THE RESULTS ARE IN! VR Weight Loss Challenge & Discussion Pt. 2
The Experiment: A 30-Day Journey to Weight Loss and Virtual Reality Fitness
I've probably changed my diet like 10% since it started, and I have to say that being said, any weight that I lose today that I've lost can now be attributed a little bit more to the workout portion of the experiment as opposed to the diet one. I'm pretty much all dressed for this workout session, wearing what I was when I weighed myself last month, apart from the shirts – I was wearing a Paul's Hardware shirt then, and uh, this is the same material we go through with the same t-shirt guy, no socks, just my belt, and um pants. I had to change my pants, so I'm going to change them really quickly. I'm going to jump on the scale hopefully not break the scale in the process, and we'll see how much weight I've managed to lose in 30 days from working out in virtual reality.
As for day one, I weighed in at 167.5 lbs, and I didn't have a goal in mind as to how many pounds I wanted to lose; it was just to see how many could I lose in general. So with that said, um, I'm going to go ahead and turn the scale on, all right. I'm going to place my uh my transmitter my mic transmitter on the side there wasn't wearing it last time no socks – all the same tricks, let me get on the scale evenly here, ready, I'm going to stop right now, 162.5, 16, so that's almost 5 lb, that's uh 4.6 lb; yes, that is correct. I can math um, so nearly 5 lb in 30 days – that's actually pretty good, especially for someone like me, I'm 5'7, and you know, I'm short, but uh you can kind of see like I guess, I can sort of tell that I've slimmed down a little bit. It's more noticeable for me because you know, I see myself in the mirror every day; most people probably won't notice, but um, I definitely do feel a tad thinner – and that's pretty cool. Um, so the hard work seems to have paid off, and I guess the question now is what am I going to continue doing this? Am I going to continue working out in VR and um, am I going to keep this up? Honestly, I would like to it's it's it's been tough, guys don't get me wrong; like my schedule is so busy with the channel and whatnot making videos for you guys – um, that uh I really had to try it was a struggle to make that 4-day a week commitment. And I know it sounds lame – it's it's only 4 hours a week, but it's been pretty difficult when you have to share your work space with your workout space.
So I've been doing everything in my office for the last month – so that means if I'm in the middle of a build or something like that and I just got parts all over the place, um and I haven't done my VR workout that day, I have to clean up everything even if it's just you. I'm not even done with that project; I have to sort of reset the room and open it up so that I have room to room scale and play – and stuff. So, that's been pretty difficult, honestly; think maybe once I get a studio – we're still working on that – but um once that locks in, then I can maybe open up that office just as a permanent VR workout space. That would be awesome.
In my opinion, this beats the gym hands down – you don't have to deal with other people; you don't have to deal with nasty machines that other people are using; it's all from your house; I hate leaving the house when I don't have to and being able to just walk into my room next door is supremely convenient and just works for my sort of lazy lifestyle sometimes. So, uh, you guys let me know what you think of all this – what you think of the results; can you tell can you tell in my face have I lost any weight at all? Like I I honestly like I don't know I don't know what other people are seeing you guys you guys see me every day more or less. Let me know in the comments down below what you think, and we'll uh we'll talk soon; I've got some more stuff planned for you guys in the very near future of course as always – so be sure to subscribe.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat's going on guys welcome back to the channel hope you're all doing well today we are doing part two or the followup or you could even call it the Epic conclusion of my 30-day VR weight loss challenge where in the span of 30 days the main goal was how much weight could I possibly lose with only playing VR um and the schedule for that was four times a week an hour a piece and I will be honest with you guys I have hit that consistently for the last 4 weeks so we're going to do a little reveal at the end of this video where we actually get myself on the on the scale again and see if I have in fact lost any weight and I think the other objective of this little experiment is not just to see how effective VR can be for losing weight but how practical or impractical it is as well um are you just better off going to the gym or is this actually a viable Fitness solution for weight loss we we're about to talk about that uh right now actually when I first started this 30 days ago I had only included one game into my my regimen it was hollow point and it's very fun game I still enjoy the game um however it only took about 3 or 4 days in to realize that I was going to get bored of this game really quick