I'm Not Talking About Um Something That Anybody Can Do Because That's What It Seems Like You Know Apart From One-Offs I Don't Know Where The Industry's Heads At Anymore I Really Don't I Don't And And And I I I I Don't Have Much Hope Because I'm Not An Engineer Right In Terms Of Consumer Electronics And Consumer Experiences It's Just Instead Of Things Getting Better They're Getting Better In Some Respects But Worse In Other Respects Across The Board And I Think We Should Demand More From These Companies Absolutely And I I And It's Another Reason Why I I Refuse To You Know See One As Outstandingly Better Than Another Because It's Just Not The Case Not And Not Anymore It's Like I Have To Wait For The Next Year To Come Along Before I I See Something That Might Possibly Be Better Than What We Already Had And And It's Just It It Happens So Few And Far Between There Are Too Many Trade-Offs Now Too Many Trade-Offs Apple Has Never Been More Ripe To Be Disrupted Microsoft Was Disrupted I Think They Need To Go Further With What They've Done They Need To Clean Up The Cru No One Else Is Google's Got A Long Ways To Go Too They Got A Long Way To Go Long Way You Ever Tried Scrolling In Google Chrome They Give Apple A Run For Their Money With Frame Drops And Frame Rate Inconsistencies I Can't Even Say Inconsistencies I'm Inconsistent In Terms Of How I Say Inconsistencies No I Am Definitely Not Steve Jobs Don't Want To Be The I Don't Have Any Amount Of Want Need Or Desire To Be That At All Yeah You're Not The Only Person To Say I Should Work For Apple Funny Thing Is I Almost Got Hired At Microsoft Years Ago Over A Decade Ago This Was Before Vista Then After That I'm Sure Um I I Don't Think Uh I Don't Think Any Company Can Handle My Feedback Because Sometimes I'm Too Brutal But I I Usually Turn Out To Be Correct Just Saying There Are So Many Times I I I've Been Uh I've Been Cor In In My Analysis And And Calling The Ball Too Many Times And It's It's I Don't Want To Be Right I Don't Want To Be Right So Yeah I I Don't I Wasn't Very Uh I'm Glad I Did Not Waste My Time I I Just Wish I Could Believe Again In In In In Something It's Been So Long It's Been So Long But It's Just Technology It's Not My Identity My Identity Does Not Revolve Around This Just To The Point Where I Don't Care What You Choose To Use I Really Don't There Are A Lot Of Great Things Out There That Are Work Well For You And That's The Great Thing Is There There Are Options There Are Choices In The Marketplace Always Love Seeing Something New But Looking For Something That's Going To Fit My Needs Is Getting To Be More And More Challenging And That's The Most Frustrating Thing It's It's Kind Of Sad So Uh No Not My Identity I Don't Care I Don't These New Announcements Really Don't Excite Me Not Anymore Nothing Nothing Compared To The Excitement That I Get When I Walk Into A Store And See New Star Wars Figures Wave Two Out Now Chero I Got A Couple Of Him One To Open One To Keep In The Box Uh Cassian Andor Wave Two So Happy About This A New Darth Vader And I Say New It's A New Sculpt Still 5pa Very Happy About That I Had Already Uh Unboxed This Genin I Thought I Had I'm Pretty Sure I Did The One That Came With The Uh A ATA So That's The I Think That's The Same One I Found A Uh U Uh Director Krennic Krennic And That's The Darth Vader I Got Dupes Hang On I Thought I Had One More Maybe Not Oh Yep This Is The One More Here Oh Two Two More Sorry The Uh Princess Leia From Rebels And A Ray The New Ray With The Different Face Sculpt With Her Goggles Up So Just To Reiterate I'm Saying That This One Figure For Eight Bucks That I Got Free I Used A Gift Card Go Tag.com Freeapps And Goag /re Points That's How I Earned Gift Cards This $8 Figure Was Far More Exciting To See And To Have Than Anything I've Seen Announced This Week Did You Hear Me This $8 Piece Of Plastic Far More Exciting Than Any New Tech Announcement This Week Today's Free Highlight Was Brought To You By All Of My Active Patrons From Chris Pill.com If You Want Access To The Full Tl Dr Episodes Both Audio Video Past Present And Future Which Can Be Up To An Hour Long Or Longer With Even More Tech Insight From Me Plus Other Bonus Content Without Ads And Supporting Me At The Same Time You Can Sign Up To Become One Of My Supern Nomies Too This Is Just A Brief Taste Of What I'm Producing For You Again Get More Through Chris Pill.com
Apple Mac Announcements vs Microsoft Surface PC Announcements
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello world I'm Chris Perillo and I'm not wearing a new pair of glasses this is actually an old frame with a current prescription that did not work out very well for me and I've been using another pair of glasses that have recently broke and they won't replace them without getting a new prescription even though I don't need a new prescription I need a new frame that broke to replace that frame and anyway I'm not very happy with this right now nor am I happy with a few things that people seem to be very happy with I was just planning on covering today's Apple announcements I'm very grateful I did not spend the time to stream those announcements live with interactivity I mean even though I do love streaming interactively with my patrons I'm doing this live in case you were wondering these are my patrons Chris peo.com is where you can sign up to see my live streams and ask me questions that you may want to have answers to um it's just that uh today's Apple announcements were I guess whelming not overwhelming not underwhelming just whelming and as much as I was intending on just talking about what Apple announced today I'm going to mix it up I'm going to talk a little bit about what Microsoft announced yesterday and what Apple announced today because from a distance a lot of people are seemingly in the same boat that I am now remember I really don't get excited about new hardware doesn't happen all that often I get excited about new software I'm a software guy always have been always will be I have to repeat that every time I talk about