iOS 17 and Personal Voice, iPhone 15 Battery Boost, Instagram's New Threads App

see Instagram posts in Threads and vice versa you can post threads to your Instagram stories and that's a whole little little confusing or whatever but it feels like a new social network has just launched and in these early days I don't know it feels exciting and I'm I'm enjoying it so all that to say uh try threats you know privacy you know if the Privacy thing is a concern then don't you know don't feel like you have trat don't try it but if you had an Instagram account already you already had the app on your phone I think it's uh it's worth a shot I think it's you know MKBHD is there snazzy Labs the a lot of podcasters like the ATP guys are there William is there I found him lurking even though he hasn't posted anything you're there I've liked a few things but you what you're saying is that at last you can tell your kids and your grandkids when they come along that you were there for the start of threads and they can go uhhuh listen no one I know no one's going to care but it feels exciting right now yes and I do think listen as Twitter is still on my phone I'll just be copy and pasting the same stuff to four different networks Twitter Mastadon blue sky and and this until we figure out but it does feel like a very interesting time in like social media The Arc of history for social media because it's like some of these are going to die like not all of these are going to I think blue sky is going to die I don't think Mastadon is going to have Mass Appeal I think it's going to be Twitter or threads and the next year is going to be very telling as to which one is going to be on top meta has a pretty good track record they have like two billion users on Instagram three billion on Facebook or whatever they have a pretty good track record for social networks so I'm glad you qualified it there cuz it also has a track record for other things doesn't it really but yes well it does and again like I wish it wasn't meta like I would also be the first to say like I wish it wasn't meta doing this yes but it is and because they already had like critical mass of user base threads is like overnight a useful place to be because there's so many people there just automatically I don't know I still see apple bringing back ping and that being a big success there that would yeah that'll be able to sign up for Ping with your Apple card but uh you know just but anyway anyway that's I'm excited about it I just want to share my excitement and Williams thread uh profile that link is in the show notes you can follow William do you know I'm actually G to have to go look it up to see what it is because I William Gallagher uncore that's it yes you know one of those names where you think ah I'm never going to use this what does it matter um and that's what I say you chose to put a link in your bio and I think this just came over from your Instagram account maybe but it's an Amazon L and I was like why does William has an Amazon Link in his profile does it link to one of my books or something it does it links to scrier verse ulses choosing and using you don't want to read that that's so out of date no all right I might change it to something else a bit better well right now if you run don't walk run to Williams thread profile and you'll see the Amazon link it'll probably be changed by the time is it's probably an affiliate link which means you could go through look at the book think oh that's rubbish I'm never going to do that and then buy a car or something and I'll get a kickback so rush to that link okay there you go you can get a kickback on his own book that you will also be I'll tell you I have made more money from uh my very first book with the British Film Institute than I did from the British Film Institute pointing at the book earned me more than writing that book but I love the book well there you go there you go well listeners let us know if you're on threads reach out our my profile for Threads is in the show notes so is Williams you can follow us there and let us know what Apple Insider listeners are there and also don't forget you can support the show inssider and directly in apple podcast

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello and welcome to the Apple Insider podcast this is your host Sten robless and we have more updates with iOS 17 beta 3 and I finally got to test TV 17 beta 3 we'll get to that and personal voice iPhone 15 might be coming with a larger battery want to talk about some delivery apps saving links and yes threads threads threads that is the new app from Instagram the Twitter competitor we're going to get to that as well and to discuss all of it my good friend across the pond William Gallagher how's it going William well mostly good except today you just said threads there and this morning I thought well there's no point I the EU has blocked it because of the ridiculous privacy issues that are still being sorted out I can't use it and then I thought oh hang on I'm in Britain yeah there it is you're part of the EU anymore yeah knock yourself out says Britain do what you like privacy doesn't matter so yes I downloaded it this morning as we record this and I have joined I was wondering I was wondering because I was searching the threads app it's it's very exciting over there right now we're going to talk about this later in the episode yeah but I was adding for the show notes for today I said I wonder if William Gallagher has an account where I can include the link to his profile in Threads and yeah there it was I found it oh you found that's I I joined Instagram to support a friend who was teaching an Instagram course I I was working with her I liked her I wanted to know I joined her and there she is she tells us whatever it is you need to know to start off with I I signed up and instantaneously a friend from the states say ping is following it I thought how they how how does everybody know this I mean so fast yeah you make me jump sometimes but this was just spooky wild we're going to get more in depth on threads a little later we'll get to that but we actually have some iOS 17 stuff iPhone 15 stuff and one festar review I'd like to thank red pixel 09 from the USA not green or blue red pixel Red's the best pixel color isn't it really and mean it starts the RGB you know what I mean there you go first one one yes where is it in cmk it isn't it's a Bandon it's not you got cyan magenta yellow and doesn't K yeah K stands for black that's right right so yeah I know my printer colors you're you're not going to trip me up with a cmk I know what I'm talking about so let's talk Pantone numbers then what's your favorite panon range let's not get out of hand here let's not get out of hand I want to do a quick followup on visual lookup Wes and I talked about this last week trying to figure out well at least I was trying to figure out when does the iPhone actually give you information on stuff and when does it not and so I looked up the Apple support article I will put the link it'll be the top one in the show notes and it is basically you take a picture and if there is something in the picture that visual lookup has identified the little ey icon that you typically see will have some Stars next to it as though to denote there's something special about the information in this picture and that's when when it will bring up some of that lookup and I've realized so I went to the beach last weekend I don't do you go to the beach over there in England I mean your whole island is Beaches uh I avoid beaches like La Plage here you see what I just did there bit of French French pun yeah it didn't work but it was still there yeah okay very punny very fny I like it no so we went to the beach and I took a picture at Sunset because that's what you're supposed to do at the beach I think you know at least if you're on the west coast somewhere and that's where we and when I took the picture I looked back at the pictures later and I saw the little star icon for visual lookup and I wondered how is it identifying water and Sun like what is the deal and I it seems like it doesn't always just identify the contents of the picture but it will also use your location to look up some additional information on that picture when I click the little I on the picture it actually says landmark wow I'm like this is it's water and Sky I don't understand what the landmark is but when I tap that it actually shows the exact Beach we were on we were down in Bradenton on Anamaria Island it actually gives a maps location and similar web images uh because of that location and I imagine that also helps up with like monuments or other statues you know if you were taking a picture of the Washington Monument it would use your location to triangulate information as well as what's actually in the picture so I thought it was interesting it's not just what's in the picture it's where you take the picture from once it came yes I'm intrigued yes have you so do you see this a lot like do you see the little visual lookup thing sometimes practically never and actually possibly never I remember discussing it once with you and uh coming away thinking I've just got this wrong why have I have I missed a setting somewhere but here in the UK whenever it was I tried this uh I think it I think it did find one thing it recognized one flower but most of the time nah nothing at all and at the time I put it down to either I was getting it wrong or just you know different countries different releases have things for it but the other piece of follow-up too I want to point out Mark Van settin on Twitter actually pointed out that visual lookup is only available in specific languages so in many countries around the world you will not get visual lookup and according to the Apple support article it's English French German Italian Japanese and Spanish and so if you're speak one of those languages and your iPhone is set to that then you get visual lookup if not you don't get it actually expands a little more because that's actually not a a many languages honestly for visual lookup we'll see we'll see if it improves also and um I I feel like actually having it in the camera app would still be more useful I know my family uses this app called seek you ever use that app no seek it's basically visual lookup but kind of really superpowered and it doesn't require you to take pictures of everything so you open the SE app it opens the camera you point point it at a plant or you point it at an animal oh and then the C app will identify it pretty quickly and give you information on that specific thing and you don't have a bunch of pictures of stuff you were just trying to look up so all right yeah now iOS 17 beta 3 came out earlier this week as we record some new features like you can have more information in apple music on the performer of a song and composer credits which is cool but also a big update is the home activity which was announced in the keynote but now is actually in the app for iosa 17 and so if you have homekit and smart home devices home activity you actually tap the security section when you're in the home app on that home app front page and then you can see a running record or running log of contact sensors and doors like door locks or garage doors that have opened and closed and if someone opened it or activated it via homekit VIA their device or via Siri it will say who opened the door or who opened uh like the garage door or unlocked the lock really cool that running list of activity before it was kind of a pain to see like when was this activated I think a lot of contact sensors you couldn't even really see unless you had automations and shortcuts set up to kind of like notify you of that kind of stuff but I love this home activity I think it's a welcome feature it doesn't have you don't have to have all the devices on the newest OS so like Andrew he has iOS 17 beta on his iPhone so he can see the activity even if his wife has open the door or open the garage door even though she's still on iOS 16 right so so any Thieves for example don't have to upgrade to iOS 17 to be caught by it okay good point there exactly exactly so that's it's very cool I do wish we confirmed that this is still not yet a feature where you could set an automation with a contact sensor or door and when a door is left open for a certain amount of time you get a notification I feel like this is such a basic need when it comes to Smart Home and I've talked about it on HK Insider several times but I'll mention it here I have a mini fridge outside on a patio that has some drinks in it as you do and uh you know sometimes the kids get in there so that'll tell you what kind of drinks it is not because my kids will go out there and get a can of something but I've put a contact sensor an aara contact sensor on the fridge door because I need to know was that door left open and if so I need to go close it or have a child close it because that fridge is going to get ruined and so it has actually alerted me many times but not the home app because while the home app sees the contact sensor and will tell me if the door's open or closed in order to get a proactive notification that said the door has been open for 5 minutes better go close it I have to use the accara app which it works great very consistent the aara app will tell you that a door has been open for a certain amount of time and then you know you send you the notification but still the home app can't do it and I think that's a little silly and I wish it did there there's what have you I've got to get back into home kit my house is still in a huge state after it all failed after I changed Wi-Fi and that stuff uh so at the moment every now and again I invite my wife to our house and so far I think it's four times now no invitation has even been received for it so I I control the house right those invitations were really annoying and that didn't work for a long time but I also have another big gripe with iOS 17 and IAD OS 17 speciic specifically and that is William the settings app what's wrong with the settings app what what have they done to the settings app that's so bad here it's what they've not done is they still will not let you do slide over or split view with the settings app William what is the deal do you know I've never once in my entire life most of which uh was before iPad OS existed uh I have never once tried to use settings inside of what set things do you need to come into an I mean I've got a thing of I would like I've mentioned this before that I like changing the autolock that's it otherwise I go to change something and that that's it for today what do you change so often that you need it there uh well William yeah because I am trying to use the iCloud passwords and iCloud keychain that Apple updated in iOS 17 with family groups so you can share it with friends and family trusted contacts and trying to see can I go all in on iCloud key keychain often times when I need to create a login or create an account on a website the little Auto suggest passwords doesn't pop up all the time it's pretty inconsistent or if I'm trying to create an account within an app many times the suggest passwords doesn't show up at all because you're inside an app