I grab my pickle and I smell like vinegar for the rest of the day all right give it a rating it's not wrong i think this is like a three yeah not that strange i'll give it a four how about that so you know jalapenos my fairy cro oh gosh he thought awakening is bad my fairy crate create your own enchanted garden no this is cool what are you talking about uh-oh did i miss something are you lying to me no what is cool about a ferry so cool have you seen fairy gardens they're amazing who is my best friend dude have you seen fairy garden i'm learning so much about you doing videos just with you that is kind of like a little bit i'm sorry bro give me the keyboard give me the mouse this is the you product this is this is a me product i will take this home and make a fairy garden with luna and it'll be a bonding experience no that's cute like if i want to buy a builder oh i'll build a bear that'd be a little creepy but if i was like i'm going to go build a bear with my daughter i'm about to show you this bro you're going to change your mind very few things can can you show me about a fairy garden okay that's pretty cool okay i'm gonna sell you right now oh don't do it i'll take eight a tiny little hobbit hole oh my god we should get these okay so that's basically what this does now this one isn't lord of the rings and you don't have to you don't have to have the fairy out i think that's a bit on the nose i think the idea here is that you build this little fairy garden and then like the imagination of saying oh a fairy's gonna come and it's her home or his home is gonna be there yeah you know what i mean it's like you're attracting like a fairy to have a nice home it's like it's imaginative it's fun for architecture subscribe now matt you're probably gonna be disappointed by this i'm gonna be disappointed by this okay we have a little gate here it's not bad not a horrible start okay we have this that's a little like work bench for a garden fairy does that look like luna zuma in on that that looks like luna bro a little bit same hair cut on the same haircut it was meant to be you're missing a key part here box no you're missing the door right so the idea here is you have this little door and you put it at the base of a tree so it's like you the fairy walks in like the whole tree is their home oh this is a little not gonna like this this isn't the starter kit i would say they should have a starter kit that they send out for the first one every time but i do like the idea of if they gave you a starter kit every month they give you something to deck it out exactly that's the cool idea yeah i'm gonna rate this strange rating a solid three i'll give it a five it's strange i think it's like slightly strange but i think it's more of a good idea than it is strange all right with that being said what do you guys think was the we all uh ranked the coolest and the most strange the bugs were the most strange the mystery box was the coolest and they're all mystery boxes sorry the the mystery puzzle the clue game yeah the clue game that we're gonna live stream later was the coolest was the coolest the one after the bugs what was the one after the bugs skulls the skulls was the strangest yes goals both of you all gave the finer seekers one a one so that's the coolest that's the mystery one you guys rated bugs as the worst with a collective score of 17. you only gave the skulls of 12. oh really oh i rated the school's low yeah oh we both did we both rated six that's right that's right because there's some believability of like someone wanting to be a scientist yeah scientist someone like so bugs was the strangest one we had yeah bugs is the strangest well that's not a surprise guys yeah comment down below if you guessed right but in the meantime go ahead and check out that video right there that video is a list of all of the mystery boxes we got from bat 19. so please go check that out do it also check out this video right here this video youtube recommends specifically for you so make sure you guys comment down below if you know what that is right and check it out subscribe hit the bell icon and i am in love with you do it bye
10 of the Strangest Mystery Boxes That Actually Exist!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enis this a subscription box that just sends you a different trebuchet every month you gotta really like trebuchet what do you stand for he destroyed the screen gosh matt i accidentally squeezed this too hard and it shot try to be mysterious trying to be a little strange you're winning what's up youtube you guys welcome to the right side of youtube where we're looking at 10 strange mystery boxes that means 10 mystery boxes that why do they exist what's on the left side what are you guys talking about guys we're looking at 10 of the strangest mystery boxes that are on the internet they actually exist no way each of us are gonna rank them on a scale of one to ten so if matt and i both rank it a six it's a twelve wow that's a dope because it's above ten it's above ten yeah if it's below ten or equal to ten it's a no that's the facts now let's go ahead and get to ranking and stay tuned to the very end to see which is the strangest mystery box on the internet the dopest mystery box that we rate is the strangest one we believe on the internet yes stay to the end we're gonna decide that yes bug box oh no i'm done oh pat this was a like to buy and i can't believe it actually happened um let me know when i can terminate you wait what are these cookies are these bug cookies yeah cooking with insects is fun and educational it's super healthy yeah okay humane and environmentally friendly what is in a bug that's healthy are there like a and b vitamins protein and no calories basically no calories not to say that we should all do it i'm just saying i bet you could somehow argue there's health benefits to eating rubber you sick and what are the physical okay so it makes you physically healthier what does it do to your mental state gotta diminish no bro here's the thing like we have we're having this response right now because it's just not a part of our culture people go over to other cultures and they're just eating bugs all day long and then they're looking at peanut butter or hot dogs and they're like americans are insane what is that and they're like i'll stick with my bug straight up you had me into the lessons i'll stick with my bugs i'm not even kidding like i've seen them prepare to where you're like oh that looks good i'd never touch it but i can see why you're eating it now and i can see why it's a staple of your culture so i respect that okay add the cards why don't you go ahead tanner sure i have no problem with bugs chalupas this looks like maggots you see what chanel left here she said spoilers the ants aren't that bad that's my girl who eats this stuff oh no chanel eat that i cannot do that that gave me the willies yeah uh evidently you're you're the bravest one of us all do you want to