new hardware it's not always about the hardware new hardware is useless if the same software sucks on it so just understand that's my reality um Apple announced uh some new Macbook Pros they are faster we were kind of expecting that um the big change in the new Macbook Pros is the Magic Touch bar this OLED screen is that what they call it let me put it to you this way it seems like it has the possibility of being a gimmick that's what has me concerned it could be a gimmick bar I can't judge I'm not using it I have absolutely no plans on upgrading anytime soon uh just to get this magic toolbar touch bar whatever they're going to call it um I wasn't so much put off by it even though I still feel that it has great gimmick potential which is not a good thing by the way a g gimmick is just something that separates this product from other products apart from it running Mac OS unlike any other product out there um I like the idea of it I would be greatly concerned that It suffers from the same frame rate inconsistencies as IOS as Mac OS and the like um but uh the thing that I I guess I I I I I sat and watched kind of play out as many people did what I saw and what was I guess more obvious to me glaring the thing that detracted My ATT or pulled my attention I'm not going to say detracted even though it was a detraction um Apple also announced a new touchpad that is apparently larger than existing touchpads and I don't mind that as an idea I don't mind it being lighter I don't mind it being faster I don't think anybody would complain about that um but the layout of their new trackpad on the new Macbook Pros has virtually no padding at the top as it juts up against the keyboard and virtually no padding on the bottom where it kind of juts up against the edge of uh the MacBook chassis so there's no padding but there is padding around the keyboard right you've got two speakers flanking each side of the keyboard and and some amount of uh aluminum aluminium at the top of the keyboard so that that that's congruent right here the top part of the square re the top part of the rectangle is congruent unfortunately the padding between the hinge and the keyboard the aluminum padding quote unquote padding I'm I'm talking about visual padding not necessarily like physical pading just this visual padding is maybe a Cen or so is give or take but there's an in congruent padding at the bottom so the top padding is this and the bottom padding is this and the side padding is congruent to the top padding so it's like they they just kept growing the touch pad and it doesn't look good there's there's no there's no distance between it and the keyboard which is offset by the distance between the keyboard and the hinge it's just visually cringeworthy I don't know what Apple's design people were smoking but I hope it was legal whatever they decided to to inhale when they thought this was a good idea maybe people are clamoring for a big trackpad that's a possibility too I'm not going to take away from that but it looks horrible not the touch bar I think the touch bar looks pretty cool if it works well if it's more than just a gimmick if it doesn't just serve to get in the way um it's an interesting idea in terms of how to introduce touch to the Mac OS experience I think it's a smarter way to introduce touch to uh a desktop uh uh experience smarter than how Microsoft approached windows so I'll give Apple that I I like the idea of it remains to be seen whether or not it turns out to be a a gimmick I don't know I I can't I I can't judge that the thing that drove me nuts is the design choice they made with in congruent padding of that trackpad So for anybody who claims oh the hardware is this that if you're not paying attention to those details you misunderstand exactly what drove people to Apple to begin with and a large part of that was their design choices um on its own it could be excuses well you know Apple's just trying to make stretch bad bigger that's fine but but let's also remember that to charge or recharge the new Apple Magic Mouse 2 or what are they calling it that right I get so lost with this terminology uh the charging port is on the bottom meaning you can't use the mouse oh but it only takes 20 minutes to recharge yeah but or two minutes or five minutes whatever it needs to get to a certain point that's not the point the the point is that you put the charging port on the bottom of the mouse a lightning uh uh a port which makes sense right lightning okay lightning is on the iPad the iPhone um but it was that design choice that kind of had people going huh okay well I guess I kind of feel the same way about the the choice of them kind of putting that trackpad onto the MacBook which it's it's been there for quite some time but in such a fashion that it almost seems like an afterthought design was an afterthought like didn't even think about design it just doesn't look good I would take a smaller trackpad with just a visual consistency and padding and just it beautiful to look at on or off as it stands it looks sloppy it really does and I'm not the only person to pick this up I'm not the only person to say this I tweeted it out immediately I'm like am I the only person seeing this and people are like no no you're not the only person um with apple in design it not just now Hardware but software they're it's not even cutting Corners it's just they they they it's Death By A Thousand Cuts so um no I have absolutely no want need or desire to get that at all I don't I don't want it maybe they'll fix it if they perceive it as a problem which they probably don't CU they did it look at it just look at the imbalance of it just look look at the imbalance of it forget the usability for a second because we don't know how usability is going to work with the Palm resting there and and all I'm talking about just how it looks you used to pay a premium for that design now you're paying a premium for what I don't know um Ram ssds you pay a premium for that um Apple's Hardware is uh I'm not gonna I'm not going