Magicka Nightblade Detonation Build - Thieves Guild Update

**Optimizing Nightblade Sorcery: A Guide to Building and Champion Points**

As a seasoned player of ESO, I'm excited to share with you my latest build for Nightblades that focuses on maximizing damage output while minimizing recovery time. This build is perfect for players who want to deal as much damage as possible while maintaining a high level of survivability.

When it comes to the build itself, I've opted for a Vicious Death potion detection setup that provides 20 M detection for 16 seconds, giving you a significant advantage in large groups where stealthed enemies can be difficult to detect. This detection actually comes into play a lot, especially when facing big groups that may be sitting in stealth and hiding their numbers from you. By using this potion, you'll be able to find stealthed enemies more easily and avoid other gankers that could potentially kill you.

After detecting the enemy, I switch to Trapper's Stap potions, which provide spell damage from Sap Essence. This is a crucial aspect of our build, as it allows us to deal significant amounts of damage while also maintaining a high level of survivability. With this setup, my spell damage output reaches approximately 4.2k with Julianos, although I did drop a little bit of spell damage for the Vicious Death proc, which is definitely worth it.

To further optimize our recovery, we focus on minimizing the time spent recovering between casts. Our current food option is Blue V15, which increases maximum health and maximum magicka. While this may not be the most efficient option in terms of recovery, it's the best choice available at this point in the game.

Now, when it comes to champion points, we have a few key builds that will help us maximize our damage output while minimizing recovery time. We start by investing 100 points into Magician, as our recovery is very low and maximizing cost reduction through this spec makes sense. Next, we allocate 47 points into Archinist and 20 points into Tumbling to increase our CC (Crowd Control) capabilities and Dodge Rolls.

We then shift our focus to Elemental Expert, allocating 80 points here to maximize damage output while also improving our survivability. We also invest 50 points into Elfborn for additional survivability benefits and 37 points into Thrum for increased Proximity Detonation Damage. This damage over time effect is considered a DOT (Damage Over Time) by the champion system, so it will stack with other effects.

To further enhance our survivability, we allocate 41 points into Resistance to increase our tankiness, followed by 63 points into Hardy and another 63 points into Elemental Defender. These specs help us spin incoming damage and maintain a high level of survivability while dealing damage to enemies.

**Champion Point Breakdown**

* Magician: 100 points

* Archinist: 47 points

* Tumbling: 20 points

* Elemental Expert: 80 points

* Elfborn: 50 points

* Thrum: 37 points

* Resistance: 41 points

* Hardy: 63 points

* Elemental Defender: 63 points

**Passive Builds**

One common question I receive is whether to use all the passive builds available. While it's true that you can use them, there are certain situations where using too many may not be beneficial.

In our case, we focus on using the most relevant passives that will help us in combat. We use Nightblade Guild and Fighter Guild passives to increase our damage output, as well as Mage's Guild and Undaunted passives for additional survivability benefits. We also invest in Alchemy, which provides a 30% longer duration for potion effects.

When it comes to racial passives, we focus on those that provide the most benefits in combat. These may include bonuses to health or magicka regeneration.


With this build and champion point layout, you'll be well-equipped to deal significant damage while maintaining a high level of survivability. Remember to optimize your passive builds to suit your playstyle and preferences. I'll be uploading more content featuring this build, including montages and videos showcasing its effectiveness in gameplay.

