Pendulum Painting My E36 BMW

do one just for the rear of the car MH so in addition to wind being our enemy we learned uh that the thinner the paint the better cuz when it's thick it can come out and kind of globby like that so glob no good but it adds to the effect I think we're uh on a good track here got one maybe two more colors to go it's time to lay some clear on the beit final color we're getting creative just mixing everything call this one what is it everything in the kitchen sink yeah a little more neon and a little bit more of that just make more vibrant all right oh I don't I didn't I didn't go far enough the car yeah hold it and oo it's doing what I wanted on the trunk yeah might just need to do one more hit from the other side it's like crosshatching it sick the bucket wind yeah look at that so that we can do with the rest of the you can tell that they're a little bit like not they're a little too straight there you go there you go co hell yeah mhm yeah the forklift looks sick too I'm just really impressed that there's not a single drip of paint on that shirt that shirt is brand new what do we think about the the back do we see any areas that need to be filled I kind of love the wing I love the wing I love the trunk like I almost don't want to do anymore I think this this needs a little hit something on on this corner on the T like I feel like this side of the car is pretty much dialed yeah I think that's good oh yeah yellow just kind of helped to fill it in a little bit I can't wait to see it all on tape with the trim on that's when that's when it's going to look best right now it still kind of looks a little weird but I love it I'm a little mad at myself for that one orange squiggly on the side of the door oh that goes so I'm hoping Rudnick crashes into me there and then I forget about it what do you think bad idea I think it looks great I got you some I got my samples for you sick is this our collab shirt yeah I should probably touching when I'm not covered in paint yeah I think it looks sick was dop I have to say it does look pretty good hell yeah hell yeah I don't want to admit it but it's true once you see it with the windows untaped and all the black trim back on it it's going to like bring it all all together is that the car that I drove yeah huh it's going to look actually like really cool now yeah can I clean the interior later I would love that he would hate that you want to paint the interior like this I don't know what you're getting into I don't know about that but go in the interior and just like literally just like wear a full suit and just go everywhere bro clear made this thing pop like crazy it came out sick so next up we get to do the the very very very satisfying oh man I forgot it doesn't have Windows all around it probably look even better if it had windows but we get to unwrap it see what it looks like now without all the taped up stuff put trim pieces on and we'll get to see the full complete look 1 million th% came out better than I ever could have imagined especially doing very minimal research and putting very minimal effort into it I think it's really cool I'm excited about how it looks I'm excited to also maybe try this again in the future with a nicer car it sucks because it came out so good but because this car was painted before there's still little bits of like overspray and just poor taint jobs from the original um paint jobs whoever it but it's a crazy thing this thing is Lally rotted out what we referred to as stinky now I think is one of the coolest looking e36s that I own so tomorrow we'll go ahead and fit up all the rest of the trim pieces we'll get the headlights all cleaned up give this thing it's final full look so we're ready to party total it and hopefully not send it into the pond hope you guys like this video it was a lot of fun doing this figuring out how uh it goes try it tag me see how it comes out and uh yeah osw skid pad soon to be full of pendulum panity 36 is coming at you came out dope with that one y it came out so dope no cat on God might as well do the whole thing you're making custom Vans at the same time you know you when you when

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: eno on the wing welcome to today's video guys where stinkies getting the pink job all right so one of my favorite times of every single year we have everyone come down we hang out of the compound have a bunch of fun right leading up to the LZ Invitational after a hectic year of the World Tour we decided to go back to basics and do an event that is very similar to our original open houses where it's a toy drive car show the week leading up to it the homies are going to be in town bashing some e36s so we got to paint this thing before I head off to PRI even though we're about to sand it I'm going to Decon the paint before I start to fit the new panels F foaming Surface Prep is going to help lift all the contaminants in the paint I don't even think I've ever washed this car I just realized I don't have Windows it'll be all right this is kind of fun I just remember the qu actually going to get water in them though yeah probably the smell on this stuff's awesome it's like you ever you ever it's like your mom's suntan lotion that's the best is that a good explanation yeah I was going to say either like like the waiting room at a dentist's office or something or your mom's Sund lotion or your mom's