The author has compiled a list of their favorite laptops of the year, and here's an organized version of the content for a web page:
**Laptop Roundup: The Author's Favorite Picks**
As the year comes to a close, I thought it was time to share my top picks for laptops that have impressed me with their performance, features, and overall value. From budget-friendly options to high-end machines, here are some of the best laptops I've had the chance to try out.
**1. Apple MacBook Pro**
I know what you're thinking - the MacBook Pro is a bit late to the party, but it did get a significant spec bump this year that makes it worth considering. With a six-core Intel Core i9 processor, this laptop is no slouch when it comes to power. The build quality is still some of the best in the game, and while the keyboard could be improved, it's not enough to detract from the overall experience.
**2. VivoBook F510UA**
At just $500, this laptop is a steal. It comes with an eighth-gen Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM, and a 256GB SSD - all for under $30 more than the base model. The 1080p IPS panel is a nice touch, and the keyboard and touchpad are both top-notch. With this laptop, you're not giving up much at all for the price.
**3. Microsoft Surface Go**
I know some people might say that the Surface Go isn't really a laptop, but I disagree. With its eight-inch display and kickstand, it's more like a tablet than a traditional PC. But add on the keyboard and it becomes an incredibly portable and useful device. The Pentium Gold processor might not be the most powerful, but it's enough to get the job done. And with features like USB-C and a touchpad, this is one of my favorite cheap budget devices.
**4. Acer Aspire 5**
If you're looking for a low-end gaming laptop that won't break the bank, look no further than the Acer Aspire 5. With its Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM, and MX150 graphics, this machine is capable of handling entry-level games at decent settings. The only downside is the screen - it's not an IPS panel, which might be a deal-breaker for some. But overall, this laptop is a great value for $600.
**5. Apple MacBook Pro (again!)**
I know I already mentioned the MacBook Pro earlier, but I couldn't resist giving it another shout-out. Even though it's not my number one pick overall, it's still an incredibly powerful and well-built machine that's worth considering if you're invested in the Apple ecosystem.
**Honorable Mention: Microsoft Surface Pro 6**
Unfortunately, this video was cut short before I could share my thoughts on the Microsoft Surface Pro 6. But rest assured, I'll be keeping an eye on this device as it releases and will provide a full review when the time comes.
Overall, these laptops represent some of the best options available in different price ranges. Whether you're looking for power, portability, or value, there's something on this list for everyone.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin.We've taken a look at alot of laptops this year,but these are my absolute favorites.And huge shout out to Intelfor sponsoring this roundup.Starting out with, wehave the HP Spectre Folio.Now we very recently took a look at thisand it is hands downone of the most uniquelaptops I've seen all year long.First of all, we have the design.So it's made out of a hybridof a magnesium chassispaired with leather that'swrapped all the way around,and it looks and feels incredibly premium.Unlike a lot of laptops, thisdoes have a standard hingeso you can use it justlike a standard notebook,or if you want you canpop out the magneticallyattached screen and use it here either inthe Tent Mode where youcan use the touch pad,or if you want to go completely flatyou have a nice little folio.Like many of the other laptopsin this roundup, it is poweredby an Intel Core i7eighth-generation processor.In this case it's the 8500Y which meansthat not only is it completely fanlessso it's thin and light,but importantly it stilldoes have the power to runfull fledged Windows apps.What's really cool about this is that it'san always connected PC with anIntel modem that is built in.So with an always connected LTE setup,what this means is that youdon't have to go around andhunt for sketchy publicwifi or anything like that.It makes a big difference tothe way that you use the PC.And I do feel like this is going to besomething we're seeing a lotmore in the next couple years.The biggest problem withthe Spectre Folio is price.With the maxed outversion, with the Core i7as well as the LTE modem,it is a full 1500 dollars.But if you want one of the most uniqueand coolest laptops thatyou can buy right now,the Spectre Foliodefinitely fits the bill.If you're looking for somethinga little bit more traditional,the ASUS ZenBbook S isdefinitely one of my favorites.The ZenBook also hasan interesting design.So this is what ASUS calls ErgoLift.As you can see, whenyou open up the screen,it gives a little bit ofa lift to the keyboard.Now this has implications forthings such as the cooling,but importantly, pairedwith the awesome keyboard,this is once of my favoritetyping experiences of the year.It is so comfy to type onthis guy for long periods.This really is the sweet spotfor a thin and light laptop.You have the portability,but you also have the powerwith that eighth-gen Core i7 8550U,and on top of that you have apair of Thunderbolt 3 ports,which means that even thoughit's super thin and it's super light,you can get some properwork done on this guy.It's not perfect, especiallywhen you outfit itwith the 4K touchscreen,battery life is