The Importance of Flowing (Tilling) in Agriculture

In earlier times, farmers used to cultivate their fields by hand, and this process was known as flowing or tilling. This traditional method of farming involved loosening and turning of the soil to prepare it for planting. The first step of preparation of soil requires loosening and turning of the soil, which is called flowing or tilling. The purpose of loosening the soil is to make it soft, as hard soil is not suitable for plants, and they will not be able to grow their roots deeply.

Loosening of the soil also has several benefits. Loose soil contains a lot of air spaces in it, which allows for proper drainage and aeration. This makes it easier for plants to absorb water and nutrients. Moreover, loose soil allows the roots of plants to penetrate deep into the soil, fixing them firmly in place. If the soil is hard, the roots will not be able to hold on and may struggle to reach the necessary nutrients.

Flowing also helps in uprooting undesirable weeds or plants that can compete with the crops for water and nutrients. When we are doing flowing, if there are any kind of self-grown plants, they will be taken out. Loose soil also mixes uniformly with manures and fertilizers, ensuring that they are distributed evenly throughout the field. However, if the soil is hard, these fertilizers may remain on the surface.

Another important benefit of flowing is that it helps in the growth of earthworms. Earthworms are beneficial microorganisms that add nutrients to the soil, making it fertile and healthy for plant growth. They can only thrive in loose soil, as they need air and moisture to survive. If the soil is hard, these beneficial organisms cannot exist.

Flowing also brings nutrient-rich soil from the lower layers to the top of the field, making it easily available for plants to use. This process ensures that crops receive the necessary nutrients for healthy growth. Additionally, flowing helps in proper mixing of manures and fertilizers with the soil, which is essential for maintaining soil fertility.

Finally, flowing plays a crucial role in leveling the soil. This involves removing hard stones and other debris from the surface of the field, making it smooth and leveled. Leveling ensures that water can penetrate the soil evenly, reducing the risk of puddles or erosion. It also makes it easier to irrigate the field, as the water can reach every corner without being lost to drainage.

In earlier times, farmers used flowing (tilling) machines to cultivate their fields. These machines were designed to loosen and turn the soil quickly and efficiently. However, with the advent of modern technology, these traditional methods have been largely replaced by computer-based machines that can level and till the fields more accurately and efficiently. Despite this, the importance of flowing remains unchanged, and it continues to be an essential step in agricultural preparation.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: engood morning dear students I hope you are fine so today we are going to start your first chapter of science that is crop production in your lower classes you have studied about food components of food nutrition in plants and nutrition and animal and all those things are related to food so in this chapter we will study about how that food is produced by our farmers so basically this is a food production or crop production this chapter and in this chapter we are going to cover the topics like crop plants and crop seasons we will study about different types of crops and then in which season that particular crop is grown then the basic things that are being done by our farmers to grow that particular crop like tradition of soil then sowing of the seeds then application of manure and fertilizers then irrigation by different map third then weeding and then harvesting means cutting of that particular crop and then storage of that thing and at the last of this chapter we will study about some sources of food that are obtained from animal like your milk eggs meat and all those things so let us start as we all know that all living organism food to survive there is no doubt if we are not eating food for a long time we will definitely die so food is the basic necessity of all of us so food is obtained from either from plants or from animals plants like we are getting vegetables and fruit fruits etc from the plants and milk eggs meat and wool etc from animals so in the branch of science there deals with the growing plants and raising livestock for human use is called agriculture now the word arising livestock means to say roaring off animal along with crop production or the animals like cows the flows goats etc from where we get you can say milk and then fishes from where we get meat hands you can say poultry so all those animals you can say domestic animals that we do that we here along with the production of crop and collectively they are called a branch of science that deals with you can say all these things is called agriculture so next is cultivation of crops and grading of animal have undergone Commandments advancement during the last century there is no doubt that the there is a huge change if you ask from your grandparents they were doing farming away simply by manual labor only they were having no genes at that time no tractors know you can say cultivators no any kind of combines to harvest their crops they are doing manual but increasing human population has been a contributing factor what does the what does you can see main factor behind this but behind the mechanization in agriculture is the increasing population because because of the increasing population demands are increasing so we have to produce food in a small you can say small-time or any lower in large or you can say quantity so for that we need machines so the mechanism and mechanization of Agriculture is done with the last few years within last few years next is your crop plants and crop seasons so crop plants what is a cropland farmers cropland in their field went plants