**Essential iOS 15 Settings You Should Change**
iOS 15 is here and it's packed with new features and settings that can enhance your user experience. However, not all of them are immediately apparent, and some may require you to dig deep into the settings to find. In this article, we'll cover 20 essential iOS 15 settings that you should change to get the most out of your device.
**Notifications with Siri**
One of the new features in iOS 15 is live text, which allows you to transcribe text in real-time using your camera. However, some people may not like this feature, and if they don't want it, they can easily turn it off. To do so, go into Settings > Camera > Live Texts and toggle the switch off. Note that this will only disable live text in the camera app, and you'll still be able to use it for screenshots.
**Record App Activity**
Another new feature in iOS 15 is Record App Activity, which allows you to see when apps access your data such as location or microphone. To enable this feature, go into Settings > Privacy > Record App Activity and toggle the switch on. You'll then be able to view a seven-day summary of when apps access your data.
**Significant Locations**
iOS 15 also includes Significant Locations, which allows you to see where your device has been recently. This can be useful for tracking your location, but it can also eat up battery life and data usage. To disable this feature, go into Settings > Location Services > Systems Services and toggle the switch off. You'll then need to re-enable any apps that use this feature.
**System Customization**
The System Customization section of iOS 15 allows you to tweak various settings to improve your device's performance. One setting you may want to change is the "Save a seven-day summary of when applications, access or data" option. To enable this feature, go into Settings > Privacy > Record App Activity and toggle the switch on.
**Cell Network**
Another setting you may want to change is the Cell Network option. This allows you to see which cell network your device is using. To enable this feature, go into Settings > Cellular Data Options and toggle the switch on. Note that some people may not need this feature, as it can consume data.
**System Services**
The System Services section of iOS 15 includes several settings that you may want to change. One setting you'll notice is the "Disable system services" option. This allows you to disable most of these features at once. To enable this feature, go into Settings > Systems Services and toggle the switch on.
**Location-Based Features**
If you have enabled Location-Based Features in iOS 15, you may want to disable them as well. These features include Find My iPhone and Emergency Calls. To disable these features, go into Settings > Location Services > Significant Locations and toggle the switch off.
**Device Management**
The Device Management section of iOS 15 includes several settings that you may want to change. One setting you'll notice is the "Disable device management" option. This allows you to disable most of these features at once. To enable this feature, go into Settings > Systems Services and toggle the switch on.
**Setting Time Zone**
Another setting you may want to change is the Setting Time Zone option. This allows you to set your device's time zone when traveling. To enable this feature, go into Settings > General > Date & Time and select your destination country or region.
**Location-Based Features with Home Kit**
If you have enabled Location-Based Features in iOS 15, you may also want to disable them for Home Kit apps. These features include location-based notifications and reminders. To do so, go into Settings > Home > HomeKit and toggle the switch off.
**Other Settings**
There are several other settings that you should change in iOS 15, including:
* Enable Reply Without Confirmation: Go into Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Accounts and toggle the switch on.
* Enable Live Texts: Go into Settings > Camera > Live Texts and toggle the switch on.
* Disable Significant Locations: Go into Settings > Location Services > Systems Services and toggle the switch off.
By making these changes, you can enhance your user experience with iOS 15 and make the most of its new features.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWhat's up guys, my name's Brandon.And today I'm going to be showingyou some new settings in iOS 15,that you need to changeon your iPhone right away.So these are going to be settings thatwill have an impact on your privacy,your battery life, and just overallease of use throughout iOS 15.And if you want to see an extensivevideo specifically on how to save batterylife on iOS 15,that video will be linked in the cardsand down in the description below,along with my video where I showover 300 new features in iOS 15.Alright, so now let's go ahead and get intothese settings that you should stronglyconsider changing immediately.The first one has to do witha safari and your IP address.So if we go down and our settings tosafari and then scroll down until we seehide IP address, you want to tap onthat and make sure that is turned on.You do not want this off.You want to hide your IP addressand you can see right there.It says your IP address can be used todetermine personal information like yourlocation. And this is goingto protect you from that.Now you might also seefrom trackers and websites.So you want to make surethat that's enabled.That's only if you havea private relay enabled.So if you don't have private relayenabled, you'll only see from trackers,but nonetheless, weshould have this enabled.And now that we've talkedabout private relay,we may as well go aheadand talk about that next.So in iOS 15 in iCloud,there was a new feature called privaterelay. And you could see that right here.If you tap on that, you may wantto consider turning this on.So it is currently in beta atthe time of recording this.And that's the only reason I have minecurrently