**SuperSaf Style Camera Comparison: Huawei P30 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy S10+**
In this video, SuperSaf compares two high-end smartphones from different manufacturers - the Huawei P30 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy S10+. The comparison focuses on the camera capabilities of these devices, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses in various modes.
**Front Facing Camera Comparison**
The front facing camera is an essential aspect of a smartphone's design. SuperSaf examines how both cameras perform in this mode, starting with the Huawei P30 Pro. While the P30 Pro offers better image quality due to its high resolution, it struggles with edge detection and dynamic range. For example, when using portrait mode from the front facing camera, the P30 Pro loses dynamic range and blows out highlights in the background, unlike the S10+ which performs much better in this regard.
Another aspect of the front facing camera is low light selfies. The S10+ has an edge over the P30 Pro in this department, with brighter images that are closer to natural lighting conditions. However, when using the front facing flash on both devices, SuperSaf finds that the P30 Pro image is more pleasing to the eye, with better color reproduction and sharper details.
**Rear Facing Camera Comparison**
The rear facing camera is where the Huawei P30 Pro truly shines. With its five times optical zoom and ten times hybrid zoom, it becomes one of the best smartphone cameras available. The super spectrum camera, which uses red, yellow, and blue light instead of traditional RGB, seems to have paid off in terms of low light performance, producing very good images even on auto mode.
The S10+ also offers a high-quality rear facing camera, but its zoom capabilities are not as impressive as the P30 Pro's. However, SuperSaf notes that the S10+ has an ultrawide camera which is wider than the P30 Pro, making it more versatile for landscape and group shots.
**Video Comparison**
When it comes to video recording, both devices perform well, but the Samsung Galaxy S10+ edges out the Huawei P30 Pro. The footage from the primary camera and ultra-wide lens on the S10+ is more stable, with better autofocus and slow-motion capabilities. Additionally, the S10+ offers the option of HDR10+ and 4K recording at up to 60 frames per second, whereas the P30 Pro is limited to 4K at 30 frames per second.
In conclusion, SuperSaf's comparison highlights the strengths and weaknesses of both smartphones in various camera modes. While the Huawei P30 Pro excels in low light performance and zoom capabilities, the Samsung Galaxy S10+ offers better front facing camera results, more versatile rear facing cameras, and superior video recording capabilities. Ultimately, if you prioritize taking a lot of videos or want the best overall camera experience, the S10+ is the better option. However, if you're someone who wants to take high-quality low-light selfies or zoom in on distant objects, the P30 Pro's unique features make it an attractive choice.
**Recommendations and Final Thoughts**
If you want to see more images from various devices, SuperSaf recommends following him on Instagram (@supersaf) for regular updates. He also encourages viewers to subscribe to his channel for more SuperSaf style videos. In the comments below, SuperSaf invites viewers to share their thoughts and opinions on the comparison, and he looks forward to hearing from them.
**The Verdict**
This video has been a thorough examination of two high-end smartphones' camera capabilities. While both devices have their strengths and weaknesses, the Samsung Galaxy S10+ edges out the Huawei P30 Pro in various areas. Nevertheless, the P30 Pro's unique features make it an excellent choice for those who prioritize low-light performance and zoom capabilities.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- What's up guys?Saf here on SuperSaf TVand welcome to another SuperSafstyle camera comparison.This time between the Huawei P30 Proand Samsung Galaxy S10+.You guys know the drill,we'll be checking out allaspects of the cameras.Front, rear facing, low light,video, audio, everything.Look out for the audio icon,you'll know which devicethe audio is coming from.We're currently usingthe front facing cameras.Now with the S10+, you dohave up to 4K recordingfrom the front facing cameraso we are at 4K on the S10+,we're at 1080p on the Huawei P30 Proand before we do the stabilization test,we are going to switch to1080p from the S10+ as well,just to make things fair.Right, now we are at 1080pfrom both front facing cameras,so that way, the stabilizationtest will be fair.So just walking right now,nice day for a change.Now, let's go ahead and run.We've moved on to rear facingcameras on both devices.We are filming at 4K,30 frames per second.Just taking a look around.Okay, now just testingout stabilization at 4K.Just walking and let's go ahead and run.Okay, now we're testing outthe stabilization at 1080p,usually things are better at 1080p.Walk once againand now run.Another thing we cantest while we're on videois the optical zoom.So we've got up to two typesoptical zoom on the S10+,but we've got five timesoptical zoom on the P30 Pro,so you can get in super, super close.Last thing we'll try on thevideo is the ultra wide.So let's see how stable both of these are,when we're using the ultra wide for video.Man, that crow is super loud, anyway.So let's just go ahead and run,while we're using the ultra wide.Just testing out theauto focus on the S10+.That dual pixel is so, so fast.Same test on the P30 Pro.And it's definitely not as fast,as the S10+,as you can see.So that was the video.Now before we move onto images,having a quick look at whatwe're working with here.For the front facing cameras,the