The 2017 Smartphone Starter Kit

2017 has been an interesting year for smartphones. Gone are the days of having a headphone jack on every device. Screens are getting bigger while the bezels are shrinking. Instead of having a removable battery, you're oftentimes getting something like fast charging or wireless charging.

But if you are picking up a flagship this year, what do you actually need to get up and running? The first thing you're probably going to want to have is a pair of wireless headphones. Big shout out to Sennheiser for sponsoring this video and sending over their HD 4.50 to me to take a look at. What makes this really interesting is that not only are they going to be a wireless pair of headphones with Bluetooth support, but you're also getting active noise cancellation.

This feature can actually be really helpful, especially if you spend a lot of time on things like trains, buses, or planes. It's amazing how much more immersive the experience becomes when you're able to block out all the background noise. And it's not just the noise itself that's an issue – it's also the constant distractions and announcements that can be so annoying.

The Sennheiser HD 4.50 is a great example of this, with active noise cancellation that really makes a difference in everyday listening. The headphones come equipped with Bluetooth 4.0, which provides stable and reliable connectivity to your device. And with support for aptX, you get even better sounding audio – it's like having your own personal sound system.

One of the best things about these headphones is how well they work on different devices. I actually didn't realize that I had been listening to them on an iPhone before, and they sounded good, but being able to take advantage of aptX on something like the Pixel really does make a noticeable difference in audio quality. It's amazing how much more detailed and nuanced the sound becomes when you're using this technology.

Of course, one of the biggest benefits of wireless headphones is their portability. And the Sennheiser HD 4.50 delivers in this regard as well – they fold up easily if you want to make them just a little more portable. This makes it easy to take them with you on-the-go or toss them into your bag.

Another great feature of these headphones is that you have the option to plug in a standard 3 1/2 millimeter headphone jack or a headphone cable. This may seem like a minor detail, but it's actually a big deal – especially if you're someone who likes to stay connected and listen to music while also being able to charge your device at the same time.

In fact, companies have started making adapters that allow you to do both of these things simultaneously – it's like having two devices in one. The USB-C adapter is just one example of this – it not only lets you plug in your headphones and listen to music, but also allows you to charge your phone at the same time.

The Sennheiser HD 4.50 may be a mid-range wireless headphone option, but it's clear that these companies are really pushing the boundaries of what's possible with this technology. With great sound quality, active noise cancellation, and plenty of features to make them easy to use – including the ability to charge your device while listening – these headphones are definitely worth checking out if you're in the market for a new pair.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin.2017 has been an interestingyear for smartphones.Gone are the days of havinga headphone jack on every device.Screens are getting biggerwhile the bezels are shrinking.Instead of having a removable battery,you're oftentimes getting something likefast charging or wireless charging.But if you are pickingup a flagship this year,what do you actually needto get up and running?The first thing you'reprobably going to want to haveis a pair of wireless headphones.And big shout out to Sennheiserfor sponsoring this videoand sending over their HD4.50 to me to take a look at.What makes this really interestingis that not only are they going to bea wireless pair of headphoneswith Bluetooth support,but you're also gettingactive noise cancellation.Now in a pair of headphonesthat costs less than $200,this can actually be really helpfulespecially if you spend a lot of timeon stuff like trains, buses, or planes.You should also expecta good battery life,anywhere between 20 to 25 hoursdepending on if you haveactive noise cancellation on.And they also do fold upif you wanna make them justa little more portable.And in addition to Bluetooth 4.0,they also have support for aptXwhich deliver even better sounding audio.And of course, it's the Sennheiser,you should expect quality.Man, it is always such a trippy feelingwhen you put on theactive noise cancellation.Like, it just feels likethe whole room just got super dead.What is that I hear actually?Oh it's a plane!I couldn't hear it 'cause I had my awesomeactive noise cancellation headphones on.It's crazy.I actually didn't realizethat I had been listening tothese on an iPhone before,and they sounded good.But actually being able to take advantageof aptX on something like the Pixel,there's actually a noticeabledifference in audio quality.It really does sound like I'm listeningto a wired pair of headphones.Okay so before Ken has towatch me dance any more,these sound good.These sound solid but oneof the nice things is,in addition to being wireless,you actually do have the optionof plugging in a standard3 1/2 millimeter headphone jackor a headphone cable.Cable.To be fair both the iPhone and Pixeldo come with a headphoneadapter in the box,but the issue is is that if you wantto plug the headphones inand also do somethinglike charge your phone,you can't do that at the same timeuntil now.Companies have started making adaptersthat not only allow youto listen to your music,but also to charge yourphone at the same time.So let's start with theUSB-C adapter which,"special bear high temperature design?"The superficial dent design,"maintain the best conjunction."I mean you do need thebest conjunction after all.Oh wow that's actuallyreally terrible looking.Wow, first step, will thiscatch our phone on fire?Oh, that's not a good fit.It's time for me toplug it into the phone.It isnot charging.Okay, so, in theory you can pick upa USB-C adapter that actually works,but in this case confirmed garbage town.Let's try the iPhone now.I do at least like the designof this one a little bit more.So you can plug it intothe phone on the top,and then on one side you have a lightning,on the other you have a headphone jack.Plug it into the phone.Okay nothing's on fire yet, just saying.So it actually does showup as a USB 2.0 Device.So this actually might just work.It sounds about like anormal headphone adapterso you're not expectingany kinda like hi-fi DAC or anything,but the real test is can we actuallyplug this in and it not catch on fire?Alright here goes nothing.Oh hey charging and thelight just turned on.Hey guys this is Austinand welcome to using a smartphone in 2017.Basically everything that supportswireless charging these daysis using the Qi standard.Now thankfully this has actuallybeen around for a few years.There are plenty ofaccessories to choose from.So the first is really straightforward.It's the PowerPort Qi 10 from Anker.Now it might not look too impressive.What you're getting hereis something that not only supportsstandard wireless charging,but it also supports fast charging.It's also super thin.None of the iPhone 8 and 10support wireless charging.Something like this could worknot only for these devicesbut also for other phonesthat support up to 10 watts.But the idea is we just drop it on,and in theory it will start charging.In theory charging will happen.Oh!It helps when you plugthe charger in, pro tip!So I'll drop the phone onand it immediately starts charging.So with this you canprepare for the 2018 futureof having zero ports ofany kind on your phone.There are also some cool optionslike the MobilePal wireless charging bank.The idea here is that not onlyis this a portable batterythat will charge your phonevia Qi wireless charging,but you can also use Qi tocharge the battery bank.Meaning that in theory youcould never plug this thing in.Oh interesting, so not only can you,if you want, use USB to charge it,but you also can use a lightning cable.That's actually really unique.I don't think I've ever seen that before.So the first step is to seeif we drop our phone on,there we go, immediatelystarts wireless charging.That's actually kinda cool.One of the problems withcarrying around the battery bankis that you have to keep allthe cables, it becomes a mess,but this, this is pretty easy.But if you have a wireless charging pad,not only can we drop the charger onto start charging in it,then you'll pass current up to the phone.So essentially we have a Qi sandwich.This is cool though.This is really cool.I mean maybe not the most practical thingbut I can actually imaginea scenario in which,so you have this by your bed,you leave the battery on it at all times.You just drop your phone on top.And when it comes time,you take your phone,but if you also wanna takethe battery, take it too.Super simple.As always links toeverything I talked aboutincluding those Dope Sennheiser headphoneswill be linked in the description.I'm curious, what would you guys putin your smartphone starter kit?Let me know in the comments belowand I will catch you on the next one.