Next Step iron and Fallout remover there's a lot of iron in this thing huh you guys may have seen on Instagram reals I get sucked in there's these artists that do these awesome pendulum paintings what if I did it on a car went online searched it of course to see if anyone's done it it's been done a few times but the execution isn't what I wanted to look look like so I'm going to do it a little bit differently some might say a little more ghetto some might say a little bit more full but before I do the pendulum paint job I need to have all the panels on the car that are going to stay on it so that's the first step normally I wear tire marks like a badge of honor but in this case cuz it's getting a fresh paint job I would rather start fresh an important thing to know if your car is lined with tire marks and they're not dense that doesn't mean who's chasing you is good that means that you do good leads if you do bad leads and you're choppy chances are your car is going to be dented up and it's going to have a bunch where your doors are pushed in like this maybe even more extreme that's a reflection on yourself obviously it takes a good Chase driver too but buttery leads will get you marks on the door and Grio track spray will take them off I thought stinky was kind of cool when I had all the mismatch colored panels on it but Ray and Josh had some spare time we had some spare white paint and some old body panels from the E36 laying around and before we do the pendulum paint job I kind of wanted the car to have a all matching base so we did a super quick paint job on this I mean for a quick paint job it still looks pretty D good so we're going to get everything fitted up and then sand if you follow me on Instagram you saw I was hunting for a set of 17 by9 BBS style fives which are very rare in my hunt I found a lot of eight 17 by8 style fives literally cheaper than a brand new cast wheel and I've got eight beautiful BBS OEM wheels that fit the E36 perfectly so I can stop borrowing D's Wheels the reason why I'm worried about Wheels right now right now the front wheels rub and I'm trying to make the decision if I need to cut the fenders before we paint them however this is a 45 sidewall I know that a 40 sidewall looks pretty good on these and that should buy us a bit of extra real estate I really really like how these cars look when they have over fenders but I'm trying to not really spend money on this car and I always prefer to go widebody after you already crashed up the factory metal and this thing still got plenty of crashes left in there try that's substantial height difference oh yeah it's almost 3/4 that's like almost an inch it'll make a big difference for uh for clearance mm that inch goes a long way Mike it does specifically one inch only one inch the beauty of this modification is now I can go lower in the front baby doesn't look terrible no more clearance for when you jump at 6 feet hell yeah we didn't have mirrors and I happen to have an E36 M3 shell that had some mirrors on it they're painted they're a little bit chipped or peeled or whatever but the whole car is going to end up getting Rec cleared so the only thing we realized is because they're technically coup mirrors they don't line up right but I think if we drill the holes they'll still be able to bolt up and they'll look half decent from the outside I feel like you can't tell if you didn't know no so panels are on the car it looks complete but before we do the pendulum paint job to make sure the painted here is we're going to need to scuff it sucks in some stuff is like brand new painted but either way it'll get cleared over when we're done to lock in whatever Masterpiece we create so I think is key to making this look good where the other uh pendulum paint jobs I think have missed the Mark is getting coverage accurately on the doors so what I'm going to do is uh alternating pattern where I'm going to jack up the car side to side so that way we get good coverage on like this corner then that corner and with the colors that I'm using I think it will create a really cool effect if it works works out worst case scenario it looks like but I'm going to Total it anyway so now step one Jack to the Moon I feel like it's pretty signature of thinkinking not to have a hood but there's only one shot that we get to do this otherwise we would never be able to have a hood that matches the whole vibe so we're going to paint a hood while we do it who knows maybe we'll cut a hole through it and then that's where the intake will come out or we'll just be like a when it rains thing we throw the hood on but it's kind of important for the full effect I feel I feel like having the hole in there would be sick after the pendulum yeah it would look kind of cool yeah it' be sick when I got stinky I got it a cheap repop wing with it as well so again we only get one shot to do this and I really like the ltw style Wing so we're going to paint the wing along with the car I don't know if we'll have time to mount it so we'll probably just mock it up in place maybe throw some double-sided adhesive on it that way we can capture the full look we pretty much bought out the craft store of all their different colors that are associated with the fade so we're going to do a little test hit with green just to make sure that we get the right size spout I feel pretty good about this like radius the way that I'm going to do it