100 LAYERS of Fidget Spinners

We're Finally Making Fidget Spinners Sobaically We Are at Walmart Can Tell and Its Midnightand It's Like Midnight Almost Wedecided Instead of Doing Hot Glue We Are Going to Just Stick A Bunch Of These On To The Metal Rod Instead And Then Like Have 100 Spinners Be Like That Because The Hot Glue Ones That You Saw Earlier Was Just A Disaster So This Is The New One Cut Back To The White Table Timelapse Lets Do Itso Me and Matt Are Back From Walmartthis 100 Layers of Spinners Is Actually Going to Work I Bought Wooden Rods Because Glue We Thought Would Do ItI Thought Hot Glue Would Do It No ShotSo We're Going to Make Them All Spin And Actually Stand Up I Thought These Wooden Rods Would Be Good That Took a Lot More Effort Than I Thought So What We Got Is This Metal Rod Here Yeah No Its Actually Metal So Matt Walk Us Through Like Dude Whats The Plan Here You Came Up With This Last Minute Weregonna Go We Bought Some Washers Wegot All the Washers and It's Gonna Go Spinnerwasher Spinner Washer and It Should Be Perfect So The Reason Why Were Doing That Is Right Now We Can't Pick These Up Because Its So Heavy So We Got A Metal Rod For Support And With Like This Washer Thing All The Spinners Are Gonna Spin And We Should Be Able To Get Them All Standing And It Really Sucks When You Spent a Lot of Time Hot Gluing Were Here Got All The Glued Spinners Detached Matt Whats The Next Moves Here Bro Thenext Moves Washers So We're Just Going to Hot Glue These Washers On Here Just To Get Them To Stay Oh Thats A Fat Amount Of Glue Bro So We Got Two Washers Here AndThen We Go Fidget Spinner Fidget Widget Oh My God Washer Here's Another Two Washers And ThenWe Got Do That 100 Times So That's Pretty Much What Were Doing Thats The Next Hourwhat Hell Was That Matt Grab That End I Got This End Lets Try To Spin It For The First Time We DidIt Were Glad That The Washer Idea Worked I'm So Happy Matt Came Up With The Washer Idea And Helped Us Out Oh Guys Wedid ItWe Have 100 Layers of Fidget Spinners And Its Actually A 100 You Can Count Itso This Weighs a Ton I'm Just Being RealWith You Guys If This Like Hot Glue Tip Breaks It Broke Once Before No Joke This Might Be The Third Time Were Doing ThisAll These Spinners Are Just Going OffThis Rod So I'm Gonna Weigh It The Rod Weights About 10 Ounces Because Measured It Lets Just See Roughly WhatIt Is Its About Like 14 Almost 15 Pounds I'm Just Holding It With Like My Fingertip This Is Legit The Worlds Heaviest Fidget Spinner Stack I Doubt You Guys Can See This But There Is Actually 100 Fidget Spinners It Goes Like Above The Camera But There Is A Hundred It's LegitThis Is ArtLike At This Point We Made A 100 Layers of Art Spinner BoyIs Finally At Home Like If You Comesee Us On The Street Just Ask Us For A Spinner Well Take One Off The Kabob Here And Bam You're Hooked Up So Guys That's Like The 100 Layers Of Fidget Spinners I'm Actually Heading To New York Next Week For My Birthday If You Guys Can Help Me Find This Dude The Fidget Widget Guy The Guy That Loves Spinners Im Gonna Bring This If You Guys CanHelp Me Find Him Just Tweet Me At Techsmartt IfYou Know Where He Is I Don't Know If He Owns A Phone He's Gonna Freak Out So Yeah Guys That's Pretty Much It For This Awesome Fidget Tower That Matt And Me Made Thank You So Much Awesome Drummer And Majestic For Having My Notifications On If You Guys Want An Notification Shoutout Turn On My Notifications And Let Me Know In The Comments Subscribe If You're New For Like More Insane Videos Like ThisAnd Fidget Widget Love With The Fidget Widget

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enAh! yes sir!hey what's up guys Keaton here, so if you've been subedbeen subscribed for a while you knowI love if I can get it, you know I lovethe hundred layers challenge I did ahundred layers of iPhone cases and ahundred layers of iphone screens you guysfreaking love it and I love making thesevideos so it got me thinking like Keatonwhat's popular right now? These fidgetspinners. So I don't know if you guys arepicking up what I'm putting down but howabout 100 layers of fidget spinnersso yeah guys this right here is 100 layersof fidget spinners I don't know if youguys can tell here but your boy when hefirst did this he messed up he usedgorilla glue. So, I've been learning Ithink I got this down and if everythinggoes right I should be making theworld's largest fidget spinner whichwould be insane. So here is a 120fidget spinners. I got some extras justincase one breaks or something likethat. We're going to be using a ton ofhot glue so much hot glue this is all Ihavewhere is the hot glue? We're going to beusing so much hot glue to pull this offI think we can do it I think I got agood plan down that's really it with these100 layers videos, so let's just getgoing. So if there's one thing that I'velearned from all these hundred layervideos, is you need help and I know a lotof you are like Keaton, it's good youfinally realize you need some help dudebut I got Matt here to help me just takeall these out I'm gonna need as muchhelp as I can getare you ready? Do it! Let's do it! We'regonna' do a time lapseso me and Matt got them all out of the boxbut the fun has just begun... I don't knowwhat I got myself into I really wish wehad two hot glue guns like just thinkingthis through now. Realistically I'm justgonna' hot glue my eyes shut because thisis gonna be insanelet's try to just do one and see if thehot glue works I'm gonna be so upset if Igotta' go get gorilla glue. I'm gonna justI'm gonna' be so upset, and I really hope I don'tmess up the table. Okay, okayhere we go, there we go, we got our firstspinners here. There we go. Two layers offidgets spinners . All right, well, this isgonna take a little while so, time foranother time lapse . That's so sick they all move each otherwhen I try to move like one okay becarefulno! I had it! Keaton's in 8th andliterally just gotit's literally the last turn. Alright, I might suck at theNintendo switch