React Beginners Tutorial - Build an Autocomplete Text Box

The Challenges of Working with CSS: A Deep Dive into Pseudo-Selectors and React Components

When it comes to building responsive and interactive web applications, CSS is an essential tool for designers and developers alike. However, CSS can also be a challenging and complex topic to master, especially when it comes to working with pseudo-selectors. In this article, we will delve into the world of CSS pseudo-selectors and explore how they can be used to create highly customized and interactive user interfaces.

One of the most common issues that developers face when working with CSS is dealing with whitespace. In particular, many developers struggle with removing whitespace between HTML elements in their markup files. This can be a major problem because it can cause layout issues and make it difficult for browsers to render your web pages correctly. To address this issue, we need to use the `before` pseudo-selector.

The `before` pseudo-selector allows us to select an element that precedes a specific HTML element in the DOM. By using this pseudo-selector, we can add styles to the element before a certain element and remove the whitespace between them. For example, if we have a list of items (`

    `) with some padding and margin, but we want to make it look like the list is flush against the edge of the page, we can use the `before` pseudo-selector to add a small border at the top of the list.

    Here's an example of how you might use the `before` pseudo-selector in your CSS:


    ul {

    margin: 0;

    padding: 0;


    li {

    padding: 10px;

    border: none;


    .before {

    content: "";

    border-top: 1px solid #ccc;



    In this example, we've removed the padding and margin from the `ul` element, and added a small border at the top of each `li` element. The `.before` pseudo-selector is used to add the border, which makes it look like the list is flush against the edge of the page.

    Another common issue that developers face when working with CSS is dealing with the styling of form elements, particularly text input fields. In this case, we need to use a combination of CSS properties and pseudo-selectors to create a responsive and visually appealing interface.

    One way to achieve this is by using the `box-sizing` property, which sets the width and height of an element based on its content and padding. We can also use the `outline` property to remove the default outline that browsers apply to form elements when they're in focus.

    Here's an example of how you might use these properties and pseudo-selectors to style a text input field:


    input[type="text"] {

    box-sizing: border-box;

    padding: 10px;


    input[type="text"]:focus {

    outline: none;



    In this example, we've set the `box-sizing` property of the `input[type="text"]` element to `border-box`, which means that the width and height of the element will be based on its content and padding. We've also removed the default outline when the element is in focus by setting the `outline` property to `none`.

    Finally, we can use pseudo-selectors to add additional styling to form elements, such as hover effects or active states.

    Creating a Reusable Auto-Complete Text Box Component

    One of the most powerful tools that developers have at their disposal is the ability to create reusable components. In this case, we're going to build an auto-complete text box component that can be used in any React application.

    To get started, we need to define the structure and behavior of our component. We'll start by creating a new file called `AutocompleteTextBox.js` in our `src` directory:


    import React from 'react';

    const AutocompleteTextBox = (props) => {

    const [value, setValue] = React.useState('');

    const handleonChange = (e) => {

    const { name } =;

    const value =;




    return (









    export default AutocompleteTextBox;


    In this example, we've defined a simple text box component that takes a `name` prop and an `onChange` function as props. The `handleonChange` function is called when the user types something into the input field, and it updates the state of the component with the new value.

    Next, we'll create a module to hold our country data:


    // countries.js

    export default [






    // ...



    We can then import this module in our `AutocompleteTextBox` component and use it to populate the text box with a list of countries:


    import AutocompleteTextBox from './AutocompleteTextBox';

    import countries from './countries';

    const AutocompleteTextBoxExample = () => {

    const [value, setValue] = React.useState('');

    const handleonChange = (e) => {

    const { name } =;

    const value =;




    return (







    In this example, we've imported the `countries` module and passed it to the `AutocompleteTextBox` component as a prop. We can then use this prop in our React application to populate the text box with a list of countries.


    In conclusion, CSS pseudo-selectors are an essential tool for building responsive and interactive web applications. By understanding how to use these pseudo-selectors, you can create highly customized and visually appealing interfaces that meet the needs of your users.

    Additionally, creating reusable components like our `AutocompleteTextBox` component can help streamline your development workflow and make it easier to build complex web applications.

