Apple's Upcoming Devices: A Peek into the Future of Technology
The world of technology is always on the move, and Apple is no exception. The company has been teasing its fans with rumors and leaks about its upcoming devices, and it seems that we're just around the corner from finding out what's in store for us.
So, the next iPad Pro to feature both wireless charging and reverse wireless charging capabilities is a development that many are looking forward to. It's cool, really, because this is something that Apple has been teasing us with, but never actually delivered on. Like you guys teased us with the iPad Air on the power button, and then that was it. It's like, cool, I hope you enjoy that. We're not gonna do anything else. We released an iPhone, we released the iPad Pro. Nope, never to be seen again.
You did it once, let's do that again. Apple is also working on a new iPad mini for launch later this year. That'll have thinner bezels around the display and they will do away with the home button. Yeah, okay. You're gonna do away with the home button but can we please, right here, do it, do it? New AirPods Pro with fitness tracking expected in 2022. I love the sound of the AirPods Pro. There was just something about those first basic version of the AirPods that I love so much. They fit in my ear perfect, they sound, I mean they sound good enough. Like they're not the best sounding, especially after you put the AirPods Pro in, but like, I love them. They work great.
So I hope that they do an update to those as well. They just fit so much better in my ears than any headphones I've ever used. What? Fitness tracking in the AirPods? That could be kind of cool for people who don't have an Apple Watch. It says the earbuds will apparently come with a new case and feature shorter stems broadly nearing the design of the AirPods Pro.
So, the iPhone 13 that is going to be a thing later this year. It's really crazy how we have this just cycle of tech that just continually keeps refreshing. And the iPhone is no exception. iPhone 13 Pro models are rumored to feature 120 Hertz display. So larger batteries would help that higher refresh rate. So rumors suggest that Apple will unveil four iPhones in 2021 with camera improvements, faster chips, a smaller notch, and perhaps under-display Touch ID.
Just put it on the freaking power button. Like, I don't understand. I mean, I guess I'm not creating the phones. I'm sure there's reasons why they haven't done it but I feel like the power button is such a perfect placement. Some of the rumored features are four sizes similar to the iPhone 12 lineup, a smaller notch, Ooh, 120 Hertz pro motion display camera improvements A15 chip, 5G, fall 2021 launch.
Is this kind of something that is interesting is this little mock-up right here. It's showing that the camera lenses maybe diagonal not quite clear what the benefit would be. That's thick. It looks the same. I think somebody just photoshopped and made that larger. Yeah look at that, that camera bump is massive.
Smaller notch. The thing is will this be the year that Apple removes all of the ports? Do you want to plug your phone in too bad? Hard to say. This is saying that the portlet's design is not expected. No USBC. I've already given up on them doing USBC on the iPhone. So I don't even like wish for it anymore.
Here's a leaked dummy model from unbox therapy. 5G chip, Wifi 6E. Larger batteries, one terabyte, maximum storage. The thing is once you get like the largest sized iPhone and you fill that up, likewhere do you go from there? You have to only go up. So it would make sense that they're gonna have a one terabyte storage option at some point.
Of course we're going to have camera improvements. Of course, we're going to have LiDAR improvements basically everything that the previous phones have had. They're just gonna make them a little bit better. I know. Some foldable phone options. I don't think Apple's gonna be doing a foldable phone anytime soon. They will do it when it's like actually ready and foolproof.
Thank you guys so much for watching. I'm looking forward to this fun week of WWDC announcements. If there's any other rumors that you think that we all should know about leave them in the comments below. Also let me know what you're looking forward to. Is there anything that you've read that you're like this is the thing that I hope they announced.
