We're currently over our goal, having raised $525 within 48 hours, exceeding 105% funding with 28 days still remaining on our campaign. I'm thrilled to make a pledge to you all - every single dollar raised will be reinvested into this artist series of videos. This means that we have the potential to produce even more high-quality content, potentially extending our reach and scope through international travel, covering photographers from around the world rather than just focusing on local talent.
I'm excited about the prospect of this and believe it has the potential to be a game-changer for us. We're not just looking at more videos, we're looking at potentially taking this show on the road, meeting our audience, and creating an even more unique experience for everyone involved. I completely plan on doing meetups during my travels, so there will be opportunities for us all to come together and share in this passion.
I also want to thank each and every one of you who has contributed to this campaign. Depending on where you've donated, you'll have the chance to receive exclusive rewards, such as prints from the series. There are two print runs planned, both featuring unique content - photograms that will be distinct and different from one another, and a special print showing the entire process of creating these works. If this is something you'd like to get your hands on, now's the time.
I've also been blown away by the number of people who have shown their appreciation for this project. We're at 94 names, and I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to each and every one of them - Fred Moy, Dennis Clug, Corbini, Martin Leighton, C., Freya, Mark, Hood, Kevin Gilligan, Catan, Tony Flur, Amay Yumian, Yakamo, D. Tammy Ruggles, K. Bowman, Deborah Tracy Wolf, Gang, Hunter, Zultan Finck, Jean Monmo, Jess Lance, Michael, Thomas Clemens, Duncan Rollsion, Suzanne Helm, Victor Norgan, Tommy Andreason, Kevin Pichin, Phil Royal, Jorge Sham, Nick Hicks, Beach, Paul Chapman, Iban X, Pello, Thomas Weller, Arman Zelton, Filipe Figueira, Emma, Robert Foyers, Shiao Chang, Daniel Gross, Marie Rutage, Douglas Kinsey, Cosman, David Escu, Manu Rich Atkins, Todd Davis, Edmund Dent, Simon Field, Susan Hamilton, Christie Jeff Ward, Bach, RV Tom Schaer, John Ren, Ben Woodward, Richard El newbie, Peter Griel, Francis, Steve Richard Newton, Theo Halberg, Regene Nantel, Ravi Mistry, Bjor Bjar Berg, Brad Chic, Daphne Lee, Dennis Ross, Matias Mueller, Florian Marachek, Paul Clark, Simon Woolly, Sarum Malapati, Ian Ward, Gregory, Levi Moreson, Duncan Davies, Daniel Blankin, Neil Turner, Jack McKenna, Bart Forbes, that's my dad, uh Jeremy North, Ken Davidson, Jack Kuran, Paul Nline, Angel Roa, Stephanie Zurich Whim Winters, brilliant musician, great guy. I love Regene, uh Tat Vanel, sorry let me start again Tat Vajati, Ravi Mistry, Bjor Bjar Berg, Brad Chic, Daphne Lee, Dennis Ross, Matias Mueller, Florian Marachek, Paul Clark, Simon Woolly, Sarum Malapati, Ian Ward, Gregory, Levi Moreson, Duncan Davies, Daniel Blankin, Neil Turner, Jack McKenna, Bart Forbes, that's my dad, uh Jeremy North, Ken Davidson, Jack Kuran, Paul Nline, Angel Roa, Stephanie Zurich Whim Winters, brilliant musician, great guy.
We're also going to be emailing everyone who has donated personally, as the least I can do. So if you haven't received an email yet, it's just because we're running behind schedule, and I'll get there eventually. And finally, I want to say thank you again to everyone involved in this campaign. It's been mind-blowing to see so much support and enthusiasm for this project, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. This video is already starting to run long, but I just wanted to express my gratitude and excitement for what we're about to accomplish together.