and not in Safari oh I see okay I would love to slide over the settings app so I can access my iCloud passwords because there's not a standalone app for iCloud passwords and create the account there do the whole two Factor authentication and create the whole thing and it would just be so much easier if I could just slide it over but no you have to literally go directly to the settings app and then it says sorry split view is not supported and then copy and then go back to the app you're creating an account in paste the username go back go forth so I just want split view or slide over with settings that's all is that too much to ask William I mean it's on iPhone the settings app is on iPhone in literally the shape that it needs to be for split view and uh slide over but for some reason just iPad refuses to do it I don't know think you're actually crying out for a separate password app that's what this is really have been saying that I have been saying that so yeah that's what I'm hoping and now one other iOS feature that I want to talk about now are you running the beta on your phone specifically I forget yes yes I am actually I for for cause I was writing about Mac OS and you know what it's like features are across all of them I need to know how something could so I did it um wow I didn't expect to keep doing the updates cuz for the first one it was actually quite stable and I thought I've I've got away with it now don't push it but uh no I have in fact updated to each beta releas as as more or less as it's happened in fact yeah well it's it's almost like you did it by accident like normal but I have tried personal Voice have you tried personal voice no no I haven't yeah okay well here's a here's a little taste William yes voice I was hoping to podcast with my personal voice but it sounds like Siri and isn't Supernatural sounding but pretty cool nonetheless it's rubbish wow why don't you tell us how you really feel but I'm shocked how poor that was yeah so that's a that's a little taste let me let me do one other phrase here and for some reason it's so buggy like I can't copy and paste into the thing so I'll say today I'm recording the Apple Insider podcast with my friend William who lives across the pond who is this person and what is he doing interrupting us William I spent I spent a solid what is it maybe 30ish minutes it walks you through recording 150 phrases so you have to record yourself saying into your phone at once you can't pause and come back later you have to say things like in 1982 the president was such and such and then you have to say I ate a chocolate bar yesterday while I was uh sitting around you know just random things and I'm sure there's some signs to all the phrases you have to speak because it's trying to get all the different inflections and different numbers and how you would say things so I was very excited for this and then it takes 24 hours to process your phone has to be locked and charging in order for personal voice to do all of its machine learning processing can't touch your phone can't even use it you you unlock it like pauses or starts over I don't even know so I didn't touch it I left this phone alone for 24 hours I said I want this personal voice to bake perfectly I want this cake to be Exquisite you know what I'm saying yeah the Sul did not rise is what I'm saying when I tried to type something and have my own personal voice played back I was rather shocked at how much just like like a worst Siri it's not even as good as some of the Siri voices you have now on the iPhone it's like a worst Siri and uh I was pretty surprised you know I thought with all the AI tools I've used some of them that you know you give it some audio files it analyzes your voice and it's been like there are some uncanny tools right now where it really does sound like the person with whatever you type and it just speaks it but personal voice is not it it's not the thing so I'm actually am I relieved or disappointed yes okay uh yeah it's it's a little I don't know it's a little rough so I'm curious if if any listeners running the beta has had a different experience but it is definitely not something where you would want to you know type something at length and have it play it and record that and use that now obviously for the accessibility side this is going to be very useful you know especially if someone is either losing their voice maybe permanently or from a chronic thing like obviously this is like this is great but just for the natural sound like it doesn't sound natural it doesn't sound great so you should do it William I'd be curious to hear how it does a British accent well perhaps this is a time I should confess to you that everything I've said so far has been generated automatically by personal voice but but including all the responses to questions I didn't know you're going to say uh somehow yeah don't think about that bit this is your own personal voice like you you personally it's it's yeah I recorded all the phrases I usually do like uhhuh and um anti- brexit stuff all that kind of focus yourself say Focus like 18 different inflections omn focus omn focus omus focus yeah omic I like oh that's pretty good that's pretty good the Omni Focus Omni group you use that in your ads please uh please do so anyway personal voice was a little disappointing but I'm glad for home activity oh and I finally got TV 17 beta to run on my Apple TV because I for some reason it just was not working so I had to do factory reset it which is always fun and now the naming of my Apple TV has a little two in parentheses next to it it's super annoying I cannot stand the parentheses number like I can't William do you have Apple TVs that do this no but um some of one of my airpod sets has it so I recognized it as soon as you said that and I don't know how to get rid of it either but I it is it is the most crazy making thing for someone now listen I'm in a privileged position I have like seven Apple TVs okay and so listen I know that's more than most wa wait that's one for every day of the week do you watch them until they fill up or something uh yeah that's right I I try to actually oh I have another good Apple TV story too no I have 1 2 3 4 five six oh shoot I do have seven well look at that uh but like some of them are like older and I just keep kind of hooked up for testing purposes like the one I put this beta on it's not a TV 4K it's like 10p but anyway finally got the beta on there control center is wonderful love that are you running the beta on an Apple TV I would not run it on my living room TV sets I like using so now you've said it I keep my last generation Apple TV around cuz I used to present from it somewhere but um it might be too old for uh the new TV OS but anyway um it's code control control Cent is the big difference control center is a big difference and of course the the stand up feature is FaceTime which I actually just got to test earlier today and I found out when you open the FaceTime app on the Apple TV the iPhone that's connected to your iCloud account automatically shows up and you can just select it from this little menu because my iPhone is not running the iOS 17 beta yet I couldn't select it it just said like try to sign in or whatever so just some error message but I realized and this is a very cool feature you can use any iPhone that's on the same Wi-Fi network that's not connected to your iCloud account as the camera for the FaceTime app and what you do is you tap other and there's like this little like you know an anonymous profile icon you tap that it throws up a QR code on the Apple TV screen you can scan that with any iPhone that's on the same Wi-Fi network and automatically that iPhone will jump into continuity camera mode and can be used with that Apple TV for Facetime on the Apple TV and that's a yeah that's really cool and I was like I was curious if it was going to have to be tied to your personal Apple ID or if it could be any iPhone and it turns out you can do it with any iPhone uh that's on the same Wi-Fi network so very cool and that presumbly they can support continuity camera so generation back at the most yeah I think it's iPhone 12 and newer uh supports continuity camera it does have to be like still like I was holding the phone and moving it around and it wasn't like jumping into the FaceTime call and I had to like keep it's still and then there's a little countdown like 3 21 and then it'll jump into the FaceTime app where it has recent calls you can do Center Stage you can do portrait mode blur the background and there was another option I forgot but anyway really cool other apps on the Apple TV will be able to use it like zoom and WebEx and all that so thumbs up FaceTime on Apple TV very very cool dear listeners this week is sponsored by you actually don't have a sponsor for this episode so just wanted to take a few seconds and let you know that you could support the show directly by going to inssider if you subscribe there for $5 a month so every other week you can get an adree version and you get Early Access I publish those episodes as soon as I have them edited Thursday afternoons typically so Early Access and AD free there and if you subscribe on patreon you do get chapters when you get the RSS feed from the patreon but you can also subscribe directly in your Apple podcast app so if you're listening there you should see a little subscription available flag you can tap that and subscribe to the Apple show there you'll also get an adree version there's no chapters in the Apple podcast version hopefully they'll be adding that feature soon and the chapters will carry over it's kind of a technical limitation of their platform not something I can do anything about right now but you could support the show either way and supporting the show will help us keep making the show for a long time even when there are weeks that we don't have any sponsors so as always thanks for listening we really love the community we see you guys on all the different social networks the new threads app on Twitter on Mastadon love hearing from you and interacting with you and we hope you enjoy the show every week as you listen so let's get back to it all right let's talk about some iPhone 15 uh rumors real quick two big ones number one battery is going to be larger on the iPhone 15 than it was on the 14 which I'm very thankful for and William I would like to know from you as I list this other thing I would like to know what your battery health percentage is on your iPhone 13 Pro cuz I know you're still on a 13 Pro I am okay and I bet your battery health is higher than my 14 pro I have some doubts about that but yeah health and it is very slowly we're talking about maximum capacity maximum capacity for battery health and charging oh would like to have a guess 92 90 90 as I predicted William hey no what 15 oh sorry I see what you mean okay not that prediction but the prediction before that you didn't mention was spot on okay I like how this works no no I said I said you're going to beat me in battery health oh I did okay I'll retroactively insert it if I didn't say it insert it in personal voices voice so we know it's been add didn't in later that kind of okay okay hold on I bet my battery health percentage will be lower than yours you like that H so mine is 89% on my iPhone 14 pro it dropped below the '90s last time I checked it was like ' 91 but that was like 2 weeks ago and apparently the iPhone 14 Pro Models it just nose Dives on battery health over time so 89% on a what is it 8mon old device 9month old device which seems crazy to me and I know people are going to say people going to say mac safe you're killing the the max listen I charged every iPhone from the iPhone 12 to this one with my mag safe charger on the bedside I've been using that belon 3 in one the entire time like all three years and the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 battery health did not drop this drastically I think it got down to 96 or 97% before I traded it in so something's up with the 14 pro but do you know is that just yours or is that a generally known I see uh on Twitter and now threads that there's a lot of people that complain about battery life on the iPhone 14 pro and I I've seen I think it Ian Zelo he had a couple Twitter threads asking people and I it seemed like peculiarly is that a word yeah peculiarly peculiarly yes yes yeah yeah peculiarly low battery health from iPhone 4 Pro so I don't think it's just me was there some battery change between the 13 and the 14 range I supposedly it got bigger oh right the battery is actually a larger percentage which is really silly so I feel like I think maybe something up with the phone and I don't have always on display on either like I have not had that on the whole time i' forgotten about that so anyway supposedly bigger battery in the iPhone 15 and 15 Pro hopefully that also something about it helps the battery health as well and also new colors the iPhone 14 pro might be featuring a deep purple color which I feel like didn't we have purple last year or a couple years ago uh yes it was a mid-season replacement wasn't it uh a very vibrant purple right cool yeah but the color that I'm actually looking forward to that I might not be able to get because it might not be on the pro is a mint green a mint green on the iPhone 14 and I missed the green of the iPhone what was it there was a there was an iPhone oh it was the midcycle 13 yes the midcycle 13 Pro got the like Aspen green or whatever and of course I upgraded on day one I was not about to do like a midyear upgrade and I missed that green now I'm going to miss green again William looks like well we don't know if that's the mid-season one or or if it's out of the box and you could I'm looking forward to Crimson glow or whatever it's called the kind of rusty red kind of bronish maybe bronze good word yes yes yeah that would be that would be nice I would go for a bronze and uh are you I mean you're upgrading this year right well I thought I was I seem to CH you made me just think then that I was probably quite wise to skip the 14 if it's battery I mean it's only one thing battery everything else is great but it's enough for me to hang on to that I was right to skip it but my intention to go for a 15 came before the economy changed before the rumors that yeah there'll be a bigger battery but it'll cost more and all these kind of things so I I am intending to but let's see if Apple manages to convince me they will but let's see them convince me yeah let's see let's see if it works out but that's those are the rumors right now I'm looking forward to USBC especially for USB microphone input that is a big deal in in my line of work as they say I right wanted to touch on this apple was highlighting the Student Activity using the Deep Field iPad app where students were encouraged to like create things on the iPad draw things like with apple pencil or their finger and then using the iPad Pros liar scanner participants could create or move their Creations that they drew on the iPad into the real world in an augmented reality fashion and I just thought this was hilarious because I mean this is a future use case of the Apple Vision Pro 1,000% where you could draw something on your iPad or