there's going to be a lot of overlapping but this seems like the perfect amount of coverage but uh I have no idea I've never done anything like this before so practice will hopefully help us make it look good that's actually looks like the S15 red right now yeah that's Sean boot's car right there we got McDonald's over here yeah that yellow is just got a gross pigment to it yeah the Orange is just not right I just I want all the colors to like be in the same family you know gut's telling me smaller is better we should use one of the bits that has a pre-starter on it it'll make this easier splatter on the car on the car I'm worried about it splattering on the car you think it's going I'll go lowkey first perfect perfect I feel like that's literally the perfect size hole yeah yeah that works hell yeah and I think one of these bottles is going to be enough per pamel y y I think so too it's going to get Tighter and Tighter during the center yeah which is what we want right you also don't want to run out of paint yeah well we're not using green no I know the green is kind of fire though yeah like right off the bat pretty good yeah I like it oh why why does it get Wiggly at the end oh it is the wind when the wind blows it it up before I think the pattern is too circular so we're going to try again we added a weight to hopefully combat the wind and then I'm going to try to throw it a little bit more like elongated to see how that works oh that was still a pretty good Circle oh got it on the fork but that's definitely less circular yeah still the wind when you get a gust of wind you see how it does the squiggly yeah the wind is blowing the strand of paint while it's in the air that's what's happening so really we should be doing this indoors yeah yes ideally yes also idea the the closer that it is to the car the less chance there is of the wind blowing if it's only blowing the paint stream correct if you have a 4T Gap then it'll blow the paint I'm fine with accepting that risk first up to bat yellow yeah it's going to come out of the cap I'm trying to think of a way to plug the bottom did you just let out a yellow bubble you did I'm just going to send it you ready yeah let's do it oh she's a little squiggly the spray is exactly where I wanted it yeah how's it still getting closer to me bumper coverage all right I love how it like drips down the side yeah yeah ooh the angles on the hood are sick are they yeah I see it kind of like dripping a little bit a little bit but it kind of adds to it yeah it's going to be kind of cool cuz it's going to do that in certain are I got to get ready with the bucket oh the fender line is sick too I'm going to keep letting it roll yeah let it fill that the window is definitely us up yeah it's not matter it's art you're right and three two cap not bad nice all right now let's walk all over the concrete oh yeah that's hard to show on camera the white on the yellow that's cool though so the biggest thing we've learned is the uh the wind is our enemy so retrospect we would have done this indoors but this car we don't really care that much about so maybe when we do this next year on my Bugatti we'll take a little bit more time but for now we'll just send it oo look at the door in the quarter yeah that's sick over I feel like we could have tilted the car a little bit more but I want uniform I wanted to get a little bit more on that door it's going to tighten up right there and get real cool yeah that looks like sick yeah the poor sunroof oh yeah that's sick uhhuh wind is kind of screwing me up but yo the roof came out dope with that one yo it came out so dope dude no cap on God so dope oh wind is terrible right now yeah oh no I'm sending it hold it hold it the cap the cap try it out can we drill that hole in the cap up top take it off all right step back guys step back y the splatter kind of looks cool yeah ooh on the wing it almost looks like it's on purpose I love that it's covering the entire top of the car oh yeah the splatter does look cool honestly if we did that at the end to just like fill in voids yeah with different colors yeah that look sick or it would ruin it very nice yeah that one's actually I love the splatter they like added to it a little little bit of chaos goes a way here it looks sick the Finish over here oh yeah oh it just gets under the wing like I might need to do I might need to do another one just to like uh get the wing right we're good on the other side I think the biggest thing we learned the wind's an enemy but there's nothing we can really do about that right now on this side I'm going to jack it up even higher just hopefully get even better coverage on the side I think the roof came out awesome but the side probably could have been a little bit better and we'll be strategic about kind of how we Orient the hood to get good coverage so this one's highlighter Orange or like a brighter orange this is like neon orange this Colette Davis spec orange I wish we had all neon colors but this will be cool yeah especially in the front yeah just sender yeah not as much as I would have liked on the uh on the bumper on this one but we can always fill that in with some splatter when we're done oh that mirror is sick yeah probably going to get a little drip effect from this as well mik do we look funny just staring at the string no oo might as well do the whole thing now hey look you're making custom Vans at the