eat these again no cause it made me sick it actually made you sick why'd you say it wasn't that bad you're just trying to get us to eat them no because at first it wasn't that bad oh you didn't update the log if she would have came back she would have said actually but then i threw up yeah we're going after the wrong person here yeah this person said it's not that big of a deal yeah i'll do one with you pat there we go you pick whatever one you these are literally i got a tiny one i'm not complaining cheers you guys are disgusting well they're in a good way thank you you now have a cockroach in your mouth well what do you think shane it tastes grassy and limey at the same time yeah it tastes like a lime just satin grass for like 10 minutes red link hit me up i got your back it works for us i'll go to you let's get a musical on a scale of one to ten this is probably a level s a level eight i would say nine okay so we're going to average out a 17 out of 20. because why would you want a repeating order of these things anyways yeah that's what makes it really bad guys it's the skulls unlimited welcome to the skeleton crew skelly crew today we got the bone box if they're not real skulls that'd be upsetting they're just like i'm assuming they're fake no they're for sure real soul no they're not skulls unlimited is the world's leading supplier of osteological specimen each of our bone box subscriptions include a mystery school collectible animal trading cards a unique animal or art item and of course related promotions and exclusive discounts they just threw other things in there to make it not seem crazy just throwing skulls in a box but these are real skulls these are real skulls great these are some weird boxes i gotta give it up we've only seen two and these are really freaking weird these are weird buying buying animal skulls let's go ahead and get some bones subscribe now matt what do you think we're gonna get a rodent okay because rodents are cheap and you could just you know they could literally just leave some food around in their warehouse and just collect rodents and just use them for they're honestly true that'd be the most sustainable not ethical most decisions we got eight rabbit heads now what are the odds i opened this and it's just a slice of pizza you know pizza bones can i get some boneless pizza let me get that pizza bonus it's a it's a raccoon cloth wow that's a weird literally four dollars they left the price on it i paid 26 bucks no there's got to be something else that's it wow we got duped this is it you can kill raccoons yourself now that you should oh wait no there's a school in here oh thank goodness oh wow we got two things it is a pond turtle for 39 you gave me a turtle skull that's not righteous bro okay so you see here we have a little pond turtle i'm i'm i'm thinking actually i'll give this to luna oh so she can kiss it no oh so she can take a peek at it look at it understand the skeletal structure of animals that she loves okay she's a huge fan of animals i think most kids are do you think she's gonna be a little creeped out by seeing a dead one oh absolutely not no way yeah luna does not get creeped out she is far more manly than i am this is freaking weird that's a little weird i'm gonna rate this like a six just because i feel like i'm getting a little ripped off i think there's some genuine curiosity here and i understand that i'm gonna go with six comment down below if you guys would collect skulls not in a weird way not humans but animal stuff that's almost grains for me playing your out of five stars experiment with aim and angles by adjusting and weighing in your tribution explore the science of levers and how they help machines harness the force of gravity and lift heavy weight levers levers no your dad was a leaver that's a lever my dad was a lover not a lover sold out so is this a subscription box that just sends you a different trebuchet every month you gotta really like trebuchets you gotta be like on the trebuchet subreddit you know that exists oh i'm sure it does they freak out check this out uh trebuchet memes 359k yeah just about trebuchet names when someone added counterweights to catapults we were bad but now we're good just actual means about travis dude sold out blueprints which are really cool oh my gosh this gives me the anxiety oh my goodness look at these instructions holy crap it's like legos but softer cool we're gonna have chanel whip this up and then we're gonna take a look at it guys it's been built look at what chanel did it say whatever if you call it a catapult get out of here it's not a catapult wow to trebuchet the trebuchet boys this is fascinating oh no it's pretty ah trebuchet why would you buy mini trebuchet when you can just throw i have a trebuchet right here he destroyed the screen gosh matt he literally he destroyed our two we get a camera on this well well well well that's a cheap tv hit it with a cube i rate the mystery box a seven in strangeness because why would i want trebuchets but i rate matt destroying our tv at 10 strangeness because now we have to get a new one i'll give that one a six delicious honestly those are three words that haley uses to describe me frequently exotic quick got him i do not even think delicious i don't think she's gonna be a fan of this video yeah pretty much what we're looking at is exotic nudes and that's the title of this entire website is exotic nudes.com in the japanese language the term men has always referred to noodles add men to cart now open here oh comes with a lot of noodles look so first off we have that i'm not even gonna try oh i have the pink version of it mine's vegetarian flavor mine shrimp what does a vegetarian taste like i imagine wheat yeah not a lot of meat there i don't wanna need that me on the bones all right tanner the noodles have been prepared unfortunately wow mine looks sad smells like dog food wow that's odd looking isn't it yeah i'm always weirded out by these by these noodles like the the white ones that just looks like ramen yeah this one just looks like rum this is a vegetarian one it smells good try it out and honestly it smells like cup of noodles i wonder why it's good it's growing cool tastes good i would say it is if you like all the different types of noodles and you're a fan i would say it's pretty cool i would give it i'll give it a two i would give it a three yeah not strange not strange yeah at least the ones we got maybe there's some really strange i think it's a dope but it's not gonna be the the winner of the strangeness yeah i agree with that next product guys if you're enjoying this content make sure the subscribe button thank you finders seekers a thrilling mystery delivered to your door ooh receive a curious package every month that initiates a fun and challenging escape room adventure it's an escape room in a box that's cool i love escape rooms in a box hurry supplies are very limited oh thank goodness you got it oh you haven't picked