The Multi-Core and Performance of iOS 15 Beta Five
And just for comparison, this is what we got on beta four. So we got a 1599 versus a 1606 and a 41-15 versus now a 41-29. Some really good results here on beta five and the geek bench test. And I know that doesn't really tell you too much, but overall, it just feels a little bit faster and smoother. You're on the fifth beta, so I'm hoping that continues to get better because it feels really good and pretty much on par with iOS 14 right now. But one thing that is not on par with the iOS 14 is the battery life. Battery life on beta four was pretty bad for me on every device. So I'm hoping that beta five gets better, but it might realistically just not happen until the final few betas, which could still be weeks away.
However, now that I'm taking a look at my battery life here, I've been recording this video for about 30 minutes now, and I still have 100% battery remaining. So we could actually see better battery life here in beta five, because I don't remember my battery life being that good you know, for 30 minutes using my phone non-stop without it not going down a single percent. I don't remember that happening on beta four. So we could actually see better battery life here on beta five, just from my overall first impressions. It seems like battery life might be improved.
So again, stay tuned as usual for my follow-up video, which is coming on Saturday. Like it does every single Saturday, and I will let you guys know if that good battery life persists and stays good, especially on my 12th pro where I make phone calls and do all that. So that'll be interesting to see.
Now that we've been on a two-week beta cycle for iOS 15 ever since the first beta, now it's usually when Apple switches over to a weekly release schedule. So it could very well be seeing beta six next week, like maybe on the 17th. And then if that does happen, we should see a beta every week. The 17th to 24th, you know, the 31st, the seventh, all that, you know, of course it could be a day or two off, but from here on out, it could very well be switching over to a weekly release schedule. So anywhere between seven to ten days, we could see a new iOS 15 beta leading up to the final release of iOS 15, which is now almost a month away.
It's crazy how fast this year is flying by, but we should see iOS 15 sometime in mid-September. If I had to guess, I don't think it's going to be late September. I think it's going to be mid-September this year, but we'll have to wait and see on that. Of course, it does depend on when Apple is going to unveil the new iPhones as well. But of course, when we do switch over to a weekly release schedule, that's usually when we start to see a lot more enhancements to the performance and battery life. And we start to get a little bit less of, you know, new features and changes because Apple's saving those for like the 0.1 release.
So that's what we should be expecting from beta six through beta, whatever we ended up going to ten, who knows? So anyways, that is what it's looking like so far for iOS 15. Of course, I will keep you guys updated on the iOS of team beta schedule over on Twitter. So if you're not following me over there, make sure you go ahead and follow me. I'm just @BrandonBush over there on Twitter.
But anyways, guys, there you have it. That is iOS 15 beta five. Let me know what you guys think about the software down in the comments below. Let me know how it's been running for you. Of course, return to this video and a few days as well. And let me know in a comment how it's been running for you, if it's fixed any bugs, how the performance, how the battery life is, let me know all your thoughts down there and those comments below.
And of course, if you enjoyed this video, I would appreciate it. If you give it a thumbs up and of course, make sure you subscribe for the latest iOS 15 coverage. And of course, my follow-up coming on Saturday, but anyways, guys, thanks again for watching.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWhat's up guys.My name is Brandon and today applereleased iOS 15 beta five to registereddevelopers.About two weeks after the release ofthe fourth developer beta and for publicbeta testers, you should be seeingbeta five within the next 24 hours.And I will keep you posted over onTwitter when that does get released. Now,in addition to this iOS release, wealso got iPad at Wes 15 beta five,and TBOs 15 beta five. We didnot yet get, watch west eight,beta five or Mac west Monterey beta five,but we should be seeingboth of those very soon.And they may very well be out bythe time you're watching this video.But anyways, of course, in this video,we're talking all aboutiOS and iPad at west 15,made a five and what'snew and the software.So let's go ahead and start offwith the size of this update.So you can see here onmy iPhone at 12 pro max,the update came in at 1.05 gigabytes,and this is coming from a beta four.So it does depend on theversion you're coming from.And of course the deviceyou are installing this on,but it should be around one gigabyte. Solet's go and check out the bill number.If we go into our settings, let's goto general about 15. You can see there.The new bill number is 19 a 5, 3 1 8 F.So we do have an F at theend of the bill