create something and procreate and then move it into the real world maybe even make it a 3D object I mean such a such a one toone correlation and like next year if Apple does this it'll just be with a bunch of kids wearing headsets just a bunch of like uh digital eyeballs on the outside of these headsets so I thought that was fascinating I'm curious William it's been a couple weeks uh since we've last spoken I imagine you've been steeping as you steeped your tea before recording this podcast yeah I see exactly what we did there yes yes y I like yeah yeah yeah in the uh Apple Vision Pro UA the uh the panopticon how do you feel what what's your current feeling on Apple Vision Pro you a little more excited about it about the same how do you feel well I suppose boringly about the same yeah I had zero interest in any headsets whatsoever before I at least want to try this one yeah now I mean we mentioned the Omni group uh they got all of their apps working on the developer kit within an hour um and yeah they're always very quick to these things and I I quite fancy trying out their apps and that's a very non AR kind of idea it's not a game uh it is visual but not well Omni graffle their Graphics image is well actually I don't understand Omni graffle so I wouldn't be us using that but a to-do list in AR doesn't sound compelling but it kind of is attracting me a little bit I mean not3 and half th000 worth or dollars worth it would be not a flight to America to buy one of the three that they make available uh sometime next year but what about you are are you now all in I heard one thing on some podcast it was probably ATP or maybe it was reconcilable differences but anyway when the iPad came out the idea was like it's a big iPhone like everything you could do on the iPad you could have done on your iPhone and definitely could have done on the Mac and so what is the purpose for this device and the main difference with the iPad now fast forward to today and the reason why I edit all my podcasts on iPad is because of the interaction method namely the apple pencil in the app faite editing podcast with that interaction method is so much more enjoyable and much faster for me personally that the iPad is worthwhile device and changes how I edit podcast something that you could do on a Mac something you can do on other devices but I preferred on the iPad and so that little idea where changing the interaction method with apps and different things will actually create a use case for a device that seems like it just does the same things just slightly differently that maybe gives me a little more hope that there is a future for spatial Computing even in my workflow where maybe waving my hand around is going to be a better interaction method or at least different enough that makes doing some task or some project more desirable with a headset on than not I don't know what that is yet we might not know for many many years to come until developers like make really good apps that take advantage of it but I'm slightly more excited about it and seeing what it does that's very persuasive I I have a small problem that um I've tried editing using the apple pencil and I find it considerably slower than using the keyboard and things so uh that specific Paradigm doesn't do it for me but I get the idea and that's also I suppose I gesticulate a lot so that could be I don't I don't have to be controlled well I mean maybe you'll just love typing at length uh in 80,000 words on a floating keyboard that'll happen yeah rush me virtual keyboard I think you're you're going to see omn focus in are just as large as you want to make that window and you're going to be sold I can manage all my omnis focus I focus everything or maybe maybe it will be the ability to apply for an apple card in VR oh wait a minute yes um with um American Express instead of Goldman Sachs yes yeah if that that could be that could be the answer that could be the route to International but we'll what what two things will happen first Apple Vision Pro launches Apple car or apple card coming to the UK I think that is the question not really no I think uh of those three choices Apple Vision Pro it's you know it's going to be next year even when Apple stretches its definition of early into next October 2024 or something but it will still be next year Well there'll be one or two released at least uh the Apple car uh no I will say it again for the record it will be next Tuesday it will be in blue just because one day I'll be right and nobody will ever remember all the times I was wrong I will be you know incredible at that time um right and the Apple card coming to the UK uh yeah yeah it's weird well maybe if it change hands and right now it's looking like that Goldman Sachs has lost over a billion doll backing the Apple card which I feel like I thought credit card was a good business I feel like High interest rates was kind of like a shorefire way to make money doing this but apparently not I don't know I'm not a financial Guru I I don't understand why American Express or anybody would want to take on uh something that Goldman Sachs couldn't handle I mean there are other issues Goldman Sachs and its consumer Market as a whole has had problems and concerns shall we say so it may not just be a straight we didn't make enough cash this week but that's obviously a big part of it so yeah does that mean Apple card is a flop just because it's really good and very useful well it's interesting like when I saw this news I have actually been slowly moving all of my purchases to Apple card because the high yield savings account I had all my daily cash now going to that savings account and I wanted to like try this out long term like does the savings account build does doing all my purchases through Apple card actually like deposit enough to be worthwhile and so far I really enjoyed it I like it and another feature of Apple card which I just to like uh renew my debit card and had a bunch of recurring charges on it and trying to find all those as a pain in the neck yeah so I was like going through all my streaming services finally canceling some that I was paying for and don't use anymore looking at you Hulu but I was like canceling all my recurring stuff and I'd moved it all to the Apple card because I'm sorry I know you don't know this William but if you go to the Apple card in your wallet app and you hit the little three dots in the top right and you go to card details I believe it is is it card details I can't wa I found it somewhere oh give me a minute I'll look it up for you yeah yeah thanks appreciate it appreciate it you can oh no no no I'm sorry you hit the magnifying glass so you can search for transactions and one of the things you can do is search for recurring bills and it will show you very quickly all the different recurring charges that have hit your Apple card so I moved all my recurring things like my Disney plus and apple one Services bundle it's all on Apple card now so I moved everything everything's on the Apple card and now I'm like would Apple like call it quits on this because the backers are just not backing it and I like I can't imagine so like they launched a savings account attached to it they push it everywhere I mean I'm pretty safe right William like they're not going to just cancel this thing right no I think you're you're quite good there I could see apple taking on the whole deal I mean they don't have the financial background but they have the money to fund their bin our pay later stuff soly looking into all this well we'll see maybe it'll switch to ax which fine you know that's fine but and hopefully you guys get it sometime like in the next decade who knows how many years has it been five years uh it was 20 was it 2019 the card came out something like that four years that's yeah four years so I tell you by the way just we got Apple pay straight away everywhere none of this waiting for your local bank thing it just happened and it was everywhere but I had some problem with iOS6 I can't remember what in the world it was but my watch stopped uh loading my debit cards for it moved to the iOS 17 Bo and I got back the watch for about 3 weeks I was having to pay with things using my phone like an animal and now I can just blip blip with the watch which is the way nature intended MH going through the London Underground just vaguely wave your arm near the turn stars and you're straight through it's how it should be yeah it is nice it is nice uh quick Apple TV mentions uh real quick uh you could tell me what scripts you've read you don't watch these shows but anyway new trailer for killers of the flower Moon which is the Martin scorey movie coming to Apple TV plus actually coming in theaters first then Apple TV plus Invasion season 2 starts I believe Late July which I really enjoyed Invasion season 1 did you see that Invasion season 1 totally missed that one even existing yes I was quite surprised to hear season two of a show I hadn't even heard of it was pretty good you should read the script and then Foundation season 2 also um kind of looking forward to that and I don't fully know why because I watched them all but it I just I'm not sure why I was just I wasn't drawn back to it I just seem to accidentally watch it just like you accidentally install the betas you just kind of trip and fall it suddenly you watched the whole season yeah yeah um the script of the the first episode of Silo the script is available um have you seen any of that I've seen the whole season William because I actually watch TV shows I actually watch this I don't just read but yeah I think you should watch it talking of watching television today I will watch the last episode of classic Doctor Who I've been watching it every day at least one for about 14 months or so and Tonight is the last Sylvester McCoy episode and I feel like I accomplished something of no importance or worth but I've done it listen so many people talk about Doctor Who and so I tried to start I went to the very first episode ever with Willi of Doctor Who yeah I uh I got one episode in I'll be honest I just couldn't from the 1963 version I'm I was it was very old whatever it was it was very old just watch the new run when it starts um it's looking like it'll be very good so start there um avoid 700 previous episodes and you'll be all right yeah it's a little much a little much anyway I would encourage Invasion I like that I'm I got to check out hijack people are saying good things about hijack with Idris Elba and that just came out I think there's three episodes out right now so that's pretty cool but yeah Apple TV they're on a little bit of a roll and I would recommend Silo I finished the whole season I think it is very good um the oh the Afterparty season two must be very soon I adored that first run of it did you watch any of that I watched a few episodes of Afterparty I did really like it I just hadn't finished it I couldn't find the script does that mean was it the P I actually did just read the script of um the the child's episode where the young girl is interviewed uh and it's fantastic on the page as well as on screen because you know the setup so well by then it's well into the run you know all of the characters but because it's from this little girls point of view some of the characters are puppets and it's not they just walk by like that's what's normal a puppet would be doing this and things and it's just the sense of time that she has is so wrong I waited for ages and you see it seconds it's just gorgeously well done so that's fun oh very fun all right I want to talk about saving links and package tracking apps very quickly and then we'll get to threads threads threads but uh what do you use to save links William do you use the reading list use something else not really well I use a thing called hook Mark quite a lot um it's less for saving a link per se and more for linking things together so um you have show notes they might be linked to the audio recording or to a spreadsheet or something and whichever one you're in you lip you lip nip carefully quickly to the others that's my major use of saving links the rest of the time I have no idea I have a bookmarks list that I haven't used in ages I probably just leave the tab open I think that might be what it is see you're a tabber you're a tabber I would have said I wasn't but since tab groups the Blessed tab groups have come in it's an enabler it's an enabler feature where you can just hoard your tabs although can we point out but you've often said to me about feature requests and things we wish to see in things being able to automate tab groups on the Mac the way you can on the iPad the iPhone why is that not there I never P about on my iPhone with tab groups I do it all day on the Mac and to be able to press a button to switch from Apple Insider to the writer's Guild and back again why isn't it there what's going on I'm taking it personal like now well that's a that's a good feature request also I had a friend friend from high school Carolyn I was talking about if you have like 100 tabs open in your web browser we can't be friends and she sent me a screen screenshots do you know the maximum number of tabs you can have open on an iPhone I don't think so is it 101 or something oh no no no no 500 okay 500 tabs is the max and it will no longer please please tell me that's written in a support document somewhere you didn't just keep saying and one more Tab and one more tab no no my friend Carolyn sent me a screenshot of her 500 number tabs with the plus button GR and the inability to open any more tabs on her iPhone frankly I thought it was rather impressive that is a rather impressive accomplishment and I uh I would like to know if any other listeners have run into that but 500 so wait wait wait a second I watch 700 episodes of Doctor Who and that's nothing to you but open 500 tabs that's the accomplishment oh okay listen well as you can sit there and just let your streaming service go to the next episode you literally have to do nothing 500 tabs I mean you got to be click and typing in address bars and saving that's a lot of tabs yeah I really stand corrected there that's absolutely true lot lot no way to automate that at all no no listen listen I I understand you could do that this this was not automated this was just raw tabbing just raw tabbing uh but anyway I found the app called any boox and I know there's lots of apps out there like pocket and insta paper for saving links I'm just not crazy about those anymore and any box is a nice like you could save video and you could save web articles and has a really nice like share feature works on every platform so I'm using any box and I'm just curious listeners out there if you're using anything and William if you find something I'd like to know any box any okay I'm quite intruded and Y in all seriousness when I'm saving a link if it's for a work thing it will it will actually often go into om Focus other times if I have a long list of things I want to watch or read later if it's reading it'll go into the reader apps read it later thing and where I can forget about it and I have an Apple notes some with some things I intend to watch like I think Ted lasso is written there somewhere but I haven't opened that