How To RGB Your Gaming Life!

Gaming Chairs and Battle Stations: A Look at the Level 20 GT RGB Gaming Desk

Hello to all the gamers out there! Are you looking for the perfect gaming chair? Well, you're in luck because today we're going to talk about some of the best gaming chairs on the market. From ergonomic design to advanced features, we'll explore what makes a great gaming chair. But first, let's take a look at another essential piece of equipment: gaming battle stations and desks.

Today, we have the Level 20 GT RGB Battle Station Gaming Desk for review, priced at $1,100. This desk is a beast, featuring motorized movement, a large mouse mat, and built-in hyper desklet. It's perfect for gamers who want to stay focused and entertained while playing their favorite games. But don't worry, there are also manual versions of this battle station desk available without the RGB features.

Now, let's take a closer look at the Level 20 GT RGB Battle Station Gaming Desk. As you can see, it has a sleek and modern design that will fit perfectly in any gaming setup. The desk is made of high-quality materials, including steel and plastic, and can hold up to 100 kilograms or 220 pounds. This means that even the heaviest gaming systems can be safely placed on top of this desk.

One of the standout features of this desk is its motorized movement system. With just a few clicks, you can change the color scheme of your entire setup from blue to purple and everything in between. The keyboard, mouse, and headset stand all sync up seamlessly, making it feel like an immersive gaming experience.

But don't worry if RGB lighting isn't your thing. There are also manual versions of this battle station desk available without the RGB features. And for those who want a more traditional look, there's the Neptune Pro keyboard at $69. This keyboard follows the same design aesthetic as the Level 20 X1 and has multimedia controls that make it easy to customize your gaming experience.

Next up is the Level 20 RGB Mouse, which promises to deliver high-quality performance with its optical sensor. The mouse mat has a nice rope light around it, similar to the battle station desk, and is designed to provide a smooth and responsive gaming experience. Finally, we have the NS1 RGB Headphone Stand at $139, which features USB and audio pass-through on one side.

These are just a few of the new peripherals from Thermaltake's Level 20 series, and they look like they're going to be popular among gamers. So, if you're looking for a gaming desk that will take your gaming experience to the next level, be sure to check out the Level 20 GT RGB Battle Station Gaming Desk.

RGB Light Tubes: A Look at the Lighting System

One of the most interesting features of this battle station desk is its lighting system. The RGB light tubes are slightly soft and squishy surrounding the desk, making it easy on the eyes. You can also adjust the color scheme with just a few clicks, making it easy to customize your gaming experience.

The desk has three holes at the back where you can discreetly pass all your cables for peripherals down below. There's also a cable catcher built into the design, which keeps your workspace organized and clutter-free. The overall design of this battle station desk is sleek and modern, with a focus on functionality and style.

Gaming Peripherals: A Look at Thermaltake's New Lineup

Thermaltake has just released a new lineup of Level 20 RGB gaming peripherals, including the keyboard, mouse, and headphone stand. Let's take a closer look at each of these products and see what they have to offer.

First up is the Level 20 RGB Keyboard, which follows the same design aesthetic as the X1 keyboard. It has an aluminum faceplate with floating key cap design, dedicated media controls, and customizable backlighting. The keyboard also features macro keys, customizable DPI settings, and a built-in USB hub.

Next is the Level 20 RGB Mouse, which promises to deliver high-quality performance with its optical sensor. The mouse mat has a nice rope light around it, similar to the battle station desk, and is designed to provide a smooth and responsive gaming experience. This mouse also features customizable DPI settings, macro keys, and a built-in USB hub.

Finally, we have the NS1 RGB Headphone Stand at $139, which features USB and audio pass-through on one side. The stand has an all-aluminum construction and includes detachable cables for easy travel. It's perfect for gamers who want to keep their headphones organized and within reach while gaming.


In conclusion, Thermaltake's Level 20 GT RGB Battle Station Gaming Desk is a beast of a desk that's perfect for gamers who want to take their gaming experience to the next level. With its motorized movement system, large mouse mat, and built-in hyper desklet, this desk is designed to provide hours of entertainment and focus. And with Thermaltake's new lineup of Level 20 RGB gaming peripherals, you can customize your setup to fit your style and preferences.