to do what the other people do and call it boring it's not it's not boring I I don't think their Hardware is boring at all I I think it this this the design of the new Macbook Pro is is ghastly not talking about the toolbar everything everything else on the MacBook looks okay right except for the the the the in congruent visual of of what surrounds the trackpad which I still want to call a touchpad you touch it you know so that is my chief concern it just like if any Tech reviewer out there says look at this beautiful BL beautiful don't listen to them don't trust them cuz if they can't see it they can't be trusted it is clearly apparent this is just not good design the emperor has no clothes so uh let's go ahead and and go a step further what the hell happened to courage do do you know I I thought I remembered when um but was it a few months ago Apple came out and said why did we remove the headphone jack courage okay Apple I'll give you that it does take courage makes sense your own lightning fine on the new Macbook Pro what do we see we see a headphone jack okay so Apple just basically pissed all over its courage like I don't believe them now really if you were going to be courageous why why did you well the design blah blah then you should have had them in lock step because coming out and saying well we removed the headphone jack here and that took courage but the headphone jack is still here so we still don't have courage there yet doesn't make any sense they went through and they revamped every other Port which they needed to do now mind you I've been a fan of the mag safe adapter I I have but I've also wanted uh a more consistent experience with USB so I'm also a fan of USB type-c so so they upgraded all the USB stuff I like that we still got the headphone jack what and believe it or not I may be the only one I still use the SD card slot every day well I could get a USB adapter for it and everything but it's just one more thing to attach so design Wise It's a Macbook is that trackpad placement man someone was not thinking clearly it looks like an apple knockoff product I'm not even I'm not even joking I can't even get to the part of wanting to enjoy the uh the the touch bar she can't get past that how could you not see that as a problem you know for the for you who claim that Hardware is important how could you not see that Apple's doing things we used to make fun of other people for other for from from software to Hardware man I I don't know I I I'm whelmed they also announced some new app for like a TV Guide type of experience that's not what it's called like an Apple TV experience haven't had a chance to use it I'd imagine it's going to be free for Apple TV iPad iPhone um oh well apart from that yeah the touch ID integration in the MacBook okay that's that's neat it's it's a neat thing but the trackpad it just looks horrible man if you can't see it if you can't see how bad that looks again go back to what Apple had been known had been known for okay so I think uh I think I'm going to try to stop slagging Apple for just five minutes um now it's time to slag Microsoft uh they announced the surface Studio that's I think it's called um fascinating it's effectively they announced the iMac they they announced a touchscreen iMac for for all intents and purposes and honestly I think they kind of did a better job with what that type of PC is as much as I really like the iMac uh I like the idea that pretty much all the internals of the uh the surface Studio are in the base I'm like that's kind of intelligent I thought that was kind of nice I like I I like that as an idea I like that I like that a lot so that's one thing that that sets the studio apart the service Studio not cheap you know thousands upon thousands of dollars for this thing but it's not for everybody it's a desktop machine which let's face it is kind of a a Dying Breed outright what the surface studio is for is the creator the illustrator someone who designs because you you take the basically the monitor the screen part and you can pivot it down and then it creates this nice little angle where you could draw you could write you can do creative things with your fingers and your stylus or whatever and you can set it back P up and then it's a traditional desktop seemingly pretty smart I I I really I really like that idea I think it would be a very compelling um um option for creators now this is where I saw a lot of discontent yesterday A lot of people who are creators who do work with creative programs uh like Adobe Photoshop um are now looking at the surface the specifically the surface studio for creation longing uh for something like that from Apple now I would not expect Apple to integrate touch on the desktop any more than it has with this new Magic Touch bar thing and I think that's the right way of doing it because OS 10 or sorry it's old habits die hard Mac OS and windows were not designed with this input device at all or even this input device they just they they weren't outright and so to try to operate the the platforms with anything apart from U you know trackpad or touchpad or a mouse it gets a little wonky to say the least um that is one of the the things that has kind of held me back from from really taking Windows seriously as seriously as they want to be taken um the service Studio does mitigate some of that uh that ux nightmare scenario within Windows um but uh the thing that I think would keep me from necessarily investing in it is a I'm not a Creator in that capacity I don't draw unless you do unless you have a use case specifically for a touchscreen environment it I I don't know how well it's going to work for you in in terms of budget um design-wise it's fine but you know again you can design the most amazing piece of Hardware but if the software is not there I don't know so this is where I have a problem with software and I've had for quite some time with Windows um it's a mish mash dude if I wanted to use Windows 7 I'd use Windows 7 if I if I wanted to use Windows 10 I'd use