Thank you for watching, and I look forward to seeing your feedback and questions in the comments section below!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey what's up guys it's Cipher and today I am bringing you the magic night blade detonation build that I've been using uh for the past couple of days uh obviously recently I just worked in the vicious death set into the build but this build can work without vicious death and I'll explain the different gear options you guys have with this build so let's get right into it I like to make my build videos short and to the point this is a magic Nightblade light armor build um maximizing burst potential using detonation Soul tether and a lot of different Buffs uh we have our dual wield bar we have a sap Essence which is very good AOE after your initial burst to finish off targets it also is really good because it gives you uh spell damage buff so you don't need anrp or other other things to get your spell damage up after you began the fight we're using concealed weapon for Speed speed and obviously just for damage when you need it Lotus fan it's a really good ability not just because of the Gap closing capabilities but when you Gap close into a group of players it does an AOE dot which with the amount of Magicka and spell damage you have it does hit for a decent amount but it also snares your opponents that are around you making it easier to burst them down and limiting their Mobility Inner Light which just by having it slotted it gives us Max Magicka 5% and gives us uh major prophecy which increases Our Spell critical but I also use this ability to proc U might of the guild so the mage's guild the last passive right here after casting a mage's guild ability uh your next attack is increased by 20% as long as it's activated within 5 seconds so really really useful to cast it before your detonation or Soul tether um just to get a little bit more burst now shadowy disguise now this morph I never used to use this morph just because of the fact that it didn't remove damage over time but they rework the way cloak uh works in the Thieves Guild patch and the base cloak doesn't remove damage over time but it suppresses it so all the morphs of cloak suppress uh dots so Shadow disguise if you have a DOT on you and you go into cloak you will not be pulled out of cloak you'll just suppress the dot now this morph uh makes your next attack within three SE three seconds uh be a Critical Strike uh so it's a guaranteed crit unless you you know obviously unless you're going against a shield which it won't crit against the Shield but it's a Critical Strike guaranteed within 3 seconds um Soul tether is on our front bar uh obviously we want a siphoning ability on our front bar because of you know the 8% Max magic and now we do have sap Essence but you do want Soul te on your front bar that way you can have access to it cuz you're going to want to use this ultimate along with proxy detonation and time it to the point where um they you know you cast them at the same time they both go off at the same time and you get the burst damage so solto is going to be your go-to ultimate and the reason I like this over meteor meteor is telepath people can see it before it comes and D Breer is a cone in front of you this one works best with detonation because it's a circle if it it does damage in a circle around you and so does detonation so it synergizes really well our back bar is a Resto bar uh you could have gone one hand and shield on your back bar and that's a possib if you if you have healers in your group but since I play solo I decided to go with Resto uh clouding swarm I I rarely use this ultimate really I just have it here mainly for the U the magical recovery that you get by slotting a a vampire ability on your bar but sometimes it does come in handy either as an escape or as an offensive ability depending on who you're going against uh but usually I stick with uh detonation shadow image uh just for a little more mobility and juking capabilities to get out of sticky situations healing Ward as a heal plus Shield uh when you're getting focused double take for stealth uh you know just just not just for moving speed in general but for extra moving speed while and Stu because it's going to stack with concealed weapon plus the 20% Dodge chance helps you a little bit when it comes to survivability uh in those big groups against those big groups Relentless Focus now the reason I'm not going with merc's resolve is cuz I rarely actually proc the bow for this ability um you're not going to really be proing it I mean unless you have swall soul in this build and you're doing a light attacks while Soul rotation stick with Relentless Focus the 8% stamina recovery will save you a lot more than you think uh because this build does have very low Resource Management um so any little bit of extra management you can get whether from your Magicka or stamina is really good proximity detonation now this is the you know the main uh you know DPS burst that you're going to get out of this build time this with your soul tether with your ultimates with everything that you need to time it with and you're good to go this build even though it's actually a lot easier to play than some of the other builds um that I've posted as far as like just you know you got to put your Buffs you got to you know get your detonation this build is all about timing compared to other builds the timing is really really crucial on this build making sure you time all your Buffs properly make sure making sure you time your proximity detonation with your soul tether with your Alchemist set which I'll get into the sets in a second with your empowerment and all that all the other Buffs that go along with it so it's really important that you time everything thing to make sure that this build works properly let's go into the armor sets really quickly now this is pretty much endgame gear as far as I'm concerned now you could get vicious death jewelry but you have to change a few things around and honestly this is in my opinion the best way to go about it I'm rocking three will power jewelry all spell damage all Arcane on the dual wield I'm rocking two vicious death swords which sharpened a vicious death um light H well vicious death only comes in light and in weapons so vicious