I'll be posting a bunch of videos this week. So don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon so you can stay up-to-date on all my latest content.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Is this thing onHello? Testing one, two, three.Hey guys, it's Justine,taking a sip out of my groomsmen cup here.As you can tell, I am not inmy normal studio situation.I'm actually in a secret lab.I'm actually in a secret lab.I'm not, I'm actuallyin my sister's basement.Before we get intotalking about WWDC stuff.I need to show you mysetup that I have madein her basement.I've got the orange iMac here.I went to best buy pickedup some key lights.I've got a capture card in the back- and this nomadmousepad is incredible.It is some bubble guppiesaction if I have ever seen any.We got our Sony all setup, ready to record.We've got our OWC Thunderbolt drive.We've got our duo charger.And I basically recreatedmy entire studio set up hereat not my home.WWDC is happening very,very, very, very soon.WWDC is happening very,very, very, very soon.You might actually be watching thisin WWDC has already happenedbut this is a predictions video.I'm gonna be talkingabout some of the rumorsthat I'm seeing onlineand just reading theseI'm getting so excited.WWDC is something that we alllook forward to every yearand the past two years,it has been all digitaland all of these companieshave been trying tomake these digital experiences as good asor if not better than in-person events.And apple has done sucha great job of that.The keynotes that they've been doingfor all of their past eventsover the past year and ahalf have been incredible.So I'm looking forward toanother fun-filled WWDC.Let's dive into some of these rumors.I just cannot wait.So this article is for macrumors.This is what to expect atWWDC 2021, iOS 15, Mac OS 12,This is what to expect atWWDC 2021, iOS 15, Mac OS 12,Watch OS 8 and oh, question mark.A new Mac book pro?A new Mac book pro?So this is saying that Apple is workingon a new 14 and 16 inch MacBook prothat we could perhaps seeat the launch of WWDC.- Do you seethis, do you see this?Now last year at WWDC Orwas that the year before?Oh my goodness.It feels like forever ago whenthey announced the Mac pro.That would have to have been two years agobecause I've had the Macpro tower for over a year.It is really hard to saybecause this is the developers conference.So this is really talkingabout the softwarebut you do need the hardwareto run the software.So being able to announcethis hardware ahead of timeto get these developersthinking about the softwarethat they're going to be creating tomake full use of this stuffis definitely very important.- Some other morereliable sources have pointedthat the launch could happenthe second half of the year.It would make sense that thiswould be later in the yearsince we did just see a launchof the new IMAX and thenew M1 MacBook pros.I guess that was a few months ago.So really anything's possible.- Other analysts havesaid that Apple Silicon Maxcould debut at WWDC but they've also saidthat a redesigned MacBookPro models won't be shippingto customers until late 2021.The new Mac book pro modelswill feature the mostradical redesign to theMacBook pro lineups since 2016.- They're gonna re-introducethe Mac safe port.Emoji praying hands or emoji High-fivewhatever you guys call it.I loved the Macsafe charger.It's so great.And the fact that they kindof sort of hinted it thatand brought a Mac safecharger to the new IMAX.It's very, very possible.- We'll include an HDMI portand an SD card reader in additionto a trio of Thunderbolt USB-C ports.At this point, I don't evenuse an SD card anymore,I use a CF express card.So definitely miss the SDcard reader over the past.When did they stop the SD card readers?Do you remember the SD--- It feels like an eternity.- It, it does.- I wanna say 5 years.- It feels like an eternitythat was Jenna's answer.And it does feel like an eternity.And since then we've moved on.CF express all the way.I just don't feel like appleis gonna bring back at SD card.I don't think so.I think this, if they do,I will,I don't want to say I'll eat an SD cardbut like I will, my dog ate one.So he's still here.So it's fine.It says there will be no Touch Bar.They'll be returning toa traditional functionof keys and they're alsobe redesign thermal system.Okay. So Mac books, will we see them?Maybe there may bementioned, but I do thinkthat this is something that'sgonna be released laterin the year.If it comes earlier, I'm here for it.I still feel like we arekind of having some supplyand demand issues when it comesto specific types of chips.So that also could hindera lot of things this year.Apple Silicon updates.This is what we want to hear.At WWDC we could possibly hearabout the next generation.I definitely do feel like they'regoing to make some mentionof whatever this next new chip iswhich would then probablylead into another few eventsby the end of this year.It says that apple isworking on a 10 core chip- for the Mac book pro models8 high performance coresand 2 energy efficient coresalong with 16 or 32 core GPU optionsand support for up to 64 gigs of Ram.This is very, very importantbecause I've been usingthe M1 iMac and my M1 MacBook prowhile they have been running incrediblethere have been some issues that I've hadwith Photoshop specificallywith really large photo files.I don't necessarilythink it's a Ram issue.I do think it is a IntelM1 kind of conversion issueI do think it is a IntelM1 kind of conversion issuebut the fact that we are limitedright now to 16 gigs of Ramon these devices, for me,this stuff that I'm doingI do think that Irequire a little bit morebut I am very impressedand surprised how wellthese have been