Adam's Finger Accident - Still Untitled - The Adam Savage Project - 3_31_20

**Staying Safe and Connected During Coronavirus**

As we navigate these uncertain times, it's essential to prioritize our health and well-being while also connecting with others who may be going through similar experiences. Recently, our team discussed various topics related to coronavirus, including how to maintain a safe home quarantine, handling groceries and packages, and staying socially distant. We also touched on the importance of sheltering in place and supporting local communities that need help.

**Supporting Those in Need**

Many people are reaching out to support those who may be struggling due to the pandemic. Local food banks and shelters desperately need donations, and there are numerous ways to get involved. Organizations like Give Directly, which allows you to donate directly through PayPal, can make a significant impact. Additionally, many individuals are finding creative ways to connect with others, such as hosting virtual gatherings or participating in online communities.

**Reading and Relaxation**

With the stress and anxiety of the pandemic, it's easy to lose motivation when it comes to activities like reading. However, for some of us, this is an excellent opportunity to catch up on our favorite books or discover new authors. Our team member has recently found themselves struggling to focus while reading, but they're committed to making progress and exploring different genres. They've even started working on a blazer project to help stay engaged.

**Practicing Mindfulness**

The pandemic has brought many of us to a place where we're forced to confront our stress levels and anxiety. For some, this means recognizing the importance of getting enough sleep (7-8 hours per night) for immune system health. Others may find solace in activities that require full concentration, such as board games or creative pursuits.

**Sharing Experiences**

We want to hear from you! Share your experiences, stories, and tips on how to stay safe and connected during this challenging time. Whether it's a favorite book, a new hobby, or a simple way to relax, we're here to support each other. Our team is committed to creating a community that fosters connection and understanding.

**Upcoming Live Stream**

Join us next week for our live stream, where we'll be answering questions and discussing various topics related to coronavirus. You can tune in on Tuesday from 1-2 pm or 1-3 pm EST. We'll also have the opportunity to take some questions from you, so don't miss out!

**Chinese Authors and Pronunciation**

We're excited to share our love for Chinese authors with each other. One of our team members has been working on reading a book by Lou Tiyan (also spelled Liang Tiandong), but they'd like your help in pronouncing his name correctly. The TS sound comes from the front, while the Ti sound is at the back of the mouth. Let's work together to get it right!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enthis week's episode of still untitled ismade possible with support fromMicrosoft Surfaceintroducing the new Microsoft Surfacelaptop 3 with its beautiful touch screenyou'll experience stunning graphics withrazor-sharp resolution now availablewith 13 and 1/2 or 15 inch screen andwith the latest processors there's noproject the surface laptop can't handleit's both light and powerful so you canget more done on the go visit surfacecomm slash laptop 3 to learn more that'ssurface comm slash laptop 3 welcome andI'm norm this is gonna be a regular fromthe bunker ever done I got I need I needa new chair that's what I've realizedover the past two weeks of doing thisand doing multiple podcasts I don't havea good I'm sitting on a stool and it'sterrible terrible it is veryuncomfortable it's not just my back soyeah looking for chairs that don't havea big presence behind because I don'twant to look like like will I'm not afan of the big office chair yeahsomething a little bit visible I like tohave a little bit of a headrest too somy my office chair at home is a HermanMiller desk chair one of the ones withthe chrome frame and the ribbed leatherthat goes down it's the one that everyhotel in the world buys the rip-offversion of yeah for their desk thereason I don't like those chairs is I dowhite like armrests either oh I like astool because I can cross my legs I canhave around like the armrest it gets inthe way I gotta have an IDI've got a steel case gesture and I'vegot full arm articulation they go upthey go down they go in they go out theypivot I can lean back I can lean forwardit's it's all goodlook it's a command set to much range ofmotion too many too many notes these areall new considerations as we're now isthe third week ofnormal for those of us in the Bay Areawas just announced this morning we'regonna be doing this for till you knowend of April beginning of May so that'swhy I'm thinking about things like likechairs did you that that work from homesupplies are now like webcams webcamsare going for 250 or 300 bucks on eBaynow because the webcam the bottom hasfallen out of the webcam market earthsupply oh my godPP field okay hi everybody well we had acouple of we had a couple of rainstormsthis weekend and this morning likeclockwork we had a nice pollen bloom andeven though I took a claret in my mynose has been a leaky faucet all daylong I've