death hat shoulder and gloves I got the vines on all three pieces I'll let you know my Mundus and all that in a second so this is the complete vicious death 1 2 3 four five now we are also wearing The Alchemist set which gives us double maximum health spell damage and when you drink a potion you feel a rush of energy gaining 661 weapon and spell damage for 15 seconds now we are wearing four pieces on the body the chest which is heavy light belt light boots and medium legs and the reason why we're going one heavy one medium five light is because we do have undaunted at rank nine which means if you wear five light one heavy one medium if basically if you wear three different armor types you get a 6% boost to your stats and this is going to boost our health stamina and Magic by 6% which is going to help our survivability and our damage output now the restoration staff is a Alchemist Resto staff so this means you only have The Alchemist set on your Resto bar which for for people who you know don't understand what that means is you have to drink your potion on your Resto bar to get the spell damage uh buff if you drink on your D du wield bar it's going to be a waste because you will not take advantage of the extra 661 spell damage that you gain after drinking a potion so it's important that you swap to your restle bar before you compostion and engage into combat now let's go into our stats really quickly now I am an imperial this is not the best race for this build not at all like but it works like you can make it work which which should like that should answer your question can I run this with my kajit can I run this with my orc you can run this with any race you want because this Imperial has no magical bonuses whatsoever right yet he has health and stamina which does come into play and it does help but no Maga bonuses no magic of critical no magic Elemental damage none of that stuff no re no recovery but it's still I can make this build work with Imperial so if you're running any other race you can still make it work now the top races in my opinion for this build uh the hardest hitting race is going to be dark elf and the only reason is going to be dark elf is be the only reason is because dark elf has uh 9% Max Magicka compared to like a Breton or a high 10% now the highelf has 4% Elemental damage but the darkof has 7% Elemental damage which ends up boosting your uh flame damage from your vicious death set now do I recommend dark elf as a top pick for this race I do not even though it hits the hardest I still don't recommend it as the uh top pick for this race um the the reason why I recommend High or Britain or a dark elf it's just because this uh build runs really really low magical recovery or or at least I choose to run really low Maga recovery um I choose to run really low Magicka recovery you can you can switch some of your your spell damage pieces out for Recovery or you can switch the Mund Stone from Shadow to at H knock for more recovery and you can do that and the the the build will be a little bit more well balanced but personally I decided to go with the full-on damage and especially because I am an imperial so I'm already missing on like four to 5,000 Max Magicka because I'm not a high elf dark dark elf for Britain um so I decided to go with that option but again because of the low recovery the 3% cost reduction from brenon is very appealing the 10% recovery from Hof is also very appealing H and brenon are probably the top picks Hof is going to hit harder than brenon but breton's going to be a little bit more survivable and a little bit tanky just because of the spell resistance it's really up to you which one you decide to go with personally for this build in particular I'm leaning towards highelf for the extra damage and Recovery um and uh if you're dark elf it it's it also works wonders now I'm going to get into Champion points but I'm just making sure I haven't forgotten anything I'm using infused on the chest and legs everything else is divines I'm using the shadow Mundus which increases my critical damage not my critical chance but my critical damage arcane with spell damage on the jewelry vicious death um now if you do not have vicious death I ran julianos instead of vicious death and I had very very good results I actually posted a full Montage of me using julianos on my YouTube channel and I was able to wipe a decently size groups but obviously with vious death you take it one step further um so the stats fully buffed uh right now we have about 40.6k maximum Magicka 29k Health which is really really good considering this is a glass Cannon build it really helps you avoid getting one shot whatnot about 11k maximum stamina 800 magic recovery on buffed our spell damage and Recovery buffed 47.1% Spell critical but let me show you our buffed spell damage obviously here's the thing I am not using entropy with this build sap Essence gives you spell damage but you don't want to use sap Essence to get your initial spell damage because it's going to give you away that's why with this build I run v15 detection potions gives you 20 M detection for 16 seconds gets you major sorcery and restores Magicka now the reason I went with this option is because the detection actually does come into play a lot of you know the big groups sometimes will be sitting in stealth and you won't be able to see how many players there actually are popping the detection will help you uh find them better if they're stealthed up or avoid other gankers that could potentially kill you because you can see them before they see you um and then obviously after you do your initial self- detection you can switch to tr stap potions because you can get your spell damage from your sap Essence I think I covered everything here let me just show you my buffed spell damage with this setup about 4.2k with julianos it was closer to 4.5k but I dropped a little bit spell damage for the vicious death um proc which is definitely worth it about 926 magic recovery on the front bar 973 on the back bar see the recover is really low but that's kind of what the build focuses on just damage if you want to make a a different version of the build with a little bit more recovery you might have better results or different results let me know what you find with your own personal testing let's