so I actually ended up having to add in two other games which were Hollow ball I played that uh at the beginning the first 10 minutes of every session as sort of a warm-up you got to paddle in each hand you got to hit this ball back and forth against the wall it's like playing tennis against the wall basically it's not super intensive but it does get your heart up a little bit and it's it's a great warm-up option and then I also added in Thrill of the fight which is the boxing game that I read about on upload which was the only game in their list that they tested uh which burned more calories and was more intense than hollow point so I bought that game it was fairly cheap and I added that uh I basically split my time after the first 10 minutes in hollow point I'm sorry Hollow ball um I split the rest of that time between hollow hollow point and Thrill of the fight so 25 minutes a piece in those games and uh and holy crap by the end of my workouts Not only was I sweating a lot more just from working out different parts of my body in in various games but I was also enjoying myself a bit more because I had a bit more variety to work with instead of just the same monotonous routine over and over which is one of the things I always hated about going to the gym as infrequently as I would go in the past um it just seemed like work and uh you don't really get that same experience with VR if you are able to switch up the games you're playing in any given day so that's been fun uh I also sort of reworked the Garmin Vivo fit HR plus uh wristband the fitness band um to actually work a bit better and more effectively more accurately I think I was switching it to cardio when I was doing my tracking and there was an other option that's just sort of miscellaneous not necessarily uh running per se but just other Fitness activities once I switched that over the the calorie count that I was burning seemed to go up like like twofold almost so the average amount of calories I was Burning uh per workout session was about 550 calories um compared to like the the 200 that was initially listed uh initially recorded on day one I think that's a little bit more inaccurate so uh 550 calories per session that's you know over 2,000 calories a week that I'm burning which is about a day's worth of food for me I usually take in around 2000ish calories give or take so the fact that I'm burning off one entire day per week um I think is is probably going to be a good shot there's a good chance that I have I've lost some weight from a month ago my average heart rate according to the fitness tracker was 130 beats per minute which is right in line actually with my target heart rate for for burning fat and whatnot I think it's like 125 or something like that so very close the other thing is that um I wanted to talk about uh the cables the the hmd cables that were tripping me up in the beginning they are still there I actually bought a suspension kit to wire the the hmd cable from my ceiling to to avoid cable clutter on the floor and I just never set that up it's just laziness and not making time not finding time with all the other projects I have going on I just ended up becoming complacent with having cables on the floor and I also sort of reworked how I played the games only hollow point was was really the game that uh caused the most issues there CU you're constantly spinning and twisting around I just refrain from you know twisting the same direction over and over so I was never like winding myself up like a piece of spaghetti on a fork or something like that um but still not the most ideal situation if I if I choose to continue this VR workout routine I'm probably going to have to suspend the cables at some point just cuz it's just not it's just not ideal it's not fun another issue that I ran into was the lenses getting really foggy after my heart rate would come up and I would start sweating and get hot I would get physically hot and fumes would be uh rolling off of my body and fogging up the lenses to the point where I literally could not see or it was impairing my vision um too significantly for me to to actually play reasonably and this was mainly a problem in hollow point because it does require uh accuracy you have to actually shoot and aim and things like that so what I ended up doing and I realized this that uh my glasses had a lot to do with it for some reason um the glasses were sort of trapping the heat uh you know that was coming off of my face and that was in turn creating more fog it was it was causing it to fog up significantly more than if I was wearing contacts so I eventually switched to contacts thinking it wouldn't make much of a difference but it really did and uh also sort of loosening the headset just a bit just loosening it so that there's a little bit more breathability instead of strapping it very securely to your head um you know you kind of have to find that happy medium to allow some sort of ventilation to pass through so that was something to to to be aware of and that I had to work around but eventually it worked out and then sweat of course sweat is uh not a problem for everyone it's a huge deal for me because I have I just have hyperactive