of the same kind I've grown in a field on a large scale their mantra of crop plants are simply cough means same category the plant belonging to same category are grown on a large scale in our offensive field and now what is field field the land where plants are grown on large scale so that maybe one acre two acres are in hectares also so that is called field on which the same category plant sidetone and for example crop of prized means that all the plants grown in the field are of rice if we are talking about crop of rice it means all the plants that are gone on that land are of rice if we are talking about wheat then all the plants of wheat so plant grown by the formal in the fields are called cultivated plants and as they are grown or cultivated in field and looked after by humans so these are called cultivated because we are cultivating these things there you can say naturally don't so this is in contrast to the wild plant which are grown in nature and unattended by humans so they are not naturally known they're actually grown by the human being so they are cultivated the product which is obtained from crop is called produce whatever we are obtaining from that particular crop is called produce the produce may be in the form of grains like here we eat rice etcetera and that produced may may be in the form of fiber like we are in the cotton plants when we are getting cotton from that and that is a fiber and that can be a root also because you have seen the you can see vegetables like carrot radish etc they are underground and they are called the you can see do it part of the plant and we are getting that root plant and then and that is your stem part like potatoes etcetera so these are the all the things that we are obtaining from you can see different types of crops moving to your next page now so we can classify the crop plants on in different types on the two basis on the basis of two categories or you can say one on the basis of product octane and another one on the basis of the season in which they grew so firstly on the basis of you can say product obtained we are going to categorize the propellants on the basis of product obtained as we have done on previous page also so the crops that are giving you grain crops constabie for example your rice wheat maize barley or etc then pulses all young crops legume means to say those plants which are able to fix nitrogen in soil that we will read later on also so legume plants like your green gram like your moong dal then P and then beans etc then oil see drops from where we are getting oil like your mustard oil that we use commonly found at oil then so we are being all these things sunflower oil or all those those things then from which we obtain our oil then fiber crops like cotton or jute etcetera then root crops sweet potato carrot reddish tuber crops to build rafts though those plan and so who's we are eating stamp part of who on that particular graph so potato and you can say you tap become so all these things are you can say in tuber crops which are going underground and underground and then we are eating stamp part of that plant so next comes here a classification of crops on the basis of season in which they are drawn so we have a two main categories that is Robbie crop and Karev crop Rabi crops which are Rabi cups of wheat is the rabbika of just remember that we it is Arabica and then as you all know now wheat is about to harvest so just check about check ground yourself along with me to the nowadays one thing is more that is mustard mustard is there in winter seasons and PE are there and potatoes are there so just relate all these things and learn three for example of each type so water Rabi crops these are grown in winter season as we all know that we all all of us about 70% of us are belonging to form a farming background so all these things are simple for us so what are Rabi crops the Rabi crops are grown in winter season in at the need of the Diwali you know that your paddies harvested and in the month of the number and the end of November we grow wheat so it is generally a soon in the month October or November and harvested in March in April as we all know that wheat is now you can see at its peak value and we are going to harvest in next month or in this month so therefore they are called a winter season crops or Rabi crops so Rabi crops are sown in winter season and they're harvested in march and half l like your weed and remember one example wheat and along with v2 you know nowadays we are cutting here mustards also we are you can say farmers are you can say taking out potatoes from their fleece all relate all these things and learn to three examples of Rabi crops then comes your car if crops these are shown in the beginning of rainy season and June as you know paddy fields are you can say prepared by the farmers in the month of June they are full of water in the month of June so in June July we are going to you can say so the car if crops and they are harvested in September or October near Diwali see in Diwali festival so therefore they are called summer season crop because they are grown in summer season we are calling them as winter season or summer season on the basis in what which month they are told so if they are we are growing any crop in winter season that is called Robbie crop if we are growing that crop in summer season that is called tariff drop so car if drop the examples of care if crop mainly that is grown in Punjabis paddy or rice and then your cotton so we are growing rice and cotton in a huge amount others are you amazed grounded oh our pulses these are the correct crops so then comes some cushion answers for you the simple terms that you have to define agriculture crop reduce car if crop and rabbika agriculture the branch of science that word deals with the rearing of animal and production of crop is agriculture than water stop the plant stone in large scale on on a large field are called crop then what is produced the you can say the production of a particular crop that we are getting from a particular