Episode 14 - Apple Watch ships, 12' MacBook review, Project Fi

20% time thing and now that it once became popular they uh they decided to expand it it was a year or something before it was available on iOS officially wow well if you play engress let us know comment on the post that's pretty wild all right well the last thing I wanted to cover the uh Natalie Carris longtime Apple PR director announced that she is reti reing and we also saw today that uh Randy ubilo is also retiring after working for Apple for 20 years so two uh pretty big positions in apple and um they're heading out no word on where either of them are going uh Randy said he's just looking forward to retirement so may not be going anywhere and uh no word yet on the Natalie Caris and Natalie's been there I think 15 more maybe 15 years or more so you know both of them been through iPod I phone iPad and and uh Natalie car has even worked on PR for the Apple watch u in the you know past year or so so uh two people that I be looking to uh Apple be looking to replace I presume yeah there's been a lot of shake up in there PR it's probably worth pointing out that um Randy ulos was not only the head of Final Cut but he basically invented nonlinear nonlinear video editing on the desktop so Premier cut all of that you have him to think right I was reading our article uh of course and you know he started out at Adobe where he worked on the first three versions of Premiere and then went to macr Media where he helped uh he created key grip which is a video editing software based on quick time and then keygrip was uh purchased uh by Apple or the uh or key grip turned into Final Cut Apple bought the Final Cut team and then that's where you have Final Cut and ubo is also responsible for iMovie and aperture um which of course discontinued now but still that's that's a pretty hefty resume to be responsible for all that so that's pretty impressive quite the career and he was a an apple distinguished engineer which is the the sort of highest Echelon of Apple employees so this pretty wild so those two um Randy ubos and Natalie Carris retiring and there's also the new director of communications Steve ding Steve D Steve ding yeah he was just appointed so so definitely change over there yeah they're supposed to be friendlier but MH yeah keep telling yourself that I always think it's funny if you're listening uh communications director that you know Phil Schiller Tim Cook all of them have like Twitter handles Apple has like the iTunes Store Twitter handle podcasting iBooks and App Store uh Twitter accounts but there's no official Apple Twitter account still and maybe they're just trying to avoid the bag of hurt that would be Twitter having an official Apple Twitter account but uh yes it's not there I always thought that was interesting well there's a lot of there's a lot of big companies that only have Twitter accounts for sub Brands like the BBC does that they have at BBC but they've never tweeted from at BBC I don't think it's all their individual channels and shows okay but I mean I mean Google has it uh obviously Microsoft and I'm looking now twitter.com no tweets at Apple hasn't tweeted yet just a egg as an avatar and 32.9 th000 followers so there you go uh so who knows I mean maybe that's actually owned by Apple they just haven't tweeted yet but don't bother following it I hope it's not owned by Apple I hope it's just some girl who likes apples and decided to get at Apple on Twitter and then never use it got in on the ground floor ground floor okay well I think that does it for today again stay tuned for Apple watch coverage hopefully uh we'll be getting one tomorrow and we'll do uh some periscopes some unboxing some videos that things like that uh Neil where can people find you on the internet you can read my stuff at Apple Insider and you can follow me on Twitter at thisis Neil Shane where can people find you in the Bermuda Triangle as ever I am in the Bermuda Triangle yes and right next to eil at Apple Insider and you can follow me on Twitter at Steven Robles we'd love to hear your questions and comments so tweet us at Apple Insider or email newsapple insider.com you can also subscribe to our newsletter which you'll get once a week with all the top stories delivered to your inbox and we would really appreciate if you rate US in the iTunes Store give us five stars and a comment there and you can also comment on the post when it goes up we'd love to interact with you there as well thanks again for tuning in as always and we'll see you next week

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enyou're listening to the Apple Insider podcast welcome to episode 13 of our show where we discuss the latest news about Apple iPhone iPad mac Apple watch and more we're recording on Thursday April 23rd 2015 on today's episode the Apple watch is finally shipping we're going to talk launch day supplies the leaked Angela Oren internal video talking about Apple watch sales and retail stores and more Neil has our 12-in Mac book retina review Google announced project fi its own mobile network for the Nexus 6 and an iPod Touch update may be coming this fall we'll talk about all this and more hi I'm Neil I'm Mikey I'm Shane and I'm Steven robless and thanks for joining us thanks to you guys on Periscope again Apple watch it's coming I got myh notification this morning that the Apple watch should be delivered tomorrow Friday April 24th on launch day did uh any of you guys get such a uh a notice no nope now you Mikey and Neil you guys did pre-order it though right yeah I pre-ordered about 10 minutes after they became available uh and I guess there seems to be some sort of an issue with the space gray because it seems like if you didn't get it in the first minute or two nobody's getting space gray tomorrow yeah and Mikey which one did you get um I got uh the 42 stainless like you except with the sport band right yeah and what does it what does it say when is it coming um still processing so oh processing okay yeah but uh don't you have a before May 8th delivery though yeah yeah it mine is uh like May 11th through 23rd I believe oh it must be the second batch or whatever yeah so hopefully it'll be sooner yeah so we we posted a couple articles