sweat glands um and uh you know you really got to take care of the hygiene aspect of things the main thing is the the headset the visor uh and the foam uh padding that goes right along the hmd I've had to remove that and clean that regularly throughout you know my uh my experiment here it just gets really nasty and you don't want to feel like you're you know grimy or gross going into the workout because you're using this uh headset that still has like dried sweat on it you know it's really sick so I'm cleaning it out every session or so or every other session um I would highly recommend if you're going to take on this task yourself n theel tidbit of information and something that I've sort of learned to respect and acknowledge uh throughout this process is that you are responsible you're solely responsible for all the equipment and Hardware that you're using to work out I mean if you go to the gym and the treadmill that you're on breaks you don't have to pay a dime for that that's on the gym obviously but if you are sweating profusely for example and some of that sweat gets into your hmd or your controllers and some of that Hardware braks you alone are responsible for replacing that equipment and that can be costly when you're talking about r i mean vr's still very expensive even though the prices have rolled back a little bit um so that's something to be be aware of and also when you're really intense in the middle of a game um you are seeing the the virtual environment but you're still blind in real life so there are often times where I was punching someone in uh in Thrill of the fight and I would just get way too into it and kind of get a little too close quarters and my controller would just smack the headset like hard or in hollow point when you're bringing the arrow to the bow um sometimes those those two controllers would just smack each other and I'd like freeze for a moment and be like is everything okay is everything still tracking right is it did I break anything so that's something that always be conscious of is that you're using your own equipment and you'll be replacing it out of pocket should any of it fail so after this 30-day period I would say that VR is a workable solution to getting fit and losing weight assuming that it actually works and that's kind of what we have to talk about now is did I actually lose any weight because we've already sort of discussed the challenges and I think the challenges are reasonable enough for for most people to to get around and you have to work with it you have to work with VR as a as a workout tool a little bit but if you do it properly um like I've learned how to do it can be uh a good experience so that being said is it an effective one um well first off let's talk about diet uh at the beginning of this challenge I did mention that I was going to try to curb my diet and watch what I eat more carefully and I've been doing that to a degree but to be honest not I haven't been doing it as much as I would have liked to I've probably changed my diet like 10% of what it was like it it really has been so minimal that being said any weight that I lose today that I've lost we can now attribute a little bit more to the workout portion of the experiment as opposed to the diet one I'm pretty much all dressed though to get on the scale I'm wearing more or less what I was apart from the shirts I was wearing a Paul's Hardware shirt when I weighed myself last month but uh this is same material we go through the same t-shirt guy no socks sow belt um pants I got to change my pants so I'm going to change my pants really quick I'm going to jump on the scale hopefully not break the scale in the process and we'll see how much weight I've managed to lose in 30 days from working out in virtual reality all right guys so here we are once again and if you remember day one I weighed in at 167.5 lb and I didn't really have a goal in mind as to how many pounds I wanted to lose it was just to see how many could I lose in general so with that said um I'm going to go ahead and turn the scale on all right I'm going to I'm going to place my uh my transmitter my mic transmitter on the side there wasn't wearing it last time no socks all the same all the same tricks let me get on the going the scale evenly here ready I'm going to stop right now 162.5 16 so that's almost 5 lb that's uh 4 4.6 lb yes that is correct I can math um so nearly 5 lb in 30 days that's actually pretty good especially for someone uh my height I'm 5'7 yes I know I'm short um but uh you can kind of see like I guess I can sort of tell that I've slimmed down a little bit it's um more noticeable for me because you know I see myself in the mirror every day um most people probably won't notice but uh I definitely do feel a tad thinner and that's that's pretty cool um so the hard work seems to have paid off and I guess the question now is what am I going to continue doing this am I going to continue working out uh in VR and um am I going to keep this up honestly I would like to it's it's it's been tough guys don't get me wrong like my schedule is so busy with the channel and whatnot making videos for you guys um that uh I really had to try it was a struggle