    Remember, practice makes perfect, so be sure to experiment with CSS pseudo-selectors in your own projects to improve your skills and knowledge.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enin this video you're going to be getting started with react from creating a skeleton react app all the way to building this reusable real world component which is an auto-complete text box with suggestions that filter as you type so what is react react is a javascript library created by facebook for building user interfaces it allows you to build and combine reusable ui components much like creating your own custom html tags these components are declarative views which update as the data in your application updates i.e they react to changes in your application state hence the name of the library enough background let's get started you need a recent version of node for this to work so if you haven't got that installed already go and do that first when that's done in the terminal i want you to type npm install g create dash react dash app this will install an npm package that creates bare bones react apps for you with all the webpack configuration and required modules already set up for you so you can start coding straight away after that's done installing you need to do create dash react dash app then a space and the name of whatever you want to call your new app let's call it my dash first dash app and this will set up your new react app and install all the necessary dependencies that'll take a little while and after it's done you need to go into the directory that's just been created so that's my first app and you'll see here it's installed an npm application for us it's created our bare bones react app and we just do an npm start and this will this will compile the app and run the dev server it's also in the moment going to open here we go it opens a browser window and runs the app in it for you that's very convenient so it's still just loading it's still probably compiling in the background and there we go and this is the bare bones react app and you can see here it tells you to go to src app.js edit the code and save and it will auto reload so let's do that now to start off with we're just going to fly through building a really simple component with react just as a taster after that we'll move on to the autocomplete textbox which is more useful but also more complex open the code in an editor of your choice and go to the src folder and then you want to go to app.js and this is the main top level app component that renders what we saw in the browser if you remember there's this text here about getting started let's just edit this and change it to say hello world and if we save it and go back to the browser the code recompiles it hot reloads and we get hello world so now let's create our first react component and then we'll be able to use it just like a custom html tag really we're going to make a component which is a button and some dynamic text when you click the button it's going to toggle hiding the text so in src i want you to create a new file we're going to call it hideable text.js we're going to import react from react then we're going to export as default a new class and we're going to call that hidable text and it needs to extend the react dot component class we give it a constructor and the constructor takes an argument called called props these are just properties for the component and they can be passed in like attributes are passed to an html tag and we do just need to call super in the constructor passing through the props and super just calls the parent class constructor so it's calling the react dot component constructor that just ensures the class is set up properly next we have a very special function called render now whatever gets returned from render is what gets rendered in the browser for this component so we're going to return some jsx it's called which is xml within javascript and this jsx is just going to be a div so it's just like doing html tags within our javascript really it's going to be a div and then we're going to have a button and we'll call it toggle and then some just some hard-coded text for now now we have this component we can go ahead and import it into our app component so we open that file and we just import it import hidable text from hideable text now we can use it pretty much like a custom html tag so if we go within this div class name app content we just go hideable text like an html tag we save it and then we'll have a look and see how it looks in the browser and there we go we've got our button that does nothing at the moment and our text react elements can take arguments called props that are a lot like attributes for html tags so to our hideable text we'll add one called text and as the value just as a string we will put dynamic text now we go back to our component and that text prop will be available in the component within an object called this dot props it comes in via the constructor here and is passed to the superclass so we want to output this here and if you want to output the result of an expression in jsx you just wrap the expression in curly braces that's completely wrong wrap the expression in curly braces so we're going to do this dot props dot text and that will be the dynamic text we just passed in as the prop so if we save this and take a look in the browser the text should have changed so as we can see we've now got our dynamic text and the button does absolutely nothing let's fix that now props are one form of data available to a rat component they are passed in from outside the component as we saw and are immutable but we can also store internal mutable data within a component and this is called state we will define this within the constructor so we'll go this dot state and state is a special property on a react component so it has to be called state and it's just a plain old javascript object so we can just define it as an object literal we will add an is hidden property defaulting to false so obviously if is hidden is true the text will be hidden otherwise it will be shown and we can achieve that by going down here and doing not this dot state dot is hidden and props dot text this means the text will only show if is hidden is true next we need a way to toggle is hidden so let's go up here let's create a new method on the class called toggle is hidden it doesn't take any arguments and this is going to use a special method which is inherited from the react dot component class and this is called set state for reasons i won't go into now because it's beyond the scope of the video this dot state should never be altered manually after being initially set up in the constructor so we call this dot set state and this takes a function as an argument and it gives us actually the current state as an argument to this function and then this function has to return the changes we want to make to the state object in the form of an object so we'll return an object and we want is hidden to be the result of toggling the current is hidden so current state dot is hidden and again for reasons i won't go into now because it's too complicated for the moment you must always you get the current value of any state object when you're doing a set state from current state not from this dot state you'll have to watch my entire react course to find out why i think it's a bit more complicated but this toggle is hidden function will do exactly what we want next comes the task of hooking toggle is hidden up to this button here it's actually very simple it's a lot like in html and javascript without react how you would have how you would add rather an event handler you just put it straight on as an attribute on click in this case it's going to be an expression so we want the curly braces again and then we just put an arrow function and all this arrow function is going to do is call this dot toggle is hidden let's save that and check this in the browser first i have just noticed a big error in toggle is hidden i set the new value of his hidden to be exactly the same as the current value which is obviously wrong we want to negate it so it's toggled and now it should work so in the browser we have the toggle button we have the dynamic text we click toggle and the text disappears we toggle it again and it reappears so that's working as intended so what's happening here is when we initially render the button is hidden is false and so the text is hidden then when we click the button toggle is hidden is called set state is called and it sets is hidden to true each time we update the state of react component the component re-renders so the render function is called again and so when we click for the first time and his hidden is set to true this function is then called again this time is hidden is true and so the text isn't shown now we're going to move on to building a more useful real world component i'm going to be teaching you how to build this autocomplete text box using react it's one of those text boxes where you type and get a list of possible items you can select which fill in the text box a bit like the auto suggestion search boxes on most search engines what i really like about this is that it has real world uses it's a very simple component but by creating it you'll learn about reusable react components props component