crop is called produce then car if drop car if data shown in summer season and harvested and you can say September October that our car if for example your paddy and cotton and then comes here the rabbit Rob Rob Iike that is grown winter season and you can see harvested in apple a month and that is your Vedic cetera sin then the time they are asking you about the time period of Rabi incur if then two examples of each - Ravi that I have already told so this is very simple now moving to your next page now we are going to discuss about all the practices that are being done by the farmers to completely harvest of you can say props from the sowing of the seed preparation of the to completely get the production of that particular brow what kind of steps you can say are taken by the farmers we will discuss those taps one by one and so the agricultural practices what is the definition of agricultural practices and that can be defined as the various activities or the tasks which a farmer performed to produce a good crop so a one by one you have to remember this like this then first of all the farmers have to prepare the soil for the sowing of that seed so farmers you can say prepare the soil first one is preparation of soil then sowing of seeds then application of manuals and fertilizers we had different types of menus and fertilizers to get good yield of that particular graph then irrigation is being done means watering the plants then reading reading water weaves unnecessary plants that grow by itself and you can say take the nutrition from the earth and thereby reducing the yield of with that particular graph that we want to get so reading is done by the farmer then harvesting means cutting off that you can say crop and then your storage so first one is preparation of soil what the farmers do for the preparation of soil plants are grown in soil they are obtained they obtain their water and nutrients from the soil through their roots as you have studied in your seventh class also that there are two tissues in plants the one is xylem and phloem so what does xylem do for the plant this up the water from the earth and nutrients from the earth for the plant so as you all know that soil is very important for the plants because plants are getting water and all the nutrients and minerals from the soil so the step preparation of soil is very important so roots are held by them as you know the roots are held in place by the soil soil microbes and other other know organisms such as earthworm how to increase the soil fertility so it is therefore important that soil is well prepared so well preparation of soil is the you can say most important step in your crop production so there that can be done by two steps one is flowing and another one is leveling so in this two diagram in the top 11.5 figure they have shown flowing by bulls and on Figure one and 21.4 they have shown you two types of flows that these kind of clothes are used in earlier times at the time of our grandparents now we are not using this tie these types of clothes now we have seen cultivators having a number of clothes attached to a single machine and we can throw a field and one hour or two hours they are doing this kind they are using these kind of instrument so at that time and it was very time consuming so nowadays we are having you can see a very good machines or cultivators that end the war field within few hours so what is flowing the first step of preparation of soil requires loosening and turning of the soil so the process of loosening and turning of soil is called flowing or telling so what what is the purpose to lose the soil to soft the soil the hard soil is not suitable for plants so they will not you can see grow their roots deeply if the soil is hard so first step is loosening of the soil and that is done by blowing now what are the benefits of doing flowing or telling so loose soil contain a lot of air spaces in it so a d--ation becomes good if the soil is loose it will provide enough air to the plant so plant roots so that is well loose soil is very important to breathe plants actually also be through soil you as you have studied in your seventh class also so that is a different thing that is plants also do respiration so they take so you can say their gas from soil or really it's a breathing gas from soil so that can be done only when the soil is loose and having proper radiation so that is why loosening of soil or throwing is very important secondly loose soil allow the roots to penetrate deep into the soil thus the plant fig is fixed to the soil firmly so if the soil is loose roots will be able to you can save hold and to go deep inside and then we'll be strongly held by that soy coming to moving to your next page now why flowing is a next necessity flowing the uproot the undesirable v's or plants and kill them so when we are doing flowing when we are loosening the soil if there is any kind of a self grown plants they will be taken out then loose soil mixes uniformly with manuals and fertilizers if the soil is hard and if we are throwing many or our fertilizers then they will remain as it is on the top surface but if the soil is too loose then they will mix properly with the soil next comes loose soil help in the growth of earthworms so what I want basically there are microorganisms or microbes which are very beneficial to farmers they are called farmers trend so they you can say they provide nutrition to the soil they add nutrients to the soil also they make the soil lose and they add humors to the soil so they are friends of well you can say formal farmers and they can be they can be grown in the field or in they can be present only if the soil is loose if soil is heard they can't I can't exist in hard soil so that is why also growing is important next one is flowing brings the nutrient-rich soil from the lower layers to the top and make it easily available for the plant use so flowing brings what flowing dews if there are some nutrient rich soil is underground they will flowing will bring it on the top side so that is