Tempo Studio Review - Home Fitness Gym

Hey guys, it's Justine and today I'm gonna show you this all new home fitness product. This is the Tempo Studio.

I partnered with Tempo to make this video for you guys but before I agreed, I had to make sure I tested this thing out thoroughly to make sure I actually really liked it. And so for the past several weeks, I've been using this. Just started a four-week program and today is gonna be the day that I'm doing my last workout in this four-week program.

For the past few months, I've been spending so much time at home, unable to go to my gym like I normally could but this thing has so far surpassed all of my expectations for what I can actually do while I'm at home with virtual trainers. It's incredible and I couldn't wait to show it to you.

This is the Tempo Studio. It's an all-in-one home gym that takes performance tracking to a whole new level and it's the only system that gives you instant feedback to improve your form. It uses 3D motion sensors and AI to analyze your movements and count your reps, weight lifted, calories burned and more.

As you progress, it will increase your weight recommendations and customize the programming to help fit your fitness goals, whatever they are. The weights are Olympic-grade steel barbells and dumbbells that adjust from 7.5 to 115 pounds. And there's a nice neat place to store them when they aren't in use.

You'll use these plus body weight and strength, cardio and HIIT classes led by certified trainers. This whole cabinet just feels premium. Everything about it feels so nice and this is a 42-inch touch screen so that's how you're able to navigate different classes and what's really awesome about this, I've taken 18 classes so far.

And if I scroll down here, it's giving you all of the stats of everything that you've done throughout the course of your classes. I am not too thrilled with my personal records but I've actually never really done much weightlifting before so this has completely changed the way that I've started to work out.

So I'll show you guys the interface. It feels just like a big phone. It's so crazy. So since I first got this, I just decided to try the four-week challenges so that it would guide me through a course, just to be able to get a sense of all the classes that they had to offer.

I also liked that you can choose what part of the body you wanna work out. So here's like a legs and glutes, you have core, upper body. So it'll show you all of the things that you're gonna be doing before you actually do them and this is super helpful because if you do have an injury or something, you'll be able to say "this is what I'm going to do today"