only decent,but when you put theentire package together,this is hands-down one of my favoriteultra-portable laptops of the year.Another option is thebrand-new Razer Blade Stealth.Now, we're still well intopremium laptop territory here,but for such a thin and light form factor,we're getting a lot more performancethan you'd usually expect.Inside, of course you'll findthe eighth-gen Core i7 processor,but it's also backed upby an NVIDIA MX150 GPU.Now it's not completely unheard of,but this is a pretty unique combinationin such a thin and light laptop,which can not only play some decent games,maybe not on ultra settings,but importantly also hasthe great build qualityand the great battery life to back it up.It also has a great screen and speakers,the touchpad's awesome, andthe keyboard is really solid.The important thing here is,while it does have thepower to do some gaming,importantly you're notsacrificing anythingas an everyday laptop.Now if we really wannaget overkill with things,we have the ASUS G703, whichI sadly don't have here,because they asked for it back.But this is hands-down the craziest laptopwe've ever looked at.With a $5000 price tag,overclocked Core i9 processor,GTX 1080, full desktopclass GPU, 64 gigs of RAM,it's got a full 1.3terabytes of RAID SSDs,I mean this thing isliterally like a nerd's dream.As long as you're a very buff nerdwho can pick up the very hefty, (laughs),I can't say it.It is not remotely practicalin any way, but come on!This is my favorite laptops of the year.How can I not include the mostridiculous, overkill thingthat we've taken a look at,well, pretty much ever on the laptop side.Next up we have everyone'sfavorite laptop,the crowd favorite knownas the Apple MacBook Pro.So, this is slightly cheating,since this was actually brand-new in 2016,however, it did get abig spec bump this year.With a six-core Intel Core i9 inside,this is a properly powerful system.Now, no, it may not be quite as powerfulas that G703, but this is also somethingthat can be picked up andcarried by normal human people,a very important trait of a laptop.It's still got some of thebest build quality in the game,and the basics are pretty much all here,with the slight exception of the keyboardwhich is just so-so.When you put it all together,this is one incredibly expensive machinebecause we do so much stuffthat is specific to MacOS,specifically with Final Cut,it means that this is actuallyone of my most used laptops this year,even though it might notnecessarily be my favorite.If we switch over to a slightlymore reasonable price range,we have this, the VivoBook F510UA.For just about $500, this is easilyone of the best laptopsin the game right now.So one of the important thingsthat you should probably keepin mind, is that this is astandard hard drive configurationfor $500, but for only about $30,you can very easilyupgrade it with an SSD,and I definitely recommend it.It makes a huge difference,and it really nicely roundsout the rest of the package.With the VivoBook, even thoughit is a fairly cheap laptop,you're not really giving up a lot,and I think that's very, veryimportant at this price range.So you've got an eighth-gen i5 processor,a pretty impressive 1080p IPS panel,you got a good keyboard, goodtouchpad, plenty of ports,there's really very littlethat's wrong with this laptop,and that is super, superimpressive at the price.Okay.So I am really, reallycheating with this one,but my next choice isthe Microsoft Surface Go.Yeah, you could say this is a tablet,but the way I use it, as a tiny,awesome little Windows laptop.Even the base $400 version is built well,and you've got a decentamount of performance thanksto the Pentium Gold processor,nothing too crazy, but it isenough for a 10 inch laptop.On top of that, you've got a lotof the nice Surface features,including the fully adjustable kickstand,as well as the keyboard.Now, yes, if you take off thekeyboard, it's um, a tablet,so this doesn't reallyquite qualify as a laptop,but I mean, you should buy the keyboard.You should put it on.It should live like this.And then it's eligible to be in my video.Look, okay, I get it,it's not really a laptop.But I mean, the way I use thisthing is just like a laptop.It's got a touchpad, akeyboard, and I dunno.I actually really like the Surface Go.I think it makes a lot of sense,and especially because ithas things like, I dunno,a USB-C port, something thatsome of the other Surfacescould maybe take note on,this really is one of myfavorite cheap-budget devicesright now, especially whenyou consider just how portableand small and cool it is.Can you tell I really like the Surface Go?Say you wanna game on a budget?Well, boy have I got the deal for you?The Acer Aspire 5.This is a laptop weactually took a look atvery early in the year,and yet it has absolutelyheld up all year long,and that is for good reason.This is easily my favorite recommendationif you wanna get into alow-end gaming laptop.At $600, the spec list is impressive.You have a Core i5, eightgigs of RAM, MX150 graphics,a 256 gig SSD, you even got nice thingslike a solid touchpadand a backlit keyboard.The only real downside here is the screen,which while it is 1080,is unfortunately not IPS.But, if you can look past that,and at $600 you kind of should,this is a very impressive gaming laptop.Considering it shares asimilar MX150 graphics setupcompared to that Razer Blade Stealth,you should be able to gameat pretty decent settings,again, not Ultra, but for $600,if you wanna get into anentry-level gaming laptop,the Acer Aspire 5 is stillone of my absolute favorite thingsI've taken a look at this year.