P30 Pro does have amuch higher resolutionbut the S10+ has a wider apertureand it also has a secondary camera,which is going to helpwith depth information.Now for the rear facing cameras,we have similar setupsin the sense that we havean ultra wide, a primary,as well as a telephoto,but the S10+ has two times optical zoom,whereas the P30 Pro hasfive times optical zoomand the P30 Pro also hasa time of flight sensor,which should help with depth information.Now if you want to customize the look ofyour S10+ or your P30 Pro,then definitely check outour channel sponsor, dbrand.They've got a huge selectionof skins for smart phones,laptops, tablets, you name it andI'll be leaving a link tothem in the description below.Final thing to mention isthat all images and videohave been taken on automatic,I haven't tweaked any settingsand that's to keep thingsas fair as possible.Getting straight to the images,we're not going to start off with selfiesbecause some of you guysget annoyed about that.Selfies will be a little bit later on.We're starting off withthe rear facing cameras.So using the primary rearfacing cameras on both devices,both doing a very, very good job overall.Slight differences incolor but no major deal.Now let's test out the zoom.So two times on the S10+ andthen we've got five timeson the P30 Pro and you can just seea massive, massive difference.Although, I would say thatthe shadows are a little bitmore crushed when you do usethe zoom camera on the P30 Pro,compared to that on the S10+,which has maintained moredetails in those shadows.Now, if we digitally zoomedfive times on the S10+,just to kind of do aside by side comparison,you can see that because the P30 Pro,as expected, is optical,it's a lot sharper.The P30 Pro also has 10 times hybrid zoom,that's where it uses bothoptical and digital zoomand if we try to replicate10 times digital zoom on the S10+,once again, you can see here thatthe P30 Pro is doing so much better.You can read all of thetext here on this monument.Now another outdoor shot.Both doing good here, I'dsay the S10+ is a little bitsharper and the blues aredefinitely more vibrant.Now I'd say that theactual scene was somewherein between these two, but bothare doing good nevertheless.Once again, let's test out that zoom,and a huge difference.The P30 Pro, you canget in so much closer,thanks to that five times optical zoom,with a 10 times hybrid zoom.Once again, I've digitallyzoomed 10 times on the S10+,just to kind of replicateit as close as possibleand the P30 Pro, so much sharper,very, very good in terms of zoom.Now an image of some flowers,both doing really good here.The P30 Pro is pulling outmore details from the shadowsfrom what I can see,and one thing to mention is thatI had been using 10megapixels on the P30 Probecause that is the default settingand that is the setting that isgoing to get the best results at,but you can use 40megapixels, if you want.If you do switch to 14 megapixels,you can see that the imagedoes look quite differentand that's because the HDR is not workingas well on 40 megapixels,as it was on 10 megapixels,so those shadows are not as brightenedas they were on the 10 megapixel version,and if you go on 100%, youcan see that can crop inso much further on the 40megapixel sensor of the P30 Pro.Although, as mentioned, I donormally shoot at 10 megapixelsbecause that is where you're going to getthe best results overall.Now, a lot of you guys will know thatone of my favorite features onsmartphone cameras is an ultra wideand both of these havean ultra wide camerawhich I absolutely love.So here is a regular shot,both doing a good job.And, are you ready for it?Boom! Look at that!Ultra wide is so, so awesome.But there's something thatyou'll notice straight awayin this image and that is that the S10+is actually even wider,compared to the P30 Pro,and that is something I do like.You can get more into your shots.Another example here,this wall of graffiti,this was the furthest back I could getbecause there was a road behindme and I didn't want to die,and here, once again, the S10+from the exact same position,you're getting so muchmore into your shot.So for ultra wide, I do prefer the S10+.Now, I know you guys have beenwaiting for some low lighttests and here is thespace center in low light,and the P30 Pro, a brighter image overall.This is at normal settings,so just automatic.Now if we do use Huawei's night mode,this is where it takes multipleshots over a few seconds.You can see that you'vegot an even brighter image,you can see more details inthe background here as well.It's something that I definitely do like.Another low light shot.Once again the P30 Pro is brighter,you can see there's more detailin the background as well.This is at auto, now ifwe do use the night mode,it's much brighter image, wecan see so much more detailon the background but it's not as sharp.Now because it's taking a long exposure,one thing you do haveto bear in mind is that,if there's any movement in your shot,or if your hand isn'tas steady as possible,then the image isn'tgoing to be as sharp asif you take it on automatic.So here you can see thatalthough the image is muchbrighter, it's not as sharp.Now a low light image, indoors,and this is where the P30 Pro,that's red, yellow and blue sensor,compared to the red, green and blue sensoron the S10+, is really shining here.You've got a much, much brighter imageand a much better low light image.This is the automatic andif we do use night mode,it's a little bit brighter but once again,because of that longer exposure,the image is not as sharpand I was trying to keep itas still as possiblebut I'm assuming becausethe subjects are so close,any sort of little vibrationsare being magnified,and you can see that theimage is not as sharpas if you shot it on automaticand personally, I do preferthe