WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Today, I am using Googleto help me build my next gaming setup.The catch?I am doing this entirely blindly.I'm gonna put some search results inand buy whatever it spits out.Why is one of the trendingsearches, "Nose picking?"(Austin laughs)Apparently, Alzheimer'sis caused by nose picking?Google, you're blowing my mind right now.Ah!No, no, stop.Stop it.I'm gonna go shopping tab.What do we have for Austin Evans shopping?Austin Evans guitar tabs.What the hell is this?Someone took one of my thumbnailsand turned it into guitar tabs?(table thumping)Oh, this is kind of cool.You can go on drop.com and get my key cap.Look at that, the Austinkey cap available for $5.I did this for a charitything quite a while agoand apparently, Drop still have some, so,you can get yourself someartisanal Austin Evans key capsfor five bucks.Gaming keyboard.So, why is it that when Itype in gaming keyboard,I'm getting these weird, like one-handed,little like, WoW pads?A Cooler Master sneakergaming PC for $3,400?What the hell?Microphone for gaming?A MRSDY?Oh, God, that is so bad.Oh, look at it, it's like fake RGB.That's like a dragon claw for $20.This thing is gonna sound terrible.Budget gaming monitor.A KOORUI?A KOORUI?That's a hundred hertz.I heard that anything above 60 is great.For $70?I think that sounds likeexactly the monitor I need.Cheap gaming console.Ah, DKOldies!It's DKOldies all the way down!No!No!(Austin laughs)$120 for a Game Boy.(Austin laughs)We got a lot of stuff forour gaming setup right now.I think it's time to placea large number of ordersand build the Googleapproved gaming setup.And we're gonna find out,if you just trust the Big G, what you get.There are a few pieces of techthat are indispensableonce you get used to them,and an electric toothbrushis absolutely one of them.So, when Laifen reachedout to sponsor this video,I was very excited becausethe Laifen Wave is, no joke,the best electrictoothbrush I've ever used.That might not sound all that impressive,but once you go and experiencewhat the Wave can do,you will legitimately be impressed.I am sure of it.I picked this thing up and first of all,the unboxing experience isreally nice, very premium,especially considering thetoothbrush is not ultimately,all that expensive.But then when you actually use it,you'll notice that there's a lot of techand a lot of sort ofthoughtful design here.So, take the motor, for example.This has a six watt motor,three times more powerfulthan the standard leading toothbrush.But because you havethese super soft bristles,it means they will do a greatjob of cleaning your teethwithout hurting your gums.On top of that, there's so much involvedwith the actual toothbrush itself.Down to something as simple asthere's very little vibrationthat gets transferred to your hand,which is something that feels really nice.The fact that the toothbrush itselfis not quite as tall asa lot of other options,which means it's a loteasier to travel with.The really nice littlemagnetic charging cable for it.On top of that, the replacement headsare very reasonably priced,unlike most toothbrushes.You're talking $10 for a threepack, or $17 for a six pack.That is an outright bargain.The Laifen Wave comes in threedifferent configurations.There's the standard ABSplastic, there's an aluminum,and there's also a stainless steel.The Laifen Wave is, by far,the best electrictoothbrush I've ever used.And if you have ever usedan electric toothbrush,you'll know the difference as soonas you pick this thing up.So, if you're interested in learning more,definitely be sure to gocheck out the Laifen Wavein the links in the description.And huge thank you to Laifenfor sponsoring this video,and making my mouth feellike it never felt before.All right, my friends, let ussee exactly what beautiful,beautiful items I'vegotten thanks to the Big G.(cash register dings)First up, we have my SkyTech Gaming PC,which was the result I got when I searchedfor cheap gaming PC.Now, I vaguely feel like I'veheard of SkyTech in the past.Maybe, I've looked at one oftheir systems a while ago.To my knowledge, they'rea somewhat standardsystem integrator, so they don't makeany of these components.They just get some stuffthat's off the shelf.This was actually purchased via Best Buy.How much did I pay for it?