The Ultimate Stream Control! | Loupedeck + Streamlabs Desktop Tutorial (2023)

The Loop Deck We Can Now Go to the Just Shutting Scene It Will Automatically Transition It Will Select That It's Active and We Have It in Stream LS OBS If You Want to Get an Overlay of Yourself I Will Add the Link in the Description Code TVN will always give you a discount so don't forget to use that under the streamlabs desktop integration The scenes were autopopulating but the same thing happens for your sources for the audio and you need to understand how this populates so there will be different audio controls that appear here on the right If you go to the settings in StreamLabs OBS and then to Audio This is where you add your general audio So as you can see Desktop Default Microphone default and those are the two that show up right here in the mixer at the top and those are also the two that show up in the Loop Deck App Under the General Audio So you have the touch to mute and then the knob to change the volume and we have that for the desktop and the mic However, those extra ones that autopopulate right here that are coming from sources that have audio Those you will find under the specific scenes By the way, the rotating actions that you drag to one of the knobs here on the Loop Deck You can also drag those rotating actions to the touch buttons And so what will happen then is it appears right here It's different than the mute one because it's a complete control that we have here on the left So what happens when you click that You go to a temporary interface where you can change the volume and then you can just leave that interface and you go back to normal This might not be that useful right here because you have six knobs on the side What more could you need You even have different pages But on the Loop Deck Life as here you only have two of these knobs So then maybe having an interface like this might be useful on the Loop Deck Life's Because well, these two knobs aren't going to be enough and you also can't really slide to go to a different page You would probably be able to add short CUs that go to a different page where you have different controls here Although I'm not even entirely sure So I'm going to test it I'm going to plug in the Loop Deck Life's And this is the basic layout that you get All right As you can see These are the rotating knobs and we can add a different page And now we will be able to add a button here that says assign dial page So we have dial page one and then we just made a new one Dial page two That will be this one here Dial page two and then the first is Streaming And so then on the Loop Deck Life's you will be able to click it And as you can see It shows the controls of these dials when when you use one of the dials This button changes and it shows what you're doing So it will show the mute and the volume change But when you don't touch it for a while it will go back So then this one will be the same Okay That's device backlight So we can turn off the device And then add more brightness But that one doesn't have anything added yet However, I actually really like how they implemented this I didn't know it yet And to be fair, I like the overall look of this A bit more There are more touch buttons in the middle It's a bit more simple Unless you have some really complicated workflow You're not going to need all of these shortcut buttons right here And then all of this You could absolutely use the Loop Deck Life's have different bindings for everything Different dial pages with different options Then you could add shortcuts right here As you can see These are Twitch shortcuts Then this is probably the main page And you get the exact same software and controls Now I could keep going on about ways to integrate the Loop Deck Live or lives in your workflow There are so many options I think that after filming this video My editor is going to want to steal one of these I will add links to the Loop De Life The Loop Deck Life's Streamlabs Desktop And Owned packages in the description If you combine all of those You have the ultimate set to start and keep streaming Thank you so much for watching this video And I hope that I will see you in the next one Have a nice day.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enstreamlabs has worked together with Loop deck to create the perfect Loop deck integration to control streamlabs desktop with your Loop deck live or life s also Loop deck allowed me to give away a brand new Loop deck life so I will put the information about that in the pin comment under this video now anything we need to get started is on this blog post here there's links to buy both devices a short overview of the features and then here we can get streamlabs desktop which I'm going to download already and if we keep scrolling we can download the loop deck sof software I'm going to download it for Windows now I will add a link to this blog post in the description it gives a clear overview of what everything is but the real reason of this collaboration is that Logitech owns streamlabs and then now recently Logitech has acquired Lube deck which allowed them to create the perfect plugin to control streamlabs desktop with the loop deck life so the loop deck life or life s are macro devices that are aimed at live streamers and creatives the loop deck life came first and was later followed by the life s which is the more affordable version with l less knobs and a slightly less premium build quality however the life s which is the more affordable option is capable of the same functions and controls now all the buttons in the middle of these devices are touch screens and they are fully customizable in terms of looks function and behavior these devices are extremely capable and they integrate with most software use okay now I just launched the software this is what it looks like by default and before I show you how this works I need to show you one thing which is this right here the loop deck AI assistant now this is something very cool because you can