in quite a long time yeah William I think you are obsessed with Omni focus and I think we're having some interference there from another radio station yeah this an alien broadcast let me know what you're using to save things later and also package tracking I need to mention quickly because my beloved app deliveries which I've used for many many years it is still really good and one of the features it still has that I don't find in other apps is is I can log into my Amazon account and it stays logged in in deliveries and I can add any Amazon order in just a few Taps even like multiple at a time and deliveries does a great job tracking that but it doesn't do FedEx because FedEx are jerks and they just refuse to let third party apps like access the uh the tracking information but there are other package tracking apps that do pull in FedEx and deliveries has said that they're like not really working anymore on the app and so deliveries might be Sunset it at some point I've tried parcel it's too British sounding for me I can't do parcel no I'm just kidding I tried parcel I just wasn't crazy about the UI whatever and then Brad thornborrow on Mastadon I believe uh after ship I had not heard of this app before this is after ship and I'm trying it out I do really like it it's a little aggressive on the notifications like anytime there's any update to the delivery it's like notification hey update your stuff is still being delivered like it's a little aggressive but I do like the UI it actually tracks FedEx packages and I I do I like it so I'm trying after ship with deliveries still on the side and then Nathan gathright on Mastadon also said that Shopify actually has a nice tracking app you can use but you do have to let it uh access I believe your Gmail or something like that which I wasn't prepared to do you are you're still dependent though on the data being sent from the tracking company so we have the Royal Mail here and routinely it will text you uh to say that your parcel is on the way and the text will say your parcel will be delivered on and then there's a blank and it says if you're not going to be in let us know by responding here and it's like it's not there's a placeholder missing but it's every single time it will not tell you when it's coming and yet insists that you've got to tell it if you're not going to be around in the end just whenever Royal M delivery pops up I think okay it'll come eventually or not yes the after ship app somehow I mean FedEx is not giving the information to other tracking apps so I'm not sure how it's doing it I don't know if it's like loading the website behind the scenes and like checking how what it's doing and then pulling that information in because supposedly AP should not be able to get it from FedEx no but however it's doing it it's doing it it's doing it it's doing it any chance there's a before ship which just stops you spending all this money no that's that's called the Apple card in the UK I I could not yeah sorry I could not make this up William as we are talking about this the FedEx truck is literally pulling into my driveway right now I'm I'm sending you uh a picture of it because I just I can't even believe it why are there two why are there two William Gallaghers in our slack what is what is the deal there oh yeah one of them is just absolutely horrible you don't want to talk to him he's he's terrible that a you know end you picture real okay I just sent you that picture the FedEx truck literally just pulled into my driveway delivering some smart Shades from Smart Wings I'll be honest do you now have to go to your front door to get the smart Shades or were they just sorry you were out will that be left I waiting oh no no no I'm sorry that is a homekit sponsor Factor meals that's that's actually that box right because the box is not long enough to be the shades but anyway uh yeah no I don't have to get up I think uh I think they leave that leave that there so anyway I got to say I do love the FedEx logo with that um you know the invisible arrow in it the negative space there that's just smart that is nice so wait so what package app do you use tracking I was using deliveries for quite a while it tends to be only kind of around Christmas time that I have enough packages coming through that I have ordered rather than review stuff being sent that I need to keep an eye on um but I kind my ears kind of fell off a little bit and then there's all that stuff about it basically doing less and less so I haven't really looked around for anything else but um I will try out any box now you've mentioned it well any box is for saving links you should try after yes okay yes so you got you got to keep track of the stuff in something like Omni Focus okay two I need a a a thing Steven is recommended app uh things Steven is recommended other than Ted lasso app that's what I need I need one of those yeah MH I genuinely I was thinking there's quite a lot today that you put in my head that I now need to go off and explore that home actions thing these apps yes and I've given you nothing in return I'm so sorry well you can give me as a gift William your thoughts yes on threads threads threads threads unfortunate name for the homekit and smart home protocol Oh I thought you were there's a very very famous BBC drama from What 80s or 90s like end of the world type stuff and really horrible so here when you say threads that was the first image that came to mind and if you look on Twitter or I imagine now also threads you will see the cover of the DVD and somebody looking really rather poorly should we say um so yeah that's where I was going with the name uh other than that it's I mean thre thread is the Smart Home protocol that helps devices like communicate faster unfortunate name does it matter hey he listen listen I can't do I know I know exactly what you did I I made the same same punt on thread which you know if you followed me there yes but threads so Instagram this was rumored for a long time that Instagram was making a Twitter competitor basically the exact same thing that Twitter does and the same thing that Mastadon does but this was going to be an Instagram allaha meta app it was going to be launched Thursday July 6th and then they did it early they released it a day early I think just to kind of build the hype so it went live Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. Eastern you can download the threads app right now if you have an Instagram account it basically just pulls in all your Instagram info you get your Instagram user name in Threads and uh I got to say William it's been pretty exciting I I kind I really like the threads there's been many many opinions I was tweeting earlier in the week about the Privacy labels yeah and basically like the threads app it it knows shoe size everything two size do you like chocolate and vanilla did you ever put a whoi cushion under your teacher's chair I mean it knows everything about you and it knows do you know I'm going to let some of that just go by that's just not there's obvious questions here but we're moving on no it knows about the expire milk in the back of your fridge it knows about that moldy bread under the couch it knows about this it knows about everything okay the Privacy label basically says select all we know everything okay it was just say you have none yes yeah exactly now the thing is for all those that are very opposed to the Privacy if you have either the Instagram app and/or an account or the Facebook app and/or an account on your phone the argument is a little moot because the Privacy label is exactly the same for the threads app that it is for Facebook and Instagram so I mean come on I mean if if you're going to use those you're already screwed what the hell in for Penny you're yeah exactly I mean you're already there so privacy like I was already using those so like whatever I'm on the threads the app is not as good as Twitter it does not have things like a follower feed which is probably the biggest pain point for most people but Instagram is promised it is bringing a feed where you can just see I'm going to say thedes I'm going to say you know Twitter has tweets Mastadon has tootes I'm saying threads has thedes you know the reference William no I don't I can't even conceive how you spell that random assortm of syllables have you are you have you ever read The Lorax by Dr Seuss no oh really it's Su isn't as big a thing here as there uh socks and fox and all of that seen it in American films haven't really knocked around with it much in childhood so okay The Lorax was my favorite Dr Seuss story maybe second only to oh the Places You'll Go that's a pretty good book but anyway uh in The Lorax there is something called a thneed which is I won't even go to explain it but anyway I was just saying that to be funny how do you spell it though I can't get the word in my head t h n e e DS the need okays the needs of the many outweigh the needs the few okay you're on fire today William these these puns are coming left and right I got to dodge them as they're coming through the head phones uh so it's a there will be a follower feed eventually Instagram has promised that feature is coming it doesn't have great like gift support you have to like copy and paste gifts in it's a little you know it's missing some stuff but I mean did you use blue sky the Blue Sky app no I was about an inch away from it and then I got distracted and then it seemed to go away or at least everybody was sudden talking about threads instead that's exactly it that's exactly it the the thread app is better than the Blue Sky one the Blue Sky one was buggy and meh and also Jack dorsy has said we're going to pause signups on Blue Sky now that threads is out because we kind of have to like rethink our whole deal oh interesting so I'm not I mean I got the threads iPhone app uh this morning it just suddenly kissed me can I get to it online can I get to on the Mac which is actually where I use Twitter quite a lot that's the other pain point you can't browse the feed in a web browser there's no Mac app all that is coming they have said it really feels like they launched this prematurely to try and capitalize on the Twitter angst that many feel like maximum number of tweets you can see in a day yeah but here's here's here's my deal okay there were a lot of people that left Twitter that I really cared about in the podcast space in the tech space they were just like not using Twitter anymore and some of those people went to Mastadon and many of them did not and they just like went dark but all of a sudden Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes came threads and they all seemed to just flock back because they were all on Instagram and they never left Instagram they were all just lurking over there and now they're on threads and my podcast friends and my tech people like it has all converged and there are yes there are brands on threads like Wendy's is there causing a ruckus which they actually have pretty good uh thanes it's pretty funny but anyway it's all there it's all happening it's all there it's very exciting and they announced just this morning so what 12 hours into this they have 10 million you no no sorry 30 million users that was the latest number okay 30 million users and to put that in perspective mastedon after several years of people trying to get masked on off the ground as 1 million us as so I'm just saying these people that you missed that went dark basically all these people got their lives back and now forget that that's over they're in yeah okay yeah exactly but I like it is for some reason like it is exciting and I I don't know about you were you ever part of like a social network launch like were you there on day one when it was all happening uh actually yes um a very long time ago and well it was a compy serve days I was involved in quite a few Launches on compy serve so it wasn't the whole platform and I did actually work I was hired out to America online for a bit for a particular project and that's how I learned how disastrously stupid the inner workings of a were so I never used it as a actual punter but um beyond that I've never launched an entire platform uh for you no no well I I I missed the Twitter launch which would have been what 2007 2008 you know I didn't oh s mean sorry yes yeah no I wasn't there for the start of that I wasn't there for that Tik Tok was like first musically and I wasn't on that so I I kind of missed the the that launch with Tik Tok is whatever I I don't really care as much about that but you know in Mastadon it was around for a long time before like people started actually migrating over so i' had not been really part of like this is a new soci Network Vine I might have been there forine grief yeah didn't use it but okay yes I'd still be down for it coming back Vine was pretty fun uh and actually might be a better alternative than Twitter but anyway being a part of this launch like right now as you listen to this recording this social media network is like yes it is the same as Instagram and and uh meta but it is siloed you know it's not like you see Instagram posts in Threads and vice versa you can post threads to your Instagram stories and that's a whole little little confusing or whatever but it feels like a new social network has just launched and in these early days I don't know it feels exciting and I'm I'm enjoying it so all that to say uh try threats you know privacy you know if the Privacy thing is a concern then don't you know don't feel like you have trat don't try it but if you had an Instagram account already you already had the app on your phone I think it's uh it's worth a shot I think it's you know MKBHD is there snazzy Labs the a lot of podcasters like the ATP guys are there William is there I found him lurking even though he hasn't posted anything you're there I've liked a few things but you what you're saying is that at last you can tell your kids and your grandkids when they come along that you were there for the start of threads and they can go uhhuh listen no one I know no one's going to care but it feels exciting right now yes and I do think listen as Twitter is still on my phone I'll just be copy and pasting the same stuff to four different networks Twitter Mastadon blue sky and and this until we figure out but it does feel like a very interesting time in like social media The Arc of history for social media because it's like some of these are going to die like not all of these are going to I think blue sky is going to die I don't think Mastadon is going to have Mass Appeal I think it's going to be Twitter or threads and the next year is going to be very telling as to which one is going to be on top meta has a pretty good track record they have like two billion users on Instagram three billion on Facebook or whatever they have a pretty good track record for social networks so I'm glad you qualified it there cuz it also has a track record for other things doesn't it really but yes well it does and again like I wish it wasn't meta like I would also be the first to say like I wish it wasn't meta doing this yes but it is and because they already had like critical mass of user base threads is like overnight a useful place to be because there's so many