it out yet this is a pretty cool box this is really cool finders seekers not keepers this is a clue this is a clue don't touch the clue chicago police department case number zero 516. all right this is pretty cool we take out this police case right here this is a cool date night thing this is a cool day the society of seekers has been commissioned by chicago police to help solve a cold case from 19 from 1935 september 3rd directors at the art institute of chicago discovered that two priceless paintings by artist george sauerkraut have been stolen in their place were hung two worthless but intriguing canvases on the gallery wall a medici mafia family crest has been spray painted several clues were discovered at nine sites throughout chicago all marked with the same crest detectives identified 25 suspects but were never able to determine guilt or recover the masterpieces it's your mission to review the case files and identify the nine guilty thieves yeah so guys we're clearly not gonna be able to solve this right now we kinda just wanna look at it see what it looks like see the quality of it this is really cool but if you guys want to see us solve this go ahead and like this video like a hundred thousand times comment down below do us live and we'll do a live stream if you guys want us to do a giant live stream like the video come and do it live and once we hit 100k i'll go live and we will solve this together it's pretty cool this is like high quality it looks to be well thought out oh and there's your suspects ooh this is cool it's got a little foil printing oh that way maybe you can scratch it off to see if you can make a guess oh wow so you have nine guesses you have to get them all right you have nine guesses that's so cool so this is the confirmation that you were right or wrong yeah it's like clue that's so cool so this is really cool we're going to do a live stream where we do that stay tuned for that dobern is going to announce that on their social accounts in the meantime in that next product ratty box yummy rat treats and goodies delivered directly to you every month ratty box how many of you guys have rats as pets i'm not a huge fan of rodent pets i understand how some people think they're really cute and then i also understand how some people are terrified of them and i'm like somewhere in the middle rats are a little too big for me to be comfortable i love hamsters i like hamsters because there's no tails all fluffy and they've got a lot of personality and splunk in them okay um so i'm gonna say i'm a fan of you like tailless animals generally oh yeah see those little mice they're cute they're cute yeah these are i think it's cute when other people have them yeah what's what's your pet down in the comments below i think we should buy this right we should break it out take a quick look at them but then we should have robert robert has two rats so we should have robert you know show us wrap these things and see if they enjoy them he has two let's let's see you know what i'm saying so let's go i probably have mice over rats i think rats are a little too scary looking for me the ratty box we had a ton of fun curating this month's ratty box i hate this font we hope your babies love all their new goodies okay yogu drops i feel like this has tanner written all over it is this steak bits diced dates small treats you want one yeah no why are you covering something important animal oh he got me there's like a fidget toy for rats ratchet raptors walking fidget toys can't hear you we got a little shark hangout this is cool and then what is that it's a carrying thing i think it's a bra it's a bra and you put your little rat right there yeah and you walk around with it a little tuck let's go and give this to robert and see what he thinks yeah hey thanks guys matt and tanner it's robert here the editor and uh here are here are my rats here's rocco the blonde boy genius and there's nobu let's actually bring the boys out real quick this doesn't even really look like you can enter it so it might take him a bit to understand what he's looking at diced dates in oat flour these boys have never had anything like this before so hopefully they enjoy it hello buddy rocco and he's gonna run back inside not let anyone see it but nobody's gonna realize oh my gosh what has he got no boo boo there you go yeah they're gonna go in hiding rats like to hide so that they aren't disturbed yeah rocco seems to be enjoying it i mean he he does this with every food object so oh looks like he's finishing up he's gonna wipe his mouth oh he's gonna do a little head scratch there you go my boys aren't very good at playing with toys they're very smart but i don't know they haven't seemed to really enjoy playing with toys yet we'll try this one okay he's investigating the shark yeah as expected he doesn't really seem to care about this right now maybe one day hello buddy he's going in what a handsome boy okay okay this is a there's a standard rat hammock they love those soft beddings so this is a lot like what i have in here i have a bunch of them rats like to sleep together so if you have like five rats they'll all bundle up onto this and it's super cute ratty box thank you thank you good boy all right nobu's in he's going in oh okay and that seems to be it so uh they will definitely enjoy some of these things they'll definitely enjoy those dates hello i would say honestly i don't know how much this costs but i would say it's a dope it's hard to get things for rats sometimes they are very unique creatures but i would say this product is a dope back to you guys in the studio next product bts mystery random box renewal version do you want to unbox your idol what does that mean oh they're just assuming that it's your idol well yeah i mean if you're buying a mystery box of a member of bts you're probably standing there i don't have a strong word let's take a look guys i'm personally a jimin stan matt is a jungle stan no it's j-hope yeah you're in the j-hope i forgot you said you know what i'm she's being so excited about a bts star he doesn't look at all like jesus i'm your hope yikes i'm your angel i'm j-hope that makes me sad dude he probably didn't even say that i bet i'm your hope i am your savior people been saying this weird stuff forever what is this hey it's me it's a me notepad get this open i can't even open this just rip it me and jayhawk be looking alive what is this what is the point of that this feels like a knockoff box not like legitimately from bts oh it's a towelette it's a poop emoji television oh wait this one it was on it's a prank your favorite of the bts is j-hope well guess what he's poop that's what they're saying with this poop towel is that like one of those oh yeah this is definitely a 50 towel is this supposed to just be able to dry off jay hope because if so he's a small dude when he comes out of the shower for his press shoot he's just like oh is this towel too small shows a little chase oh it