simply apply AI commands to text in one single click so for example a very useful one is translate and assist with language and correct grammar of selected text you just drag and drop it right here let's say you're writing an email but you're very bad at grammar so you say dear teacher my dog ate my homework okay this is definitely not going to work thank you Chris okay so let's see if we can correct this grammar so I'm going to select the text I'm just just going to press this command on the loop deck and then it just opens notepad and it gives you text to copy hey hello dear teacher I didn't complete my homework can I please not submit it tomorrow thank you Chris this is absolutely crazy there are a lot of commands like this for programming for daily life also presets now a lot of people are very intimidated by the whole layout of this Loop deck program and the way everything works with the knobs on the side the buttons at the bottom and then the touch screen in the middle that has different touchcreen pages and it can be kind of confusing at the start but I'll give you a quick and very clear overview so you know exactly how this works so right now as you can see we are on this page right here there's one other button that's lit up in green and if we click on it we go to another page right here this is where I added a shortcut and the first button is always the default page and then here for example I can open my File Explorer so I just click on it and as you can see it just opened and so there are three drop downs on the top the first one is to select your device we have we have the loop deck life here there's also the loop deck life s which is this one right here so I will put it right here so you can see the clear difference so the loop deck life has six knobs on the side to click and to rotate the loop deck life s has two of them they can do the same thing there's just less options then instead of all these buttons right here the loop deck life s has one but it does have more touchcreen buttons as you can see so essentially it will be able to do the exact same thing as the loop deck life you'll just maybe have to create an extra page to add extra controls now the profile here for example can be a specific program for example Adobe After Effects and that changes literally everything it gives you a new layout for your whole Loop deck so you can have a profile for a specific program or you can also create a new profile an empty one let call it streaming click on okay and then now we have a completely empty layout pretty much nothing is binded and so then the last thing you need to do for this profile is turning off Dynamic mode because if this is turned on that whenever you go to specific program if theop Loop deck has a layout for that program it will switch to the layout so because of that I'm going to turn this off so you don't want the loop deck to be constantly switching to everything you want all those stream controls to be by your side and you don't want them to change all right now that we have our streaming profile ready we can basically start setting up everything and I'm going to show it to you in a simple way because this is where people get confused it's the works spaces you have right here and then the touch Pages the dial ones then the shortcuts on the bottom and everything can essentially link to each other I'm going to show you in a very structured way so you will understand how everything works where we are right now is in the workspace we have one workspace and there's a shortcut here on this button home workspace one we can also see it green here on the loop deck itself and this just brings us to workspace one now on the right you have options to set up everything I can't set up streamlabs desktop yet because I need to link it okay so we have one scene I'm going to make a second one I'm going to call this the gaming scene going to make another one B right back scene and the error message is gone so right now the loop deck program is linked to streamlabs desktop on the right you can choose your Windows settings for example or in this case streamlabs desktop and I'm going to open this folder so there are two types of icons here there's the touch icons and then the rotate icons now it touches for example recording toggle to stop or start recording and you can just drag it to the loop deck itself you can drop it and then as you can see it now appeared right here if I click this you will see that the recording started and it also changed so that's what I meant with Dynamic buttons you can now see that we're recording and I can stop the recording like this now the other ones are rotate actions and this is for example to change the desktop volume and so the rotating ones those you can drag to these knobs and so each knob has a rotating function and then a press function now some options that you drag to them will have two of them by default so as you can see it appears here on the loop deck and I can now rotate this to change the volume and as you can see it also changes in streamlabs OBS but there's there's no press action so besides the desktop audio rotate we also have a press here to mute so I can also drag this to this knob to the Press function and then now as you can see on the loop deck we can change the volume and we can also mute it now if we go to the OS here which is Windows you will see that some actions for example under media and then volume level here if I drag this to another Knob you will see that it automatically adds volume level and then toggle mute so this is for my overall Windows volume and I can also mute it so that's the basic touch actions in the middle and then the rotating knobs on the side now the next level in understanding how all this works is that you have different touch pages on the bottom here and then different knob pages on the side we have this page right here I can click on plus and then as you can see I go to a second page just as a test I will go to streamlabs desktop I will go to scenes on the top and these