people there just automatically I don't know I still see apple bringing back ping and that being a big success there that would yeah that'll be able to sign up for Ping with your Apple card but uh you know just but anyway anyway that's I'm excited about it I just want to share my excitement and Williams thread uh profile that link is in the show notes you can follow William do you know I'm actually G to have to go look it up to see what it is because I William Gallagher uncore that's it yes you know one of those names where you think ah I'm never going to use this what does it matter um and that's what I say you chose to put a link in your bio and I think this just came over from your Instagram account maybe but it's an Amazon L and I was like why does William have an Amazon Link in his profile does it link to one of my books or something it does it links to scrier verse ulses choosing and using you don't want to read that that's so out of date no all right I might change it to something else a bit better well right now if you run don't walk run to Williams thread profile and you'll see the Amazon link it'll probably be changed by the time is it's probably an affiliate link which means you could go through look at the book think oh that's rubbish I'm never going to do that and then buy a car or something and I'll get a kickback so rush to that link okay there you go you can get a kickback on his own book that you will also be I'll tell you I have made more money from uh my very first book with the British Film Institute than I did from the British Film Institute pointing at the book earned me more than writing that book but I love the book well there you go there you go well listeners let us know if you're on threads reach out our my profile for Threads is in the show notes so is Williams you can follow us there and let us know if you're there we'd love to know what Apple Insider listeners are there and also don't forget you can support the show inssider and directly in apple podcast thanks for tuning in we'll thread you next time so made me snort did that just for you did that just for you just for youhello and welcome to the Apple Insider podcast this is your host Sten robless and we have more updates with iOS 17 beta 3 and I finally got to test TV 17 beta 3 we'll get to that and personal voice iPhone 15 might be coming with a larger battery want to talk about some delivery apps saving links and yes threads threads threads that is the new app from Instagram the Twitter competitor we're going to get to that as well and to discuss all of it my good friend across the pond William Gallagher how's it going William well mostly good except today you just said threads there and this morning I thought well there's no point I the EU has blocked it because of the ridiculous privacy issues that are still being sorted out I can't use it and then I thought oh hang on I'm in Britain yeah there it is you're part of the EU anymore yeah knock yourself out says Britain do what you like privacy doesn't matter so yes I downloaded it this morning as we record this and I have joined I was wondering I was wondering because I was searching the threads app it's it's very exciting over there right now we're going to talk about this later in the episode yeah but I was adding for the show notes for today I said I wonder if William Gallagher has an account where I can include the link to his profile in Threads and yeah there it was I found it oh you found that's I I joined Instagram to support a friend who was teaching an Instagram course I I was working with her I liked her I wanted to know I joined her and there she is she tells us whatever it is you need to know to start off with I I signed up and instantaneously a friend from the states say ping is following it I thought how they how how does everybody know this I mean so fast yeah you make me jump sometimes but this was just spooky wild we're going to get more in depth on threads a little later we'll get to that but we actually have some iOS 17 stuff iPhone 15 stuff and one festar review I'd like to thank red pixel 09 from the USA not green or blue red pixel Red's the best pixel color isn't it really and mean it starts the RGB you know what I mean there you go first one one yes where is it in cmk it isn't it's a Bandon it's not you got cyan magenta yellow and doesn't K yeah K stands for black that's right right so yeah I know my printer colors you're you're not going to trip me up with a cmk I know what I'm talking about so let's talk Pantone numbers then what's your favorite panon range let's not get out of hand here let's not get out of hand I want to do a quick followup on visual lookup Wes and I talked about this last week trying to figure out well at least I was trying to figure out when does the iPhone actually give you information on stuff and when does it not and so I looked up the Apple support article I will put the link it'll be the top one in the show notes and it is basically you take a picture and if there is something in the picture that visual lookup has identified the little ey icon that you typically see will have some Stars next to it as though to denote there's something special about the information in this picture and that's when when it will bring up some of that lookup and I've realized so I went to the beach last weekend I don't do you go to the beach over there in England I mean your whole island is Beaches uh I avoid beaches like La Plage here you see what I just did there bit of French French pun yeah it didn't work but it was still there yeah okay very punny very fny I like it no so we went to the beach and I took a picture at Sunset because that's what you're supposed to do at the beach I think you know at least if you're on the west coast somewhere and that's where we and when I took the picture I looked back at the pictures later and I saw the little star icon for visual lookup and I wondered how is it identifying water and Sun like what is the deal and I it seems like it doesn't always just identify the contents of the picture but it will also use your location to look up some additional information on that picture when I click the little I on the picture it actually says landmark wow I'm like this is it's water and Sky I don't understand what the landmark is but when I tap that it actually shows the exact Beach we were on we were down in Bradenton on Anamaria Island it actually gives a maps location and similar web images uh because of that location and I imagine that also helps up with like monuments or other statues you know if you were taking a picture of the Washington Monument it would use your location to triangulate information as well as what's actually in the picture so I thought it was interesting it's not just what's in the picture it's where you take the picture from once it came yes I'm intrigued yes have you so do you see this a lot like do you see the little visual lookup thing sometimes practically never and actually possibly never I remember discussing it once with you and uh coming away thinking I've just got this wrong why have I have I missed a setting somewhere but here in the UK whenever it was I tried this uh I think it I think it did find one thing it recognized one flower but most of the time nah nothing at all and at the time I put it down to either I was getting it wrong or just you know different countries different releases have things for it but the other piece of follow-up too I want to point out Mark Van settin on Twitter actually pointed out that visual lookup is only available in specific languages so in many countries around the world you will not get visual lookup and according to the Apple support article it's English French German Italian Japanese and Spanish and so if you're speak one of those languages and your iPhone is set to that then you get visual lookup if not you don't get it actually expands a little more because that's actually not a a many languages honestly for visual lookup we'll see we'll see if it improves also and um I I feel like actually having it in the camera app would still be more useful I know my family uses this app called seek you ever use that app no seek it's basically visual lookup but kind of really superpowered and it doesn't require you to take pictures of everything so you open the SE app it opens the camera you point point it at a plant or you point it at an animal oh and then the C app will identify it pretty quickly and give you information on that specific thing and you don't have a bunch of pictures of stuff you were just trying to look up so all right yeah now iOS 17 beta 3 came out earlier this week as we record some new features like you can have more information in apple music on the performer of a song and composer credits which is cool but also a big update is the home activity which was announced in the keynote but now is actually in the app for iosa 17 and so if you have homekit and smart home devices home activity you actually tap the security section when you're in the home app on that home app front page and then you can see a running record or running log of contact sensors and doors like door locks or garage doors that have opened and closed and if someone opened it or activated it via homekit VIA their device or via Siri it will say who opened the door or who opened uh like the garage door or unlocked the lock really cool that running list of activity before it was kind of a pain to see like when was this activated I think a lot of contact sensors you couldn't even really see unless you had automations and shortcuts set up to kind of like notify you of that kind of stuff but I love this home activity I think it's a welcome feature it doesn't have you don't have to have all the devices on the newest OS so like Andrew he has iOS 17 beta on his iPhone so he can see the activity even if his wife has open the door or open the garage door even though she's still on iOS 16 right so so any Thieves for example don't have to upgrade to iOS 17 to be caught by it okay good point there exactly exactly so that's it's very cool I do wish we confirmed that this is still not yet a feature where you could set an automation with a contact sensor or door and when a door is left open for a certain amount of time you get a notification I feel like this is such a basic need when it comes to Smart Home and I've talked about it on HK Insider several times but I'll mention it here I have a mini fridge outside on a patio that has some drinks in it as you do and uh you know sometimes the kids get in there so that'll tell you what kind of drinks it is not because my kids will go out there and get a can of something but I've put a contact sensor an aara contact sensor on the fridge door because I need to know was that door left open and if so I need to go close it or have a child close it because that fridge is going to get ruined and so it has actually alerted me many times but not the home app because while the home app sees the contact sensor and will tell me if the door's open or closed in order to get a proactive notification that said the door has been open for 5 minutes better go close it I have to use the accara app which it works great very consistent the aara app will tell you that a door has been open for a certain amount of time and then you know you send you the notification but still the home app can't do it and I think that's a little silly and I wish it did there there's what have you I've got to get back into home kit my house is still in a huge state after it all failed after I changed Wi-Fi and that stuff uh so at the moment every now and again I invite my wife to our house and so far I think it's four times now no invitation has even been received for it so I I control the house right those invitations were really annoying and that didn't work for a long time but I also have another big gripe with iOS 17 and IAD OS 17 speciic specifically and that is William the settings app what's wrong with the settings app what what have they done to the settings app that's so bad here it's what they've not done is they still will not let you do slide over or split view with the settings app William what is the deal do you know I've never once in my entire life most of which uh was before iPad OS existed uh I have never once tried to use settings inside of what set things do you need to come into an I mean I've got a thing of I would like I've mentioned this before that I like changing the autolock that's it otherwise I go to change something and that that's it for today what do you change so often that you need it there uh well William yeah because I am trying to use the iCloud passwords and iCloud keychain that Apple updated in iOS 17 with family groups so you can share it with friends and family trusted contacts and trying to see can I go all in on iCloud key keychain often times when I need to create a login or create an account on a website the little Auto suggest passwords doesn't pop up all the time it's pretty inconsistent or if I'm trying to create an account within an app many times the suggest passwords doesn't show up at all because you're inside an app and not in Safari oh I see okay I would love to slide over the settings app so I can access my iCloud passwords because there's not a standalone app for iCloud passwords and create the account there do the whole two Factor authentication and create the whole thing and it would just be so much easier if I could just slide it over but no you have to literally go directly to the settings app and then it says sorry split view is not supported and then copy and then go back to the app you're creating an account in paste the username go back go forth so I just want split view or slide over with settings that's all is that too much to ask William I mean it's on iPhone the settings app is on iPhone in literally the shape that it needs to be for split view and uh slide over but for some reason just iPad refuses to do it I don't know think you're actually crying out for a separate password app that's what this is really have been saying that I have been saying that so yeah that's what I'm hoping and now one other iOS feature that I want to talk about now are you running the beta on your phone specifically I forget yes yes I am actually I for for cause I was writing about Mac OS and you know what it's like features are across all of them I need to know how something could so I did it um wow I didn't expect to keep doing the updates cuz for the first one it was actually quite stable and I thought I've I've got away with it now don't push it but uh no I have in fact updated to each beta releas as as more or less as it's happened in fact yeah well it's it's almost like you did it by accident like normal but I have tried personal Voice have you tried personal voice no no I haven't yeah okay well here's a here's a little taste William yes voice I was hoping to podcast with my personal voice but it sounds like Siri and isn't Supernatural sounding but pretty cool nonetheless it's rubbish wow why don't you tell us how you really feel but I'm shocked how poor that was yeah so that's a that's a little taste let me let me do one other phrase here and for some reason it's so buggy like I can't copy and paste into the thing so