3D Printing Pancakes! _ DOPE or NOPE

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WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en on a Tuesday NYT I'm in the EBD with you I (stilted) Hello and welcome - ♪ Vivaldi's \\\

It seems like we have some technical issues here. It appears that there's a bit of confusion about who or what is being addressed in this message. The speaker refers to someone as "you" but then immediately addresses the audience directly, creating an ambiguous relationship between the two.

The greeting "Hello and welcome" suggests that we are entering some sort of formal gathering or event, possibly even a performance or a concert given the mention of Vivaldi's music. However, it is unclear who specifically is being welcomed. The use of "(stilted)" to describe the speaker's tone implies a level of formality that might be uncomfortable for the audience.

Moving on from this initial confusion, we find ourselves immersed in an enthusiastic appreciation of Vivaldi's work. The inclusion of music notation ("♪") preceding the composer's name suggests that we are being led into a musical interlude or performance.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enon a tuesdaynyt im in the ebd withyoui(stilted) Hello and welcome -♪ Vivaldi's \"Spring\" from Four Seasons ♪...to this distinguished episode of 3D printing pancakes.For those of you that... this is your first video, you wouldn't know that this is not how I talk.Sorry, I-I don't know why I'm talking like that.Bryan found online a pancake robot.Literally a robot that makes pancakes and we're going to decidewhether this pancake is DOPE or N-N-NOPE!(Bryan) -whether the robot is dope.Yeah, wha-You said \"the pancake\".We can also decide if you are DOPE or NOPE.(Bryan) What?Yeah.NOPE!! (buzzer sound)Thats what I would vote.Click that bell icon, because you don't want to miss future DOPE or NOPE videosor videos like that because they're fun.Right?also, I live stream occasionally and comment back in the first 30 minutesso click it so you don't miss that good stuffThe product that we're looking at here today is \"Pancake Bot.\"*deep breath before dramatically reading* \"PNKBO1BK\"\"3D Food Printer, Black\"As you can see from this picture right now, it's printed an astronaut.Oh~ Eiffel Tower status!My question is: how fast can this thing print......Before the other parts of it are burnt.Oh look! Even in their picture it's burnt! *laughs*That's TOASTED, dude!Look at that thing!That is burnt!In their own picture! Are we-This is real!Bryan: Some people like overdone pancakes!WHO?!*Matthias remix of who let the dogs out*How're you gonna eat this pancake.How're you gonna serve this pancake.You see what I'm saying?You're like, \"Ok, come and get your pancake!\" and it just like*immitates scooping a pancake off of a plate* It keeps falling apart, like...*video music plays*Matthias narration: The first pancake printer.Oooh, that thing goes slow, dude.What? You have to draw your pancakes out?*more video music*Huh.And then what. Then you cook it?So--what, do you turn on the thing after?'cause it doesn't look like it's cooking...\"Proprietary batter dispensing system will draw your perfect customized pancake every time.\"\"Software included to trace any image on your computer.\"Oh, thats cool.\"Non-stick electric griddle with removable probe included.\"♪ violin stab ♪Not horrible reviews.3.5 out of 5.That means we really don't know going into this.So what that means is..I'm not a deciding factor, Bryan's not a deciding factor.We're gonna tell you at the end of the video if it's a dope or a nope.But also you get to decide.So stayed tuned to the end of the videoto find out how to vote.Before we buy this lets look at some reviews.\"Does this pancake bot obey the laws of robotics?\"\"..Specifically, may pancake bot not harm humanity, or, by inaction,allow humanity to come to harm?\"\"PancakeBot will cause great harm to your cholesterol count.\"*laughs*(Bryan) WowAw, look, it's Pikachu.(Bryan) Whaat?He got a little toasty on the sides, though.He got a little toasty.Okay..Ooo, 239 bucks?*nervous groan* add to cart!EHHThere it is.????So, I was told that Dave and Bryantested it to make sure it worked, yeah?(Bryan) Both of us primarily did.(Matthias) Primarily did?(Bryan) Dave should take the lead on this one because-(Both) Dave knows how to use it. *both laugh*Bryan has no idea how to use this, so Dave's gonna help me use this.Bryan, you are USELESS.Dave, do you know how?(Dave) Yeah dude.Alright, Dave. Dave's gonna help me with this one.Bryan, tap-out.Tap-out.\"The design above will resemble the actual pancake once it has been flipped\"..is what it says right there(Dave) The cool thing about..(Matthias) Yeah.(Dave) ..this program is that you can import a picture to draw overto help you with tracing.