Samsung Galaxy S10 Looks INCREDIBLE!

The Leaks and Rumors Were True: Samsung's Galaxy S10 Editions Share Common Features

The leaks and rumors were true about Samsung's Galaxy S10, as we have three models sharing a lot of features in common. The Infiniti O display is one of these shared features, along with the headphone jack, variety of color options, and more. Eber here with Hydra Connects and this is my first impressions after spending about 30 minutes with the Galaxy S10.

Let's get started by talking about the three models of the S10 for 2019 - the S10e, standard S10, and S10+. The S10e is the cheapest among the three, while the S10+ has the highest price tag. The color options available for all three models are quite varied, including a choice between black and white colors.

The S10e comes in a sleek design that's easy on the eyes, with a subtle gradient effect that gives it a premium look. However, when compared to the standard S10 and S10+, the differences are quite noticeable. The larger screen size of the S10+ makes it stand out from its smaller counterparts.

The S10e has a slightly different camera setup, as it doesn't have a telephoto lens like the S10 and S10+. However, this doesn't mean that it lacks features - it still comes equipped with an ultra-wide-angle 16 megapixel sensor, a standard wide-angle lens, and more. The ability to seamlessly switch between these three lenses by simply zooming in and out within the camera app is one of its standout features.

The S10e also has wireless power share as one of its key features - this essentially allows you to charge your Qi-enabled devices wirelessly on the S10 and that can be turned on through the quick settings app. However, it doesn't support fast wireless charging but rather has a rated wattage of around 4.5 watts.

Moving on from the camera and power share features, let's talk about the performance and specs of the Galaxy S10. You're getting the latest Snapdragon 855 CPU across all three devices - ip68 water-resistant rating, expandable storage, fast charge 2.0, support for next gen Wi-Fi (6 or 8 oh two dot eleven ax) and more. There's also support for different memory and storage configurations.

The S10+ is available in the absolute spectrum version with 12GB of RAM and a terabyte of storage - it does come at a hefty price tag, though. The standard S10 starts at $899, while the S10e starts at $749. However, Samsung offers different trading programs that you can take advantage of.

In terms of pricing, the three devices are priced differently across different regions. However, with pre-orders starting today and going on sale on March 8th, there's no shortage of ways to get your hands on the new S10.

So, what do you guys think about the S10? Is it a phone that you would consider upgrading to in 2019 if you're coming from an older Samsung model like the S9 or even an essayed? Tune your thoughts in the comments below. Also, keep an eye out for some relevant content and be sure to check out our boot sequence channel.