are the three scenes that we had active I can make a shortcut to go to the gaming scene and then another shortcut to go to the B right back scene as you can see on the loop deck this is really useful you see in which scene you are currently so I can go to the gaming scene and then this one will be active and as you can see in streamlabs desktop it automatically changes right there so in the software we now have touch page one and then touch page two and the way you change this right here on the loop deck is just by dragging so you can just drag to the right drag to the left and the same thing can be done for the knobs on the side you can just make an extra page and then for example there we can add our Spotify actions so Spotify volume main volume let's drag it over here and we also see a press action toggle mute this is to mute Spotify and so the way we change between those dial pages is also just by scrolling or dragging and so that doesn't change the touch Pages we have this right here and then we can scroll for the dials all right a quick intersection because I forgot two really important things so first of all as you can see in the software and also on the loop deck itself I created a whole interface I did this at the end of the video to create Boll and I felt bad that I didn't talk about it in the video itself but this is an example interface of what you would make for streaming so these here are shortcuts for scene switching in streamlabs desktop then these are twitch shortcuts then these are custom icons from an icon package free I'm going to show you how to do this because it will change boring buttons and it will make them look really cool and much more fun to use and then on the side I assigned dial actions which control different sources in streamlabs desktop which is really cool so these here are shortcuts for scene switching in streamlabs desktop and they are native they look like this when you apply them with Loop deck now getting the IES really simple on the top right there's a Marketplace and one of the things you can find in the marketplace are icon packs right here 71 of them and one of them was from own which is a really dedicated sponsor of me it's this one right here by the way on is also partly sponsoring this video together with Loop deck but these icons are completely free you can just install them like this and then let's change this button so in the software we go to page two that's where it is you just click on the button and then on the bottom right you will see it appearing and you can just click on this edit icon then on the left we can choose icon Library so we need the animated icons they are also free and then one of the icons is this here right here for next you just click on okay and then we click on Save and as you can see it just changed and now on the loop deck we have a boring button and a really cool one this is actually so much better now where it gets a bit tricky is with buttons that can change in status for example here for the scene switches so let's go to that page on the loop deck if I go to the live scene then this will be selected and then the previous button changes in appearance now you can also click on this button then on the bottom right you will see two stances so we have the selected one and then the deselected one and you can edit both of them separately so let's say this is scene two deselected let's go to the selected stance also change this but now to scene two selected and then now on the loop deck this is scene two I can go to this one right here and then this button will fade out so it gets more bright if you select it if you select another one then it will turn a bit darker okay now one final thing I forgot to go over is what to do with the buttons on the bottom well what I did in my previous explanation is go over these workspaces here and how to use it but for streaming this is way too overpowered because these workspaces right here they change everything the whole layout of the loop deck you can apply new pages new dials it's way too much and so what is recommended for streaming is assigning these different touch pages to the buttons on the bottom so for example button one I will say assign touch page touch page one then for button two touch page two and for button three touch page three and then instead of sliding on the loop deck and maybe excident ly clicking a button you can now use the buttons on the bottom to go to page two page three page one and then it's up to you you can use these buttons to cycle through pages but going from page one to page six will be kind of a hustle and for streaming you want to be quick so you can choose which controls you want to put on which page now one final thing I promise you can also change the color of these buttons so you could change it to Red if you want and then now the button color has changed so like this you can customize the whole Loop deck the LEDs look really good on the loop deck life s if we go to the markup place we can probably find an overlay pack that's in the same style from the icon pack we just got because some owned overlay packs are linked here in the market and we're being brought to all of the packs right here so this is the website and there's a bunch of graphics for streamers here as you can see also subscriber emotes stream alerts and so let's go to stream overlay packages let's go for a YouTube overlay and I'm going to sort by best seller and the modern one I saw before is on the best seller list this is a complete complete overlay pack it's completely animated as well you can buy this once and use it as long as you want I'm going to add it to the card by the way if the discount goes away there is a code that I have with them it's TVN it will probably always give you a discount so you can definitely use that code okay so I just completed a purchase and we can immediately download it you can get it in multiple languages I'm going to get it in English should be downloading right now I'm going to go to streamlabs going to go to the