to make that 4 day a week commitment and I know it sounds lame it's it's only 4 hours a week but it's been pretty difficult when you have to share your work space with your workout space so I've been doing everything in my office for the last month so that means if I'm in the middle of a build or something like that and I've just got Parts all over the the place um and I haven't done my VR workout that day I have to clean up everything even if I'm just you I'm not even done with that project I have to sort of reset the room and open it up so that I have room to to to room scale and play and stuff so that's been pretty difficult um honestly I think maybe once I get a studio if I can get get a studio soon we're still working on that it's a big long process but uh once that locks in um then I can maybe open up that office just as a a permanent VR workout space that would be awesome I would love to do that because honestly um in my opinion this beats the gym hands down you don't have to deal with other people you don't have to deal with nasty machines that other people are using um it's all from your house I hate leaving the house when I don't have to and being able to just walk into my room next door is uh supremely convenient and just works for my sort of lazy lifestyle sometimes so um you guys let me know what you think of all this what you think of the results can you tell can you tell in my face have I lost any weight at all like I I honestly like I don't know I don't know what other people are seeing you guys you guys see me every day more or less I mean every other day or something like that but um let me know in the comments down below what you think and we'll uh we'll we'll talk soon I've got some more stuff planned for you guys in the very near future of course as always so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of that also feel free to toss me a like on the video If you enjoyed it and have yourselves a wonderful day love you guys have a good one peacewhat's going on guys welcome back to the channel hope you're all doing well today we are doing part two or the followup or you could even call it the Epic conclusion of my 30-day VR weight loss challenge where in the span of 30 days the main goal was how much weight could I possibly lose with only playing VR um and the schedule for that was four times a week an hour a piece and I will be honest with you guys I have hit that consistently for the last 4 weeks so we're going to do a little reveal at the end of this video where we actually get myself on the on the scale again and see if I have in fact lost any weight and I think the other objective of this little experiment is not just to see how effective VR can be for losing weight but how practical or impractical it is as well um are you just better off going to the gym or is this actually a viable Fitness solution for weight loss we we're about to talk about that uh right now actually when I first started this 30 days ago I had only included one game into my my regimen it was hollow point and it's very fun game I still enjoy the game um however it only took about 3 or 4 days in to realize that I was going to get bored of this game really quick so I actually ended up having to add in two other games which were Hollow ball I played that uh at the beginning the first 10 minutes of every session as sort of a warm-up you got to paddle in each hand you got to hit this ball back and forth against the wall it's like playing tennis against the wall basically it's not super intensive but it does get your heart up a little bit and it's it's a great warm-up option and then I also added in Thrill of the fight which is the boxing game that I read about on upload which was the only game in their list that they tested uh which burned more calories and was more intense than hollow point so I bought that game it was fairly cheap and I added that uh I basically split my time after the first 10 minutes in hollow point I'm sorry Hollow ball um I split the rest of that time between hollow hollow point and Thrill of the fight so 25 minutes a piece in those games and uh and holy crap by the end of my workouts Not only was I sweating a lot more just from working out different parts of my body in in various games but I was also enjoying myself a bit more because I had a bit more variety to work with instead of just the same monotonous routine over and over which is one of the things I always hated about going to the gym as infrequently as I would go in the past um it just seemed like work and uh you don't really get that same experience with VR if you are able to switch up the games you're playing in any given day so that's been fun uh I also sort of reworked the Garmin Vivo fit HR plus uh wristband the fitness band um to actually work a bit better and more effectively more accurately I think I was switching it to cardio when I was doing my tracking and there was an other option that's just sort of miscellaneous not necessarily uh running per se but just other Fitness activities once I switched that over the the calorie count that I was burning seemed to go up like like twofold almost so the average amount of calories I was Burning uh per