant to mark out where his mouth will be.So just use a skewer and poke holes throughthe template all the way into the cake alongthe line of the inside edge of his mouth.Then when you remove the template you cansee where the holes are that you just made.Use a knife to join the dots just like you'redoing dot-to-dot.You want to cut a little way down you don'twant to go too deep at first.Remove that top layer of cake.Then use a spoon to scoop out the frostingthat you can see there.And then using that spoon again go deeperso that you're digging out like a round mouthshape and keep going until you just startto break through to the next layer of frostingunderneath so you've got through two wholelayers of cake there.Use your knife to angle down the cheek boneswhere the chin joins to the face as well.Then place your template back on top and justalong the level where his moustache is, addsome of the off cuts to the cake board thereso we have his shoulders just built up andthen add another piece for his chest.Use some of your frosting to hold them intoplace and then trim it off to make it straightwith the edge of the cake board.For the crumb coat take some of your ganachefrosting and melt it in the microwave.Then just simply spoon it onto the cake andspread it out really thinly.Now this thin crumb coat just catches allthe crumbs so it makes it easier when youcome to do your next layer.Once it is covered place it in the fridgefor about 10 minutes.Now that that's chilled you can add the nextlayer of frosting.And you can see how there are no crumbs goinginto it when we are putting it on.With a carved fresh cake like this if youdon't have that crumb coat you'd be gettinglots of little bits of cake and crumbs allthrough this next layer.Cover the whole thing and then spend a bitof time getting it as smooth as you can, itdoesn't have to be perfect but the smootherit is the better.Then place that in the fridge to chill.While that's chiling roll out some white fondantand cut out some teeth in the width shownon the template there.For each one you want to use your finger justto slightly round the edges so they're notquite so square.And then flatten and narrow the end that willbe going into the gum and shorten it as youneed to.Repeat that to make the top front teeth aswell and then roll out a thick layer of fondantand cut out some cubes.Round the edges using your finger.Then press down in the centre to make an indent.Then use the back of a knife to make a lineacross one way and then the other.And there you have a back tooth.You will need 14 of these molars altogether.He has amazingly clean white teeth for a barbarian.For this eyes roll a ball of white fondantand shape it to the size shown on the template,so it is rounded across the top but you shouldalso be able to see that black line of thetemplate all the way around it.Roll out some light blue fondant and cut outtwo circles in the size that you can see onthe template there.Add them to the eye, using a little waterto make them stick.And then add the black pupil, again usingthe template to get the size right.Usually as you would know, the iris and thepupil in eyes would be the same size but havingthem different makes him appear a bit cartoonyand then putting them cross-eyed makes himlook a little bit crazy.Next take some blue gel food colour and paintsome around the edge of the iris coming intowards the middle.Then add a tiny bit of white to bring theeye to life.By now your ganache on the cake should befirmer so you can take that out of the fridge.Place some clean paper towel over the topand gently rub it with your hand.This just smooths out any little bumps inthe frosting so that his skin will look even.Once you've done that, roll out some orangeybrown and drape it over your hand and thenadd it into the mouth.Lift and position the fondant until you getone large fold on one side.Squeeze that together at the base and thentrim it off using scissors.Use the back of a spoon and your fingers justto smooth out the inside of the mouth.Then trim the excess from around the edge.Now you don't want to cut it all off, leavesome of it that's folding out around his mouthhere, the whole way around.Use your fingers to make sure there is a straightedge inside his mouth along each side so thatthe teeth can fit in there.You can push quite firmly here when you'redoing this but you've just got to make sureyou've got room for all of his teeth.Starting at the back add his molars into placethere should be four on each side on the bottom.And then with a knife make a cut where thefront teeth will be and push them into thecake.Repeat that with your top teeth and then adda snake of gum colour just across the topof the teeth there and using the end of yourpaintbrush push the gum up slightly betweeneach tooth.Now I've got some exciting news ... you guyshave seen my husband Dave in some of my videosbefore but what you may not know is that hehas worked as a journalist for all of thetop newspapers in Australia.And he is currently writing a novel.And the reason I'm telling you this is we'dlove you to be involved in writing it.There are three main characters in the book,two of them are from Australia and one isfrom out of town.I want to know what country you would likehim to be from?Let us know in the comments below and themost popular answer will determine his nationalityin the book.This is going to be so much