The Art of Creating Resin Geodes with Evan and Katelyn
So if you have sweaty hands, you wanna start doing a white pour? And then do black like a thin pour all the way to the edges. We're gonna need more of everything. It always looks like kind of bad at first, what elementary school student put this together. The heat gun really helps with that making imperfections sometimes too much. You're like "oh wait what have I done?" Okay now I'm gonna heat gun it oh yeah so much better.
I touched it I touched it with the heat gun. I wonder if it's like slightly tilted, it looks like everything is merging. Yeah, I'll shim it. You want more white? Yeah both why it's and a midnight I think a little more dark purple. Dark purple yeah yeah it's like we're mad scientist's. I'm not weird you're weird. Everything's sticky ahhhhhhhh five more drops of the gold.
I tried to create on another little cell there or something. Oh that's really cool what you did down there yeah creating those cells watch for bubbles. I don't I just don't wanna do the whole thing. I think that's pretty good. Alrighty, your glove farted fist bump it's the next day next up on the docket is removing this tape and doing a little bit of sanding. Yeah oh so much better that tape on the edge is really cool look how cool that looks. That's crazy okay more work to do.
All righty those are looking beautiful. So our edges are now cleaned up we're gonna finish those later but first like one of the parts I'm most excited about you'll notice we have a hole in our largest geode so what we're gonna try is adding crystals oh my gosh this looks sofreakin cool. We're gonna add crystals to the inside oh my gosh that's gonna look amazing.
So we're gonna try using hot glue we're not sure exactly what the best is but we're gonna see if that works it's holding yeah I think this is gonna work so we're also using these little rocks to plug the holes in between the big crystals haha perfect almost done what do you think. Meow yeah oh my gosh this looks sogood it looks so good well I guess it's a good place to talk about how we're finishing it up.
So we're gonna do two things one we're gonna paint these unfinished edges with gold then we're gonna pour a clear coat of resin over everything to kind of unify it and to gloss up these edges. That got a little more frosted looking when we sanded them and then we're done so excited look at how good the crystals look that's my favorite part I can't get over it.
Alrighty it's time to do the final wipedown of these amazing geodes make sure there's no dust or cat hair on them before we do the final epoxy and after we pour it these kind of dusty sections should look glossy again. This epoxy is self leveling. Do it while it's piled up thick and it should re-level all righty oh it's so smooth this is the smoothest it's ever been ah it's glossing smooth okay we're gonna need more than I mixed so I'm not gonna even attempt this I'm just gonna do this one okay brush this on. Yeah, definitely didn't make enough nose start making more okay time for some more flames do you see the difference no oh man such a difference.
All righty it doesn't look like anything got messed up overnight so next step is we have a few spots to file down where there were drips and then we're gonna add some sawtooth hanger so that we can hang these if you didn't want to add hangers you could just get little easels and display them on your shelves but we want to hang em so that's what we're gonna do next.
So we found a balance point that we like right here we kind of wanted to hang on an angle so we marked that and we are going to be attaching this guy right there. Hey Nord VPN thanks for sponsoring this video and guys if you want to check them out head over to Nord VPN slash dang it NordVPN dot-com slash Evan and Katelyn and enter code Evan and Katelyn for 66% off your two year plan you're really bad at this sorry byethat's awesome that looks really good only problem I see with these is they're so fun to make and we can't really turn into the Evan and Katelyn make resin art channel or can we put resin on everything byethanks for watching.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey guys we're Evan and Katelyn and todaywe're gonna make some resin geode artthe first step is cutting a big slabthat we're gonna pour our resin overwe're using some quarter inch MDF andwe're cutting it on our x-carve Idesigned three different geodes inIllustrator and we'll just do straightcuts and if you don't have a CNC of yourown you can use a jigsaw a bandsaw orrouter there's plenty of waysit's like a strange-looking eggwonder if I can punch through thisoh let me try wait wait alright readyhere's Evan!all three of the pieces are ready to goif you're wondering what all of this iswe have a video covering how to do resinmixing and pouring that we'll be linkingdown below in our last video we had moldsbut for this we just have an edge thatthe resin hand pour off of so to keepthat from happening we're gonna wrap itwith tape at the end after our color isdone we're gonna do one final pour andlet it go over the edge but we want tobe able to build it up a little bitfirst okay I think we have our colorsour cups everything's ready are youready to start once we start the clockis goingBut let's do itok I'm going in for a pourwhat I'm not gonna use all of it wemight want to do some more I'm gonnastart like a little central hub wowthat's insane looking okayyes that's cool great way of mixing so Ikind of want like what we've done tospread out a little bit I'm gonnado like few hints of bluethere we go there we go really reallycool okay so now the base is done we canjust have fun playing around yeah I wantto mix in a little bit of gold towards the centermaybe just like thatno, more more moreshould we try dropping in any inks I think weshould do it what color gold do like ontop of the goldyeah like tone on tone okay looks socrazy I'm also gonna do some whites inthe white just to like get the different textureglitter things? glitter things!let's drop some glitterflakes into the whiteokay so what we learned in the firstone is we need more white a lot