Windows 10 the problem is is they're all mashed together right you've got elements that are still Legacy and then and then when you start adding in third party software it really starts to get fugly DPI scaling mixed and font smoothing issues across the board and it's just the more you try to use it the the worse it looks that's Windows one of windows' problems it's um it's a mix and um that's not a good thing sometimes I just want Windows 10 to be Windows 10 right and and and to live in that that new Sheen environment but then the moment the old kind of pokes its ugly head out I'm like oh god oh you know it's like um it's like enjoying a new cookie right and then you bite it into a raisin now some people don't mind raisins I am not one of those people I mind raisins greatly and so to me Windows 10 is this chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven that has an errant raisin in it and and these old these old bits and pieces that look like very old bits and pieces so the new hardware it works I'm sure still the same old looking old with a little looking new software so that's that's Windows 10 and and then forget the the security and privacy issues on top of that or or add them to it I don't care so I was well Med that's that's that's where I was with Microsoft's announcements uh yesterday that's where I am with Apple's announcements today I I I don't know a single company out there that's providing an experience that is worthy of uh my time and attention apart from bits and pieces my favorite PC experience remains to be and I'm not just saying this because I can say it I'm going to say it anyway uh the uh HP Star Wars notebook computer special edition notebook computer Darth Vader's on it man built right in there yeah why where else are you going to get a Star Wars computer it's awesome love it one of my favorite computers of all time because Star Wars right people uh you know are wondering you know why I'm not more excited because honestly um this is just a computer dude I'll move on to the next one and not bat an eyelash I won't care I'm not going to cry this means nothing to me technology means nothing to me nothing what matters to me is what I can do with technology what experiences technology provide um or provides what people can do with technology that's what matters right because this is going to get upgraded this is just this is junk junk walking junk sitting junk processing you know I have zero emotional attachment to gadgets they're G it's Hardware who cares it's software it'll get upgraded but when it just doesn't work in lock step or when you've been accustomed to really good experiences and then suddenly you have no choice but an array of really lackluster experiences it's hard to adjust and that's what it feels like it feels like now I've got no choice but to choose between an array of very lackluster experiences from everything I see out there it's it's it's nothing but a series of trade-offs now you might argue well there's always going to be a trade-off with apple there's always going to be a trade-off with mic there's always going to be a tradeoff with with Google there's always going to be a trade this this is true there's always going to be a trade-off what's perfect for you is not perfect for everybody else you have to understand that the problem was is that for the longest time Apple was the uh the clear winner and uh that's that's a mudded proposition at best anymore you know I Justin tweeted something earlier today that she wasn't happy about the USBC she loved mag safe but she was GNA she was going to get the new Macbook anyway to me that's Stockholm syndrome man writing's on the wall you know I I don't I don't think that's how technology works we should demand more from our technology companies I believe that tech companies can deliver better experiences do they question mark will they question mark I'm not talking about um something that anybody can do because that's what it seems like you know apart from one-offs I don't know where the industry's heads at anymore I really don't I don't and and and I I I I don't have much hope because I'm not an engineer right in terms of consumer electronics and consumer experiences it's just instead of things getting better they're getting better in some respects but worse in other respects across the board and I think we should demand more from these companies absolutely and I I and it's another reason why I I refuse to you know see one as outstandingly better than another because it's just not the case not and not anymore not anymore it's like I have to wait for the next year to come along before I I see something that might possibly be better than what we already had and and it's just it it happens so few and far between there are too many trade-offs now too many tradeoffs Apple has never been more ripe to be disrupted Microsoft was disrupted I think they need to go further with what they've done they need to clean up the Cru no one else is Google's got a long ways to go too they got a long way to go long way you ever tried scrolling in Google Chrome they give Apple a run for their money with frame drops and frame rate inconsistencies I can't even say inconsistencies I'm inconsistent in terms of how I say inconsistencies no I am definitely not Steve Jobs don't want to be the I don't have any amount of want need or desire to be that at all yeah you're not the only person to say I should work for Apple funny thing is I almost got hired at Microsoft years ago over a decade ago this was before Vista then after that I'm sure um I I don't think uh I don't think any company can handle my feedback because sometimes I'm too brutal but I I usually turn out to be correct just saying there are so many times I I I've been uh I've been corre Cor in in my analysis and and calling the ball too many times and it's it's I don't want to be right I don't want to be right so yeah I I don't I wasn't very uh I'm glad I did not waste my time I I just wish I could believe again in in in in something