settings and then under scene collections we can just import an overlay file so let's go to downloads modern series quick start import there we go I'm really curious what it's going to look like okay so the live scene has a few options for the webcam board here you can just choose which one you want and then delete the rest they are very clean in folders and then for example the just chatting scene there we go the transition is added by default and you could immediately add your webcam here you could change the text and everything on the bottom if you go to the Lube deck app now under scenes they are automatically populated so in streamlabs here you see the scene collection and we were in this one before so then we had the two scenes and then a loop deck it will also show those two ones and so you could make a new page if you want we could add the just chatting scene that had the nice overlay and then maybe the live scene for when you're gaming and so then if you look at streamlabs desktop together with the loop deck we can now go to the just shutting scene it will automatically transition it will select that it's active and we have it in stream LS OBS if you want to get an overlay of yourself I will add the link in the description code TVN will always give you a discount so don't forget to use that under the streamlabs desktop integration the scenes were autop populating but the same thing happens for your sources for the audio and you need to understand how this populates so there will be different audio controls that appear here on the right if you go to the settings in streamlabs OBS and then to audio this is where you add your general audio so as you can see desktop default microphone default and those are the two that show up right here in the mixer at the top and those are also the two that show up in the loop deck app under the general audio so you have the touch to mute and then the knob to change the volume and we have that for the desktop and the mic however those extra ones that autop populate right here that are coming from sources that have audio those you will find under the specific scenes here by the way the rotating actions that you drag to one of the knobs here on the loop deck you can also drag those rotating actions to the touch buttons and so what will happen then is it appears right here it's different than the mute one because it's a complete control that we have here on the left so what happens when you click that you go to a temporary interface where you can change the volume and then you can just leave that interface and you go back to normal this might not be that useful right here because you have six knobs on the side what more could you need you even have different pages but on the loop deck life as here you only have two of these knobs so then maybe having an interface like this might be useful on the loop deck life s because well these two knobs aren't going to be enough and you also can't really slide to go to a different page you would probably be able to add short CU that go to a different page where you have different controls here although I'm not even entirely sure so I'm going to test it I'm going to plug in the loop deck life s and this is the basic layout that you get all right as you can see these are the rotating knobs and we can add a different page and now we will be able to add a button here that says assign dial page so we have dial page one and then we just made a new one dial page two that will be this one here dial page two and then the first is streaming and so then on the loop de live s you will be able to click it and as you can see it shows the controls of these dials when when you use one of the dials this button changes and it shows what you're doing so it will show the mute and the volume change but when you don't touch it for a while it will go back so then this one will be the same okay that's device backlight so we can turn off the device and then add more brightness but that one doesn't have anything added yet however I actually really like how they implemented this I didn't know it yet and to be fair I like the overall look of this a bit more there are more touch buttons in the middle it's a bit more simple unless you have some really complicated workflow you're not going to need all of these shortcut buttons right here and then all of this you could absolutely use the loop deck life s have different bindings for everything different dial pages with different options then you could add shortcuts right here as you can see these are twitch shortcuts then this is probably the main page and you get the exact same software and controls now I could keep going on about ways to integrate the loop deck live or lives in your workflow there are so many options I think that after filming this video my editor is going to want to steal one of these I will add links to the loop de life the loop deck life s streamlabs desktop and owned packages in the description if you combine all of those you have the ultimate set to start and keep streaming thank you so much for watching this video and I hope that I will see you in the next one have a nice daystreamlabs has worked together with Loop deck to create the perfect Loop deck integration to control streamlabs desktop with your Loop deck live or life s also Loop deck allowed me to give away a brand new Loop deck life so I will put the information about that in the pin comment under this video now anything we need to get started is on this blog post here there's links to buy both devices a short overview of the features and then here we can get streamlabs desktop which I'm going to download already and if we keep scrolling we can download the loop deck sof software I'm going to download it for Windows now I will add a link to this blog post in the description it gives a clear overview of what everything is but the real reason of this collaboration is that Logitech owns streamlabs and then now recently Logitech has acquired Lube deck which allowed them to create the perfect