same time the side is so cool I'll do a little bit with the yellow too but I like it Picasso get this place just for reference we're tiling the bumpers like this so that you actually get coverage instead of being mounted and uh not getting any coverage me just jump get a little splatter with this guy huh little bit dribbly boy spin okay kind of like it let it keep going yep fill that fill that funny when they mess up we like them the most that's the thing about art like that so we got one more left which will be centered like kind of around this area um but I'm not really digging the lack of coverage on the rear bumper so I'm thinking maybe at the end we'll open up the trunk and we'll do one just for the rear of the car MH so in addition to wind being our enemy we learned uh that the thinner the paint the better cuz when it's thick it can come out and kind of globby like that so glob no good but it adds to the effect I think we're uh on a good track here got one maybe two more colors to go it's time to lay some clear on the beit final color we're getting creative just mixing everything call this one what is it everything in the kitchen sink yeah a little more neon and a little bit more of that just make more vibrant all right oh I don't I didn't I didn't go far enough the car yeah hold it and oo it's doing what I wanted on the trunk yeah might just need to do one more hit from the other side it's like crosshatching it sick the bucket wind yeah look at that so that we can do with the rest of the you can tell that they're a little bit like not they're a little too straight there you go there you go co hell yeah mhm yeah the forklift looks sick too I'm just really impressed that there's not a single drip of paint on that shirt that shirt is brand new what do we think about the the back do we see any areas that need to be filled I kind of love the wing I love the wing I love the trunk like I almost don't want to do anymore I think this this needs a little hit something on on this corner on the T like I feel like this side of the car is pretty much dialed yeah I think that's good oh yeah yellow just kind of helped to fill it in a little bit I can't wait to see it all on tape with the trim on that's when that's when it's going to look best right now it still kind of looks a little weird but I love it I'm a little mad at myself for that one orange squiggly on the side of the door oh that goes so I'm hoping Rudnick crashes into me there and then I forget about it what do you think bad idea I think it looks great I got you some I got my samples for you sick is this our collab shirt yeah I should probably touching when I'm not covered in paint yeah I think it looks sick was dop I have to say it does look pretty good hell yeah hell yeah I don't want to admit it but it's true once you see it with the windows untaped and all the black trim back on it it's going to like bring it all all together is that the car that I drove yeah huh it's going to look actually like really cool now yeah can I clean the interior later I would love that he would hate that you want to paint the interior like this I don't know what you're getting into I don't know about that but go in the interior and just like literally just like wear a full suit and just go everywhere bro clear made this thing pop like crazy it came out sick so next up we get to do the the very very very satisfying oh man I forgot it doesn't have Windows all around it probably look even better if it had windows but we get to unwrap it see what it looks like now without all the taped up stuff put trim pieces on and we'll get to see the full complete look 1 million th% came out better than I ever could have imagined especially doing very minimal research and putting very minimal effort into it I think it's really cool I'm excited about how it looks I'm excited to also maybe try this again in the future with a nicer car it sucks because it came out so good but because this car was painted before there's still little bits of like overspray and just poor taint jobs from the original um paint jobs whoever it but it's a crazy thing this thing is Lally rotted out what we referred to as stinky now I think is one of the coolest looking e36s that I own so tomorrow we'll go ahead and fit up all the rest of the trim pieces we'll get the headlights all cleaned up give this thing it's final full look so we're ready to party total it and hopefully not send it into the pond hope you guys like this video it was a lot of fun doing this figuring out how uh it goes try it tag me see how it comes out and uh yeah osw skid pad soon to be full of pendulum panity 36 is coming at you came out dope with that one y it came out so dope no cat on God might as well do the whole thing you're making custom Vans at the same time you know you when you wheno on the wing welcome to today's video guys where stinkies getting the pink job all right so one of my favorite times of every single year we have everyone come down we hang out of the compound have a bunch of fun right leading up to the LZ Invitational after a hectic year of the World Tour we decided to go back to basics and do an event that is very similar to our original open houses where it's a toy drive car show the week leading up to it the homies are going to be in town bashing some e36s so we got to paint this thing before I head off to PRI even though we're about to sand it I'm going to Decon