Creating the World's First 3-D Printed iPhone 8: A Groundbreaking Achievement
Hey guys, Keaton here, and I'm excited to share with you something really crazy that I've been working on – the world's first 3-D printed iPhone 8. As a huge tech enthusiast, I've always been fascinated by the latest gadgets and innovations in the field. And today, I'm proud to say that I've taken it upon myself to create a replica of the iPhone 8 using a 3-D printer.
I want to give a big shoutout to Veny Geskin, who has all the iPhone 8 hookup details on his Twitter account. His attention to detail and accuracy are truly impressive, and I'm grateful for his help in making this project possible. I've attached his Twitter link below so you can check it out and see more of the iPhone 8's specs.
As I began working on the 3-D printing process, I had to customize all the settings for my printer. This was a new experience for me, but with the help of Matt, who made this whole thing happen, I was able to create an iPhone 8 that looks and feels like the real deal. The program allowed me to fine-tune every detail, from the shape of the phone to the screen display. It's amazing how much precision is required when it comes to 3-D printing.
One of the most interesting features of my 3-D printed iPhone 8 is its all-screen display. This means that there won't be any bezels or buttons, just a sleek and seamless design that makes the phone look like a miniature version of a high-end smartphone. The screen display itself is incredibly detailed, with a resolution that's almost indistinguishable from the real thing.
But what really sets my 3-D printed iPhone 8 apart is its camera system. I'm excited to say that it features an all-vertical camera design, similar to the iPhone 7 Plus. This means that you'll be able to capture stunning vertical photos and videos with ease, without having to hold your phone at an angle or rotate it manually. The camera is also equipped with advanced features like portrait mode and low-light capabilities.
Of course, no 3-D printed phone would be complete without some thought-out design elements. I've paid attention to every detail, from the placement of the speaker cutouts to the color scheme. And while I haven't been able to replicate the Apple logo on my version (I'm not sure if it's even possible!), I've tried to stay true to the original design aesthetic.
Now, I know what you're thinking – where's the home button? Well, that's a great question, and one that has sparked a lot of debate among tech enthusiasts. According to Veny Geskin, Touch ID is actually going to be built into the screen itself, which would allow for seamless biometric authentication. However, some people are speculating that it might be placed on the back of the phone instead, which would require users to rest their index finger on a sensor to unlock their device.
I've attached some additional photos and specs below, so you can get a better look at my 3-D printed iPhone 8. I'm excited to share more videos and updates in the coming weeks, and I hope you'll join me on this journey into the world of 3-D printing and tech innovation.
Additional details:
* Camera design: all-vertical camera with advanced features like portrait mode and low-light capabilities
* Display: all-screen display with high-resolution resolution
* Home button: Touch ID built into the screen, or possibly placed on the back of the phone instead?
* Design elements: speaker cutouts, color scheme, and more
Stay tuned for more updates and videos from Keaton, and don't forget to subscribe for the latest tech news and innovations!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey what's up guys Keaton here, so what I'm about to show youis something really crazy this righthere is the world's first 3-D printediPhone 8 just off pictures and rendersthis thing's super legit it even hasthat new vertical camera and it's kindof thicklot thicker than my iPhone 7 so what'snew with the iPhone 8? Alright guys soright back there I'm 3-D printing theworld's first iPhone 8 that soundsawesome I wouldn't be able to make thishappen if it wasn't for venya geskin hedoesn't check out his Twitter link downbelow she has all the iPhone 8 hookupsthe guy's been mad accurate ontwitter and he sent your boy the iPhone 8 3-Dfile maybe will get the plus one that'dbe sick drop a like on this video if youguys want him to send me that? Okay whatI'm doing right now is I'm actually inthe program where you kind of customizeall the settings for the 3-D printer thisis my first time using a 3d printer, Mattlegit made all this happen he helped meset this up like your boy would not havebeen able to make stuff come out if itwasn't for him so here is the iPhone 8fileI don't you guys can see that you guyscan see the camera right there, it'spretty crazythat's imagine for make it happen so I'mgoing to go ahead and time-lapse itso the reason why I'm wearing sunglassesis I'm about to go to Australia. I just cameback from a flight. I was tired fromprinting this iPhone 8, as you guyscan see. This thing is going to be insaneand this entire video is kind of to giveyou a good representation of what theiPhone 8 is going to look like. For peoplethat have drawings and renders that areactually the iPhone 8 like