**The Art of Juggling Cookie Cutters: A Journey with Emmy**
In this episode, we embark on an exciting adventure - juggling cookie cutters! With precision and patience, we'll navigate through the process, exploring each cutter's unique characteristics. From Grimace to the princess cake, every shape holds a special place in our hearts. As we lift and maneuver these cutters, we'll discover the intricacies of each design.
As we begin, I grab one of my favorite cookie cutters - Grimace. It looks like it's stuck, but with a little pressure, it comes loose. Next up is another shape that resembles a princess cake. I notice that this particular cutter has more details in its hands, making it a bit finicky to work with.
The journey continues as we tackle a cookie cutter resembling Benton's animal crackers. This one presents a challenge due to the feet and tiny hands, but we persevere and manage to free it from the cutter. After a few moments of struggle, we successfully lift it out, eager to see how it will transform into a delicious treat.
As I continue juggling these cutters, my light begins to fall, but I remain focused on completing the task at hand. The cookies are next, and I carefully pop them into a preheated oven for 12-15 minutes. Once they're done, I let them cool for 15 minutes before tasting their goodness.
The moment of truth arrives as I take my first bite of one of the Grimace-shaped cookies. It's a delightful experience, with the cuteness of Grimace radiating from every bite. The taste is sublime, and I savor each morsel, enjoying the texture and flavor combination.
As I continue to taste the cookies, I notice that they lack a certain crunch - the characteristic crunch found in Benton's animal crackers. However, these cookies have a unique shortbread-like texture with a buttery flavor that elevates them to new heights.
One of the most striking features of these cookies is their subtle sweetness and lightness. They're perfect for young children or anyone seeking a milder cookie experience. The flavors are well-balanced, and I appreciate how they differ from traditional animal crackers.
In conclusion, this episode has been an exhilarating journey through the world of cookie cutters. From Grimace to princess cake and beyond, every cutter presented its unique challenges and rewards. By mastering the art of juggling these cutters, we've discovered a deeper appreciation for their intricate designs and flavors.
**Homemade McDonald's Land Cookies**
As I reflect on our adventure with cookie cutters, I realize that there's one more aspect to consider: the cookies themselves. With my homemade McDonald's land cookies finished and looking stunning, I take pride in knowing that they're not only delicious but also aesthetically pleasing.
The aroma of freshly baked cookies wafts through the air, teasing our senses and building anticipation for the taste test. As we indulge in these mouthwatering treats, we discover a symphony of flavors that evoke memories of childhood delight. The buttery shortbread-like texture pairs exquisitely with the subtle sweetness, leaving us wanting more.
Grimace remains my favorite cookie shape, while the princess cake cutter presents an interesting challenge due to its intricate details. Nevertheless, both shapes transform into delicious treats that satisfy our sweet tooth cravings.
In the end, it's clear that these homemade cookies have captured the hearts of everyone involved - from Emmy to the audience. With their perfect balance of flavors and textures, they've earned a spot in our hearts as the ultimate comfort food treat.
**Native Sponsorship**
I'd like to extend my gratitude to Native for sponsoring this video. Their commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness resonates with me on a deeper level. By using their code EmmyMade9, you can enjoy three plastic-free deodorants normally priced at $39 for just $26. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to upgrade your self-care routine while supporting a brand that shares our values.
As we conclude this episode of cookie cutter juggling, I invite you to join me in the world of baking and cookie creations. Whether you're a seasoned pro or an enthusiastic beginner, remember that practice makes perfect. Don't be afraid to experiment with different shapes, flavors, and techniques until you find your signature style.