the paint before I start to fit the new panels F foaming Surface Prep is going to help lift all the contaminants in the paint I don't even think I've ever washed this car I just realized I don't have Windows it'll be all right this is kind of fun I just remember the qu actually going to get water in them though yeah probably the smell on this stuff's awesome it's like you ever you ever it's like your mom's suntan lotion that's the best is that a good explanation yeah I was going to say either like like the waiting room at a dentist's office or something or your mom's Sund lotion or your mom's Next Step iron and Fallout remover there's a lot of iron in this thing huh you guys may have seen on Instagram reals I get sucked in there's these artists that do these awesome pendulum paintings what if I did it on a car went online searched it of course to see if anyone's done it it's been done a few times but the execution isn't what I wanted to look look like so I'm going to do it a little bit differently some might say a little more ghetto some might say a little bit more full but before I do the pendulum paint job I need to have all the panels on the car that are going to stay on it so that's the first step normally I wear tire marks like a badge of honor but in this case cuz it's getting a fresh paint job I would rather start fresh an important thing to know if your car is lined with tire marks and they're not dense that doesn't mean who's chasing you is good that means that you do good leads if you do bad leads and you're choppy chances are your car is going to be dented up and it's going to have a bunch where your doors are pushed in like this maybe even more extreme that's a reflection on yourself obviously it takes a good Chase driver too but buttery leads will get you marks on the door and Grio track spray will take them off I thought stinky was kind of cool when I had all the mismatch colored panels on it but Ray and Josh had some spare time we had some spare white paint and some old body panels from the E36 laying around and before we do the pendulum paint job I kind of wanted the car to have a all matching base so we did a super quick paint job on this I mean for a quick paint job it still looks pretty D good so we're going to get everything fitted up and then sand if you follow me on Instagram you saw I was hunting for a set of 17 by9 BBS style fives which are very rare in my hunt I found a lot of eight 17 by8 style fives literally cheaper than a brand new cast wheel and I've got eight beautiful BBS OEM wheels that fit the E36 perfectly so I can stop borrowing D's Wheels the reason why I'm worried about Wheels right now right now the front wheels rub and I'm trying to make the decision if I need to cut the fenders before we paint them however this is a 45 sidewall I know that a 40 sidewall looks pretty good on these and that should buy us a bit of extra real estate I really really like how these cars look when they have over fenders but I'm trying to not really spend money on this car and I always prefer to go widebody after you already crashed up the factory metal and this thing still got plenty of crashes left in there try that's substantial height difference oh yeah it's almost 3/4 that's like almost an inch it'll make a big difference for uh for clearance mm that inch goes a long way Mike it does specifically one inch only one inch the beauty of this modification is now I can go lower in the front baby doesn't look terrible no more clearance for when you jump at 6 feet hell yeah we didn't have mirrors and I happen to have an E36 M3 shell that had some mirrors on it they're painted they're a little bit chipped or peeled or whatever but the whole car is going to end up getting Rec cleared so the only thing we realized is because they're technically coup mirrors they don't line up right but I think if we drill the holes they'll still be able to bolt up and they'll look half decent from the outside I feel like you can't tell if you didn't know no so panels are on the car it looks complete but before we do the pendulum paint job to make sure the painted here is we're going to need to scuff it sucks in some stuff is like brand new painted but either way it'll get cleared over when we're done to lock in whatever Masterpiece we create so I think is key to making this look good where the other uh pendulum paint jobs I think have missed the Mark is getting coverage accurately on the doors so what I'm going to do is uh alternating pattern where I'm going to jack up the car side to side so that way we get good coverage on like this corner then that corner and with the colors that I'm using I think it will create a really cool effect if it works works out worst case scenario it looks like but I'm going to Total it anyway so now step one Jack to the Moon I feel like it's pretty signature of thinkinking not to have a hood but there's only one shot that we get to do this otherwise we would never be able to have a hood that matches the whole vibe so we're going to paint a hood while we do it who knows maybe we'll cut a hole through it and then that's where the intake will come out or we'll just be like a when it rains thing we throw the hood on but it's kind of important for the full effect I feel I feel like having the hole in there would be sick after the pendulum yeah it would look kind of cool yeah it' be sick when I got stinky I got it a cheap repop