doesn't doesn't cover me fully uh i'll say this isn't that crazy i would say this is deeply concerning and so that that puts it up to like a five i think it's a five awakening in a box wow bringing crystals and tools of enlightenment right to your doorstep oh we're gonna offend someone with this one absolutely i'm sorry if you believe in crystals i absolutely do not uh rocks precious rose what i know about like crystals and things like that is the people that practice with crystals i believe they believe that each crystal has a sort of frequency i'm not well educated on what they believe this frequency is going to do for you but i do believe that people think as though the frequencies will either attract things or ward off things right my sister believes in crystals as well i want to put out there and i still think whatever you're saying is crazy so keep going i'm not identifying i'm just educating oh no yeah i i accept your education i mean people think what i believe is crazy they're like oh man in the sky yeah what's so crazy at least we have rocks at least we could talk to ourselves i will take a look i'm a little freaked out by the rest of this one i'm fine you don't have to believe i don't have to believe that's the fact they couldn't believe it without me my only thing is what is their definition of an awakening what are you waking up to what are you waking up from and how in particular are the crystals going to help you get there so first we have the the mooc mukait mukait then we have the dalmatian jasper and then we have the sun stone all right so see if you can match these up and if you match these up correctly you have a woven oh more we'll see that's just a game i play the dog teaches us the importance of strength and loyalty okay this one is turtles teach us persistence endurance and longevity so i guess this is a sunstone lion's roar symbolizes finding your voice and speaking your truth that is something i've heard it from everyone who's ever been intoxicated speaking your truth speak your truth yeah i don't know what this is for i think maybe it's just supposed to allow people to rest a little bit and that's not a bad thing yeah like i said my sister loves crystals i don't know anything about them so i will not judge people for them um but just in the entire five minutes i've been making comedy you can make comedy out of anyone's beliefs right that's just you make comment on anything he does it to me all the time yeah absolutely i would say a rock box i would say six yeah six or seven yeah it's like just enough just strange enough to where it's like yeah you're tending to getting different rocks into you but also yeah i could just go get a bunch of rocks and put them in a box so all right next product guys welcome to mouth.com contrary to arm.comandbrain.com here at mouth.com we're selling pickles every single stink and muff wait mouth.com only sells pickles or that's just one of their products oh one of their products oh that's just one of them they have cocktails jerky best of them i'm a big pickle fan and clip it all right now is what they say about pickles true what they're just fermented cucumbers uh so here's the thing here's the thing about pickles you can buy pickles most of the store-bought pickles aren't actually fermented so when you actually get fermented pickles have you ever come over to my house and yeah i've given you like some real pickles you've never given me pickles before okay i just have this memory of giving someone a pickle here how do you brian you open the door man he wants a pig so when you when you actually ferment a pickle it tastes way different and it's so good it's actually fermented pickles are really really tasty it's a pickle box i'm assuming they've properly fermented a pickle let's find out look at this box to you from my mouth gross so they're spinning back yeah that's how they get the pickle juice it's just saliva this is just the sign that i'm going to be protesting with happy tasting actually just by everyone else that is like happy tasting what do you stand for pickles here we have the jalapenos i'm not a fan of that yeah i'm not gonna i'm gonna be sad if they don't actually just have some pickled cucumbers okay here we go epic chesap chesapeake these got a little zing to them i got wild dills dills wild dills i love that now this is what's gonna taste good that's pretty good ooh it's got a bit of a zip to it a little spicy a little zip tiny what does it taste like what does it taste like cover your eyes and try it no cover them don't close them tastes like a pickle oh yeah i'll try one that's good yeah if it was cold it'd be even better mm-hmm a little weird there's warm you want to take those home uh sure yeah we just bought a huge jar of like nice pickles but yeah i don't want those problem with pickles you grab with your hand you smell like vinegar for the rest of your day literally you could describe yourself that way i grab my pickle and i smell like vinegar for the rest of the day all right give it a rating it's not wrong i think this is like a three yeah not that strange i'll give it a four how about that so you know jalapenos my fairy cro oh gosh he thought awakening is bad my fairy crate create your own enchanted garden no this is cool what are you talking about uh-oh did i miss something are you lying to me no what is cool about a ferry so cool have you seen fairy gardens they're amazing who is my best friend dude have you seen fairy garden i'm learning so much about you doing videos just with you that is kind of like a little bit i'm sorry bro give me the keyboard give me the mouse this is the you product this is this is a me product i will take this home and make a fairy garden with luna and it'll be a bonding experience no that's cute like if i want to buy a builder oh i'll build a bear that'd be a little creepy but if i was like i'm going to go build a bear with my daughter i'm about to show you this bro you're going to change your mind very few things can can you show me about a fairy garden okay that's pretty cool okay i'm gonna sell you right now oh don't do it i'll take eight a tiny little hobbit hole oh my god we should get these okay so that's basically what this does now this one isn't lord of the rings and you don't have to you don't have to have the fairy out i think that's a bit on the nose i think the idea here is that you build this little fairy garden and then like the imagination of saying oh a fairy's gonna come and it's her home or his home is gonna be there yeah you know what i mean it's like you're attracting like a fairy to have a nice home it's like it's you know it's imaginative it's fun for architecture subscribe now matt you're probably gonna be disappointed by this i'm gonna be disappointed by this okay we have a little gate here it's not bad not a horrible start okay we have this that's a little like work bench for a garden fairy does that look like luna zuma in on that that looks like luna bro