(Matthias) *understanding 'ohhhh'*See, when I heard that,I thought it was going to trace it automatically for me.(Dave) Right.(Matthias) And I was like, 'Oh, that's cool.''It eliminates a lot of the work!'*laughs* But I still have to do the work!Oops.This is what I'm doing, guys.(Dave) There is a tool to help you draw straight lines.*whispering* I don't want them, dude.*exasperated* There we go.Check this out, see now I fill it.Yeah, that's what I thought!all on the same like plane hereyou don't saying I would recommend usingdifferent shape differentoh I can do different shades yeahdifferent that's a burnt pancake doughhopes they're gonna push that hard firstgotcha okay okay okay okay okayI call this the shortcake file name shutmask air alright you ready to get shookwhile eating some cake let's do ithello I'm chef Mathias today I'm goingto be showing you somethingpancake bot maker a 3d painting ba f3cpancake bot maker so wait we got a 3dpancake that makes robot I don't thinkthat's what we're doing here I thinkwe've got a 3d printer that makespancakes Dave is the engineer of thisthing let me rephrase that he didn'tinvent this I did not he figured out howto use it for the most part yeah he's mypancake engineer on set what's firstwhat are we doing first got to getbatter into the best seems simple enoughdo we got a bottle yeah I'm gonna flopit in there real good flop this I feellike I'm printing inside the printerright-handed yeah did you just pour itin from the spoon in there but you makea mess Brianso unpatient are entertaining so theshook pancake that I'm that I'm going tomake I'm gonna wait till the very endokay that's going to be my final magnumopus so to speak sweet so I drop thispuppy right into there yep can go aheadand turn it on and it oh oh here we goI turned on too soon that's okay selectthe item I've pre-made a few okay let'splay button to selectokay so then there's I have SupermanI have Simmons cat who's Simmons say alittle cat at the cartoon you probablyrecognize it messiahs snapchat logo okaysnapchat logo snapchat logo and I'mclicking play now okay here we go guysthis is it this is it I mean that wasn'ttoo difficult although I didn't do allthe setup you did so then you have topress now do you hear it yes singingdude it's like oh there we goI see it I see a sad chat logo but it'sgoing to be incomplete because it didn'tspread squirting and silver yeahOh yep I'll mold it but good enough bygood enough except it's gonna be bornyeahyou know if you look in there seealready bubbling that's when you know apancake needs to be flipped more updatesbig time this puppy is going to besmoking but the problem is if you don'tcook it fast enough then it won't dryand dryyou mean York okay it was nothing Ohdrawin time dude this is happeningenough in time to create the outline sothat the rest doesn't flood out thistakes forever dude welcome Paul this isPaul he is a producer of googly eyes Idon't know you're familiar with I'mexcited I've seen this thing floatingaround the office yes and well we'veactually had this at the office tryingto get it to work for three months and Ithink Dave finally got it to workwhat am i making here dude I mean it'sclearly a waffle like not very besttanking it's really know what the designis all the design oh it's like a dogcake I would say I go alarms yeah okaydoes that mean with it what company doesthat remind you of company yes we'll gosnapchat there you go now are youwilling to taste this of course I'mgoing to taste both I'm actually acrying did you get through it oh ohthank you Brian got sugar-free oh I'mjust kidding look okay so now what I gotto do Missy airship so you're splittingit's not fully cooked yet on partiallyon one side that's the issuealmost almost like a band-aid okay Paulall set it okay they've been to workdude I'm sitting right here here it'snot even dark at all that's not evendark at all yes I like your hat thankyoudid you just touch my chef's hat Paulchef's shoulder - okay I'm dying to tellsomebodyokay so here we go there's a pancake didwe not have butter by the timeI'll make compromises I don't care dudehow do you like it I have a tooth in theocean I don't knowwell it does smell good but mainly it isthe syrupI mean snow face the smell well ittastes disgusting really no no it'sactually it just tastes like a normalpancake okay cuz yeah it's good it'sgoodhow much do you think this was $800 $800dude yeah well bro judging by ourreaction on say 200 now you're closercloserit's like 290 bucks okay okay where youget this for 290 bucks and make pancakesconsistently I wouldn't get it now sowhat does that mean dope or no I thinkthe idea of it though but for me I knowI see you score whatever I can oh coolbut I also think it's so dull forwardbetween look at just a doorknob you saidno I know you don't go he said no yousaid no I didn't say