Remember to follow me on social media for more exciting content, share this article with friends and family, and subscribe to my channel for future baking adventures. Until next time, stay creative, keep experimenting, and most importantly, have fun in the kitchen!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat music)- Greetings, my beautifullovelies, it's Emmy.How are you?It's great to see you and welcome back.Today's video is sponsored by Native,the makers of aluminum-free, paraben-free,animal cruelty-free andvegan deodorants that work.My husband has been usingNative for a while nowand we love it and it works great.Even after exercise, it giveshim 72 hours of protection.It smells great.There are lots of differentscents to choose from.My husband's favorite scent is this one.This is the Charcoaland this is the plastic-free packaging.Love this packaging.This is the 2.0 version, and 92% of usersof the plastic-free packaging prefer thisincluding my husband.You push it up from thebottom and you apply it.It goes on smoothly and cleanlyand it dries quickly and it smells great.It's a smell that I associatewith my clean, fresh husband.When you're ready to put it away,give it a tap and replace the lid.Whoop, we also got Aloe andGreen Tea and Unscented.Aloe and Green Tea, it smells lovely too.Light and clean smellingwithout being overly perfumey.We really like the plastic-free packaging.With each deodorant you're saving 37 gramsof single-use plasticfrom going into landfillsand Native sources theirpaper for the packagingfrom responsibly managed forests.And Native is also a proud partner ofOne Percent for the Planet,committing 1% of the plastic-free salesto environmental nonprofits.Native also has a seasonal line of scentsincluding the Naughty and Nice Linewhich includes scents likeeggnog and candy cane.So three plastic-freedeodorants normally go for $39,but use my code Emmy9and receive them for 26.Big thanks to Native sponsoring this videoand for allowing me to makebetter videos for all of you.So today lovelies, we'regonna be going back in timeand attempting to recreateMcDonaldland cookies.Now, these were cookiesthat were sold at McDonald'sand I believe in sometime in the 1990s,they were discontinued.They came in a box.I don't recall ever eating them.I believe they were chocolate chip cookiesand ones that were a bitlike animal crackers.And looking back at thephotos on the internetthe boxes do look very, very familiar.So recently, I did a couple taste testsof McDonald's Happy Meals,including the Adult Happy Mealand the Halloween McBoo Happy Meals.And in the comments, a few of you loveliesrequested that I recreatethe McDonaldland cookiesand here I am to do that.So the first thing I did wasgo to eBay and find these.And these are actual vintageMcDonald cookie cuttersthat came in Happy Meals.And these are stamped from 1980.These ones right here, 1980.So these are quite old.These are, yes.How old?These are over 40 years old.Yeah, these are 42 years old.And then I was able tofind this one as well.And this one's a little bit newer.This is from 1986, Ibelieve this is from 1987.So this is Ronald jugglingsome McDonald's spheres.So I'm gonna be using thesecookie cutters to make cookies.I also did this:I made made a McDonaldland cookie box.This box, understandably,is much larger, I believethan what the original was.This, I believe, is from 1970s sometime.But I saw it and thought I'd recreate it.Yeah, went the extra mile and did that.Super-fun, right?So let's make some cookiesto put in our cookie box.But before we make the cookieslet's do a little taste test.These are Benton's animal crackers.Benton's is the brand --the house brand from Aldi.And so many people on the internetsay these taste almost identicalto the original McDonaldlandcookies, which I never had.So just for a little bit of a benchmarklet's give these a taste.These were $3.49, Ibelieve, for 13 ounces.So let's give 'em a taste.Here are the cookies.We have a gorilla, zebra, rhino,looks like part of asheep, part of a monkey.There's a sheep, baboonof some kind, not sure.So in my experience thereare two kind of varietiesof animal crackers.There's ones that aremore harder and less sweetand more like a teething biscuit.And then there are ones thatare kind of more like this,a little bit more likea cookie or shortbread.Ah, let's give this a taste, here we go.(Emmy crunches cookie)The animal cookies that Iremember growing up with --my mom would get themon occasion for me --came in a box with a little string.I believe Nabisco makes them-- correct me if I'm wrong.And these ones taste similar to those,although I remember those onesto be a little bit more crumbly.These are quite firm.They have a kind oflemony-vanilla flavor to themor citrusy-vanilla flavor to them.Quite hard.