but come on xbox liveI'm just at techsmartt if you don't have anyadded I will destroy you in Call of Dutybut not Nintendo Switch . That's hotow, that's so hot! Hot glue that's legit whythey call it hot glue . I got 10 piles ofa hundred spinners each putting all ofthem together is the hardest part but Ithink we can do it if we got 10 piles of10 spinners each 100 layers let's gothey're tipping already I hope we canactually pull this off. I bet you thatyou will not get more than 50 stacked on top ofeach other. All right, I'm prettyconfident that I will, just kidding onesalready toppling, umm. Loser gets their eartased by the iPhone taser . This is, this is up. On snapchat?On snapchat. Alright, just make sure you're following us onsnapchat to see that. All right done. Ah thisis 30 I don't know why I thought thefidgets spinners were a lot smaller thanthey were. Can you just use two hands now Mattoh, there goes my ear. Oh my god like thislet's go it like it this. Can I get a redoon the bet please? You lost the bet already . Yeah, no wejust gotta go like this, no we legit justhave to go like thisand we got it. So Keaton lost the bet and he's going to gettased on snapchat. But when they fellover they landed like this I meana good idea like that's a good ideathat just happened honestly I'm so happythey designed the fidgets spinner likethis, this is crazinessthank you whoever came up with thisthank you. Time lapse .. Guys, this is actually turning outamazing. I can't believe it I got likewhat 20 left? Please work. It, it's workinghere it is working but now we actuallyneed to stand it up and that is thescariest part with any 100 layers so be it!video. Okay so here we go, let's do thebig count on 100 layers of fidgetspinners because I want to make sureit's a 100. 1,2,3,4,55, 16,17,18,19,20,35,36,37,38,39,50,51did I skip over 40's? . You can't make itup. Yeah, I was going to make a joke, but it justno joke needs to be made, no joke needsto be made . So, I actually counted and went toschool there's 98 so Keaton's going to Keaton'sjust gonna glue them on and not say anythingelse. Whoo! we got a 100 layers offidget spinners. Now here comes the hardpart we actually have to pick it up sobasically we are at Walmart you can tell and its midnightand it's like midnight almost and wedecided instead of doing the hot gluewe are going to just stick a bunch ofthese on to the metal rod instead andthen like have 100 spinners be like thatbecause the hot glue ones that you sawearlier, was just a, disaster. So this is the newone. Cut back to the white table, timelapse. Let's do itso me and Matt are back from Walmartthis 100 layers of spinners isactually going to work. I bought woodenrods because glue we thought would do itI thought hot glue would do it, no shotso we're going to make them all spin andactually stand up I thought these woodenrods would be good . That took a lot moreeffort than I thought so what we got isthis metal rod here. Yeah no it'sactually metal so Matt walk us throughlike dude what's the plan here you youcame up with this last minute. We'regonna' go we bought some washers. Wegot all the washers, and it's gonna' go spinnerwasher, spinner, washer andit should be perfect. So the reason why we'redoing that is right now we can't pickthese up because it's so heavy. So we gota metal rod for support and with likethis washer thing, all the spinners aregonna' spin, and we should be able toget them all standing, and it reallysucks when you spent a lot of time hotgluing. We have to rip every spinnerapart now. Time lapseso we got all the glued spinners, detachedMatt, what's the next moves here bro? Thenext moves, washers. So we're just going tohot glue these washers on here just toget them to stay. Oh thats a fat amount ofglue bro. So we got two washers here andthen we gofidget spinner, fidget widget oh my godwasher, here's another two washers, and then... we got dothat 100 times. So that's pretty muchwhat we're doing that's the next hour.what the hell was thatMatt, grab that end, I got this end let'stry to spin it for the first time we didit. We got it!The glue was the worst idea everI'm so happy Matt came up with thewasher idea and helped us out. Oh guys wedid itwe have 100 layers of fidget spinnersand it's actually a 100, you cancount itso this weighs a ton. I'm just being realwith you guys if this like hot glue tipbreaks, it broke once before no joke thismight be the third time we're doing thisall these spinners are just going offthis rod. So I'm going to weigh it therod weighs about 10 ounces because wemeasured it, let's just see roughly whatit is. It's about like 14, almost 15pounds I'm just holding it with like myfingertip this is legit the world'sheaviest fidget spinner stack. I doubt youguys can see this, but there isactually 100 fidget spinners, it goes like abovethe camera but there is a hundred, it's legitthis is art. Like at this point we made a100 layers of art. Spinner-boyis finally, at home. Like if you comesee us on the street just ask us for aspinner we'll take one off the kabobhere, and bam you're hooked up. So guysthat's like the 100 layers of fidgetspinners. I'm actually heading to NewYork next week for my birthday if youguys can help me find this dude thefidget widget guy, the guy that lovesspinnersI'm gonna bring this. If you guys canhelp me find him just tweet me at techsmartt ifyou know where he is. I don't know if he owns aphone, he's gonna freak out. So yeah guys that's pretty much it for thisawesome fidget tower that Matt and memade. Thank you so much awesome drummer andmajestic for havingmy notifications on. If you guys want anotification shoutout, turn on mynotifications and let me know in thecomments. Subscribe if you're new forlike more insane videos like thisand fidget widget love. With the fidget widgetlove. So Keaton says he can handle basicallyany hot sauce, I hate my life. If you've everseen hot ones on YouTube this is thenumber this is the most hot, hot sauce wegot it, we gonna try\n"