another one important utility of throwing flowing so we can say that flowing is very important step so growing or tilling is done by using the instrument flow as that was shown in the previous page in this figure one point for a and B both are the flows so but they are used in earlier times in our days that has been replaced by cultivators you can see so next is sometime annual is added before flowing flowing help in proper mixing after so many with soil as you all know that when the field is empty our farmers you can sit um spread manure in the field and then blowing is being done so after plowing the soil mix the manual mix for me nicely with the soil so this is the benefit of blowing then is levelling then comes the lovely soul of Ling diagram is also shown on the previous page this diagram one point six this is blowing and then leveling and they have shown this kind of loveling in Figure one point ten this is also an old type of leveling nowadays you know computer based machines are there for leveling the fields also so they level the field in such a way that if it will look like a good background etcetera so leveling is what to remove all the you can say hard stones of soil terms of the soil and make it smooth and leveled so that if you are irrigating your field whole field will get to water properly so this is called leveling next is that let us continue in the next part now this is your first part of the video over off this chapter next we will continue in the next part thank yougood morning dear students I hope you are fine so today we are going to start your first chapter of science that is crop production in your lower classes you have studied about food components of food nutrition in plants and nutrition and animal and all those things are related to food so in this chapter we will study about how that food is produced by our farmers so basically this is a food production or crop production this chapter and in this chapter we are going to cover the topics like crop plants and crop seasons we will study about different types of crops and then in which season that particular crop is grown then the basic things that are being done by our farmers to grow that particular crop like tradition of soil then sowing of the seeds then application of manure and fertilizers then irrigation by different map third then weeding and then harvesting means cutting of that particular crop and then storage of that thing and at the last of this chapter we will study about some sources of food that are obtained from animal like your milk eggs meat and all those things so let us start as we all know that all living organism food to survive there is no doubt if we are not eating food for a long time we will definitely die so food is the basic necessity of all of us so food is obtained from either from plants or from animals plants like we are getting vegetables and fruit fruits etc from the plants and milk eggs meat and wool etc from animals so in the branch of science there deals with the growing plants and raising livestock for human use is called agriculture now the word arising livestock means to say roaring off animal along with crop production or the animals like cows the flows goats etc from where we get you can say milk and then fishes from where we get meat hands you can say poultry so all those animals you can say domestic animals that we do that we here along with the production of crop and collectively they are called a branch of science that deals with you can say all these things is called agriculture so next is cultivation of crops and grading of animal have undergone Commandments advancement during the last century there is no doubt that the there is a huge change if you ask from your grandparents they were doing farming away simply by manual labor only they were having no genes at that time no tractors know you can say cultivators no any kind of combines to harvest their crops they are doing manual but increasing human population has been a contributing factor what does the what does you can see main factor behind this but behind the mechanization in agriculture is the increasing population because because of the increasing population demands are increasing so we have to produce food in a small you can say small-time or any lower in large or you can say quantity so for that we need machines so the mechanism and mechanization of Agriculture is done with the last few years within last few years next is your crop plants and crop seasons so crop plants what is a cropland farmers cropland in their field went plants of the same kind I've grown in a field on a large scale their mantra of crop plants are simply cough means same category the plant belonging to same category are grown on a large scale in our offensive field and now what is field field the land where plants are grown on large scale so that maybe one acre two acres are in hectares also so that is called field on which the same category plant sidetone and for example crop of prized means that all the plants grown in the field are of rice if we are talking about crop of rice it means all the plants that are gone on that land are of rice if we are talking about wheat then all the plants of wheat so plant grown by the formal in the fields are called cultivated plants and as they are grown or cultivated in field and looked after by humans so these are called cultivated because we are cultivating these things there you can say naturally don't so this is in contrast to the wild plant which are grown in nature and unattended by humans so they are not naturally known they're actually grown by the human being so they are cultivated the product which is obtained from crop is called produce whatever we are obtaining from that particular crop is called produce the produce may be in the form of grains like here we eat rice etcetera and that produced may may be in the form of fiber like we are in the cotton plants when we are getting cotton from that and that is a fiber and that can be a root also because you have seen the you can see vegetables like