Feathery Live Product Demo with Peter Dun _ AIMinds #013 Part 2

The Associated Value: Unpacking the Technology Behind Feathery's AI-Powered Form Collection

The associated value is a key concept that refers to the market value of a company, name, or product. In the context of Feathery, this means that the technology behind their form collection platform has significant value. The user interface may not be visible to the end-user, but it's what happens on the backend that matters.

The backend is where the magic happens, and it's here that Feathery's AI-powered extraction capabilities come into play. When a user uploads a form, such as an investment statement, the system asks specific questions about the data contained within. This may seem like a simple task, but it's actually a complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors.

For instance, the system must be able to identify the type of data being uploaded and determine whether it meets certain criteria. If the data is deemed suitable, it will be extracted and processed for further analysis. This process may seem automated, but it's actually the result of a series of intricate steps that require human oversight.

The key to Feathery's success lies in its ability to collect and analyze unstructured data from forms. By using AI-powered extraction capabilities, the platform can transform raw data into structured information that can be easily understood by machines. This data is then merged with other form data, allowing for more complex analysis and processing.

One of the most significant benefits of Feathery's technology is its ability to integrate with 100 different integrations. This means that the extracted data can be seamlessly connected to various systems and applications, enabling a wide range of use cases and potential applications. The platform's flexibility and scalability are a major draw for companies looking to streamline their operations.

Design System: A Key Component of Feathery's Success

At its core, Feathery is built around the concept of a design system. This refers to the collection of principles, guidelines, and standards used to create consistent and beautiful user experiences across all platforms. The design system is essentially a set of rules that govern how forms should be built, ensuring that they are visually appealing and intuitive.

The design system is connected to a theme, which serves as a template for building forms. This theme can include things like fonts, colors, and styling properties, as well as assets such as buttons and other UI elements. By using this theme, developers can create forms that are consistent with the company's brand identity.

Feathery has made it easy to import designs from Figma or other design tools, streamlining the process for companies looking to get started with their platform. This feature is a major convenience for businesses, allowing them to quickly and easily onboard their teams and start building high-quality forms.

The experience of using Feathery's platform is deeply rooted in its commitment to design excellence. Every aspect of the platform has been carefully crafted to provide an exceptional user experience, from the moment the form is uploaded until it is processed and integrated with other systems. This focus on design is what sets Feathery apart from other platforms and makes it a standout choice for companies looking to improve their operations.

A Mic Drop Moment: The Feathery Experience

The conversation with the representative was a true highlight of my time at the conference. It was clear that they were passionate about what they were doing, and I left feeling inspired by the potential of Feathery's technology.

At one point during the conversation, the representative mentioned the Auto Import feature, which is designed to run through a company's existing design system and generate a theme from it. This feature is a game-changer for companies looking to streamline their workflow and get started with Feathery quickly.

The final takeaway from our conversation was the importance of design in the platform's development. The representative emphasized that design is at the core of what makes Feathery successful, and it's something that sets them apart from other platforms. By focusing on creating beautiful and intuitive user experiences, Feathery has built a loyal following of companies looking to improve their operations.

A Little More Design: Unifying Form Data

As we moved beyond the AI-powered extraction capabilities, the representative touched on the topic of design systems and how they are used to unify form data. According to them, this is an essential aspect of what makes Feathery successful.

The concept of a design system is closely tied to the idea of themes in Feathery. A theme serves as a template for building forms, ensuring that they are consistent with the company's brand identity. By using these themes, developers can create forms that are not only visually appealing but also follow a set of established guidelines.

This process allows companies to import their existing design systems into Feathery and use them to streamline their workflow. The representative mentioned that this feature is called Auto Import, which uses machine learning to run through the company's existing designs and generate a theme from it. This means that companies can get started with Feathery quickly and easily, without having to start from scratch.