go into the champion points 100 points into magician since our recovery is very low we might as well maximize our cost reduction using uh the magician we have about 47 into archinist and 20 into tumbling just for a little bit more CC BR capabilities and and um Dodge rolls over here we have 80 points into Elemental expert 50 into elfborn I don't have any to spell rosion or bless you could put some in here if you if you insist and then I also have 37 into thur now I'm not really running any dots besides my soul tether leech and maybe a few other things but thge increases your proximity detonation damage it is considered a damage over time even though it doesn't act act like your standard damage over time uh the champion system considers it a DOT so 12.5% increase and that is going to stack with the 21.4% increase from here and if it crits another 15% so it's really good stacking as far as damage is concerned over here um 41 into resistance just to be a little bit more tanky 63 into Hardy 63 into Elemental Defender again you spin incoming damage and that's about it guys that's a champion system uh laid out for you guys this is 501 CP as far as food is concerned we are using uh blue v15 food to increase our maximum health and maximum Magicka uh just this is the best option as far as food if you want to hit hard now if you want more recovery you could go with recovery you could go with Max Health magic recovery you could go with a lot of different setups just whatever you're comfortable with really is what you what you're going to end up going with um now a lot of people sometimes ask me like Cypher you never go over the passives in your build what passes are you using guys um we're at a point in the game where you just use all the passes that help you like read the passive if you feel like this is going to help you use it obviously you want all the night blade passives obviously you want you don't have to use all the DU passes I use Slaughter rufian and twins blade and blunt these don't really help you that much all the Resto passive all the light armor all the medium ones except the five piece cuz you're not wearing five piece of medium all the heavy up the five piece um obviously the fighter Guild passives mage's Guild pass pass undaunted passives all Thea Alliance War passives and your racial passes like and then the big one over here for is alchemy you are going to be relying on potion Effectiveness and things like that so uh getting your Alchemy to 50 so that your potion effects last 30% longer is pretty handy and it's almost necessary for this build so thank you guys so much for watching I'm going to upload a montage with this build very soon using vicious death I already uploaded one using julianos but with vicious death we've had some crazier crazier explosions going on so thank you guys so much if you have any questions please comment Down Below in the comment section and uh this build will be posted and updated on my website cyer I'll also be uploading and updating the stamina Nightblade stamina DK and the Magical Sorcerer And even the stamina Templar as well um that will all happen soon enough so thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate the support have a great day and take carehey what's up guys it's Cipher and today I am bringing you the magic night blade detonation build that I've been using uh for the past couple of days uh obviously recently I just worked in the vicious death set into the build but this build can work without vicious death and I'll explain the different gear options you guys have with this build so let's get right into it I like to make my build videos short and to the point this is a magic Nightblade light armor build um maximizing burst potential using detonation Soul tether and a lot of different Buffs uh we have our dual wield bar we have a sap Essence which is very good AOE after your initial burst to finish off targets it also is really good because it gives you uh spell damage buff so you don't need anrp or other other things to get your spell damage up after you began the fight we're using concealed weapon for Speed speed and obviously just for damage when you need it Lotus fan it's a really good ability not just because of the Gap closing capabilities but when you Gap close into a group of players it does an AOE dot which with the amount of Magicka and spell damage you have it does hit for a decent amount but it also snares your opponents that are around you making it easier to burst them down and limiting their Mobility Inner Light which just by having it slotted it gives us Max Magicka 5% and gives us uh major prophecy which increases Our Spell critical but I also use this ability to proc U might of the guild so the mage's guild the last passive right here after casting a mage's guild ability uh your next attack is increased by 20% as long as it's activated within 5 seconds so really really useful to cast it before your detonation or Soul tether um just to get a little bit more burst now shadowy disguise now this morph I never used to use this morph just because of the fact that it didn't remove damage over time but they rework the way cloak uh works in the Thieves Guild patch and the base cloak doesn't remove damage over time but it suppresses it so all the morphs of cloak suppress uh dots so Shadow disguise if you have a DOT on you and you go into cloak you will not be pulled out of cloak you'll just suppress the dot now this morph uh makes your next attack within three SE three seconds uh be a Critical Strike uh so it's a guaranteed crit unless you you know obviously unless you're going against a shield which it won't crit against the Shield but it's a Critical Strike guaranteed within 3 seconds um Soul tether is on our front bar uh obviously we want a siphoning ability on our front bar because of you know the 8% Max magic and now we do have sap Essence but you do want Soul te on your front bar that way you can have access to it cuz you're going to want to use this ultimate along with proxy detonation and time it to the point where um they you know you cast them at the same time they both go off at the same time and you get the burst damage so solto is going to be your go-to ultimate and the reason I like this over meteor meteor is telepath people can see it before it comes and D Breer