been hit the flonase real hardthis week it's really exciting down herethe Smith household just kicking my asshard to get any work done well you Imean it my nose would just be rawtonight yeah yeah we'll what is yourstrategy for your beard are you gonnagrow down as a Florentine beard oh not ajudgment thing I just I'm curiousso last last week would have been theweek that traditionally if I was on mybusiness I would have gone to get thehaircut so the the hair is gettinghigher by the time gonna look like ConanO'Brien in another week or two and thebeard for a while I thought I was gonnado like a like a mask trimmer so I couldjust suction the mask on to there theclean skin area down the middleum but at this point I'm just not everleaving the house again it seems like soit doesn't matter really what my beardlooks like I've been I did you might anda brush after a shower less Lau a frizzyGrizzly Adams beard because it is largeand I don't have I don't have the mytrimmer doesn't have things big enoughfor where I'm at now so I have to freeand it excuse me I was really lucky andthat three weeks ago I did an appearancefor one of the cable networks notdiscovery but I did an appearance on ashowand because I was heading down to LA tobe on television for the first time in awhile I actually managed to snake in anappointment with my hairdresser Marionandso she gave me a haircut two and a halfweeks ago it's like I got a haircut fourdays before we all went under that'sreally good that's good timing yeah Imean if we anticipate this lasting youknow it's gonna be over a month maybetwo months at some point depending onhow regularly you normally get yourhaircut you know for me it's about oncea month you're gonna have to make achoice you let it you grow it out andjust have it the signifier of theQuarantine time or do you start watchingyoutube videos and have your partnerwork on it oh no no no no no no make herdon't make Danica do that to you normit's a bad idea no cuz she'll enjoymessing you up she's she wants to showyou that no it's not that she woulddelight in screwing norm up but shewould consider it a learning exercisebecause she likes learning new skillsand she would use norm as her as herhairdressing doll and it might and itmight not work you know it's anybody'syeah I've got I've got the idea herethis is a billion I hesitated becauseout of the podcast because it's such afantastic ideawe need to repurpose some of your spacesuits get the hairdressers in them andbring people in one cleanup at a timewhere they can wear the mercury helmetin the background they'll be totallyclean everything's gonna be great we canall get nice good haircuts I'll tell youI've been surprised in my groominghabits during me the sheltering in placeand that I'm shaving every morning oh mygod stop shaving for the first time in30 years and it's terrifying well look Imean because I was on a TV show where II had you know over Christmas I usuallyhad three and a half weeks off I wouldgrow a break beard like like celebritiesdo when they have shows and they have tokeep groomed and I delighted and like ohit's my break beard and now I'm like Idon't want to get into staying up till2:00 in the morning sleeping till noonkind of thing and all this all thisfalling apart so I've been really like aSID recently waking up at 9:00 every dayand shaving every single day no it'sit's like putting on real pants it'spart of the routineokay I'm gonna be I've decided you knowsweats are great for that's actually I'mdifferentiating between the weekend andnon weekend sweats on weekend real pantsthanks well first you wear pants guysI'm wearing pants but yeah those littlethings no matter what no matter what dayit is you know that I'm wearing bloodstones blue jeans and black shirt everysingle day all day ly heaven I haven'tworn a non elastic waistband in about 14days at this point probably so yeah wewe went to ground I think three daysbefore they three days before theycalled it so yeah this is like day 17 or18 for us yeah we're a you know saidwe're at 24 25 today I can't rememberhow other at this point like bodychanges like no are you eating betterare you without without all thatrestaurant butter because we ate out alot beforehand I find it like you knowJulia will make a beautiful chickensalad or something delightful in thefridge and you can eat for a few daysand I'll be like for dinner I'll putsome chicken salad on a piece of toastand split it and like that's suddenlyfine for dinner with a snack later onand that's probably half the amount ofcalories I normally eat I didn't realizehow much I didn't I didn't realize howmuch a salt and butter we were eating inthe food that we're buying atrestaurants and I also didn't reallyappreciate how much time well how muchour lunches are hard it turns outbecause most of our lunches I mean wehave a seven-year-old to eat lunch everydayoh right wise like kid bread is breaddependent right so we're like yeah yeahlike we have one week of sandwiches andthen week two we're like what are wegonna do for lunch todaylet's do yogurt parfaits today cuzgranola keeps for a long time and I meanwe're trying to do groceries every otherweek just so we don't put unnecessarytrips out and and/or load on deliverysystems and all that stuff so yeah yeahit's the opposite for me I'm snackingmore and there's a direct relationshipbetween how much news I'm reading andhow much