this week one that some of them were going out earlier than expected and um we actually had a lot of people tweet at us yesterday and this morning that there's were marked for June or late May and now it's coming tomorrow they're actually getting it tomorrow so a lot of those were Sports I saw and uh others received a notice saying that apple is working on processing your order and basically tough luck sorry it's going to come later so you're in one of two one of two camps um so obviously supplies are still con Trin and then the other thing that uh we released this week was Angela or uh there was the leaked video that was actually just supposed to be internal to Apple employees and she was describing again the thought process behind uh the way they're doing the watch How It's online only and it won't be available to buy in Apple Stores until June so people definitely going to have to wait but on the flip side we also saw that some boutique stores are actually going to have some stock tomorrow uh nothing in the US or well there's one in Los Angeles Maxfield in Los Angeles but basically you know these stores like Colette in Paris do Street Market in London and Tokyo things like that are actually going to have some in store so thought that was interesting um yeah no no addition models though in case you're uh case you're high yeah yeah so about that video you know I've heard different opinions you know that Apple you know launch days are always huge for Apple people love lining up and just waiting you know to buy that kind of stuff and then the inore experience is really what makes it uh special and people kind of been against this whole online thing but uh I mean with the supply constraints that it seems like they're having I don't see how they could have done that with this kind of brand new product I don't know it's it I think it's just there's so many areas for the system to break down in terms of uh components and models and styles and bands and all that that there's probably a few bottlenecks that they're hitting in terms of ramping up production and that's probably they saw that coming and that's why they decided not to do it at retail yeah interesting that they're um also they also did the same thing for the MacBook too right yeah and that's well we'll get to that too because Neil had our review so but anyway there's not a whole lot to say you know hopefully um again I think mine is the only one that's actually it's actually shipped and I got the notice that it should um be coming tomorrow uh and if it is watch on Periscope I may do some uh Q&A live unboxing and things like that and of course we'll have some videos going up regarding the Angela video I I did have a conversation once with a manager in an Apple Store who told me that uh they did not know ahead of time what the videos were going to be about and all the employees would sit down and watch them in the store and then afterwards all the employees would assume that the managers knew what the subject was going to be and would come up with all these questions and they'd be like I really don't know yeah she did seem kind of she didn't seem nervous in the video but it seemed kind of awkward you know what she was descri how she was explaining it yeah I don't think she usually um I think I've SE I've seen another video of her and she seemed more prepared for the um for that one than uh this Apple watch SL mcbook update yeah and she um and guys on Periscope I see there's no camera on the watch thanks Shane for answering that and I'm sorry if the audio is bad for some of you I'm using a iRig to get the audio into the iPad so we'll try and work on that for next time um but you know they out they released several internal memos before the video you know kind of explaining the same thing and it just seems like maybe Apple told her listen you you need to do a video to address this cuz I think a lot of Apple store employees were getting Flack you know for some of that yeah I mean I wonder how much of this was her idea I mean you know to um to to Really push the whole Apple watch try on thing um you know I mean it's the first time they released a product or at least had demos of a product early in stores you know before you could even buy it so I mean they're you know drumming up all this interest and then um you know the pre-order hits and then boom there's you can't really buy one and they they had to have been expecting you know pre-orders to to sell out quickly and people not be able to get it for a long time so it almost seems even stranger to do you know play with it in the store two weeks before it's released but if you do wait to play with it in the store you're not going to get one till June anyway you know if you waited till after you played with it to pre-order you're not going to see it till the summer so uh it is curious they could have had pre-orders on the day that it launched and it would you'd still be playing with it about a month before you could get one yeah well as I noted last week too the employees seem kind of confused at the start of the Tryon to it just seems like there's a lot uh going on for them in terms of a new platform new launch strategy um and I guess you know when you do something like that there's bound to be some confusion you can't get everybody on the same page that quickly yeah yeah so we'll see how many come in tomorrow and again if I get mine watch us on Periscope and other places see if we can do um some quick Q&A and uh unboxing and things like that so Neil I wanted to get to you you got the uh 12-in retina MacBook the new Macbook in hand and you did a great review on the site encourage everyone to check it out uh but uh tell us about it how did you uh feel using it you know I I really like it a lot and my review was generally positive it's just that there are so many uh little sacrifices that had to be made to get it to this small size that at some point they just you know death by a thousand paper cuts or something it just all seemed to kind of catch up with the device and I'm actually working on a feature for this weekend another editorial just about using the MacBook Pro and just kind of a day of using it because I wrote the entire review on I'm sorry MacBook MacBook I