runningconsidering these arethe lower end devices.And of course I am working in pretty muchmostly an apple ecosystemwith the exception of, youknow, illustrator and Photoshop.I know a lot of my friendswho have been editingin premiere on the M1's havesaid that final cut obviouslystill runs so much smootherbecause it is developedfor this M1 environment.So I definitely lookforward to some updatesfrom Adobe to see howthey're handling this.And when we can expectfull M1 compatibility.Higher end chips are also on the way.Of course the Mac pro hasbeen rumored to get an updatea smaller version of the Mac Pro.It's also interesting becausethey announced the Mac protalked about how incredibleit is because it's modular.You can install all these things.And then I don't think wereally saw any other thingsto put in it, unlessthere were some thingsthat I'm missing.I feel like that would havebeen a third-party thing.My computer has beenrunning perfectly fineand I haven't actuallyneeded to upgrade itor search for it.But these new higherend chips are definitelyon the horizon and options for20 to 40 computing cores madeup of 16 or 32 high-performance coresand 4 or 8 high efficiency cores.And these upgraded chips are also expectedto include 64 or 128 core GPU's.And that would be the top of the line.- These graphic chipswould be several times fasterthan the graphics moduleApple uses from Nvidia and AMD.Now it was only a year agothat Apple announced these M1 chipsand it was great because it wasat a time where they neededto get these developers readyand prepared to startdeveloping for this platform.So time will tell what willWWDC have for us this year.Obviously iOS and iPad OS are a huge partof WWDC and we're on iOS and iPad OS 15.of WWDC and we're on iOS and iPad OS 15.It's really crazy tothink how far are the iPadand the iPhone have come over the years.- It says that therehave been several years whereearly versions of iOS leakedgiving us a very clear pictureof what to expect.But so far this year, Ihaven't seen any leaks.Clearly they haven't seen any either.So they've heard very little about both.But oh, don't worry.We've got a few hints of what to expect.Some notification updates,iPhone and iPad userswill be able to get anotification set basedon their status.So this is actually kind of cool.It feels like it'd be likesort of an away messagetype thing.I also like how Instagram,not many people use itbut if you have the threads appyou're able to set kind of like a status.So that could be kind of interesting.Like it says that userswill be able to selectfrom categories likedriving, working, sleeping.I think I'm probably gonnaspeak for myself when my statuswill be set to sleeping quite a lot.There's gonna be new settingsfor automatic replies,menu options for selectinga mode will be availableon the lock screen in the control center.Oh, iMessage changes.This is what I'm excited about.I use iMessage so much.I mean, I use it for basically everythinglike sending files to myselfor if I'm not usingtelegram to send thingsto my Android phone, I'm using iMessage.And it says that appleis updating iMessage tobetter compete with othermessaging apps like WhatsApp.But what new features we can expect?Remains unknown.Oh, the suspense, the suspense.It says last year therewas evidence that Applewas testing features likeretracting sent messagesgroup chat typing indicators.Oh gosh.Can you imagine a group chattyping indicator also talkingabout the option ofmarking messages on red.Privacy enhancements, always important.Food tracking this is kind of cool.I do feel like though Appletried to do the period appand for whatever reason, likeit just, I don't know whylike it's never accurate.- It is the worstthing I've ever used.- It's really bad, I don't understand.So I went back to usingmy previous period app.- Terrible (mumbling)- Terrible says Jenna.Food tracking isinteresting there was a timewhere I was very, very strictabout tracking my food,but then it drove me kind of crazy.It is very, very helpful tokind of really get a senseof what you're actually eating in a dayand how many calories andI was mostly tracking itjust to make sure I wasgetting enough protein intake.So definitely interestedto see how that works out.I've mostly used my fitness palwhich was actually quitesimple, but I do feellike there are a lot ofupdates that it could use tomake it a little bit moreintuitive and better.- And obviously with iOS 14we're gonna have interface updates.We've seen some minor interface changesin screenshots of accessibilityfeatures coming in iOS 15.They did announce kind oflike a little pre-announcementof some accessibility featureswhich was really, really cool.And we're talking about the apple watchallowing it to do kind of gesture controlto be able to actuallycontrol the apple watch.So it says that they're workingon several new accessibility featuresincluding background sounds.So it'll be an option thatwill allow iPhone users toplay various soothing soundslike ocean rain or white noise.Assistive touch, that'swhat I was talking abouton the apple watch.Apple is working on iPad eye tracking,- more inclusive Memoji,hearing aid improvements and more.Mac OS 12, so they've beenkind of on this Californialandmark theme.So we had,this was started actually in 2013.So they've had Maverick,Yosemite, El CapitanSierra, High Sierra, Mojave,Catalina, and Big Sur.What do we think it's gonna be next?Jen, do you have any ideas?A California landmark.We're gonna get back to you.So I'm very excited tosee what the new Mac OSupdate is gonna be but man,Big Sur, I really love it.Normally when it comes tothese types of OS updatesI wait a very long time.Like I will wait maybe 7, 8 months.I hardly waited a month.And I wish that I would havewaited a little bit longerbecause some of the pluginsand things that I neededlike my, even the harddrive and my storageand backup systems likenothing worked for months.I still refused to revert backI still refused to revert backbecause I love Big Sur so much.So they did a really great job with that.Oh wait.So there's no word yet.What's Mac OS 12 is gonnabe called, but Applehas trademarked Mammoth,Monterey and Skyline.Monterey, I like Monterrey.Mammoth, we've never been to mammoth.