dope I said no if Iget to keep this you get to keep Isleit's about so this is Tanner infocardright up thereproducer rack over you're not that's theofficial announcement about that dudethat's an amazing about it for the showtonightoh my god do it well we finally cookiesdo you know what this islooks like a griddle yes what was it ohit's made a big bubblewe making pancakes man we makin pancakesbut do you know what this is exactlygonna make pancakes for me well yeahcourt what subtle you think that youthink I'd make my own pancakes come ondude you're definitely I'm a master chefdude we're going to make a pancake hereokay and I'm gonna need you to guesswhat this pancake is okay I'm gonnadesign a pancake you just waitedis it not doing anything done that youmight have to we got this dude we gotthis I don't know what is it making noteven from ours oh no we got a lower theoops I goofed dude I'm working pancakemaker it's okay okay oh my gosh no wayit's the mathias load oh he's got italreadylittle good you're not going to be ableto like scoop that up and get the mainpart of this the main like structure ofthis pancake is air that is not doneit's just letting it cook before it doesthe next four all right here we go dudehere we go it's going it in now how manytime do you have how much time do I haveyeah right now to do what wait for thispancake wow this is impressive if thiscould do this like three times the speedbe pretty uh pretty sweet isn't it goingto burn on the bottom because sometimesmen sit on there for a long time this isweird dude this is not the design of itnow that isn't that's enough to designat all so it's gone rogue pancake bothas gone roguethis is the sloppiest pig I've ever seenI mean but let's be honest even a sloppypancakes don't get sloppy pancakes stilltaste good but I wonder if my wife'sdrunk in the kitchen oh there you go sowe're just filling in some gaps thererather drunkenly what was your questionlike did you guys get the foam don'tworry about it do is Molly you'reactually gonna use old man this lipstickit's so bad don't woah dude this isn'tmissing everything you see that what doyou think looks like it's cooked kind ofhere's everything dude got thatseventies retro vibe I'm liking it Imean I see your logo and I saw from thebeginning so I think that's a success Idon't know what happened there dude itwas just like it got lazy look I don'tfeel like it but I'm almost not evenupset about it because it kind of addssome Flair I mean that's the thing aboutthe pancake pot you can't really hate itbecause still gonna paint it like yeahit's like yeah I hate you but still soCasey yeah oh bloody heckyes what are you doing you're you'rebanging fuck what are you doing dude Iliterally never seen anyone who's payinggig like that so how's the pain goodgoodlittle burnt the painter doesn't tasteany different we could sit thereanywhere else but if there's a littlebit better all that anticipation likewaiting for to your cook like would itreally got me going for itthis pancakes are 15 minutes how much doyou think this is on what the doing it'smaking the shook pancake baby up way toomuch probably like $600 wow dude it isactually like 290 bucks okay waiting 15minutes for it dope or no let me tellyou what happens a great there's noalways like as I can sir that's prettybuilt who are you going to keep thattogether I'm going to do my bestI have to this is the shook pancake asyou can see it did not fill it in evenremotely oopsOh success is that legible guys I Ithink I look like cook way didn't fillin very well at all I know it didn'tfill in at all it did a poo poo job allright and left behind some O's theredude I'm getting shuck limp say hey I'mchef Brian I don't even owe in one bitedudeyou hear that right you got a lot ofmouth juice it's the pancake it's notbad I'm hungry though it's a very thinpancake too this is like a crepe youknow you don't eat a crepe as a mealyou're just like oh look it's a crepeand then you eat it and you're like didI just eat air it's not supposed to bepracticable it's supposed to be a funthing it's relatively cheap I feel likeyou could perfect it I'm gonna said dopereally even though it took you 30minutes to make that show pancake yeahbecause the idea of this is not to makebreakfast in a hurry the idea is noveltyyou know when you make these things withyour kids this is going to be funbecause they're going to be all excitedabout the cool little designs that youmake and then they get to eat it so forthat I say go guys I need you to tell meif you think this is built for nope I'mgoing to make a community post and 24hours look out in the sub feed for thatyou get to boat dope or nope until thenhere thumbnail right there I have somemore crazyfun food products giant gummy brain itwas surprisingly tasty I sunk my teethinto that puppy click it I'll see youover there\n"