morewhite we're also gonna try mixing theblue and the black pigment to see if wecan get like a navy because we haven'tmixed any pigments before man I lovethat midnight awesome pour it around thewhite you thinkthat midnight blue oh that's so prettyI was gonna fill it all the way to the edges kindalike do it directionallyso like out from the center oh yeahyeah you're right I'm gonna do somegolds before we get too far I'm gonna doa ring of drops around the center againyes oh my gosh that's so freakin cool ohlook at them go whoa look at that lookat that look at that wow yes cuz it's onthe surface wowthat gold just went like dispersed weneed more midnight blue in there theveining is kinda cool oh like veins and stoneyeah we didn't do any stones I'm gonnado like a concentration in the middlewhoa that's cool that's coolI just wanna do like a ringof stones like right hereI'm gonna do itthey like reveal the colors underneathoh wow they doone effect we learned on thisgeode in particular is a little bit ofgold alcohol ink flows to the surfaceand then you can use a heat gun andspread that out and that makes for areally cool effect but the coolesteffect is when we drop stuff into itthat breaks the surface tension and itrevealed the colors underneath which isreally cool me me me me me our sponsortoday may not be related to this projectin particular but it's like it's relatedto life you are a person and you use theinternet you might need this you willyou need this everyone uses the internetand if you want to stay secure whilesurfing the internet Nord VPN willreally help you out it's especiallyimportant for us since we run our onlinebusiness on the internet like could youimagine like if we got hacked I don't Ithink I would just curl up in a ball andcry for the rest of my life but even ifyou don't run an online business yourFacebook account your miles your bankinformation all of that's reallyvaluable especially now that singlesign-on is becoming easier and easieryou just log in 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you put twogloves on so- if you have sweaty handsyou wanna start doing a white pour?and then do black like a thin pour allthe way to the edgeswe're gonna need more of everythingit always looks like kind of bad atfirst what elementary schoolstudent put this togetherthe heat gun really helps with that makingimperfections sometimes too much you'relike oh wait what have I doneokay now I'm gonna heat gun itoh yeah so much betterI touched it I touched it with the heat gunI wonder if it's like slightly tilted itlooks like everything is merging yeahI'll shim it you want more whiteyeah both why it's and a midnight I think a little more dark purple darkpurple yeah yeah it's like we're madscientist's I'm not weird you're weirdeverything's sticky ahhhhhhhhfive more dropsof the goldI tried to create on a create likeanother little cell there or somethingoh that's really cool what you did downthere yeah creating those cells watchfor bubbles I don't I just don'twanna do the whole thingI think that's pretty good alrightyyour glove farted fist bumpit's the next day next up onthe docket is removing this tape anddoing a little bit of sanding yeahoh so much better that tape on the edgeis really cool look how cool that looksthat's crazy okay more work to doall righty those are looking beautifulso our edges are now cleaned up we'regonna finish those later but first likeone of the parts I'm most excited aboutyou'll notice we have a hole in ourlargest geode so what we're gonna try isadding crystals oh my gosh this looks sofreakin cool we're gonna add crystals tothe inside oh my gosh that'sgonna look -oop-that's gonna look amazing sowe're gonna try usinghot glue we're not sure exactly what thebest is but we're gonna see if that worksit's holding yeah I think this is gonna workso we're also using these little rocksto plug the holes in between the bigcrystals haha perfectalmost done what do you think -meow- yeahoh my gosh this looks sogood it looks so goodwell I guess it's a good place totalk about how we're finishing it up sowe're gonna do two things one we'regonna paint these unfinished edges withgold then we're gonna pour a clear coatof resin over everything to kind ofunify it and to gloss up these edgesthat got a little more frosted lookingwhen we sanded them and then we're doneso excited look at how good thesecrystals look that's my favorite part Ican't get over italrighty it's time to do the final wipedown of these amazing geodes make surethere's no dust or cat hair on thembefore we do the final epoxy and afterwe pour it these kind of dusty sectionsshould look glossy againthis epoxy is self levelingdo it while it's piled upthick and it should re-levelall rightyoh it's so smooth this is the smoothestit's ever been ah it'sglossy smooth okay we're gonnaneed more than I mixed so I'm not gonnaeven attempt this I'm just gonna do thisone okay brush this on oh yeah wedefinitely didn't make enough nostart making more okaytime for some more flames do you see thedifference no oh man such a differencealrighty it doesn't look like anythinggot messed up overnightso next step is we have a few spots tofile down where there were drips and thenwe're gonna add some sawtooth hanger sothat we can hang these if you didn'twant to add hangers you could just getlittle easels and display them on yourshelves but we want to hang em so that'swhat we're gonna do next so we found abalance point that we like right here wekind of wanted to hang on an angle so wemarked that and we are going to beattaching this guy right therehey Nord VPN thanks for sponsoring thisvideo and guys if you want to check themout head over to Nord VPN slash dang it NordVPN dot-com slash Evan and Katelyn andenter code Evan and Katelyn for 66% offyour two year plan you'rereally bad at this sorry byethat's awesome that looks really goodonly problem I see with these is they'reso fun to make and we can't really turninto the Evan and Katelyn make resin artChannel or can we put resin oneverything byethanks for watching is this awkwardare you getting the shiny I don't knowwhat that meanshey guys -incoherent shouting- woo woo let's go!\n"