I'm looking on the back, the camera looks the same it's smaller on this because the phone's smaller. But you got to look for like the glossy, it's glossy, it's shiny and because you guys are gonna want to know how durable are these things, I don't even know they feel a lot more fragile than like this brick right here. You can throw this you can drive over with the car and it's still going to be good. So I want to actually destroy one of these things drop a like in this video if you guys want it. Comment down below letting me know how you guys want me to destroy this, go crazy if you want me to get a gun I'll shoot this thing . I'll pin the top comment down below, but bro we got to know how durable this thing is.
On the buttons here you can see there's not that much of a light and if there is a light it's blue. I don't know if you guys can see that too well. On the real one though the buttons are smaller they're actually like put into the phone they're not like standing out and protruding like on the real one here. So the light on here is like actually white, so white light. Versus that blue light. So with these fake phones it all comes down to like how it actually looks. I'm gonna hit the menu on both, and you guys can see how much cleaner it looks you can see messaging is in purple, any app you hover over the text is actually, did I say purple? It's orange.
The weirds got me, the fake one has got my mind tripping, I don't even know my colors at this point. I got snake pulled up on both here. Oh that it like looks more fun on here, you got a snake this is a two-handed job and let me tell you I cannot do this two-handed job. Can I even get one? Oh I got one! No we're at two! You can see this one's a lot more fun than this one this is just some old stuff that you find on the old, no I'm not even gonna put the phone down I'm gonna get one. Oh, yes I got one! We did it this is the real one, it looks a lot better. The fake one just looks like trash.
So last up, I almost threw the phone... Is the camera. So the new 3310 have cameras the old one doesn't. I didn't actually think I'd want this phone, let alone want it with the camera, but we got it and I want to see how good it is on the real one compared to fake this is going to be interesting so I'm gonna fire up the camera tab here. Always have to unlock this thing I don't like it. Oh this looks way better on this. I don't even think you can see, this one too well. Like the screen isn't even that good, look from the fake video here.
Alright I'm gonna take a phone, a photo a phone I'll take a picture with this one here. Like it just looks bad. On the screen it just looks like it's from this phone like if this phone had a camera the old 3310. Okay on the real one I have a, oh that looks way better. You can actually tell the phone's yellow. Whoa, that's crazy. Oh it even gives you a nice click. That actually looks like a really good photo. You can even share it on this phone like of course it's the 2013 3310, it's smart.
Yes this is awesome! So yeah guys that's pretty much it for this weird Nokia 3310 fake verse real video. Thank you so much maxitiger and Jubair for having my notifications on. If you guys want a notification shoutout, turn on my YouTube notifications and let me know in the comments. You're going to want to do that because you're probably saying Keaton what's on the back of the couch there? It's going up on Sunday. Trust me it's gonna be weird, you're gonna want to be the first to get there. Subscribe if you're new and tweet me at techsmartt if you guys find any other weird gadgets. Just wait till Sunday.
New York's been really awesome we're in Hell's Kitchen right now I met this random New Yorker It's been awesome. Where are we? Mid-town in Hell's Kitchen? Something like
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enpromise me you won't look at the couchdon't even comment on it just trust methere's nothing going on over there. Heywhat's up guys Keaton here, I'm becomingan air traffic controller trust me. So Ican't believe thisnokia made a new Nokia 3310 and you'reprobably saying yourself dude this phonelooks like it's from the 90s, is this, this phone you're talking aboutthis is one of the first Nokia 3310's. Youguys probably know it if you're a 90skid like me you probably own this thing. It's so durable it's crazy, they made anew one but here's the deal. I bought afake and I didn't know about it so nowthat I have a real one,here's how to spot a fake. Oh yeah we brokeit no we definitely broke it. Nope, wedidn't we're goodso yeah guys, this right here is how to spot a fake Nokia 3310 from a real oneand usually I don't really think I careabout a Nokia 3310 but it's crazy. Thisphone came from the 90s like I even ownone of these but they made a new one andI want to check it out and see what'scool about it but what's crazy isthey're actually making fakes for thisthing. Who would have ever thought that Iwould want a fake Nokia 3310 or any ofyou guys for that matter. I don't evenknow, so I'll put links down below forthe real one here. So in case you guysare new to the series if you haven'tseen like the fake iphone 7 vs the realone the Galaxy s8 fake vs the realone, this thing's crazy, and if you haven'tseen it make sure you subscribe Buteverything you can tell on a fake versusreal usually is shown on the box so thisis the fake Nokia 3310 and this is whatI honestly got scammed and I saw thisand I'm like alright yupseems legit, wasn't legit. This is the realone here, and they got a lot ofdifferent pictures, graphs fun stuff thisjust has a picture of the phone. This hasthe jazz, and let me tell ya', you wantthe jazz, jazz hands. You want more fun stuff morefun colours, like you got someone's tongue on the boxlike that's just the fun, time this ain'ta fun time. No one wants this, this ain't evengood. Who wants a fake nokia 3310 like reallybro? Cuz' every day bro, with the DisneyChannel flow. On the back here you cansee the fake one, honestly it looks like anAT&T box, like I don't know why I'mthinking that. Same colours and everything, this is the real one you guys can just see it. Sowe're gonna open up the fake one first. Ijust want to show you guys how weirdthis is, who wants a fake? Alright so you see? Youget the phone right here I don't know ifyou guys can tell but this thing lookspretty big and you're gonna see in asecond it's not that big, the real oneain't that big, here's the old one. So you guys can see like, it'sa