plugin to control streamlabs desktop with the loop deck life so the loop deck life or life s are macro devices that are aimed at live streamers and creatives the loop deck life came first and was later followed by the life s which is the more affordable version with l less knobs and a slightly less premium build quality however the life s which is the more affordable option is capable of the same functions and controls now all the buttons in the middle of these devices are touch screens and they are fully customizable in terms of looks function and behavior these devices are extremely capable and they integrate with most software use okay now I just launched the software this is what it looks like by default and before I show you how this works I need to show you one thing which is this right here the loop deck AI assistant now this is something very cool because you can simply apply AI commands to text in one single click so for example a very useful one is translate and assist with language and correct grammar of selected text you just drag and drop it right here let's say you're writing an email but you're very bad at grammar so you say dear teacher my dog ate my homework okay this is definitely not going to work thank you Chris okay so let's see if we can correct this grammar so I'm going to select the text I'm just just going to press this command on the loop deck and then it just opens notepad and it gives you text to copy hey hello dear teacher I didn't complete my homework can I please not submit it tomorrow thank you Chris this is absolutely crazy there are a lot of commands like this for programming for daily life also presets now a lot of people are very intimidated by the whole layout of this Loop deck program and the way everything works with the knobs on the side the buttons at the bottom and then the touch screen in the middle that has different touchcreen pages and it can be kind of confusing at the start but I'll give you a quick and very clear overview so you know exactly how this works so right now as you can see we are on this page right here there's one other button that's lit up in green and if we click on it we go to another page right here this is where I added a shortcut and the first button is always the default page and then here for example I can open my File Explorer so I just click on it and as you can see it just opened and so there are three drop downs on the top the first one is to select your device we have we have the loop deck life here there's also the loop deck life s which is this one right here so I will put it right here so you can see the clear difference so the loop deck life has six knobs on the side to click and to rotate the loop deck life s has two of them they can do the same thing there's just less options then instead of all these buttons right here the loop deck life s has one but it does have more touchcreen buttons as you can see so essentially it will be able to do the exact same thing as the loop deck life you'll just maybe have to create an extra page to add extra controls now the profile here for example can be a specific program for example Adobe After Effects and that changes literally everything it gives you a new layout for your whole Loop deck so you can have a profile for a specific program or you can also create a new profile an empty one let call it streaming click on okay and then now we have a completely empty layout pretty much nothing is binded and so then the last thing you need to do for this profile is turning off Dynamic mode because if this is turned on that whenever you go to specific program if theop Loop deck has a layout for that program it will switch to the layout so because of that I'm going to turn this off so you don't want the loop deck to be constantly switching to everything you want all those stream controls to be by your side and you don't want them to change all right now that we have our streaming profile ready we can basically start setting up everything and I'm going to show it to you in a simple way because this is where people get confused it's the works spaces you have right here and then the touch Pages the dial ones then the shortcuts on the bottom and everything can essentially link to each other I'm going to show you in a very structured way so you will understand how everything works where we are right now is in the workspace we have one workspace and there's a shortcut here on this button home workspace one we can also see it green here on the loop deck itself and this just brings us to workspace one now on the right you have options to set up everything I can't set up streamlabs desktop yet because I need to link it okay so we have one scene I'm going to make a second one I'm going to call this the gaming scene going to make another one B right back scene and the error message is gone so right now the loop deck program is linked to streamlabs desktop on the right you can choose your Windows settings for example or in this case streamlabs desktop and I'm going to open this folder so there are two types of icons here there's the touch icons and then the rotate icons now it touches for example recording toggle to stop or start recording and you can just drag it to the loop deck itself you can drop it and then as you can see it now appeared right here if I click this you will see that the recording started and it also changed so that's what I meant with Dynamic buttons you can now see that we're recording and I can stop the recording like this now the other ones are rotate actions and this is for example to change the desktop volume and so the rotating ones those you can drag to these knobs and so each knob has a rotating function and then a press function now some options that you drag to them will have two of them by default so as you can see it appears here on the loop deck and I can now rotate this to change the volume and as you can see it also changes in streamlabs OBS but there's there's no press action so besides the desktop audio rotate we also have a press