Lenovo Legion 5 Pro vs Legion 7 - Is 7 Worth More $$$

**Comparing the Legion 5 Pro and Legion 7 Laptops**

The Legion 5 Pro and Legion 7 laptops have been compared to determine which one is better suited for different needs and budgets. The comparison was conducted using various benchmarks and tests, including 3DMark Time Spy, Cinebench R20, and Far Cry 5.

**Benchmarking Results**

The results of the benchmarking tests showed that the Legion 7 laptop performed slightly better than the Legion 5 Pro in terms of overall system performance. However, when memory was modified on the 5 Pro to match the specifications of the 7, the difference in performance became negligible. The 5 Pro's stock configuration resulted in a lower score in some tests, suggesting that upgrading the RAM would be necessary to achieve better performance.

**Gaming Performance**

The gaming performance of both laptops was also tested using the games benchmark. While the Legion 7 laptop had a slight edge in terms of overall system performance, the difference in gaming performance between the two laptops became more pronounced at higher resolutions. This suggests that the Legion 5 Pro's lower-end GPU may not be sufficient for demanding games at high resolutions.

**Content Creator Workloads**

The laptops were also tested using content creator workloads, including Adobe Premiere and Photoshop. The results showed that both laptops performed similarly in terms of overall system performance, although the Legion 7 laptop had a slight edge in terms of graphics performance.

**Storage Performance**

Both laptops came equipped with the same model of 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD, which resulted in similar storage performance. However, this may not be relevant for users who plan to upgrade their storage in the future.

**Display and Connectivity**

The Legion 7 laptop had some issues with the display, including a problem with the speakers that did not work on the unit tested. The keyboard and touchpad of both laptops worked properly out of the box, although it is likely that some software updates would be necessary to fix any issues. Basic keyboard lighting and performance modes were also baked into the firmware of both laptops.


The prices of the two laptops vary depending on the region and retailer. However, based on the prices announced at CES in January, the Legion 5 Pro starts at $1000 USD and the Legion 7 starts at $1700 USD. This suggests that the 5 Pro is significantly cheaper than the 7, although this may change when the laptops launch in the US in June.


While both laptops have their strengths and weaknesses, the Legion 7 laptop has some nice extra features that make it a more premium product. However, if budget permits, the additional cost of the 7 is justified by its improved performance and features. The Legion 5 Pro remains a great value option for those who want a high-performance laptop without breaking the bank. Ultimately, the choice between these two laptops depends on individual needs and priorities.


The recommendation is to consider which features are most important for your specific needs. If you prioritize gaming performance and have a budget that can accommodate it, the Legion 7 may be the better option. However, if budget is a concern, the Legion 5 Pro remains a great value option.