Feathery's approach to design is a key differentiator in an increasingly crowded market. By focusing on creating beautiful and intuitive user experiences, they have built a loyal following of companies looking to improve their operations.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enso we are here with a YouTube exclusive of the AI Minds podcast we've got Peter the CEO and co-founder of feathery and we're going to walk through the feathery product because as we had the conversation on the podcast it was so visual that I thought let's see what it looks like in practice and for those that do not know and didn't actually watch the episode or listen to us having our conversation on the podcast feathery is a form Builder it's basically one of the most powerful form Builders and workflow Builders you can get on the market and it shines in heavily regulated Industries like financial services and Healthcare Peter I'm really excited to actually see the product what do you got for us man yeah man let's uh let's Dive In uh cool so uh so we're actually in the feathery uh dashboard right now this is where the magic happens uh where you're building the actual form so I'll start by kind of walking you through the process of building these forms and then we'll go into the actual workflow piece of things uh where AI comes in like how we're extracting data and integrating with all these different systems um so this is the form Builder um so on the left side you have the different steps of your form I'm actually showing you feather's own sign up in onboarding flow so when you sign up for the product this is actually the form that you're filling out um so on the left side you have like the different steps of the form uh in the middle you have the canvas where you're actually building the form uh it's all drag and drop we have over 20 different field types that you can use uh to build this out right so I can just like drop something in there and it's in there on the right side I can style the form uh style the individual components configure the properties you know create detailed constraints on the you know fields and the type of data that we're collecting uh feathery is by default mobile responsive um you can design for the design for the mobile interface as well and customize the experience um honestly I describe feather in many ways as a cross between webflow and retool we have kind of the visual capabilities of webflow and then we have a lot of the powerful logic capabilities of retool so once you've made your changes uh just click publish you know changes God in real time to your users uh you can view the form uh on feathery side you know will host uh all the forms for you or you can also embed the form into your product directly we also support drafts so you can make your changes and draft inv versioning so you can make your changes you can roll back to a previous version uh you can restore you know the last published version yeah so to give you kind of detailed change management control here so there's a few things I I want to ask right away and one is about that data validation that was one thing that we talked about in the conversation that we had with each other and how important it is to make sure that the data is clean and you're getting valid data especially when you're getting gigantic PDFs that are coming through or different voice notes or memos that are coming through so how does that work yeah absolutely so uh the first thing I say is right like just like from like a configuration perspective there's a ton you can do in terms of constraining the set of information that you're looking to collect right you have all the same like Min length max length allow characters you can even create a custom mask for collecting the uh data that you're uh looking for right like um I could use a mask like this and basically specify like hey I'm looking to collect three sets of two digits each and this becomes like a a date picker type format um you can create Uh custom validation rules uh you know fully flexible like or and if else format um for comparing across multiple Fields um different types of data here as well um and then this is just more of the basic stuff um we actually support what we call Advanced logic um which I'll kind of take you into right here um so you can actually create custom rules that run at different points in your form life cycle like you know when a step is submitted or when a form is when a step is loaded or field value is changed and you know you can be specific about like the things that are actually going to trigger uh this Ro to run and uh you know we have a no code and like a fully like code editor piece of this the no code piece again you can create like custom actions and validation rules uh in like a conditional format for validating all the data that's coming in uh you can even we even support a code sandbox um where you can write uh fully custom uh code like code uh JavaScript code to to validate your your information like I could be like hey you know like I'm going to get the value of like the text area field um you know like I'm going to like pull the information from uh you know my Salesforce instance like maybe I have a list of accounts right there obviously not like uh runnable code but you know like I I can like get a response from like Salesforce and then you know I can be like hey is the value that the user entered in like a valid account in my Salesforce inance like yeah sorry I won't get too detailed into the code but you know you can be like if it's like not equal then like you know we're going to like send an alert on the field like if that makes sense so yeah you can get like really complex with like how you want to uh you know do data validation for the information so and so this uh automatically well you just connect your different Integrations whether it's your Salesforce that you're using and then from here that works exactly so um FEA offers um like hundreds of Integrations uh ranging from like your standard like emails right analytics like your scheduling and databases excels spreadsheets um emails uh you know like email providers um all the way to like more like uh premium Integrations like uh authentication providers more financial services focused platforms like