carrot radish etc they are underground and they are called the you can see do it part of the plant and we are getting that root plant and then and that is your stem part like potatoes etcetera so these are the all the things that we are obtaining from you can see different types of crops moving to your next page now so we can classify the crop plants on in different types on the two basis on the basis of two categories or you can say one on the basis of product octane and another one on the basis of the season in which they grew so firstly on the basis of you can say product obtained we are going to categorize the propellants on the basis of product obtained as we have done on previous page also so the crops that are giving you grain crops constabie for example your rice wheat maize barley or etc then pulses all young crops legume means to say those plants which are able to fix nitrogen in soil that we will read later on also so legume plants like your green gram like your moong dal then P and then beans etc then oil see drops from where we are getting oil like your mustard oil that we use commonly found at oil then so we are being all these things sunflower oil or all those those things then from which we obtain our oil then fiber crops like cotton or jute etcetera then root crops sweet potato carrot reddish tuber crops to build rafts though those plan and so who's we are eating stamp part of who on that particular graph so potato and you can say you tap become so all these things are you can say in tuber crops which are going underground and underground and then we are eating stamp part of that plant so next comes here a classification of crops on the basis of season in which they are drawn so we have a two main categories that is Robbie crop and Karev crop Rabi crops which are Rabi cups of wheat is the rabbika of just remember that we it is Arabica and then as you all know now wheat is about to harvest so just check about check ground yourself along with me to the nowadays one thing is more that is mustard mustard is there in winter seasons and PE are there and potatoes are there so just relate all these things and learn three for example of each type so water Rabi crops these are grown in winter season as we all know that we all all of us about 70% of us are belonging to form a farming background so all these things are simple for us so what are Rabi crops the Rabi crops are grown in winter season in at the need of the Diwali you know that your paddies harvested and in the month of the number and the end of November we grow wheat so it is generally a soon in the month October or November and harvested in March in April as we all know that wheat is now you can see at its peak value and we are going to harvest in next month or in this month so therefore they are called a winter season crops or Rabi crops so Rabi crops are sown in winter season and they're harvested in march and half l like your weed and remember one example wheat and along with v2 you know nowadays we are cutting here mustards also we are you can say farmers are you can say taking out potatoes from their fleece all relate all these things and learn to three examples of Rabi crops then comes your car if crops these are shown in the beginning of rainy season and June as you know paddy fields are you can say prepared by the farmers in the month of June they are full of water in the month of June so in June July we are going to you can say so the car if crops and they are harvested in September or October near Diwali see in Diwali festival so therefore they are called summer season crop because they are grown in summer season we are calling them as winter season or summer season on the basis in what which month they are told so if they are we are growing any crop in winter season that is called Robbie crop if we are growing that crop in summer season that is called tariff drop so car if drop the examples of care if crop mainly that is grown in Punjabis paddy or rice and then your cotton so we are growing rice and cotton in a huge amount others are you amazed grounded oh our pulses these are the correct crops so then comes some cushion answers for you the simple terms that you have to define agriculture crop reduce car if crop and rabbika agriculture the branch of science that word deals with the rearing of animal and production of crop is agriculture than water stop the plant stone in large scale on on a large field are called crop then what is produced the you can say the production of a particular crop that we are getting from a particular crop is called produce then car if drop car if data shown in summer season and harvested and you can say September October that our car if for example your paddy and cotton and then comes here the rabbit Rob Rob Iike that is grown winter season and you can see harvested in apple a month and that is your Vedic cetera sin then the time they are asking you about the time period of Rabi incur if then two examples of each - Ravi that I have already told so this is very simple now moving to your next page now we are going to discuss about all the practices that are being done by the farmers to completely harvest of you can say props from the sowing of the seed preparation of the to completely get the production of that particular brow what kind of steps you can say are taken by the farmers we will discuss those taps one by one and so the agricultural practices what is the definition of agricultural practices and that can be defined as the various activities or the tasks which a farmer performed to produce a good crop so a one by one you have to remember this like this then first of all the farmers have to prepare the soil for the sowing of that seed so farmers you can say prepare the soil first one is preparation of soil then sowing of seeds then application of manuals and fertilizers we had different types of menus and fertilizers to get good yield of that particular graph then irrigation is being done means watering the plants then reading reading water weaves unnecessary plants that grow by