state and using css with react you'll first need to set up a new react app by installing create react app creating a new app with it and then run it by going to the directory in the terminal and doing npm start alternatively you could just put the code within the app you previously created it's up to you open the code in an editor we're going to create a new component first create a new file for your components and call it autocompletetext.js and it should be in the src folder components are the building blocks of any react application they can be configured using something called props more on that later in the series and they can hold their own mutable data called state they can be used to represent anything in your ui from small things like a standalone ui widget such as this autocomplete text box we're going to create right up until something large like an entire web page components are reusable so you can use them many times on one page or even across different pages they're also composable you can think of them like lego bricks you can fit them together to build other larger components first we need to import the react module you need to do this for every component you create then we create a class to represent our component and we're going to call it autocomplete text it needs to extend the react dot component class in order to make it a component our text box will need the list of all possible items that it can auto complete with in a future video i'll show you how to make that configurable but for now we're just going to hard code a list of names to do this first create a constructor react component constructors must take an argument called props and call the superclass constructor passing the props argument to it this just ensures the component is set up properly let's add a member variable called items so it's this.items and it's going to be an array we create a member variable so we can access it from anywhere in the class later so let's add some names now to the array these will be what can be shown in the autocomplete drop down they're all the possible items to auto complete with now the markup for our component at the heart of any react component is the render function it will examine all of the components data and based on this will render the markup for the component the idea is that when the components data changes the markup changes so the user sees something different so we define our render function from this we must return the react elements we want to represent our components some magic called jsx lets us write them directly within javascript as html tags so we're going to return a rapid div and inside it a text input this is going to be our text box we're also going to put an unordered list to hold our auto complete suggestions we'll worry about showing only items that match the text entered later for now let's show all the items in the list so we have this as an array so we can just output an li for each item in the items array now this is going to be an expression and to mix expressions into our markup using jsx we need to wrap them in curly braces anything within curly braces will be evaluated and the value output within our markup this can be anything from a simple string to the results of a function call or even other react elements we want one li per item in the list so inside those curly braces we're going to map over the array and output an li for each item within the li we have the item itself this itself is an expression so is also wrapped in the curly braces the result of this map is an array of react elements now if we put an array of react elements within curly brackets each element in that array will be rendered although we're nowhere near finished yet i think this is a good time to check how our new component looks in the browser so far we have our new component but haven't used it anywhere we can use the component just like a custom html tag the component itself is just the definition we need a new instance of this definition which will be a react element let's do that now so you want to go to app.js this is our main top level component for the app and we're just going to delete all this we don't need that header section at all and we also want to go into index.css and just put 50 pixels of margin at the top of the body just so we've got a bit of space up there when we put our text box in so first we need to import our components module and we're going to use the component just like a custom html tag so it's just auto complete text as an html tag so you should be running the app using npm start in the folder in the terminal so that it will hot reload in the browser when you change the code let's take a look as you can see we have our text box and our list with all the names in it when the user types in the text box we're going to need to know about it so we can filter the list so that only items that match what the user types are displayed we're also going to need the current text which has been entered for the same reason so let's get that text now you can add events to elements in react much the same way as you can in html so this text input has an onchange event available so we add that and we're going to assign a function to it since a function is an expression we wrap it in curly brackets and all the function is going to do is take the event that has been generated and console.log or because is the event target is the element which is the target of the event and the value is the value of the html text input let's check that in the browser so we right click and choose inspect to open the developer console and choose console from the tab above then we type in the text field and as we do you can see the text being output each time we change the value in order to only show items in the list that match the text entered we need to use the component state component state is just internal data belonging to the current instance of the component since it belongs to the current instance you can have multiple versions of the same components on the same page at the same time and they each keep their own individual state so in this dot items we have all the possible items we will store the list of items which match what is entered in the text box in the components state the state is initialized in the constructor it is just a plain old javascript object but it must be called state and must be on the current instance ie on this as this is the property react.component uses for the state it's like a property which is special to react so we're going to create this dot state and it's going to equal a new object literal for the list of suggestions we'll have a property called suggestions when the component is first created we want the suggestions to be empty so let's go ahead and make it an empty array let's create a function to handle the user typing in the text box we'll call it on text changed and it's very important that it's an arrow function or this won't work if you don't understand why this is you need to learn about function context in javascript the function will take the onchange event as an argument we'll call it e and now let's go down to the onchange attribute in the textbox and we're going to add that function there we just put this dot on text change there's no brackets at the end we're not calling the function just assigning it so we need to get the value from the event if the string is empty we're going to want to make sure that the suggestions are empty as there's nothing to match on this case would happen for example if the user types a single character and then deletes it now you might think we empty the suggestions array by doing something like this dot state dot suggestions equals empty array that seems to make sense doesn't it we just set the suggestions array on the state to be empty however this would be the wrong way to update a value in the state the reason for this is that what gets rendered in the render function will probably depend upon the state now in this case it doesn't yet but we'll be making render do this in just a minute the idea is when you change the state you change what gets rendered so that the component displays something different this is what makes react components dynamic rather than static for this reason the component needs to know that the state has changed so it can re-render call render again and display the new version of the component to the user react.component gives us a function it's called setstate that does just this so it's this dot set state and now this takes a function which will return an object with any state changes in it so any properties we want to change in the state go in that object the reason it takes a function that returns an object instead of just an object is beyond the scope of this video i do however talk about this in my udemy course so we want to set the suggestions to empty array so the function just returns an object with suggestions as an empty array you don't need to return the entire state from this function just the properties you want to change the else case is if for the text isn't empty for this case we're going to create a case insensitive regex to test for matches in the items list that start with the text the user entered next we're going to define the list of matching suggestions and put it in a const and this is going to be defined