candy I'm having and chocolateoh and that's good yeah I am meeting myfeelings at night certainly havingsnacking up on the sugar hold on I dohave one interesting physical changepointed out just to be clear all thiscoughing and sneezing is making me veryanxious at him if you could I know withthe allergies that would be great okay Iwish I wish I could I wish I could I'mhiding a zombie bite that's what itfeels like yeah so clean right manyou're clean I tell you clean Juliapoints it out I'm holding into thecoming into the camera she points outthat there's like this that my brow nowa little bit of a furrow in my brow thatwasn't there beforeand yeah she's like it's really intensebecause you are a light you are a lightperson you you you have a certainapproach to the world for the lasttwo-plus weeks it's been a little darkerand that's been a real change we wetalked about this a little bit last weekbut Gina and I have stopped talkingabout anything news related after 9o'clock now and that's really good I amlike if I pick up a screen after 9o'clock it's to play a game or to do acrossword puzzle or to read a book oh Idon't my screen time thing this weeksaid that I'm down to only like 18 hoursa day yeah my screen time let's see thefirst week we were inside my screen timewas the highest it's ever been and likeyeah like it was like you've got up 92%this week exactly and I'm graduallyworking my way back down to my my preshelter-in-place numbers so hey Wow Wowfamily show and so yeah I tweeted aboutthis over the weekend I had an accidenthere in the shop on Friday we'rerecording this on Monday so accidentplus 3 Iwas did you see that tweet storm I putout well I saw the tweet but I figuredwe probably talked about it so I did notread it I did not read all right wellthen here company hold yeah uh Friday Iwas not sure what to work on and Iremembered that my lathe has had thisproblem my lane has about 11 dials thatchange different parts of its speed andthe main dial for the spindle speed hasfour settings well eight settings butfor on the primary arm and I lost onelike I could get it into three settingsbut not all four and it's in atransmission thing where it has like atrainer inside the gears to its Minotaurokayexactly and there's a you know yep andit looks actually similar to a cartransmission albeit smaller and I lostone of my gears and so I thought okayyou know what Friday I'm gonna take achance and solve this problem whichinvolved like removing all the cabinetryfrom around the lathe and then unpackingand popping off the top which hadn'tbeen popped off in 20 years because ithad been restored and so I've likeliterally crack him through a layer ofbondo in order to get to it and I openit up and I looked down into this oilfilled gear box and I realize oh that isnothing but a meat grinder and so I goover to the main breaker box of the caveand I turn off the breaker to the latheso that I could put my hands inside ofit and work inside me I spend about 90minutes moving stuff back and forthusing a flashlight taking measurementstrying to figure out why I've lost thisgear and then I I see it I was it's a isthis something that like you you openthis up and you look at you're like okaythis is a trance this is I know how thisI see how this works there's somethingreally like changing dials on the frontand looking to see what happens insideand luckily weddings connect andfiguring it out basically I'm looking atthe main linkage for the dial that's gotthe problem and I'm moving it and I'mwatching what's happening and now I'msort of getting the gears to touch andsee oh and then I see oh there's a spacewhere there probably shouldn'tand then what I see on the other side isthat this bearing which should be seatedinto a cast-iron wall is now like halfthe way out of that wall so there's ahalf inch of extra space and that'swhat's caused my mic so now I've taskedwith pressing a bearing back in when Ionly have access to it from 12 inchesabove and I can't actually Hammer it Imean I'd have to drill a hole in theside of my cast iron casing which it'sdefinitely something I might do to plugit back up but I think about a bunch ofdifferent options and I eventually weldand manufacture a little plate that goesin and allows me a leverage with a wedgeand I hammer and lo I actually move thatbearing back into its original positionI mean these are these are hard problemsto solve and you you go down the road tosolve them you're not sure that it'sgonna work so when I saw the bearingmove I was super super Chuck I felt veryaccomplished right like I had solvedthis intractable problem and so I getthe bearing back I check operation Istart to put the machine back togetherand I'm like now I'm feeling good it'slike three o'clock on a Friday yeah Igot to two or three more hours in theshop I'm gonna clean this puppy up so Iplug it I turned the power back on Istart cleaning it up and now I'm takinglike a wire brush on the lead screw andgetting rid of all the dust and I take apiece of cloth and I'm putting it aroundone of the lead screws and these lossgets caught and it pulls my hand inbetween two lead screwsyou're lucky of a finger still and I hada I had appeared a very sure will therewas a period of time before it draggedmy hand in that I knew that that was thelikely outcome and I will be tellingthat left hand left hand right hand leftokay that's good at least there was amoment