itself and you can say take the nutrition from the earth and thereby reducing the yield of with that particular graph that we want to get so reading is done by the farmer then harvesting means cutting off that you can say crop and then your storage so first one is preparation of soil what the farmers do for the preparation of soil plants are grown in soil they are obtained they obtain their water and nutrients from the soil through their roots as you have studied in your seventh class also that there are two tissues in plants the one is xylem and phloem so what does xylem do for the plant this up the water from the earth and nutrients from the earth for the plant so as you all know that soil is very important for the plants because plants are getting water and all the nutrients and minerals from the soil so the step preparation of soil is very important so roots are held by them as you know the roots are held in place by the soil soil microbes and other other know organisms such as earthworm how to increase the soil fertility so it is therefore important that soil is well prepared so well preparation of soil is the you can say most important step in your crop production so there that can be done by two steps one is flowing and another one is leveling so in this two diagram in the top 11.5 figure they have shown flowing by bulls and on Figure one and 21.4 they have shown you two types of flows that these kind of clothes are used in earlier times at the time of our grandparents now we are not using this tie these types of clothes now we have seen cultivators having a number of clothes attached to a single machine and we can throw a field and one hour or two hours they are doing this kind they are using these kind of instrument so at that time and it was very time consuming so nowadays we are having you can see a very good machines or cultivators that end the war field within few hours so what is flowing the first step of preparation of soil requires loosening and turning of the soil so the process of loosening and turning of soil is called flowing or telling so what what is the purpose to lose the soil to soft the soil the hard soil is not suitable for plants so they will not you can see grow their roots deeply if the soil is hard so first step is loosening of the soil and that is done by blowing now what are the benefits of doing flowing or telling so loose soil contain a lot of air spaces in it so a d--ation becomes good if the soil is loose it will provide enough air to the plant so plant roots so that is well loose soil is very important to breathe plants actually also be through soil you as you have studied in your seventh class also so that is a different thing that is plants also do respiration so they take so you can say their gas from soil or really it's a breathing gas from soil so that can be done only when the soil is loose and having proper radiation so that is why loosening of soil or throwing is very important secondly loose soil allow the roots to penetrate deep into the soil thus the plant fig is fixed to the soil firmly so if the soil is loose roots will be able to you can save hold and to go deep inside and then we'll be strongly held by that soy coming to moving to your next page now why flowing is a next necessity flowing the uproot the undesirable v's or plants and kill them so when we are doing flowing when we are loosening the soil if there is any kind of a self grown plants they will be taken out then loose soil mixes uniformly with manuals and fertilizers if the soil is hard and if we are throwing many or our fertilizers then they will remain as it is on the top surface but if the soil is too loose then they will mix properly with the soil next comes loose soil help in the growth of earthworms so what I want basically there are microorganisms or microbes which are very beneficial to farmers they are called farmers trend so they you can say they provide nutrition to the soil they add nutrients to the soil also they make the soil lose and they add humors to the soil so they are friends of well you can say formal farmers and they can be they can be grown in the field or in they can be present only if the soil is loose if soil is heard they can't I can't exist in hard soil so that is why also growing is important next one is flowing brings the nutrient-rich soil from the lower layers to the top and make it easily available for the plant use so flowing brings what flowing dews if there are some nutrient rich soil is underground they will flowing will bring it on the top side so that is another one important utility of throwing flowing so we can say that flowing is very important step so growing or tilling is done by using the instrument flow as that was shown in the previous page in this figure one point for a and B both are the flows so but they are used in earlier times in our days that has been replaced by cultivators you can see so next is sometime annual is added before flowing flowing help in proper mixing after so many with soil as you all know that when the field is empty our farmers you can sit um spread manure in the field and then blowing is being done so after plowing the soil mix the manual mix for me nicely with the soil so this is the benefit of blowing then is levelling then comes the lovely soul of Ling diagram is also shown on the previous page this diagram one point six this is blowing and then leveling and they have shown this kind of loveling in Figure one point ten this is also an old type of leveling nowadays you know computer based machines are there for leveling the fields also so they level the field in such a way that if it will look like a good background etcetera so leveling is what to remove all the you can say hard stones of soil terms of the soil and make it smooth and leveled so that if you are irrigating your field whole field will get to water properly so this is called leveling next is that let us continue in the next part now this is your first part of the video over off this chapter next we will continue in the next part thank you\n"