(Emmy crunches cookie)Lightly sweetened, butnot the other varietyof animal cracker, which are,like I said, more cracker-ish.I prefer this kind. And, pretty good!They also kinda have a shortbready,but slightly dissolvablecrumb texture to them,not as crumbly as a shortbread.A little firmer.So since I don't have theoriginal sort of taste,we're gonna use thisas our little benchmarkto see how successfulour homemade version is.So let's go ahead and get started.So the recipe I'm gonna be adapting todaycomes from Bigger BOLDER Baking,and I'll put a link downbelow to the original.Alrighty, in a large bowl,because we are grown up andwe know that a large bowlis good for using an electric mixer with,we're gonna be creaming someroom temperature butter.And I'm gonna be usingjust a little over a stick.Make sure the butteris at room temperatureso we can mix it easily.Now to the butter, we'regonna be adding some sugarand some honey.That was a quarter cup of sugarand two tablespoons of honey.This is honey that cameout of my own hives.If you haven't seen my beekeeping videos,that's on my other channel.It's from a few years ago,but I still do keep bees.You can check that out.I'll put a link to it down below.I'm gonna cream this togetheruntil it's light and fluffyand pale yellow in color.(electric whisk whirs)(gentle music)A little tip, if your butter is cold,one way to get it up to room temperatureis to place your butter on a plateand then have a glass ofboiling water next to it.Then cover the whole thing with a bowl.Let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes,and your butter will be niceand soft, but not melted.Right, light and creamy.And now we're gonna add one egg(egg shell cracks)and one teaspoon of extract.Now from the King Arthur Flourwebsite, I learned of this.This is Princess Cake &Cookie bakery emulsion.Have you ever heard of this before?I had not.And they said that this is the smell....(oven beeps)Apparently my oven is ready,and it wants to interruptme, but that's all right,it's all good.This is the magic ingredientto getting that lemonycookie flavor that you findin animal crackers.And I don't know why it'scalled Princess Cake & Cookie.And it's an emulsion, it's not an extract.So there's gotta be someartificial flavors in that.I don't know.We wanna get the authentictaste, so we're doing this.Alrighty, one teaspoon of fresh Princess.Whoa, look, it comes out like that.That's why it's called an emulsion.Look, it's like milky,woo-hoo-hoo, okay --in that goes.... And whisk that in!(electric whisk whirs)Scrape down the sides.When I looked on the box of Benton'sit just says natural flavoring;doesn't say specifically what kind.So maybe that is the secret, right?Okay, now we need oneteaspoon of baking powder.My one teaspoon is coveredwith Princess Cake.So let's use two half teaspoonsand we're gonna add some flour, two cupsand we're gonna graduallyadd this in as well,and that's basically our dough.(electric whisk whirs)(gentle music)This is getting pretty tough.So I think the rest I'm gonna do by hand.So once we form this into a doughwe are going to wrap it and let it restfor half an hour or so, andthat makes it easier to handle.And we're also gonna putit in the refrigeratorand that'll firm up the butter a bit.So chilling it, that willstiffen the dough up a bitand make it easier to cut out.All right, I'll see you in a little bit.(gentle music)Alrighty lovelies, letus roll out our dough.Now, the way my cookie cutters are,there's a lot of detailin these cookie cuttersand I'm imagining thatthey're gonna want to stick.So I'm gonna make sure Iflour these really welland make sure that thedough is not too thickso that these will be hard to extricate.We shall see.I think I'm gonna workwith half this at a time.It's a lot of dough.And use some flour to dusteverything so nothing sticks.And make sure to move the dough constantlyso that it too doesn't stick,thick enough to get the impressionof all of these details,but not so thick that mycutter will get buried.So I'm gonna use a pastry brushand really get flour intoall those nooks and crannies of Grimace.And when I bought these on eBaythere was some residual doughso I made sure to givethese a very good cleaning.There's some vintage cookiedough in there as well.Let's see how this works.All right Grimace, here we go.All right, I hope you come out.Well, dough's in there.Now, how do we get the cookie