should say uh I wrote the entire review on the MacBook and uh that was fine the keyboard didn't really bother me it's a little shallower it definitely feels different but um I could not actually transfer the photos that I shot on my Sony camera to the MacBook to upload for the review because I didn't have an adapter I didn't have a way to plug in an SD card I I suppose I could have cuz my camera has a wireless function I could transfer it to my phone and then upload it to iCloud and then had it on my computer but at that point it was just like whatever I'm just going to plug the SD card in my MacBook Pro and I'm going to upload the photos that way and so that was just kind of like where everything ground to a halt it was like I was okay with it I was okay with it and I was like I can't even transfer my photos over so I I feel like you know for somebody who wants to spend $1300 on a computer that they're just going to use to you know occasionally send emails edit documents check Facebook that kind of stuff that's great but uh you know when you think about the retina display and stuff like that and some of the features that might be more geared toward Pro users I can't see this being an appealing uh laptop for a lot of pro users or for people who uh you know need to occasionally plug in their camera or do something like that uh there's a wireless future coming but it's not quite here yet well I mean you know it's kind of I mean from what it sounded like Neil it it sounds like the first gen um air is that kind of what the feel you've got yeah yeah there are just too many compromises here and the future hasn't really caught up with where this is going yet uh I would really like to see The Return of a magsafe connector on this uh you know I think that's a great defining feature of Apple's laptops uh some people in the comments disagree with me and said they don't care about mag safe so to each their own uh but you know at least another port or something uh more accessories that are compatible with the USBC connector uh something but the fact that you can't plug something in and charge it the same time is a bit much and I realized that they don't want to ship it with an adapter for the first gen because that just seems you know like a KN an apple thing to do but I didn't get an adapter with this notebook and I was testing it out and I literally couldn't plug anything into it and transfer my photos over so you know then you got to go buy a cable and some of the adapters that they're offering are like four to six weeks wait to get it so it's just at this point I think it's too many compromises for the average consumer if you're okay with those compromises you'll be really happy with this notebook it's it's a really beautiful machine I don't really think that the underpowered processor is much of an issue the keyboard's not an issue the trackpad is not an issue the screen's beautiful the battery life's fine you know it's just little things here and there that keep adding up and then it it just in the end as a whole product it's like I think most people are going to want to wait a few years to to buy into something like this could you get through a day with a battery pretty easily I mean yeah the battery life was not an issue at all uh you know I I had it set to uh moderate brightness uh the auto adjust on that and uh that really was not a problem uh taking it around using it without leaving it plugged in I did a stress test on the battery with like the brightness cranked up all the way and streaming a HD video and stuff and it still got like five and a half six hours out of it at that point so I mean I I think the battery is perfectly fine you would get through a full work day with this without having to plug it in yeah it feels like if you're a writer primarily like this would be a great machine like but you don't have to deal with you know screenshots or pictures or things like that right I mean I'm a writer primarily but I have to do occasional photos and I don't do them that often but if I have to do it once a week or even once a month and it's going to be I have to have this adapter and maybe I brought it with me maybe I forgot it maybe I lost the thing you know it's just it's one of those things that for the average computer user today in 2015 I think it might be a little too much to to cut out a lot of people are saying it's a lot too much to cut out yeah truthfully a lot of people saying in Periscope they missed the mag safe and you know you'd have to see I I'm also curious you know college student wise Neil do you think I mean when I was in college I didn't have many peripherals to connect you know to my computer and things like that I would take pictures you know with my phone or whatever I mean do you think a modern college student today would uh this would be a good machine for them or not yet yeah I I think so I got to wonder about the future proofness of it just because of the the processor if you're going to invest $1,300 in a computer you might want one that you know is going to run pretty well on you know Os 10.13 or something like that right uh but I I think that for a a college student it wouldn't be a bad idea um it's portable it's light did we really need to cut that much weight off the MacBook Air I don't know but it's definitely an impressive achievement and if you're okay with spending $1,300 on it's fine and if you look at you know the 11inch MacBook Air you can get that starting at 900 bucks but that only comes with $128 gigs of storage so at least this on the base model has 256 gigs so they did add some premium stuff to kind of justify the price but again just too much and and and and the USBC cable when you plug it into charge you know talk about mag safe again it plugs in very solidly you're not going to yank it out and this thing is so light if someone tripped over a cord your laptop is going flying I mean you're going to have a big problem on your hands if if someone Yanks the cord some someone asked in the Periscope what's the uh you know long-term solution for one port I think it's just one port I mean it's the same solution Apple had I think for firewire and and for you know disc Optical drives and everything else you know I think they just going