wing with it as well so again we only get one shot to do this and I really like the ltw style Wing so we're going to paint the wing along with the car I don't know if we'll have time to mount it so we'll probably just mock it up in place maybe throw some double-sided adhesive on it that way we can capture the full look we pretty much bought out the craft store of all their different colors that are associated with the fade so we're going to do a little test hit with green just to make sure that we get the right size spout I feel pretty good about this like radius the way that I'm going to do it there's going to be a lot of overlapping but this seems like the perfect amount of coverage but uh I have no idea I've never done anything like this before so practice will hopefully help us make it look good that's actually looks like the S15 red right now yeah that's Sean boot's car right there we got McDonald's over here yeah that yellow is just got a gross pigment to it yeah the Orange is just not right I just I want all the colors to like be in the same family you know gut's telling me smaller is better we should use one of the bits that has a pre-starter on it it'll make this easier splatter on the car on the car I'm worried about it splattering on the car you think it's going I'll go lowkey first perfect perfect I feel like that's literally the perfect size hole yeah yeah that works hell yeah and I think one of these bottles is going to be enough per pamel y y I think so too it's going to get Tighter and Tighter during the center yeah which is what we want right you also don't want to run out of paint yeah well we're not using green no I know the green is kind of fire though yeah like right off the bat pretty good yeah I like it oh why why does it get Wiggly at the end oh it is the wind when the wind blows it it up before I think the pattern is too circular so we're going to try again we added a weight to hopefully combat the wind and then I'm going to try to throw it a little bit more like elongated to see how that works oh that was still a pretty good Circle oh got it on the fork but that's definitely less circular yeah still the wind when you get a gust of wind you see how it does the squiggly yeah the wind is blowing the strand of paint while it's in the air that's what's happening so really we should be doing this indoors yeah yes ideally yes also idea the the closer that it is to the car the less chance there is of the wind blowing if it's only blowing the paint stream correct if you have a 4T Gap then it'll blow the paint I'm fine with accepting that risk first up to bat yellow yeah it's going to come out of the cap I'm trying to think of a way to plug the bottom did you just let out a yellow bubble you did I'm just going to send it you ready yeah let's do it oh she's a little squiggly the spray is exactly where I wanted it yeah how's it still getting closer to me bumper coverage all right I love how it like drips down the side yeah yeah ooh the angles on the hood are sick are they yeah I see it kind of like dripping a little bit a little bit but it kind of adds to it yeah it's going to be kind of cool cuz it's going to do that in certain are I got to get ready with the bucket oh the fender line is sick too I'm going to keep letting it roll yeah let it fill that the window is definitely us up yeah it's not matter it's art you're right and three two cap not bad nice all right now let's walk all over the concrete oh yeah that's hard to show on camera the white on the yellow that's cool though so the biggest thing we've learned is the uh the wind is our enemy so retrospect we would have done this indoors but this car we don't really care that much about so maybe when we do this next year on my Bugatti we'll take a little bit more time but for now we'll just send it oo look at the door in the quarter yeah that's sick over I feel like we could have tilted the car a little bit more but I want uniform I wanted to get a little bit more on that door it's going to tighten up right there and get real cool yeah that looks like sick yeah the poor sunroof oh yeah that's sick uhhuh wind is kind of screwing me up but yo the roof came out dope with that one yo it came out so dope dude no cap on God so dope oh wind is terrible right now yeah oh no I'm sending it hold it hold it the cap the cap try it out can we drill that hole in the cap up top take it off all right step back guys step back y the splatter kind of looks cool yeah ooh on the wing it almost looks like it's on purpose I love that it's covering the entire top of the car oh yeah the splatter does look cool honestly if we did that at the end to just like fill in voids yeah with different colors yeah that look sick or it would ruin it very nice yeah that one's actually I love the splatter they like added to it a little little bit of chaos goes a way here it looks sick the Finish over here oh yeah oh it just gets under the wing like I might need to do I might need to do another one just to like uh get the wing right we're good on the other side I think the biggest thing we learned the wind's an enemy but there's nothing we can really do about that right now on this side I'm going to jack it up even higher just hopefully get even better coverage on the side I think the roof came out awesome but the side probably could have been a little bit better and we'll be strategic about kind of how we Orient the