then I actually talked with mywife about it last night and I I haven'ttalked about this a lotthe fear because I'm injured myself manytimes in my life I've had lots ofstitches I've been out of the hospitalmany times every time you go you feel acertain amount of shame and and and andanger at yourself for the injury oh youalways can identify the mistake you madethe moment you like the moment after themistake is too late yeah oh this is abad choice no if I was being filmed atthe time I believe I even what no no noI even I even did the reality denyingsoundI mean it's extra scary cuz you werethere by yourself so if you'd gottentrapped stuck you were in a real bind somy hand is being pulled towards themachine and yeah I'm like I could losemy whole I have no idea what's about tohappen and this is the worst thing thatI've ever been pardon me too and Ireally this is wrong the upside-down caryou think yeahWow they're terrifying lately the liftis the thing that scares me more thananything else in your shop except formaybe that disc grinder which can reallychuck something across the across theroom if you're not careful I'm workingon a part that's only spinning at like40 rpm it's not it's not it's not aterrifying speed and that's like abandsaw it's deceptive about how safeyou are being near it and to be honestover the past three days I've had andit's mostly at the end of the night whenI'm like trying to fall in sleep I'vebeen flashing to that moment of the hereghosts and that feeling that thatadrenaline rush of total terror am Igoing to lose a finger and worse doesthat mean I have to go to an ER at thismoment in time I'm an I'm the assholethat's gonna suck up their time withthis dumb mistake and then make myselfexposed which means instantaneously I'mgonna have to camp out here at the cavefor two weeks yeah and like wave to mywife and my mom and my house likeeverything about this is terribleif if I brought my mom here and then waslike well honey I'm gonna be out of thehouse for the next 14 days that wouldprobably that might be a divorcefor two days a long time what some sohow did you get out of ithow'd you sow so I'm being pulledtowards it pulled towards it pulledtowards it and survival mechanism Iyanked my hands and my hand comes outand now I experienced the second momentof total terror and please understandit's taking me all weekend to work upthe courage to talk about this I didn'twant to talk about it I didn't want to Ididn't want to share this story becauseI still feel a fresh amount of shame andfear over it like it's like hurting yourbody and carving up your body is awful Imean the mistake isn't making themistake it's you should be ashamed Smithtakes the mistake I know to think don'tis it's only a mistake if you don'tlearn from it right I got totallytotally totallyand yet that feeling at the the freshfeeling right afterwards is real so Ipulled my hand out and now I experiencedthe second moment of Terror which is theinspection how bad is it going to be sothat I hold my hand up and will or dormwhen either you like to see what I waslooking at yes and it send me thepicture or else you would've taken thepicture right that's exactly right youare you you had the the wherewithal toget your phone out with your right handyou can pick every single I take apicture of every single injury this isby far the worst injury I have eversustained here we go audio listenerGotham is texting will I have the textI'm going to open it right now yeah yeahI've seen worse that's pretty fucked upthough well let me tell you if I bet myfinger I was looking at my joints and mytendons oh I I have their sealant rightthere I unbutton the front suit of myfinger it's what I did the zigzag is thebad yeah oh you know it's a Fatonand all the connective tissue underthere yeah that's real bad I'm I'm I'm alittle scared that you didn't go to thedoctor on this one because there's a lotof shit like this is a stitch situationfor sure oh yeah no that's twenty orthirty stitches right there did you dothem or do just seal it up and call it aday well let me get on with my storeOh before we continue on with the show Iwon't let you know that support forstill entitled comes this week fromMicrosoft Surfaceintroducing the new Microsoft Surfacelaptop 3 with its beautiful touch screenyou'll experience stunning graphics withrazor-sharp resolution now availablewith a 13 and 1/2 or 15 inch screen andwith the latest processors there's noproject the surface laptop can't handleit's both light and powerful so you canget more done on the go visit surfacecomm slash laptop 3 to learn more that'ssurface comm slash laptop 3 now back tothe show like okay just to be clear fromup from him I'm not a doctor not amedical professional from first-aidstuff that I've done over the years thatis the very that is like 99% of people Iwould say yeah you need to go doctorright now when you see new that is so inevery injury in a shop there is when yougo to inspect the wound the questionyou're asking isn't how bad is the woundit's how much is this going to change myday we have months right life and yeahand sometimes it's a it's a it's afencepost should I go get stitchesshouldn't I and I've had like I cutmyself on a bandsaw about eight yearsago ten years ago and the second I didit I'm like hospital I knew without evenlooking at it that this was a hospitalvisit this one this 100% this is ahospital