is a cone in front of you this one works best with detonation because it's a circle if it it does damage in a circle around you and so does detonation so it synergizes really well our back bar is a Resto bar uh you could have gone one hand and shield on your back bar and that's a possib if you if you have healers in your group but since I play solo I decided to go with Resto uh clouding swarm I I rarely use this ultimate really I just have it here mainly for the U the magical recovery that you get by slotting a a vampire ability on your bar but sometimes it does come in handy either as an escape or as an offensive ability depending on who you're going against uh but usually I stick with uh detonation shadow image uh just for a little more mobility and juking capabilities to get out of sticky situations healing Ward as a heal plus Shield uh when you're getting focused double take for stealth uh you know just just not just for moving speed in general but for extra moving speed while and Stu because it's going to stack with concealed weapon plus the 20% Dodge chance helps you a little bit when it comes to survivability uh in those big groups against those big groups Relentless Focus now the reason I'm not going with merc's resolve is cuz I rarely actually proc the bow for this ability um you're not going to really be proing it I mean unless you have swall soul in this build and you're doing a light attacks while Soul rotation stick with Relentless Focus the 8% stamina recovery will save you a lot more than you think uh because this build does have very low Resource Management um so any little bit of extra management you can get whether from your Magicka or stamina is really good proximity detonation now this is the you know the main uh you know DPS burst that you're going to get out of this build time this with your soul tether with your ultimates with everything that you need to time it with and you're good to go this build even though it's actually a lot easier to play than some of the other builds um that I've posted as far as like just you know you got to put your Buffs you got to you know get your detonation this build is all about timing compared to other builds the timing is really really crucial on this build making sure you time all your Buffs properly make sure making sure you time your proximity detonation with your soul tether with your Alchemist set which I'll get into the sets in a second with your empowerment and all that all the other Buffs that go along with it so it's really important that you time everything thing to make sure that this build works properly let's go into the armor sets really quickly now this is pretty much endgame gear as far as I'm concerned now you could get vicious death jewelry but you have to change a few things around and honestly this is in my opinion the best way to go about it I'm rocking three will power jewelry all spell damage all Arcane on the dual wield I'm rocking two vicious death swords which sharpened a vicious death um light H well vicious death only comes in light and in weapons so vicious death hat shoulder and gloves I got the vines on all three pieces I'll let you know my Mundus and all that in a second so this is the complete vicious death 1 2 3 four five now we are also wearing The Alchemist set which gives us double maximum health spell damage and when you drink a potion you feel a rush of energy gaining 661 weapon and spell damage for 15 seconds now we are wearing four pieces on the body the chest which is heavy light belt light boots and medium legs and the reason why we're going one heavy one medium five light is because we do have undaunted at rank nine which means if you wear five light one heavy one medium if basically if you wear three different armor types you get a 6% boost to your stats and this is going to boost our health stamina and Magic by 6% which is going to help our survivability and our damage output now the restoration staff is a Alchemist Resto staff so this means you only have The Alchemist set on your Resto bar which for for people who you know don't understand what that means is you have to drink your potion on your Resto bar to get the spell damage uh buff if you drink on your D du wield bar it's going to be a waste because you will not take advantage of the extra 661 spell damage that you gain after drinking a potion so it's important that you swap to your restle bar before you compostion and engage into combat now let's go into our stats really quickly now I am an imperial this is not the best race for this build not at all like but it works like you can make it work which which should like that should answer your question can I run this with my kajit can I run this with my orc you can run this with any race you want because this Imperial has no magical bonuses whatsoever right yet he has health and stamina which does come into play and it does help but no Maga bonuses no magic of critical no magic Elemental damage none of that stuff no re no recovery but it's still I can make this build work with Imperial so if you're running any other race you can still make it work now the top races in my opinion for this build uh the hardest hitting race is going to be dark elf and the only reason is going to be dark elf is be the only reason is because dark elf has uh 9% Max Magicka compared to like a Breton or a high 10% now the highelf has 4% Elemental damage but the darkof has 7% Elemental damage which ends up boosting your uh flame damage from your vicious death set now do I recommend dark elf as a top pick for this race I do not even though it hits the hardest I still don't recommend it as the uh top pick for this race um the the reason why I recommend High or Britain or a dark elf it's just because this uh build runs really really low magical recovery or or at least I choose to run really low Maga recovery um I choose to run really low Magicka recovery you can you can switch some of your your spell damage pieces out for Recovery or you can switch the Mund Stone from Shadow to at H knock for more recovery and you can do that and the the the build will be a little bit more well balanced but personally I decided to go with the full-on damage and especially because I am an imperial so I'm already missing on like four to 5,000 Max Magicka because I'm not a high elf dark