The Biggest Intel Update in YEARS

The New Intel Core Processors and GPUs: A Game-Changer for Gaming and Productivity

Intel's latest lineup of 10th generation processors, including the Ice Lake-U series, is set to revolutionize the world of gaming and productivity. The new CPUs are designed to be more efficient and powerful than their predecessors, with a 15-watt design that makes them ideal for thin and light laptops. One of the major advantages of these new processors is their improved display out capabilities, which allow for multiple 4K monitors or a single 5K monitor.

The Ice Lake-U series is starting with a quad-core design, which is not a huge jump compared to previous generations. However, with all these architecture improvements, it should be a pretty big deal. The new processors are expected to be widely available in laptops and systems later this year. We had the opportunity to spend some time with a couple of systems, including the Dell XPS 13, which only has a killer build but also properly powerful Ice Lake CPU inside.

Gregory Bryant, one of Intel's senior VPs, shared his excitement about the new processors during an interview at Computex. "Definitely 10th gen right?" he asked, to which we replied that it was correct. He explained that the 10-nanometer process had been a long and complex journey, but it seems like it's in a good spot now. The first product to be released is the Ice Lake-U 4+2, which makes sense given the need for improved performance.

Bryant also talked about the huge gains seen across the board with the previous generation of processors, which were based on the 14-nanometer process. He emphasized that it's not just about slapping a new badge on an existing product but making significant improvements in frequency and performance. The company is also working on 7-nanometer technologies, which are expected to be released for 2021.

The most exciting thing about these new processors is that we'll get to see exactly how they perform in real-world applications. We were able to spend a few minutes with Bryant talking not only about the 10th gen but also what it means to Intel as a company. He explained that the company feels much better about their roadmap and is excited to get new products to market.

Bryant also showed us one of the senior VPs' desks, which featured an awesome set of products, including some laptops with Ice Lake CPUs inside. The stage was great, and it was clear that Intel had a lot to share at Computex. One of the main things they were talking about was 10th gen, but more importantly, what it means to them as a company.