disabled because it is kind ofspotty with the connection.But once this is out of beta,I will be having this on pretty muchthe entire time I'm on my device.So this is going to hide at your IPaddress and your internet activity so thatwebsites can not build a profile foryou based on your web activity. Now,this is not a VPN.It only works in safari and it can'thide like the region you're connectingfrom. So you're not going to get thesame benefits that you do from a VPN,but this is still a very,very great feature to have built into iOS now. And when you enable this,you will see that you have a sectionright here that shows IP address location.If you tap on that,you can maintain general locationor use country and time zone.So this is definitely a featureyou want to consider turning on,especially once it comes out of beta.So this feature comes withyour iCloud plus subscription,which is the same price as what youwere already paying for before iOS 15.So it's going to be free if you arealready paying for storage beforehand andalso included in iCloud plusis the hide my email feature.So this is another really greatprivacy feature and iOS 15.That's going to allow you to use a unique,random address that forwardsto your actual email address.So this is going to keep your personalemails, private. So this is great.If you want it to maybe sign up to awebsite's newsletter to get a discount,or if you just thought your informationmight get sold to a third party,you definitely wants to have like analias email set up. And of course,if you start getting spammed,you can delete that alias email andjust create a new one very easily.So if you want to just tapon, create a new address,you'll see that it givesme a random email here.It just says compact dashoh five stylish@icloud.com.So basically it just combinesrandom words with numbers,and that's what you get foryour alias email address.And now you can also label them. Soif you want to label your address,so say you signed up for aspecific website and thisemail is only tied to thatone website. You canmaybe put it in there.So maybe it's like a target email orsomething like that. You could do that.And it could also make a note about it,like saying that you signed up for adiscount so you can label them and leavenotes if you want to. And then whenyou tap on next, you are all set.And now if you go down,you will see the email you justset up and if you tap on it,you can easily deactivatethat email right there,or change anything that you want to. Andthen also if you go down even further,you have the forward to section whatJoel lets you change the email that thesealiases forward to. Now,the next thing you might want to changehas to do with focus modes and notifyingothers when you are in a focusmode. So as you guys know an iOS 15,once you enter a focus mode,this is what we'll show at the bottomfor other people who go to text you andwe'll let them know thatyour notifications havebeen silenced and you candisable this.If you go into your settings and go tofocus and then go into that focus andthen focus status, you couldturn it off for everybody,but you might not want it tobe off for every single person.You might only want it to be off forspecific people and you can do that.So if we go back into our messages,once you're on a conversation right herewith somebody's top on their contact,and you will see a toggle herecalled a share focused status.So you can disable that for a specificcontact and it will no longer show thatmessage. So that is definitely asetting you should consider changing.If you don't want specific peopleseeing when you're in that focus mode,the next setting you guys shouldchange, it's inside of accessibility.So if we go into ouraccessibility right here,you want to go down to audio visualand then to background sounds.And this is something I'vetalked about it so many times.This is one of my favoritefeatures in iOS 15.And I'm kind of surprised thatit is not enabled by default.So what this feature does isit plays some background sound.So you can see you havedifferent ones right here,like the rain ocean and just differentambient noises that will help youconcentrate or go to sleep. And youcan also stop sounds when locked,if you want to.And also if you have the hearingcontrol center toggle right here,if you have to press on that,you have a quick littleaccess to background soundsright here where you couldturn it on and off easilyand also adjust the volume.So I would definitely recommend enablingbackground sounds right here andalso adding the hearingtoggle to your control center.If you think you're going touse this at any given point,the next setting you guys shouldchange an iOS 15 it's inside of camera.So if we go into camera right here,you want to go to preserve settingsand then you want to make sure that youchange your night modeand also live photo.So this is one that drove mecrazy, especially in night mode.So this is new and iOS15. So before on iOS 14,when I would turn night mode off,because sometimes it's really annoyingwhen I would turn it off, you know,I would take the picturewithout night mode.And then the next timeI went into my camera,nightmare mode turned on and ruined myphoto and I had to go in and turn it offagain. And I wished that I was able topreserve the settings, but now in iOS 15,you are able to,so I would definitely recommend enablingthe preserved settings toggle righthere for night mode and also maybe forlive photo or anything else that you seein here that you want topreserve the settings for.So the next time you go into your cameraand one of these is not enabled ordisabled.Now the next thing you guys want tochange is the notify when left behindfeature.So this is also brand new and I was 15and this is going to be very beneficialif you have an air tag and also ifyou have multiple apple devices.So if you go into the, find myapplication and then go to your device,you will see under notifications.It shows notify when left behind.If you tap on that,you