it's been so long it's been so long but it's just technology it's not my identity my identity does not revolve around this just to the point where I don't care what you choose to use I really don't there are a lot of great things out there that are work well for you and that's the great thing is there there are options there are choices in the marketplace always love seeing something new but looking for something that's going to fit my needs is getting to be more and more challenging and that's the most frustrating thing it's it's kind of sad so uh no not my identity I don't care I don't these new announcements really don't excite me not anymore nothing nothing compared to the excitement that I get when I walk into a store and see new Star Wars figures wave two out now chero I got a couple of him one to open one to keep in the Box uh Cassian Andor wave two so happy about this a new Darth Vader and I say new it's a new sculpt still 5pa very happy about that I had already uh unboxed this genin I thought I had I'm pretty sure I did the one that came with the uh a ATA so that's the I think that's the same one I found a uh U uh director krennic krennic and that's the Darth Vader I got dupes hang on I thought I had one more maybe not oh Yep this is the one more here oh two two more sorry the uh Princess Leia from Rebels and a ray the new Ray with the different face sculpt with her goggles up so just to reiterate I'm saying that this one figure for eight bucks that I got free I used a gift card go tag.com freeapps and goag /re points that's how I earned gift cards this $8 figure was far more exciting to see and to have than anything I've seen announced this week did you hear me this $8 piece of plastic far more exciting than any new tech announcement this week today's free highlight was brought to you by all of my active patrons from Chris pill.com if you want access to the full tldr episodes both audio video past present and future which can be up to an hour long or longer with even more Tech Insight from me plus other bonus content without ads and supporting me at the same time you can sign up to become one of my supern nomies too this is just a brief taste of what I'm producing for you again get more through Chris pill.comhello world I'm Chris Perillo and I'm not wearing a new pair of glasses this is actually an old frame with a current prescription that did not work out very well for me and I've been using another pair of glasses that have recently broke and they won't replace them without getting a new prescription even though I don't need a new prescription I need a new frame that broke to replace that frame and anyway I'm not very happy with this right now nor am I happy with a few things that people seem to be very happy with I was just planning on covering today's Apple announcements I'm very grateful I did not spend the time to stream those announcements live with interactivity I mean even though I do love streaming interactively with my patrons I'm doing this live in case you were wondering these are my patrons Chris peo.com is where you can sign up to see my live streams and ask me questions that you may want to have answers to um it's just that uh today's Apple announcements were I guess whelming not overwhelming not underwhelming just whelming and as much as I was intending on just talking about what Apple announced today I'm going to mix it up I'm going to talk a little bit about what Microsoft announced yesterday and what Apple announced today because from a distance a lot of people are seemingly in the same boat that I am now remember I really don't get excited about new hardware doesn't happen all that often I get excited about new software I'm a software guy always have been always will be I have to repeat that every time I talk about new hardware it's not always about the hardware new hardware is useless if the same software sucks on it so just understand that's my reality um Apple announced uh some new Macbook Pros they are faster we were kind of expecting that um the big change in the new Macbook Pros is the Magic Touch bar this OLED screen is that what they call it let me put it to you this way it seems like it has the possibility of being a gimmick that's what has me concerned it could be a gimmick bar I can't judge I'm not using it I have absolutely no plans on upgrading anytime soon uh just to get this magic toolbar touch bar whatever they're going to call it um I wasn't so much put off by it even though I still feel that it has great gimmick potential which is not a good thing by the way a g gimmick is just something that separates this product from other products apart from it running Mac OS unlike any other product out there um I like the idea of it I would be greatly concerned that It suffers from the same frame rate inconsistencies as IOS as Mac OS and the like um but uh the thing that I I guess I I I I I sat and watched kind of play out as many people did what I saw and what was I guess more obvious to me glaring the thing that detracted My ATT or pulled my attention I'm not going to say detracted even though it was a detraction um Apple also announced a new touchpad that is apparently larger than existing touchpads and I don't mind that as an idea I don't mind it being lighter I don't mind it being faster I don't think anybody would complain about that um but the layout of their new trackpad on the new Macbook Pros has virtually no padding at the top as it juts up against the keyboard and virtually no padding on the bottom where it kind of juts up against the edge of uh the MacBook chassis so there's no padding but there is padding around the keyboard right you've got two speakers flanking each side of the keyboard and and some amount of uh aluminum aluminium at the top of the keyboard so that that that's congruent right here the top part of the square re the top part of the rectangle is congruent unfortunately the padding between the hinge and the keyboard the aluminum padding quote unquote padding I'm I'm talking about visual padding