as taking the contents of the items array sorting it alphabetically and filtering it for items that match the regex we just created we then need to update the state with the filtered list of suggestions and actually i've just thought of a better way of writing this so we're going to use let and define suggestions so it's mutable and we're going to initialize it as an empty array and if the length of the string entered is more than zero we set suggestions to be the filtered list of items so we just need the regex in there and then the filtered suggestions in there as well and then after that we just set suggestions in the state this does exactly the same thing it's just more concise now we're only going to render the filtered list of suggestions instead of the full list i'm going to create a function to do this which i'm going to call render suggestions so we destructure the suggestions from the state and if this list is empty we don't want to show the ul element at all um to do this we can just return null from this function anything that is null won't render anything to the browser so next is if it's not empty and in this case we want to copy and paste all the code from down here from the render function or cut and paste rather for the ul so we're going to return that and within that instead of mapping over the items array which is sort of all the items that we have because we only want to output the suggestions we change it to suggestions instead of items then in the render function we call render suggestions in the place of where we had the markup for our ul so now what should happen is when i type in the text box only items which match the value entered get shown but we have an error v.test is not a function it actually says there's two errors on the page but they're both the same let's just go and fix this now so i've got things the wrong way around here i've done text value dot test instead of regex dot test and i need to pass in the text value to the test function so just the wrong way around there let me go back try again cannot read property map of undefined again just a small bug it's not it's just suggestions as we've already structured third time's a charm we're now getting everything filtered as i type what's happening is the suggestions are being updated in the state as i type each time they are the component's render function gets called again and it only returns the list with the matching items as this is what's in the state at the time the function gets called so we have our filtered list next we need to make it so when we click an item on the list it populates the text box with it to do this we need to be in control of the value of the text input now there are two types of controls in react or inputs rather controlled and uncontrolled currently this text box is uncontrolled this means the browser controls the value the user types and the text appears in the text box if we make our text box controlled we control the value via react we make it controlled simply by adding a value prop and we'll set this now to an empty string so look what happens when we're in control of the text box via react i am actually now typing the text box and nothing will appear we will have to set the value ourselves from within the component we will set the value of the text box using the component state to do this we're going to add a text property to the state and the value should just be an empty string then we want to go down to our render function and we want to extract this text value from the state and then in our text box we're going to make that value prop the text from the state so that's what goes in the text box now we go to the on text change function and when the text box value changes we want to set that value in the state as text now when we type in the text box the value updates to select the item we need a function to say a suggestion has been selected so we're going to go ahead and add a function suggestion selected it's going to take the value of the suggestion which will be one of the items from the suggestion list as an argument we're then going to update the state so the value the text box uses is the selected suggestion this point we're also going to wipe the suggestions list by setting it to be an empty array as we don't want to still show it when the user has just selected an item finally we need this to fire when a suggestion is clicked on so we're going to go down to the li for a suggestion item and we're going to add an on click event handler and we're going to add an arrow function in there and this is going to call this dot suggestion selected with the suggestion text for this li we should now be done and everything should work now as we type it filters the list and when we make our selection it populates the text box so that's a success there are a number of ways to handle css and react today i'm going to show you the simplest you see here we have our app.css file this came with create react app and then if we go into our components our app components javascript file we import it just like we would a javascript module not forgetting to add the dot css extension this part's very important now looking in the browser and viewing the source we go into the head section and we scroll down a bit and there's this style tag here and within it we see the contents of app.css what's happening here is that create react app has set up a webpack loader for us webpack is a commonly used javascript build tool anyway this loader is intercepting imports of files based on the css extension it is then adding code to add a style tag into the web page using javascript and putting the contents of all the imported css files in here that's what happened with app.css so let's add our own css file so we add a new file for our css autocompletetext.css within that we're going to add a class autocomplete text for now we're just going to put a width of 100 on it next we go to our component and we need to import autocompletetext.css remember the.css extension this now ensures that the css we wrote shows up in the head of the document just like with app.css we can now apply the class we added to a react element so we're going to apply it to the wrapper div now one thing to note this is very important in jsx you can't just use the class attribute because it's a reserved word in javascript so you can't put just that instead we have to use class name uppercase on then but this acts just like the class attribute in html so we add our autocomplete text class in there let's check that in the browser so we can go to the head and we can see the style has been added there looking at the finished product we can work out what we need to do in terms of styling firstly let's take the width since this is a reusable component we want a flexible width i think the best way to achieve this is to make everything 100 width then when someone uses the component they can put in a fixed width container in order to dictate the final width of the component now let's look at the border so we have a grey border with a drop shadow my first thought was to put a border around both the text input and the ul that appears with the suggestions the main problem with this is that if we put a border and drop shadow on both elements they would overlap at the bottom of the text input and the top of the ul the simplest solution is just that the container div has a border and a drop shadow while the ul and text have none this way when just the text box is shown the border wraps that when the suggestion list is also shown it wraps both components so let's make those changes now the width of our container is already 100 so let's add a new selector for the text input and give that a width of 100 2. we then add a gray border to our container and then we want to drop shadow on it too so we add some code from that now i just generated this with an online tool you can google css box shadow generator and you'll find a similar tool and we take off the border from the input so we're going to go into our app component now and we're going to wrap the text box in a div with the class name of app hyphen component then we go back to app.css and we do a selector for app hyphen component as a class and we're going to put some margin on the top of it because we just want a bit of space between the top of the browser and the component and then the margin the sides is going to be auto to center it and we give it a width of 600 pixels this is to constrain the size of our reusable component from outside of the component so once we finish that we'll save and have a look in the browser taking a look at this we see that the text in the list is centered we want it left aligned also we want to get rid of those bullet points let's do that now so i'm just going to give the entire div and also the input a consistent text style so they just look the same i'm now going to put in a new selector for the ul and with list style type set to 9 i get rid of the bullets and i align the text to the left if we have a look at our elements we can see the alignment is a bit off between the text input and the list and there's this funny thing going on with the right hand side of the text box um there's a couple of things going on here we need to use border box box sizing on it otherwise the text input can end up being more than 100 width of its