I'll say today I'm recording the Apple Insider podcast with my friend William who lives across the pond who is this person and what is he doing interrupting us William I spent I spent a solid what is it maybe 30ish minutes it walks you through recording 150 phrases so you have to record yourself saying into your phone at once you can't pause and come back later you have to say things like in 1982 the president was such and such and then you have to say I ate a chocolate bar yesterday while I was uh sitting around you know just random things and I'm sure there's some signs to all the phrases you have to speak because it's trying to get all the different inflections and different numbers and how you would say things so I was very excited for this and then it takes 24 hours to process your phone has to be locked and charging in order for personal voice to do all of its machine learning processing can't touch your phone can't even use it you you unlock it like pauses or starts over I don't even know so I didn't touch it I left this phone alone for 24 hours I said I want this personal voice to bake perfectly I want this cake to be Exquisite you know what I'm saying yeah the Sul did not rise is what I'm saying when I tried to type something and have my own personal voice played back I was rather shocked at how much just like like a worst Siri it's not even as good as some of the Siri voices you have now on the iPhone it's like a worst Siri and uh I was pretty surprised you know I thought with all the AI tools I've used some of them that you know you give it some audio files it analyzes your voice and it's been like there are some uncanny tools right now where it really does sound like the person with whatever you type and it just speaks it but personal voice is not it it's not the thing so I'm actually am I relieved or disappointed yes okay uh yeah it's it's a little I don't know it's a little rough so I'm curious if if any listeners running the beta has had a different experience but it is definitely not something where you would want to you know type something at length and have it play it and record that and use that now obviously for the accessibility side this is going to be very useful you know especially if someone is either losing their voice maybe permanently or from a chronic thing like obviously this is like this is great but just for the natural sound like it doesn't sound natural it doesn't sound great so you should do it William I'd be curious to hear how it does a British accent well perhaps this is a time I should confess to you that everything I've said so far has been generated automatically by personal voice but but including all the responses to questions I didn't know you're going to say uh somehow yeah don't think about that bit this is your own personal voice like you you personally it's it's yeah I recorded all the phrases I usually do like uhhuh and um anti- brexit stuff all that kind of focus yourself say Focus like 18 different inflections omn focus omn focus omus focus yeah omic I like oh that's pretty good that's pretty good the Omni Focus Omni group you use that in your ads please uh please do so anyway personal voice was a little disappointing but I'm glad for home activity oh and I finally got TV 17 beta to run on my Apple TV because I for some reason it just was not working so I had to do factory reset it which is always fun and now the naming of my Apple TV has a little two in parentheses next to it it's super annoying I cannot stand the parentheses number like I can't William do you have Apple TVs that do this no but um some of one of my airpod sets has it so I recognized it as soon as you said that and I don't know how to get rid of it either but I it is it is the most crazy making thing for someone now listen I'm in a privileged position I have like seven Apple TVs okay and so listen I know that's more than most wa wait that's one for every day of the week do you watch them until they fill up or something uh yeah that's right I I try to actually oh I have another good Apple TV story too no I have 1 2 3 4 five six oh shoot I do have seven well look at that uh but like some of them are like older and I just keep kind of hooked up for testing purposes like the one I put this beta on it's not a TV 4K it's like 10p but anyway finally got the beta on there control center is wonderful love that are you running the beta on an Apple TV I would not run it on my living room TV sets I like using so now you've said it I keep my last generation Apple TV around cuz I used to present from it somewhere but um it might be too old for uh the new TV OS but anyway um it's code control control Cent is the big difference control center is a big difference and of course the the stand up feature is FaceTime which I actually just got to test earlier today and I found out when you open the FaceTime app on the Apple TV the iPhone that's connected to your iCloud account automatically shows up and you can just select it from this little menu because my iPhone is not running the iOS 17 beta yet I couldn't select it it just said like try to sign in or whatever so just some error message but I realized and this is a very cool feature you can use any iPhone that's on the same Wi-Fi network that's not connected to your iCloud account as the camera for the FaceTime app and what you do is you tap other and there's like this little like you know an anonymous profile icon you tap that it throws up a QR code on the Apple TV screen you can scan that with any iPhone that's on the same Wi-Fi network and automatically that iPhone will jump into continuity camera mode and can be used with that Apple TV for Facetime on the Apple TV and that's a yeah that's really cool and I was like I was curious if it was going to have to be tied to your personal Apple ID or if it could be any iPhone and it turns out you can do it with any iPhone uh that's on the same Wi-Fi network so very cool and that presumbly they can support continuity camera so generation back at the most yeah I think it's iPhone 12 and newer uh supports continuity camera it does have to be like still like I was holding the phone and moving it around and it wasn't like jumping into the FaceTime call and I had to like keep it's still and then there's a little countdown like 3 21 and then it'll jump into the FaceTime app where it has recent calls you can do Center Stage you can do portrait mode blur the background and there was another option I forgot but anyway really cool other apps on the Apple TV will be able to use it like zoom and WebEx and all that so thumbs up FaceTime on Apple TV very very cool dear listeners this week is sponsored by you actually don't have a sponsor for this episode so just wanted to take a few seconds and let you know that you could support the show directly by going to inssider if you subscribe there for $5 a month so every other week you can get an adree version and you get Early Access I publish those episodes as soon as I have them edited Thursday afternoons typically so Early Access and AD free there and if you subscribe on patreon you do get chapters when you get the RSS feed from the patreon but you can also subscribe directly in your Apple podcast app so if you're listening there you should see a little subscription available flag you can tap that and subscribe to the Apple show there you'll also get an adree version there's no chapters in the Apple podcast version hopefully they'll be adding that feature soon and the chapters will carry over it's kind of a technical limitation of their platform not something I can do anything about right now but you could support the show either way and supporting the show will help us keep making the show for a long time even when there are weeks that we don't have any sponsors so as always thanks for listening we really love the community we see you guys on all the different social networks the new threads app on Twitter on Mastadon love hearing from you and interacting with you and we hope you enjoy the show every week as you listen so let's get back to it all right let's talk about some iPhone 15 uh rumors real quick two big ones number one battery is going to be larger on the iPhone 15 than it was on the 14 which I'm very thankful for and William I would like to know from you as I list this other thing I would like to know what your battery health percentage is on your iPhone 13 Pro cuz I know you're still on a 13 Pro I am okay and I bet your battery health is higher than my 14 pro I have some doubts about that but yeah health and it is very slowly we're talking about maximum capacity maximum capacity for battery health and charging oh would like to have a guess 92 90 90 as I predicted William hey no what 15 oh sorry I see what you mean okay not that prediction but the prediction before that you didn't mention was spot on okay I like how this works no no I said I said you're going to beat me in battery health oh I did okay I'll retroactively insert it if I didn't say it insert it in personal voices voice so we know it's been add didn't in later that kind of okay okay hold on I bet my battery health percentage will be lower than yours you like that H so mine is 89% on my iPhone 14 pro it dropped below the '90s last time I checked it was like ' 91 but that was like 2 weeks ago and apparently the iPhone 14 Pro Models it just nose Dives on battery health over time so 89% on a what is it 8mon old device 9month old device which seems crazy to me and I know people are going to say people going to say mac safe you're killing the the max listen I charged every iPhone from the iPhone 12 to this one with my mag safe charger on the bedside I've been using that belon 3 in one the entire time like all three years and the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 battery health did not drop this drastically I think it got down to 96 or 97% before I traded it in so something's up with the 14 pro but do you know is that just yours or is that a generally known I see uh on Twitter and now threads that there's a lot of people that complain about battery life on the iPhone 14 pro and I I've seen I think it Ian Zelo he had a couple Twitter threads asking people and I it seemed like peculiarly is that a word yeah peculiarly peculiarly yes yes yeah yeah peculiarly low battery health from iPhone 4 Pro so I don't think it's just me was there some battery change between the 13 and the 14 range I supposedly it got bigger oh right the battery is actually a larger percentage which is really silly so I feel like I think maybe something up with the phone and I don't have always on display on either like I have not had that on the whole time i' forgotten about that so anyway supposedly bigger battery in the iPhone 15 and 15 Pro hopefully that also something about it helps the battery health as well and also new colors the iPhone 14 pro might be featuring a deep purple color which I feel like didn't we have purple last year or a couple years ago uh yes it was a mid-season replacement wasn't it uh a very vibrant purple right cool yeah but the color that I'm actually looking forward to that I might not be able to get because it might not be on the pro is a mint green a mint green on the iPhone 14 and I missed the green of the iPhone what was it there was a there was an iPhone oh it was the midcycle 13 yes the midcycle 13 Pro got the like Aspen green or whatever and of course I upgraded on day one I was not about to do like a midyear upgrade and I missed that green now I'm going to miss green again William looks like well we don't know if that's the mid-season one or or if it's out of the box and you could I'm looking forward to Crimson glow or whatever it's called the kind of rusty red kind of bronish maybe bronze good word yes yes yeah that would be that would be nice I would go for a bronze and uh are you I mean you're upgrading this year right well I thought I was I seem to CH you made me just think then that I was probably quite wise to skip the 14 if it's battery I mean it's only one thing battery everything else is great but it's enough for me to hang on to that I was right to skip it but my intention to go for a 15 came before the economy changed before the rumors that yeah there'll be a bigger battery but it'll cost more and all these kind of things so I I am intending to but let's see if Apple manages to convince me they will but let's see them convince me yeah let's see let's see if it works out but that's those are the rumors right now I'm looking forward to USBC especially for USB microphone input that is a big deal in in my line of work as they say I right wanted to touch on this apple was highlighting the Student Activity using the Deep Field iPad app where students were encouraged to like create things on the iPad draw things like with apple pencil or their finger and then using the iPad Pros liar scanner participants could create or move their Creations that they drew on the iPad into the real world in an augmented reality fashion and I just thought this was hilarious because I mean this is a future use case of the Apple Vision Pro 1,000% where you could draw something on your iPad or create something and procreate and then move it into the real world maybe even make it a 3D object I mean such a such a one toone correlation and like next year if Apple does this it'll just be with a bunch of kids wearing headsets just a bunch of like uh digital eyeballs on the outside of these headsets so I thought that was fascinating I'm curious William it's been a couple weeks uh since we've last spoken I imagine you've been steeping as you steeped your tea before recording this podcast yeah I see exactly what we did there yes yes y I like yeah yeah yeah in the uh Apple Vision Pro UA the uh the panopticon how do you feel what what's your current feeling on Apple Vision Pro you a little more excited about it about the same how do you feel well I suppose boringly about the same yeah I had zero interest in any headsets whatsoever before I at least want to try this one yeah now I mean we mentioned the Omni group uh they got all of their apps working on the developer kit within an hour um and yeah they're always very quick to these things and I I quite fancy trying out their apps and that's a very non AR kind of idea it's not a game uh it is visual but not well Omni graffle their Graphics image is well actually I don't understand Omni graffle so I wouldn't be us using that but a to-do list in AR doesn't sound compelling but it kind of is attracting me a little bit I mean not3 and half th000 worth or dollars worth it would be not a flight to America to buy one of the three that they make available uh sometime next year but what about you are are you now all in I heard one thing on some podcast it was probably ATP or maybe it was reconcilable differences but anyway when the iPad came out the idea was like it's a big iPhone like everything you could do on the iPad you could have done on your iPhone and definitely could have done on the Mac and so what is the purpose for this device and the main difference with the iPad now fast forward to today and the reason why I edit all my podcasts on iPad is because of the interaction method namely the apple pencil in the app faite editing podcast with that interaction