out?Okay, this is looking good.Okay, here we go.Yes, come on, come on Grimace,we gotta get your name.Dah-dah, hooray!Look, perfect cookie.Yes, Grimace looks so good.Yes, yes, yes.I even got his mouth.Ha, ha, ha.Okay, yes, I'm so pleased.Okay, let's see if we can getsimilar results with Ronald.So again, flour all thoselittle nooks and crannies.Flour the surface with the dough a bit.And let's try to get Ronald in here.Lift, ooh, this one justcame out on its own.Nice, ooh, okay.Yes, this one turned outlovely as well, dah-dah!Ronald, oh my goodness, yes.Now, let's do juggling Ronald.I don't think he's, Idon't know, is he juggling?Press hard, so we get all those details.Okay, here we go, lift.Okay, this one, like Grimace,looks like it's a little bit stuck.Oh no, at least this part's lifting out.Okay, good, this one hasmore detail in the hands.Come on, this one's a little sketch.Oh, whoa.This one has a ton of detail.Oh my goodness.This one was very hmm, itfought me a little bit,because of the feet and thedeep little, tiny hands.But we did get a wholeone, but we got one.Yeah, alrighty.So I'm gonna continue doingthis and my light is falling.Alrighty, so I'm gonna pop theseinto a preheated 350 degree ovenand bake them for 12-15minutes until they are bakedbut not too golden.And then we're gonna letthem cool for 15 minutesbefore we give them a taste.Alrighty, see you whenthese cookies are done.(gentle music)Alrighty my lovelies, myhomemade McDonald land cookiesare finished and they look so good.Look at 'em.So stinking great.They did not spread at all,and they smell terrific.I smell more of a kind ofvanilla scent as they were bakingas opposed to that lemony scent.Look at this box.I love it so much.My box turned out so greatand I will fill it up with the cookiesonce they're completely cooled.But let's go ahead and give them a taste.Now, Grimace was my favorite.It's so cute.And this one was more finicky,because there was more detailslike the little toes andhands wanted to get stuckin the cookie cutter.But the McDonald's ones came out great.Lots of detail and let's give 'em a taste.I'm gonna eat Grimace,Grimace is my favorite.Alrighty, let's give'em a taste, here we go.Itadakimasu!Hmm, the first thing I noticedis that it's lacking that big crunch.The crunch of theBenton's animal crackers.Hmm, 37 more seconds.Granted, these are still slightly warm.Maybe they'll stiffen up a bit moreonce they're completely cold.But the flavor is really good.I think the princesscake and cookie emulsiontastes very similar to the Benton's.In fact, let me grab one of those.(Emmy crunches cookie)And see how that's so crunchy.Much crunchier.And now that I've tastedit a little bit sweeterthese are very light on the sweetnesswhich I like, especially ifyou're gonna be giving theseto young children.Oh, okay.These are done.And what's also different from these,these have a little bit moreof a shortbready texturea little bit more crumbly, anda really great butter flavorwhich doesn't exist in my opinion,in the animal crackers or the Benton onesor what I imagine theMcDonald's cookies taste like.Having said that, this is a good cookie.If I were to make these againI would use a little bit more extract.I just used one teaspoon,I would use one and a half.I'd never used this before,so I didn't know howstrong it was going to be.But in terms of flavorprofile, it tastes exactlylike an animal cookie,which is a combination to meof a lemony flavor, aslightly vanilla nuttinessand just a hint of kindof a nutmegy spice.In terms of recipe, this is a good cookie,but it is not an exact dupeof the animal crackers,perhaps rolled out a little bit thinnerso they're a littlebit crisper and harder,or made with margarine instead of butter.I really taste the butterin these, which I quite likemakes 'em taste likeshortbread, but it doesn't tastelike an animal cracker, whichI feel tastes more neutral.It's more about this flavoringthan the buttery flavor.Having said that, thesecookies are deliciousand the cookie cutters worked out great.I was expecting a lot ofdough getting stuck in these,but did not.Alrighty my lovelies.Thanks so much for watching.And big thanks to Nativefor sponsoring this video.Three plastic-free deodorantsnormally go for $39,but if you use my code, EmmyMade9you can receive them for 26.Thanks again for watching.I hope you enjoyed that one.I hope you learned something.Please share this video with your friends.Follow me on social media,like this video, subscribeand I shall see you in the next one.(bell dings)Toodaloo!Take care, bye!(uptempo violin music)(paper bag rustles)(Emmy trills)\n"