- $650.- So, this is like anentry level gaming pc.So at $650, my expectationsare fairly low,but let's actually seewhat we've got here.Ooh, look at that.We've got ourselves some peripherals.Oh, well, actually,it's still very cheapy,but it is the honeycombin vogue style of mouse.What the hell?It's an RGB keyboard Igot with my gaming pc.Now, wait a minute, isthis thing actually good?Wait, wait, wait, it's actually metal.Okay, it looks a littlecheapy from the front,but it actually has a verythin like aluminum backplateand a decent sized feet.Oh, ooh, ooh, okay.That is RGB, but very membrane-y.Also, have you ever seen the bottom rowwith the space bar is liketwice the size of a normal key.It feels so strange.I will say for 650 bucks, Iexpect a mouse and keyboard,but this is slightly betterthan you might normally get.All right, so we've got ourselves a,oh, my God, did they send me a poster?They quality controlledit on February 65th, 2024.So, I think it was maybeFebruary 6th or 5th.I'm not sure.Bravo, this is very, very nicely done.Continuing the good vibes,they've got nice soft foam here,and it's getting, you got thislittle like carrying pouch.So, obviously, this is really meantto probably be thrown away,but you could if you wanted touse this to protect your system later on.Behold, my friends, theSkyTech gaming PC of my dreams.Okay, I'm gonna say that, Imean, obviously a cheap case,but this is all very reasonable.And look at this, very smart,"Important, monitor connection down here."So, I guarantee youthat 9 times out of 10,when people buy a basic gaming PCand they don't know any better,what they'll do is they'lltake this label offif it wasn't here.Oh, gross.Ew, ew.I think it's incredibly commonfor first time usersto plug into these HDMIand DisplayPorts on the I/O shield,not knowing you're supposedto plug it into the graphics card.So, this sticker's nice.Boy, oh, boy, I wish it didn'tjust goop up the entire I/O shield.So, I'm gonna take off the actual,real tempered glass side panel,which is nice and surprisingly thick.We're gonna take out the padding,which also is quite nice.So, this is that sort of like heat foam.So, they kind of shove it in hereand it sort of expands itself out.And there we go.So, we got this one and we have some more.Oh, okay.These cables are gross, that, oh, okay.Let's take a look at whatwe're working with here.So, we have a couple offans, which I assume are RGBin the front, as well as one on the back.We have a Gamdias CPU cooler,which actually I wouldsay is kind of overkillbecause I believe, this is an i5,or was this an i3?- i3.- So yes, i3-12100F.That is quite a low end CPU.I'll be real with you.This CPU cooler's a little bit overkill,but it also probablycost them like marginallymore than the stock cooler.So that's fine.We've also got a PNY GTX 1650,which is not a high endgraphics card at all,but for a first time builder, that's fine.All right, we've got a Asus motherboard.Now it is a microATX board.A P1 650.So this should be an 80 PlusGold 650 watt power supply.Interesting.So we do have 16 gigs of3200 mega transfer RAM,which is nice.Wow!Actually, look at that cable management.The yellow cable ties are a choice,but honestly I don't hate it at all.That is surprising.No, I'm not gonna say surprisingly,that is just straight clean, man.SkyTech, two thumbs up, my dudes.So this PC looks quitegood at first glance.However, we didn't buy just a PC.Oh, no, my friends, I also need a monitor.This one was very simple.I typed in the word gamingmonitor and this is what I got.The KOORUI business display.This was a $70 monitorthat I purchased fromamazon.com via Google.Now this actually seemedquite decent at first glance.I think the spec of thiswas like, it was 1080pand I think it was at what,90 or a hundred hertz or something.Like it wasn't bad for anentry level gaming monitor.I'm feeling good, man.I was kind of expecting alot of these recommendationsto be just kind of generic ad garbage.And while I believe pretty much every itemthat I purchased here was an ad,they do actually seem to havesome quality behind them.Let me get this monitor.Just, oh, it's so light,it weighs absolutely nothing.So I have set up the SkyTechand I still have nothingbut good things to say about it.So, the RGB