to keep trying to get rid of it well if you take that question is what's the market solution eventually for minimal numbers of ports the answerers to wireless USB right yeah I mean but even and you know there's no there's no other answer it's wireless USB that's what it is but for I'm I'm thinking again like some friends I have are still in college Spotify is the predominant music service uh you know they're not buying CDs they're not ripping CDs or anything anything like that so they don't need an optical drive you know they're streaming Netflix and you know getting their content video content digitally that way YouTube things like that U you know they're not using you know peripheral Mouse and stuff like that unless they're a gamer but they're not going to buy a laptop like this so you know maybe it's okay you know One Ports you know external display but talking to day about this my point to him was to say that it's really going to kill business users college students you may be right probably are not care so much but businessmen who regularly travel with say an external hard drive and a USB mouse and use their laptop to charge their iPhone it's an absolutely killer problem you know setting up shop in an airport in the corner the businessman with a thick 17-inch laptop and a mouse plugged in oh yeah a friend of mine actually still has and uses the 17-inch MacBook Pro from like four years ago or something and and he he brought it to a rehearsal and I was looking at it down the side it had you know the audio the headphone jack the audio input as a separate Jack three USB ports firewire 800 the Thunderbolt the ethernet port and then mag saave and I looked at it pretty jealously because I have an iMac here that's what I'm doing this on and I was looking at firewire audio interfaces and I was having to think I'd have to get an adapter you you have to get Thunderbolt to fire wire and I already use an external hard drive and the Thunderbolt and I already have a a video thing in the other and it's just it can be a hassle especially when you're doing you know application like recording or you do any kind of production stuff with your Mac so I I think this stuff is inevitable right it's all going to be Wireless and limited ports in the future it's just that we're not there yet I'm a big proponent of smaller and lighter laptops I've always had tiny laptops uh when I was in college I had a 12 in uh IBM think pad you know so yeah I think I think that those are are kind of the way of the future but this is just too much right now and and it's going to have to wait a little bit and I I know a lot of people in the comments were unhappy with my review because they thought it should have been given a higher score or something like that but I mean that's just the reality of it I can't see a huge market for this notebook a lot of people are going to be really happy with it but most computer users today would not be happy with this notebook yeah it's an aspirational product it's definitely for the future well you can see that in in other Apple products too right if you look at the iPod Touch from 2012 or whatever that really set the stage for where the iPhone was going in a lot of ways even with a protruding camera camera and stuff like that so I think that uh uh Apple does this kind of stuff sometimes where you can see now where they want their entire notebook line to be headed and what they want them to look like and the aesthetic and and the size and the style and all that and this is definitely like you said an aspirational product and that's you mentioned the iPod Touch that's a great segue because today we had an exclusive uh on Thursday we posted it that an iPod Touch refresh might be coming or eye touch as some of you may know it as uh probably not anyone listening to this but uh so iPod you know I when we posted that I had to go back on Apple's website and look to see what iPods they were still selling because I just had not looked at it in forever and when I went on the website to look at it like looking at the currently selling iPod Touch it's like looking into the past like it's almost like a time capsule um just you know 4-in retina display is one of the big features the the loop thing on the back like it's it's just almost weird to see it so if you want to see if you want to see a time capsule look at the iPod Nano because they skinned pixel they skinned the iPod OS which I think is based on Pixel to look like iOS 6 and it still looks like iOS 6 and the website is still got bold Myriad everywhere and the buttons are still glossy that's an actual like currently selling Time Capsule yeah and it's there's no Wi-fi it has Bluetooth though Bluetooth 4 4.0 so you can use Bluetooth headphones but you actually you know physically have to connect it to to a Mac if you want to you know put music on it couldn't connect it to the new retina 12-in MacBook cuz there's no USB 2 on there um yeah that and then the iPod Shuffle you know this was it was funny the current iPod Shuffle is you know the square with the round you know kind of click wheel and I remember this was like an older model because in between there was like that no button silver like Pez dispenser iPod Shuffle I remember that yeah yeah and then they realized that was a bad idea person who actually liked that iPod Shuffle the no button one are you also a supporter of the fat Nano I'm not but I mean the iPod Shuffle is what it is you hit play and then you move on with your life right yeah you have headphone remotes how many buttons do you really need on the damn thing do you take your phone out of your pocket to change the song no you push the little button on your headphones are you Siri I'm going to use my Apple watch so there you go um but you know the shuffle was perfect like if you did any kind of exercising like it was actually a clip like the thing was a clip you know I preferred the clip on Nano that thing was awesome there was a clip on Nano was it yeah yeah it was the one that people started turning into watches oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and they somehow fit a 30 pin connector on that tiny thing that was an amazing achievement in of itself I actually used to work out with that and I bought a