pretty decent size like this just feelslike a TV remote, I don't really know, and lookat the buttons here alright so what elseyou get in the box, you get the poweradapter I don't even know, is that? Nope. It's not for the US. Maybe for the UK fam Idon't really know let me know in thecomments and that's pretty much it sothis is what came with the fake. Itmight vary, you guys might pick up adifferent one you might even get anextra case or something. Here is the realone. So when you open it up you see thephone there's no sticker on it at leastthe one that I got didn't have a stickerthis one has a wax sticker, and I'll talkabout that in a second. So what else you get is some real like paperwork like no onereads this stuff but hey this is whatyou need to know if you get a legit oneyou need to look for the paperwork youneed to look for it, and then you getanother travel adapter charge itwhatever and the big thing here is youget headphones. That was like the bigthing that I picked up on, I was like alrightif you getting headphones you'rechillingthey're just basic headphones whatever Iguess, fake people you can throw someheadphones in there you can fool me butyou're about to see how weird this iscompared to this. So this sticker on hereon the fake it looks pretty weird andhow you can tell the real one from thefake one is just look right now thisone's a lot glossier than this, it's got kind of more like a matte finish and when you flipit over, you can see like this one just, itshines more, that's the best way to lookfor it here and also look at this I'mthe Nokia captain now, no seriously lookat this. This one's smaller than this oneso legit they made this probably beforethey even knew a real one existed oreven had one I don't know, unless you seethis video you might think this is thereal size nope it's shinyit feels could and it's actually smallerso when you're on the front here thissticker's throwing me off. Why does it sayafter carvingwhat, is there a built-in knife here? In the fake one do I become Obe-Wan Kenobistart slashing everyone from Star Trek? So when you turn them on, you see a Nokia screen onthis one, this one looks more normal thanthis . This just sounds betterit sounds more trap and dubstep like youcan throw this in a song and it wouldwork. This just feels like they took thesame sound from the 90s version here Ijust want to like throw this thing. Check out like the ports, so when you goto the bottom here on the fake, you have your your micro USB port to charge this thing. Onthe real one, all you had is a headphonejack. Shout out to you Nokia, you didn'tpull an apple here like I appreciateyour bro. But when you flip it to the topon the real one you're going to see thecharge port, that is like a dead giveawayright there and I'm looking on theback, the camera looks the same it'ssmaller on this because the phone'ssmaller. But you got to look for like theglossy, it's glossy, it's shiny and becauseyou guys are gonna want to know howdurable are these things, I don't evenknow they feel a lot more fragile thanlike this brick right here. You can throw this you can drive over with the car and it'sstill going to be good. So I want toactually destroy one of these thingsdrop a like in this video if you guyswant it. Comment down below letting meknow how you guys want me to destroy this, go crazy if you want me to get agun I'll shoot this thing . I'll pin the top comment down below, but bro we got to know howdurable this thing is. On the buttonshere you can see there's not that muchof a light and if there is a light it'sblue. I don't know if you guys can seethat too well. On the real one though thebuttons are smaller they're actuallylike put into the phone they're not likestanding out and protruding like on thereal one here. So the light on here is likeactually white, so white light. Versethat blue light. So with these fakephones it all comes down to like how itactually looks. I'm gonna hit the menu on both, and you guys can see how much cleaner itlooks you can see messaging is in purple,any app you hover over the text isactually, did I say purple? It's orange.The weirds got me, the fake one has got mymind tripping, I don't even know mycolours at this point. I got snake pulledup on both here. Oh that it like looks morefunit's more fun on here, you got a snakethis is a two-handed job and let me tellyou I cannot do this two-handed job. CanI even get one? Oh I got one! No we're at two!you can see this one's a lot more funthan this one this is just some oldstuff that you find on the old, noI'm not even gonna put the phone downI'm gonna get one. Oh, yes I got one! We did it this is the real one, it looks a lot better. Thefake one just looks like trash. So last up, I almost threw the phone... Is thecamera. So the new 3310 have cameras the old one doesn't. I didn't actually thinkI'd want this phone, let alone want itwith the camera, but we got it and I want tosee how good it is on the real onecompared to fake this is going to beinteresting so I'm gonna fire up thecamera tab here. Always have to unlockthis thing I don't like it. Oh this looksway better on this. I don't even thinkyou can see, this one too well. Like thescreen isn't even that good, look from thefake video here. Alright I'm gonna take aphone, a photo a phone I'll take apicture with this one here. Like it justlooks bad. On the screen it just lookslike it's from this phone like if thisphone had a camera the old 3310. Okay onthe real one I have a, oh that looks waybetter. You can actually tell the phone'syellow. Whoa, that's crazy. Oh it evengives you a nice click. That actually lookslike a really good photo. You can evenshare it on this phone like of courseit's the 20173310, it's smart. . Yes this is awesome!So yeah guys that's pretty much it for this weird Nokia 3310 fake verse real video. Thankyou so much maxitiger and Jubair for having my notifications on. If you guys wanta notification shoutout, turn on myYouTube notifications and let me know inthe comments. You're going to want to dothat because you're probably sayingKeaton what's on the back of the couchthere? It's going up on Sunday. Trust me it's gonnabe weird, you're gonna want to be the firstto get there. Subscribe if you're newand tweet me at techsmartt if you guys find any other weird gadgets. Just wait tillSunday. .New York's been really awesome we're inHell's Kitchen right nowI met this random New . It's been awesome. Where are we? Mid-town in Hell's Kitchen? Something like\n"