LIBRARY SALE BOOK HAUL! _ 2019 _ Kendra Winchester

Book Haul: A Collection of Recently Acquired Novels and Finds from a Library Sale

Hello my name is Kendra Winchester, and I may have a problem. Yes, yes, that is that - I have so many books I need to haul that I have sitting over here, this is what we're going to do: we are going to just go through them and if you want to know more information about them I will link them down below. But I wanted to highlight some of my favorites, so I may stop and talk about some of them.

So first up is BOY SWALLOWS UNIVERSE by Trent Dalton. This ARC was sent to me by Jaclyn of Six Minutes for Me, and she also has sent me THE BODY MYTH by Rheea Mukherjee. Now this book I've seen recommended by both Jaclyn and Matthew Sciarappa. Matthew raved about this book, and I'm very excited for when the audiobook comes in. You know, that's what I'm going to be picking up. And this one Jaclyn said that she really enjoyed the audio version of this book specifically, which is why she sent this my way. So I will hopefully be picking that up later in the year. I believe it goes with a theme we're doing on Reading Women. So yes, I don't know anything about that book, just so you know that it's been recommended to me.

Alright, so I went back to Book Outlet because I got another gift card, so I got all of these Octavia Butler novels. Some of them are still on Book Outlet. I will put my affiliate link down below. Basically, I just get their reward points if you sign up with my link, and you get like $10 off a purchase. I will just link all the information down below, and you can go check it out. But I really love Octavia Butler, and the fact that they had this beautiful set was something that I definitely want to get my hands on. I love Octavia Butler. She writes science fiction, if you didn't know, and I really loved her take on it.

I will see if I can find my review of KINDRED somewhere and link it above my head. I love Cassie Beasley. She is a middle reader author and her most recent novel is TUMBLE & BLUE, and I got this one Book Outlet. This is about a crocodile and the swamp and there's like this like fairytale-esque Southern story with a crocodile and how that's involved. I think the crocodile might narrate some of the different things. Also he might be an alligator. Don't really know, so forgive me if you love Nina Stibbe too.

One of the biggest finds of this library sale haul was this first edition copy of THE BONE CLOCK by David Mitchell. You might seem swinging this up because it is incredibly heavy. It's a really large novel, but I love I love David Mitchell. And I was so happy to find this book. Fun fact: the editors in the UK Edition the American edition did not collaborate, so the Edition out in the UK is actually different than the Edition out in the US.

I feel like it's that's basically all of booktube. So yeah, those are the books that I have purchased myself or were given to me. The next part of my book haul, which will go up later, will be book sent to me by publishers. But thank you so much for watching, and yeah, I will talk to you guys later!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHello my name is Kendra Winchester, and Imay have a problem. Yes, yes, that is thatis my current state. All right, so since Ihave so many books I need to haul that Ihave sitting over here, this is whatwe're going to do: we are going to justgo through them and if you want to knowmore information about them I will linkthem down below. But I wanted tohighlight some of my favorites, so I maystop and talk about some of them. Weshall see. So without further ado, here arethe books that I recently bought orwere sent by publishers or given to me,as in the cases of these first two. So first upis BOY SWALLOWS UNIVERSE by Trent Dalton.This ARC was sent to me by Jaclyn ofSix Minutes for Me, and she alsohas sent me THE BODY MYTH by RheeaMukherjee. Now this book I've seenrecommended by both Jaclyn andMatthew Sciarappa. Matthewraved about this book, and I'm veryexcited for when the audiobook comes in.You know, that's what I'm gonna bepicking up. And this one Jaclyn saidthat she really enjoyed the audioversion of this book specifically, whichis why she sent this my way. So I willhopefully be picking that up later inthe year. I believe it goes with a themewe're doing on Reading Women. So yes I don'tknow anything about that book, just soyou know that it's been recommended to me.All right, so I went back to Book Outletbecause I got another gift card, so I gotall of these Octavia Butler novels. Someof them are still on Book Outlet.I will put my affiliate link down below.Basically I just get their reward pointsif you sign up with my link, and you getlike $10 off a purchase. I will just linkall the information down below, and youcan go check it out. But I really loveOctavia Butler, and the fact that theyhad this beautiful set was somethingthat I definitely want to get my handson. I love Octavia Butler. She writesscience fiction, if you didn't know, and II really loved her take on it. I will seeif I can find my review of KINDREDsomewhere and link it above my head. Ilove Cassie Beasley. She is a middlereader author and her most recent novelis TUMBLE & BLUE,and I got this one Book Outlet. This isabout a crocodile and the swamp andthere's like this like fairytale-esqueSouthern story with a crocodile and howthat's involved. I think the crocodilemight narrate some of the differentthings. Also he might be an alligator.I don't really know, so forgive me if youlove giant reptiles and I totallyscrewed that up. The last book I boughtwas WOLF BORDER by Sarah Hall. I don'tknow why it's taken me so long to pickup this book, but I have had my eye on itfor a very long time. And I think it'sabout two years old now, and I heard thatthis is one of her best books that she'sever written. And it's about this woman going toan estate and something aboutreintroducing wolves to a ecosystem. Ibelieve she's a zoologist in Idaho. It'spart of the wolf recovery project andjust a lot of stuff happens. So that'sall I know. As you can tell I'm just veryexcited about these books.Okay, so that was Book Outlet. Also therewas a used library book sale, and so I amjust gonna tell you some of the findsthat I found. Most of the books actuallybought one for my nephew because hecan read now. And yeah, so sent hima giant box of books. One of the booksI picked up was Louise ErdrichTHE ROUNDHOUSE. I read this a few yearsago, and it's my favorite of hers. And Ijust wanted a copy to keep for myself,and a used library book sale is aperfect place. On Well-read Black Girl, Isaw this poetry collection. And this isElectric Arches by Eve Ewing. And I believeTressie McMillan Cottom recommendedthis author as well. So just greatrecommendations all around. I also foundthis book called LOVE NINA. This is byNina Stibbe, and this is her, I think heryoung adult letters and diary entriesabout her being a nanny.She's a very funny author, and I had anARC of this at one point when I gave itto someone else. And now I was like wellI want to read it obviously. She'shilarious,and she has a new book coming out atsome point. But very very excited to findthis. I love Nina Stibbe. She's in theUK. She's great. All right, so the next bookthat I have is you know . . . it's not aKendra used book haul if you knowif there's no Virginia Woolf. There needsto be a Virginia Wool. Right? I think so. Sothis is . . . this is the letters of VitaSackville-West and Virginia Woolf, andthis is I believe what—maybe notthis particular book but theircollection of letters—is what the movieVITA AND VIRGINIA is based off of.Granted in the movie, there are a lotyounger than they actually are in reallife. They were middle-aged women, andyou know middle-aged women find love too.But Virginia and Leonard had like aunderstanding, and so she and yeah reallyliked each other. A lot. Okay, one of thebiggest finds of this library sale haulwas this first edition copy of THE BONECLOCKS by David Mitchell. You might seeme swinging this up because it isincredibly heavy. It's a really largenovel, but I love I love David Mitchell.And I was so happy to find this book. Funfact: the editors in the UK Edition theAmerican edition did not collaborate, sothe Edition out in the UK is actuallydifferent than the Edition out in the US.I think that's great.That's so funny. Oh my word, why I am thebiggest nerd you've ever seen . . . verypossibly. I feel like it's that'sbasically all of booktube. So yeah, thoseare the books that I have purchasedmyself or were given to me. The next partof my book haul, which will go up later,will be book sent to me by publishers.But thank you so much for watching, andyeah, I will talk to you guys later!hi\n"