parent both the text input and the list items should also have consistent padding finally there's also a small you probably can't see it but there is a small gap between the top of the ul and the bottom of the text input that throws things off just a little bit this is caused by the new line between the two in the markup this can be fixed by using the before pseudo selector first we'll take away all the margin and padding on the ul element we won't be needing that then we're going to add a consistent margin and padding to both the li and text input so we add a new selector of the li put the padding in there and then put the same padding on the text input and we need to also add to that box sizing and set it to border box for the text input so it doesn't get more than 100 in width finally we're going to add a pseudo selector for our ul this is the before sudo selector we're going to use and it just allows us to remove the white space before the ul so we're going to send the content to be an empty string i also want to remove this blue highlighting when the text box is in focus this is very simple to do we just add outline none to the text input things are looking really pretty good now we actually do want to border at the top of the ul though just to separate it from the text input we also want to make the list of items look clickable we can do this by adding a cursor style and some hover styling to the uis so we add a border to the top of the ul that's of course one pixel solid grey and we set cursor to pointer on the li so that the cursor has a little hand on hover so it looks like a link something we can click then we're going to add a new selector and we're going to use the hovo sudo selector on the li selector and then on hovered we're going to give all the allies a background just sort of a light gray background and an underline to emphasize this to the user just to emphasize that they're selectable so yeah that all looks really good i want some good data for our suggestions so i'll get a list of all the countries in the world i google for it and there's actually a text file for it on github which is perfect so i click view raw and i copy all of them we want the countries to be an array so i create a new module countries.js in src and we simply paste in the entire list and we're going to export it from the module as the default export i'm going to wrap it in backticks so it can be multi-line as opposed to say single or double quotes and make sure there's no space at the beginning or the end of the backticks and then i do a dot split on the new line character and this will make it an array one line or country in this case per item the module now exports an array of country names so if we go to our component we have an array called this dot items which contains the hard-coded items names in this case we need to transform this into a prop props in react are a way to get data into a component in order to make it configurable you pass props to a react element just like an html attribute so if we have a look at the text input down here we use two props on that one is value one is on change so this is just how you get props into a react element and you can see up here the props are passed to the constructor we then pass them to super and after that they can be accessed via an object this dot props from anywhere in the class so we remove this dot items from the constructor we don't need it anymore and we use this variable in the function on text change where we filtered these items to get the suggestions based on what the user typed so let's destructure this dot props to get a prop called items and then we use that in place of this dot items now we need to go to the app component where we actually used the text box and passed in the countries as a prop called items so first we need to import our countries from the countries module we created then we add items as a prop just like an attribute and give it the value of countries in curly braces so now the text box has our list of countries available but what happens if we wanted to add another text box with different items on the same page we simply add another autocomplete text tag this one will set the items to be an array of names we'll just hard code the array straight in the curly brackets straight into the prop items we now have two auto complete text boxes they're a bit squished together so let's just add a bit of space in here so now we've got two auto complete text boxes on one page each has its own internal state both has its own list of items so we've created a truly reusable component if you want to progress to building entire apps in react instead of just components see the link to my course learn react and redox from beginner to paid professional in the video descriptionin this video you're going to be getting started with react from creating a skeleton react app all the way to building this reusable real world component which is an auto-complete text box with suggestions that filter as you type so what is react react is a javascript library created by facebook for building user interfaces it allows you to build and combine reusable ui components much like creating your own custom html tags these components are declarative views which update as the data in your application updates i.e they react to changes in your application state hence the name of the library enough background let's get started you need a recent version of node for this to work so if you haven't got that installed already go and do that first when that's done in the terminal i want you to type npm install g create dash react dash app this will install an npm package that creates bare bones react apps for you with all the webpack configuration and required modules already set up for you so you can start coding straight away after that's done installing you need to do create dash react dash app then a space and the name of whatever you want to call your new app let's call it my dash first dash app and this will set up your new react app and install all the necessary dependencies that'll take a little while and after it's done you need to go into the directory that's just been created so that's my first app and you'll see here it's installed an npm application for us it's created our bare bones react app and we just do an npm start and this will this will compile the app and run the dev server it's also in the moment going to open here we go it opens a browser window and runs the app in it for you that's very convenient so it's still just loading it's still probably compiling in the background and there we go and this is the bare bones react app and you can see here it tells you to go to src app.js edit the code and save and it will auto reload so let's do that now to start off with we're just going to fly through building a really simple component with react just as a taster after that we'll move on to the autocomplete textbox which is more useful but also more complex open the code in an editor of your choice and go to the src folder and then you want to go to app.js and this is the main top level app component that renders what we saw in the browser if you remember there's this text here about getting started let's just edit this and change it to say hello world and if we save it and go back to the browser the code recompiles it hot reloads and we get hello world so now let's create our first react component and then we'll be able to use it just like a custom html tag really we're going to make a component which is a button and some dynamic text when you click the button it's going to toggle hiding the text so in src i want you to create a new file we're going to call it hideable text.js we're going to import react from react then we're going to export as default a new class and we're going to call that hidable text and it needs to extend the react dot component class we give it a constructor and the constructor takes an argument called called props these are just properties for the component and they can be passed in like attributes are passed to an html tag and we do just need to call super in the constructor passing through the props and super just calls the parent class constructor so it's calling the react dot component constructor that just ensures the class is set up properly next we have a very special function called render now whatever gets returned from render is what gets rendered in the browser for this component so we're going to return some jsx it's called which is xml within javascript and this jsx is just going to be a div so it's just like doing html tags within our javascript really it's going to be a div and then we're going to have a button and we'll call it toggle and then some just some hard-coded text for now now we have this component we can go ahead and import it into our app component so we open that file and we just import it import hidable text from hideable text now we can use it pretty much like a custom html tag so if we go within this div class name app content we just go hideable text like an html tag we save it and then we'll have a look and see how it looks in the browser and there we go we've got our button that does nothing at the moment and our text react elements can take arguments called props that are a lot like attributes for html tags so to our hideable text we'll add one called text