here to mute so I can also drag this to this knob to the Press function and then now as you can see on the loop deck we can change the volume and we can also mute it now if we go to the OS here which is Windows you will see that some actions for example under media and then volume level here if I drag this to another Knob you will see that it automatically adds volume level and then toggle mute so this is for my overall Windows volume and I can also mute it so that's the basic touch actions in the middle and then the rotating knobs on the side now the next level in understanding how all this works is that you have different touch pages on the bottom here and then different knob pages on the side we have this page right here I can click on plus and then as you can see I go to a second page just as a test I will go to streamlabs desktop I will go to scenes on the top and these are the three scenes that we had active I can make a shortcut to go to the gaming scene and then another shortcut to go to the B right back scene as you can see on the loop deck this is really useful you see in which scene you are currently so I can go to the gaming scene and then this one will be active and as you can see in streamlabs desktop it automatically changes right there so in the software we now have touch page one and then touch page two and the way you change this right here on the loop deck is just by dragging so you can just drag to the right drag to the left and the same thing can be done for the knobs on the side you can just make an extra page and then for example there we can add our Spotify actions so Spotify volume main volume let's drag it over here and we also see a press action toggle mute this is to mute Spotify and so the way we change between those dial pages is also just by scrolling or dragging and so that doesn't change the touch Pages we have this right here and then we can scroll for the dials all right a quick intersection because I forgot two really important things so first of all as you can see in the software and also on the loop deck itself I created a whole interface I did this at the end of the video to create Boll and I felt bad that I didn't talk about it in the video itself but this is an example interface of what you would make for streaming so these here are shortcuts for scene switching in streamlabs desktop then these are twitch shortcuts then these are custom icons from an icon package free I'm going to show you how to do this because it will change boring buttons and it will make them look really cool and much more fun to use and then on the side I assigned dial actions which control different sources in streamlabs desktop which is really cool so these here are shortcuts for scene switching in streamlabs desktop and they are native they look like this when you apply them with Loop deck now getting the IES really simple on the top right there's a Marketplace and one of the things you can find in the marketplace are icon packs right here 71 of them and one of them was from own which is a really dedicated sponsor of me it's this one right here by the way on is also partly sponsoring this video together with Loop deck but these icons are completely free you can just install them like this and then let's change this button so in the software we go to page two that's where it is you just click on the button and then on the bottom right you will see it appearing and you can just click on this edit icon then on the left we can choose icon Library so we need the animated icons they are also free and then one of the icons is this here right here for next you just click on okay and then we click on Save and as you can see it just changed and now on the loop deck we have a boring button and a really cool one this is actually so much better now where it gets a bit tricky is with buttons that can change in status for example here for the scene switches so let's go to that page on the loop deck if I go to the live scene then this will be selected and then the previous button changes in appearance now you can also click on this button then on the bottom right you will see two stances so we have the selected one and then the deselected one and you can edit both of them separately so let's say this is scene two deselected let's go to the selected stance also change this but now to scene two selected and then now on the loop deck this is scene two I can go to this one right here and then this button will fade out so it gets more bright if you select it if you select another one then it will turn a bit darker okay now one final thing I forgot to go over is what to do with the buttons on the bottom well what I did in my previous explanation is go over these workspaces here and how to use it but for streaming this is way too overpowered because these workspaces right here they change everything the whole layout of the loop deck you can apply new pages new dials it's way too much and so what is recommended for streaming is assigning these different touch pages to the buttons on the bottom so for example button one I will say assign touch page touch page one then for button two touch page two and for button three touch page three and then instead of sliding on the loop deck and maybe excident ly clicking a button you can now use the buttons on the bottom to go to page two page three page one and then it's up to you you can use these buttons to cycle through pages but going from page one to page six will be kind of a hustle and for streaming you want to be quick so you can choose which controls you want to put on which page now one final thing I promise you can also change the color of these buttons so you could change it to Red if you want and then now the button color has changed so like this you can customize the whole Loop deck the LEDs look really good on the loop deck life s if we go to the markup place we can probably find an overlay pack that's in the same style from the icon pack we just got because some owned overlay packs are linked here in the market and