workout session was about 550 calories um compared to like the the 200 that was initially listed uh initially recorded on day one I think that's a little bit more inaccurate so uh 550 calories per session that's you know over 2,000 calories a week that I'm burning which is about a day's worth of food for me I usually take in around 2000ish calories give or take so the fact that I'm burning off one entire day per week um I think is is probably going to be a good shot there's a good chance that I have I've lost some weight from a month ago my average heart rate according to the fitness tracker was 130 beats per minute which is right in line actually with my target heart rate for for burning fat and whatnot I think it's like 125 or something like that so very close the other thing is that um I wanted to talk about uh the cables the the hmd cables that were tripping me up in the beginning they are still there I actually bought a suspension kit to wire the the hmd cable from my ceiling to to avoid cable clutter on the floor and I just never set that up it's just laziness and not making time not finding time with all the other projects I have going on I just ended up becoming complacent with having cables on the floor and I also sort of reworked how I played the games only hollow point was was really the game that uh caused the most issues there CU you're constantly spinning and twisting around I just refrain from you know twisting the same direction over and over so I was never like winding myself up like a piece of spaghetti on a fork or something like that um but still not the most ideal situation if I if I choose to continue this VR workout routine I'm probably going to have to suspend the cables at some point just cuz it's just not it's just not ideal it's not fun another issue that I ran into was the lenses getting really foggy after my heart rate would come up and I would start sweating and get hot I would get physically hot and fumes would be uh rolling off of my body and fogging up the lenses to the point where I literally could not see or it was impairing my vision um too significantly for me to to actually play reasonably and this was mainly a problem in hollow point because it does require uh accuracy you have to actually shoot and aim and things like that so what I ended up doing and I realized this that uh my glasses had a lot to do with it for some reason um the glasses were sort of trapping the heat uh you know that was coming off of my face and that was in turn creating more fog it was it was causing it to fog up significantly more than if I was wearing contacts so I eventually switched to contacts thinking it wouldn't make much of a difference but it really did and uh also sort of loosening the headset just a bit just loosening it so that there's a little bit more breathability instead of strapping it very securely to your head um you know you kind of have to find that happy medium to allow some sort of ventilation to pass through so that was something to to to be aware of and that I had to work around but eventually it worked out and then sweat of course sweat is uh not a problem for everyone it's a huge deal for me because I have I just have hyperactive sweat glands um and uh you know you really got to take care of the hygiene aspect of things the main thing is the the headset the visor uh and the foam uh padding that goes right along the hmd I've had to remove that and clean that regularly throughout you know my uh my experiment here it just gets really nasty and you don't want to feel like you're you know grimy or gross going into the workout because you're using this uh headset that still has like dried sweat on it you know it's really sick so I'm cleaning it out every session or so or every other session um I would highly recommend if you're going to take on this task yourself n theel tidbit of information and something that I've sort of learned to respect and acknowledge uh throughout this process is that you are responsible you're solely responsible for all the equipment and Hardware that you're using to work out I mean if you go to the gym and the treadmill that you're on breaks you don't have to pay a dime for that that's on the gym obviously but if you are sweating profusely for example and some of that sweat gets into your hmd or your controllers and some of that Hardware braks you alone are responsible for replacing that equipment and that can be costly when you're talking about r i mean vr's still very expensive even though the prices have rolled back a little bit um so that's something to be be aware of and also when you're really intense in the middle of a game um you are seeing the the virtual environment but you're still blind in real life so there are often times where I was punching someone in uh in Thrill of the fight and I would just get way too into it and kind of get a little too close quarters and my controller would just smack the headset like hard or in hollow point when you're bringing the arrow to the bow um sometimes those those two controllers would just smack each other and I'd like freeze for a moment and be like is everything okay is everything still tracking right is it did I break anything so