Cooler Master MM710 Review - Is It TOO LIGHT For A Gaming Mouse

The MM710: A Surprisingly Impressive Gaming Mouse from Cooler Master

I have to be honest with you guys, I was very skeptical of Cooler Master delivering on their promises with the MM710. We even trolled them at Computex by bringing a scale to their booth and measuring the weight, but since its arrival to my mouse mat, I'm happy to report that it has not left me disappointed so far.

Firstly, the good news is that the MM710 is now available to purchase today for $50. This means that this awesome gaming mouse is no longer on pre-order, and you can get your hands on it right away. For those who may be interested in getting their hands on the MM710, I'll outline some of its key features.

One of the standout features of the MM710 is its superlight form factor, weighing only 53 grams. This makes it an ideal choice for FPS gamers who want a mouse that won't weigh them down during intense gaming sessions. Additionally, the MM710 is wider than some of its competitors, making it more accessible and affordable than overhyped gaming mice like the FinalMouse Ultralight Tube.

Now, I know what you're thinking - will this tiny mouse hold up to your heavy-handed gaming needs? Rest assured that the MM710 has a very comfortable shape for my hand size, with not too aggressive top curves. This makes it easy to grip and maneuver during intense gaming sessions. The ambidextrous shell means that both left- and right-handers can use it, although the thumb buttons are only designed for the right hand.

To keep the weight as low as possible, Cooler Master has opted out of illumination on this mouse, unlike some of its competitors like the Glorious Model O. However, I'm really into the whole matte black set for my desk top, and the exposed nature of the shell means that internal components are coated for protection against dust and moisture.

Now, I do want to address some build quality concerns from early units. The primary buttons still exhibit a little bit of wobble, but not as severe as before. It seems like the side shell has been reinforced because pressing into it no longer activates the side switches. Unfortunately, that internal rattle that everyone else has experienced is still present on my retail unit.

Despite this, I have no complaints about button placement or feel, and the scrollwheel is excellent with defined steps. The DPI shift is tucked away from accidental presses, and the thumb buttons have satisfying tactility and softness when pressed. Primary switches also have a fast travel to feel that's really similar to my Model O - excellent all around.

The feet of the MM710 are made of white PTFE with super smooth glide, which is smoother than my Model O, the Razer Viper, or even the Logitech G Pro. The cable is their ultra-weave cable for Wireless-like feel, and it's awesome! Finally, the sensor is a PixArt 3389, offering seven DPI levels at one hundred dpi increments with two lift-off distance adjustments and surface calibration in the software.

Personally, I was a bit surprised at how similar this thing feels to my G Pro from Logitech and just how uncomfortable the Model O feels compared to the MM710. The good news is that the MM710 is available to purchase today, and it's relatively inexpensive at only $50. If you're looking for an affordable gaming mouse with a superlight form factor, then this is definitely worth checking out.

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If you're looking into the MM710, you probably want something small too, as this thing is one of the smallest mice in my collection now. I'm coming from the Model O, and that thing feels like an elephant compared to the MM710. A more appropriate size comparison would be the G Pro from Logitech, which is about the same length and width at its widest point as the MM710.

The MM710 is definitely a comfortable shape for my hand size with not too aggressive top curves. It doesn't feel too flat, and for my hybrid grip, everything just feels well-in place. Despite the ambidextrous shell, the thumb buttons are only for the right hand, which might be a drawback for some users.

Overall, I'm impressed with the MM710, and it's definitely worth checking out if you're in the market for a new gaming mouse. Stay tuned for the epic battle between the MM710 and the Glorious Model O, and make sure to check out this other visual goodness!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enI have to be honest with you guys I wasvery skeptical of Cooler Masterdelivering on their promises with the mm710 we even trolled them at Computex bybringing a scale to their booth andmeasuring the weight but since itsarrival to my mouse mat I'm happy toreport it has not leftall right so I have three pieces of goodnews for you number one the mm 710 isavailable to purchase today for $50 sothis is no longer on the pre-order andthat leave links below number two it isan awesome alternative to the gloriousModel O that some people might findtoo small as the mm710 is wider andit's definitely more accessible andaffordable than the overhyped finalMouse ultralight tube and for numberthree today's video sponsor privacy commkeeps your mind at ease from credit anddebit card theft with the use of theirvirtual cards so you never share yourpersonal info when making purchasesonline more on that laterso if you're looking into the mm 710you're probably interested in that superlight form factor and this thing is only53 grams and I think it would definitelygive you an advantage for FPS games andyou probably want something small too asthis is one of the smallest mice in mycollection now I am coming from themodel oh and that thing feels like anelephant now but a more appropriate sizecomparison is the G Pro from Logitechthat is about the same length and widthat its widest point as the mm710 it isa very comfortable shape for my handsize with not too aggressive top curveso it doesn't feel too flat and for myhybrid grip everything just feels wellin place and despite the ambidextrousshell the thumb buttons are only for theright hand it does come in four colorsbut those are not available just yet andto keep the weight as low as possiblethere is no illumination now incomparison to the model o that is thesame price at 50 bucks and just like theheavier you do get that awesome side andinterior light spill but to be honestI'm really into this whole matte blackset for my desk top and because of theexposed nature of the shell internalcomponents are coated for protectionagainst dust and moisture I do want toaddress some build quality concerns fromthe early units so the primary buttonsright now still exhibit a little bit ofwobble but not as severe as before itlooks like the side shell has beenreinforced because pressing into them nolonger activates the side switches butunfortunately that internal rattle thateveryone else also has experienced isstill present on my retail unitI have no complaints on button placementor feel the scrollwheel is excellentwith defined steps and lightmiddle-click the DPI shift is tuckedaway from accidental presses the thumbbuttons have satisfying tactility andsoftness when pressed and primaryswitches have that fast travel to feelreally similar to my model oh soexcellent all around the feet are whitePTFE with super smooth glide this issmoother than my model oh the Razerviper or the g pro while the cable istheir ultra weave cable for Wirelesslike feel it is awesome and finally thesensor is a Pixar 3389 so you have sevendpi levels at one hundred dpi incrementswith two lift off distance adjustmentsand surface calibration in the softwareand I've had nothing but pleasure usingthis and games and initially yes it wasa bit too light as I'm coming from amuch larger model O at 67 grams but the53g body kind of became part of myhand for easy across her navigation andjust told really natural to use to stayon target and apply whatever aimdirectional shooting speedand the only reason why this might notbe a good fit for you is if you find ittoo light and you prefer somethingheavier to give you a little bit extrastability when you aim and if also theshape is somehow not for you it's eithertoo large or doesn't accommodate yourgrip well and I'm actually quitesurprised at how similar this thingfeels to my G Pro from Logitech and justhow uncomfortable the model of - feelsin comparison to the mm710 now the goodthing is the mm710 is available topurchase today and it's relativelyinexpensive at only 50 dollars whiletoday's sponsor privacy comm is actuallya free service that creates virtualcredit cards for online merchants likeAmazon Netflix iTunes and others so yourreal credit and debit cards stayprotected in case of breaches from thoseonline merchants setting up a card is nohassle at all with a handy spend limitcustomization for each card so you don'tworry about cancelling a subscription orchanging your card in case one of themgets hacked plus you get notified if thecard is used elsewhere the service isfree it's encrypted and comes with ahandy Chrome extensionso visit to getyour $5 credit on your first privatespurchase that is so much for watching subscribe tobe notified when the epic battle betweenthe mm710 and the glorious model ocomes out make sure to check out thisother visual goodness thanks so much forwatching I'll talk to you guys in thenext video\n"