shot at automatic.I guess the night mode would be useful,if you're taking landscape orsomething like that at night.Now let's look at portrait modes,this is where it's goingto blur the background.Time of flight sensorshould really help here andin this shot, I think both are doinga really, really good job.If you look at the blur,it's also a gradual blur,so it's not just the same blur all across.If you look towards the floor area,the bricks are more in focus,compared to when you gofurther back to that building.So I'd say both of these are really good.Now this is an interesting imagebecause we do have a lot oflight coming from the backgroundand here I do prefer the image on the S10+and that's because if youlook towards the background,the S10+ has maintained thosedetails in the background,whereas the P30 Pro has blown those outand this is something I did notice.Here's another image of theLondon Eye in the background.Because there was a lot oflight in the background,and we were in the shade,the P30 Pro has struggled toeven expose the backgroundas well as the foreground.The S10+ is definitely doinga much better, even job here.Now, I'm moving onto selfies,we've pushed these backfor all the selfie haters.Anyway, the first image here.Both are doing a really goodjob but the P30 Pro is wider.Now that's because we're usingthe default mode on the S10+,but there is an option togo wider and if we do that,then the angles are a lot more similarso we will be shooting all of the selfiesat this wide angle mode, justso we have comparable results.And here, I think, both aredoing a really, really good job.We've got great dynamic range,you can see that we can seeall of those details in the background,where the clouds are and the trees.The P30 Pro does seem sharper however,and that is thanks to thatmassive 32 megapixel resolutionthat we have on the P30 Pro,and if we do go in 100%,you can see that we canget so much more detail,we can crop in so muchfurther on the P30 Pro,compared to the S10+.I'm not sure if you wantto crop in this closeto my face and see all myimperfections, but anyway.Now if you use the portrait modefrom the front facing camera,this is where things get interestingbecause it looks like we losethat dynamic range on the P30 Proand you can see that thebackground is now blown out,compared to the S10+and this is something thatI noticed quite a bit.When you're using portrait mode,then the P30 Pro does tendto blow out the highlights.The edge detection on the P30 Prois also not as good as the S10+.If you look towards my sunglasses,there's some errors here,also towards my jacket, whereas the S10+,thanks to that additional depth sensor,is doing a much better job.Another portrait shot and once again,we do have these similarities.The P30 Pro, not doing a great job,in terms of edge detection.My ear's blurred as well asthe edge of my sunglasses,whereas the S10+ isdoing a much better job.Finally, some low light selfiesand the S10+ is definitely brighter here.This seems to be thanksto that wider aperture,but if we do use the front facing flash,I now do prefer the P30Pro image, which has bettermaintained the colorsand it's also sharper.The S10+ has brightened up the imagebut it's definitelytowards the yellow sideand it has washed out a little bitand it's not as sharp.And there we have it guys.That is the SuperSaf stylecamera comparison between theHuawei P30 Pro and theSamsung Galaxy S10+.In terms of my opinions,I'd say for the front facing camera,I would have to give theoverall win to the S10+,although the P30 Pro was sharper,thanks to that high resolution,the S10+ did performbetter in portrait modefor the edge detection, ithad better dynamic rangeand also in video, youdo have the option of 4Kso it was sharper in video.For the rear facing cameras,when it comes to zoomand low light, the win definitelyhas to go to the P30 Pro.That five times optical,as well as that 10 timeshybrid zoom is insane.It's the best zoom thatI've tested on any smart phone camera,and that super spectrum camera,where Huawei are usingred, yellow and blue,instead of red, green and blue,does seem to have paid offbecause low light images,even on auto do look very, very goodand this may just bethe new low light champ.You also got night mode,which works really wellfor landscapes and things.Once again, do bear in mindthat if there is any movement orif your hands are not steady,then these images won't be as sharpbut it's really nice to have that option.I wish there was somethinglike this on the S10+but unfortunately we do not have this.But I did prefer the ultrawide camera on the S10+,It's actually widercompared to the P30 Pro.For video, although both were good,I would have to give theoverall win to the S10+.The footage from the primary camera,as well as the ultra wide was more stable.You've got better auto focus,you've got better slow motionand you've also got the optionof HDR10+ as well as 4K,up to 60 frames per second.You can only go 4K out ofthe 30 frames per second on the P30 Pro.Now I couldn't reallydemonstrate HDR10+ or 4K 60 fpsin this video because thisvideo is not in HDR10+and it's at 4K 30fpsbut it's nice to have thoseadditional options on the S10+.So if you're somebody wholikes taking a lot of video,then I'd say that the S10+is the better overall option.That's what I think anyway,what do you guys think?Definitely drop me a comment belowand let me know your thoughts.If you want to see lots of imagesfrom lots of different devices,then do give me a follow on Instagram.I'm @supersaf and if you haven't already,be sure to subscribe to this channelbecause we have lots moreSuperSaf style videos coming up.I hope you enjoy thisvideo and find it useful.If you did, then do hit thatthumbs up button for me.Thanks for watching, thisis Saf on SuperSaf TV,I'll see you next time.\n"