hood to get good coverage so this one's highlighter Orange or like a brighter orange this is like neon orange this Colette Davis spec orange I wish we had all neon colors but this will be cool yeah especially in the front yeah just sender yeah not as much as I would have liked on the uh on the bumper on this one but we can always fill that in with some splatter when we're done oh that mirror is sick yeah probably going to get a little drip effect from this as well mik do we look funny just staring at the string no oo might as well do the whole thing now hey look you're making custom Vans at the same time the side is so cool I'll do a little bit with the yellow too but I like it Picasso get this place just for reference we're tiling the bumpers like this so that you actually get coverage instead of being mounted and uh not getting any coverage me just jump get a little splatter with this guy huh little bit dribbly boy spin okay kind of like it let it keep going yep fill that fill that funny when they mess up we like them the most that's the thing about art like that so we got one more left which will be centered like kind of around this area um but I'm not really digging the lack of coverage on the rear bumper so I'm thinking maybe at the end we'll open up the trunk and we'll do one just for the rear of the car MH so in addition to wind being our enemy we learned uh that the thinner the paint the better cuz when it's thick it can come out and kind of globby like that so glob no good but it adds to the effect I think we're uh on a good track here got one maybe two more colors to go it's time to lay some clear on the beit final color we're getting creative just mixing everything call this one what is it everything in the kitchen sink yeah a little more neon and a little bit more of that just make more vibrant all right oh I don't I didn't I didn't go far enough the car yeah hold it and oo it's doing what I wanted on the trunk yeah might just need to do one more hit from the other side it's like crosshatching it sick the bucket wind yeah look at that so that we can do with the rest of the you can tell that they're a little bit like not they're a little too straight there you go there you go co hell yeah mhm yeah the forklift looks sick too I'm just really impressed that there's not a single drip of paint on that shirt that shirt is brand new what do we think about the the back do we see any areas that need to be filled I kind of love the wing I love the wing I love the trunk like I almost don't want to do anymore I think this this needs a little hit something on on this corner on the T like I feel like this side of the car is pretty much dialed yeah I think that's good oh yeah yellow just kind of helped to fill it in a little bit I can't wait to see it all on tape with the trim on that's when that's when it's going to look best right now it still kind of looks a little weird but I love it I'm a little mad at myself for that one orange squiggly on the side of the door oh that goes so I'm hoping Rudnick crashes into me there and then I forget about it what do you think bad idea I think it looks great I got you some I got my samples for you sick is this our collab shirt yeah I should probably touching when I'm not covered in paint yeah I think it looks sick was dop I have to say it does look pretty good hell yeah hell yeah I don't want to admit it but it's true once you see it with the windows untaped and all the black trim back on it it's going to like bring it all all together is that the car that I drove yeah huh it's going to look actually like really cool now yeah can I clean the interior later I would love that he would hate that you want to paint the interior like this I don't know what you're getting into I don't know about that but go in the interior and just like literally just like wear a full suit and just go everywhere bro clear made this thing pop like crazy it came out sick so next up we get to do the the very very very satisfying oh man I forgot it doesn't have Windows all around it probably look even better if it had windows but we get to unwrap it see what it looks like now without all the taped up stuff put trim pieces on and we'll get to see the full complete look 1 million th% came out better than I ever could have imagined especially doing very minimal research and putting very minimal effort into it I think it's really cool I'm excited about how it looks I'm excited to also maybe try this again in the future with a nicer car it sucks because it came out so good but because this car was painted before there's still little bits of like overspray and just poor taint jobs from the original um paint jobs whoever it but it's a crazy thing this thing is Lally rotted out what we referred to as stinky now I think is one of the coolest looking e36s that I own so tomorrow we'll go ahead and fit up all the rest of the trim pieces we'll get the headlights all cleaned up give this thing it's final full look so we're ready to party total it and hopefully not send it into the pond hope you guys like this video it was a lot of fun doing this figuring out how uh it goes try it tag me see how it comes out and uh yeah osw skid pad soon to be full of pendulum panity 36 is coming at you came out dope with that one y it came out so dope no cat on God might as well do the whole thing you're making custom Vans at the same time you know you when you when\n"