The Simple Notepad Built-in Windows: More Than Just a Note-Taking Tool
The simple-looking notepad built into Windows is great for taking notes and writing basic code, but it's missing out on other cool features and tricks that might surprise you. In this article, we'll explore some of these hidden gems and show you how to make the most of this often-overlooked tool.
Automating Time and Date Stamp
One of the more useful features of notepad is its ability to automatically add a time and date stamp to every file you create. This can be especially helpful if you keep journals or logs to keep track of things over time. To enable this feature, simply open notepad by typing "notepad" in the search bar (in all caps) followed by a period, then type "log". Save this file and exit notepad. The next time you create a new file, it will automatically include the current date and time.
You can also insert a time and date stamp manually by hitting F5 on your keyboard or by going to Edit > Time/Date. This is great for taking quick notes where you need a time reference.
A Tip from Notepad's History
Notepad has been around since 1983, and it's always had a light theme that can cause eye strain for some users. Thankfully, Microsoft added a dark theme option just a couple of years ago, making it easier on the eyes. To switch to the dark theme, go to Settings > Appearance > Theme. Choose from the three available options: Light, Dark, or Use System Theme.
Customizing Printing Options
Before printing a document from notepad, you can change how the header and footer looks by using special commands. To do this, go to File > Print Setup (or press Ctrl+P). In the print dialog box, click on "Header" and "Footer" and use the "Insert Field" button to add the date and current time. For example, to align the header to the left, you can input "an" followed by the letter "L". For a different effect, try entering "ad" (aligning to the right) or "cd" (centered).
Opening Websites in Notepad
Notepad may not be the most obvious choice for opening websites, but it's surprisingly capable. To open any website in notepad, simply type the URL followed by a space and then save the file as a .bat file (for example, "iFixIt.dobot"). When you double-click this file, it will open the specified website in your default browser.
The Matrix Code Effect
In a nod to the popular film The Matrix, notepad can be used to create a simple green code effect. To do this, you'll need to type a batch script into notepad and save it as a .bat file. Here's an example of how you can do it:
Copy and paste the following script into your notepad:
Hello World!
Save this file as "Matrix.dobot". When you double-click this file, it will open in your default browser with a green font effect.
Speaking Out Loud
Notepad can even be used to create a simple text-to-speech feature. To do this, save the script below as a .vbs file (for example, "Speak.dobot"):
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.TextFileOpen "input.txt", ForOutput
objFSO.TextFile.WriteLine objFSO.TextFile.OpenText(1), "Hello World!"
Replace "input.txt" with the name of your desired output file. When you double-click this file, it will open and play out loud.
As we've seen in this article, notepad is more than just a simple note-taking tool. With its range of features and tricks, it's worth exploring to see what else it has to offer. Whether you're looking to automate tasks, customize printing options, or simply have some fun with the Matrix code effect, notepad has got you covered.