Finally, we want to mention that now might be a good time to pick up the S9 because it's on sale for around $500 - leave links to those phones in the description down below if you want to take advantage of this deal. And with that, I'll see you guys in the next one.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enso the leaks and rumors were true aboutSamsung's Galaxy S10 we have threemodels sharing a lot of features incommon including the Infiniti o displaya headphone jack yepthey still hear guys and a variety ofcolor options to choose from what's upeveryoneEber here with Hydra connects and thisis my first impressions after spendingabout 30 minutes with the Galaxy S10let's get startedalright so first and foremost there arethree models of the S10 for 2019 the S10ewhich is the cheapest among thethree then there's the standard s10 andthe S10+ and here the color optionsso there's prism white prism blue prismgreen prism black flamingo pink that'sright my friends and the highest specs10 plus can also be picked up in aceramic white finish which honestly feltamazing in the hands it's a welcomingupgrade over glass back finishes forsure but it does come at a costnow do keep in mind that all these coloroptions are gonna be scattered acrossdifferent regions so if you live inCanada you may be unlucky becauseunfortunately we won't be getting thegreen the pink and I think a few othercolor options too so again it's verydependent on where you live now one ofthe key features of the s10 lineup isthe introduction of the Infiniti odisplay or in other words an all newdynamic AMOLED screen so essentiallythey've extended the screen size all theway to the top and the bottom giving itwell over 90% of the screen to bodyratio as well as implementing this indisplay camera sensor I like to call itthe punch hole display and honestly guysI have mixed feelings about itI certainly have to spend a little bitmore time to get used to it but but yeahthat's that's what it is that's whatwe're dealing with with the s10 it suregives the phone a cool concept vibe andyou know there's no denying the factthat Samsung loves to push theirboundaries when it comes to smart phonedesign and engineering and I highlyappreciate that so the instant eye andthe s10 comes with a single front-facing10 megapixel sensor that can now shoot4k video which is pretty neatwhile the s10 plus comes with dualcameras so one of them being an RGBdepth sensor that allows the user toplay around with different portrait modethanks and other things while the othersensor is a same 10 megapixel shooterjust like its younger siblings thedisplay by itself looks absolutelystunning this is probably the bestaching yet Samsung does still take thecrown here once again when it comes todisplay technology it now comes with theHDR 10 plus certification although I'mnot exactly sure how users are gonnatake advantage of that because contentbeing shot in HDR is still very limitedit's not mainstream yet so I'm kind ofcurious to see how that will play out inthe future and you know in terms ofcolor accuracy it's pretty awesome ifyou're looking for you know that coolvibrant and contrast you look s10certainly delivers and you know it'spretty similar to what you wouldexperience with other previous Samsungdevices I should also mention thatthey've also increased a screenbrightness so visibility outdoors iscertainly going to be a lot betterspeaking of the display I think itprobably good time to talk about thesecurity built inside the S10 and the S10 plus so basically what Samsung hasdone is they've implemented a 3dultrasonic sensor underneath the glassso every time when you put your fingeron it it'll scan a 3d contour of yourfinger or your thumb depending on whichfinger you decide to use and it'll storethat into the anoxia built inside thedevice for the best possible security soit's a cool feature and from my quickdemo or just testing or playing aroundwith it it seems to be working just fastalthough I still have to get the unit inmy hand to test it out and give you guysmy verdict on that technology but it'scertainly gonna be a lot better thanwhat you would normally find with theoneplus 60s in display fingerprintsensor because it's still you know notthe best in the businessso that's definitely something I guessI'm looking forward to testing out nowthe s10e you're not gonna be gettingthe ultrasonic sensor because Samsungdecided to implement a physical readeron the side of the device which is okaybecause it's organ ami just a perfectspot to kind of hold your phone andunlock the device and I guess I don'treally have anything to complain aboutthat next up are the cameras and Samsungdecided to go all out this timeby implementing three sensors on the S10and the S10 plus unfortunately the S10e only comes with two cameras but Ithink that's still something so thetriple camera setup consists of an ultrawide-angle 16 megapixel sensor with afield ofyou of roughly 123 degrees you also geta standard wide-angle lens which is 800megapixel shooter and a telephoto lensfor that extra reach now an awesomething baked inside the cameraapplication is the ability to seamlesslyswitch between those three lenses bysimply zooming in and out within thecamera app and I things will come insuper beneficial for the averageconsumer now another thing that Samsungbaked inside the camera application isan intelligent camera assistant thatessentially gives you shot suggestionsand when it comes to framing aparticular subject and I'm reallylooking forward to testing that out whenI get my hands on this device anotherkey feature of the s10 is wireless powershare so this essentially allows you tocharge your Qi enabled deviceswirelessly on the s10 and that can beturned on through the quick settings appso it doesn't have to be turned on youknow pretty much all the time and I dohave to mention that it doesn't supportfast wireless charging but rather youknow it's rated wattage is around 4.5watts so you know if you're chargingyour SmartWatch or just regular thingsthat don't necessarily need or requirefast charge I think this is a prettycool feature the last thing to discusshere is performance and the rest of thespecs so you're getting the latestSnapdragon 855 CPU across all threedevices ip68 water-resistant ratingexpandable storage fast charge 2.0there's also support for next gen Wi-Fisix or eight oh two dot eleven axsupport which is pretty cool and you canpick up the s10e the S10 and the S10plus and different memory and storageconfigurations I think the absolutespecta version that you can get on thes10 is the S10 plus with 12GB of RAMand a terabyte of storage so there'sthat and I'm pretty sure that's gonnacost you an arm and a leg so do keepthat in mindnow speaking of pricing I think that'sprobably the most anticipated part thatyou guys were looking forward to so hereit goes the s10 II is gonna start at$749 the s10 is going to start at $8.99and the s10 plus is going to be $1000you can actually pre-order the phonetoday and it goes on sale on March the8th and there are different tradingprograms that Samsung does offer so youknow that's one way to get your hands onthe new s10 so that's it guys that's myfirst impressions with the Galaxy S10three new phones from Samsung for theof 2019 I'm sure there's the note 10that's coming later down the road we'relooking forward to testing out thisdevice because for one you know it'spriced differently across differentmodels they all share something incommon you know some I mean it's but theS10e doesn't get a lot of the features atthe S10 and S10 plus have so it's gonnabe interesting to see how these phonesplay out for the rest of the year butstay tuned for my long-term review ofthese devices and yeah that's prettymuch it let me know what you guys thinkabout the s10 you know is it a phonethat you would consider upgrading to in2019 if you're coming from I don't knowan essayed or even an s9 well tune yourthoughts in the comments also I do wantmention that now might be a good time topick up the s9 because it's on sale foraround $500 and actually leave links tothose phones in the description downbelow if you want to pick it up for areally good deal so there's that yeahthat's pretty much itmake sure to check out some relevantcontent over here to subscribe to ourboot sequence channel I mean bothHardware Canucks signing off and I'll see youguys in the next one\n"