K tools like um telesign you can even run ID verification natively in uh the feathery platform you can integrate plaid um you know and these become a little more like Financial Services specific but um yeah there's a ton you can do here and then the cool thing is you know I could connect my Salesforce um here you know as an integration and then I can write uh a custom rule on then in my code editor that uses the Salesforce integration that I just connected and one other piece that we got into a lot when we were having our conversation was about the AB testing and so how you can not only AB test but get the results of which ab test is actually worth keeping and going with so I see there's like an analytics tab there I imagine that has something to do with AB testing NOP absolutely uh a core piece of feathery right like you're able to build all these super custom forms but then you want to understand right like how are these forms doing like I'm running my experiments and uh you know like you know how many people are like looking at my form like where like where are they dropping off like where they how how long are they taking like um how many people are completing the form so feathery offers just natively in feathery like deep analytics on you know like uh how are things performing like how how are your experiments going um so you can kind of understand performance of the product um and then going back uh we offer AB testing natively in feathery um so you're able to you know initiate an AB test and then you know control like the percentage like oh 30% is being served to you know like this you know 30 or one form variant is being served to 30% of users the other variant is being served to like you know another 70% uh and then by tracking analytics in FEA you can pick a winner um so AB testing analytics like that type of functionality is already native in in feathery this is so cool yeah thanks this is yeah it's really like nerding out on forms I never thought I was I would love forms so much but recently it's quite quite topical it's been on the top line just because of different things forms that I've been building and I'm used to Google forms and this is basically like a whole different game than Google forms yeah I I I I think the cool thing about forms is um it's such an underlooked thing like um if you think about your product experience right like most of your experience is actually just forms um but I think people think forms again like they think these are simple surveys and questionnaires but um actually they drive a ton of business value for companies they're just not good enough tooling the market yet to actually support and enhance the types of forms that actually adval business value to companies yeah and how many times have we gone through a form and just been so frustrated that you end up dropping off yeah and how much money has been left on the table for companies because of that yeah that that that's the whole you know kind of thesis behind behind feathery even the name itself feathery right like we were very deliberate we didn't want to you know Google form type form JW form like we were very deliberate and like we want to create a brand a a name you know a feeling for users that like we are trying to compete with you know all the other form builders in the market we're a different type of tool um that actually makes you know the processibility integrating forms lightweight um easy to use and maybe even fun to an extent yeah that's that's so funny feathery now I do understand completely feathery yeah very lightweight and it makes sense so there are AI capabilities in this can you break those down yep absolutely so um the piece I wanted to highlight um in this demo is actually the uh kind of docket intelligence piece of things um so again this is kind of like a simple like test form that uh you know whatever customers was was using so again in this case you know simple form users are uploading documents um so you'll notice that like one of the actions that's being run when once these documents are uploaded is the docent extraction uh which automatically runs under the hood um so if you go to the AI tab of feathery um there's a extraction already in place um and kind of going into one of the extractions that was already run um this is a sample statement and you can see on the left side they're kind of creating questions for the types of data that they're looking for from the document whether that's like the total account value or something more complex like know give me like all the relevant like equities their names their Mar Market values the cost bases um and then based on the questions um that they create we'll automatically parse the document and also tell tell them like hey here's where we got the information from um so you know on the left side right you're like oh like you know let me take a look at uh otter um and then you can be like oh yeah like the equity here um the associated value like the name like the uh market value it's all here let me see if I'm understanding this correctly so basically there's questions on the backend that the user is not seeing the user is just seeing a question or something that says upload a form that it tells you what form specifically to upload and so this could be me as an as a regular old investor you know josmo investor and I've got my investment statements exactly and so then I upload that it is in the form of a PDF and on the back end you as the company can say okay now I want to know all of this basically like I want to know all these questions and is it in this form and if so make sure to cite it and show me exactly where it is in the form exactly um so you know it's the user right you have this totally custom experience uh for collecting their information uh and then you hook it up to your AI extraction on the back end on the back end right you have all the all the configuration you've set up uh to be like all right like you know here's the type of data that we're looking for like here are the questions that we're asking asking you know like we want to classify documents and depending on the classification of the document we want to ask like different types of questions right and then like all that data gets automatically populated into your system