- (mumbling) that's in Nevada,Where else in California?- Mac OS Tahoe, Mac OS Mammoth.Oh, that's nice.Mac OS Monterey.What skyline?I love Carmel.It's one of my favorite places.It feels like there's not many rumorsabout watch OS 8 but I havebeen loving my Apple watch.Of course, I'm honestlysuch a huge apple watch fan.It will be interesting to seewhat kind of update they dobecause the blood oxygenlevel and the EKG'swas such a huge thing inthe past few versions.Like what else is there?There's been a big rumor thoughthat homeOS is gonna be a thing.So they're gonna kind of takeTV OS and sort of the home appand sort of merge those altogether.They mistakenly referencedhomeOS in an operating systemin a job listing, likebasically, Hey, hello, homeOS.It makes sense.Like, if you think about it, like homesare kind of running off of anoperating system at this pointlike we're connecting everythingto our wifi, our lights, our ovenslike just everything in ourhome is becoming more connected.So the fact that they're gonna kind ofdo this homeOS could bea sign of, I don't know,maybe they're gonna releasesomething for homeOSlike a router, maybe I don't know.So the next iPad pro tofeature both wireless chargingand reverse wirelesscharging capabilities.This is cool, really theonly thing that I wantis a freaking fingerprint sensorin the iPhone and the iPad.Like you guys teased us with the iPad airon the power button and then that was it.It's like, cool, I hope you enjoy that.We're not gonna do anything else.We released an iPhone,we released the iPad pro.Nope, never to be seen again.You did it once, let's do that again.- It say's Apple is also workingon a new iPad mini forlaunch later this year.That'll have thinnerbezels around the displayand they will do awaywith the home button.Yeah. Okay. You're gonna doaway with the home buttonbut can we please, righthere, do it, do it.New AirPods pro with fitnesstracking expected in 2022.I love the sound of the AirPods pro.There was just something aboutthose first basic versionof the AirPods that I love so much.They fit in my ear perfect, they sound,I mean they sound good enough.Like they're not thebest sounding, especiallyafter you put the AirPods proin, but like, I love them.They work great.So I hope that they do anupdate to those as well.They just fit so much betterin my ears than anyheadphones I've ever used- What? Fitnesstracking in the airpods?That could be kind of coolfor people who don't havean apple watch.It says the earbuds willapparently come with a new caseand feature shorter stemsbroadly nearing the designof the AirPods pro.So the iPhone 13 that is gonnabe a thing later this year.It's really crazy howwe have this just cycleof tech that justcontinually keeps refreshing.And the iPhone is no exception.iPhone 13 pro models are rumorto feature 120 Hertz display.So larger batteries wouldhelp that higher refresh rate.So rumors suggest thatapple will unveil 4 iPhonesin 2021 with cameraimprovements, faster chips,a smaller notch, and perhapsunder display Touch IDjust put it on the fricking power button.Like, I don't understand.I mean, I guess I'm notcreating the phones.I'm sure there's reasonswhy they haven't done itbut I feel like the power buttonis such a perfect placement.Some of the rumoredfeatures is 4 sizes similarto the iPhone 12 lineup,a smaller notch, Ooh120 Hertz pro motiondisplay camera improvementsA15 chip, 5G, fall 2021 launch.A15 chip, 5G, fall 2021 launch.- Is this kind ofsomething that is interesting isthis little mock-up right here.It's showing that the camera lensesmaybe diagonal not quite clearwhat the benefit would be.That's thick.It looks the same.I think somebody justphotoshopped and made that larger.Yeah look at that, thatcamera bump is massive.Smaller notch.The thing iswill this be the year thatApple removes all of the ports?Do you want to plug your phone in too bad?Hard to say.This is saying that theportlets design is not expected.No USBC.I've already given up on themdoing USBC on the iPhone.So I don't even like wish for it anymore.Here's a leaked dummymodel from unbox therapy.5g chip, Wifi 6E.5g chip, Wifi 6E.Larger batteries, oneterabyte, maximum storage.The thing is once you getlike the largest sized iPhoneand you fill that up, likewhere do you go from there?You have to only go up.So it would make sensethat they're gonna havea one terabyte storageoption at some point.Of course we're gonnahave camera improvements.Of course, we're going tohave LiDAR improvementsbasically everything thatthe previous phones have had.They're just gonna makethem a little bit better.I know.Some foldable phone options.I don't think Apple's gonnabe doing a foldable phoneanytime soonThey will do it when it's likeactually ready and foolproof.Thank you guys so much for watching.I'm looking forward to thisfun week of WWDC announcements.If there's any other rumors that you thinkthat we all should know aboutleave them in the comments below.Also let me know whatyou're looking forward to.Is there anything thatyou've read that you're likethis is the thing thatI hope they announced.I'll be posting a bunchof videos this week.So don't forget tosubscribe and hit the bell.So you'll be notifiedwhen I post a new videoand I will see you guys in the next one.Bye.\n"