business this is totally stitchworthy but again at this moment in timeI don't want to get around Dogville Idon't want to waste their time I don'twant to expose myself I I was gonna saythis is the threshold for do I take apicture of this before I have to sitdown right well so this is the otherthing is and I've talked about this Ihave a I have a fainting reaction when Icut my hands specifically I often infaith and I so being very cognizant ofthat I tightened up my core my solarplexus to keep blood in my head and Icalled my mom I knew my wife wasactually working I knew she was doingdoing her job and my mom was at thehouse and I knew Fridays she does notshe does not see patience my mom is apsychotherapist who's been seeing herregular patients on the phone and I knewthat she was not working so I called herI'm like wow I'm calling my mommy howabout this so I called her and I'm likehey could you come to the shop and she'slike yes everything okay I'm like yeahjust come to the shop so about 10minutes later she arrives and I'm notall I'm doing at that point isirrigating it I have medical I havemedical salineI have iodine and I have hydrogenperoxide and I'm spraying it downcleaning the rest of my handsI got towels out I got toilet paper outI got all the things that I need and I'mjust making sure that this cut is asclean as I can possibly make it wait andit's the inside right it's the yeah it'syou know you didn't waste any type a puron your damn hand did you Adam thatstuff's put more precious than gold soso just as I finish irrigating it my momshows up and she I picked up I open thedoor and this is traditionally themoment when I'm gonna faint it's likeonce I'm taking care of getting somehelp that's often when I boom so I seeher I give her a hug I bring her intothe bathroom and say I need you to behere with me and my mom says yeah youneed to eat somethingand she gets me an energy bar that'sgreat her father was a surgeon she knowsand then she gets me a Snapple she'slike drink this whole Snapple and thisis perfect I did your mom she wasfabulous and I didn't let her see it Ididn't you know you don't want to seeher kids thing you don't want to seeyour kids injury oh and so this was acut that was completely addressable withbutterfly closures okay I mean it's it'sbad but it is not yeah it's bad he wantsto make sure doesn't get infected it'llbe fine that's the thing and there's noinfection it's been I'm every day it'sit's a little bit better it's a littlemore movable I have no nerve damageshockingly anywhere on the finger I knowit's on the inside which means that whenI bend my finger I'm not opening thewound at all so it's in every way it'san ideal placement of a cut that youmight not have to go might not want togo to the doctor for yeah what a millionshot Adam did looking at it on yourphone or through the viewfinder of yourphone distance you from the reality ofit when you're taking a picture just atad look I also had sutures here and Iconsidered suturing myself up by oh waitunless you're Mark Watney or you're inAustralia Antarctica or something that'salways a bad idea the thing is is thatto me it is the last resort like it isthe last resort I just don't know howI'm gonna do I'm gonna have to go gothemostats here I've got everything Ineed to sterilize and set it up but inmy own skin i I just couldn't be sure Iwasn't gonna vomit or throw up and I notsickened by looking at pictures of myinjuries and blood doesn't make me illbut I just didn't know how I was gonnarespond in fact so I called Tom sacksthat night and he was like did youstitch it up I've been doing butterflyclosuresI've been redressing the outside everyday I read into butterflies onceand yesterday I actually had thesituation where the coagulation happenedinto the bandage so I had to do a lot oftrimming and stuff to get it away andnow I've put a new skin on it and thatshould keep me from bonding with my ownbandages and basically it's doingstunningly and I can actually move thisI have most of the movement of this handand it has been remaining protected andI know this looks filthy but inside it'sall really nice and clean did you do youhave a do you have a status updatepicture for me can I see what it lookslike today or are you taking yes you canlet's take the pictures okay so thesecond pic I'm gonna send you theregates there's two pics one is day twoand then the last pic is day three thelittle bathroom lobster in thebackground really sells this just tojust to be clear like go down thebathroom oh yeah it looks a ton betterthe so the one when it's fading up isday two and the one where time is daythree facing down Tuesday to facing upis day three and it's really closing upwell yeah it looks good well you'rereally lucky you didn't get your ringfinger with that ring on I don't know ifyou have the ring on every everythingeverything about this I am a lucky luckylucky lucky man and I feel very guiltyI'm survival guilt about surviving so Iactually just shot a piece from testedabout it nor my on my phone I'll sendyou this we can cut it together becauseit's instructed whenever I havecomplicated feelings around something todo with shop practice I figure it'sreasonable to shoot something about it Imean this is the stuff that everybodywith the shop faces right I we Norma andI have a mutual friend who got reallyexcited about woodworking and he boughtsome chisels he started doing