So, if you're looking for a gaming desk that will help you dominate your favorite games, be sure to check out the Level 20 GT RGB Battle Station Gaming Desk. With its advanced features and sleek design, it's sure to be a hit among gamers. Thanks for watching, and we'll see you guys in the next video!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwell hello to people gaming chairs areall news gaming battle station desks iswhere it's atand so this is the level 20 GT RGBbattle station gaming desk for $1,100are you want to go for motorized $1,100RGB nests mouse mat built-in hyper desklet me know in the comments there's alsoa motorized less or manual version ofthe same battle station desk without theRGB all right so now let me give you alive demonstration of this entireensemble of RGB sync goodness so we'vegot the electrical desk we have thekeyboard we got the mouse we got themouse mat we got the headset stand wehad all the fans inside this in case wegot the RGB memory the tforce memorythat now works with thermal takes ourRGB software and soon the zotac GPUs soright now a thing is synced up in blueand with a few clicks let's see yeahboom you change it into purple it's veryinteresting to do to have this sort oflike massive synchronization happeningacross all these devices it's very goodto see you know thermaltake working withmany brands to just make sure thatthings like that are synced up so likethe tforce memory we change the GPUseparately but yeah everythingeverything is working fine it has onlycrashed on us once but that we're toldis potentially due to Windows but seethe keyboards synced up Mike how does itfeel with all the with all the RGB stuffin your face it's intuitive but it hurtsmy eyesI don't like RGB are all that much giveme a give me a good self desk and I'mgood to goyeah it is very bright we actually haveto turn it down because as you sit infront of the the screen this area herejust blinds you your eyes a little bitalright so this is of course a motorizeddesk right now we have all the controlson the right side nice little profilecontroller box we have four memoryprofiles you just hold one to rememberyou're setting everything is visualizedin numbers so you can kind of knowexactly how far and how low you want togo so the gaming desk has this giantmouse mat spending the entire way so youkind of have to go with it you know youcan't really remove it because there isa kind of like a midsection right heresomewhere in the middle and this kind ofthis like plasticy material butthe entire frame is contractedconstructed out of steel it can hold upto 100 kilograms or 220 pounds so theyshipped a bunch of really heavy systemson top of it it did not display anybowing or anything like that so uh avery powerful motorized desk now theseRGB light tubes are slightly soft andsquishy surrounding the desk so if youhave our hand over here it's not anirritant you know it's not like a hardcorner so that's nice this would not bea gaming desk without some chemomeasurements we have three holes at theback one over here one somewhere in themiddle and one on that corner so you candiscreetly pass all your cables forperipherals down below where there is acable catcher so you can you know justhave some cable organization and yeahthat is the panel station gaming deskand two-component the gaming desk wehave a whole new lineup of level 20 RGBgaming peripherals so starting off withthe level 20 RGB keyboard so this one'skind of based on the x1 from thermaltakeit's got an aluminum faceplate withfloating key cap design dedicated volumeand mute and multimedia controls sothat's always appreciated there is anaudio and USB pass-through port at theback of the keyboards there is adedicated iOS and Android app that youcan use for AI voice control so you cansay like you know okay Google or AmazonAlexa turn my keyboard red or whateverelse color and it will do that so that'skind of unique for thermaltake but notreally necessary it will be available inthree switches type so Thermaltake isworking with razer to deliver razergreen switches for $129 there also bedelivering cherry blue at 139 and cherrysilver switches at 149 so plenty ofvariety for switches and price pointsand one really interesting element aboutthe design is that sort of mid sectionso there's an LED strip there but also alittle bit of cutout that follows up soit tries to kind of mimic the wholelevel twenty chassis design so that's abit more consistent and cohesive on theentire level twenty series so let meknow if you like this design next up isthe Neptune Pro keyboard at $69 itfollows the same look as the morepremium x1 has multimedia controls youknow very kind of like stealthy designnothing too outrageous definitely moretraditional look versus the level 20 butstill a nice new option next up is thelevel 20 RGB mouse so hopefully they'llhave a nice quality optical sensor itdoes remind me a little bit of theSteelSeries rival 600 series it's gotnice buttons RGB illumination of courseand the mouse matt has the same type ofrope light around it as the battlestation gaming desk it's very large itsRGB this is kind of the target forthermaltake and finally the ns1 RGBheadphone stand so it has USB and audiopass-through on the side which isawesome it's got an all aluminum theactual holder because the base isplastic has got an RGB strip at thebottom of course and included detachablecable so you can remove that if you'retraveling alright so those are thethermal take gaming goodies gamingbattle station desk all the newperipherals good stuff thanks so muchfor watching make sure to subscribewe'll see you guys in the next CES video\n"