a little bit same hair cut on the same haircut it was meant to be you're missing a key part here box no you're missing the door right so the idea here is you have this little door and you put it at the base of a tree so it's like you the fairy walks in like the whole tree is their home oh this is a little not gonna like this this isn't the starter kit i would say they should have a starter kit that they send out for the first one every time but i do like the idea of if they gave you a starter kit every month they give you something to deck it out exactly that's the cool idea yeah i'm gonna rate this strange rating a solid three i'll give it a five it's strange i think it's like slightly strange but i think it's more of a good idea than it is strange all right with that being said what do you guys think was the we all uh ranked the coolest and the most strange the bugs were the most strange the mystery box was the coolest and they're all mystery boxes sorry the the mystery puzzle the clue game yeah the clue game that we're gonna live stream later was the coolest was the coolest the one after the bugs what was the one after the bugs skulls the skulls was the strangest yes goals both of you all gave the finer seekers one a one so that's the coolest that's the mystery one you guys rated bugs as the worst with a collective score of 17. you only gave the skulls of 12. oh really oh i rated the school's low yeah oh we both did we both rated six that's right that's right because there's some believability of like someone wanting to be a scientist yeah scientist someone like so bugs was the strangest one we had yeah bugs is the strangest well that's not a surprise guys yeah comment down below if you guessed right but in the meantime go ahead and check out that video right there that video is a list of all of the mystery boxes we got from bat 19. so please go check that out do it also check out this video right here this video youtube recommends specifically for you so make sure you guys comment down below if you know what that is right and check it out subscribe hit the bell icon and i am in love with you do it byeis this a subscription box that just sends you a different trebuchet every month you gotta really like trebuchet what do you stand for he destroyed the screen gosh matt i accidentally squeezed this too hard and it shot try to be mysterious trying to be a little strange you're winning what's up youtube you guys welcome to the right side of youtube where we're looking at 10 strange mystery boxes that means 10 mystery boxes that why do they exist what's on the left side what are you guys talking about guys we're looking at 10 of the strangest mystery boxes that are on the internet they actually exist no way each of us are gonna rank them on a scale of one to ten so if matt and i both rank it a six it's a twelve wow that's a dope because it's above ten it's above ten yeah if it's below ten or equal to ten it's a no that's the facts now let's go ahead and get to ranking and stay tuned to the very end to see which is the strangest mystery box on the internet the dopest mystery box that we rate is the strangest one we believe on the internet yes stay to the end we're gonna decide that yes bug box oh no i'm done oh pat this was a like to buy and i can't believe it actually happened um let me know when i can terminate you wait what are these cookies are these bug cookies yeah cooking with insects is fun and educational it's super healthy yeah okay humane and environmentally friendly what is in a bug that's healthy are there like a and b vitamins protein and no calories basically no calories not to say that we should all do it i'm just saying i bet you could somehow argue there's health benefits to eating rubber you sick and what are the physical okay so it makes you physically healthier what does it do to your mental state gotta diminish no bro here's the thing like we have we're having this response right now because it's just not a part of our culture people go over to other cultures and they're just eating bugs all day long and then they're looking at peanut butter or hot dogs and they're like americans are insane what is that and they're like i'll stick with my bug straight up you had me into the lessons i'll stick with my bugs i'm not even kidding like i've seen them prepare to where you're like oh that looks good i'd never touch it but i can see why you're eating it now and i can see why it's a staple of your culture so i respect that okay add the cards why don't you go ahead tanner sure i have no problem with bugs chalupas this looks like maggots you see what chanel left here she said spoilers the ants aren't that bad that's my girl who eats this stuff oh no chanel eat that i cannot do that that gave me the willies yeah uh evidently you're you're the bravest one of us all do you want to eat these again no cause it made me sick it actually made you sick why'd you say it wasn't that bad you're just trying to get us to eat them no because at first it wasn't that bad oh you didn't update the log if she would have came back she would have said actually but then i threw up yeah we're going after the wrong person here yeah this person said it's not that big of a deal yeah i'll do one with you pat there we go you pick whatever one you these are literally i got a tiny one i'm not complaining cheers you guys are disgusting well they're in a good way thank you you now have a cockroach in your mouth well what do you think shane it tastes grassy and limey at the same time yeah it tastes like a lime just satin grass for like 10 minutes red link hit me up i got your back it works for us i'll go to you let's get a musical on a scale of one to ten this is probably a level s a level eight i would say nine okay so we're going to average out a 17 out of 20. because why would you want a repeating order of these things anyways yeah that's what makes it really bad guys it's the skulls unlimited welcome to the skeleton crew skelly crew today we got the bone box if they're not real skulls that'd be upsetting they're just like i'm assuming they're fake no they're for sure real soul no they're not skulls unlimited is the world's leading supplier of osteological specimen each of our bone box subscriptions include a mystery school collectible animal trading cards a unique animal or art item and of course related promotions and exclusive discounts they just threw other things in there to make it not seem crazy just throwing skulls in a box but these are real skulls these are real skulls great these are some weird boxes i gotta give it up we've only seen two and these are really freaking weird these are weird buying buying animal skulls let's go ahead and get some bones subscribe now matt what do you think we're gonna get a rodent okay because rodents are cheap and you could just you know they could literally just leave some food around in their warehouse and just collect rodents and just use them for they're honestly