not necessarily like physical pading just this visual padding is maybe a Cen or so is give or take but there's an in congruent padding at the bottom so the top padding is this and the bottom padding is this and the side padding is congruent to the top padding so it's like they they just kept growing the touch pad and it doesn't look good there's there's no there's no distance between it and the keyboard which is offset by the distance between the keyboard and the hinge it's just visually cringeworthy I don't know what Apple's design people were smoking but I hope it was legal whatever they decided to to inhale when they thought this was a good idea maybe people are clamoring for a big trackpad that's a possibility too I'm not going to take away from that but it looks horrible not the touch bar I think the touch bar looks pretty cool if it works well if it's more than just a gimmick if it doesn't just serve to get in the way um it's an interesting idea in terms of how to introduce touch to the Mac OS experience I think it's a smarter way to introduce touch to uh a desktop uh uh experience smarter than how Microsoft approached windows so I'll give Apple that I I like the idea of it remains to be seen whether or not it turns out to be a a gimmick I don't know I I can't I I can't judge that the thing that drove me nuts is the design choice they made with in congruent padding of that trackpad So for anybody who claims oh the hardware is this that if you're not paying attention to those details you misunderstand exactly what drove people to Apple to begin with and a large part of that was their design choices um on its own it could be excuses well you know Apple's just trying to make stretch bad bigger that's fine but but let's also remember that to charge or recharge the new Apple Magic Mouse 2 or what are they calling it that right I get so lost with this terminology uh the charging port is on the bottom meaning you can't use the mouse oh but it only takes 20 minutes to recharge yeah but or two minutes or five minutes whatever it needs to get to a certain point that's not the point the the point is that you put the charging port on the bottom of the mouse a lightning uh uh a port which makes sense right lightning okay lightning is on the iPad the iPhone um but it was that design choice that kind of had people going huh okay well I guess I kind of feel the same way about the the choice of them kind of putting that trackpad onto the MacBook which it's it's been there for quite some time but in such a fashion that it almost seems like an afterthought design was an afterthought like didn't even think about design it just doesn't look good I would take a smaller trackpad with just a visual consistency and padding and just it beautiful to look at on or off as it stands it looks sloppy it really does and I'm not the only person to pick this up I'm not the only person to say this I tweeted it out immediately I'm like am I the only person seeing this and people are like no no you're not the only person um with apple in design it not just now Hardware but software they're it's not even cutting Corners it's just they they they it's Death By A Thousand Cuts so um no I have absolutely no want need or desire to get that at all I don't I don't want it maybe they'll fix it if they perceive it as a problem which they probably don't CU they did it look at it just look at the imbalance of it just look look at the imbalance of it forget the usability for a second because we don't know how usability is going to work with the Palm resting there and and all I'm talking about just how it looks you used to pay a premium for that design now you're paying a premium for what I don't know um Ram ssds you pay a premium for that um Apple's Hardware is uh I'm not gonna I'm not going to do what the other people do and call it boring it's not it's not boring I I don't think their Hardware is boring at all I I think it this this the design of the new Macbook Pro is is ghastly not talking about the toolbar everything everything else on the MacBook looks okay right except for the the the the in congruent visual of of what surrounds the trackpad which I still want to call a touchpad you touch it you know so that is my chief concern it just like if any Tech reviewer out there says look at this beautiful BL beautiful don't listen to them don't trust them cuz if they can't see it they can't be trusted it is clearly apparent this is just not good design the emperor has no clothes so uh let's go ahead and and go a step further what the hell happened to courage do do you know I I thought I remembered when um but was it a few months ago Apple came out and said why did we remove the headphone jack courage okay Apple I'll give you that it does take courage makes sense your own lightning fine on the new Macbook Pro what do we see we see a headphone jack okay so Apple just basically pissed all over its courage like I don't believe them now really if you were going to be courageous why why did you well the design blah blah then you should have had them in lock step because coming out and saying well we removed the headphone jack here and that took courage but the headphone jack is still here so we still don't have courage there yet doesn't make any sense they went through and they revamped every other Port which they needed to do now mind you I've been a fan of the mag safe adapter I I have but I've also wanted uh a more consistent experience with USB so I'm also a fan of USB type-c so so they upgraded all the USB stuff I like that we still got the headphone jack what and believe it or not I may be the only one I still use the SD card slot every day well I could get a USB adapter for it and everything but it's just one more thing to attach so design Wise It's a Macbook is that trackpad placement man someone was not thinking clearly it looks like an apple knockoff product I'm not even I'm not even joking I can't even get to the part of wanting to enjoy the uh the the touch bar she can't get past that how could you