The Art of Motor Oil: A Guide to Synthetic and Conventional Oils

When it comes to maintaining your vehicle, one of the most important tasks is oil changes. But did you know that there are different types of oils available for your car? In this article, we'll explore the differences between synthetic and conventional oils, their benefits, drawbacks, and how they compare in various environments.

The Importance of Oil Changes

As Anthony, a seasoned mechanic, said, "You got to change youroil sometime though, right?" Indeed, oil changes are crucial for your car's engine health. Over time, the oil breaks down and loses its viscosity, causing damage to your engine. Regular oil changes help prevent this from happening, ensuring your car runs smoothly and efficiently.

Choosing the Right Oil

When selecting an oil, there are two main types: synthetic and conventional. Synthetic oils are created in a laboratory, using advanced chemistry to create molecules that are uniform in mass and shape. This uniformity means that synthetic oils create less friction as they collide, resulting in less heat buildup and increased fuel efficiency. Conventional oils, on the other hand, come from organic, natural materials and may contain tiny inconsistencies that can create friction over time.

The Difference Between Synthetic and Conventional Oils

In a demonstration, Nolan timed the oil dripping through small holes to show the viscosity of each type. The faster oil, synthetic 0W-60 full synthetic, took only 1.57 seconds to drip, while the thicker conventional oil took 2.27 seconds. This demonstrates that synthetic oils are thinner and more fluid than conventional oils.

The Benefits of Synthetic Oils

Synthetic oils have several benefits over conventional oils. They can withstand higher temperatures without breaking down, flow more easily in cold temperatures, and take longer to break down. These characteristics make them ideal for drivers who live in areas with extreme weather conditions or use their vehicle for towing or hauling heavy materials.

Another benefit of synthetic oils is that they are less prone to sludge build-up, which can block oil passages and lead to engine failure. In fact, studies have shown that synthetic oils outperform conventional oils in almost every application.

The Drawback: Cost

While synthetic oils offer several benefits, they come at a higher cost than conventional oils. The price difference can be significant, with synthetic oils costing twice as much as conventional oils. However, this investment pays off in the long run, as synthetic oils can last up to three times longer than conventional oils.

The Environmental Impact

When it comes to disposal, both synthetic and conventional oils are still subject to environmentally criticized processes. However, since synthetic oils can last so much longer, they could potentially save a significant amount of pollution by reducing the number of oil changes needed.

New Developments at Donut

As Anthony said, "Guys we got new stuff coming out, hit this little yellow button." Donut, the show where it all happens, is always pushing the boundaries of innovation. From new merchandise to exciting new episodes, there's something for everyone at Donut.

And Speaking of Merchandise...

We're excited to announce a new line of Donut merchandise! Featuring the iconic logo and catchy slogans, these items are sure to become a staple in any car enthusiast's collection. From t-shirts to hats, there's something for every fan of the show. So why not check it out? Click on that little yellow button to see what's new.

The Future of Motor Oil

As we look to the future, one thing is clear: motor oil will continue to play a crucial role in maintaining our vehicles. With advancements in technology and innovation, we can expect even more efficient and effective oils to hit the market. At Donut, we're committed to bringing you the latest news and developments in the world of motor oil.