true that'd be the most sustainable not ethical most decisions we got eight rabbit heads now what are the odds i opened this and it's just a slice of pizza you know pizza bones can i get some boneless pizza let me get that pizza bonus it's a it's a raccoon cloth wow that's a weird literally four dollars they left the price on it i paid 26 bucks no there's got to be something else that's it wow we got duped this is it you can kill raccoons yourself now that you should oh wait no there's a school in here oh thank goodness oh wow we got two things it is a pond turtle for 39 you gave me a turtle skull that's not righteous bro okay so you see here we have a little pond turtle i'm i'm i'm thinking actually i'll give this to luna oh so she can kiss it no oh so she can take a peek at it look at it understand the skeletal structure of animals that she loves okay she's a huge fan of animals i think most kids are do you think she's gonna be a little creeped out by seeing a dead one oh absolutely not no way yeah luna does not get creeped out she is far more manly than i am this is freaking weird that's a little weird i'm gonna rate this like a six just because i feel like i'm getting a little ripped off i think there's some genuine curiosity here and i understand that i'm gonna go with six comment down below if you guys would collect skulls not in a weird way not humans but animal stuff that's almost grains for me playing your out of five stars experiment with aim and angles by adjusting and weighing in your tribution explore the science of levers and how they help machines harness the force of gravity and lift heavy weight levers levers no your dad was a leaver that's a lever my dad was a lover not a lover sold out so is this a subscription box that just sends you a different trebuchet every month you gotta really like trebuchets you gotta be like on the trebuchet subreddit you know that exists oh i'm sure it does they freak out check this out uh trebuchet memes 359k yeah just about trebuchet names when someone added counterweights to catapults we were bad but now we're good just actual means about travis dude sold out blueprints which are really cool oh my gosh this gives me the anxiety oh my goodness look at these instructions holy crap it's like legos but softer cool we're gonna have chanel whip this up and then we're gonna take a look at it guys it's been built look at what chanel did it say whatever if you call it a catapult get out of here it's not a catapult wow to trebuchet the trebuchet boys this is fascinating oh no it's pretty ah trebuchet why would you buy mini trebuchet when you can just throw i have a trebuchet right here he destroyed the screen gosh matt he literally he destroyed our two we get a camera on this well well well well that's a cheap tv hit it with a cube i rate the mystery box a seven in strangeness because why would i want trebuchets but i rate matt destroying our tv at 10 strangeness because now we have to get a new one i'll give that one a six delicious honestly those are three words that haley uses to describe me frequently exotic quick got him i do not even think delicious i don't think she's gonna be a fan of this video yeah pretty much what we're looking at is exotic nudes and that's the title of this entire website is exotic nudes.com in the japanese language the term men has always referred to noodles add men to cart now open here oh comes with a lot of noodles look so first off we have that i'm not even gonna try oh i have the pink version of it mine's vegetarian flavor mine shrimp what does a vegetarian taste like i imagine wheat yeah not a lot of meat there i don't wanna need that me on the bones all right tanner the noodles have been prepared unfortunately wow mine looks sad smells like dog food wow that's odd looking isn't it yeah i'm always weirded out by these by these noodles like the the white ones that just looks like ramen yeah this one just looks like rum this is a vegetarian one it smells good try it out and honestly it smells like cup of noodles i wonder why it's good it's growing cool tastes good i would say it is if you like all the different types of noodles and you're a fan i would say it's pretty cool i would give it i'll give it a two i would give it a three yeah not strange not strange yeah at least the ones we got maybe there's some really strange i think it's a dope but it's not gonna be the the winner of the strangeness yeah i agree with that next product guys if you're enjoying this content make sure the subscribe button thank you finders seekers a thrilling mystery delivered to your door ooh receive a curious package every month that initiates a fun and challenging escape room adventure it's an escape room in a box that's cool i love escape rooms in a box hurry supplies are very limited oh thank goodness you got it oh you haven't picked it out yet this is a pretty cool box this is really cool finders seekers not keepers this is a clue this is a clue don't touch the clue chicago police department case number zero 516. all right this is pretty cool we take out this police case right here this is a cool date night thing this is a cool day the society of seekers has been commissioned by chicago police to help solve a cold case from 19 from 1935 september 3rd directors at the art institute of chicago discovered that two priceless paintings by artist george sauerkraut have been stolen in their place were hung two worthless but intriguing canvases on the gallery wall a medici mafia family crest has been spray painted several clues were discovered at nine sites throughout chicago all marked with the same crest detectives identified 25 suspects but were never able to determine guilt or recover the masterpieces it's your mission to review the case files and identify the nine guilty thieves yeah so guys we're clearly not gonna be able to solve this right now we kinda just wanna look at it see what it looks like see the quality of it this is really cool but if you guys want to see us solve this go ahead and like this video like a hundred thousand times comment down below do us live and we'll do a live stream if you guys want us to do a giant live stream like the video come and do it live and once we hit 100k i'll go live and we will solve this together it's pretty cool this is like high quality it looks to be well thought out oh and there's your suspects ooh this is cool it's got a little foil printing oh that way maybe you can scratch it off to see if you can make a guess oh wow so you have nine guesses you have to get them all right you have nine guesses that's so cool so this is the confirmation that you were right or wrong yeah it's like clue that's so cool so this is really cool we're going to do a live stream where we do that stay tuned for that dobern is going to announce that on their social accounts in the meantime in that next product ratty box yummy rat treats and goodies delivered directly to you every month ratty box how many of you guys