uh you're able to review the actual extractions at this point uh to kind of understand like uh you know like where information was pulled from you know like uh and then the cool thing is this data actually gets merged with the normal form data that the you collect from the user and then you can run Logic on it you can conditionally Hider show different things on it from it you can send this data to your you know 100 different Integrations if you want you can do the same thing with the data here that you can with the collected form data because basically you're taking that unstructured data you're making it structured and then you can pipe it into all these Integrations exactly we unify the actual like form data that we're directly collecting from the user wow well this is fascinating you got anything else that will uh just be the mic TR moment because up until now man I'm pretty Blown Away uh thanks man I I I appreciate it uh you know last thing I'll just kind of highlight a little bit this is getting away from the AI piece a little bit more but um this coming back to like kind of the design system of feathery right like the The Experience how it looks yeah I did notice that it was very beautifully done yeah design is a core piece of uh it is one of the core values of feathery is um because of how visual this stuff is right like um as a company the types of forms you have to be able to build right like they have to look beautiful and delightful to the end user in in feae you have this concept of a design system uh which we call a theme and so every form that you build is connected to a theme and the theme is essentially like you know here's all my like fonts and colors and and styles and you can even create assets which are like you know maybe you have like four kinds of of buttons that um you want to be using in your form and you can create all those buttons um in your theme uh with like different sets of lifestyling and properties and then once you connect one of your forms to the theme um the entire form will kind of inherit the styling from that theme you can use like the components from that theme um it basically allows a company to import their entire design system into feathery one time and then all the forms that they built from that onwards will feel completely on brand um because it's been I can't import this from figma can I uh we actually have an Auto Import uh feature as well so um we'll actually go into like a figmo or say like your site um our bot will essentially like uh run through your styling system and understand like oh like you know here's like their fonts like here are their like colors um and then we'll automatically generate a theme for you from that as well then there's the last thing that I kind of wanted to highlight but uh yeah those are just some of the main main points well this has been super cool and I thank you for doing this I kind of put you on the spot after we had the conversation I said can you just give me a demo because what you were explaining sounded so cool and I wanted to see it visually represented they said yeah I mean I I hate I I love doing it um you know I think it's a it's a cool product I I love showing it off so appreciate you giving me me that opportunity to congrats on what you built thank youso we are here with a YouTube exclusive of the AI Minds podcast we've got Peter the CEO and co-founder of feathery and we're going to walk through the feathery product because as we had the conversation on the podcast it was so visual that I thought let's see what it looks like in practice and for those that do not know and didn't actually watch the episode or listen to us having our conversation on the podcast feathery is a form Builder it's basically one of the most powerful form Builders and workflow Builders you can get on the market and it shines in heavily regulated Industries like financial services and Healthcare Peter I'm really excited to actually see the product what do you got for us man yeah man let's uh let's Dive In uh cool so uh so we're actually in the feathery uh dashboard right now this is where the magic happens uh where you're building the actual form so I'll start by kind of walking you through the process of building these forms and then we'll go into the actual workflow piece of things uh where AI comes in like how we're extracting data and integrating with all these different systems um so this is the form Builder um so on the left side you have the different steps of your form I'm actually showing you feather's own sign up in onboarding flow so when you sign up for the product this is actually the form that you're filling out um so on the left side you have like the different steps of the form uh in the middle you have the canvas where you're actually building the form uh it's all drag and drop we have over 20 different field types that you can use uh to build this out right so I can just like drop something in there and it's in there on the right side I can style the form uh style the individual components configure the properties you know create detailed constraints on the you know fields and the type of data that we're collecting uh feathery is by default mobile responsive um you can design for the design for the mobile interface as well and customize the experience um honestly I describe feather in many ways as a cross between webflow and retool we have kind of the visual capabilities of webflow and then we have a lot of the powerful logic capabilities of retool so once you've made your changes uh just click publish you know changes God in real time to your users uh you can view the form uh on feathery side you know will host uh all the forms for you or you can also embed the form into your product directly we also support drafts so you can make your changes and draft inv versioning so you can make your changes you can roll back to a previous version uh you can restore you know the last published version yeah so to give you kind of detailed change management control here so there's a few things I I want to ask right away and one is about that data validation that was one thing that we talked about in the conversation that we had with each other and how important it is to make sure that the data is clean and you're getting valid data