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing the right oil for your car, synthetic and conventional oils are two very different options. While conventional oils may be cheaper upfront, synthetic oils offer several benefits that make them a better choice for drivers who want to get the most out of their vehicle. So next time you're at the mechanic's shop, ask about synthetic oils – your engine will thank you.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Ohh, there's nothing like the excitementof a high revving engine.(engine whirring)But that's metal on metal,how do you protect it?And what's the differencebetween a conventional and synthetic oils?That's why I'm talking about oils!(introduction music)Synthetic oil versus conventionaloil ultimate showdown.(bell dings)This week we're talkingabout that good old bubblingcrude...oil that is!Black gold, texas tea.Look, oil is the one thingyour car needs to make it work.Well, that's actually not true.It needs that and gasand electricity and love.But why does your car crave it?Like I crave compliments.Oil is an essential lubricantin your engine that letsthe metal come in closecontact to other metalwithout causing damage.Sounds hot.Without oil, metal-on-metalfriction would create so muchheat that eventually thesurfaces would weld themselvestogether and the engine would seize.That sometimes happens!If you're a dummy who forgetsto put oil in your engine.You dipstick.Alright, so inside theengine there's a system toget that oil where it needs to go.So, here's a simple breakdown.There's an oil pan and that holds the oil.That's where it sits.The oil pump gets drivenby the engine and it pumpsthe oil all around.First the pump draws theoil through a strainer,so it can pump it.And after the pump is an oilpressure regulator that makessure there's not too much pressure.Then the oil gets to theoil filter that we all knowand love. That filter is designedto allow maximum oil flowwhile filtering our particlesthat could interfere withthe engine. The filtered oilthen pumped through holesin the crank shaft, and mainberring to lubricate them.An oil spout shoots the oilup to the pistons cylinder,so everything moving islubed up in there too!There's as many variationsof this as thereis engine configurations, but in the end,if it's in the engine there'sa way we're getting oil on it.Let's quickly talk temp.Hot oil can get intomore nooks and cranniesbecause it's thinner.But, too hot then oil istoo thin and won't protect.So, some cars send theoil through an oil coolerbefore it gets back to the pan.Now, your engine has plenty ofoil, but you never change it.Dirt would accumulate inall the oil and the filterwould remove it for a while,but eventually the filter wouldclog and the dirty oil wouldautomatically bypass the filterthrough a release valve.Dirty oil is thick, and abrasive,and that causes more wearThink about puttingsand in your underpants.Also, additives in the oillike detergents, dispersants,and rust-fighters and frictionreducers wear out over timeso the oil wouldn't lubricateas well as it should.Eventually, as the oilgets dirtier and dirtier,it stops lubricating and the engine fails.So, that's why you haveto change your oil!Because if you don't, bad things happen.I know from experience of reading about itbecause I wouldn't make that mistake.Motor oil is made from thesame stuff as gasoline.Crude oil contains hydrocarbonsand other organic compounds.Basically, a naturallyoccurring yellow to black liquidfound in geological formationsbeneath the Earth's surface.It's buried underneath sedimentaryrock where intense heatand pressure has transformeddead organic organisms,usually plankton and algae,into a mixture of many differentchemicals that can be usedin all sorts of products.The name petroleum coversboth naturally occurringunprocessed crude oil andpetroleum products that are madeup of refined crude oil.At a refinery, the raw crudeoil is processed by chemicalsolvents and heated toprecise temperatures toextract chemicals that'sthen mixed with additivesto make motor oils.So what's the oil you put in your car?Conventional oil is a mixtureof base oil, which is therefined oils made from petroleum,and then some additives.Some common additives are dispersants,that helps it spray better.Detergents, that help it clean better.Anti-wear additives, that makesure it's not too abrasive.Friction modifiers to help it lube betterAntioxidants to keep it from wearing out.Anti-foam additives to keepbubbles from building up in it.Corrosion inhibitors to keepthe metal in your engine shiny.Viscosity index improverto help keep it thickwhen it needs to be. And of course, love.Because the main job of motoroil is to act as a lubricant,one of the most importantproperties of a motor oilis viscosity. The viscosityof a liquid essentiallymeans thickness. Basically,the measure of it's resistanceto flow. According