stuff byhand he's like I'm gonna go take someclasses and he went to a woodworkingshop near him and he walked in there andhe was talking to the old-timers whowere hanging out and they were like ohyeah we do lessons on Thursdays and hestarted counting fingers in the room andthere's all these guys that have beendoing woodworking stuff for 4050 yearsand all of our missing at least oneknuckle he's like I'm gonnawith the chisels the chisel seems goodyeah it is part of it is something it'spart of every shop and it's part ofworking in a shop and you know when Itweeted the story on Saturday somebodytweeted back every injury they've hadwas during reassembly because it's whentheir guard is down and that makescomplete sense yeah well that totallytracks to me I'm glad it's okay keepkeep keep track oh you know keep up onit Adam that you're like oh yeah and youknow I'm well preparedI have tons and tons of first-aidequipment I'm very grateful that I'm akind of secret prepper right now publicyeah I think we're all Preppers now theonly the thing that scares me about thelathe more than anything is gettingsucked into it you know because we allwear hoodies and stuff like that all thetime and just like if when that thingsgo and if you get pulled in there it'sthe scariest thing in the world I thinkoh god yeah ya know I used to know thiscrazy artist named Barry Schwartz theanimal his nickname was animal and Barryat one point had this exposed patch onhis scalp and I was like what happenedhe's like oz using the drill press andhis hair got caught in the drill pressChrist oh I will enjoy the testedcomments of everyone sharing theirterrifying offal shop injury storieshow's it goin norm it great now yeah mylife feels so much betterboarding those pictures please would youbow yeah no no I'm not posting them Idon't know I mean to the people in chatin common oh yeah thing 1 and thing 2both the boys wanted to see pictures mywife did not although she did ask totake a look at it when I was redressingit just to reassure herself and it looksgreat you're having somebody else smellit since your nose is stopped up I hoperight yeah it'sit could not be healing better I'mreally good at taking care of the takingcare of the injuries at my hands andmaking sure they are infection free sowhere are you just working on a bunch ofone-hand projects this week what'swhat's going on actually mostly mostly Ihad a second intractable problem whichis on the cross slide was sticking andit turns out so within a cross slide ofa lathe or a machine tool you have adovetail and the dovetail keepseverything together and you have screwsthat allow you to pressure that dovetailto have as little movement as possiblebut there's also this long and trying toremember what it's called the give armor the GibI'm terrible about this stuff butthere's a long tapered piece of metalalong one side of the dovetail and thereare two screws on either side of it andbecause it's tapered it allows you toprecisely adjust everything about thethe dovetail so that as it wears you canincrease the pressure and and keep it ata constant pressure and when I took tookapart the cross slide this morning Ifound that one of my old shop assistantshad while working on the lathe brokenthat cast iron long tapered piece and itwas floating and it meant that Icouldn't pull my my cross out all theway luckily he only cracked like thelast half inch of it which means that Ifigured out a way to actuallyreintroduce the adjustability that Ineed and I literally just solved thatproblem about five minutes before thispodcast and when we're done I'm puttingit all back together and I'm gonna gohome and sleep what our lesson and ourlesson is when you're putting it backtogether you're really bit more carefulthan when you were taking it apart Wowexactly no it's it's it's it's yeah Wowaw dude was put together some baby gatesin the house very simple like thegarrison its mobile now so it's timeoh yeah climbing in via yeah yeah goodwell I say I've been doing someglowforge projects and I'm building arobot to play board games so that'sthat's my logic for the downtime yeah Iwant to mention one thing because we'regetting toward the end I did finish theWest Wing I don't know if you'rewatching that Adam actually we've nowreverted to Aaron Sorkin and Tommy'slobbies first show sports night andwe're we're like a third of the waythrough season 2 now and this is like Ithink the fourth time I've watched thistry it is the entire run of that showthere's only what three or four seasonsof that it's short two seasons 23episodes and 22 episodes 45 seem longfor yet it's like 20 hours total twiceso good it's so good yeah say yeah for aWest Wing and in people it's you knowover ten years old the seventh season Ithink it's fantastic I think theaddition of some new actors they bringin Kristin Chenoweth who's wonderful andlovely Jimmy Smits is in itthere's John Goodman is just the Cameofor a few episodes but he is a biggerthe house yeah yeah I don't want tospoil if you haven't seen the show butit's one of those things as we weregetting close to the end of the serieslike a lot of these ensemble shows yougrow with these characters so you'vecome to know them over a hundred andsomething episodes and you really fallin love with them and it's really hardto say goodbye I don't know if it's likereading a book and you're getting to thelast chapter or so and