implementationactually, I think,looks pretty nice.I think most peoplewill appreciate the factthat this looks probably alittle bit more expensivethan it really is.As an entry level systemcompletely built, you know,turnkey, ready to go for $650.It's not bad.And same thing kind of goeswith this mouse and keyboard.It's also not too terrible.You tried telling me, I'mgonna use the stock keyboard,how lovely it is, but oh,no, no, no, my friends,because I had to buy a gaming keyboardand buy a gaming keyboard.I mean, a half a keyboard'cause, you know, gamersonly use half the keys.So the advantage withthis is that this is goingto be a mechanical half keyboard.Now while it sounds a little bit silly,there is certainly a use for this.People who play MMOs,people especially who wantto have your keyboardand your mouse really close together.This actually can be helpful.It's the DITI, the DITI, the DITI.How much did I pay for my gaming keyboard?- $40 for the nice DITI.- I will say $40 isactually not a great deal.You can get a low endmechanical full-size keyboardfor 30, 40 bucks pretty easily.But the person who buys thisgaming keyboard doesn't wannatype on the the JK and L Keys.Oh, no, who needs a J or a K or an L?We only use words that use QWERT ASDAFand QSTBU and wait.And NP.Wait.Why is NP on the bottom?What?Wait.So we've got ourselves avery cheapy wrist restand the actual keyboard itself.So, it is magnetic, which is nice.So you get yourself a coupleof programmable macro keysas well as some on top.We have F1, 2, 3, 4.And then we have a few ofour keys, but not that many.And also these huge, verynice feeling buttons.I'll say I'm not massivelyimpressed with this.It feels fine.It does have mechanical keysand it also has, what the,it has extra switches.What?Why would you get extra switches?Okay, that's actually kind of cool.Dustproof browns.So they're Cheeto approved.Chester's got nothing onyou, my gamer friends.I got a decent spin, maybe?I will saythat this mouse specificallyis actually really quite decentfor something that was justincluded with our system.But we had to purchasea cheap gaming mouse.Thanks to our friends at Google.This is the BENGOO gaming mouseand it is the ultimate RGB edition.But how much did I pay for my BENGOO?- Well, youknow how you were so excitedfor a nice $3 mouse that was included?- Yeah.- Well, this one was nineso this should be threetimes better, right?- I am pretty sure thatthe mouse that camewith the system is gonnabe better than this.Let's take a look, shall we?For nine bucks, we've gotourselves a braided cableand oh, good Lord, thatcolorful glare gaming mouse.It looks bad.It's just like cheapy 9,000.Ooh!Ooh.That smells like lead.Let's plug in the mouse.Let's see what this RGB looks like.Are you ready?BENGOO!Oh, that's lame.That's so lame.That's it?Look at these two mice.- Oh, no, no, it's doing stuff.It's cycling.- I guess.- It's gota nice little gradient.- But why is it like, you cansee there's like individualLEDs inside and it's likethey're just turning on and off.Look, this looks so much better.And then I'm also gonnaplug in my Redragonand let's see what we got.Now, it actually hasUSB-C plus, a USB-A port.I assume that you could probably buylike a secondary half of thiskeyboard if you wanted to.But the way we're gonna usethis setup is we're gonna usethe Redragon plus theactual real keyboard.Since I need to type withthe other keys sometimes.So this is gonna get janky real quick.Yeah, okay.That actually tracks decently.So we've got ourselves the Reddragon.You know what though?It's very like hollow.Can you hear that?If you are the kind ofperson who's buying this,the main advantage isthat you can actually get yourhands a lot closer together,right?So I can be gaming likethis as opposed to havingto spread my hands outlike this so that I can getthat optimal gaming experience.- So that'snot an Enter key, the G1?- No, it opens up Bingwas help get, get help.Oh, it's F1.Huh.- Oh, okay.- Which is weird 'cause theyalso have the macro keys too.- Wait, I'll help you out.- Thank you.I feel like now I am prepared to do battleon the virtual steps of Fortnite.As you can see, this setup is lookingincredibly professional.We've got a $650 gaming pc,our dual keyboards, dual mice.And what I will say isactually a very nice displaythat runs at a hundredhertz for only 70 bucks.Well, we're gonna need an RGB microphone.Now this is the MRSDYprofessional microphone.You can tell it's professional'cause it says the wordprofessional on it.How much did I pay for myMRSDY professional microphone?