**Future Comparisons**

In the future, we plan to compare other laptops against these two models. One upcoming comparison will be between the Legion 5 Pro and the HP Omen 15, which promises to be an interesting match-up of performance and features.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enLenovo’s new Legion 5 Pro and Legion 7 areboth Ryzen powered gaming laptops, but isit worth paying more money for the highertier 7?I’ve compared both laptops to show you thedifferences and help you decide which is worthit!Both laptops are available with differentspecs, and I’ve got the highest speccedoptions of each.As this means I can’t directly compare CPUand GPU performance, I’ll instead approachthe comparison from the point of view of seeingwhat both laptops can offer in the best case.They both have a metal lid with a dark greyfinish, the Legion 7’s looks a little cleaner.The interior of both is similar too, samekeyboard and touchpad layout.The 7 is covered in RGB lighting, from thelight bar on the front and sides to the vents,while the 5 Pro has far less bling.The 5 Pro is a little heavier than the 7,and this is still the case with the cablesas both have large 300 watt power bricks.The 5 Pro is slightly wider and thicker comparedto the 7, so along with weighing a littleless the 7 is also a bit smaller, but it’snot really an amount you’ll notice.Both have the exact same 16 inch 16:10 165Hzscreen, the panel part number is the samein both laptops.As a result the color gamut is essentiallythe same, just small differences within marginof error, and both also get above 500 nitsat maximum brightness, again just small minordifferences due to manufacturing variances.Both laptops have a MUX switch which can beused to disable optimus after a reboot.With optimus disabled both have G-Sync, orwith optimus instead enabled both have FreeSync.Both laptops have a screen overdrive modeto boost response time, and with that enabledthey’re both offering similar results.Again the exact same panel is used on bothlaptops so this is expected.There’s going to be a little variance oneway or the other.Basically consider them equal despite my 7looking slightly better, that’s just luckof the draw.Both of my units had basically no backlightbleed, but this will vary between laptopsand panels.The screen on the 7 goes the full 180 degreesback while the screen on the 5 Pro stops sooner.Both have a 720p camera above the screen inthe middle, and both have a switch on theright to physically disconnect the camerato ensure privacy.This is what the camera and microphone lookand sound like on the 5 pro, and this is whatthey both look and sound like over on the7.The 7 also has Tobii Horizon, which tracksyour head in supported games and adjusts thecamera angle based on where you look.The 5 Pro does not have this.The layouts of both keyboards are the same.My 5 Pro just has a white keyboard, but it’salso available with a 4 zone RGB option, meanwhilethe 7 has per key RGB lighting with much morecustomization available.The RGB on the 7 is controlled with the CorsairiCUE software, while the 5 Pro with RGB doesnot use this.Personally I preferred typing on the 7, thekeyboards are quite similar but it felt abit sturdier, possibly a bit clicker, it’shard to really explain but if you look closelyon the 5 you can see when I push a key downthe others near it are affected more whencompared to doing the same thing on the 7.The precision touchpads on both are the samesize.They’re similar, but the 5 Pro just feltlike it had a nicer click to me.It’s possible they’re exactly the sameand this is just manufacturing tolerance orsomething, but the 5 Pro was a little louder.Both are the same on the left, air exhaustvent at the back, a USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C portwith DisplayPort 1.4 support and a 3.5mm audiocombo jack.The right is a little different, both havethe camera disconnect switch and an air exhaustvent on this side too.The Legion 7 has a Type-C port while the 5Pro has Type-A, but both are the same USB3.2 Gen1 speed.The rest of the I/O is on the back, and bothare the same here.From left to right there’s gigabit ethernet,a 2nd USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-C port, again withDisplayPort 1.4 like the one on the left,but this one also lets you charge the laptop.Otherwise there are 3 USB 3.2 gen1 Type-Aports, HDMI 2.1 output and power input onthe far right.So for those not keeping track, basicallythe only difference is that on the right ofthe 5 Pro there’s USB Type-A while the 7’sis Type-C - that’s it.Although both laptops have icons above therear ports, the 7 actually lights them up,which I found much more useful when tryingto plug in in a darker room, plus we’vegot the option of turning them on or off withthis shortcut.All display outputs connect directly to theNvidia graphics, which makes sense given bothlet you disable optimus.The lighting on the lids can be turned onor off with this shortcut, though this onlyworks on the 7 if there’s no iCUE effectin place.The bottom panels were similar, clean withair intake vents up the back above the fans.The internal layout was very similar, bothhave black metal covers over the M.2 slotsand memory.Both have the battery down the front, twoM.2 storage slots above the battery, two memoryslots towards the middle and the Wi-Fi 6 cardto the right.The main difference is the 7 has a vapor chambercooler while the 5 Pro uses a regular heatpipe solution.It’s also worth noting that the fans andvapor chamber are one attached unit, so there’sless gaps for air to escape.Both laptops have a 4-cell 80Wh battery, thoughthey’re slightly different part numbers.The Legion 7 has a big issue when it comesto battery drain, which I’ve explained inthe full review video linked down in the description,but basically the corsair iCUE software makesit use more power than it should.Thankfully fixing this is as simple as stoppingthe Corsair service and not running the iCUEsoftware, but then that does mean that youcan’t run custom RGB effects.On the other hand this isn’t an issue withthe 5 Pro as it doesn’t have iCUE softwarefor modifying RGB.With both on a level playing field, despitethe differences in specs, the battery lifeis extremely comparable.It’s also possible to boost the batterylife by a couple of hours by changing thescreen refresh rate to 60Hz, which can beeasily done with the function plus R shortcuton both laptops.The speakers definitely sounded better onthe 7, there was more bass and they soundedclearer - but I’d still say the 5 pro isaverage for a gaming laptop.Now although I can’t directly compare thermalsfairly as both have different CPUs and GPUsthe differences are still interesting andare worth discussing.Both laptops have the same performance