little Bluetooth adapter and it would kill the battery in about 45 minutes but uh I would use it wirelessly at the gym and just clip it onto my shirt it was awesome yeah so anyway so refresh might be coming I presumably maybe in the fall maybe WWDC but um I guess my question is who would buy refreshed iPod Touch I mean I guess maybe for kids yeah children entry level device uh you know they might Rebrand or refocus a little bit now with the acquisition of Beats you know since we got the tip sent to us we've all been kind of tossing around figuring out what they might do uh since we're not really sure but uh you know the acquisition of Beats might play into it um maybe uh you know there's some talk about maybe they would make it a little cheaper go with like a plastic back or something like that especially if the 5c is going to die uh Market it to kids or people that you know don't want an iPhone or can't afford one or something like that how about this question that I just out of curiosity what was your guys's first iPod if ever if you owned one second gen the um yeah same yeah was that the color screen no the click wheel the first click wheel okay sick and Neil did you have I was a hold out and I had a creative Nomad for a while with a a side jog dial on it because it was about 100 bucks cheaper than the iPod and I could not afford an iPod so but the sound quality was amazing oh yeah right I my first ipop is actually a a classic probably yeah I you know I I can't remember which one it was but at that point they had a they extended the lineup and had a bunch of options yeah do you remember back in the house on days of the early 2000s when there were these websites running you know sign up for this trial and we'll give you a free iPod if you sign up for enough trials yeah yeah get your uh friends to click the link and you'd have to share it around like a Pam scheme or something that's how I got my first iPod that actually worked oh yeah dude it was amazing that's awesome I was I was late to the game my first iPad was actually the video iPod the black one and I watched the entire first two seasons of Lost on that thing really God I was commun I was I was working in New York City at the time I lived Upstate so I had a hour and a half train commute every day both ways and I got the I'm sorry go ahead I was saying that's I was just I downloaded the first two seasons put it on there and I would watch it every day on the train and it was amazing is that why you have a glasses now no wait a minute wait a minute it wasn't it was very small you know it looked super sharp though cuz that screen was Tiny there is an irony in a show that was shot on location in Hawaii that was gor G and you're watching on the size of a postage stamp it is yeah it is funny but train in Upstate New York I thought yeah one of the uh I thought maybe lost in one of the other ones with the with some of the first TV shows to really gain popularity buying them through iTunes and people actually buy the whole Seasons uh the whole season of it I think that was kind of around that time when it it started getting big but yeah wasn't it like Family Guy got cancelled and then the sales on iTunes were so strong that they brought the show back or something like that something like I don't remember what were we going to say Shane I was going to say my favorite thing about the video iPod is that it came out like four months after Steve Jobs went on stage at the D conference or at some conference and said nobody wants to watch video on an iPod oh yeah what was that and books I mean those the two biggest things no one uh wants video on iPad no one wants to uh ebooks you know yeah and and you couldn't have a small tablet because you need to ship it with sandpaper to whittle down your fingertips yep or a big phone because then you can't reach the top yeah anyway which is a which is a pain in the ass by the way I I agree I agree he was kind of right there uh bring back the 3.5 in phone I don't know about that well maybe you can get the new IP I have a little dumb phone here with like a 1.5 in qvga display if you want it I'm gonna take it and I'm GNA buy a new iPod Touch there you go that's all you got to do and you can just FaceTime and uh FaceTime audio call everybody you don't need a phone in there so I would just like to say I did that for a little while after my old iPhone got stolen on the train in China China and it's actually not like a terrible way to live having just a phone to make phone calls and an iPod such to do everything else yeah I mean if you could tether it or if you got Wi-Fi most places it's might work out the the humanity having to use two two devices oh I know okay so that's the iPod touch next one I definitely want to talk about this Google's Project fi uh Google announced this yesterday basically making or they have their own mobile network basically piggybacking off T-Mobile and Sprint they're using them as partners but you can pay Google to be your phone service provider it's Nexus 6 only right now uh but it starts at $20 a month for calling unlimited texting and all that includes international texting unlimited which is pretty cool and then you pay $10 per gig of data that you're going to use after it so if you want two gigs of data per month you'd be paying $40 the $20 base plus $10 per gig and uh so there was rumors that Google was going to do this for a while uh but seems super interesting and then if you do have an account through Google's Project fi you can use you can make calls through Chrome through iOS devices uh on your Mac whatever can run Hangouts uh you can use your your phone number through Google to to make calls and texts and all that kind of stuff so this super interesting the first time we're seeing someone like you know a hardware manufacturer or smartphone manufacturer doing something like this for me the best part of that is the the fact that data is not there's no separate international data right allotment you pay for your one gig of data and you can use it whether you're in the US or in Manila that's amazing I'm actually in the market right now for a new Android phone and this will presuming I actually get an invite this will push me to the Nexus 6 yeah and you know if