- $20.- There are a lot of verycheap USB microphonesthat sound awful.You cannot tell the difference, right?So looking at this, eventhough it's a little guy,they're very nice littlemics that could be small.Like that shouldn't bethe barrier to entry.Oh, wow!Actually, that RGB's not bad.That's not bad.It's like rotating.But I would actually say thecapsule looks kind of cool.So, this is a test.Oh, that's really loud.This is a test of the MRSDY.Let me see, can I turn down volume?Oh, that sounds--- It sounds likeit's clipping.- It sounds like it'sclipping even though I'm not'cause I've got the volume super low.- Yeah.- Yeah, okay.Here's the thing, I don'tneed to listen anymore.Yeah, this is not good.This thing sucks.So we're gonna try Fortnite,which I think is a great gameto test this setup with.So, it will run it up to 100 hertz.So right now in Fortnite,well, I'm getting sevenso that's maybe not great.I maybe turned my settingsup a little too high.I'm swinging between one andor like five and like 70 FPS.Let me actually hit the ground.Now I could turn my settings down fartherand I probably should,but that is, yes, you look right there.It stutters big time.That is one of the mainproblems with a setup like this.I gotta say that this monitoris actually surprisingly solid.So 24-inch, 1080p, I mean, it'scertainly not like a super,you know, fancy panel.It's not like, you know, it's TN.It's kind of got like, okay,average color and whatnot,but there's nothing that'sreally egregiously wrong with it.The brightness is pretty solid.And on top of that, running ata hundred hertz is very solidfor this kind of price point'cause you can definitelynotice a major jumpin fluidity going from 60 to 100.Okay, for the gamingPC part of this video,I've gotta say I'm kind of impressed.Hang on, I got this guy up one second.(Austin laughs)When I searched the word gaming,I didn't quite have this,the Meta Quest 2, in mind.But it's actually a pretty good deal.While the Quest 3 is $500and the Apple Vision Pro is 3,500 bucks.This was available for a mere $250.That's actually a pretty good dealbecause for a while theQuest 2 had actually gone upin price.But now that the Quest 3 is out,these are getting cleared out.Although they are still on sale.And I will say that this is actually not adramatically worseexperience than the Quest 3.Now it's certainly the budget version,but a lot of theimprovements that have cometo the Quest 3, havealso come to the Quest 2.So I'm in SUPERHOT right now.I haven't done SUPERHOT in a while.Punch through.(upbeat music)I punched him in the nutsin case you're curious.SUPERHOT, the game ofpunching dudes in the nuts.Nuts, nuts, nuts, nuts,nuts, nuts, nuts, nuts.I like the Quest a lot.And the Quest 3 specificallymight be my favorite VR headset out.I mean, the Apple Vision isobviously an incredible technical marvel,but we're talking about something which isso expensive it almost isn't even worthsort of being in the same conversationas something like this,which, look, if you'venever experienced VR,at $250, this is a great entry point.This is a little bit more accurate towhat I'm actually seeing.So I'm looking at like thisbig room and yada yada yada.But yeah, so I guess, hi, Austin,what the?Why is my?Wow, I'm looking at myself in the mirror.This is, wow.- Why are you doing that?- Because I'm lookingat myself in the mirrorand my hands are just.- You're kind of doing likethe "Hotline Bling."Like, what is that?- So when I searched forcheap gaming console,a DKOldies Game BoyAdvance is again, not reallywhat I expected, but let's take a look.Okay, so, looking at this,it has the film on the front,which makes me think that it likely wasa screen replacement.This would make sense as we remove film.So I'll take that off.Oh, yeah,it's got like some weird chrominesson the Game Boy Advance logo,but it's a very clean screenlens at the very least.This does look like an original casing.It's got like some minorscuffs and everything,but it's in good shape.There's no DKOldies warrantiesvoid sticker in here?Wow!That's impressive.After we and a bunch of otherpeople complain about itenough, I think DKOldiesstopped putting the warrantylike void stickers or whatever on it.So good job, DKOldies.I said it with a straightface and a twirly hat on.Okay, and how much did I pay for thischeap gaming console via the Big G?