A Night with the Juggalos and Shawn, the Ogre of Amnesia
Look at that asshole as we phoned in the Juggalos in the van down by the river. I was feeling a bit anxious, but the prospect of pulling an oxtail curry out of the oven soon had my stomach growling. The Prius up the road seemed like a distant memory as I cradled Jasper, our little baby, and took him for a walk. We'd just dance around to the music and listen to it together - it was always something. Our friends Shawn and Chris were always down for a good time, and we'd often end up selling a whole rack of those stupid little tricks with the bottle opener.
We picked up more people from Amnesia and headed back to State Bird, where the party would continue long into the night. I couldn't wait to ride on top of the van and feel the wind in my hair. It was going to be a hell of a night, and I had no doubt that it would settle my stomach for good. As we pulled up to the venue, I could smell the delicious aroma of Nicole's ox tail curry wafting through the air. She'd made beautiful roti, stapard style, and fried it upon the plancha. Chris told us about his trip to Bangladesh in descent, but we were too busy getting ready for the party to care.
The music started early, around six or so, and we knew that this was going to be a night to remember. We'd had a lot of mutual friends, and Shawn and I had developed a pretty cool relationship over the years. He was always eager to let loose and have a good time, and I was happy to oblige. As we danced around and listened to the music, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these friends who made every night feel like a celebration.
But as the night wore on, things started to get a little out of hand. Sean asked if he could ride on top of the van, and I told him that it was okay - but only if he promised not to get too crazy. The music got louder and the crowd got wilder, and before long, we were all just kind of dancing around and letting loose. I was feeling pretty wasted by now, but Shawn seemed to be in his element.
As I looked around at our friends, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. This was what it meant to let loose and have a good time - the music, the laughter, the camaraderie. We'd had a hell of a night, and I knew that this curry was going to settle my stomach for good. It was like a tabasco bottle - it made you feel bright and alert, and it was the perfect way to cap off an already amazing night.
The music continued to pulse through the night, and we just kind of danced around and let loose. We were all having a great time, and I knew that this was something we would always remember. As the sun began to rise, we slowly started to wind down and make our way home. It had been a night for the books, and one that would go down in history as one of the best nights we'd ever had.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enThe truth of any goodparty is how you canhandle yourselfthe next day at work.>> .>> That's where,like, amateurs->> Mm-hm.>> And pros separate.>> They said that, theykept asking me what's,what's Stuart likewhen he's drunk?>> .>> .>> And I said that hegets really cuddly.>> .>> So should I cuddlewith everyone?We'll see whatthe old man..>> I may becalling in sick.Munchies,Chef's Night Out.State Bird Provisions.Fillmore, San Francisco.I'm Stuart Brioza,the chef/owner ofState Bird Provisionsin San Francisco.How we woulddescribe State Bird?This is a cuisine thatis based on Californiacooking, kind of currentCalifornia cooking.The idea was to create arestaurant that had a lotfreedom andflexibility andcan kinda dowhat we want.Didn't have to havea whole lot oftraditional barriers.What we're gonnado is Kimchi Yubait's got kimchithat we've ferments here.We do a lot offerments here.Crabs are local,totally in season.We get about a dozena day, break them down.And then Yuba whichis the tofu skin andthen we kinda finishit off with smoked eggyolks over the top.So for this restaurant,you know,it kind of came quick.Nicole, my wife, andI had you know, beenlooking for a restaurant,had a business plan,kind of this idea.We found this space,basically lifted thisidea fromthe back burner.It was just something,we had talked about maybeeight or nine years ago.Like wouldn't it becool to do kind of a,an Hors D'oeuvresrestaurant.It was actuallynever meant to,to be fully realized.There's a lotof technique,there's fermentation,there's spice,there's smoke.Pancakes becamepretty important tothis restaurant.For this one we justtop it with ooniethat's coming from abouttwo hours north of us.I grew up herein the bay area.So, I grew up witha lot of ethnicities.Vietnamese, Chinese,Mexican, Latin.Mm, kinda flavors.This is one ofthe pancakes that we'remost known for right now.It's a sourdough,sauerkraut, pecorino.We sorta top themwith fresh ricotta.Thing about thesepancakes isthat they're likelittle umami bombs.I'm gonna kindasuper soak them inclarified butter.We probably,sell more of these thesepancakesWe'll probably, neverchange off of our menu.They are sosort of specific tothis restaurant.It is powdered.