The 10th generation Intel Core processors are set to revolutionize the world of gaming and productivity. With their improved display out capabilities, multiple 4K monitors, and single 5K monitor support, these new processors are going to make a significant impact in the industry. We're excited to see how they perform in real-world applications and can't wait to get our hands on them.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this isAustin. Here at Computex,Intel has gotten serious aboutthe future of the laptop.Intel sponsored our trip here to take a lookat some of the biggest changes to laptopsthat we've seen in nearly a decade.The first phase of this is Project Athena.Now, this might not havethe sexiest code name,but this really has the potentialof being the biggest shiftto laptops that we've seen,ever since Intel introducedthe Ultrabook back in like,was it like 2013?But essentially what we're getting hereis a guaranteed nine hoursof real world use out ofa Project Athena laptop.And this is not like a demo that a lot ofother manufacturers usewhere they turn off WiFi,turn the screen brightnessdown like watching video.No, this is actual realworld benchmarking,so Intel actually kind of walk us throughsome of those things that they do.And it's actually really impressive.So not only do they runthese tests like 30 times,but they run it with a widerange of different apps open.So we're talking about having like Chromeand a bunch of different tabs,you have multiple programsopen you're actually doingreal work on a laptop, whichis of course what we all do.I mean, come on.It's great to see 20 hours ofbattery life on a spec sheet.But unless you can actuallyget something like thatin the real world, it'snot super relevant.So it's nice to see thatnine hours is actuallythe real goal, and in fact,you actually have to hit thatto be certified as aProject Athena laptop.Another aspect here is performanceand especially responsiveness.So a lot of times the systemwill perform very wellwhen you're actually plugged in.But as soon as you unplug it,it goes into a veryrestrictive battery mode,it really slows things down.This is not going to be anissue with Athena laptops.And on top of that, there are a bunchof other small but importantquality of life improvements.We're talking about less than one secondto actually turn the computer onwhen you open it up forit to come up from sleep.We're talking about less than two secondsbetween when you actually turnit on and when you can be on online,so you don't have to sit around waiting.I mean, come on.Imagine you pull yourphone out of your pocketand you wait two seconds for it to boot upand five seconds for it to get on WiFi.I mean, that's just not a thingthat we deal with on the mobile side.So it makes sense that this is someof the next major goalon the actual laptop sideto make it as quickand snappy as possible.There are a lot of other thingsthat are included in the spec suchas WiFi 6 as well asbetter AI performance,but really boils down to these two things.better battery life inreal world scenariosand better performance no matterwhether you're plugged in or on the go.I mean, quite honestly,why would you not want totake advantage of this?Now I will say this isnot a mandatory thing.So not all 10th gen laptopswill be Athena certified.But it is one of these thingswhere if they do takeadvantage of this program,and Intel is offering alot of additional help for,you know, designing andtuning these laptopsto make sure that they're qualifying,it means that everyone is goingto get a better system, right?I mean, it's not like you needsome magic new processor, giant battery.It mean it's literally justa lot of work on tuning.It's a lot of work on software.It's a lot of work to make surethe laptop performs welland performs well fora much longer period.-It's an innovation play.- It's innovation play. Thank you.Look to you with all of the buzzwords.It has started raining here in Taipei,but that will not stop mefrom talking about probablythe biggest announcementfrom Intel here at the showthe brand new 10th generationIntel Core processors.So there's a lot to unpack here,a lot of specs and a lot of new features.So one of the big ones is that this isthe first brand new architecturethat Intel has used in quite a while.It is their 10 nanometer.And while we've talked alittle about in the past,this is the proper full onversion which we will be ableto see on all kinds ofdifferent devices very shortly.On top of that, we also havea brand new Sunny Cove CPU core,we have a brand new gen 11 graphics core,as well as things such as,integrated Thunderbolt3 as well as WiFi 6.Is that enough speeds and feeds for you?If we break this downthis is the first all newarchitecture we've seen from Intelsince Skylake all the way back in 2015.Now a big part of this is theupdated 10 nanometer process.Now it's certainly not a be all end all.What it means is theycan fit more transistorsinto a smaller package.And because they've paired thatwith a bunch of new architecture upgrades,it means that this is afull on generational upgradethat we haven't seen inquite a while from Intel.It's easy just to talkabout that 10 nanometer,but the fact that wehave a brand new CPU corealso is going to give usmuch more performance.So Intel is gone on record as sayingthat we can expect up toan 18% IPC improvement.Now that basically means thatat the exact same clock speedas the last generation you're goingto get 18% more performance.And that my friends is a big, big jump.I mean, usually you see like five percent,maybe seven percent.So seeing a full 18% is a big deal.Now we don't know the exact clock speeds.So that's the only kind of main thingthat I'm waiting to actually try.But they have gone on record as sayingwe should expect 4GHz+ so,as long as we're in the roughlysame range as last time,but with the better IPC.Means there's actually a major performanceincrease coming to CPUs on the laptopand hopefully thedesktop side pretty soon.The graphic side is actuallyseen a bigger boost.So with the brand newGen 11 graphics on board,we're actually expecting upto a doubling of performance.And that was very sorely needed,because the last generationIntel integrated graphicswere, fine for normal use but theywere not particularly powerfulfor anything beyond that.However now, not only do wehave the acceleration for appssuch as like Photoshop,and just kind of keepingthe UI nice and smooth, but importantlyyou actually can do somegaming on these new GPUs.Not a lot mind you, but for somebasic titles 1080pshould be totally usable.Now the other major advantageis we have much better display outs.So before we were limitedto like one 4k monitor.However, now we can do two 4k monitors,we can also do a 5k monitor,or you can do a single120 hertz 4k monitorof the integrated graphicson your Intel GPU.That is actually really cool.And it means that thingslike Thunderbolt displaysare going to be much more useful.So the 10th generationIntel Core processorsare starting with the Ice Lake-U series,which is the 15 watt chipsthat are generally foundand things like thin and light laptops,so it will be a quad core design.So it's not a huge jumplike we've seen in the past.But with all thesearchitecture improvements,it should be a pretty big deal.Now we will of course expect to seeIce Lake and 10th genexpand beyond just a laptop,but as of right now we just have these,although they will be goingon sale later this year.So you will be able to getIce Lake in 10th gen and everythinglike that, in a systembefore too much longer.And in fact, we actually gotto spend a little bit of timewith a couple of these,including the Dell XPS 13,which only has a killer build.But importantly it hasthat properly powerful,Ice Lake CPU inside.I can't wait to tear into itand see exactly what it can do.Because it's nice to see all these numbersand sort of what Intelclaims and everything,but I want to get my hands on these thingsand really see what they can do.To put all this in contextI was able to spend a fewminutes with one of the senior VPsfrom Intel, Gregory Bryant totalk not only about 10th genbut more importantly, what it means to you.Dude, great to meet you.- Great to see you, yeah.- So this is an awesome set.- It is, its a nice one, yeah.- It is a great stage.So there's a lot of stuff that you guysare talking about at Computex, right.So one of the main things isdefinitely 10th gen right?- That's right.- So obviously 10 nanometerhas had a long process.It's been quite the sortof ordeal to get here,but it seems like it's ina good spot now, right?- It is, I mean, it's,it's taken a lot of work from the teamto get the products ready.We've got multiple OEMsthat we're showing on stageat the event where their productsthat will be shipping aheadof this holiday season.- 10th is just the Ice Lake-Uright now, correct?- Yeah, that well, we'regonna do a whole familyof Ice Lake products.- Okay.- The first one out is theIce Lake-U product4+2 which you talked about, yeah.- Which just makes a lot of sense, right?Because obvious the process is one thing,but it is one aspect, Imean, you look at 14, right.I mean, obviously Intel'sbeen on 14 for a long time.- Yeah.- But you look at likesort of like Broadwellto now, the huge gains yousee all across the board.- That's right.- And frequency, you cansee that it's obviously notjust like, oh, slap a 10nanometer badge on call it a day.- No, no that's greatthat you pick up on that,we made huge improvements across 14as we delivered it kind of 70%improvement start to finish.And we're just starting on the 10 journey,and we'll improve it as we go.And then we had, werecently had an investor daywhere we talked about 7nanometer technologies.- Which is on track now.- Yeah, for the first time and we said,hey, we'll have 7 nanometerproducts out for 2021.So you know, we feel- It's awesome.- We feel much better about our roadmapand and we're excited toget new products to market.- This turned out to be a surprisinglybig Computex for Intel.We got 10 nanometer, brand newCPU, GPU, all kinds of stuff.And the most exciting thingis that we're actually goingto get our hands on it in a few months.Now we'll have to seeexactly how it performs.But I've got to say if it's anything likewhat they've claimed, Iam very, very excited.If you guys are interestedin any of this stuff.I will have links to checkit out in the description.(soft music)