especially youknow a show like Mad Men right yeah lastseason you see how far someone likePeggy's gone you know Roger and everyoneand the last like through four episodesyou're like kind of savoring every scenewrapping upall the stories and you're finding outyou'll never know where these charactersare after the show ends that you knowthe doors close to your windowright yeah to their world and theWestern we've got something interestingwe're on the beginning of the lastseason the very opening scene of season7 is a flash-forward to three yearslater and so they give you this tiny Ohlive minute glimpse into three yearslater as to who's married who liveswhere and so you get that little peekinto where they are and it's very ifyou're a sentimental person Donna andChristian Slater end up together that'swhat I want to know no no no they don'tthey are not OTP they're not the onetrue pairing yeah she is ship withsomeone else but we finished the seriesand the fun thing for me though is whenI started it I started on season two nowDanika who's a big fan of the show andhas seen a dozens of timesstarted me on season two which has itsthe cliffhanger assassination attempt onBartlet and Anjali and it's where yeahJosh Lyman Bradley Whitford gets shot soyou're starting with the last episode ofseason one yesexactly okay and watched six seasonsessentially but what was really fun isthat now I have the entire season onenot seen and I get to go back and watchwhat's essentially a flashback the wayI'm experiencing it and everyone's ohbaby and I get to see a character'sthey're all Zoe eyed and where theactors hadn't really locked into theirportrayals of the characters like Tobyhe's their essences of Toby there andmannerisms that become his characteryeah it's a real fun way to watch theshow because it's all for me almost likebonus material yeah yeah oh my god whata great gift Danica gave you and settingit up like that that's okay and it'ssomething that I think if you watch MadMen you could get away with or the WestWing or Star Trek a lot of stuff yeahyou could start on the second season andyeah the first couple episodes are stillgonna be wonder who's this person fromsomething from early season you'll getthrough it but then when you come backit is really because you're the mostemotionally invested by theend of the show yeah yeah there's somany it's so often you finish a show andyou're like that's it I feel this holein me now that I can't go back to thatuniverse and but I have this gift of 22episodes of revisiting it with zeropoints and it's just it's chicken soupwell it's orchid sorry Plus after threeseasons of non Sorkin writing you goback to the OGS and it's all Sorkinexactly well there's a thing that WestWing did that like a lot of shows missyou the same year a lot of times with asequel or a second season that thepeople who are making the show and thepeople who are watching the show liketwo completely different things aboutlike feel like the the thing that'simportant is are two completelydifferent thingsand West Wing didn't exactly like WestWing landed that pretty well but likelost is the is a classic example of likethat second season being not really whatthe first season was what I liked aboutany season so apparently from what Iunderstand of some of the insidebaseball in laws that was also becausewithin the structure of the peopleputting the show together there weredisagreements about whether season twoseason there were disagreements aboutwhether it was a soap opera or a sciencefiction drama Ryan some seasons one ofthose one and other seasons is anotherone one might even take away might beingtake away from watching West Wing is howterrible men's fashion was back thenthey wish you know all those giganticsuits everyone looks like David Burnsthen what they did is they did a lot ofpoliticians notoriously not greatdresses especially he does rhyme is inthose big unconstructed jackets when hewould look terrific in a three-buttonhe's sitting there with all this likeridiculous extra material andhigh-waisted pants skinny windowsterrible Kobe's Toby's high pants manall you gotta seek you got to see PeterKrause's high pants in sports night it'shilariousoh wow yeah I need to i watch that sinceit was on originally i need to go backand watch again I think we have DVDssomeplace dude Sports Night hits thegroundso hard it's so great it's and I've beenmeaning to go back and like your firstseason revisit nor just before sportsnight aired in 1998 The New Yorker did aprofile of Aaron Sorkin because theysuspected this was going to be a bigdeal and so you can read about thedifficulties he was having with thenetwork trying to make a new kind ofshow the battle about the laugh trackand all of that stuff so I've beenmeaning to go back to the New Yorkersite and reread that article now thatwe're making our way through the secondseason awesome I do want to use alsoTaylor to shout out some resources andthen we get a lot of questions we havebeen getting questions on social mediaabout places if you have a 3d printerfor example that you can help becausethere are some great resources and therehave been we've been like inundated witha lot there's so many different greatgroups working on their own solutionsand these are solutions for ventilatorparts but also face shields and otherpersonal protection equipment thatdoctors are here so you're asking forsome people are sewing