>> Okay.>> Is a sauerkrautdipping salts.The kitchenis sort of broken upinto several stations.We've got a raw barwith oysters onthe half shell.We do a chip anddip with trout roe.We'll do like a smokedtrout quinoa,that's fish, andit really kindabuilds the cart.That's what's circlingthe dining room.Garmage chef is you know,just to the left of that.And those guysreally focus onbuilding trays thatare being sent around.We have a blanchingstation.We have a saute station.>> More seasoning?>> Yeah.>> Little more salt.>> I think that needs alittle more lemon on top.>> More acid.>> Like thoselemon pieces?>> Yeah.>> We open ourdoors since at5:30 we are at likethe top of the ski jump.We probably, in the first30 minutes I thinksomewhere around 250plates, spill out.>>>> You have to watchwhat you say about mecause this is gonnabe on camera.>>.>> cheers.>> Last night Nicole andI left from State Birdwith my very goodfriend Josh Henderson,who has restaurantsup in Seattle.Josh and I, we went tocooking school together,and we used to do thesecatering events andJosh was like the frontman for it andI was likethe dishwasher for it.>> .>> Yeah right.>> .>> He was the one,who actually toldme how to do it..>> We didpick up Wylie.And Louis, we workedtogether on design.Designs many andfabricated moreimportantly,many of the piecesat State Bird.And they're just greatdining companions.>> I just met Stuart bycome running intohim randomly.>> Yeah.We met on the street.>> On the street.And he said you know,you look like youcould use a job.>> .>> You know, andhe kinda picked me up anddusted me off.>> We went toRamen Shop in Oakland,which is truly one of my,my favorite restaurantsin the bay area.When we got to RamenShop, we had our friends.>> Preston Olsen,ElizabethSpiradakis-Olson.>> Elizabeth andPreston meet us there.>> Excuse me guys.>> Sparkly.>> What does that looklike?>> That's just to make,to make sure thatguys don't hit on me.>> Yeah.>> It's a tampon pin.>> .>> .>> I thought it wasa little mouse.>> Just a glitterytampon->> Hey!>> .>> Guys.. >> .>> We were underthe great hospitality ofSam White.One of the co, co-chefsfor Ramen Shop, Rayneil.Dine with us, as well.Are youcooking today or you off?>> No, I'm off.>> Youhanging?>> Yeah, yeah,yeah.>> Yeah?>> Just thought, I don'tknow.>> Should sit down.>> Yeah?>> Yeah.The interesting thingabout Ramen Shop is thatthey are free to explore.I mean theseare pedigreed chefs.I mean, they spent manyyears of they sourceincredible ingredients.And then theyjust kind ofput their owncommon sense andpracticality to the foodthat they're creating.>> It's not justlike the food,it's the wholeatmosphere.It's like what Samhas put together inthe front, what we've puttogether in the back.I wanted that the littleRamen counter, Sam wantedthat beautiful, grandlike, nice bar to startout with, and Ray wanteda little bit more oflike a restaurant styleand it kind of just like,we all fought for ourown needs and got them.And it actually,worked out really well.>> I have someeyeballs for you guys.>> Eyeballs.>> .>> We started off withsome of their housepickles.There was a fermentedcabbage, there was somesalt and vinegar pickledwatermelon radishes.Blanched asparaguswith sauce it's likethe first ofthe season asparagus.What is->> Yeah.>> What is>> Islike basically like afancy word for egg salad.>> .>> Soit's like egg, hardboiled eggs, mustard->> Yeah.>> mayonnaise,capers or pickles->> Yeah.>> Pickles going into it.>> .>> man, I gotta, wegotta, we going back totempura scallops,maitake mushrooms, shiso.This, yeah, unbelievable.One of my highlights ofthe evening wasthe donburi.It's just kinda just likepeasant dish of rice andpork and some pickles,as well as they toppedit with steelhead roe.So cured steelhead roe.Unreal.>> Yeah, the donburiactually that we make issomething that Iwas thinking wouldbe a good dish.It's greatbecause there's somuch leftovers fromlike the pork we have.So many greatpickles that we do here.>> Yeah.>> That why can't we doit on a rice bowl.>> It's a dish that Icould eat everysingle night.Oh, my god.>> Yeah, yeah,definitely.>> The donburi is insane.>> In addition, somefried rice that they do,they do a greatfried rice,they got a wok inthe box, and then wedid a whole seriesof all their ramens.The vegetable ramen ifthere was a pork insesame ramen.Good, I think stolethe show last night.Really, reallyfascinating.>> .>> .>> One to my right.>> .>> .>> .>> And one to my left.To kind of like one foodin tradition and onefood kind of like letsthrow this on its here.And, we're gonna servea little canela oftruffle butteron the side.You can mix itinto you're ramen,which was reallyquite delicious.We did like a porkmeatball, pork andshrimp meatball.