dark elf for Britain um so I decided to go with that option but again because of the low recovery the 3% cost reduction from brenon is very appealing the 10% recovery from Hof is also very appealing H and brenon are probably the top picks Hof is going to hit harder than brenon but breton's going to be a little bit more survivable and a little bit tanky just because of the spell resistance it's really up to you which one you decide to go with personally for this build in particular I'm leaning towards highelf for the extra damage and Recovery um and uh if you're dark elf it it's it also works wonders now I'm going to get into Champion points but I'm just making sure I haven't forgotten anything I'm using infused on the chest and legs everything else is divines I'm using the shadow Mundus which increases my critical damage not my critical chance but my critical damage arcane with spell damage on the jewelry vicious death um now if you do not have vicious death I ran julianos instead of vicious death and I had very very good results I actually posted a full Montage of me using julianos on my YouTube channel and I was able to wipe a decently size groups but obviously with vious death you take it one step further um so the stats fully buffed uh right now we have about 40.6k maximum Magicka 29k Health which is really really good considering this is a glass Cannon build it really helps you avoid getting one shot whatnot about 11k maximum stamina 800 magic recovery on buffed our spell damage and Recovery buffed 47.1% Spell critical but let me show you our buffed spell damage obviously here's the thing I am not using entropy with this build sap Essence gives you spell damage but you don't want to use sap Essence to get your initial spell damage because it's going to give you away that's why with this build I run v15 detection potions gives you 20 M detection for 16 seconds gets you major sorcery and restores Magicka now the reason I went with this option is because the detection actually does come into play a lot of you know the big groups sometimes will be sitting in stealth and you won't be able to see how many players there actually are popping the detection will help you uh find them better if they're stealthed up or avoid other gankers that could potentially kill you because you can see them before they see you um and then obviously after you do your initial self- detection you can switch to tr stap potions because you can get your spell damage from your sap Essence I think I covered everything here let me just show you my buffed spell damage with this setup about 4.2k with julianos it was closer to 4.5k but I dropped a little bit spell damage for the vicious death um proc which is definitely worth it about 926 magic recovery on the front bar 973 on the back bar see the recover is really low but that's kind of what the build focuses on just damage if you want to make a a different version of the build with a little bit more recovery you might have better results or different results let me know what you find with your own personal testing let's go into the champion points 100 points into magician since our recovery is very low we might as well maximize our cost reduction using uh the magician we have about 47 into archinist and 20 into tumbling just for a little bit more CC BR capabilities and and um Dodge rolls over here we have 80 points into Elemental expert 50 into elfborn I don't have any to spell rosion or bless you could put some in here if you if you insist and then I also have 37 into thur now I'm not really running any dots besides my soul tether leech and maybe a few other things but thge increases your proximity detonation damage it is considered a damage over time even though it doesn't act act like your standard damage over time uh the champion system considers it a DOT so 12.5% increase and that is going to stack with the 21.4% increase from here and if it crits another 15% so it's really good stacking as far as damage is concerned over here um 41 into resistance just to be a little bit more tanky 63 into Hardy 63 into Elemental Defender again you spin incoming damage and that's about it guys that's a champion system uh laid out for you guys this is 501 CP as far as food is concerned we are using uh blue v15 food to increase our maximum health and maximum Magicka uh just this is the best option as far as food if you want to hit hard now if you want more recovery you could go with recovery you could go with Max Health magic recovery you could go with a lot of different setups just whatever you're comfortable with really is what you what you're going to end up going with um now a lot of people sometimes ask me like Cypher you never go over the passives in your build what passes are you using guys um we're at a point in the game where you just use all the passes that help you like read the passive if you feel like this is going to help you use it obviously you want all the night blade passives obviously you want you don't have to use all the DU passes I use Slaughter rufian and twins blade and blunt these don't really help you that much all the Resto passive all the light armor all the medium ones except the five piece cuz you're not wearing five piece of medium all the heavy up the five piece um obviously the fighter Guild passives mage's Guild pass pass undaunted passives all Thea Alliance War passives and your racial passes like and then the big one over here for is alchemy you are going to be relying on potion Effectiveness and things like that so uh getting your Alchemy to 50 so that your potion effects last 30% longer is pretty handy and it's almost necessary for this build so thank you guys so much for watching I'm going to upload a montage with this build very soon using vicious death I already uploaded one using julianos but with vicious death we've had some crazier crazier explosions going on so thank you guys so much if you have any questions please comment Down Below in the comment section and uh this build will be posted and updated on my website cyer I'll also be uploading and updating the stamina Nightblade stamina DK and the Magical Sorcerer And even the stamina Templar as well um that will all happen soon enough so thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate the support have a great day and take care\n"