fun I'll ask youdifferent questions in videos as we go forwardwhile my husband is writing.Now with the mouth blend the top of the gumin with the fondant that you have alreadythere.Now that is done we want to cover the wholething in his skin colour.Just drape it over the top then lift and smooth.Now fondant is weird in that it looks likeit is going to be too big but if you justkeep lifting and smoothing, lifting and drapingit back down it magically all just fits.Trim off the excess from around the edge thenroll that into a ball and gently rub it alongthe fondant to smooth it out.Now for the fun bit.Look where his teeth are and put the mouthtemplate over the top.Gently outline it with the knife.Then make the cut a little deeper on one sideand lift up the fondant and cut it throughthe rest of the way as you go around.And then once you've got it all the way offthere just use your finger to smooth out thecut edge.Then add a little bit of water along thatedge and add a long strip of fondant all theway around the opening of his mouth - allthe way back to the beginning and join thattogether.Again use your template here just to makesure you've got the shape of his mouth justright.It goes down a bit on one side at the bottomthere, just use your finger to shape it.Put some cocoa powder of a dry paint brushand brush right down the back of the mouththere just to darken that slightly.To make his tongue flatten out a thick snakeand trim it to size using the template.And then use your fingers to round it at thefront and make it go up slightly in the middleand then just add that into the mouth curvingup slightly in the middle.Roll out a thick snake of yellow.Flatten it out using a rolling pin and thenshape it into his moustache shape using thetemplate and trim it to the right length.Rub a little water onto the cake so that itwill stick and add that into place for hismoustache.Just push it down a little bit in the middleat the top of his mouth and shape it aroundthere.For his nose, roll a ball of fondant and squashit into a triangle shape.Then use the side of your finger to flattendown each nostril and the bridge of his nose.Then really round out that top section justrolling it between your fingers.And then flatten it down, squash it down abit and then add two holes for the nostrilsTake a scrap of fondant and brush it witha little bit of the pink luster dust justto get most of it off, and then brush thattiny bit that's left onto the nose just togive it that red glow.Using some water add it into place just abovehis moustache.Then draw two indents coming out from hisnose and one that's coming out a little bithigher there and going around.Then use your thumbs to make a slight indentand this is going to be our eye area.Then brush the cheeks and around the top ofthe eye area with a little bit more pink lusterdust.Add your eyeballs into place.Roll a thin snake of his skin colour and addit around the eye and continue to add moreuntil you are happy with it.Roll out some yellow for his hair and usethe template to cut out the centre shape.Smooth the edges there just using your finger.Then lift the whole thing up and add the fondanton top smoothing down the top of his hair.On one side cut out the ear area and thentuck the excess fondant under to make it lookthicker and then just trim that off with scissorsto make this haircut look just right.Using a knife trim it off just slightly biggerthan it needs to be and then tuck it in aroundthe base of his head.Cut a line in the centre of his hair and thenmake an indent along where his eyebrows wouldbe if we could see them.For the ears roll a snake that is fat at oneend and skinny at the other and bend it aroundto make an ear shape.Then take a smaller piece and roll that intothe same shape but this time flatten it downand just pinch it or squeeze it on one sideto give it bit of a different shape at thetop there.Add that underneath the part you made first.Then add the whole thing to the side of hishead.And just use the back of the paintbrush toshape it slightly and sort of blend it ontothe side of his head.Use a little bit more pink to dust the chin.Then use some cocoa powder just to dust thebase of his neck and shoulders just to givethem a bit of shading.Add some pink in straight lines to the hairand just under his eyes there.To make the saliva, the really gross bit,place some isomalt into a pan and heat ituntil it melts.You could use sugar for this but the isomaltis more stable so it's going to last for awhole day, whereas the sugar will go stickywithin an hour.Once it is melted put drops onto non-stickbaking paper and also drizzle some going upand down the paper so that you can use thisfor the saliva between his teeth.Let that set and then add it into his mouthjust resting it between his teeth there.Then add some of the droplets coming out ofthe side of his mouth like they're sprayingout.Finally cover the board in red fondant trimmingit to make it straight along the edge.And then brush it with luster dust to shadeit.And there you have a barbarian from Clashof Clans, complete and ready to battle.Click here for the recipe, here for last week'sgiant Tim Tam, and here for my YouTube channel.This cake was requested by Aminul, Monica,origami Joy, Lillian, Renzoe, Kusum, and allof these other wonderful subscribers...Put all of your requests below.Make it a great week and I'll see you on Friday.\n"