we're being brought to all of the packs right here so this is the website and there's a bunch of graphics for streamers here as you can see also subscriber emotes stream alerts and so let's go to stream overlay packages let's go for a YouTube overlay and I'm going to sort by best seller and the modern one I saw before is on the best seller list this is a complete complete overlay pack it's completely animated as well you can buy this once and use it as long as you want I'm going to add it to the card by the way if the discount goes away there is a code that I have with them it's TVN it will probably always give you a discount so you can definitely use that code okay so I just completed a purchase and we can immediately download it you can get it in multiple languages I'm going to get it in English should be downloading right now I'm going to go to streamlabs going to go to the settings and then under scene collections we can just import an overlay file so let's go to downloads modern series quick start import there we go I'm really curious what it's going to look like okay so the live scene has a few options for the webcam board here you can just choose which one you want and then delete the rest they are very clean in folders and then for example the just chatting scene there we go the transition is added by default and you could immediately add your webcam here you could change the text and everything on the bottom if you go to the Lube deck app now under scenes they are automatically populated so in streamlabs here you see the scene collection and we were in this one before so then we had the two scenes and then a loop deck it will also show those two ones and so you could make a new page if you want we could add the just chatting scene that had the nice overlay and then maybe the live scene for when you're gaming and so then if you look at streamlabs desktop together with the loop deck we can now go to the just shutting scene it will automatically transition it will select that it's active and we have it in stream LS OBS if you want to get an overlay of yourself I will add the link in the description code TVN will always give you a discount so don't forget to use that under the streamlabs desktop integration the scenes were autop populating but the same thing happens for your sources for the audio and you need to understand how this populates so there will be different audio controls that appear here on the right if you go to the settings in streamlabs OBS and then to audio this is where you add your general audio so as you can see desktop default microphone default and those are the two that show up right here in the mixer at the top and those are also the two that show up in the loop deck app under the general audio so you have the touch to mute and then the knob to change the volume and we have that for the desktop and the mic however those extra ones that autop populate right here that are coming from sources that have audio those you will find under the specific scenes here by the way the rotating actions that you drag to one of the knobs here on the loop deck you can also drag those rotating actions to the touch buttons and so what will happen then is it appears right here it's different than the mute one because it's a complete control that we have here on the left so what happens when you click that you go to a temporary interface where you can change the volume and then you can just leave that interface and you go back to normal this might not be that useful right here because you have six knobs on the side what more could you need you even have different pages but on the loop deck life as here you only have two of these knobs so then maybe having an interface like this might be useful on the loop deck life s because well these two knobs aren't going to be enough and you also can't really slide to go to a different page you would probably be able to add short CU that go to a different page where you have different controls here although I'm not even entirely sure so I'm going to test it I'm going to plug in the loop deck life s and this is the basic layout that you get all right as you can see these are the rotating knobs and we can add a different page and now we will be able to add a button here that says assign dial page so we have dial page one and then we just made a new one dial page two that will be this one here dial page two and then the first is streaming and so then on the loop de live s you will be able to click it and as you can see it shows the controls of these dials when when you use one of the dials this button changes and it shows what you're doing so it will show the mute and the volume change but when you don't touch it for a while it will go back so then this one will be the same okay that's device backlight so we can turn off the device and then add more brightness but that one doesn't have anything added yet however I actually really like how they implemented this I didn't know it yet and to be fair I like the overall look of this a bit more there are more touch buttons in the middle it's a bit more simple unless you have some really complicated workflow you're not going to need all of these shortcut buttons right here and then all of this you could absolutely use the loop deck life s have different bindings for everything different dial pages with different options then you could add shortcuts right here as you can see these are twitch shortcuts then this is probably the main page and you get the exact same software and controls now I could keep going on about ways to integrate the loop deck live or lives in your workflow there are so many options I think that after filming this video my editor is going to want to steal one of these I will add links to the loop de life the loop deck life s streamlabs desktop and owned packages in the description if you combine all of those you have the ultimate set to start and keep streaming thank you so much for watching this video and I hope that I will see you in the next one have a nice day