they actually open this and you can you know get a SIM card and put it in any unlocked device I mean that's a pretty tempting plan you know for for anybody but the the T-Mobile had that international data thing too and I tried you know they were saying international data is included and I tried it I went overseas with a T-Mobile SIM and it's like super throttled and it's unlimited but it's like super slow and you have to pay to get like faster internet if you're using T-Mobile's international so the free tier on T-Mobile was only Ed right and on Google F it's 3D I I uh did the math and I mean it wouldn't work it for me I don't I just if I was traveling internationally it' be a good thing to pick up uh because one of the things that uh it does is when you buy a plan whatever unused data you have you get the money back for it so you could potentially you know I presumably they'll give it back to you as a credit but still um you could buy more data than you need go travel internationally for a time and then when you come back to the States go back to your regular plan but I get 15 gigs a month on a shared plan on AT&T yeah and and it's three people and I'm spending like 120 bucks so the math doesn't work out for me on that but it for international would be great I think it's we are focusing a lot on the cost but I think there's also a separate um bigger picture thing with this which is that Google is attempting to turn mobile service into what it maybe always should have been which is a dumb pipe um the fact that you can roam on two different you can it just automatically chooses whichever network is stronger I think it's a huge selling point that's a little bit overlooked right um especially because we all know how what a total failure AT&T's network is in a variety of everyday situations so the fact that I can go wherever and have two networks two complimentary networks to depend on Andor Wi-Fi is u a big selling point yeah well I can't go anywhere because I don't live in America but you know theoretically in a in a utopian society I could do that is pretty sweet and again that feature if if you know listeners if you don't know that since it piggybacks off T-Mobile and Sprint networks the Nexus 6 whatever will actually automatically go to the stronger signal between T-Mobile and Sprint wherever you are so if Sprint LTE is stronger where you're at right now it'll actually just switch to that Network seamlessly and back and forth and if you get on Wi-Fi all your calls and stuff like that will go over Wi-Fi if that's stronger so um it is pretty interesting and that is something like sometimes my iPhone will take forever to let go of a Wi-Fi network or you know kind of have to re turn off LTD data turn it back on sometimes to make sure it connects after a phone call so it' be nice if it actually worked that seamlessly all right so also this week there were a couple articles about maps and Apple Maps we had an exclusive that uh there's some job listings that maybe confirming that public transit will be coming to Apple's map service which be finally finally yes a welcome addition especially for those in big cities like you know Neil in New York that would be great and also that uh Nokia may be in the market to sell its here mapping software and apple may be one of the people uh looking at that acquisition or no is at least trying to get apple to to acquire it so that would be some welcome updates to uh to Apple's Maps I think we talked about it a little last week you know just what we're expecting on iOS 9 and I I think that uh Maps is in serious need of some upgrades uh and hopefully we'll see that with iOS 9 uh just because the lack of Transit at this point is pretty EXC inexcusable I think and now what do you guys use Apple Maps or Google Maps by default by default the Google Maps because I have to use the train schedules and stuff and I can't do it on Apple Maps even though they acquired hop stop like two years ago right yeah I still use maps Apple Maps but um I live on an island so we don't really have much in the way of uh public transport besides the our bus system um I use Google Maps because because while I also live on an island we have a massive public transportation infrastructure right and it's impos I don't really use it for public transit to be honest with you but uh searching for a business or something on Apple Maps over here is horrific I do find like I'll there'll be a business that I know is there and I search for it in Apple Maps and it just does not show up and I have to try various combinations of the business name and sometimes have to put in the address and sometimes we'll just not find a business to call and I'll have to switch to Google Maps and of course finds it first first time I I run those problems with Google too though I don't think that that's a apple specific thing at that point there's a lot of businesses that show up when you search that aren't open or they have the wrong location I think mapping is just hard I think it's it's not so much that they don't they have the wrong location or whatever it's just that Apple's search just seems to not work very well like this afternoon is the perfect example I was in um sham which is a neighborhood of Hong Kong that's known it's like the the electronics Mecca right it's if you're building a robot or something that's where you go and I apparently found the only block like in that radius that doesn't have a 7-Eleven on literally every corner and so I was looking for one and I typed 7-1 like the the numbers in Apple Maps and it found nothing I typed that in Google maps and I found them all because it's 7- v n and that's the kind of stuff that just absolutely destroys me with Apple maps I mean they have $170 billion can we not lure like one Google search engineer please so the other thing too with Google Maps you know if you're a business owner there's Google Places that um it basically allows business owners to uh register their business to actually prove that they're the owner and then they can edit their business listing this way when people search for it in Google Maps it comes up with all the right info has the website store hours things like that and uh it's pretty easy to do that they'll send you a