- $119 and 99 cents.- Ooh, okay.Yeah, look, it's hard for meto justify someone spending anymoney on a Game Boy Advance.If I was going to buy a moddable Game Boy,I would probably try to find somethingthat's in a little bit rougher condition'cause I would wanna swapout the screen with somethingthat has, you know,some kind of backlight.Ideally, put some kind ofrechargeable battery in hereto give me some extralike sort of longevity.It just feels like itprobably needs to be cleaned.Which I'll say, havinglooked at many DKOldiesconsoles in the past,the level of care andattention that's goneinto the inside of thiscould have just beena quick little dust upand putting a couple new stickers on it.I don't know.It's totally fine.I think it would be overpriced for it.But I guess technically thisis a cheap game console.Just depends on your definition of cheap.Although maybe your expectationof game console as well.When you type the words, gaming gadget,into Google, what comes to mind?A mouse, a weird keyboard,a controller perhaps,or a whole (censored) ROG Ally, my dude.All right, this is a gaming gadget.Now I will say thatGoogle at least gave methe much cheaper version of the Ally.So the normal version of the Allywith the Z1 Extreme costs $700.A lot of money.But this is the Z1,which originally cost 600but was on sale at Best Buy for 400 bucks.And I'll tell you, that at $400,this is a whole lot more interestingbecause the main differencebetween the two consoles isthat the Z1 Extreme is much more powerfuland originally, $100difference is not worth it.But at $400, I mean, this islike base Steam Deck levels.There's a shot.This actually might be thebest item of the video.You do have some quite niceRGB around the thumb sticksas well as two front firing speakers.The bezels are a littlebit chunky but not too bad.And I actually like theway they've done the grips.It's a little bit flat so you don't havelike something compared tosomething like a Steam Deck,which has like a very deep grip.This is a little bit shallow,but you do have the rear triggers.You do have what I wouldsay is like a relativelycomfortable experienceand it's not crazy heavy.On top, you also have another USB-Cbut you also have their XG mobile port,which I find that almostno one would actually use,but technically youcan use this to connectto an external GPU to geta lot more performance.The downside there isjust simply the fact thatthat gonna probably be more expensivethan the ROG Ally itself.So hopping into a game of Forza Horizon 5.Admittedly, while this is not the newest,most demanding game in the world.With some pretty simple optimization,I'm getting 1080p lowsettings at about 60 to 70 FPS.Now I am taking advantage of FSR here,but actually this is kindof better than I thought.While I would be getting more performanceusing the regular ROG Ally,I'm actually getting a very usable one.Like this does not feellike it is a essentiallyhalf the price,or at least it feels like itshouldn't be half the price.That's because it normally isn't.This is normally a $600 handheldand the fact that itis at least right now,available at 400 bucks,shout out Google for tellingme 'cause I had no idea.Now I do have a bunchof additional settingsand I will tell you what,while I've killed 12%of battery in turbo modein like 10 minutes,this ROG Ally software's actually gottensignificantly better thanthe last time I used it.Google, you know, I gotta say something.I didn't even knowthat this is available for 400 bucks.So, maybe there's something too actuallyjust blindly Googling things.Maybe you shouldn't justimmediately hit the checkout buttonevery time you see thefirst ad that pops up.But I gotta say,I've actually found somethings in this videothat I was not expecting.Thank you very much for watching.Make sure to subscribe tothe channel and ringlingthat dingling button.If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go Bing howto get more views on my YouTube videos.Oh, clickbait!I need to click bait more!Duh.