especially when you're getting gigantic PDFs that are coming through or different voice notes or memos that are coming through so how does that work yeah absolutely so uh the first thing I say is right like just like from like a configuration perspective there's a ton you can do in terms of constraining the set of information that you're looking to collect right you have all the same like Min length max length allow characters you can even create a custom mask for collecting the uh data that you're uh looking for right like um I could use a mask like this and basically specify like hey I'm looking to collect three sets of two digits each and this becomes like a a date picker type format um you can create Uh custom validation rules uh you know fully flexible like or and if else format um for comparing across multiple Fields um different types of data here as well um and then this is just more of the basic stuff um we actually support what we call Advanced logic um which I'll kind of take you into right here um so you can actually create custom rules that run at different points in your form life cycle like you know when a step is submitted or when a form is when a step is loaded or field value is changed and you know you can be specific about like the things that are actually going to trigger uh this Ro to run and uh you know we have a no code and like a fully like code editor piece of this the no code piece again you can create like custom actions and validation rules uh in like a conditional format for validating all the data that's coming in uh you can even we even support a code sandbox um where you can write uh fully custom uh code like code uh JavaScript code to to validate your your information like I could be like hey you know like I'm going to get the value of like the text area field um you know like I'm going to like pull the information from uh you know my Salesforce instance like maybe I have a list of accounts right there obviously not like uh runnable code but you know like I I can like get a response from like Salesforce and then you know I can be like hey is the value that the user entered in like a valid account in my Salesforce inance like yeah sorry I won't get too detailed into the code but you know you can be like if it's like not equal then like you know we're going to like send an alert on the field like if that makes sense so yeah you can get like really complex with like how you want to uh you know do data validation for the information so and so this uh automatically well you just connect your different Integrations whether it's your Salesforce that you're using and then from here that works exactly so um FEA offers um like hundreds of Integrations uh ranging from like your standard like emails right analytics like your scheduling and databases excels spreadsheets um emails uh you know like email providers um all the way to like more like uh premium Integrations like uh authentication providers more financial services focused platforms like K tools like um telesign you can even run ID verification natively in uh the feathery platform you can integrate plaid um you know and these become a little more like Financial Services specific but um yeah there's a ton you can do here and then the cool thing is you know I could connect my Salesforce um here you know as an integration and then I can write uh a custom rule on then in my code editor that uses the Salesforce integration that I just connected and one other piece that we got into a lot when we were having our conversation was about the AB testing and so how you can not only AB test but get the results of which ab test is actually worth keeping and going with so I see there's like an analytics tab there I imagine that has something to do with AB testing NOP absolutely uh a core piece of feathery right like you're able to build all these super custom forms but then you want to understand right like how are these forms doing like I'm running my experiments and uh you know like you know how many people are like looking at my form like where like where are they dropping off like where they how how long are they taking like um how many people are completing the form so feathery offers just natively in feathery like deep analytics on you know like uh how are things performing like how how are your experiments going um so you can kind of understand performance of the product um and then going back uh we offer AB testing natively in feathery um so you're able to you know initiate an AB test and then you know control like the percentage like oh 30% is being served to you know like this you know 30 or one form variant is being served to 30% of users the other variant is being served to like you know another 70% uh and then by tracking analytics in FEA you can pick a winner um so AB testing analytics like that type of functionality is already native in in feathery this is so cool yeah thanks this is yeah it's really like nerding out on forms I never thought I was I would love forms so much but recently it's quite quite topical it's been on the top line just because of different things forms that I've been building and I'm used to Google forms and this is basically like a whole different game than Google forms yeah I I I I think the cool thing about forms is um it's such an underlooked thing like um if you think about your product experience right like most of your experience is actually just forms um but I think people think forms again like they think these are simple surveys and questionnaires but um actually they drive a ton of business value for companies they're just not good enough tooling the market yet to actually support and enhance the types of forms that actually adval business value to companies yeah and how many times have we gone through a form and just been so frustrated that you end up dropping off yeah and how much money has been left on the table for companies because of that yeah that that that's the whole you know kind of thesis behind behind feathery even the name itself feathery right like we were very deliberate we didn't want to you know Google form type form JW form like we were very deliberate and like we want to create a brand a a name you know a feeling for users that like we are trying to compete with you know all the other