postcard or they'll call the business and like give you a verification code so Apple also has that it's like a Maps connect service but they only let you register or prove your ownership of the business by phone and in the automated service um it can't tell when there's like a menu so like when I tried doing it for my job it like would never get past the menu in order for me to answer it and get the verification code and there's no option to like mail a postcard or get something in the mail so you can confirm ownership so I've like our website's wrong our our hours are wrong but I have no way to change that on Apple Maps whereas Google it's relatively easy so did you try reporting it just through the IOS app um I'm not I'm not sure because you can report errors through there and um when Apple Maps first launched um like for example u in my home in Orlando uh there was a change to the the freeway down the street for me and so I was just trying to help out Apple Maps and they still had the old freeway layout with the different you know interchange and stuff and so I kept reporting like hey the interstate has changed here and then it never changed and then I saw something like a couple years ago uh there was like a thread that started on Reddit where people were saying that they were noticing that changes were being implemented like the next day if people reported them so they kind of beefed up the team there and they did in fact change and I went back and checked and they had fixed the interstate there so I think they have a more routine process now for addressing reporter errors through through the app um and people were kind of aggressively doing that to try to help and improve the maps so you might try doing that okay well I'll try to do that I mean I'd like to be able to you know claim ownership too just to make sure like so other people don't report errors and it gets changed but but yeah yeah I'll definitely I will try that I've heard you know noia maps are actually really good internationally you know so if that is an acquisition Apple makes it may improve it dramatically her Maps is extraordinary I when I first heard that they were um looking to sell the her Division I told Neo please Jesus let Apple buy her Maps yeah I mean 3.2 billion that's like a sofa change for uh Tim Cook so does uh her maps have public transit they do in some places um they don't over here I don't think unless they've added it recently but their actual like their ground truth I mean I hate to use this word but their ground truth their ability to have the actual the street actually be where the Street's supposed to be is amazing I have never once been steered Wrong by her Maps ever primarily probably because they are based on navtec which was the first I guess or one of the first digital mapping companies so yeah okay so you said for a very very long time 3.2 billion is the price right yes yeah that would make it so that would Edge out beats that would actually be the largest acquisition in Apple's history if they did that they're not past it I mean they're spending billions of dollars on Force solar power I think it would be money well spent if it improved maps I mean they've had how long now to get maps fixed and again the public transit is is inexcusable hop stop was a great app they bought it and they've done nothing with it so it's got it's got to be done soon you know you still can't choose a default like email app a default contact app default Maps app so like especially with a watch you know if you try to get directions with the watch it's going to be Apple Maps there's just no way around it and so it would definitely be behoove them to improve it so all right go ahead what I was going to say is you said it's inexcusable that they haven't done anything with hop stop after acquiring it what else is inexcusable is the terrible terrible coverage of their 3D maps it's only in like 40 cities or something oh yeah yeah still years later yeah that was a hugely touted feature and it's really neat I mean I don't really think it has much of a practical application it's just kind of a gwiz feature but uh still the fact that they don't have most major cities mapped is crazy to me well in the absence of street view I actually um if I'm ever in a city that has it which I'm not because for some unexplainable reason Hong Kong is not included um I use it to in in Li of street view yeah you can actually get pretty close you know to kind of see where the streets are in between buildings and some cities uh but it's still you know street view to be able to see a storefront you know in a shopping plaza so you know exactly what it's going to look like when you get there you know there's nothing else like that so you can do street view inside of buildings too I saw one the other day for a concert venue I was going to and I Googled it and it said do you want to see inside and I could literally do the same thing where I'd walk around on the floor inside the venue to see what it looked like it was crazy and you can do that with the um tall building in Dubai I'm G to butcher the name if I try to do it which which one the tallest building in the world the really tall one yeah yeah yeah go ahead and say oh yeah the tall sorry the tallest building in the world yeah it's the burst du buy oh okay there you go yeah the the yeah that one you you could do Google Maps and that and you can see the views what I was going to say is I use Tre view a lot um in cities with tall buildings where GPS reception sucks to figure out where on the street a business actually is right yeah versus where I am because you can use it to sort of look around and say oh I'm actually down here when the GPS says I'm you know 100 yards in the opposite direction right right and I used it I used Google Maps in London um working in the travel business I had to like take pictures of landmarks and uh you know get some video footage and before I left we dropped like we created a Google map with pins for every landmark and it was like crazy accurate and it was like super easy to find everyone following myself on the on the Google Map so um yeah I think it's it's still pretty far ahead and they've updated like my house on street view about two or three