have rats as pets i'm not a huge fan of rodent pets i understand how some people think they're really cute and then i also understand how some people are terrified of them and i'm like somewhere in the middle rats are a little too big for me to be comfortable i love hamsters i like hamsters because there's no tails all fluffy and they've got a lot of personality and splunk in them okay um so i'm gonna say i'm a fan of you like tailless animals generally oh yeah see those little mice they're cute they're cute yeah these are i think it's cute when other people have them yeah what's what's your pet down in the comments below i think we should buy this right we should break it out take a quick look at them but then we should have robert robert has two rats so we should have robert you know show us wrap these things and see if they enjoy them he has two let's let's see you know what i'm saying so let's go i probably have mice over rats i think rats are a little too scary looking for me the ratty box we had a ton of fun curating this month's ratty box i hate this font we hope your babies love all their new goodies okay yogu drops i feel like this has tanner written all over it is this steak bits diced dates small treats you want one yeah no why are you covering something important animal oh he got me there's like a fidget toy for rats ratchet raptors walking fidget toys can't hear you we got a little shark hangout this is cool and then what is that it's a carrying thing i think it's a bra it's a bra and you put your little rat right there yeah and you walk around with it a little tuck let's go and give this to robert and see what he thinks yeah hey thanks guys matt and tanner it's robert here the editor and uh here are here are my rats here's rocco the blonde boy genius and there's nobu let's actually bring the boys out real quick this doesn't even really look like you can enter it so it might take him a bit to understand what he's looking at diced dates in oat flour these boys have never had anything like this before so hopefully they enjoy it hello buddy rocco and he's gonna run back inside not let anyone see it but nobody's gonna realize oh my gosh what has he got no boo boo there you go yeah they're gonna go in hiding rats like to hide so that they aren't disturbed yeah rocco seems to be enjoying it i mean he he does this with every food object so oh looks like he's finishing up he's gonna wipe his mouth oh he's gonna do a little head scratch there you go my boys aren't very good at playing with toys they're very smart but i don't know they haven't seemed to really enjoy playing with toys yet we'll try this one okay he's investigating the shark yeah as expected he doesn't really seem to care about this right now maybe one day hello buddy he's going in what a handsome boy okay okay this is a there's a standard rat hammock they love those soft beddings so this is a lot like what i have in here i have a bunch of them rats like to sleep together so if you have like five rats they'll all bundle up onto this and it's super cute ratty box thank you thank you good boy all right nobu's in he's going in oh okay and that seems to be it so uh they will definitely enjoy some of these things they'll definitely enjoy those dates hello i would say honestly i don't know how much this costs but i would say it's a dope it's hard to get things for rats sometimes they are very unique creatures but i would say this product is a dope back to you guys in the studio next product bts mystery random box renewal version do you want to unbox your idol what does that mean oh they're just assuming that it's your idol well yeah i mean if you're buying a mystery box of a member of bts you're probably standing there i don't have a strong word let's take a look guys i'm personally a jimin stan matt is a jungle stan no it's j-hope yeah you're in the j-hope i forgot you said you know what i'm she's being so excited about a bts star he doesn't look at all like jesus i'm your hope yikes i'm your angel i'm j-hope that makes me sad dude he probably didn't even say that i bet i'm your hope i am your savior people been saying this weird stuff forever what is this hey it's me it's a me notepad get this open i can't even open this just rip it me and jayhawk be looking alive what is this what is the point of that this feels like a knockoff box not like legitimately from bts oh it's a towelette it's a poop emoji television oh wait this one it was on it's a prank your favorite of the bts is j-hope well guess what he's poop that's what they're saying with this poop towel is that like one of those oh yeah this is definitely a 50 towel is this supposed to just be able to dry off jay hope because if so he's a small dude when he comes out of the shower for his press shoot he's just like oh is this towel too small shows a little chase oh it doesn't doesn't cover me fully uh i'll say this isn't that crazy i would say this is deeply concerning and so that that puts it up to like a five i think it's a five awakening in a box wow bringing crystals and tools of enlightenment right to your doorstep oh we're gonna offend someone with this one absolutely i'm sorry if you believe in crystals i absolutely do not uh rocks precious rose what i know about like crystals and things like that is the people that practice with crystals i believe they believe that each crystal has a sort of frequency i'm not well educated on what they believe this frequency is going to do for you but i do believe that people think as though the frequencies will either attract things or ward off things right my sister believes in crystals as well i want to put out there and i still think whatever you're saying is crazy so keep going i'm not identifying i'm just educating oh no yeah i i accept your education i mean people think what i believe is crazy they're like oh man in the sky yeah what's so crazy at least we have rocks at least we could talk to ourselves i will take a look i'm a little freaked out by the rest of this one i'm fine you don't have to believe i don't have to believe that's the fact they couldn't believe it without me my only thing is what is their definition of an awakening what are you waking up to what are you waking up from and how in particular are the crystals going to help you get there so first we have the the mooc mukait mukait then we have the dalmatian jasper and then we have the sun stone all right so see if you can match these up and if you match these up correctly you have a woven oh more we'll see that's just a game i play the dog teaches us the importance of strength and loyalty okay this one is turtles teach us persistence endurance and longevity so i guess this is a sunstone lion's roar symbolizes finding your voice and speaking your truth that is something i've heard it from everyone who's ever been intoxicated speaking your truth speak your truth yeah i don't know what this is for i think maybe it's just supposed to allow people to rest a little