not see that as a problem you know for the for you who claim that Hardware is important how could you not see that Apple's doing things we used to make fun of other people for other for from from software to Hardware man I I don't know I I I'm whelmed they also announced some new app for like a TV Guide type of experience that's not what it's called like an Apple TV experience haven't had a chance to use it I'd imagine it's going to be free for Apple TV iPad iPhone um oh well apart from that yeah the touch ID integration in the MacBook okay that's that's neat it's it's a neat thing but the trackpad it just looks horrible man if you can't see it if you can't see how bad that looks again go back to what Apple had been known had been known for okay so I think uh I think I'm going to try to stop slagging Apple for just five minutes um now it's time to slag Microsoft uh they announced the surface Studio that's I think it's called um fascinating it's effectively they announced the iMac they they announced a touchscreen iMac for for all intents and purposes and honestly I think they kind of did a better job with what that type of PC is as much as I really like the iMac uh I like the idea that pretty much all the internals of the uh the surface Studio are in the base I'm like that's kind of intelligent I thought that was kind of nice I like I I like that as an idea I like that I like that a lot so that's one thing that that sets the studio apart the service Studio not cheap you know thousands upon thousands of dollars for this thing but it's not for everybody it's a desktop machine which let's face it is kind of a a Dying Breed outright what the surface studio is for is the creator the illustrator someone who designs because you you take the basically the monitor the screen part and you can pivot it down and then it creates this nice little angle where you could draw you could write you can do creative things with your fingers and your stylus or whatever and you can set it back P up and then it's a traditional desktop seemingly pretty smart I I I really I really like that idea I think it would be a very compelling um um option for creators now this is where I saw a lot of discontent yesterday A lot of people who are creators who do work with creative programs uh like Adobe Photoshop um are now looking at the surface the specifically the surface studio for creation longing uh for something like that from Apple now I would not expect Apple to integrate touch on the desktop any more than it has with this new Magic Touch bar thing and I think that's the right way of doing it because OS 10 or sorry it's old habits die hard Mac OS and windows were not designed with this input device at all or even this input device they just they they weren't outright and so to try to operate the the platforms with anything apart from U you know trackpad or touchpad or a mouse it gets a little wonky to say the least um that is one of the the things that has kind of held me back from from really taking Windows seriously as seriously as they want to be taken um the service Studio does mitigate some of that uh that ux nightmare scenario within Windows um but uh the thing that I think would keep me from necessarily investing in it is a I'm not a Creator in that capacity I don't draw unless you do unless you have a use case specifically for a touchscreen environment it I I don't know how well it's going to work for you in in terms of budget um design-wise it's fine but you know again you can design the most amazing piece of Hardware but if the software is not there I don't know so this is where I have a problem with software and I've had for quite some time with Windows um it's a mish mash dude if I wanted to use Windows 7 I'd use Windows 7 if I if I wanted to use Windows 10 I'd use Windows 10 the problem is is they're all mashed together right you've got elements that are still Legacy and then and then when you start adding in third party software it really starts to get fugly DPI scaling mixed and font smoothing issues across the board and it's just the more you try to use it the the worse it looks that's Windows one of windows' problems it's um it's a mix and um that's not a good thing sometimes I just want Windows 10 to be Windows 10 right and and and to live in that that new Sheen environment but then the moment the old kind of pokes its ugly head out I'm like oh god oh you know it's like um it's like enjoying a new cookie right and then you bite it into a raisin now some people don't mind raisins I am not one of those people I mind raisins greatly and so to me Windows 10 is this chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven that has an errant raisin in it and and these old these old bits and pieces that look like very old bits and pieces so the new hardware it works I'm sure still the same old looking old with a little looking new software so that's that's Windows 10 and and then forget the the security and privacy issues on top of that or or add them to it I don't care so I was well Med that's that's that's where I was with Microsoft's announcements uh yesterday that's where I am with Apple's announcements today I I I don't know a single company out there that's providing an experience that is worthy of uh my time and attention apart from bits and pieces my favorite PC experience remains to be and I'm not just saying this because I can say it I'm going to say it anyway uh the uh HP Star Wars notebook computer special edition notebook computer Darth Vader's on it man built right in there yeah why where else are you going to get a Star Wars computer it's awesome love it one of my favorite computers of all time because Star Wars right people uh you know are wondering you know why I'm not more excited because honestly um this is just a computer dude I'll move on to the next one and not bat an eyelash I won't care I'm not going to cry this means nothing to me technology means nothing to me nothing what matters to me is what I can do with technology what experiences technology provide