method is so much more enjoyable and much faster for me personally that the iPad is worthwhile device and changes how I edit podcast something that you could do on a Mac something you can do on other devices but I preferred on the iPad and so that little idea where changing the interaction method with apps and different things will actually create a use case for a device that seems like it just does the same things just slightly differently that maybe gives me a little more hope that there is a future for spatial Computing even in my workflow where maybe waving my hand around is going to be a better interaction method or at least different enough that makes doing some task or some project more desirable with a headset on than not I don't know what that is yet we might not know for many many years to come until developers like make really good apps that take advantage of it but I'm slightly more excited about it and seeing what it does that's very persuasive I I have a small problem that um I've tried editing using the apple pencil and I find it considerably slower than using the keyboard and things so uh that specific Paradigm doesn't do it for me but I get the idea and that's also I suppose I gesticulate a lot so that could be I don't I don't have to be controlled well I mean maybe you'll just love typing at length uh in 80,000 words on a floating keyboard that'll happen yeah rush me virtual keyboard I think you're you're going to see omn focus in are just as large as you want to make that window and you're going to be sold I can manage all my omnis focus I focus everything or maybe maybe it will be the ability to apply for an apple card in VR oh wait a minute yes um with um American Express instead of Goldman Sachs yes yeah if that that could be that could be the answer that could be the route to International but we'll what what two things will happen first Apple Vision Pro launches Apple car or apple card coming to the UK I think that is the question not really no I think uh of those three choices Apple Vision Pro it's you know it's going to be next year even when Apple stretches its definition of early into next October 2024 or something but it will still be next year Well there'll be one or two released at least uh the Apple car uh no I will say it again for the record it will be next Tuesday it will be in blue just because one day I'll be right and nobody will ever remember all the times I was wrong I will be you know incredible at that time um right and the Apple card coming to the UK uh yeah yeah it's weird well maybe if it change hands and right now it's looking like that Goldman Sachs has lost over a billion doll backing the Apple card which I feel like I thought credit card was a good business I feel like High interest rates was kind of like a shorefire way to make money doing this but apparently not I don't know I'm not a financial Guru I I don't understand why American Express or anybody would want to take on uh something that Goldman Sachs couldn't handle I mean there are other issues Goldman Sachs and its consumer Market as a whole has had problems and concerns shall we say so it may not just be a straight we didn't make enough cash this week but that's obviously a big part of it so yeah does that mean Apple card is a flop just because it's really good and very useful well it's interesting like when I saw this news I have actually been slowly moving all of my purchases to Apple card because the high yield savings account I had all my daily cash now going to that savings account and I wanted to like try this out long term like does the savings account build does doing all my purchases through Apple card actually like deposit enough to be worthwhile and so far I really enjoyed it I like it and another feature of Apple card which I just to like uh renew my debit card and had a bunch of recurring charges on it and trying to find all those as a pain in the neck yeah so I was like going through all my streaming services finally canceling some that I was paying for and don't use anymore looking at you Hulu but I was like canceling all my recurring stuff and I'd moved it all to the Apple card because I'm sorry I know you don't know this William but if you go to the Apple card in your wallet app and you hit the little three dots in the top right and you go to card details I believe it is is it card details I can't wa I found it somewhere oh give me a minute I'll look it up for you yeah yeah thanks appreciate it appreciate it you can oh no no no I'm sorry you hit the magnifying glass so you can search for transactions and one of the things you can do is search for recurring bills and it will show you very quickly all the different recurring charges that have hit your Apple card so I moved all my recurring things like my Disney plus and apple one Services bundle it's all on Apple card now so I moved everything everything's on the Apple card and now I'm like would Apple like call it quits on this because the backers are just not backing it and I like I can't imagine so like they launched a savings account attached to it they push it everywhere I mean I'm pretty safe right William like they're not going to just cancel this thing right no I think you're you're quite good there I could see apple taking on the whole deal I mean they don't have the financial background but they have the money to fund their bin our pay later stuff soly looking into all this well we'll see maybe it'll switch to ax which fine you know that's fine but and hopefully you guys get it sometime like in the next decade who knows how many years has it been five years uh it was 20 was it 2019 the card came out something like that four years that's yeah four years so I tell you by the way just we got Apple pay straight away everywhere none of this waiting for your local bank thing it just happened and it was everywhere but I had some problem with iOS6 I can't remember what in the world it was but my watch stopped uh loading my debit cards for it moved to the iOS 17 Bo and I got back the watch for about 3 weeks I was having to pay with things using my phone like an animal and now I can just blip blip with the watch which is the way nature intended MH going through the London Underground just vaguely wave your arm near the turn stars and you're straight through it's how it should be yeah it is nice it is nice uh quick Apple TV mentions uh real quick uh you could tell me what scripts you've read you don't watch these shows but anyway new trailer for killers of the flower Moon which is the Martin scorey movie coming to Apple TV plus actually coming in theaters first then Apple TV plus Invasion season 2 starts I believe Late July which I really enjoyed Invasion season 1 did you see that Invasion season 1 totally missed that one even existing yes I was quite surprised to hear season two of a show I hadn't even heard of it was pretty good you should read the script and then Foundation season 2 also um kind of looking forward to that and I don't fully know why because I watched them all but it I just I'm not sure why I was just I wasn't drawn back to it I just seem to accidentally watch it just like you accidentally install the betas you just kind of trip and fall it suddenly you watched the whole season yeah yeah um the script of the the first episode of Silo the script is available um have you seen any of that I've seen the whole season William because I actually watch TV shows I actually watch this I don't just read but yeah I think you should watch it talking of watching television today I will watch the last episode of classic Doctor Who I've been watching it every day at least one for about 14 months or so and Tonight is the last Sylvester McCoy episode and I feel like I accomplished something of no importance or worth but I've done it listen so many people talk about Doctor Who and so I tried to start I went to the very first episode ever with Willi of Doctor Who yeah I uh I got one episode in I'll be honest I just couldn't from the 1963 version I'm I was it was very old whatever it was it was very old just watch the new run when it starts um it's looking like it'll be very good so start there um avoid 700 previous episodes and you'll be all right yeah it's a little much a little much anyway I would encourage Invasion I like that I'm I got to check out hijack people are saying good things about hijack with Idris Elba and that just came out I think there's three episodes out right now so that's pretty cool but yeah Apple TV they're on a little bit of a roll and I would recommend Silo I finished the whole season I think it is very good um the oh the Afterparty season two must be very soon I adored that first run of it did you watch any of that I watched a few episodes of Afterparty I did really like it I just hadn't finished it I couldn't find the script does that mean was it the P I actually did just read the script of um the the child's episode where the young girl is interviewed uh and it's fantastic on the page as well as on screen because you know the setup so well by then it's well into the run you know all of the characters but because it's from this little girls point of view some of the characters are puppets and it's not they just walk by like that's what's normal a puppet would be doing this and things and it's just the sense of time that she has is so wrong I waited for ages and you see it seconds it's just gorgeously well done so that's fun oh very fun all right I want to talk about saving links and package tracking apps very quickly and then we'll get to threads threads threads but uh what do you use to save links William do you use the reading list use something else not really well I use a thing called hook Mark quite a lot um it's less for saving a link per se and more for linking things together so um you have show notes they might be linked to the audio recording or to a spreadsheet or something and whichever one you're in you lip you lip nip carefully quickly to the others that's my major use of saving links the rest of the time I have no idea I have a bookmarks list that I haven't used in ages I probably just leave the tab open I think that might be what it is see you're a tabber you're a tabber I would have said I wasn't but since tab groups the Blessed tab groups have come in it's an enabler it's an enabler feature where you can just hoard your tabs although can we point out but you've often said to me about feature requests and things we wish to see in things being able to automate tab groups on the Mac the way you can on the iPad the iPhone why is that not there I never P about on my iPhone with tab groups I do it all day on the Mac and to be able to press a button to switch from Apple Insider to the writer's Guild and back again why isn't it there what's going on I'm taking it personal like now well that's a that's a good feature request also I had a friend friend from high school Carolyn I was talking about if you have like 100 tabs open in your web browser we can't be friends and she sent me a screen screenshots do you know the maximum number of tabs you can have open on an iPhone I don't think so is it 101 or something oh no no no no 500 okay 500 tabs is the max and it will no longer please please tell me that's written in a support document somewhere you didn't just keep saying and one more Tab and one more tab no no my friend Carolyn sent me a screenshot of her 500 number tabs with the plus button GR and the inability to open any more tabs on her iPhone frankly I thought it was rather impressive that is a rather impressive accomplishment and I uh I would like to know if any other listeners have run into that but 500 so wait wait wait a second I watch 700 episodes of Doctor Who and that's nothing to you but open 500 tabs that's the accomplishment oh okay listen well as you can sit there and just let your streaming service go to the next episode you literally have to do nothing 500 tabs I mean you got to be click and typing in address bars and saving that's a lot of tabs yeah I really stand corrected there that's absolutely true lot lot no way to automate that at all no no listen listen I I understand you could do that this this was not automated this was just raw tabbing just raw tabbing uh but anyway I found the app called any boox and I know there's lots of apps out there like pocket and insta paper for saving links I'm just not crazy about those anymore and any box is a nice like you could save video and you could save web articles and has a really nice like share feature works on every platform so I'm using any box and I'm just curious listeners out there if you're using anything and William if you find something I'd like to know any box any okay I'm quite intruded and Y in all seriousness when I'm saving a link if it's for a work thing it will it will actually often go into om Focus other times if I have a long list of things I want to watch or read later if it's reading it'll go into the reader apps read it later thing and where I can forget about it and I have an Apple notes some with some things I intend to watch like I think Ted lasso is written there somewhere but I haven't opened that in quite a long time yeah William I think you are obsessed with Omni focus and I think we're having some interference there from another radio station yeah this an alien broadcast let me know what you're using to save things later and also package tracking I need to mention quickly because my beloved app deliveries which I've used for many many years it is still really good and one of the features it still has that I don't find in other apps is is I can log into my Amazon account and it stays logged in in deliveries and I can add any Amazon order in just a few Taps even like multiple at a time and deliveries does a great job tracking that but it doesn't do FedEx because FedEx are jerks and they just refuse to let third party apps like access the uh the tracking information but there are other package tracking apps that do pull in FedEx and deliveries has said that they're like not really working anymore on the app and so deliveries might be Sunset it at some point I've tried parcel it's too British sounding for me I can't do parcel no I'm just kidding I tried parcel I just wasn't crazy about the UI whatever and then Brad thornborrow on Mastadon I believe uh after ship I had not heard of this app before this is after ship and I'm trying it out I do really like it it's a little aggressive on the notifications like anytime there's any update to the delivery it's like notification hey update your stuff is still being delivered like it's a little aggressive but I do like the UI it actually tracks FedEx packages and I I do I like it so I'm trying after ship with deliveries still on the side and then Nathan gathright on Mastadon also said that Shopify actually has a nice tracking app you can use but you do have to let it uh access I believe your Gmail or something like that which I wasn't prepared to do you are you're still dependent though on the data being sent from the tracking company so we have the Royal Mail here and routinely it will text you uh to say that your parcel is on the way and the text will say your parcel will be delivered on and then there's a blank and it says if you're not going to be in let