to theautomotive and industriallubricants glossary of terms,viscosity is ordinarilyexpressed in terms of thetime required for a standardquantity of the fluid at acertain temperature to flowthrough a standard orifice.The higher the value, themore viscous the fluid.Since viscosity variesinversely with temperature,it's value is meaningless,unless a company by thetemperature at which it'sviscosity was determined.With motor oils, the viscosityis now commonly reported incentistokes, measured at either40 degrees celsius or 100degrees celsius.So, like I said, the viscositymust be high enough tomaintain a lubricating film,but low enough that the oilcan flow round the engineparts in all conditions.You know, I have a lubricating film.It premieres this year at Sunday's.Motor oil's viscosity hasto be low enough that it'llflow when cool, but not solow that it fails to lubricateat high temperatures.Most pure petroleum lubricantsare newtonian fluids.In recent years, engineershave discovered that addingcertain carbon polymers topetroleum lubricants will givethem non-newtonian characteristics.This makes them much betterat protecting a car engineunder a wide range of conditions.Those polymers are calledviscosity modifiers and motor oilmakers have learned to addjust the right combinationof viscosity modifiers to createlubricants that flow easilyat very low temperatureswhile maintaining enoughviscosity to lubricate themoving parts of an engineat very high temperatures.At cold temperatures, thepolymers are coiled upand allow the oil to flow astheir low numbers indicate.As the oil warms up, thepolymers begin to unwind intolong chains that prevent theoil from thinning as muchas it usually would.So, those numbers on a quartof oil refer to oil viscosity.Basically, on a scale established by theSociety of AutomotiveEngineers, or SAE, man,those dudes really know how to party.The scale rates oil from alow of five, to a high of 50.Five being thinnest, 50 being thickest.As you've probably noticed,most automobile motor oilshave got two numbers.These are multi-gradeoils, which means they'renon-newtonian fluids.Take that Newton!What those numbers are 5W-30,10W-40, is a descriptionof the way the oil behavesat cool temperatures.Winter, W, verus operating temperatures.So, rather than saying theviscosity at a given temp,it says what way oilbehaves like at that temp.5W-30, at start-up, evenin sub-zero temperatures,this oil will behavelike a five weight oil.That means it behaves like a thinner oilwith a lower viscosity.When the engine gets up to210, the 5W-30 oil behaves likea 30 weight oil, a thickeroil with a greater viscosity.It doesn't mean it is thickerat operating temperatures,it just means it behaves likea thicker oil would behave atoperating temperatures.Got it?It acts like a thin oil when it's cold,and it acts like athick oil when it's hot.It does get thinner as it warms,but it does so at a different rate.Since the design of eachengine is different,from the widths of itsnooks and crannies to whattemperatures it can reach,car manufacturers will suggesta certain viscosity rangefrom each of their engines.That's why you shouldalways the engine oil weightthat's recommended by yourvehicle's manufacturer,in the owners manual.That being said, most manualswill recommend a range of oilsthat take into account howharsh your winters might beand whether you'll be puttingextra stress on your engineby towing or hauling an extra load.Like your mom's chair.There's no one-size-fits-allanswer to motor oil selection.Just be sure to consult yourmanual and choose the oilgrade that matches how youdrive for best possibleengine protection.There's also this littlething called syntheticmotor oils out there.Remember those power madscientist I mentioned earlierthat play God by adding carbon polymers topetroleum lubricants?They are making what'scalled synthetic motor oil.Synthetic motor oil is asimilar but different mixture ofbase oils and additivecomponents that generally lastslonger, performs better, athigher and lower temperaturesthan conventional motor oils.The American Petroleum Institutedivides oil types into fivegroups. Three are conventionalmotor oils and two are madeup of various types of synthetics.Synthetic oils often use acombination of up to threedifferent synthetic base fluidsincluding synthetic esters,polyolefin, and alkylated aromatics.So where in the heck do thesesynthetic oils come from?Synesthesia? Space? Was itspace? Did it come from Space?Close! Germany.Germans created the firstsynthetic oils for aircraftengines during World War Two.Soon, they were used byboth Germany and The U.S.By using the mix of adipic acidester with polyethylene oilthe engines could starteasier in the winter,and it eliminated sotdeposits in the oil radiator.Synthetics continued to beused in aircraft and in largehauling vehicles over the nextfew decades, and eventuallymade their way into car racing engines.In 1966, French companyMotul released century 2100,the first semi-synthetic car lubricant.In 1971, Motul release century 300V,the first 100% synthetic car oil.iN 1972, AMZOIL broughtsynthetics to the U.S. with it's10W-40 synthetic motor oil.The next year Mobil 1 followed suit.A few decades later thisshow came along and aboutfour minutes from nowthe ending will happen.Please like and subscribe.Alright, let me go get some synthetic oil.