and as the value just as a string we will put dynamic text now we go back to our component and that text prop will be available in the component within an object called this dot props it comes in via the constructor here and is passed to the superclass so we want to output this here and if you want to output the result of an expression in jsx you just wrap the expression in curly braces that's completely wrong wrap the expression in curly braces so we're going to do this dot props dot text and that will be the dynamic text we just passed in as the prop so if we save this and take a look in the browser the text should have changed so as we can see we've now got our dynamic text and the button does absolutely nothing let's fix that now props are one form of data available to a rat component they are passed in from outside the component as we saw and are immutable but we can also store internal mutable data within a component and this is called state we will define this within the constructor so we'll go this dot state and state is a special property on a react component so it has to be called state and it's just a plain old javascript object so we can just define it as an object literal we will add an is hidden property defaulting to false so obviously if is hidden is true the text will be hidden otherwise it will be shown and we can achieve that by going down here and doing not this dot state dot is hidden and props dot text this means the text will only show if is hidden is true next we need a way to toggle is hidden so let's go up here let's create a new method on the class called toggle is hidden it doesn't take any arguments and this is going to use a special method which is inherited from the react dot component class and this is called set state for reasons i won't go into now because it's beyond the scope of the video this dot state should never be altered manually after being initially set up in the constructor so we call this dot set state and this takes a function as an argument and it gives us actually the current state as an argument to this function and then this function has to return the changes we want to make to the state object in the form of an object so we'll return an object and we want is hidden to be the result of toggling the current is hidden so current state dot is hidden and again for reasons i won't go into now because it's too complicated for the moment you must always you get the current value of any state object when you're doing a set state from current state not from this dot state you'll have to watch my entire react course to find out why i think it's a bit more complicated but this toggle is hidden function will do exactly what we want next comes the task of hooking toggle is hidden up to this button here it's actually very simple it's a lot like in html and javascript without react how you would have how you would add rather an event handler you just put it straight on as an attribute on click in this case it's going to be an expression so we want the curly braces again and then we just put an arrow function and all this arrow function is going to do is call this dot toggle is hidden let's save that and check this in the browser first i have just noticed a big error in toggle is hidden i set the new value of his hidden to be exactly the same as the current value which is obviously wrong we want to negate it so it's toggled and now it should work so in the browser we have the toggle button we have the dynamic text we click toggle and the text disappears we toggle it again and it reappears so that's working as intended so what's happening here is when we initially render the button is hidden is false and so the text is hidden then when we click the button toggle is hidden is called set state is called and it sets is hidden to true each time we update the state of react component the component re-renders so the render function is called again and so when we click for the first time and his hidden is set to true this function is then called again this time is hidden is true and so the text isn't shown now we're going to move on to building a more useful real world component i'm going to be teaching you how to build this autocomplete text box using react it's one of those text boxes where you type and get a list of possible items you can select which fill in the text box a bit like the auto suggestion search boxes on most search engines what i really like about this is that it has real world uses it's a very simple component but by creating it you'll learn about reusable react components props component state and using css with react you'll first need to set up a new react app by installing create react app creating a new app with it and then run it by going to the directory in the terminal and doing npm start alternatively you could just put the code within the app you previously created it's up to you open the code in an editor we're going to create a new component first create a new file for your components and call it autocompletetext.js and it should be in the src folder components are the building blocks of any react application they can be configured using something called props more on that later in the series and they can hold their own mutable data called state they can be used to represent anything in your ui from small things like a standalone ui widget such as this autocomplete text box we're going to create right up until something large like an entire web page components are reusable so you can use them many times on one page or even across different pages they're also composable you can think of them like lego bricks you can fit them together to build other larger components first we need to import the react module you need to do this for every component you create then we create a class to represent our component and we're going to call it autocomplete text it needs to extend the react dot component class in order to make it a component our text box will need the list of all possible items that it can auto complete with in a future video i'll show you how to make that configurable but for now we're just going to hard code a list of names to do this first create a constructor react component constructors must take an argument called props and call the superclass constructor passing the props argument to it this just ensures the component is set up properly let's add a member variable called items so it's this.items and it's going to be an array we create a member variable so we can access it from anywhere in the class later so let's add some names now to the array these will be what can be shown in the autocomplete drop down they're all the possible items to auto complete with now the markup for our component at the heart of any react component is the render function it will examine all of the components data and based on this will render the markup for the component the idea is that when the components data changes the markup changes so the user sees something different so we define our render function from this we must return the react elements we want to represent our components some magic called jsx lets us write them directly within javascript as html tags so we're going to return a rapid div and inside it a text input this is going to be our text box we're also going to put an unordered list to hold our auto complete suggestions we'll worry about showing only items that match the text entered later for now let's show all the items in the list so we have this as an array so we can just output an li for each item in the items array now this is going to be an expression and to mix expressions into our markup using jsx we need to wrap them in curly braces anything within curly braces will be evaluated and the value output within our markup this can be anything from a simple string to the results of a function call or even other react elements we want one li per item in the list so inside those curly braces we're going to map over the array and output an li for each item within the li we have the item itself this itself is an expression so is also wrapped in the curly braces the result of this map is an array of react elements now if we put an array of react elements within curly brackets each element in that array will be rendered although we're nowhere near finished yet i think this is a good time to check how our new component looks in the browser so far we have our new component but haven't used it anywhere we can use the component just like a custom html tag the component itself is just the definition we need a new instance of this definition which will be a react element let's do that now so you want to go to app.js this is our main top level component for the app and we're just going to delete all this we don't need that header section at all and we also want to go into index.css and just put 50 pixels of margin at the top of the body just so we've got a bit of space up there when we put our text box in so first we need to import our components module and we're going to use the component just like a custom html tag so it's just auto complete text as an html tag so you should be running the app using npm start in the folder in the terminal so that it will hot reload in the browser when you change the code let's take a look as you can see we have our text box and our list with all the names in it when