um or provides what people can do with technology that's what matters right because this is going to get upgraded this is just this is junk junk walking junk sitting junk processing you know I have zero emotional attachment to gadgets they're G it's Hardware who cares it's software it'll get upgraded but when it just doesn't work in lock step or when you've been accustomed to really good experiences and then suddenly you have no choice but an array of really lackluster experiences it's hard to adjust and that's what it feels like it feels like now I've got no choice but to choose between an array of very lackluster experiences from everything I see out there it's it's it's nothing but a series of trade-offs now you might argue well there's always going to be a trade-off with apple there's always going to be a trade-off with mic there's always going to be a tradeoff with with Google there's always going to be a trade this this is true there's always going to be a trade-off what's perfect for you is not perfect for everybody else you have to understand that the problem was is that for the longest time Apple was the uh the clear winner and uh that's that's a mudded proposition at best anymore you know I Justin tweeted something earlier today that she wasn't happy about the USBC she loved mag safe but she was GNA she was going to get the new Macbook anyway to me that's Stockholm syndrome man writing's on the wall you know I I don't I don't think that's how technology works we should demand more from our technology companies I believe that tech companies can deliver better experiences do they question mark will they question mark I'm not talking about um something that anybody can do because that's what it seems like you know apart from one-offs I don't know where the industry's heads at anymore I really don't I don't and and and I I I I don't have much hope because I'm not an engineer right in terms of consumer electronics and consumer experiences it's just instead of things getting better they're getting better in some respects but worse in other respects across the board and I think we should demand more from these companies absolutely and I I and it's another reason why I I refuse to you know see one as outstandingly better than another because it's just not the case not and not anymore not anymore it's like I have to wait for the next year to come along before I I see something that might possibly be better than what we already had and and it's just it it happens so few and far between there are too many trade-offs now too many tradeoffs Apple has never been more ripe to be disrupted Microsoft was disrupted I think they need to go further with what they've done they need to clean up the Cru no one else is Google's got a long ways to go too they got a long way to go long way you ever tried scrolling in Google Chrome they give Apple a run for their money with frame drops and frame rate inconsistencies I can't even say inconsistencies I'm inconsistent in terms of how I say inconsistencies no I am definitely not Steve Jobs don't want to be the I don't have any amount of want need or desire to be that at all yeah you're not the only person to say I should work for Apple funny thing is I almost got hired at Microsoft years ago over a decade ago this was before Vista then after that I'm sure um I I don't think uh I don't think any company can handle my feedback because sometimes I'm too brutal but I I usually turn out to be correct just saying there are so many times I I I've been uh I've been corre Cor in in my analysis and and calling the ball too many times and it's it's I don't want to be right I don't want to be right so yeah I I don't I wasn't very uh I'm glad I did not waste my time I I just wish I could believe again in in in in something it's been so long it's been so long but it's just technology it's not my identity my identity does not revolve around this just to the point where I don't care what you choose to use I really don't there are a lot of great things out there that are work well for you and that's the great thing is there there are options there are choices in the marketplace always love seeing something new but looking for something that's going to fit my needs is getting to be more and more challenging and that's the most frustrating thing it's it's kind of sad so uh no not my identity I don't care I don't these new announcements really don't excite me not anymore nothing nothing compared to the excitement that I get when I walk into a store and see new Star Wars figures wave two out now chero I got a couple of him one to open one to keep in the Box uh Cassian Andor wave two so happy about this a new Darth Vader and I say new it's a new sculpt still 5pa very happy about that I had already uh unboxed this genin I thought I had I'm pretty sure I did the one that came with the uh a ATA so that's the I think that's the same one I found a uh U uh director krennic krennic and that's the Darth Vader I got dupes hang on I thought I had one more maybe not oh Yep this is the one more here oh two two more sorry the uh Princess Leia from Rebels and a ray the new Ray with the different face sculpt with her goggles up so just to reiterate I'm saying that this one figure for eight bucks that I got free I used a gift card go tag.com freeapps and goag /re points that's how I earned gift cards this $8 figure was far more exciting to see and to have than anything I've seen announced this week did you hear me this $8 piece of plastic far more exciting than any new tech announcement this week today's free highlight was brought to you by all of my active patrons from Chris pill.com if you want access to the full tldr episodes both audio video past present and future which can be up to an hour long or longer with even more Tech Insight from me plus other bonus content without ads and supporting me at the same time you can sign up to become one of my supern nomies too this is just a brief taste of what I'm producing for you again get more through Chris pill.com\n"