- Another episode, huh?- Yeah, I'm doing one on oils.There's a lot of oils here.I think I'm just going to getthe full synthetic Benzoil.- Yeah, that's pretty good.You know, if you buy fivequarts you get a free oil filterover here.- Yeah, I mean reallyI'm just doing the showI just need to oil so.- Yeah, you got to change youroil sometime though, right?You don't want to have tomake three trips, do you?- Yeah, alright, let's get a filter.Thank you Anthony.- You're welcome. You got a funnel?(lively music)- Oh yeah!(items crashing)Alright we're going todo some demonstration.We got a couple different kinds of oil,we got some canola,and grandma's molasses.One test for viscosity involvesletting oil drip througha small hole, and the morequickly it drips, the lessviscous it is. We're goingto use these two littleramps though so you can seeit with your cute littleeyeballs.Hey Nolan, would would youlet me borrow your hands?Could you time this for me?So this is the 0W-60 full syntheticand this is a traditional 0W-40.Whoa!- The faster oil, the thinneroil, did it in 1.57 seconds.And the thicker oildid it in 2.27 seconds.- And then we can just add iton screen and edit Nolan out.Alright this is canolaoil and this is molasses.- And the purpose of this is?- To demonstrate how thick andtasty grandma's molasses isGrandma's molasses,perfect on your cooking.- Wow.- Yeah, that slower thanmolasses in the winter.Did you hear that phrase?- Ah, yeah.- You're pretty folksy, Ithought you would've heardof that phrase. What we got?- I totally (bleeped) up.- Good. Did you time this one?- This one, 14 seconds forthe molasses to go down.- How much for the canola?- About probably likethree quarters of a second.- The difference betweensynthetic oil and conventionaloil is in the molecular structure.In conventional oil, themolecules come from organic,natural materials, and aswe know, nature isn't alwaysconsistent, so there cansometimes be a few odd ballmolecules in conventional oils.Even a super high-qualityconventional motor oil won'thave completely uniform molecules.Some of those tiny inconsistenciescan create frictionover time.Synthetic on the other handare created by scientistsin a lab.So, where as conventional oilscontain molecules of varyingsize, the molecular structuresin synthetics are consistentin mass and shape.This uniformity means thatthose molecules create lessfriction as they collideand less less friction meansless heat. So what doesthis all even mean?Well basically, comparedto standard motor oil,synthetics can withstandhigher temperaturesand can flow more easilyin cold temperatures.Synthetic oil also takeslonger to break down.It does it's job better evenafter it's been used a whileCompared to conventional oil.Also, if you live in a regionwith very cold winters orvery hot summers, or if youuse your vehicle for towingor hauling heavy materials,synthetic oil won't breakdown as quickly.Another great use ofsynthetic oil is a salvefor older engines that areprone to sludge build-up.Gunky residue can block oilpassages and lead to a quickdeath of an engine.While conventional oil works,synthetic oil outperformedthem in almost every application.What's the drawback?Well, they cost more.Like twice as much, butthey can last twice as long.So instead of changing youroil every three to fourthousand miles you can stretchto six, seven, hey maybefifteen thousand accordingto some manufacturers.Also, if you don't want tofully commit to synthetic,well you can buy a blend.But you won't get all of thebenefits that pure syntheticoffers. But conventional oilscan't stand up to syntheticwhen it comes to longevity andthe ability to handle extremehigh temperatures without breaking down.Well, is there a differencethen in the environment?I mean, getting both stillinvolves highly criticizedprocesses, and as you know,you don't dump oil that's bad!But, since synthetics can lastas much as three times longerthan conventional oil, thenthat could save the disposalof 24 quarts of oil per year per car,and that's a lot less pollution!Subscribe to Donut.We got a bunch of new stuff coming out,hit this little yellow button.You can check out otherepisodes of our shows here.Guys we got new merchandise.This is new. Look at that.It says Donut, that's where I work.Look at this, it says Donut twiceand it's got different designs on it.That's pretty cool.Don't tell my wife aboutall the Donut merch,she's getting some for Christmas.