the user types in the text box we're going to need to know about it so we can filter the list so that only items that match what the user types are displayed we're also going to need the current text which has been entered for the same reason so let's get that text now you can add events to elements in react much the same way as you can in html so this text input has an onchange event available so we add that and we're going to assign a function to it since a function is an expression we wrap it in curly brackets and all the function is going to do is take the event that has been generated and console.log or because is the event target is the element which is the target of the event and the value is the value of the html text input let's check that in the browser so we right click and choose inspect to open the developer console and choose console from the tab above then we type in the text field and as we do you can see the text being output each time we change the value in order to only show items in the list that match the text entered we need to use the component state component state is just internal data belonging to the current instance of the component since it belongs to the current instance you can have multiple versions of the same components on the same page at the same time and they each keep their own individual state so in this dot items we have all the possible items we will store the list of items which match what is entered in the text box in the components state the state is initialized in the constructor it is just a plain old javascript object but it must be called state and must be on the current instance ie on this as this is the property react.component uses for the state it's like a property which is special to react so we're going to create this dot state and it's going to equal a new object literal for the list of suggestions we'll have a property called suggestions when the component is first created we want the suggestions to be empty so let's go ahead and make it an empty array let's create a function to handle the user typing in the text box we'll call it on text changed and it's very important that it's an arrow function or this won't work if you don't understand why this is you need to learn about function context in javascript the function will take the onchange event as an argument we'll call it e and now let's go down to the onchange attribute in the textbox and we're going to add that function there we just put this dot on text change there's no brackets at the end we're not calling the function just assigning it so we need to get the value from the event if the string is empty we're going to want to make sure that the suggestions are empty as there's nothing to match on this case would happen for example if the user types a single character and then deletes it now you might think we empty the suggestions array by doing something like this dot state dot suggestions equals empty array that seems to make sense doesn't it we just set the suggestions array on the state to be empty however this would be the wrong way to update a value in the state the reason for this is that what gets rendered in the render function will probably depend upon the state now in this case it doesn't yet but we'll be making render do this in just a minute the idea is when you change the state you change what gets rendered so that the component displays something different this is what makes react components dynamic rather than static for this reason the component needs to know that the state has changed so it can re-render call render again and display the new version of the component to the user react.component gives us a function it's called setstate that does just this so it's this dot set state and now this takes a function which will return an object with any state changes in it so any properties we want to change in the state go in that object the reason it takes a function that returns an object instead of just an object is beyond the scope of this video i do however talk about this in my udemy course so we want to set the suggestions to empty array so the function just returns an object with suggestions as an empty array you don't need to return the entire state from this function just the properties you want to change the else case is if for the text isn't empty for this case we're going to create a case insensitive regex to test for matches in the items list that start with the text the user entered next we're going to define the list of matching suggestions and put it in a const and this is going to be defined as taking the contents of the items array sorting it alphabetically and filtering it for items that match the regex we just created we then need to update the state with the filtered list of suggestions and actually i've just thought of a better way of writing this so we're going to use let and define suggestions so it's mutable and we're going to initialize it as an empty array and if the length of the string entered is more than zero we set suggestions to be the filtered list of items so we just need the regex in there and then the filtered suggestions in there as well and then after that we just set suggestions in the state this does exactly the same thing it's just more concise now we're only going to render the filtered list of suggestions instead of the full list i'm going to create a function to do this which i'm going to call render suggestions so we destructure the suggestions from the state and if this list is empty we don't want to show the ul element at all um to do this we can just return null from this function anything that is null won't render anything to the browser so next is if it's not empty and in this case we want to copy and paste all the code from down here from the render function or cut and paste rather for the ul so we're going to return that and within that instead of mapping over the items array which is sort of all the items that we have because we only want to output the suggestions we change it to suggestions instead of items then in the render function we call render suggestions in the place of where we had the markup for our ul so now what should happen is when i type in the text box only items which match the value entered get shown but we have an error v.test is not a function it actually says there's two errors on the page but they're both the same let's just go and fix this now so i've got things the wrong way around here i've done text value dot test instead of regex dot test and i need to pass in the text value to the test function so just the wrong way around there let me go back try again cannot read property map of undefined again just a small bug it's not it's just suggestions as we've already structured third time's a charm we're now getting everything filtered as i type what's happening is the suggestions are being updated in the state as i type each time they are the component's render function gets called again and it only returns the list with the matching items as this is what's in the state at the time the function gets called so we have our filtered list next we need to make it so when we click an item on the list it populates the text box with it to do this we need to be in control of the value of the text input now there are two types of controls in react or inputs rather controlled and uncontrolled currently this text box is uncontrolled this means the browser controls the value the user types and the text appears in the text box if we make our text box controlled we control the value via react we make it controlled simply by adding a value prop and we'll set this now to an empty string so look what happens when we're in control of the text box via react i am actually now typing the text box and nothing will appear we will have to set the value ourselves from within the component we will set the value of the text box using the component state to do this we're going to add a text property to the state and the value should just be an empty string then we want to go down to our render function and we want to extract this text value from the state and then in our text box we're going to make that value prop the text from the state so that's what goes in the text box now we go to the on text change function and when the text box value changes we want to set that value in the state as text now when we type in the text box the value updates to select the item we need a function to say a suggestion has been selected so we're going to go ahead and add a function suggestion selected it's going to take the value of the suggestion which will be one of the items from the suggestion list as an argument we're then going to update the state so the value the text box uses is the selected suggestion this point we're also going to wipe the suggestions list by setting it to be an empty array as we don't want to still show it when the user has just selected an item finally we need this to fire when a suggestion is clicked on so we're going to go down to the li for a suggestion item and we're going to add an on click event handler and we're going to add an arrow function in there and this is going to call this dot suggestion selected with the suggestion text for this li we should now be done and everything should work now as we type it filters the list and when we make our selection it populates