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, it's Justineand today I'm gonna show youthis all new home fitness product.This is the Tempo Studio.(upbeat music)Now I partnered with Tempo tomake this video for you guysbut before I agreed,I had to make sure I testedthis thing out thoroughlyto make sure I actually really liked it.And so for the past several weeks,I've been using this.I just started a four-week programand today is gonna be the daythat I'm doing my last workoutin this four-week program.For the past few months,I've been spending so much time at home,unable to go to my gymlike I normally couldbut this thing has so farsurpassed all of my expectationsfor what I can actuallydo while I'm at homewith virtual trainers.It's incredible and I can'twait to show it to you.(upbeat music)This is the Tempo Studio.It's an all-in-one home gymthat takes performance trackingto a whole new leveland it's the only system thatgives you instant feedbackto improve your form.It uses 3D motion sensors andAI to analyze your movementsand count your reps,weight lifted, calories burned and more.As you progress,it will increase yourweight recommendationsand customize the programmingto help fit your fitnessgoals, whatever they are.The weights are Olympic gradesteel barbells and dumbbellsthat adjust from 7.5 to 115 pounds.And there's a nice neatplace to store themwhen they aren't in use.You'll use these plus body weightand strength, cardio and HIIT classesled by certified trainers.This whole cabinet just feels premium.Everything about it feels so niceand this is a 42-inch touch screenso that's how you're able tonavigate different classesand what's really awesome about this,I've taken 18 classes so farand if I scroll down here,it's giving you all ofthe stats of everythingthat you've done throughoutthe course of your classes.I am not too thrilledwith my personal recordsbut I've actually never really donemuch weightlifting beforeso this has completely changedthe way that I've started to work out.So I'll show you guys the interface.It feels just like a big phone.It's so crazy.So since I first got this,I just decided to trythe four-week challengeso that it would guideme through a course,just to be able to get asense of all the classesthat they had to offer.I also liked that you canchoose what part of the bodyyou wanna work out.So here's like a legs and glutes,you have core, upper body.So it'll show you all of the thingsthat you're gonna be doingbefore you actually do themand this is super helpfulbecause if you do havean injury or something,you'll be able to say,\"Okay, I'm not able to do planks today\"so let me choose a different workout.\"I also really love thesocial aspect of thisbecause I'm able to competewith my friends and challengesjust to add that extra motivation.So as soon as my sistergets one of these, it's on.So this is the class thatwe're gonna be doing.This is the 30-minute fullbody strength and conditioning.It shows you everythingthat we're gonna be doingin this courseand this is at beginner,which is probably pretty good for me,our equipment, the music, duration.Let's freaking do it.This bar is already heavy enough. (laughs)So let's put on ourrecommended amount of weightsand what's really coolwith the AI trackingis it's able to recommendheavier or lighter weightsas you progressor if you think it's too heavy,you're able to change the weights manuallyjust to let them know,\"Hey, I'm not ready.\"So with this sensor,it's able to pick up your body movementand give you real time adjustments.So one of the things that thishas helped me with so muchis I never realized howbad I was at doing squatsuntil this started givingme the real time correction.It let me know every timemy knees went over my toesand I was able to make that adjustmentand it gave me that feedbackand then it was like, \"Good job.\"And directly under the sensor,is where all of your weights areand I honestly just cannotget over how great this looks.This also comes in a black finishbut this is the white version.And all of your weights are stored hereso if you're 10 pounds,you're five pounds, 2 1/2and 1.25 and these are the barbell clips.So these are what clips onto the barbells,which are conveniently storedbehind this entire machine.So let me take you guys back thereto see where all of those are stored.This is so great because youcan just pop these right offvery quickly, come back overhere, pop on your weights.And then when you're done,they're stored very nicely right behindand you never have to see them.If you've got one of theseand you're looking for thePower button, it's right here.(upbeat music)All right, weights are on.These might be a little heavy for mebut we're gonna hit Continueand I can adjust as we get started.(upbeat music)So up here is where you'll beable to adjust your weights.So this is the recommended weightthat we're using right nowbut you can click Adjust Weights.So if I want it to be heavier, add.It also gives you the color coordinationsand it's easy to switch.(upbeat music)I love they have a nicemixture between weights,cardio and body weight.So it is a nice mixturein all of these classes.So calf raises.(upbeat music)Oh, time to switch.We're gonna go on to the barbell.So here's the recommended weights.I think this might bea little heavy for meso I'm going to adjust it here manually'cause I already know that Ithink we should turn this down.And what's great is thiswill learn the weights.So as I adjust this to what works for me,the system gets smarterand it'll know next time,did I do a good job with this weight?Do I need to add some?Do I need to take some off?So it gets smarter as you get more fit.(gentle music)(upbeat music)So that was the feedbackthat I was talking about.So it would let me know thatmy knees were over my toesand I'm able to correct thatas I continue on to do that exercise.I'm out of breath.Okay, deadlift time.(upbeat music)Looks like we're moving on to the floorto do some chest presses.So we have another weightchange on the dumbbells.So let's put those on and get to it.(upbeat music)And that was it for that class.At the end, it gives you theoption to rate the class.You can leave some comments.This is your strength profile.So based on your performance,will adjust your startingweights for similar exercisesin the future.This is really interestingbecause it does use AIto determine what you'llbe able to lift next time,if you want to go up in weights.So having used this forthe past several weeks,it's been amazing because I'mthe type of person before,who would only go togroup fitness classes.That's how I would do almostall of my own workouts.I'm not very good at figuring outwhat things I should be doingand what I shouldn't be doing.So this is like havingone of those personal fitnesstrainers in your house.I really love the weightsbecause the barbell itselfis a stainless steel Olympicgrade barbell and dumbbell.And these weights are rubberized,so these are less likelyto damage your floorsif you have hardwood floors.This also comes with a foam roller.So this is great forafter or before workouts.I love this because it's alsobeing updated with new classesand new featuresand this just happensreal time over the air.You can just update it through Wi-Fiand they do have a futureintegration with the Apple Watch,which I cannot wait forthat update to roll out.All in all, I absolutely love thisand I really have testedthis out for the past monthjust to make sure that this was somethingthat actually did work.The classes were solid butthe equipment was well-made.Everything about it is really amazing.And what is really so greatis the fact that it doeslook like a small cabinetthat could be put anywhere in your houseand still look pretty cool.I really can't say enoughgood things about it.So I'm very excited andmaybe in a few months,I'm gonna be so ripped and shredded.It's getting there.Well, thank you guys so much for watching.This was really a fun videoand I really did test this outfor the past severalweeks just to make surethat this was something thatI could completely stand byand say this is awesome,it works and I love it.So if you guys are interestedin checking this outand getting more information,I'll put a link in the description.Anyway, thank you again for watchingand I will see you guysin the next video, bye.(upbeat music)\n"