masks some peopleare using soda bottle pet plastic with3d printed visor stuff that fit existingpieces yeah there's a ton of amazingingenuity and creation going on and andand with that also a lot of risk becauseof there's not a lot of that validationhappening because things are happeningso quickly as to how safe things are touse I want to point out matter hackersthere are a retailer bits in SouthernCalifornia who sell three printerfilament and we're good friends withthem but they've put together a reallygood hub where people with 3d printersand what they're printing in PLA or PT Gcan print PPE equipment so face shieldsis the primary thing and also they'reconnecting those people with the healthcare workers amenities who may wantthose if you just gonna matter hackerscalm the top link for a kobe 19 that'sright there Prusa 3d they're the makerof the 3d printer very popular one verygood for one they have a great designfor a face shieldit's a mount for a face shield yet thepair with a laser cut shield but that'swhat that's the link as welland then there's a website get us PP eorg that's G et us PP e org and that'salso connecting people these are greathubs as resources we had cash or on thetech pod this week to answer questionspeople's questions about coronavirus andwe talked about everything from like howto maintain your home quarantine and howto like how to handle groceries or howto handle packages that come in to youknow questions like how long do we thinkthis is gonna last and how long are wegonna be maintaining like sociallydistancing there's the sheltering inplace and and we talked through all thatat Tech vodka at home even if you don'thave access to equipment you know thereare plenty of places you can donatedirectly to families in need and so youcan go to give directly or that's a goodplace where you can again just if youjust want to use PayPal and donate it'sall very appreciated food banks need aton of help right nowyeah a lot of local support stuff needsa ton of help wherever you happen to beso anything you can do is good but ifyou can't do anything just stay homeplease that's all yeah you're simplystaying oh shit Netflix and chill manall the time that's all you have to doread some books we should find somebooks to read we should book and I can'tread what I just don't have theattention span I I haven't been able toread I have like three books on mybedside table what am I saying I havelike a dozen but I have three that I'mactively trying to read and I read liketwo pages and I'm like I can't do itit's my motivation also for making stuffhas also been really low which is whyI'm fixing tools here it's um and I'mgonna shoot something this week thattalks to that again because I think it'san interesting practice I think it's aninteresting question and I want to kindof unpack a little bit the the theattention span while reading thing isdefinitely something that's happened tome that has literally never happened inmy life like there's never been a time Icouldn't pick up a book and get lost init and yeah it's its newfound anxietyfinding new ways to fuck you I think andI think that's the bigthing is the recognitionabout how much the stress and anxietyare wearing upon us and you know I'vetalked a lot about when I stoppeddrinking eight seven or eight years agoas part of the stress management ofhosting Mythbusters and producing it andso you know I've had a lot of time toinspect my own stress and see how itchanges my reactions and my wellness andon this one on this in this moment liketo me getting my my seven and a half toeight hours of sleep every night is soimportant if I miss the mark I'll have anap in order to make sure it's up todate because that's the like it's thebest thing you can do for your immunesystem it's do everything you can tolower your stress level yeah um for meactivities that require fullconcentration are incredibly helpfullike yeah yeah just stuff that weatherlike a board game with Gina or workingon a blazer project or something likethat something that requires fullattention is so precious to me right nowand yeah all right I will try and readthis week norm so we can talk about yeahyeah let us know what you're readingwe'll talk about it next week and thenyou know we'll be doing this for atleast a couple more weeks and maybe wecan pick a book and and and share withpeople out there that's right dark darkforest and if I can make it through sowait I've been working on this we shouldpronounce it we should speak it theother way Leo Oh Leo Sushant teach itrightit's the TS in the front and the Titianrightplease Chinese speakers correct mebecause I love this author so much Iwant to make sure I am saying his namecorrectly Lou Titian tell me how well Idid and on that note we'll see everyonenext week hope everyone stays safe stayin DES wash your hands yeah and gentlewith each other we're all it's intenseyeah yeah not just physicallyemotionallyyeah psychologicallythe above and share some picturesstories of your own workshop totallyinjuries all right Adam I think thisgoing on Tuesday you might call mylivestream when I'm doing a live streamtoday from 1 to 2 1 from 1 to 3 p.m. andI think I maybe take you some questionsthis time mm-hmm yeah and that'll bethat'll be fun um it is delightful asalways to see your guys faces even if itwill be always a pleasureyeah all right have a good week guys byeeverybody bye\n"