the text box so that's a success there are a number of ways to handle css and react today i'm going to show you the simplest you see here we have our app.css file this came with create react app and then if we go into our components our app components javascript file we import it just like we would a javascript module not forgetting to add the dot css extension this part's very important now looking in the browser and viewing the source we go into the head section and we scroll down a bit and there's this style tag here and within it we see the contents of app.css what's happening here is that create react app has set up a webpack loader for us webpack is a commonly used javascript build tool anyway this loader is intercepting imports of files based on the css extension it is then adding code to add a style tag into the web page using javascript and putting the contents of all the imported css files in here that's what happened with app.css so let's add our own css file so we add a new file for our css autocompletetext.css within that we're going to add a class autocomplete text for now we're just going to put a width of 100 on it next we go to our component and we need to import autocompletetext.css remember the.css extension this now ensures that the css we wrote shows up in the head of the document just like with app.css we can now apply the class we added to a react element so we're going to apply it to the wrapper div now one thing to note this is very important in jsx you can't just use the class attribute because it's a reserved word in javascript so you can't put just that instead we have to use class name uppercase on then but this acts just like the class attribute in html so we add our autocomplete text class in there let's check that in the browser so we can go to the head and we can see the style has been added there looking at the finished product we can work out what we need to do in terms of styling firstly let's take the width since this is a reusable component we want a flexible width i think the best way to achieve this is to make everything 100 width then when someone uses the component they can put in a fixed width container in order to dictate the final width of the component now let's look at the border so we have a grey border with a drop shadow my first thought was to put a border around both the text input and the ul that appears with the suggestions the main problem with this is that if we put a border and drop shadow on both elements they would overlap at the bottom of the text input and the top of the ul the simplest solution is just that the container div has a border and a drop shadow while the ul and text have none this way when just the text box is shown the border wraps that when the suggestion list is also shown it wraps both components so let's make those changes now the width of our container is already 100 so let's add a new selector for the text input and give that a width of 100 2. we then add a gray border to our container and then we want to drop shadow on it too so we add some code from that now i just generated this with an online tool you can google css box shadow generator and you'll find a similar tool and we take off the border from the input so we're going to go into our app component now and we're going to wrap the text box in a div with the class name of app hyphen component then we go back to app.css and we do a selector for app hyphen component as a class and we're going to put some margin on the top of it because we just want a bit of space between the top of the browser and the component and then the margin the sides is going to be auto to center it and we give it a width of 600 pixels this is to constrain the size of our reusable component from outside of the component so once we finish that we'll save and have a look in the browser taking a look at this we see that the text in the list is centered we want it left aligned also we want to get rid of those bullet points let's do that now so i'm just going to give the entire div and also the input a consistent text style so they just look the same i'm now going to put in a new selector for the ul and with list style type set to 9 i get rid of the bullets and i align the text to the left if we have a look at our elements we can see the alignment is a bit off between the text input and the list and there's this funny thing going on with the right hand side of the text box um there's a couple of things going on here we need to use border box box sizing on it otherwise the text input can end up being more than 100 width of its parent both the text input and the list items should also have consistent padding finally there's also a small you probably can't see it but there is a small gap between the top of the ul and the bottom of the text input that throws things off just a little bit this is caused by the new line between the two in the markup this can be fixed by using the before pseudo selector first we'll take away all the margin and padding on the ul element we won't be needing that then we're going to add a consistent margin and padding to both the li and text input so we add a new selector of the li put the padding in there and then put the same padding on the text input and we need to also add to that box sizing and set it to border box for the text input so it doesn't get more than 100 in width finally we're going to add a pseudo selector for our ul this is the before sudo selector we're going to use and it just allows us to remove the white space before the ul so we're going to send the content to be an empty string i also want to remove this blue highlighting when the text box is in focus this is very simple to do we just add outline none to the text input things are looking really pretty good now we actually do want to border at the top of the ul though just to separate it from the text input we also want to make the list of items look clickable we can do this by adding a cursor style and some hover styling to the uis so we add a border to the top of the ul that's of course one pixel solid grey and we set cursor to pointer on the li so that the cursor has a little hand on hover so it looks like a link something we can click then we're going to add a new selector and we're going to use the hovo sudo selector on the li selector and then on hovered we're going to give all the allies a background just sort of a light gray background and an underline to emphasize this to the user just to emphasize that they're selectable so yeah that all looks really good i want some good data for our suggestions so i'll get a list of all the countries in the world i google for it and there's actually a text file for it on github which is perfect so i click view raw and i copy all of them we want the countries to be an array so i create a new module countries.js in src and we simply paste in the entire list and we're going to export it from the module as the default export i'm going to wrap it in backticks so it can be multi-line as opposed to say single or double quotes and make sure there's no space at the beginning or the end of the backticks and then i do a dot split on the new line character and this will make it an array one line or country in this case per item the module now exports an array of country names so if we go to our component we have an array called this dot items which contains the hard-coded items names in this case we need to transform this into a prop props in react are a way to get data into a component in order to make it configurable you pass props to a react element just like an html attribute so if we have a look at the text input down here we use two props on that one is value one is on change so this is just how you get props into a react element and you can see up here the props are passed to the constructor we then pass them to super and after that they can be accessed via an object this dot props from anywhere in the class so we remove this dot items from the constructor we don't need it anymore and we use this variable in the function on text change where we filtered these items to get the suggestions based on what the user typed so let's destructure this dot props to get a prop called items and then we use that in place of this dot items now we need to go to the app component where we actually used the text box and passed in the countries as a prop called items so first we need to import our countries from the countries module we created then we add items as a prop just like an attribute and give it the value of countries in curly braces so now the text box has our list of countries available but what happens if we wanted to add another text box with different items on the same page we simply add another autocomplete text tag this one will set the items to be an array of names we'll just hard code the array straight in the curly brackets straight into the prop items we now have two auto complete text boxes they're a bit squished together so let's just add a bit of space in here so now we've got two auto complete text boxes on one page each has its own internal state both has its own list of items so we've created a truly reusable component if you want to progress to building entire apps in react instead of just components see the link to my course learn react and redox from beginner to paid professional in the video description\n"