BenjaminGeskin, this is about to be insane. So hereis the first weird thing on the iPhone8. So guys one of the biggest changes isthe screen, so the iPhone 8 is going to havethis bezel - less display, meaning it's allgoing to be screen so this is going tobe what the iPhone 8 looks like this isjust from pictures and everything that I'veprinted I'm just only going to say thatone more time. So what you're going toget with this is all screenso you guys see on the iPhone 7 right herehow you have these thick white barsthese are bezels and on the iPhone 8it's going to keep the same size of theiPhone 7 but give you a bigger screendoesn't that sound pretty good? Right? Itsounds awesome and also the iPhone 8 isgoing to be thicker like my 3-D printerthis is one of the first times I've ever3-D printed, but I think I did a prettygood job after I messed up twice anddidn't really realize that till like fourhours later and, I got it done! We got theiPhone 8 right here, but the iPhone 8 isgoing to be thicker it might have abigger battery, its definitely going to have somewireless charging but it's actuallygoing to be thicker it kind of resemblesthe iPhone 2, the first iPhoneyou guys probably remember. Let me know in thecomments if you guys ever have touched onethose things are awesome. So you guys cansee my iPhone 7 here it's pretty thinwith the iPhone 18 being thicker I don't knowabout the plus model like legit guysI'm a mess here, I almost like took outmy entire table. So I just want to show you guysguys how much thicker the iPhone 8 that Imade is compared to the iPhone 7. Gotthis thing called a calliper, calliper. Idon't actually know how to say it rightso you guys can see you right here it is7.14 millimeters, solet's try my iPhone 8 here, it'sdefinitely thicker. Obviously it's goingto be a little off because I made thiswith a 3-D printer but it's going to be alittle, yeah no that's definitelythickernot by muchbut yeah that's like 7.53?A bigger battery is going tohappen. So I made a 3-D printed iPhone8. So it doesn't everything thatwe're going to see on the iPhone 8this is just some of the first stuff butone of the biggest things that I'mseeing, I don't know if you guys can seetoo well I'll put some pictures of it onscreen right now, but the camerais vertical. I hope you guys can see it butthe camera is vertical, legit, itsvertical. So take the iPhone 7 plus camerayou know how it is, two cameras and prettymuch just rotate that vertically that'sexactly what it looks like. This is justthe iPhone 8, I don't know what the iPhone8 plus is going to look like. Could ithave three cameras? Like, yo what if just hada camera going down the side, you could just belike, hey let me take a photo, and youtake a photo of the entire world. That'swhat the camera is going to look like, it's definitelygoing to be boosted up. It's going to begreat and when I said before there'sgoing to be a bunch of cameras rightwhere that like speaker cut out is, right tothe left and right of it. I think there'sgoing to be like 2 or more. Sosnapchats, they're going to look amazingand then when you want to take some moreprofessional video instead of alwayshaving to hold your phone like thismaybe you can hold your phone like thisat least for me it's more comfortableand still kind of get a better shotbecause like sometimes when you uploadvertical videos especially on YouTube it kind ofcrops it weird and the only way to seeit like fullscreen is you have to tap full screenso maybe this vertical video thing isgoing to be like the biggestgame-changer. I don't know if you guysknow this but I've actually 3-D printedthe iPhone SE before. I did it lastyear, same with the iPad Pro. They turned out really, really, reallygood. This one I just got to spend like alittle more time on it I'll get somepainting out this thing we're going tomake look like the iPhone 8. I'm going toget the apps and everything, but one of thereally interesting thing is, where'stouch ID? Like where is the home buttonIf they're going to have this all screendisplay which would be awesome, becauseyou're going to get a bigger screenwithout getting like a bigger device butwhere's like touch IDs? Are they going to bebuilt into the screen? That'd be awesomelet me know in the comments if you guyswould like that. A lot of people aresaying it's actually going to be on theback of the iPhone which, is a first, soit would just be like kind of right in thecentre here. I don't even know if there'sgoing to be an Apple logo, probably getlike bumped down but it'd just be likeright there so when you pick your phoneup, you just rest your index finger like onthe back here, and it unlocks it. I don'treally know how good I feel about thatif it was just built into the screen and Icould just rest my thumb on there, that would bebetterso yeah guys, that's pretty much it for thisvideo this is the world's first 3-Dprinted iPhone 8. I'm probably going to doa bunch of other videos kind of likethis. Thank you so much for Jorge and Abbe forhaving my notifications on if you guyswant a notification shoutout, turn onmy youtube notifications and let meknow in the comments. Get subscribed ifyou're new and tweet me at techsmartt ifyou guys find any other weird gadgetsthis is going to be my new phone now, bye!\n"