Creating an MVP: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Minimal Viable Product
When it comes to building a mobile app, one of the most important things to consider is creating a minimal viable product (MVP). An MVP is a basic version of your app that allows you to test and validate your ideas with users before investing time and resources into more advanced features. In this article, we'll walk through the process of creating an MVP for iOS using Swift and React Native.
First, let's create a new project in Xcode and set up our MVP structure. We'll start by creating a new object to represent a post. This will include fields such as title, description, image, and ID. To generate a unique ID for each post, we can use the `uuid` method v1.
Now that we have our object defined, let's create a new view to display the posts. We'll call this view `PostList`. In this view, we'll use a table view to display all the posts. When the user taps on a post, we'll navigate to a new view called `PostDetail`.
Next, let's add functionality to create and save new posts. To do this, we'll create a new resource query that allows us to interact with our database. We'll use the Amazon S3 API to store our images.
To set up the S3 API, we need to create an AWS account and set up our bucket. We'll call our bucket `retool-bucket` and make sure it's public so that users can upload images. We'll then add a new user called "Any" with admin access to the bucket.
Now that we have our S3 bucket set up, let's create an uploader view in our app. This will allow users to select an image from their device or upload one from the internet. When they click the upload button, we'll save the image to our S3 bucket and use it to display on our post.
To complete the MVP, we need to add event handling functionality. We'll create a new method called `trigger` that will be triggered when the user clicks the "Post" button. This method will save the post to our database and then navigate to the `PostDetail` view.
Here is an example of what this might look like in code:
// Post.swift
import Foundation
struct Post: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var title: String
var description: String
var image: URL
// PostList.swift
import UIKit
class PostList: UITableViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Load posts from database and display in table view
loadPosts { [weak self] posts in
@IBAction func postButtonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
// Trigger event handling function to save post to database
private func trigger(_ post: Post) {
// Save post to database and navigate to PostDetail view
savePost(post) { [weak self] _ in
if let nextVC = self?.nextViewController() {
self?.present(nextVC, animated: true)
// PostDetail.swift
import UIKit
class PostDetail: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Display image in view
displayImage(imageURL: post.image)
private func displayImage(imageURL: URL) {
// Use React Native to display image
ImageView(url: imageURL).renderInView(self)
By following these steps and using the provided code, you can create a fully functional MVP for your iOS app. Remember to test your app thoroughly with real users to validate your ideas and ensure that your MVP is meeting the needs of your target audience.