form builders in the market we're a different type of tool um that actually makes you know the processibility integrating forms lightweight um easy to use and maybe even fun to an extent yeah that's that's so funny feathery now I do understand completely feathery yeah very lightweight and it makes sense so there are AI capabilities in this can you break those down yep absolutely so um the piece I wanted to highlight um in this demo is actually the uh kind of docket intelligence piece of things um so again this is kind of like a simple like test form that uh you know whatever customers was was using so again in this case you know simple form users are uploading documents um so you'll notice that like one of the actions that's being run when once these documents are uploaded is the docent extraction uh which automatically runs under the hood um so if you go to the AI tab of feathery um there's a extraction already in place um and kind of going into one of the extractions that was already run um this is a sample statement and you can see on the left side they're kind of creating questions for the types of data that they're looking for from the document whether that's like the total account value or something more complex like know give me like all the relevant like equities their names their Mar Market values the cost bases um and then based on the questions um that they create we'll automatically parse the document and also tell tell them like hey here's where we got the information from um so you know on the left side right you're like oh like you know let me take a look at uh otter um and then you can be like oh yeah like the equity here um the associated value like the name like the uh market value it's all here let me see if I'm understanding this correctly so basically there's questions on the backend that the user is not seeing the user is just seeing a question or something that says upload a form that it tells you what form specifically to upload and so this could be me as an as a regular old investor you know josmo investor and I've got my investment statements exactly and so then I upload that it is in the form of a PDF and on the back end you as the company can say okay now I want to know all of this basically like I want to know all these questions and is it in this form and if so make sure to cite it and show me exactly where it is in the form exactly um so you know it's the user right you have this totally custom experience uh for collecting their information uh and then you hook it up to your AI extraction on the back end on the back end right you have all the all the configuration you've set up uh to be like all right like you know here's the type of data that we're looking for like here are the questions that we're asking asking you know like we want to classify documents and depending on the classification of the document we want to ask like different types of questions right and then like all that data gets automatically populated into your system uh you're able to review the actual extractions at this point uh to kind of understand like uh you know like where information was pulled from you know like uh and then the cool thing is this data actually gets merged with the normal form data that the you collect from the user and then you can run Logic on it you can conditionally Hider show different things on it from it you can send this data to your you know 100 different Integrations if you want you can do the same thing with the data here that you can with the collected form data because basically you're taking that unstructured data you're making it structured and then you can pipe it into all these Integrations exactly we unify the actual like form data that we're directly collecting from the user wow well this is fascinating you got anything else that will uh just be the mic TR moment because up until now man I'm pretty Blown Away uh thanks man I I I appreciate it uh you know last thing I'll just kind of highlight a little bit this is getting away from the AI piece a little bit more but um this coming back to like kind of the design system of feathery right like the The Experience how it looks yeah I did notice that it was very beautifully done yeah design is a core piece of uh it is one of the core values of feathery is um because of how visual this stuff is right like um as a company the types of forms you have to be able to build right like they have to look beautiful and delightful to the end user in in feae you have this concept of a design system uh which we call a theme and so every form that you build is connected to a theme and the theme is essentially like you know here's all my like fonts and colors and and styles and you can even create assets which are like you know maybe you have like four kinds of of buttons that um you want to be using in your form and you can create all those buttons um in your theme uh with like different sets of lifestyling and properties and then once you connect one of your forms to the theme um the entire form will kind of inherit the styling from that theme you can use like the components from that theme um it basically allows a company to import their entire design system into feathery one time and then all the forms that they built from that onwards will feel completely on brand um because it's been I can't import this from figma can I uh we actually have an Auto Import uh feature as well so um we'll actually go into like a figmo or say like your site um our bot will essentially like uh run through your styling system and understand like oh like you know here's like their fonts like here are their like colors um and then we'll automatically generate a theme for you from that as well then there's the last thing that I kind of wanted to highlight but uh yeah those are just some of the main main points well this has been super cool and I thank you for doing this I kind of put you on the spot after we had the conversation I said can you just give me a demo because what you were explaining sounded so cool and I wanted to see it visually represented they said yeah I mean I I hate I I love doing it um you know I think it's a it's a cool product I I love showing it off so appreciate you giving me me that opportunity to congrats on what you built thank you\n"