>> Yeah, I'm puttingsome truffle butter onmy balls.Oh, my God.Mixing the truffle butterwith the meatball was,was perfect.Whiskeysoda andRamen is an incrediblebearing.It makes so much sense.You have whiskey soda.You eat ramen.You have a bunch ofother little tastes Andeverything worksreally well.Really well.Too well.Icouldn't believe.>> .>> Wewere just talkingabout Juggalos.>> Juggalos.You, he definitelydoesn't know whatJuggalos is.>> Do you knowwhat a Juggalo is?>> No, what a Juggalo?>> I'll show youa Juggalo right now.>> They're,they're music, musicians.>> They are musicians,yes.>> And they dressup like clowns.>> Yeah, butthey basically do meth.>> They're black andwhite scary face paint.>> Anddress up like clowns.>> They drink Faygo.>> .>> Yeah.Faygo is yogurt?Greek yogurt?>> .>> .>> So, so they dometh andthey balance themselveswith greek yogurt.Right?>> Clementine popsicle.>> How do six peopleshare a popsicle?>> oh,.>> Six people,one popsicle?>> Isn't thata viral video?>> .>> Awesome.>> Really, really good.Really good.Really good.>> At the end Sam broughtsome 21 year Hibiki thathe share with us,that he had kinda handcarried back from Japan.Which was a, a treat.It says, wheat-filtered,is it gluten free?>> It's Juggalo.>> .>> Juggalo approved.>> Hypoallergenic.>> Juggalo boo-boo.>> It's good.Howabout to Ramen Shop.>> Here's to Ramen Shop.>> Here's to Ramen Shop.>> Cheers.Everyone who was diningwith us at Ramen Shopjoined us for theremainder of the evening.>> Don't be shy.>>.>> We're headingback to one of myfavorite Wednesdaynight activities in SanFrancisco for a little a,jazz over at Amnesia.Wylie, what do wehave in the bag?>> Yeah,what's in the bag?>> .>> I caught some fish.>> Oh,.>> Oh, delightful.>> Perfect.>> I've actually forgot.Is it legal to drink inthe backseat of a car?>> No.>> Not really.>> I feel like I'vegotten past thatpoint, you know.>> It's cool when yougot the light on andtoo many passengers.>> .>> .>> Yeah.>> Hey, yeah.>> .>> Then it's.>>.>> Oh, mygod.>> Hey, hey.>> Oh, my god.Here's down,highway patrol.>> My god .>> Yeah..>> We're going to goto jail.>> No,guys.>> No it's good.He's on someone else's->> He's weaving anyway.Look at that asshole.>> I phoned inthe Juggalos in the->> .>> The Prius upthe road..>> Yeah.>> .>>>> What is this?>> .>> .>> This will, this willsettle your stomach.Imagine bitteryspudmaker.>> Hey look.Look what's inyour paper bag!>> Jägermeister butwith no sugar.>> Great.>> Hey!You can walk onthe streets with this.It's in a paper bag.>> Cheers!>> Cheers!>> Cheers!>> Cheers!>> Cheers!.>> It's likea tabasco bottle..>> Yeah, it makes youfeel bright and alert.It'sthe bartender friend.>> He's a good friend ofours.>> Everybody knows him.Cheers .>> The music startsearly, around six or so.You know,I used to take walks frommy house with our boy,Jasper, when he was alittle baby and I'd justkinda cradle him up andI'd go in and have a beerand, you know, we'd justkinda dance around andlisten to the music.It was always something.It was a, kind ofa cheap entertainment.You know, as it turnedout Shawn, you know,we had a lot of mutualfriends, and developed apretty cool relationship.>> See that?>> Every time we do thatlittle trick with the,with the .>> Yeah, yeah.>> We end up sellinga whole rack of those.>> .>> .>> We have cases->> I know.cases of them.>> It'strue.>> .>> We picked upmore people, right, fromAmnesia and we headedback to State Bird.>> Yeah.>> I'm wanna, I'mgonna ride on the van.On top.>> Is Sean coming?.>> Can I,can I ride on top?>> It's like it'sgoing crazy in there..>> So we're goingback to State Bird.We've had a hell ofa night and now I can'twait to pull that oxtailcurry out of the oven.>> Hm, you seemexcited about that.>> Dude, it is so good.>> So excited.>> It's going to be sogood.Just wait.>> I'm gonna rollthe shit out of thatroti, you don't know.>> I'm gonna->> .>> I'm gonna->> Roll the shitof that roti.>> .>> I'm gonna watch youroll the shit outof that roti.>> .>> .>> I'm getting reallyuncomfortable..>> No, no, no, I gonnashit of that roti..>>.>> Hey!How you feeling, Stuart?>> Dont' squeezeme too hard.Because I may throw up..>>.>> In the earlyafternoon I kind ofstart doing one of mylate night cravings,which is a curry, andsome sort of flat bread.I fruit out an ox tailcurry in the afternoon.Kind ofMalaysian's style.Ooh, this is awesome.Nicole madebeautiful roti.>> Stapard style roti.>> Stapard style roti.And we fried it upon the plancha.>> Chris,Bangladesh in descent.>> So good, right?Last night for the entirestaff and for us to,it was just a chance toreally just let loose.And I thi, I think thatthey were really eager tosee me pretty wasted andthey got thatopportunity, andwe just had a really,a really great time.Yes!Munchies.2014 Vice Food LLC.\n"