number,which indicates we do still havequite a few bits to go as expected.And if we go down to the modem firmware,you can see that has alsobeen updated to 2.0 9.205.So if you were havingissues related to the modem,those could be solved in this update.It's always nice to get thosemodem firmware updates. So anyways,what's new here in this fifth betaand the first thing is actually an appicon change. So I'm going to goahead and bring over beta four.This is going to be beta for throughoutthe video on my left beta fivethroughout the video isgoing to be on my right.So we're going to take a look at theweather icon. So take a look at that.We have a slight change to theweather icon here in beta five.So in beta four, you can see that's whatit looked like. And now in beta five,here's what it looks like.So it's a little bit darker,a little bit different overall,but it's kind of hard to tellunless you have them side by side,but there is a slight changethere to the weather icon.We also have some changesinside of the control center.So first off you could see that thecamera icon has been changed to match therest of iOS 15. So before it had theshutter icon on the left hand side,right there, you couldsee the shutter icon,but now as removed and in beta four,they removed it from the lock screen.They updated the icon and the lockscreen. And now here in beta five,they've updated it inside of the controlcenter with the toggle right there.And then also right herefor sound recognition.So you can see right next to the musicrecognition that the sound recognitionthat was the old icon. This isthe new icon here and beta five.I liked that a lot better. Also down here,you could see that for announcednotifications. We have a new icon as well.So this was the old announcednotifications icon downhere in the bottom rights.And now in beta five, that is thenew announced notifications icon.So apple made quite a fewchanges to the control center,glyph icons here in beta five. AndI like each and every one of them.We also have a change whenwe go to turn off our iPhone,I'm going to go ahead and turn off both.I-phones here on beta four and beta five,and you will instantly see the difference.So right there under slideto power off, you could see,we have a new little text down therethat says I phone find-able after poweroff. So before this is somethingwe saw as we turn the phone off,like as it was already turning off andwould just kind of show it at the bottom,but now in beta five, it shows itbefore you even turn the phone off,which I think makes a lot more sense thatway somebody actually knows it's goingto be find-able after you powered off,besides just showing them as the phone'salready turning off and they can't doanything about it. So I like thatlittle change here and beta five.We also have a minor change tothe safari application on iOS.And we also have a separatechange on iPad at west,which I'll show you here in a moment,but the small change on iOS 15 betafive is actually in the address bar.So as you guys know with the newaddress bar in iOS 15, it just,when you scroll down,it just collapses and get smaller andkind of blends into the bottom of thescreen. Well, now in beta five,you will notice that the reload or therefresh icon is no longer down thereuntil you expand that addressbar to the view like that.So when you're scrolling,you will see that the address or thatthe refresh icon is no longer down there,which I like, because in beta four,there would be times whereI would accidentally tap onthat when I'm just tryingto get into the address bar there totype in a new website or something.So I like that small change here andbeta five and on iPad at west 15,we had a five, you could seea slight difference to safari.Just the overall look of it looks a littlebit different here in beta five whenwe have the classic tab view. So youcan see up top how it looks like that.Here's what it looked like in betafour. So you could see beta four,just take a look up top.This is a screenshot I took rightbefore installing beta five.Here's beta five beta for beta five.So just a slight difference to thewhole top section of safari here in betafive. And while we have the iPad righthere, we do also have another change.I wanted to show you guys.So if you go to your settings and thengo to home screen and doc, you can see,we have a new togglehere for use large icons.And when you tap on that andyou go back to the home screen,you can see of course thatthe icons are very large.So if you have bad vision or, you know,for whatever reason hewants to use large icons,you now can do that onthe home screen. Uh,so now going back to iOS 15 at beta five,if we go into our settings down here andthen go to notifications and then go toscheduled summary right here,you will see that we havea slight change right here.So first off you no longer have to takethe extra step to tap on apps in summaryfor it to show up. And now showsup right here on the main screen.And then we also have show nextsummary. That's a new toggle right here.And it says show the next summary andnotification center before the scheduledtime. So you could turn that on or offright there as well, and made a five,whereas that did not existhere. And a beta four. Also,if we go into our focussettings right here,and then we go into an actualfocus, so