can enable that and you can see ushas received a notification when youleave that product behind.This can be helpful when taking thisitem with you and then down here,you also have notify me except atwhere you can add in your home address.Because obviously if you leave your housewithout that product, it's not lost.So you don't want to getany notification for that.So this is going to be very beneficialfor traveling and just really any othertime that you maybe leavesomething. If you're very forgetful,you may want to have this enabled,especially if like you have an air tagconnected to your keys or somethingimportant.The next setting that you need tochange is for those with an apple card,and this is going to helpprevent fraudulent transactions.So if it go into our wallet applicationhere where our apple card is set up,and if we tap on the littlecard icon up in the top, right,to view our card information,you will see that we have a newtoggle in here for advanced fraudprotection. And you could see, it saysto keep your card information safe,your security code willchange periodically.So you definitely want to make surethat is enabled to prevent fraudulenttransactions. And you will seenext to your security code.You will now get a new little icon.So that is a must enable feature.If you have an apple card,the next setting you guys need tochange is inside of the mail section.So if you go to male and thendown to privacy protection,you want to make sure thatprotect mail activity is enabled.This is an important one.And you can see it says male privacyprotection works by hiding your IP addressand loading remote contentprivately in the background,even when you don't open the message.So essentially this featurenot only hides your IP address,but it's also going to prevent sendersfrom tracking if you open their email ornot. So now people are not going to beable to see if you open the email or not.They're not going to be able to seeif you forwarded the email or not.So basically this is going to preventfollow-up emails and other spammy tacticsused by websites and others who havelittle hidden pixels in the emails.So strongly, stronglysuggest turning this on.If you use mail on your iPhone, anothermajor privacy feature here in iOS 15,that you need to configure isbuilt in two factor authentication.So if you go to your settingsand then down to passwords,and then if you tap on the account,you could see at the bottomunder account options,we have set up verificationcode. And if you tap on that,you will see that you can entera setup key or scan QR code.So now with iOS 15,you do not need to have a third partyapplication for two factor authentication,which is really, really nice tohave right here on device. Now,if we go back into ouraccessibility settings,there's another new feature in herethat I want you guys to enable.And that is per app settings downhere at the bottom of accessibility.If you tap on that, you canhave per app settings now,so you can customize apps to only docertain things in that application.So let me show you guys what I mean. SoI have it set up for Amazon right here.So if you guys don't know, Amazon doesnot have a dark mode for the application.I know it's 20, 21. Theystill don't have it.So you can basically do thatwith this perhaps settings.You can have smart andinvert turned on for Amazon,so that now when you go into the Amazonapplication, it's in a dark mode.So of course it's not a fulldark mode, not a real one,but that's just an exampleof how you could use this.You could also do it for bold text,larger text and all these different thingsright here, again on a per app basis,which is key.And you could also do something similarwith the text size control centertoggle. So like for instance,if we go into Twitter right here and thengo down to the text toggle right hereand have to press on that,you could change the text sizefor this application only,instead of all throughout iOS,which is also kind of an extension ofat this perhaps settings feature here,an iOS 15, which I'm a big fan of.And I definitely think you guys shouldconsider adding in whatever applicationyou wants and configuringit to your liking here.The next thing you guys need to changeis inside of the weather application.So if you go into weather and if youtap on these three dots in the bottomrights and then tap on the threedots in the top rights right here,and then go to notifications,I would recommend turning on thisright here under my current location.My location turned that onfor weather notifications.So this will notify you when it's aboutto start and stop raining or snowing atyour current location. So I'm inFlorida. It rains all the time.This is very accurate with notifyingme when it's about to rain.And when it's about to stop raining,the next thing you guys need to changeis inside of the iCloud section and theninside of iCloud and then iCloud backup,we have a backup over cellular.So this is available on the iPhone12 and newer because it uses 5g.But what this does is it backsup your iCloud data over 5ginstead of wifi.So I would strongly consider turningthat off because that's going to eatthrough your data andalso your battery life.So I would definitely only do iCloudbackups when you are connected to wifiand apple even warns you themselves.I say this may cause you toexceed your cellular data plan.So take apples and take my advice.The next thing you guys might want todo is go into your settings and go tonotifications and then go to scheduledsummary and add in the applications thatyou want to add it to your scheduledsummary. So this basically,this is what it looks like righthere on your notification center.It shows your evening summary. Thiscomes in at one specific time per day,and it will show you notificationsfrom applications that you deem as notimportant enough to sendyou a push notification,like an important notification.So you can set this up right here.You can have multiple summariesthroughout the day. So for me,I only have these