that's something that always be conscious of is that you're using your own equipment and you'll be replacing it out of pocket should any of it fail so after this 30-day period I would say that VR is a workable solution to getting fit and losing weight assuming that it actually works and that's kind of what we have to talk about now is did I actually lose any weight because we've already sort of discussed the challenges and I think the challenges are reasonable enough for for most people to to get around and you have to work with it you have to work with VR as a as a workout tool a little bit but if you do it properly um like I've learned how to do it can be uh a good experience so that being said is it an effective one um well first off let's talk about diet uh at the beginning of this challenge I did mention that I was going to try to curb my diet and watch what I eat more carefully and I've been doing that to a degree but to be honest not I haven't been doing it as much as I would have liked to I've probably changed my diet like 10% of what it was like it it really has been so minimal that being said any weight that I lose today that I've lost we can now attribute a little bit more to the workout portion of the experiment as opposed to the diet one I'm pretty much all dressed though to get on the scale I'm wearing more or less what I was apart from the shirts I was wearing a Paul's Hardware shirt when I weighed myself last month but uh this is same material we go through the same t-shirt guy no socks sow belt um pants I got to change my pants so I'm going to change my pants really quick I'm going to jump on the scale hopefully not break the scale in the process and we'll see how much weight I've managed to lose in 30 days from working out in virtual reality all right guys so here we are once again and if you remember day one I weighed in at 167.5 lb and I didn't really have a goal in mind as to how many pounds I wanted to lose it was just to see how many could I lose in general so with that said um I'm going to go ahead and turn the scale on all right I'm going to I'm going to place my uh my transmitter my mic transmitter on the side there wasn't wearing it last time no socks all the same all the same tricks let me get on the going the scale evenly here ready I'm going to stop right now 162.5 16 so that's almost 5 lb that's uh 4 4.6 lb yes that is correct I can math um so nearly 5 lb in 30 days that's actually pretty good especially for someone uh my height I'm 5'7 yes I know I'm short um but uh you can kind of see like I guess I can sort of tell that I've slimmed down a little bit it's um more noticeable for me because you know I see myself in the mirror every day um most people probably won't notice but uh I definitely do feel a tad thinner and that's that's pretty cool um so the hard work seems to have paid off and I guess the question now is what am I going to continue doing this am I going to continue working out uh in VR and um am I going to keep this up honestly I would like to it's it's it's been tough guys don't get me wrong like my schedule is so busy with the channel and whatnot making videos for you guys um that uh I really had to try it was a struggle to make that 4 day a week commitment and I know it sounds lame it's it's only 4 hours a week but it's been pretty difficult when you have to share your work space with your workout space so I've been doing everything in my office for the last month so that means if I'm in the middle of a build or something like that and I've just got Parts all over the the place um and I haven't done my VR workout that day I have to clean up everything even if I'm just you I'm not even done with that project I have to sort of reset the room and open it up so that I have room to to to room scale and play and stuff so that's been pretty difficult um honestly I think maybe once I get a studio if I can get get a studio soon we're still working on that it's a big long process but uh once that locks in um then I can maybe open up that office just as a a permanent VR workout space that would be awesome I would love to do that because honestly um in my opinion this beats the gym hands down you don't have to deal with other people you don't have to deal with nasty machines that other people are using um it's all from your house I hate leaving the house when I don't have to and being able to just walk into my room next door is uh supremely convenient and just works for my sort of lazy lifestyle sometimes so um you guys let me know what you think of all this what you think of the results can you tell can you tell in my face have I lost any weight at all like I I honestly like I don't know I don't know what other people are seeing you guys you guys see me every day more or less I mean every other day or something like that but um let me know in the comments down below what you think and we'll uh we'll we'll talk soon I've got some more stuff planned for you guys in the very near future of course as always so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of that also feel free to toss me a like on the video If you enjoyed it and have yourselves a wonderful day love you guys have a good one peace\n"