I'll just go to a video,you will see a differenceright away. So up top,we now have a kill switch for thatfocus mode. So recording a video,we now have the on and off switchto turn on or off right there,whereas before it would justshow it, when you tap on this,it just takes you to where you can editthe little glyph icon and the color.Well, now there's a new section here inbeta five that is name and appearance.So it's more obvious that you can changethat now and beta five without havingto click through here and thenchange it. So when you go here,you get the same sub menu.We also have some very interesting changesinside of the Syrian search settings.So if we go down, it used to justshow series suggestions right here,but now it looks like that'sbeen changed up a little bit,and I'm still trying to figureout exactly what this is big.See that now it shows contents from apple.So it says show and look up andshow in spotlights. And it says,applicant show content when lookingup texts or objects and photos,or when searching. So that is new.And then also suggestions from appleand set of, I guess, series suggestions.So now it says,allow notifications show an app libraryand spotlight show in sharing and showin listening. And it says,applicant makes suggestions and appson home screen or unlock screen,or when sharing, searching,or using lookup and keyboard.So those are all new toggleshere inside of these settings andSyrian search. So pretty interestingchanges there. And then lastly,inside of our settings, if it go toiCloud and then to iCloud storage,you can see that the app icons righthere on the left-hand side have beenreverted back to theirnormal size. So in beta four,they were a little bitsmaller, but now in beta five,it's back to being their normal size.Now we also have multiple newsplash screens here in beta five.So you can see this isthe new one for photos.So it shows shared with youmemories and richer info.When of course these new splash screens,basically just tell you what's new andthe update for the specific application.So that is the newsplash screen for photos.We also have one here for maps thatshows interactive globe. So it says,discover the natural beauty of the earthwith a stunning new interactive globe,which is of course, whenyou zoom all the way out,we have all new city experienceand immersive walking directions.Then we have this one forhome and it says home key.So tap to unlock the front doorwith your iPhone or apple watch.So that is a new feature.And I'm not sure if that's been addedwith this update or if it's just in thesplash screen, but it doesshow home keys right there,Siri enabled accessoriesand home kits, secure video.And then we also have one for podcasts.This basically just says theyshared with you feature in iOS 15.That's really all it showshere and at the splash screen.And then we also have one atfour translate right here.So it says conversation,views auto translate andsystem-wide translation.So just showing off the newtranslate features here in iOS 15.So all of those are new splashscreens here in iOS 15 beta five.So those are all of thenew features and changes.I've found so far here in beta fiveafter having this installed for about anhour and a half. So if you guys want tosee even more new features and changes,which I'm sure I willdiscover over next few days,make sure you stay tunedto my followup video,which will be released on Saturday.Like I do every single Saturday,but anyways, let's moveon to the bug fixes.So this is something that apple didn'treally mention too much about in therelease notes.Apple usually mentions the bug fixesin these release notes because see herethat did push out the beta five releasenotes, but it doesn't really show much.Basically it just shows, youknow, one bug that was resolved,but it shows in betafour, it was resolved.So I'm not too sure if there are reallyany bug fixes in this fifth beta,because nothing has really shown itreally just shows a lot of known issues.So I'm sure there are bug fixes,but the release notes don'treally tell us too much.So I'm hoping that the safari bugthat some people are still having,when you close out a multipletabs at the same time,it crashes safari that wasfixed for me and beta four,but some people said it was stillthere for them on beta four.So hopefully in beta five that is fixed.And then also issues with private relayhave been fixed for me on beta four.But again, some people also saidthey're still having that on beta four.So I'm hoping that those two bugsare fixed and maybe some more,as well as a spotlight search. You know,that bug still never came back afterthat was fixed and beta four for me,hopefully that does not return either.But as far as overall bug fix isapple really doesn't mention too much.So it appears that we may have to waitfor beta six to see some real bug fixesand stability updates.And as far as bugs go,I have had a few bugs and beta four.And after reading those release notes,I would not expect those tobe fixed here. And beta five,number one is going to befor the notification sounds.So those are still off for me.Like what's Snapchat sometimes I'll justget the default sound instead of theunique Snapchat sound and people arehaving that as well. For things like ESPN,I've also had issues withTwitter crashing a lot.Now I