three applicationsbecause I don't have a lot of unimportantnotifications that I even have enabled.So I have these as just coming in at6:06 PM because I don't want them to comein right when I get them,because I'm not important enough.So I would schedule this up. Youknow, a lot of people just say,just disabled notifications, ifyou don't want them. But to me,there's some notificationsthat I just want to have on,but I just don't need toknow about them right away.So that is what the scheduledsummary is for. Now.The next thing you guys shouldconsider changing is inside of safari,the address bar is going to be somethingthat some people just simply do notlike being at the bottom, butthankfully you can change that.So if you tap on the two,A's here in the address bar,you have up top right here, itshows, show top address bar,and that will revert the addressbar back to being up top.Like you've been used to for a whilethat you could also change this inside ofyour safari settings right here.So you can change it fromtab bar to a single tab.You also have the option to changethe landscape tab bar and the tenting,if you want to.So I would just recommend going in hereand changing that tab bar to either thetop or the bottom. Whicheveris your preference.Although I will say I would give thebottom bar a chance if you just installed.I was 15 everybody's first instinctis that they don't like it.Just give it a chance. It took meabout a month before I got used to it,but now I never want to go back. Now,the next thing you guys want to dois go into your settings and go tonotifications and then go to announcenotifications and make sure this is turnedon. Make sure that announced notificationsand when connected to headphones,and you may also see CarPlay righthere, make sure those are enabled.And then you may also want to have replywithout confirmation enabled as well.So this an iOS 15, it's nolonger announced messages.So now Siri will not only announce yourmessages when you get them when you haveair pods in,but it will also announcethe notifications that youhave set up right here,if you want them to. So for me,I've like Chick-fil-A enabled and someof these other applications enabled aswell,that I would like to hear notificationsfrom like when I'm on a bike ride orwhen I just can not belooking at my iPhone. Now,one of the best featuresin iOS 15 is live text.And this is a feature where if you holdyour camera up to like a sign or up tosomething with text on it, itcan transcribe it in real time.And you could copy that to your notesor, you know, send it in a message,whatever you want to do with it.So this feature is really awesome,but some people are not going tolike it. And if you don't like it,you could actually turn this off and youcan do that by going into your settingsand then going all the way down tothe camera and then down to livetexts. So if you turn live, text off,it will turn off the live textin the camera application.Now you're still going tohave it for screenshots.Like you could still do it in screenshotsand photos that you actually take and,you know, save it to your camera roll,but you won't be able to do it live.You know, when you have the cameraapplication pulled up and in real time,the next thing you guys need to change.It's inside of settings and privacy.If you go all the way downto record app activity,you want to make sure that this isturned on. So this is new and iOS 15,and you can see right here, it says,save a seven day summaryof when applications,access or data like your location ormicrophone and see when apps or websitesyou visit within apps, contact domains.So you want this to be on andyou want to have this data saved.So as of right now,there is no UI right here thatshows when apps access your data.But in a future iOS 15 release,you will see that right here.And you want to make sure that thisis enabled for when that time comes.And then the final thingyou guys should change.And iOS 15 is also hereunder the privacy section.And if you go to location services andthen all the way down through systemservices, and then all the waydown to significant locations,you want to make sure that is disabled.That's basically just going to befollowing you around and keeping a log ofwhere you go every single day, whichwill not only eat up your battery life,but it's also going to eat up yourdata so that I would also go ahead andconsider disabling mostof these systems services,because you just simply do not needthem. So things like cell network,search compass, calibration, devicemanagement, system customization,we have the product improvementtoggles right here, both disabled.You want to disableprobably most of these.And basically all this is doing is again,it's for your system services forthe location. It's not disabling.These features like if you haddisabled the home kit right here,it's not going to disable home kit.It's only going to disable thelocation based features of home kits.So that's why you can disablemost of these in here,because most are not going tomatter like setting time zone,unless you're traveling all the time.You don't need that enabled, you know,you don't need the compasscalibration and things like that.Nothing in here you really need enabledbesides maybe like find my iPhone,maybe emergency calls.And that's Wes things that are actuallygoing to matter at the end of the day.So there you have it guys.Those are about 20 settingsthat you should be awareof and that you may want tochange on your iOS 15 device. Now,if you guys want to see another episodelike this with more settings of change,let me know down in a comment below,and also let me know whatthe thumbs up on this video.So if you want to see that, makesure you subscribe to the channel.So you get notified when that goes up.And if you want to see allof my other iOS 15 videos,those are all linked to downin the description below,along with the iPhone 13 videoscoming very soon. But anyways, guys,thanks again for watchingand I'll see you soon.\n"