us know by responding here and it's like it's not there's a placeholder missing but it's every single time it will not tell you when it's coming and yet insists that you've got to tell it if you're not going to be around in the end just whenever Royal M delivery pops up I think okay it'll come eventually or not yes the after ship app somehow I mean FedEx is not giving the information to other tracking apps so I'm not sure how it's doing it I don't know if it's like loading the website behind the scenes and like checking how what it's doing and then pulling that information in because supposedly AP should not be able to get it from FedEx no but however it's doing it it's doing it it's doing it it's doing it any chance there's a before ship which just stops you spending all this money no that's that's called the Apple card in the UK I I could not yeah sorry I could not make this up William as we are talking about this the FedEx truck is literally pulling into my driveway right now I'm I'm sending you uh a picture of it because I just I can't even believe it why are there two why are there two William Gallaghers in our slack what is what is the deal there oh yeah one of them is just absolutely horrible you don't want to talk to him he's he's terrible that a you know end you picture real okay I just sent you that picture the FedEx truck literally just pulled into my driveway delivering some smart Shades from Smart Wings I'll be honest do you now have to go to your front door to get the smart Shades or were they just sorry you were out will that be left I waiting oh no no no I'm sorry that is a homekit sponsor Factor meals that's that's actually that box right because the box is not long enough to be the shades but anyway uh yeah no I don't have to get up I think uh I think they leave that leave that there so anyway I got to say I do love the FedEx logo with that um you know the invisible arrow in it the negative space there that's just smart that is nice so wait so what package app do you use tracking I was using deliveries for quite a while it tends to be only kind of around Christmas time that I have enough packages coming through that I have ordered rather than review stuff being sent that I need to keep an eye on um but I kind my ears kind of fell off a little bit and then there's all that stuff about it basically doing less and less so I haven't really looked around for anything else but um I will try out any box now you've mentioned it well any box is for saving links you should try after yes okay yes so you got you got to keep track of the stuff in something like Omni Focus okay two I need a a a thing Steven is recommended app uh things Steven is recommended other than Ted lasso app that's what I need I need one of those yeah MH I genuinely I was thinking there's quite a lot today that you put in my head that I now need to go off and explore that home actions thing these apps yes and I've given you nothing in return I'm so sorry well you can give me as a gift William your thoughts yes on threads threads threads threads unfortunate name for the homekit and smart home protocol Oh I thought you were there's a very very famous BBC drama from What 80s or 90s like end of the world type stuff and really horrible so here when you say threads that was the first image that came to mind and if you look on Twitter or I imagine now also threads you will see the cover of the DVD and somebody looking really rather poorly should we say um so yeah that's where I was going with the name uh other than that it's I mean thre thread is the Smart Home protocol that helps devices like communicate faster unfortunate name does it matter hey he listen listen I can't do I know I know exactly what you did I I made the same same punt on thread which you know if you followed me there yes but threads so Instagram this was rumored for a long time that Instagram was making a Twitter competitor basically the exact same thing that Twitter does and the same thing that Mastadon does but this was going to be an Instagram allaha meta app it was going to be launched Thursday July 6th and then they did it early they released it a day early I think just to kind of build the hype so it went live Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. Eastern you can download the threads app right now if you have an Instagram account it basically just pulls in all your Instagram info you get your Instagram user name in Threads and uh I got to say William it's been pretty exciting I I kind I really like the threads there's been many many opinions I was tweeting earlier in the week about the Privacy labels yeah and basically like the threads app it it knows shoe size everything two size do you like chocolate and vanilla did you ever put a whoi cushion under your teacher's chair I mean it knows everything about you and it knows do you know I'm going to let some of that just go by that's just not there's obvious questions here but we're moving on no it knows about the expire milk in the back of your fridge it knows about that moldy bread under the couch it knows about this it knows about everything okay the Privacy label basically says select all we know everything okay it was just say you have none yes yeah exactly now the thing is for all those that are very opposed to the Privacy if you have either the Instagram app and/or an account or the Facebook app and/or an account on your phone the argument is a little moot because the Privacy label is exactly the same for the threads app that it is for Facebook and Instagram so I mean come on I mean if if you're going to use those you're already screwed what the hell in for Penny you're yeah exactly I mean you're already there so privacy like I was already using those so like whatever I'm on the threads the app is not as good as Twitter it does not have things like a follower feed which is probably the biggest pain point for most people but Instagram is promised it is bringing a feed where you can just see I'm going to say thedes I'm going to say you know Twitter has tweets Mastadon has tootes I'm saying threads has thedes you know the reference William no I don't I can't even conceive how you spell that random assortm of syllables have you are you have you ever read The Lorax by Dr Seuss no oh really it's Su isn't as big a thing here as there uh socks and fox and all of that seen it in American films haven't really knocked around with it much in childhood so okay The Lorax was my favorite Dr Seuss story maybe second only to oh the Places You'll Go that's a pretty good book but anyway uh in The Lorax there is something called a thneed which is I won't even go to explain it but anyway I was just saying that to be funny how do you spell it though I can't get the word in my head t h n e e DS the need okays the needs of the many outweigh the needs the few okay you're on fire today William these these puns are coming left and right I got to dodge them as they're coming through the head phones uh so it's a there will be a follower feed eventually Instagram has promised that feature is coming it doesn't have great like gift support you have to like copy and paste gifts in it's a little you know it's missing some stuff but I mean did you use blue sky the Blue Sky app no I was about an inch away from it and then I got distracted and then it seemed to go away or at least everybody was sudden talking about threads instead that's exactly it that's exactly it the the thread app is better than the Blue Sky one the Blue Sky one was buggy and meh and also Jack dorsy has said we're going to pause signups on Blue Sky now that threads is out because we kind of have to like rethink our whole deal oh interesting so I'm not I mean I got the threads iPhone app uh this morning it just suddenly kissed me can I get to it online can I get to on the Mac which is actually where I use Twitter quite a lot that's the other pain point you can't browse the feed in a web browser there's no Mac app all that is coming they have said it really feels like they launched this prematurely to try and capitalize on the Twitter angst that many feel like maximum number of tweets you can see in a day yeah but here's here's here's my deal okay there were a lot of people that left Twitter that I really cared about in the podcast space in the tech space they were just like not using Twitter anymore and some of those people went to Mastadon and many of them did not and they just like went dark but all of a sudden Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes came threads and they all seemed to just flock back because they were all on Instagram and they never left Instagram they were all just lurking over there and now they're on threads and my podcast friends and my tech people like it has all converged and there are yes there are brands on threads like Wendy's is there causing a ruckus which they actually have pretty good uh thanes it's pretty funny but anyway it's all there it's all happening it's all there it's very exciting and they announced just this morning so what 12 hours into this they have 10 million you no no sorry 30 million users that was the latest number okay 30 million users and to put that in perspective mastedon after several years of people trying to get masked on off the ground as 1 million us as so I'm just saying these people that you missed that went dark basically all these people got their lives back and now forget that that's over they're in yeah okay yeah exactly but I like it is for some reason like it is exciting and I I don't know about you were you ever part of like a social network launch like were you there on day one when it was all happening uh actually yes um a very long time ago and well it was a compy serve days I was involved in quite a few Launches on compy serve so it wasn't the whole platform and I did actually work I was hired out to America online for a bit for a particular project and that's how I learned how disastrously stupid the inner workings of a were so I never used it as a actual punter but um beyond that I've never launched an entire platform uh for you no no well I I I missed the Twitter launch which would have been what 2007 2008 you know I didn't oh s mean sorry yes yeah no I wasn't there for the start of that I wasn't there for that Tik Tok was like first musically and I wasn't on that so I I kind of missed the the that launch with Tik Tok is whatever I I don't really care as much about that but you know in Mastadon it was around for a long time before like people started actually migrating over so i' had not been really part of like this is a new soci Network Vine I might have been there forine grief yeah didn't use it but okay yes I'd still be down for it coming back Vine was pretty fun uh and actually might be a better alternative than Twitter but anyway being a part of this launch like right now as you listen to this recording this social media network is like yes it is the same as Instagram and and uh meta but it is siloed you know it's not like you see Instagram posts in Threads and vice versa you can post threads to your Instagram stories and that's a whole little little confusing or whatever but it feels like a new social network has just launched and in these early days I don't know it feels exciting and I'm I'm enjoying it so all that to say uh try threats you know privacy you know if the Privacy thing is a concern then don't you know don't feel like you have trat don't try it but if you had an Instagram account already you already had the app on your phone I think it's uh it's worth a shot I think it's you know MKBHD is there snazzy Labs the a lot of podcasters like the ATP guys are there William is there I found him lurking even though he hasn't posted anything you're there I've liked a few things but you what you're saying is that at last you can tell your kids and your grandkids when they come along that you were there for the start of threads and they can go uhhuh listen no one I know no one's going to care but it feels exciting right now yes and I do think listen as Twitter is still on my phone I'll just be copy and pasting the same stuff to four different networks Twitter Mastadon blue sky and and this until we figure out but it does feel like a very interesting time in like social media The Arc of history for social media because it's like some of these are going to die like not all of these are going to I think blue sky is going to die I don't think Mastadon is going to have Mass Appeal I think it's going to be Twitter or threads and the next year is going to be very telling as to which one is going to be on top meta has a pretty good track record they have like two billion users on Instagram three billion on Facebook or whatever they have a pretty good track record for social networks so I'm glad you qualified it there cuz it also has a track record for other things doesn't it really but yes well it does and again like I wish it wasn't meta like I would also be the first to say like I wish it wasn't meta doing this yes but it is and because they already had like critical mass of user base threads is like overnight a useful place to be because there's so many people there just automatically I don't know I still see apple bringing back ping and that being a big success there that would yeah that'll be able to sign up for Ping with your Apple card but uh you know just but anyway anyway that's I'm excited about it I just want to share my excitement and Williams thread uh profile that link is in the show notes you can follow William do you know I'm actually G to have to go look it up to see what it is because I William Gallagher uncore that's it yes you know one of those names where you think ah I'm never going to use this what does it matter um and that's what I say you chose to put a link in your bio and I think this just came over from your Instagram account maybe but it's an Amazon L and I was like why does William have an Amazon Link in his profile does it link to one of my books or something it does it links to scrier verse ulses choosing and using you don't want to read that that's so out of date no all right I might change it to something else a bit better well right now if you run don't walk run to Williams thread profile and you'll see the Amazon link it'll probably be changed by the time is it's probably an affiliate link which means you could go through look at the book think oh that's rubbish I'm never going to do that and then buy a car or something and I'll get a kickback so rush to that link okay there you go you can get a kickback on his own book that you will also be I'll tell you I have made more money from uh my very first book with the British Film Institute than I did from the British Film Institute pointing at the book earned me more than writing that book but I love the book well there you go there you go well listeners let us know if you're on threads reach out our my profile for Threads is in the show notes so is Williams you can follow us there and let us know if you're there we'd love to know what Apple Insider listeners are there and also don't forget you can support the show inssider and directly in apple podcast thanks for tuning in we'll thread you next time so made me snort did that just for you did that just for you just for you\n"