know that's partly dueto the developer and you know,it's their application. They shouldupdate it. So it doesn't crash,but it seems like even after all theupdates, Twitter is still crashing.So hopefully we see afix for that pretty soon.And then also banking applicationsare still not working properly.I did test this out and my face ID isstill not working properly here and made afive for my specific banking application.So I'm assuming that those werealso going to have to wait and see,and also have to wait until probablyclose to the final or maybe even the finalrelease of iOS 15 for banking apps tokind of perform as they should. Now,as far as the performancegoes, performance feelsexcellent here on beta five.So the performance on betafour is pretty good overall,and I was expecting better five toimprove on that even more and so far,it just feels a lot better. Imean, I don't know what it is,but everything feels muchbetter here on beta five.It's definitely the best feelingbeta so far as it should be,but this was also backed up bythe great geek bench scores I got.So I ran a geek bench shortly afterinstalling this and take a look at thescore, some really solidscores here on this fifth beta.So we've got a 1606 on the singlecore and a 41 29 on the multi-core.And just for comparison, thisis what we got on beta four.So we got a 1599 versus a 1606 and a 41 15versus now a 41 29.So some really good results here onbeta five and the geek bench test.And I know that doesn't really tellyou too much, but overall, like I said,it just feels a little bit faster andsmoother. You're on the fifth beta.So I'm hoping that continues to getbetter because it feels really good andpretty much on par with iOS 14 right now.But one thing that is not on parwith the iOS 14 is the battery life.So battery life on beta four waspretty bad for me on every device.So I'm hoping that beta five gets better,but it might realistically just nothappen until the final few betas,which could still be weeks away. However,now that I'm taking a lookat my battery life here,I've been recording this videofor about 30 minutes now,and I still have 100% battery remaining.So we could actually see betterbattery life here in beta five,because I don't remember my batterylife being that good, you know,for 30 minutes using my phone non-stopfor it not to go down a single percent.I don't remember thathappening on beta four.So we could actually see betterbattery life here on beta five,just from my overall first impressions.It seems like battery lifemight be improved. So again,stay tuned as usual for my followupvideo, which is coming on Saturday.Like it does every single Saturday.And I will let you guys know if that goodbattery life persists and stays good,especially on my 12th pro where Imake phone calls and do all that.So that'll be interesting to see. Allright, so now what is next for apple?So we've been on a, two-week bid a cyclefor iOS 15 ever since the first beta,but now it's usually when apple switchesover to a weekly release schedule.So it could very well beseeing beta six next week,like maybe on the 17th. Andthen if that does happen,we should see a beta every week.So the 17th to 24th, you know,the 31st, the seventh, all that, you know,of course it could be a day or two off,but it could even skip a week sometimes,but from here on out,it could very well be switchingover to a weekly release schedule.So anywhere between seven to 10days, we could see a new iOS,15 beta leading up to thefinal release of iOS 15,which is now almost a month away. It'scrazy how fast this year is flying by,but we should see iOS at teen sometimein mid September. If I had to guess,I don't think it's goingto be late September.I think it's going to bemid September this year,but we'll have to wait and see on that.Of course it does depend on when appleis going to unveil the new iPhones aswell. But of course, when we do switchover to a weekly release schedule,that's usually when we start to see a lotof enhancements to the performance andthe battery life. And we start toget a little bit less of, you know,new features and changesbecause Apple's, you know,saving those for like the 0.1 release.So we started seeing a lot more batterylife improvements and things like that.So that's what we should beexpecting from beta six through beta,whatever we ended up going to 10,you know, who knows? So anyways,that is what it's lookinglike so far for iOS 15.Of course I will keep you guys updatedon the iOS of team beta schedule over onTwitter. So if you're notfollowing me over there,make sure you go ahead and follow me.I'm just at Brandon Bush over thereon Twitter. But anyways guys, there,you have it. That is IUs 15 beta five.Let me know what you guys think aboutthe software down in the comments below.Let me know how it's beenrunning for you. Of course,return to this videoand a few days as well.And let me know in a commenthow it's been running for you,if it's fix any bugs, how theperformance, how the battery life is,let me know all your thoughts downthere and those comments below.And of course, if you enjoyedthis video, I would appreciate it.If you give it a thumbs up and of course,make sure you subscribe forthe latest iOS 15 coverage.And of course my follow-up comingon Saturday, but anyways, guys,thanks again for watching..\n"