bit and that's not a bad thing yeah like i said my sister loves crystals i don't know anything about them so i will not judge people for them um but just in the entire five minutes i've been making comedy you can make comedy out of anyone's beliefs right that's just you make comment on anything he does it to me all the time yeah absolutely i would say a rock box i would say six yeah six or seven yeah it's like just enough just strange enough to where it's like yeah you're tending to getting different rocks into you but also yeah i could just go get a bunch of rocks and put them in a box so all right next product guys welcome to mouth.com contrary to arm.comandbrain.com here at mouth.com we're selling pickles every single stink and muff wait mouth.com only sells pickles or that's just one of their products oh one of their products oh that's just one of them they have cocktails jerky best of them i'm a big pickle fan and clip it all right now is what they say about pickles true what they're just fermented cucumbers uh so here's the thing here's the thing about pickles you can buy pickles most of the store-bought pickles aren't actually fermented so when you actually get fermented pickles have you ever come over to my house and yeah i've given you like some real pickles you've never given me pickles before okay i just have this memory of giving someone a pickle here how do you brian you open the door man he wants a pig so when you when you actually ferment a pickle it tastes way different and it's so good it's actually fermented pickles are really really tasty it's a pickle box i'm assuming they've properly fermented a pickle let's find out look at this box to you from my mouth gross so they're spinning back yeah that's how they get the pickle juice it's just saliva this is just the sign that i'm going to be protesting with happy tasting actually just by everyone else that is like happy tasting what do you stand for pickles here we have the jalapenos i'm not a fan of that yeah i'm not gonna i'm gonna be sad if they don't actually just have some pickled cucumbers okay here we go epic chesap chesapeake these got a little zing to them i got wild dills dills wild dills i love that now this is what's gonna taste good that's pretty good ooh it's got a bit of a zip to it a little spicy a little zip tiny what does it taste like what does it taste like cover your eyes and try it no cover them don't close them tastes like a pickle oh yeah i'll try one that's good yeah if it was cold it'd be even better mm-hmm a little weird there's warm you want to take those home uh sure yeah we just bought a huge jar of like nice pickles but yeah i don't want those problem with pickles you grab with your hand you smell like vinegar for the rest of your day literally you could describe yourself that way i grab my pickle and i smell like vinegar for the rest of the day all right give it a rating it's not wrong i think this is like a three yeah not that strange i'll give it a four how about that so you know jalapenos my fairy cro oh gosh he thought awakening is bad my fairy crate create your own enchanted garden no this is cool what are you talking about uh-oh did i miss something are you lying to me no what is cool about a ferry so cool have you seen fairy gardens they're amazing who is my best friend dude have you seen fairy garden i'm learning so much about you doing videos just with you that is kind of like a little bit i'm sorry bro give me the keyboard give me the mouse this is the you product this is this is a me product i will take this home and make a fairy garden with luna and it'll be a bonding experience no that's cute like if i want to buy a builder oh i'll build a bear that'd be a little creepy but if i was like i'm going to go build a bear with my daughter i'm about to show you this bro you're going to change your mind very few things can can you show me about a fairy garden okay that's pretty cool okay i'm gonna sell you right now oh don't do it i'll take eight a tiny little hobbit hole oh my god we should get these okay so that's basically what this does now this one isn't lord of the rings and you don't have to you don't have to have the fairy out i think that's a bit on the nose i think the idea here is that you build this little fairy garden and then like the imagination of saying oh a fairy's gonna come and it's her home or his home is gonna be there yeah you know what i mean it's like you're attracting like a fairy to have a nice home it's like it's you know it's imaginative it's fun for architecture subscribe now matt you're probably gonna be disappointed by this i'm gonna be disappointed by this okay we have a little gate here it's not bad not a horrible start okay we have this that's a little like work bench for a garden fairy does that look like luna zuma in on that that looks like luna bro a little bit same hair cut on the same haircut it was meant to be you're missing a key part here box no you're missing the door right so the idea here is you have this little door and you put it at the base of a tree so it's like you the fairy walks in like the whole tree is their home oh this is a little not gonna like this this isn't the starter kit i would say they should have a starter kit that they send out for the first one every time but i do like the idea of if they gave you a starter kit every month they give you something to deck it out exactly that's the cool idea yeah i'm gonna rate this strange rating a solid three i'll give it a five it's strange i think it's like slightly strange but i think it's more of a good idea than it is strange all right with that being said what do you guys think was the we all uh ranked the coolest and the most strange the bugs were the most strange the mystery box was the coolest and they're all mystery boxes sorry the the mystery puzzle the clue game yeah the clue game that we're gonna live stream later was the coolest was the coolest the one after the bugs what was the one after the bugs skulls the skulls was the strangest yes goals both of you all gave the finer seekers one a one so that's the coolest that's the mystery one you guys rated bugs as the worst with a collective score of 17. you only gave the skulls of 12. oh really oh i rated the school's low yeah oh we both did we both rated six that's right that's right because there's some believability of like someone wanting to be a scientist yeah scientist someone like so bugs was the strangest one we had yeah bugs is the strangest well that's not a surprise guys yeah comment down below if you guessed right but in the meantime go ahead and check out that video right there that video is a list of all of the mystery boxes we got from bat 19. so please go check that out do it also check out this video right here this video youtube recommends specifically for you so make sure you guys comment down below if you know what that is right and check it out subscribe hit the bell icon and i am in love with you do it bye\n"