modesavailable through the vantage software, butI’ll just compare max performance modesto keep things simple here, check the reviewslinked below if you want thermal results forall performance profiles.Despite the Legion 7 having higher specs andbeing a smaller chassis, it’s running coolerboth at idle and with the stress tests running.Now it’s only a small difference, but stillinteresting to point out which I think demonstratesthe benefits on offer with the vapor chambercooler in the 7.The Legion 7 is clocking higher too, but that’sexpected, the CPU in the Legion 7 for instanceis a 5900HX which is basically just a betterbinned 5800H which is what my 5 Pro has.The higher CPU clock speed is despite bothrunning at about the same TDP, so that furtherconfirms the 5900HX is a better binned chip.Although both laptops have full powered GPUs,the 3080 has a higher 150 watt limit comparedto the 125 watts of the 3070, at least whenthe CPUs also fully loaded, so again despitethe 7 using more power it was also a littlecooler and hitting higher clocks.Both laptops are offering the best resultsI’ve seen in Cinebench R23 out of any laptopsI’ve tested for their class of CPU, so the7 is at the top out of the 5900HX machineswhile the 5 Pro is at the top out of the 5800Hmachines - great results from both.Performance lowers on both when running onbattery power, but still great results, andthe Ryzen 9 5900HX is still coming out aheadhere too.Both were cool to the touch when just sittingthere idle, low 30s is pretty normal for gaminglaptops.When under load though the Legion 7 was noticeablywarmer on the keyboard, it’s still by nomeans hot, but the 5 pro was cooler - let’shave a listen to fan noise.Both were quiet when sitting idle, and whenunder load the 7 was perhaps a tiny bit louder,and it’s worth noting that neither laptopoffers fan customization, but the differentperformance modes will control this to a degree.There probably isn’t that much point incomparing games as they both have differentCPU and GPU, but I’ve still done it so thatyou can get an idea of how the best versionof the 5 Pro compares against the best versionof the Legion 7, and as I’ve mentioned inthis video over here it is possible to boostthe performance of the 5 Pro by changing thememory, so I’ve included those results too.Battlefield V was tested in campaign mode,and I’ve got both laptops at stock highlightedin red and the Legion 5 Pro with the memorychange in green.The memory change alone really lowers thedifference between them, and interestinglyputs the 1% low of the 5 Pro ahead.Shadow of the Tomb Raider was tested withthe games benchmark tool.Again the Legion 7 is ahead, but simply bychanging the memory on the 5 Pro we can geta much closer result from the cheaper andlower specced laptop.Far Cry 5 was also tested using the gamesbenchmark, and the memory modified 5 Pro wasalmost the same as the 7 in this one, thoughthis is more of a CPU heavier test and I supposeRAM makes more of a difference there.It’s worth noting that those memory changesin the 5 Pro don’t seem to make as big ofa difference at higher resolutions, such asthe native 2560 x 1600 that the screen actuallyoffers.At the same time though, at higher resolutionsthe differences in 3070 and 3080 GPU mightalso make more of a difference.I have also tested both of these laptops innewer games at higher resolutions in the dedicatedgame test videos linked below.Now let’s check out some content creatorworkloads, I’ve tested Adobe Premiere withthe Puget systems benchmark.Again better specs with the 7, so we’reexpecting it to win, but the 5 pro is stillstacking up well compared to others.It’s a similar deal in Adobe Photoshop too,and then they’re closer together in DaVinciResolve.Obviously the Legion 7 has the edge in SPECviewperftoo, this is a GPU heavy test and the 7 hasthe higher powered 3080.Both of mine came with the same model of 1TBNVMe M.2 SSD, so it’s not surprising tosee that they’re performing about the same.Out of the box in Ubuntu 20, both had workingWi-Fi, keyboard, touchpad and camera.The speakers on the 5 Pro worked but not onthe 7, though I'm sure with some updates orextra installs you could fix it.Basic keyboard lighting and performance modesare baked into firmware so you don't needsoftware in Linux.The BIOS on both is essentially the same,similar looking options and more settingscompared to most laptops, granted many ofthe settings here are also presented throughthe vantage software too.Alright let’s discuss price next, you’regoing to have to refer to the links in thedescription as prices will change over time,but also neither laptop has launched justyet in the US, I’ve heard June.The prices announced at CES in January werethat the 5 Pro would start at $1000 USD whilethe 7 would start at $1700 USD, but if theminimum specs are different then it’s hardto compare.Regardless the 5 Pro is clearly the more midrange option while the 7 is the higher endmore premium product.Here in Australia with the same specs we’relooking at about $220 AUD more for the 7,which is about $150 USD once you take awayour tax.Overall the Legion 7 does have some nice extrafeatures, I don’t think any of them areimportant requirements by any means and the5 Pro is still a great laptop, but if you’reafter all the bells and whistles then the7 is clearly the way to go.Neither of these laptops is perfect, but nothingin life is.The biggest issue I had with the 5 Pro isthat you seem to be missing out on performancewith the stock memory, that difference alonewill probably make the 7 look better evenif you’re comparing both laptops with thesame CPU and GPU, which could be by designto make the 7 look better.The 7 on the other hand has the battery drainissue with the Corsair iCUE software, fortunatelyboth of these problems are pretty easy tofix.You can just stop the Corsair software andthat one is solved, and with the 5 Pro youcan install more memory, but unfortunatelydoing that does cost more money.Anyway I’d be perfectly happy using the5 Pro, but if budget permits then the extrafeatures of the 7 were nice, and if the 7is around 10% more money compared to the 5Pro like it is here in Australia I’d probablyjust pay the little extra and get the 7.So with all of that in mind let me know whichof these two laptops you’d pick down inthe comments, Legion 5 Pro or Legion 7?Get subscribed for more upcoming laptop comparisonslike this one, in particular I’ll be comparingthe 5 Pro against the HP Omen 15 soon.Come and join us in Discord and get behindthe scenes videos by supporting the channelon Patreon, and if you need any further informationon either of these laptops then check outthe full review videos over here as I go intoeven more information in those, so I’llsee you over in one of those next.\n"