times since Maps has been out Apple Maps so like do you guys uh play Ingress the Google thing uh no no I played Pac-Man in Google uh Google Maps which is pretty cool Ingress is like a game on maps where it like helps them I guess you know uh sort out their uh improve the maps thing but they've turn it they've gamified it so people play it and I was actually standing on the street the other day looking at my phone and two people came up to me and they like hi are you the one around here on Ingress I was like No And they were like oh okay and then walked away it was like this awkward conversation is that something built in it's huge over here yeah it's crossplatform you can do it on iPhone and you can do it on Android and I don't really I've never done it I don't understand how it works uh but you just like are tapping stuff on a map as you pass by it apparent so all right so I'll give you the 5c Ingress tutorial go ahead they have they overlay virtual portals in the world right and there's two teams two Ingress teams and you can capture each other's portals but to capture a portal you have to actually be at the portal right so Ingress is all about walking around the world you know and capturing these portals it's huge every here like I have I have a friend in the Philippines who gets together um 50 or I you not 50 or 60 people and they all go Ingress portal hunting like on the weekends wow so it's made by Google it's a Google yeah it's a it's a Google project and presumably you know it's helping them flesh out maps that looks pretty cool I'm to be honest I think it started as a 20% time thing because it's it's not actually by Google it's by a Google subsidiary called something that I suddenly escapes me okay but yeah I think it start as a 20% time thing and now that it once it became popular they uh they decided to expand it it was a year or something before it was available on iOS officially wow well if you play engress let us know comment on the post that's pretty wild all right well the last thing I wanted to cover the uh Natalie Carris longtime Apple PR director announced that she is reti reing and we also saw today that uh Randy ubilo is also retiring after working for Apple for 20 years so two uh pretty big positions in apple and um they're heading out no word on where either of them are going uh Randy said he's just looking forward to retirement so may not be going anywhere and uh no word yet on the Natalie Caris and Natalie's been there I think 15 more maybe 15 years or more so you know both of them been through iPod I phone iPad and and uh Natalie car has even worked on PR for the Apple watch u in the you know past year or so so uh two people that I be looking to uh Apple be looking to replace I presume yeah there's been a lot of shake up in there PR it's probably worth pointing out that um Randy ulos was not only the head of Final Cut but he basically invented nonlinear nonlinear video editing on the desktop so Premier cut all of that you have him to think right I was reading our article uh of course and you know he started out at Adobe where he worked on the first three versions of Premiere and then went to macr Media where he helped uh he created key grip which is a video editing software based on quick time and then keygrip was uh purchased uh by Apple or the uh or key grip turned into Final Cut Apple bought the Final Cut team and then that's where you have Final Cut and ubo is also responsible for iMovie and aperture um which of course discontinued now but still that's that's a pretty hefty resume to be responsible for all that so that's pretty impressive quite the career and he was a an apple distinguished engineer which is the the sort of highest Echelon of Apple employees so this pretty wild so those two um Randy ubos and Natalie Carris retiring and there's also the new director of communications Steve ding Steve D Steve ding yeah he was just appointed so so definitely change over there yeah they're supposed to be friendlier but MH yeah keep telling themselves that I always think it's funny if you're listening uh communications director that you know Phil Schiller Tim Cook all of them have like Twitter handles Apple has like the iTunes Store Twitter handle podcasting iBooks and App Store uh Twitter accounts but there's no official Apple Twitter account still and maybe they're just trying to avoid the bag of hurt that would be Twitter having an official Apple Twitter account but uh yes it's not there I always thought that was interesting well there's a lot of there's a lot of big companies that only have Twitter accounts for sub Brands like the BBC does that they have at BBC but they've never tweeted from at BBC I don't think it's all their individual channels and shows okay but I mean I mean Google has it uh obviously Microsoft and I'm looking now twitter.com no tweets at Apple hasn't tweeted yet just a egg as an avatar and 32.9 th000 followers so there you go uh so who knows I mean maybe that's actually owned by Apple they just haven't tweeted yet but don't bother following it I hope it's not owned by Apple I hope it's just some girl who likes apples and decided to get at Apple on Twitter and then never use it got in on the ground floor ground floor okay well I think that does it for today again stay tuned for Apple watch coverage hopefully uh we'll be getting one tomorrow and we'll do uh some periscopes some unboxing some videos that things like that uh Neil where can people find you on the internet you can read my stuff at Apple Insider and you can follow me on Twitter at thisis Neil Shane where can people find you in the Bermuda Triangle as ever I am in the Bermuda Triangle yes and right next to eil at Apple Insider and you can follow me on Twitter at Steven Robles we'd love to hear your questions and comments so tweet us at Apple Insider or email newsapple insider.com you can also subscribe to our newsletter which you'll get once a week with all the top stories delivered to your inbox and we would really appreciate if you rate US in the iTunes Store give us five stars and a comment there and you can also comment on the post when it goes up we'd love to interact with you there as well thanks again for tuning in as always and we'll see you next week w\n"